How dangerous is the intake of tansy during pregnancy. Questions


Most plants have properties of one kind or another that have found their application in traditional medicine. So, for example, there is a list of herbs that have been used for a long time to terminate unwanted pregnancies in the early stages.

It is important to understand that some abortive plants can be toxic to the human body and termination of pregnancy is just a side effect. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing medicinal herbs and study all the possible consequences.

The action of abortive plants

All abortive plants have a slightly different mechanism of action. Many herbs help to increase the contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus, in connection with which the fetus is rejected. This process is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general malaise;
  • bloody discharge;
  • chills of the whole body.

In addition, there are herbs that cause early fetal death. Their action is aimed at suppressing the activity of the central nervous system, in particular, the brain. This is provided by toxic substances contained in different parts of plants.

Some herbs can harm not only the fetus, but also the woman's body.

Pregnancy period for use

In modern medicine, there is still no way to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, which would be absolutely safe for the mother's body. During the abortion procedure, a number of consequences and complications can arise.

However, the earlier the interruption occurs, the easier it will be tolerated by the body and the higher the likelihood of early recovery. Abortive herbs can be taken up to 6 weeks, at a later date, only surgery is possible.

List of herbs

All abortive herbs have a different mechanism for early termination of pregnancy. So, for example, the tone of the uterus and the rejection of the fetus are caused by water pepper, cumin, senna, St. John's wort and yarrow. And oregano, anise, and red clover increase estrogen levels.

Some essential oil plants are capable of inhibiting the activity of the central nervous system of the fetus. These include tansy, wild rosemary and sage.

But there are abortive plants, which, in addition to terminating pregnancy in the early stages, lead to serious complications for the mother's body. These include:

  • goat's rue - a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • adonis - can cause a heart attack.

It is very dangerous to use abortive herbs uncontrollably even in the early stages of pregnancy. Many of the plants are poisonous, and therefore can lead to serious consequences.

Bay leaf

The leaves of the laurel tree are widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. In particular, they are used to induce miscarriage and early termination of pregnancy. This effect is explained by the high content of essential oils, which provoke the development of bleeding. At the same time, tannins and resins can cause uterine contractions.

Like other abortive herbs, bay leaf must be applied up to 6 weeks, thereby reducing the risk of developing possible consequences.

The use of bay leaves for early termination of pregnancy is carried out in two stages. The first step is to prepare the broth.

  1. Pour about 100 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water. In this case, the plant does not have to be crushed.
  2. Put the workpiece on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for another 13-15 minutes.
  3. Then cool the herbal drink, strain through several layers of gauze and pour into another container.

You need to use the broth during the day in small portions. The leftover leaves can be made into a tampon and inserted into the vagina overnight.


Tansy is one of the medicinal plants that are quite dangerous for consumption. It is better to terminate a pregnancy early with the help of other herbs. The consequences of using this plant include:

  • severe intoxication of the body, which may be accompanied by vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature and blood pressure;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • severe uterine bleeding.

Early termination of pregnancy is just one of the possible effects. It is better not to use tansy as a folk abortifacient, but to turn your attention to other herbs.


Oregano or, in other words, "matryoshka", is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of gynecological diseases. In a non-pregnant state, it has the following properties:

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • promotes a favorable conception.

However, there is also the opposite effect, oregano can provoke an abortion. It contains such biologically active substances that lead to a strong tone of the uterus and rejection of the fetus.

To prepare a decoction of oregano, you need to take a tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour two glasses of boiling water over it. Cover the broth with a towel and let it brew for 40 minutes. The resulting product must be used throughout the day in small portions.

With the wrong and uncontrolled use of the herb, severe bleeding can develop.


A decoction based on elecampane can be used both with a delay in menstruation and for early termination of pregnancy. To prepare this product, you need to pour two teaspoons of the root of the herb with 1.5 cups of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 4-6 minutes.

The resulting drink should be wrapped in a terry towel, left for half an hour, and then filtered. The broth is drunk 50 ml twice a day.

Decoction recipes

St. John's wort decoction. Pour one tablespoon of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, cover with a warm cloth and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain the resulting product and take it throughout the day, after dividing the entire volume into 5-6 equal parts.

Calendula based remedy. Pour about 4 teaspoons of calendula flowers, pre-crushed, with 100 g of alcohol. The tincture should stand in a cool place for about a week, after which it will be ready. You need to drink such a remedy 2-3 times a day.

