Unusual marriage proposal. Interesting ideas on how to propose to a girl

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site collected 15 cases when the most exciting moment in the life of every lover went slightly according to a non-standard scenario.

  • Yesterday a guy proposed to me. It seems nothing unusual, but here's how he did it, you had to see. I was sitting watching TV, the channel suddenly cut off and a video appeared where my boyfriend in the Pyla mask appeared. So she starts to say: “Evgenia Aleksandrovna, I want to play the same game with you. You will spend the rest of your life in chains. The shackles of love, happiness, affection and a little madness. Do you agree?" And then he rode into the room on a tricycle with a ring in his hands. Of course!
  • One summer, a young man and I got caught in a heavy rain and ran into the nearest, as it turned out, wedding store. It was raining heavily and seemed to be long, and because of nothing else to do, I decided to try on my wedding dress. The guy saw me in it, burst into tears and made an offer. We met for only a month.
  • Today, after 4 years of romantic relationship, I finally made my girlfriend a marriage proposal, in response to which I heard: “ Whoa, whoa, whoa, boy, take it easy».
  • Once something happened that fate did not prepare me at all. My boyfriend and I were sitting in a small Chinese eatery, which doesn't even have a toilet. But while eating, I suddenly sharply felt that I urgently needed it there, because of which I stopped eating and began to fidget in every possible way in my chair. Referring to the pain in my stomach and the need to lie down, I persuaded the guy to go home. I practically coped with my mission, but right in front of the entrance I realized that I could no longer hold on and, for some reason loudly shouting "It's time!" This story ended with the fact that the next day my boyfriend proposed to me, because, according to him, now he knows too much about me to be just a guy.
  • Although I work as a deputy director in a large company, at heart I am the most natural geek. For work, you have to fly a lot. While climbing the plane, I amuse myself, and at the same time, my fellow travelers who do not understand anything by saying aloud the mysterious numbers from the television series "Lost": 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. once pronouncing these numbers, I heard my neighbor muttering: "It's time for adventure!" I proposed to her.
  • My boyfriend just once told me: "Do not plan anything for August, we have an event!" I did not plan. But I didn’t understand anything either.
  • Last New Year, I made a wish for my boyfriend to propose to me. At the 12th beat, I set fire to a note, threw it into a glass and drank it quickly. The guy, knowing that I was, in principle, strange, did not pay attention to the fact that I diligently chew the ashes, took out the ring and got down on one knee ... I just screamed: "What, so fast ?!"
  • My boyfriend to the question: "If we got married, what do you think, what kind of family would we have?" - answered me: "It is too early for us to talk about it, because we have only been dating for 3 months." I agreed with him, but inside it became somehow sad.

    The next day I go to work, and suddenly a gypsy girl pesters me with an offer to tell fortunes. And some kind of dumb gypsy, decorated, looks like a transvestite. I'm trying to get rid of her, but she doesn't lag behind. Then I say: “Yes, go you know where! Otherwise I will hit ”. And she answers so calmly with a smile and a familiar voice: “Go, go. Just take your ring "and hands me a box with a ring:" We will have a cheerful family. You will not get bored. "

  • I decided to propose to my beloved. We have been together for 7 years. We came to an expensive restaurant. At my request, the waiter hid the wedding ring in the cake. And what was my surprise when the girl, recognizing the ring, without hesitation for a second, decided that the cook had lost it while cooking, and went to return it.
  • I was so tired of waiting for my boyfriend's proposal to marry that I made it myself. He replied: "I will think about it." The next day, on my way home, I saw a dozen cool guys on motorcycles driving down the street and suddenly stopped right next to me. One of them with a bouquet of roses got down on one knee and proposed to me. I told him: "At least take off your helmet." While my future husband was taking off his helmet, he dropped and lost his ring. Further, all passers-by observed a funny picture: a dozen brutal bikers, abandoning their motorcycles, crawled along the sidewalk, carefully examining the asphalt. God, I love this jerk!
  • My husband proposed to me unexpectedly. He simply said with some unjustified certainty: "Think of a number from 1 to 1,000, I guess - we will get married immediately!" And that was the biggest miracle in my life: he guessed the number. And yes, I'm very happy about that!
  • We were just riding with a friend on the subway, and I laughed at the fact that he didn’t shave, singing: “You have a beard, I’ll tell you yes”. And he jokingly started asking a bunch of questions, to which I incessantly and in rhyme repeated "yes". And suddenly he made a serious face and ...: "Will you marry me?"
  • My dad agreed with the hostel concierge to call my mom and tell her that she was being evicted. And when my mother in tears asked to settle this issue with housing, my father arrived in a taxi with a bouquet, keys to a new apartment and an offer of marriage. Mom still does not know that this was an insidious plan.
  • My boyfriend wanted to ask for my hand in an unusual way. He made the rolls himself and put a ring in one of them. As a result, he confused which roll the ring was in, and ate it himself.
  • And finally, a story about what is better to propose without friends:

