Find a family tree by last name. How to find out the history of your last name

You can find out the origin of the surname and your pedigree if you know how to do it. Read the information in the article about where you can go and on which sites to see your family history.

Nowadays, many people want to know their ancestry, where its roots come from. However, knowledge is usually limited only to information about great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers.

  • It is now popular to draw the genealogical tree of your family.
  • In addition, many people are confident that those who honor and remember their ancestors will live a healthy and long life.
  • For religious reasons, you need to know the sins of your distant relatives and be able to repent for them in order to improve your life.
  • It is also important to know the genetics of the genus and the predisposition to certain diseases.
  • From this article you will learn information about how you can independently find out your family history, where the database is located, and whether you can do it for free, for example, on the Internet.

As the proverb says: "The most important thing is to start." If there is a beginning, clues will appear and you can look deeply into the history of your family. So, where to start your search in order to independently find out the pedigree, genealogical tree of your family by name? Instructions:

  1. Collect all papers and documents from your grandparents, which they inherited from their relatives, parents or even grandmothers. Make an inventory of these papers: list, description and summary. Do not restore old documents and photographs, just make photocopies.
  2. Conversations with relatives. Ask grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles about what they remember about their family. If relatives live in other cities, send your questions in a letter. Always go with a notebook and a pen, because perhaps you will meet some distant relative on the street, and in order not to ask for a visit, you can ask him about everything and write down. Ask about everything: who did you work, where did you serve, what hobbies, traditions were, whether there are any special jokes and words that other people do not understand.
  3. Dictionary of surnames, which is in any large library, will help to find out about the geographical area where the surname appeared. This will help a lot as you will know where to go next.
  4. Explore the aspects of the family involved in war. The "Book of Memory" is a complete collection of names of people who went through the war, went missing or died during hostilities. This book is in libraries, museums and even on the Internet at this link.
  5. Search in the archive. After you find out in which area your ancestors lived, look for archival data for that area. You can order a paid certificate from the archive for documents of interest.

Remember: All people remember the same event in different ways. They can name different dates of birth, confuse estates and settlements. They may also not remember the names of other people's children. But the picture will still gradually emerge, ready for further research.

The search for roots by surname is now being actively pursued by historians. Various dictionaries, Internet resources and reference books help to conduct their research. There are several ways to search for ancestors and relatives by their last name, father:

  • Surname directories, which are in the reading room of each library, will help you find out the meaning of the surname. Previously, the surnames came from the professional occupation of the father - this will be your distant relative. For example, the surname Bondarev is the son of a cooper. The princes had surnames similar to the names of lands - Vyazemsky, Shumsky. The surname could come from the clergyman who ruled the church in a particular city or from the location of the area where the person lived.
  • Contacting the State Center for Genealogical Research... This center has its own website at this link. Here you can find information about your roots that go back to pre-revolutionary times. The database is constantly updated.
  • Search archives... It is necessary to know the minimum information about the ancestors: where they lived, what they did.
  • Search on the Internet... The FamilySpace website contains unique information about genealogy. The search is carried out by profession, area of ​​residence, surname.
  • Search through TV programs... Site of the program " Wait for me»Can be found at this link. Track down if someone is looking for you or apply to find a relative.

Advice: Look for ancestors while grandparents are alive. The history of the family should remain for posterity, let them know their ancestors. As the people say: "The soul is alive as long as it is remembered." Leave a photo, and after the lapse of time, your descendants will know and remember you.

There are archives in every city and even village. To find information about relatives in the archive, you must first trace the biographies of your relatives, at least minimal data - in which area they lived, where they worked. When you know the area where the ancestor lived, you can contact the archives of this area with a request.

Advice: Make a paid request, for example, through a notary, then the search will be faster and more effective.

TV show "Wait for me" - people search: database

It is much easier to search for a person if experienced and professional genealogical historians help in this. In the television project "Wait for Me", people are searched for in various databases. The specialists of this TV show are performing the seemingly most hopeless search. But people are found, they meet and a new pedigree is written.

As mentioned above, this project has its own website, where you can file a wanted person by last name, first name and age. To find information about a person, you must first register on the site. Then click " Search»And fill out the form.

TV program "Wait for me"

If any search data appears, you will be informed about this by the specified contacts. Several million people were found on this TV show by searching for people. More than 5000 volunteers help to search. Therefore, if you turn to this project for help, then be sure to find the necessary information.