Senna tea. Brew senna like regular tea and drink a little throughout the day. For ease of use, you can purchase special phytopackages based on this herb at the pharmacy.

Clove decoction. Pour one teaspoon of inflorescences or seeds of cloves into a small jar and pour a glass of boiling water. The tool should be infused for 2-2.5 hours, after which you can drink it in 2 tablespoons in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening.

Parsley-based remedy. Oddly enough, parsley in large quantities can also contribute to early termination of pregnancy. To prepare the broth, it is necessary to boil 5-6 branches of parsley thoroughly, and then leave the resulting product for 15-20 minutes. The broth is taken in 3 teaspoons throughout the day (3-4 times).

Possible consequences

Medicinal herbs contain a large amount of biologically active substances, essential oils, alkaloids and resins, which can be extremely toxic to the human body.

Despite the fact that herbs are freely available in pharmacies, no one can guarantee their safety. That is why it is important to follow strictly the instructions and in no case use herbal decoctions in immeasurable quantities.

If the permissible dosage is exceeded, there is a high risk of developing the following side effects:

  • profuse uterine bleeding caused by a strong contraction of smooth muscles;
  • incompleteness of the abortive process, which can cause tissue infection and the development of sepsis;
  • the development of inflammatory processes and the provocation of pathologies of the female reproductive system.

The use of herbs to terminate pregnancy is only a folk method, but not an official medical procedure. That is why, in order to avoid side effects, complications and undesirable consequences, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a personal consultation.

Life is not easy, and anything can happen in it. For someone, the approaching motherhood is a joy, but someone cannot afford it. Termination of pregnancy is a crucial step, and it must be done deliberately. You need to correctly assess the current situation - the gestational age, your physical condition, study the information on the methods of termination and then make a decision. This article will discuss how tansy is used to terminate pregnancy.

Reviews on the use of this plant are very controversial. Someone this remedy helped, someone - no. There are also severe consequences of using tansy. All this must be taken into account before starting to use it. And is it generally advisable to use herbs for early termination of pregnancy? Will there be the desired effect?

Terms for abortion

Abortion is always a dangerous and unpleasant procedure. An interrupted pregnancy is very stressful for the body. The nervous and hormonal systems suffer from such interference, and sexual function is impaired. Inflammatory processes are also constant companions of this procedure. How quickly the body will return to normal after a violation of many of its functions, it is impossible to answer unequivocally. Where one woman gets off with a slight fright and quickly forgets about all the problems, another can get sick for a long time, and these diseases will accumulate like a snowball.

Therefore, if the decision to terminate the pregnancy was nevertheless made, it must be carried out as early as possible. A miscarriage during this period can be triggered by taking special medications. If this time is missed, the drugs will no longer help, and will even be dangerous. At a later date, it is already necessary to have a vacuum or surgical abortion.

Thus, the most gentle method of termination of pregnancy, subject to deadlines, is medication. As the name implies, this procedure is based on the administration of drugs, the action of which is detrimental to the embryo, and also causes increased contractions of the uterus and the expulsion of an already dead fetus from the body, accompanied by profuse bleeding. The drugs used for this are well known and well established.

But if for some reason they are not available, you have to turn to traditional medicine. The most ancient way of early termination of pregnancy is the use of decoctions of tansy and oregano.

Tansy and its properties

Tansy is also called wild mountain ash. Its flowers are collected in clusters resembling mountain ash. This herb grows almost everywhere. From the south to the far north, it is not uncommon. You can see it on any field, on the road, in a forest glade, and literally under your feet. It blooms with small yellow flowers, which, if rubbed in the palm of your hand, are very pleasant and smell spicy. For the manufacture of medicines, tansy flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering and dried in the air or in dryers.

  • Tansy is an excellent choleretic agent, it tones up the gastrointestinal muscles and enhances digestive secretion.
  • Tansy is used for peptic ulcer disease, for excess and painful menstruation, and for many other diseases, including epilepsy and sleep disturbances.
  • But it is most widely known as an anthelmintic agent, since some substances from its composition are toxic.
  • Its powder is even used against harmful insects.
  • Tansy is also used to terminate pregnancy.

But before resorting to this remedy, it is necessary to take into account that it is not recommended to use tansy for women suffering from diseases of the heart, kidneys and central nervous system.

Oregano is also used to terminate pregnancy, its action is based on the fact that it can provoke bleeding with subsequent miscarriage.