In the life of every man, sooner or later the moment comes when he decides to start a family. And this desire is even stronger if he met “that one”, the one and only. If a man's intentions are serious, and he wants the future marriage to be strong, and love lasted for a long time, he must definitely think carefully about how to propose to a girl. After all, the more romantic everything will be organized, the more clearly this will be evidenced by the love of the groom, which is very important for every chosen one. Calling your beloved in marriage is the foundation of marriage, and it is better to lay it thoroughly.

How to prepare

Before making an offer to a girl, you need to determine how and when it is best to do it, as well as carry out some preparatory work:

  • The first step is to buy a ring that should not only be the size of the girl, but also suit her taste. The following tips will help in this important matter:
    1. If you do not know the diameter of her finger, it is not so difficult to find out the size: take the moment when she is in the shower and measure the ring that she always wears, while it is necessary that the finger on which she wears it matches the “marriage "Nameless.
    2. The second option is to invite the girl to go shopping, one of which will be jewelry. As if by chance (it is better even without your presence, so that she does not guess about the upcoming event), give her the opportunity to look around there, try on jewelry, including rings. After all the fittings, when the chosen one is studying the assortment of another store, go to the consultant of the jewelry salon and find out what size rings she tried on.
    3. There you can also find out what kind of ring she especially liked. It is worth buying jewelry in the same style, but more expensive, because this demonstrates the power of love for the chosen one, and if there is an opportunity, it is better not to skimp and please your beloved. As a result, her entourage will certainly be interested in the engagement ring, and at these moments the girl should not be ashamed. After all, the ring is the face of the chosen one, demonstrating his taste, well-being, character traits, and disposition to the bride.

  • Finding the right moment to propose is very important. It happens that a couple quarreled, the guy realized that he did not want to live without a girl, decided to propose, and she is still in a state of resentment. Even if the chosen one loves the groom, the likelihood that she will refuse him an outburst of negative emotions increases several times. Therefore, if you want to get consent, confess your love when the relationship is in a favorable phase, there will be no understatement, unresolved issues, unfulfilled claims, both will be ready for marriage.
  • The way the proposal is made is also very important. For every girl, hearing the cherished words from her beloved is like a fairy tale that comes true. Therefore, the moment of the proposal must be magical. Each girl has her own character, dreams, her own sense of miracle and understanding of marriage. The spirit of all this must be put into an event that will become the background for recognition.
    1. If the relationship in a couple is strong, based on understanding, spiritual feeling of each other, a man should not have difficulties with the choice of place and method.
    2. If the soul of the chosen one is still shrouded in mystery, it is worth showing observation and finding out what she dreams of, what delights her beloved, what will move her or surprise. Find out what she dreamed about in childhood, the details of her life, changes in her outlook, what an unrealizable true dream she is - and make it come true.
    3. If it turns out to be difficult, any beautiful, romantic, unusual setting will do, which is a win-win.

Original ways of confessions

There are many ways to propose beautifully and romantically. If difficulties arose with the choice of an idea, the guy can always use ready-made ideas, choosing the one that will delight the chosen one the most. Explore several classic and original ways to propose a hand and heart, which do not require too much money, but can please any girl.