When accessing a TV show, you will have to wait some time until the information appears, if it is not in the project database. But I want to search instantly, enter the last name and find the right person. FamilySpace is free to search for people on the Internet by last name. Instructions on how to use the search on this resource:

Go to the home page of the site using this link. Click " Register now". Go through the entire procedure from start to finish.

Then press the button " To start searching».

You can also search from your page. At the top there is a window in which you need to enter the last name for the search. Type in the name of the person you are looking for and the site will instantly give you the results. You just have to look through the profiles of people with the same surname and first name and find the one you were looking for.

If this search does not return the results you want, try searching the archives. Follow this link and you will see archives of past centuries, state archives and directories of cities and regions.

This site has great search capabilities. There are more than 6 million registered users here, and perhaps most of the people have already found their ancestors or distant relatives.

Starting your search for forgotten villages will help you find the roots of your parents and grandparents. Previously, villages were called provinces, then they were renamed in the pre-war period and were given new names again after the war.

  • Therefore, many people come to a dead end when looking for a pedigree, especially when the question concerns the geography of a surname.
  • How do I find the history of a village? Historians-geneologists have long been talking about the need to return the old names to villages and villages. This will help make finding the roots of the genus easier and faster.
  • Currently, you can find old villages in stationary and electronic libraries.
  • There is also a publication “ Lists of villages of the Russian Empire", Which published the names and locations of the provinces of that time. Thanks to this publication, you can find what any modern village used to be called.

Important: When searching, keep in mind that the borders of the provinces have changed, and therefore many villages will have to be searched for in neighboring areas.

There is a website on the Internet that contains a catalog of the populated areas of the Russian Empire. It is located at this address. In the tab “ All Lists»You will find a list of Russian provinces in alphabetical order.

Whichever way you choose to find your ancestors, any of them will provide good results. Your descendants will be grateful for the search for such information, because with each generation it becomes more difficult to find information about any distant ancestor.

Video: "Simple Solutions": How to Build a Family Tree

In this article, we will suggest various methods to help you in your investigation.

The names have been used to clarify the family of the bearer since their inception. In ancient times, with the help of such nicknames, people designated the sphere of professional activity, features of appearance or personal characteristics inherent in a particular community.

It was these details that attracted the attention of many people who want to know the origin of their middle name in order to discover many previously unknown secrets. By revealing your origins, you will be able to understand the following:

  • Who were your ancestors.
  • Where they were born.
  • Who they worked with.
  • Distinctive traits of character and appearance.
  • What class did they belong to.

Surname as a family history: then and now

Previously, such designations were used for convenience. They were not permanent, and over time, a person could earn a new nickname. Now this expression has a completely different function. The second name is used to denote blood ties and belonging to a particular family. It carries with it family history and intergenerational continuity.

Previously, not every person could get the hallmark of the genus. It had to be earned. Often, the presence of such a designation implied noble roots and served as a symbol of uniqueness, difference from everyone else. Now everyone receives it from birth and does not give it the attention it deserves. Few people are interested in the information that is hidden in one word.

Despite this, you can still find your origins, your ancestors and pay tribute to them. With the development of the Internet, this has become even easier. Now, to understand how to find out the history of origin and the meaning of your surname, you can use specialized online portals. They contain archives. With their help, you can not only find brothers or sisters, but also calculate the place and approximate date of birth of great-grandfathers, cause of death and other important branches of the development of your family.

Don't be discouraged if you don't find anything in the archives. There is a second way. In this case, you need to turn to experts who will help you find your roots, as well as conduct an analysis. During the study, all available data will be examined. After that, the specialist will be able to tell you a lot about your family and name, and will also draw up a family tree.

How to find out family history by last name

Before answering the main question, let's look at how middle names were formed in our country. The main reason for their occurrence was the need to introduce an identifier. With the growth of villages, towns and villages, more and more people with the same names appeared.

Nicknames were given to people as an identification mark. Someone chose him himself, someone got them because of their features. Serfs could not choose a nickname on their own. They were called what their owner wanted. This is where a large number of unpleasant and derogatory names came from. Experts say that Shcherbakov (a) is primarily a reference to the distinctive feature of the appearance, a disproportionately large gap between the teeth.

The easiest way to learn the history of ancestors by surname is the inhabitants of Veliky Novgorod. The chronicles have been kept in the city for eight centuries. According to ancient papers, it was here that the first nicknames appeared. Ancient archives contain information about the participants in the Battle of the Neva.

Among the upper strata of society, the designations of genus affiliation appeared in the 1300s. They were given for special merits or spoke of attachment to some locality. The most famous are Donskoy, Shuisky or Nevsky. With the advent of foreign borrowings in Russian, surnames appeared in a foreign way: Karamzin or Fonvizin.