Decoction of tansy for abortion

Tansy is a very affordable remedy. It is sold dried in a pharmacy. In the "green" pharmacy, you will definitely find it. It is simple to prepare a decoction from it: you need to take 2 tablespoons of tansy inflorescences, pour them with a glass of boiling water (200 ml) and leave for several hours (at least three). It is advised to insist in a thermos. After straining, the broth can be taken. Take it 2 tablespoons three times a day, one hour before meals. The broth is good for two days, on the third day you need to prepare a new broth.

It should be noted here that this is the approximate concentration of the decoction. Tansy for abortion is a pretty strong remedy. The more careful you need to be to its preparation. To obtain a truly effective and non-hazardous drug, it is necessary to take into account such individual parameters as weight, body weight and general susceptibility to the components.

Important! If the concentration of the decoction is too high for a woman, it threatens with poisoning, failure of important body systems, bleeding and even death.

If the concentration of the broth is insufficient, it will also do nothing good. The contractions of the uterus may not be intense enough to evacuate the dead embryo, and it will begin to actively decompose inside the body. This can lead to sepsis and other dangerous conditions.

How many days to drink tansy depends on how much a woman's body is prone to miscarriage. Sometimes the remedy works quickly, sometimes longer, and sometimes it does not work at all. Does it make sense to use it further?

This point needs to be clarified in more detail. A healthy female body is not always easy to part with pregnancy. It is necessary to take into account its defense mechanisms. If the tansy decoction did not help immediately, it is advisable to ask the question about the effectiveness of its use further. At this stage, it is very important not to waste time. Six weeks is not such a long period. Sometimes it is completely impossible to determine the gestational age on your own.

One thing is certain - it is pointless to drink tansy when the gestational age is already approaching the seventh week. It will no longer help, and, moreover, it will be very dangerous.

In addition to the above, prolonged use of a decoction of tansy can lead to severe intoxication, as a result of which the kidneys and liver may fail. There are malfunctions in the work of the heart. Possible loss of vision, convulsions, hallucinations. Women with pathologies of the vascular system may develop a pre-stroke condition. All of these factors that can provoke tansy will become a serious obstacle to the use of other means or interventions to terminate a pregnancy. It is difficult to predict the body's response to prolonged intoxication.

In no case should you hide the use of a decoction of tansy, since in the event of severe consequences, uncertainty will complicate the work of doctors.

Before taking a decoction of tansy or oregano, you should know that with these funds the desired effect will not give, but will only aggravate the situation.

Traditional medicine, no matter how often its adherents scold traditional, to this day remains an alternative to the usual drug treatment. More and more people every day come to the conclusion that taking certain herbal preparations is much safer and entails fewer side effects.

We all know that during pregnancy a woman should be especially attentive to her own health, since uncontrolled intake of even banal vitamins can negatively affect the growth and development of the child. But it is quite difficult to completely protect oneself from all diseases for nine months, which is why, having fallen ill, future mothers decide on non-traditional folk methods of treatment and herbal medicine, considering them as safe as possible. But is it really so?

Do not forget that most herbal medicines contain phytohormones that can change hormonal levels and thereby affect the course of pregnancy.

Agree, this is not entirely safe. Plus, do not forget that before taking folk methods, you still need to consult a doctor, since there are plants that are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Among them is tansy. Why tansy during pregnancy can be harmful, and what is it for at all, we will talk in this article.

During pregnancy, increased muscle tone can provoke premature labor or spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, tansy during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

Non-pregnant women should also use the plant with caution due to its toxicity, and tansy is completely contraindicated for children. If a person suffers from high blood pressure or high acidity of the stomach, tansy should not be used.

This herb is more suitable for the male sex and the healing effect affects them much more intensely than on the fair sex. Traditional medicine uses tansy for the treatment and prevention of gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, enterobiasis, poor appetite, ascariasis, hypotension, increased nervousness, colds, painful menstruation, headaches, epilepsy, hypochondria, gout, rheumatism, intoxication and insomnia, another.

But, unfortunately, such therapy is not suitable for pregnant women. For external use of tansy during pregnancy, you can consult your doctor. If it happened that you took the plant without knowing about pregnancy, you should not panic: it is better to contact your gynecologist in a timely manner and tell about your concerns. Any troubles can be avoided if you do not delay solving them.

Be attentive to your health and do not self-medicate. Let your childbirth go well!

Goat's rue (Galega officinalis).

Abortive drugs that can help terminate an unwanted pregnancy can be not only drugs, but also herbs. After taking the latter inside, rejection of the uterus of the fetus is caused.