  • At a concert of her favorite band over the speakerphone. This method can be taken by surprise, cause a storm of positive emotions. The guy can organize this in a number of ways to get the most out of it:
    1. asking the organizers of the concert to let the groom into the microphone on the stage or in the sound engineer's booth, from where he will utter the cherished words over the speakerphone;
    2. by means of a creeping line or special effects, asking them to put them in between songs;
    3. agree with the performers so that they introduce the groom, create a romantic mood, say a few words about love, or sing some simple romantic or incendiary song with the groom. Often, artists do not refuse such requests, seeing the touching, importance of the moment.

  • During a joint parachute jump. If a girl loves extreme sports, feeling the risk, parachute jumping is a great way to invite the girl to get married. It will be very original if the groom, under the supervision of an instructor, attaches the wedding ring next to the safety ring (it is better not to interfere with the system itself). And before jumping, he will ask his beloved if she will marry him. It is touching if the jump is joint, in a bundle. If the result is a refusal, it is better not to jump, because excitement in such a situation is unacceptable.
  • With balloons and flowers. Balloons, a bouquet will perfectly complement the feeling of happiness and celebration when she sees the coveted ring. Balloons filled with helium, a basket of flowers, a box with a ring, a note with the cherished words and a hint at the location of the groom, left in the place where the bride should come - this is a great way to give the event not only a romantic character, but also a playful, flirty form.

  • Boat or speedboat offer. Walking on water on a boat, boat, yacht is a very romantic event, and even more so if lovers are alone in the middle of the water. This is a great opportunity to call your beloved in marriage.
  • Compose a verse and place it on a banner. Poetry, which has become a classic for a long time as a method of declaration of love, can be combined with the advantages of today's time - banners. To do this, you need to buy out an advertising space, place a marriage proposal there in verse, and create conditions so that a girl can see it, being with her lover.

  • New Year's idea: hang the ring on the tree. If it was decided to make an offer in winter, a good way to decorate the tree and make an offer right away is to hang a wedding ring on it. An alternative can be toys in the form of rings or bagels decorated in such a way that they will certainly prompt the bride to think about marriage. The guy must dress up such a spruce himself, and after pronouncing the words, present a real ring.
  • Print the proposal in her favorite magazine. It will be very impressive, will cause a surge of joy and pride to offer a hand, which will be printed in the bride's favorite magazine. This is unexpected, pleasant, original, the girl will remember for a long time, and brag about this act of her lover.
  • Lay out an offer of candles. It is romantic to ask for the girl's hand at home. In advance, before her arrival, the guy must lay out a heart or a secret question from the candles. Rose petals, glasses of champagne or wine, dinner or a buffet table will well complement the romantic atmosphere. This method of making an offer will work on the street, in a cozy atmosphere, in calm weather, at night or at sunset.

  • In the form of the inscription "Will you marry me?" under her window. The inscription "Will you marry me?", Written with paint, chalk, lined with objects or balloons under the window, will never cease to touch the girls. This method of making an offer is suitable only for those ladies who live on the second and higher floors of high-rise buildings. The song, flowers and the ensuing entertainment will make the moment perfect.
  • Write a proposal on the ceiling with glowing stars. In an unusual, unexpected, magical way to ask for a hand - to lay out the very question on the ceiling with glowing stars that burn in the dark with neon light. They are easy to buy at construction or decor stores. A girl will certainly appreciate such beauty.
  • Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to the girl. A proposal in the spirit of the latest trends in technological progress - to record everything on video and then upload it to YouTube. Firstly, it is very original and will be a real surprise. Secondly, the solemn moment will remain permanently fixed. It will be good if the guy guesses the timing of watching the video and appears on the girl's doorstep right after that to hear the answer to his proposal.