While rich and famous people received big names, the common people were left without them. Despite all the attempts of Peter I to bring order to the peasants, there were no significant changes. It was during these years that this term came into use. It was borrowed from Latin, where "familia" means blood ties and family.

During the reign of Peter I, revisions began to be carried out - an analogue of the population census. Having a permanent nickname passed down from generation to generation would make the task easier. But in those years there was no such tradition yet.

If a person did not have an unchanging nickname, this meant that he belongs to the lower stratum of society. Constant changes in the middle name occurred with the birth of each new generation. This continued throughout the entire existence of the Russian Empire.

This will be confirmed by the works written in those years. None of the world-famous works indicate special designations for serfs. The works of Pushkin, Lermontov or Gogol confirm that only the nobility has a second name.

The family name didn't just appear. It was invented in such a way that it corresponded to its carrier. The reason for the appearance could be the area in which the person lived, his profession or other distinctive features. Here are some examples of the formation of such words, allowing you to find out the origin of the family by name.

  • On a national basis - Polyakov, Tatarinov, Kozak, Shvedov, Khokhlov.
  • By place of birth and residence - Sibiryak, Muromets, Samarin, Volgogradsky, Cherepovetsky, Arkhangelsky, Vyazemsky, Belozersky, Vyazmitin, Yaroslavtsev.
  • By profession - Goncharov, Kuznetsov, Rybakin, Kozhevnikov, Bochkarev, Kalashnikov, Konovalov, Bortnikov, Reznikov, Serdyukov.
  • According to the name of the holiday in which the person was born - Blagoveshchensky, Sretensky, Vvedensky, Znamensky, Preobrazhensky, Voznesensky, Troitsky, Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky, Resurrection, Pokrovsky.
  • On the instrument with which he worked - Serpov, Altov, Molotov, Shilov.
  • Formed from the names of birds or animals - Lastochkin, Bykovsky, Golubinsky, Medvedev, Orlovsky, Lebedinsky, Lisitsyn, Pavsky, Barsov, Zverev, Volkov, Utkin, Vorobiev.
  • Named parents: Ivanov, Illarionov, Georgiev, Alexandrov, Dmitriev, Alekseev, Pavlov, Petrov, Romanov, Fedorov, Egorov, Andreev.
  • In family relations - Malyshev, Menshikov, Starshov.
  • By their distinctive features of appearance - Belyaev, Chernyshov, Ryzhov, Chernyak, Lobach, Golovach, Levshin, Gubin, Glazunov.
  • According to personal characteristics - Molchanov, Mirolyubov, Tikhomirov, Chistyakov, Myagkov, Tikhonravov, Smelov, Smekhov, Song singers, Ostroumov, Slavolyubov.
  • By analogy with flowers and plants - Landyshev, Vinogradov, Lileyev, Narcissus, Roses, Violets, Ancharov, Tsvetkov, Apricots, Cypresses, Kedrov, Mindalev.
  • By natural phenomena, cardinal points - Zarnitsky, Yugov, Klyuchevsky, Vostokov, Skysklonov, Vetrinsky.

By decrypting your own name, you can find a lot of new information about your roots. The family of the Goncharovs and Kuznetsovs had potters and blacksmiths. The Yaroslavtsevs have roots in Yaroslavl. Some of the ancestors of Rozhdestvensky was born on January 7, and the Chernyshevs had a grandfather or great-grandfather with dark hair or eyes. This is how the meaning of the words helps to find out the history of the family and their ancestors by last name.

Separately, it is worth talking about seminary nicknames. They appeared much later, in the 1600s. Their carriers were clergymen, and in the common people such designations began to be called priestly. These names were created on purpose and appeared due to the desire of the clergy to be closer to the people.

The nicknames were deliberately made euphonious and pleasing to the eye. This emphasized the prestige of the profession of those who left worldly life.

How to determine the origin of the surname at the end

In most cases, the middle names of the church type were formed with the help of two suffixes -skiy and -tsky. The most popular are:

  • Derzhavinsky.
  • Troitsky.
  • Sergievsky.
  • Dostoevsky.
  • Vetrinsky.
  • Apolonsky.
  • Zarnitsky.
  • Desnitsky.
  • Bethlehem.
  • Athenian.
  • Beneman.
  • Pavsky.