The mechanism of action of all abortive herbs on each specific female body is different, but unambiguously - abortion becomes a so-called side effect after taking them. Herbal abortion is not as reliable as medical abortion, but the use of special plants is often a very effective way to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. At the same time, abortive herbs are used quite rarely, because they are highly toxic

For example, a plant such as poisonous galega medicinal is used as an abortifacient in very rare cases. The harm she causes to women's health cannot be compared to trying to get rid of pregnancy. Or a highly toxic herb like adonis can even trigger a heart attack. Before using this method, think carefully, because the risk when taking abortive herbs is quite high!

What are the abortive herbs?

Depending on the effect of abortive herbs, they are all subdivided into those that cause fetal death, and those that lead to natural abortion and increase the tone of the uterus.

For example, scaly highlander and bird highlander, which are used in Tibetan medicine as an abortifacient, have a strong tonic effect on the uterus, as a result of which it simply pushes the ovum out of itself with intense jerks.

Application: To prepare a decoction of these herbs, pour 100 grams of the dry mixture with a liter of boiling water, insist for several hours, strain it and take a third of a glass three times a day.

The same properties are possessed by spring primrose and hay grass, which is also known for its laxative effect on the body.

Application: To prepare a tincture of spring primrose, you need to take 20 grams of dry mixture, pour a glass of vodka or alcohol and cook for 5 minutes in a covered enamel bowl over low heat. Take an infusion of 10 drops for 4 days in the morning and evening.

Varieties of abortive herbs

Plants containing alkaloids. Plants with strong abortifacient properties include herbs containing alkaloids (earthworm, knotweed, autumn crocus, ginseng, lobelia, mandrake).

For a long time, these plants have been used in late pregnancy and childbirth in order to enhance the generic activity of the uterus. But these plants are very dangerous, and proper handling of them can provoke severe intoxication and even death of the mother.

The most famous abortive plant that causes active contractions of the uterus is watercress .

Application: To prepare the drug from it, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the grass, scald with boiling water, finely chop or grind with a meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of it, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2, boil it in an enamel bowl for several minutes and take a tablespoon four times a day.

Essential abortive plants. There are many herbs in nature with strong essential oils that are toxic. This type of abortive herbs includes tansy, sage , wild rosemary and even nutmeg, which, by suppressing the central nervous system of the fetus, provoke a miscarriage.

Causes the death of the fetus and a plant such as Bay leaf ... An alcoholic infusion of laurel bark can save a woman from unwanted pregnancy.

Application: To prepare it, it is enough to pour 1.5 g of root powder with 100 alcohol or vodka and take a teaspoon twice a day.

Plants that alter the level of estrogen in a woman's body... The use of abortive herbs, which change the level of estrogens - hormones that support and maintain pregnancy, leads to the fact that the normal hormonal background of a woman is disrupted, the natural course of pregnancy is disrupted, and the growth of the fetus stops. The result is a miscarriage.

This property is possessed by oregano and meadow clover .

Application: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for several minutes and strain. Add this infusion 2-3 tablespoons to green or black tea.

Strong hemostatic plants... In late pregnancy, the use of strong hemostatic herbs is contraindicated, which increase the tone of the uterus and provoke premature birth. Such plants tend to stop profuse during menstruation well and cause a "late" one.

So, water infusion of roots and bark of barberry it is often used for intrauterine bleeding, and an alcoholic tincture from this plant causes contractions of the uterus during pregnancy and provokes a miscarriage. Although this herb is indispensable for severe bleeding and with retained placenta in the uterus.

Application: to prepare alcoholic tincture, pour 20 g of barberry with 100 ml of vodka or alcohol, leave to infuse in a dark but warm place for 2 weeks, until the color of the liquid changes to dark yellow and the tincture becomes sour in taste. You need to drink a tincture of barberry twice a day, 25 drops.

Possible consequences of using abortive herbs

Of course, it is quite difficult to ensure that a pregnancy is terminated with the help of abortive herbs one hundred percent. Even if the fetus dies, the uterus may not push it out, which is fraught with unpredictable consequences for the female body. First of all, you need to be very careful when using this type of plant, so as not to cause any harm to the woman.