What gift to give a girl on this day

There is no need to give something other than a wedding ring for an engagement.However, if a guy wants to make the day of the proposal a real holiday, fill it with magic that will be remembered by his bride for a long time, will become special in her life, he can present her with additional gifts. Such presentations should not be basic or have any meaning. So, it is better not to give on this day:

  • Other types of jewelry, such as earrings, bracelets. they will divert some attention from the main gift - the ring. For such presentations, it is better to choose any other day. In some cases, a chain will become an appropriate addition to the wedding ring, on which it can be hung in cases when the bride is forced to remove the jewelry (when bathing, washing, washing dishes).
  • Household appliances - this can be taken as a hint of domestic marriage obligations.
  • Shared things (for example, a ticket to a resort, tickets to a concert where both lovers will go) - they are not a personal present, and can create a negative connotation (“You owe me for sharing my life with me”). If you want to please your girlfriend with a trip, do not give it as a present, but share the good news that the trip is planned.

After the beloved has agreed, it will be more appropriate to give:

  • A trip to the spa or some other general beauty treatment that the beloved can do herself.
  • Perfume that is remembered for its sensual scent.
  • Flowers.
  • A car, fur coat or other expensive items (but not jewelry).

Video examples of beautiful proposals to get married

A marriage proposal is always beautiful, whether it be a waiter taking out a ring during dinner in a restaurant or saying a cherished question on the shores of the azure sea. After all, the most important thing is a romantic mood, sincerity of feelings, the place only enhances this, like a beautiful frame adorns a beautiful diamond. The following are video examples that demonstrate well how a well-organized offer looks like in a restaurant, cinema, on the seashore. Such romantic moments will not leave the girl indifferent, and this is the key to a successful outcome of the day for the groom.

By the sea

In the restaurant

At the cinema

Find out ways when breaking up.

"I agree!" or “Oh, this is so unexpected! I should think…". Women do not need a lot of imagination to react to the marriage proposal of their lover. But men have to smash their heads before hearing the flirtatious "I'll think about ...".

A round oak table covered with a snow-white tablecloth, white mimosas in a jug. Her parents look at you, waiting for you to ask for the hand of their beloved girl. Dinner or lunch in the company of her mom and dad (method number 1)- the best option for a young person who appreciates traditions.

If you only want to tell the girl that you want to make her your spouse, dinner is also good for that purpose.

Method number 2... A table hidden from the eyes of visitors in the twilight of the restaurant, illuminated only by the flame of candles, you and your chosen one. The waiter brings a dessert, which is crowned with an elegant ring instead of a cherry. You don't have to change the composition of the treat and put the ring in the case next to the dish. If you want to surprise a woman, you can even shove a monkey under the lid of the tray that the waiter will bring you! When the lid above the dish rises, let the animal present your lady with jewelry ... The main thing is that the effect of such a proposal is positive.

Continuing the theme of lunches and dinners, why not think about breakfast?

Method number 3... Wake up the girl you are going to make your wife with the aroma of the coffee you made while she slept. Place the ring next to the goodies and flowers on a tray. This morning will be the morning of a new life for both of you.

Method number 4... A good morning wish and an offer to get married can be combined in the same way: get up before your beloved and retire somewhere, for example, to a shower, leaving a ring and a letter on the pillow next to her, in which you offer her your hand and heart.

Without deviating from the gastronomic focus of the previous ways to make an offer, we offer another one. No. 5 - "Confectionery". Confectionery factories will make a cake with any inscriptions and drawings. The culinary masterpiece has the inscription "Marry me!" will say everything for you.

"Be my wife!" - can be said in a limousine, holding a glass of sparkling wine in one hand and a ring in the other. it option number 6.

№ 7. A shopping trip can help you make an offer. Put the ring to the purchase that your lady wants to unpack faster than others. So she will find the gift.

Even wallpaper will help you make an offer. Yes, yes, wallpaper! Only phosphoric. From them you need to cut out the letters that will make up your confession. The letters should be placed on the ceiling so that the girl can see them in the evening when she turns off the light. In our guide for young people, this method is worth at number 8.

Didn't dare to present a ring in the bathroom? Take advantage of 32nd council this wonderful list of ideas. Give your lady a foot massage. And put a ring on her toe.

Are all methods too complicated for you? Or every time you fail to pronounce the cherished words? Last on our list - method number 33. Make an offer unexpectedly. In the middle of a normal day, when talking about daily activities, simply say, "Will you marry me?" Pause. Astonishment. "Yes!" ... And you can start preparing for

Before you make the most important proposal to your chosen one, you must be completely sure that she is the one with whom you are ready to live until old age: you must have general concepts about life in general, family, children, advantages and disadvantages of each other ...