Such nicknames were based on words from the Latin vocabulary. The sources of inspiration were the names of saints, philosophers or the area where they came from. Most often, when composing second names, direct transliteration from a foreign language was used.

Now such nicknames are rare, and their pronunciation is surprising to people.
If in the designation, emphasizing your belonging to the family, instead of the traditional suffixes ov / ev or yn / in there are -skiy and -tskiy, one of your ancestors was a clergyman, confessor.

How and where to find out the origin and history of a kind by last name

Whether you are planning to create a family tree or are simply researching your family history, you will need information about the profession and field of activity of your ancestors. In the course of deciphering the nickname, it can be revealed that someone was a man of art, a brave warrior or a skilled master of his craft. Such information can not only tell a lot about your roots, but also allow you to decide on the choice of a specialty in the future.

To obtain such information, you need to contact the archives. On the Internet, you can find resources where chronicles, historical papers and other useful documents are freely available. The only drawback is that not every site will allow you to use sources for free.

We advise you to start your self-analysis with morpheme parsing. To do this, take your last name and highlight the prefix, suffix and ending. Next, you need to find out from which word or phrase the name of your genus originated. To do this, we will get acquainted with the characteristic features of the names within different classes in Russia.


This word denoted a group of people who were at the royal court and had many privileges. The prestigious status was passed down from generation to generation, and the surname of the representatives of this category was unchanged.

Consider the typical names of nobles:

  • Many individuals belonging to the highest nobility received their titles in the early 1600s. These include the Eropkin family.
  • Those who became prince, earl or baron were recorded in genealogical books. These are the Urusovs, Lenchevsky, Sushinsky.
  • Foreign nobles took middle names from foreign languages ​​with the characteristic prefixes "von" or "de".


Representatives of this class have always been held in high esteem in Russia. It was this that became the factor thanks to which the merchants acquired the possibility of a special naming of their dynasty much earlier than the rest.

Consider the most famous generic designations:

  • Tretyakov.
  • Mamontov.
  • Shchukin.
  • Eliseev.
  • Bakhrushin.
  • Demidov.


How to find the origin of such a surname? People who were in the service of the state and the king also had their own privileges and could bear a distinctive name that emphasizes blood ties. In most cases, it was given in the area where wars and battles took place: Karelin, Kazantsev.


Despite all attempts by the state to keep records of this class, the former servants officially acquired a permanent name only after the coup and revolution at the beginning of the twentieth century. Often, the nickname reflected the profession or external features of a person. The most common are:

  • Brewers.
  • Melnikov.
  • Kuznetsov.
  • Karetin.
  • White.

How and where to find out the history of the genus

Consider a couple of tips to help you with this.

Ask your family for help

Talk to your moms and dads and grandparents. They will tell you a lot of new information: where are your mother and father from, what was your maternal maiden name, who are your distant relatives. Record all important points: dates of birth and death, marital status and information about the profession of your ancestors.

Organize your workspace.

You cannot keep everything in your head. Create a notebook or notebook to keep records and record all the data received. To simplify the task, you can create a family tree and mark your grandparents in it, tracing all the branches of your family.

Refer to family archives

Find all old documents, birth certificates and other important papers. With their help, you will find information about the profession and roots of ancestors. In the same way, you can find people who will provide new information and help in further searches.

Today we figured out how to find the origin of our surname and connect the obtained data with the history of the genus, told what would be needed for this. Don't waste time - start your own investigation now.

Sometimes, out of boredom, trying to create a genealogical tree of his family, a person discovers a lot of mysterious and interesting things. Finding out the fate of your relatives, getting to know their descendants is a way to get to know your surroundings and even yourself better. How to find living relatives and find distant ancestors by last name?

How to create a family tree

Time cannot be kept, but you can find iconic things and recorded memories in the past decades and centuries. How to find ancestors by last name to create a genealogical family tree:

  1. Home archive. This archive stores: photographs, albums, records, documents. If this is a close environment, then there is a certificate of marriage, birth, death. Documents on obtaining education are valuable in collecting information: certificates, diplomas, attestations. To immediately simplify your task, consider the two branches of genealogy - maternal and paternal - separately. Collect all information in two folders to avoid confusion. The originals should not be carried with you, keep them in a safe place, and for yourself it is better to make photocopies of documents.
  2. Interviewing relatives. To get as much information as possible, such a procedure is carried out in an informal setting: an evening of family memories, a holiday. A dictaphone and a pre-compiled list of questions are your best assistants, because relatives can argue, interrupt in their desire to tell something, so it is important not to miss the little things.
  3. Archives. Such databases still exist, but in order to clarify the information in them, you need to know the full name, year of birth of the person, the place in which he was born.
  4. Internet sources. Social networks, all sorts of sites for finding relatives can push you to your loved one.