The material was prepared by Elena Savelyeva specially for the site site

Tansy is the common name for the flowering plant species known as Tanacetum vulgare. In the forest and forest-steppe regions of Russia, it grows everywhere in pastures, along roads, in vegetable gardens and in forests. Tansy has a long history of use as a medicinal plant, pesticide and ornamental flower. Nevertheless, it is toxic to humans and domestic animals and, as a result, is excluded from modern guidelines for the use of medicinal herbs. Perhaps some have heard about the popular method of terminating pregnancy - a decoction of tansy is used for this. Even today, with the availability of modern methods, it is used by some girls as an abortive measure when they do not want or cannot go to doctors. Does this recipe work and what are the consequences of using tansy during pregnancy?

In the summer in Russia, you can almost everywhere find characteristic yellow tansy inflorescences, similar to hard buttons. It is a drought tolerant plant that grows in soils with a wide pH range.

The medicinal use of tansy dates back to the ancient Greeks.

Decoctions from its leaves and flowers were used as:

  • anthelmintic medicine;
  • means that increase female fertility and eliminate painful periods;
  • medicines to relieve gas formation, stimulate peristalsis and secretion of the stomach and intestines;
  • a sedative that reduces anxiety, nervousness, and reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures;
  • an abortifacient;
  • medicines to slow down the heart and increase blood pressure;
  • a local remedy for the treatment of gout, rheumatoid arthritis, rashes, sprains.

Tansy is rarely used in treatment today. There is no statistical or scientific data on the dosage of tansy, on the interaction with other herbal or medicinal products.

Tansy during pregnancy

None of the official instructions for dried tansy will directly indicate that it is used to terminate pregnancy, since such a method is associated with a danger not only to health, but also to a woman's life. In fact, this plant is poisonous and contains thujone - a substance that is toxic to humans and animals, it is with it that the anthelmintic and abortive effect of the plant is associated.

At low doses for a healthy person, it is relatively safe and excreted from the body without health consequences, but for the fetus in the womb it can be fatal. In addition, the plant tones up muscle fibers. This property is used for diseases associated with poor intestinal motility, but the muscles of the uterus are similar to those responsible for bowel movements, so tansy causes tone and contractions of the uterus.

In early pregnancy, tansy flowers and herb are used as an alternative to official abortion practices when there is a lack of publicity and condemnation, due to fear of medical procedures, or for economic reasons. In the first weeks, the ovum is weakly fixed in the uterine cavity, so any negative intervention can cause a miscarriage, followed by bleeding and inflammation.

After 12 weeks, there is a very limited list of indications for an official abortion, so traditional methods are often the only possible way to get rid of the fetus. The real consequences of this method are dangerous and unpredictable. At best, this will be severe bleeding and damage to the reproductive organs, at worst - also infection of the mother's blood due to the fact that the fertilized egg does not leave the uterine cavity and begins to decompose.

How to brew and drink tansy

For medicinal purposes, infusion, broth, juice and wine from tansy are used (for the treatment of rheumatism), while inflorescences are mainly used, since there are much less active substances in the leaves.

To prepare a solution of tansy, which is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, take 1 teaspoon of flowers and a glass of boiling water. All this is infused for half an hour, then filtered. You need to take such an infusion 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

Ground tansy inflorescences are taken as an anthelmintic. 0.5 teaspoon of powder is consumed at night for a week.

The recipe for a decoction of tansy for abortion is simple. But a woman should think a hundred times before choosing such a remedy.

In practice, tansy is a very unreliable abortifacient; it does not always cause miscarriage, but it can cause irreparable harm to a woman's reproductive functions. In addition, when using the decoction, time can be lost when you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy with permitted and less traumatic medical methods.

Possible consequences

The toxic effect of tansy builds up over time, so with regular use it can eventually lead to seizures, leading to death.

In addition, potential symptoms of plant poisoning include:

  • abnormal bleeding from the uterus when using tansy flowers to terminate a pregnancy;
  • intense forms of stomach inflammation, liver failure;
  • fever, vomiting.

Topical application of tansy can cause contact dermatitis: itching, pain, burning, and a rash that sometimes turns into blisters.

Before drinking tansy as a means to terminate pregnancy, it must be borne in mind that this is a method with very dubious effectiveness and very dangerous for a woman's health. Uterine bleeding requires medical attention, including blood transfusion, surgery, or removal of the uterus. They always have consequences - from anemia to absolute sterility.

If, as a result of the use of tansy herb during pregnancy, the fetus dies, but is not removed by the uterus, then its decomposition begins. The result is the poisoning of a woman's body with cadaveric poisons, an infection that, without timely antibiotic therapy, is fatal.