Whichever way you offer your hand and heart, and flowers still cannot be dispensed with. So be sure to take care of this in advance.

Here are some interesting scenarios on how to properly propose to a girl to marry:

  1. You can invite a girl to a gourmet restaurant for dinner. Sincerely tell me how much she means to you, and then take out the ring and ask: "Will you marry me?" Let the waiter bring a huge bouquet at this time.

  2. Invite your girlfriend for a ride on the Ferris wheel. Preferably in the evening. At the highest point, kneel down, holding the ring in your hands, and ask the most coveted question. Then you can dine at the restaurant.

  3. If you want to present an unexpected surprise to a girl, you can propose to her during her working day: show up with flowers in the midst of work and in front of all your colleagues ask if she agrees to become your wife. But think in advance if your girlfriend will like it all. It all depends on her character. Do not forget about treats and champagne for colleagues too.

  4. You can make an "offer" at any concert. You just need to agree in advance with the presenters to be called on stage. Be sure to prepare your speech before speaking. Many girls enjoy being in the spotlight.

  5. You can also order a cake with the inscription “Be my wife”. Any girl will be delighted with such a surprise.

  6. Arrange a romantic dinner for the darling in the apartment, scatter flower petals everywhere (of course, it must be roses), arrange and light candles. Keep the ring in a prominent place, and after she opens the box, tell her that you would be happy to be her husband.

But the main rule can be formulated as follows: in whatever way you make the "offer", do it sincerely and with great love. Let her feel that you took it with great responsibility and trepidation.

The natural development of relations between a guy and a girl: everything is going well, they see each other as companions in life, then sooner or later the moment comes when a man proposes to his beloved. Many representatives of the stronger sex know that you should carefully prepare for this event. This raises the main question: how to make a marriage proposal? After all, this moment will never happen again, but I really want it to become a wonderful memory for the second half. To make the moment of the proposal unforgettable, you need to follow important guidelines.

How to prepare for a marriage proposal?

Before you give your beloved the coveted box with a wedding ring, you need to go through a serious stage of preparation: firstly, buy jewelry, secondly, come up with an ideal way of proposing, and thirdly, say the right words. Every girl dreams that this event will become memorable and original, because she has watched so many films about happy love, secretly hoping for an equally beautiful confession. Mistakes that a young man can make when making an offer to his beloved:

  • Offer from the category "Bring tea, please." No everyday phrases and boring face! During the confession, the eyes should shine with love for your girlfriend, otherwise there is a chance that the evening will be ruined, and from such a proposal the other half will think: is it worth getting married? Women, as you know, love with their ears, and from this approach it may seem to her that the guy does not love her enough.
  • The proposal is "podshofe". There is nothing worse than asking for the hand of your girlfriend if your tongue is braided and your legs are not kept straight. Firstly, this will make her doubt the seriousness of this proposal (will he sober up - will he forget?), And, secondly, it is ugly and disrespectful towards a beautiful lady.
  • Phone call. This type of offer can only be afforded by people who physically cannot be together (long business trips, navigation, difficulties in obtaining a visa). And in this case, it is better to wait and tell the girl about your feelings personally.
  • The sentence "once you are pregnant". Every man who respects himself and his girlfriend will certainly offer to marry if his beloved becomes pregnant, but in no case should this be put at the forefront. The second half is probably waiting for an offer after good news, but the main reason to get married should be love, not a commitment to an unborn child.

It will not be surprising if, after such attempts, the guy receives a refusal or an unsure "yes", after which the girl wilts, and then will come to her senses for a long time. If a man doubts that he will receive a positive answer from his soul mate, before the proposal, he needs to hint at his beloved if she is ready to build a family. You need to ask how she sees the future, how many children the girl wants. Usually, the fair sex is happy to support such conversations if they want to connect life with this person.