Here's an example of how to find relatives and create a family tree.

How to find relatives by last name

If surveys and searches in home archives do not reveal the information you need, then more modern methods are worth trying. How to find ancestors by last name on the Internet:

  1. FamilySpace. This portal has a lot of tips for finding information about loved ones. A site specially created for these purposes will tell you how to quickly find ancestors by last name, and their children and grandchildren by profession, region in which a person lives, works, or previously lived. In the case when the search turned out to be unsuccessful, then you just need to regularly check again, the site is often updated.
  2. Social networks. Now many people of different ages create pages on popular resources. These resources include sites: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte,, Instagram ,.
  3. Online directories. Here information about the location of the person you are looking for will be more relevant. Such directories are not very focused on searching by name.

How to find your roots by last name using books

The family tree can be significantly expanded with information about more ancient ancestors. Often they were outstanding people who experienced ups and downs, not only in the context of their personal lives, but also of the entire state. The most famous sources that preserve eternal memory are large publications. What archive of deceased people by last name who participated in significant events is worth looking through:

  1. The All-Russian Book of Memory is the largest source of ancestors not only for the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, but also for the disintegrated USSR. This book contains a huge database of citizens who participated in the hostilities of 1941-1945. The names of the ancestors were grouped according to the places of conscription. There you can also learn about military and life merit, the place of burial of a person. More than 750 volumes reveal important information about the warriors.
  2. Book of memory of victims of political repression. The collection of volumes covers 25 regions of the former USSR and includes information about people of Polish and Jewish nationality.
  3. Reference publications and materials: "Appendices to the Proceedings of Editorial Committees for the Compilation of the Code of Peasants Coming Out of Serfdom", "Calendar, or Months with a List of Officials in the State for the Summer ... from the Nativity of Christ", "All Moscow. Address and reference book "," All Russia. Russian book of industry, trade, agriculture and administration ”.

How to find your ancestors in the archives

The procedure for independent work in the archive on the question of how to find missing ancestors by last name:

  1. Specify the search period and go to the archive of the registry office. There you need to submit a request to find the information you need or come in person, there is no reading room in this institution.
  2. There are archives not only at the registry office, but also in educational and medical institutions.
  3. Carefully study the sources: metrics, confessions, inventories of those living in the house, census of the population of different years, category books (assignments to the place of work), consolidated documents, annals.

In the registry office

The archives of the registry office should also be studied if you have already thoroughly searched for ancestors by last name in the archives. You need to know the exact name, patronymic, surname of the person. The request must be sent to the region in which the given citizen was or is. The institution provides information on:

  • date of birth of a person, place, his parents;
  • registration of marriage;
  • the presence of children;
  • place of registration;
  • death of the wanted person.

Search for relatives by last name abroad

If the search for ancestors in the archives refers to more distant periods, now you can find relatives who have gone to live abroad. How to do it:

  1. Check if you really have relatives abroad, their names, time of departure abroad, marital status, presence of children and the region where they went. If you do not know the country, then start with the most popular ones where compatriots go (USA, Canada, Israel).
  2. To search, you need a good knowledge of a foreign language.
  3. You can find relatives through world search engines (Google), social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki).


« Never call a spade a spade if you don't know their last names.».
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

What determines the meaning of surnames

It is difficult to overestimate the value of a person's surname. Since the time a child crosses the threshold of school, he ceases to be just Petya, Natasha or Dima, but also becomes Zaitsev, Romanova, Belov. With this important "addition", our growing up seems to begin. Apart from close relatives, friends and acquaintances, we distinguish people primarily by their surnames. The surname helps to form the first impression of a person - for example, with a high probability of being hit, assume his nationality. Knowing what the surname means, you can learn a lot about the ancestor, the ancestor. Where he lived, what he did, was he tall or small, noisy or quiet. The roots of surnames lie in the personal names or nicknames of people, their professions, the names of places that existed at the time when surnames began to form. On the territory of Russia, this process became widespread in the 16th century, and was fully completed only at the beginning of the 20th century.

What does your last name mean?

It is interesting that the interpretation of surnames very often comes as a complete surprise to their owners. So, the sonorous, similar to an artistic pseudonym, the names of Izumrudov and Tulips were given not to a jeweler and gardener, but, most likely, to students of a church school or seminary. Surnames with a meaning associated with the names of animals and birds are usually among the most ancient. They were formed at a time when, along with personal names, nicknames were also in use - Crow, Bear, Pig. Many surnames come from nicknames-amulets that drive away evil spirits. Parents often called their child a fool with the hope that he would grow up smart, Malice - kind. So that the ancestors of the Fools were not at all fools, and the Zlobins were gloomy and embittered. By the way, the famous surname Nekrasov also originates from the nickname Nekras, that is, the expectation that the child will grow up beautiful and handsome. So, you should not be in a complex because of the "dissonant" surnames, all the more to form a negative opinion about the owners on them.
Of course, it is not always possible to determine with absolute certainty what meaning of the surname was originally true. Some surnames were born from distorted foreign language borrowings, others from words that can no longer be found in modern dictionaries. However, interest in one's surname makes one learn more about one's ancestors, which means touching the history of one's kind.

Surname numerology

Finally, the numerological analysis of a surname can tell about a certain general mood of the family, hereditary abilities, potential "family" opportunities for success or failure, about the ways of communication with the outside world, developed by generations of one "dynasty". Each representative of the surname simultaneously enhances it with his own energy and receives support from her. It is no coincidence that people change their destiny dramatically when they change their surnames.
Free online surname analysis will help you get closer to mysteries that you might not have known about.

The meaning of surnames by nationality

Below is a list of nationalities, by going to the pages of which, you can find out some details and the meaning of the surname, depending on the country in which they appeared.

FamilySearch is a large genealogical organization

Today I'll talk about finding ancestors via remote access. I know many people who are interested in their roots, but do not have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a full-fledged archive search, visit the archive, and conduct genealogical research based on primary sources.

What resources are there for free online ancestor search?

There are several resources. Today I will focus on FamilySearch. Why? The fact is that the resource is in English. And at first I did not pay attention to him. I thought skeptically why the organizers of the resource should help us domestic genealogists. But when communicating with colleagues, it turned out that they use the resource for research. And I registered on it. There is little information from Russian sources. But you know, the very field of genealogical research is so complex that any information is valuable. For professional genealogists, this resource is an additional opportunity to write bibliographic references and create relationships by surname, and for the curious - a game. Sitting on the resource for 2-3 hours on Sunday, hammering in different names, is interesting and exciting.

Access to information for the Russian-speaking community is closed and opened. In March 2017, the resource opened information on the Tula, Tver, Simbirsk provinces, so this news instantly spread across genealogical forums and communities. Private genealogists rushed to download photos of registers of births, revision tales, in order to slowly sort out the records. If you saw the pictures of the books themselves. Torn, charred edges. You look and really understand the value of the sources of the past. You can see for yourself if you go to the resource.

A quick reference to FamilySearch.

FamilySearch is a large genealogical organization. Site materials: books, microfilms, publications are provided both for a fee and for free. The organization's activities are aimed at the benefit of the family, to help private researchers and specialized societies. FamilySearch has collected, retained, and published materials for over 100 years.

Is it serious to play ancestor lookup on FS?
Yes and no. I am sure that you, the reader, are not indifferent to the history of your family. It is so? But there is no time to work in the archive. You are now living in a completely different region than your ancestors. There is no skill to disassemble the handwriting of birth books. No money to hire a professional genealogist. And with all this - it is curious. What if there is information on the surname of your family? The probability is small, but there is.

Let's play a genealogical ancestor search.

I tell you how to organize a search by last name online for free.

Step 1. We register. It will take 2-3 minutes.

FamilySearch: Registering to Work on the Resource

Step 2. Go to the search (menu) and on the left of the record

Step 3. Enter the last name and country

On the left you see an advanced search, do not strive to fill in all the columns at once, it is enough to enter the name and country. If there is a lot of information, then it can be reduced by specific basic data. If there is not enough information, then most likely the game is over for this last name, try to search for another.

Step 4. Correct the initial data, generate the issue and look at the data

We analyze the information, adjust the search by point criteria

Indexing is an interesting activity of the resource. I gave brief information about this event in an article about the arbitration of historical and family documents.

An interesting area of ​​activity of the resource is indexing

So we wondered about the seriousness. You will appreciate it yourself. But even if, when looking for information, you start to remember the names of the female line, then you will already ask your brain a job.
For several of my acquaintances, the game ended with some serious genealogical research.

I wish you a fascinating search and successful finds. And if you suddenly realize that you need to draw up a genealogical tree, then contact us, the professionals of the Pedigree Detective Bureau, for help.

You can write to us at