Find the right wedding ring

If the young man has definitely decided that the proposal is to be, the painful stage of choosing a wedding ring begins. First of all, I want the jewelry to look so that the girl will be pleased to wear it all the time, but it is much more difficult for guys with the selection of the right size. The easiest way is to go with your beloved to the store, where an experienced seller will select the desired decoration option, but no surprise will come of it, even if the reason is different - the girl will guess for sure. How to find out the size of the second half so as not to spoil an unexpected confession:

  • Take the jewelry that your beloved is wearing to help you choose the perfect size. But not every girl puts rings on her ring finger, also on her right hand. If the guy comes across just such a lady, then there will be no problems with the selection of the ring for the proposal: you should put the accessory on your little finger, mark with a pencil or pen the best fit, and immediately go to choose a piece of jewelry. An experienced sales consultant will select the right ring based on these data.
  • Help of girlfriends. Many girls, and without further questioning, especially after many years of friendship, are aware of the size of the ring finger of the future bride. A young man should use a woman's cunning to find out the necessary information. A friend can easily find out which ring will suit the future bride, and will also suggest a suitable option for the decoration of the jewelry, if the situation so requires.
  • Special means. The first way is to take a regular thread or rope, and while the girl is sleeping, gently wrap her ring finger. Then the resulting length must be compared with the table shown in the photo below on the left. Another way: to circle the ring worn by the beloved, along the inner contour, and then measure the diameter. See what size you get in the photo on the right.

Choose a special place

In order not to disappoint the soul mate, for the proposal you need to choose not only a special, but also a suitable place. Does the girl like to go to the theater? Then order the best seats in the stalls, and during or after the performance, hand her a wedding ring. If she is a lover of increased attention from others, the proposal should be made in an appropriate environment, so that there are many people around. For example, at a stadium or at a concert of his favorite city band, a young man will congratulate his beloved from the stage.

You should not drag your soul mate into an uncomfortable environment for her - it is unlikely that a lover of warmth and coziness will like a street proposal in front of everyone or even recognition in a restaurant. But the soul of the company will certainly rejoice if you connect friends and acquaintances for a spectacular and beautiful proposal. In this case, do not hesitate to use "cinematic" attributes: butterflies and pigeons flying out of the box, hundreds of roses, etc.

Find the right words

The right words will be the defining moment of a good proposal of joint happiness, hand and heart. The girl wants not only to hear "Marry me", to get a ring and a bouquet of flowers - this is the moment when excessive romance will definitely not hurt. A young man, making an offer, must necessarily tell his soul mate why he chose her, what traits he values ​​in her, which made him not for a second doubt that she would become the only companion of his life. The surprise must be accompanied by a declaration of love.

It is even better if the young man has some kind of creative talents, for example, the gift of writing poetry or a good voice. A man can perform for his soul mate a touching song with a proposal to get married or send her a letter with touching words - this will be truly romantic and will definitely move her to the core.

Ways to propose to a girl to marry

Men from all over the world have come up with many ways to make their beloved an offer: this is a classic version with a restaurant, musicians, a bottle of gorgeous wine, and cozy gatherings with a martini at a picnic, and an adventure quest with tasks. If you want more original options, you can come up with an individual way to ask the girl's hand. The main thing to remember is that the determining factor of agreement will be the relationship, and not the degree of riskiness or awesomeness of the proposal.

In the sky in a hot air balloon

Every girl at least once dreamed of taking a ride in a hot air balloon, seeing the world from a bird's eye view. Just imagine: a beautiful view of green landscapes, romantic music from a tape recorder, good red wine, fresh snacks or her favorite cake and a young man suddenly pulling out a box with a ring and kneeling down ... The only thing a guy should seriously think about before organizing such a thing suggestions: will the girl be happy to climb up? If the beloved is afraid of heights, it is better not to take risks with this method.

While skydiving

Some of the fair sex are real thrill-seekers, it doesn't cost them anything to jump bungee jumping from the height of a four-story building, sit on the most dangerous attraction in the amusement park, or jump with a parachute. For such girls, the last type of proposal is suitable. If your beloved has already repeatedly jumped with a parachute or always dreamed of doing it, invite her to a double jump. The instructor will fix the young man together with his soul mate, and during the jump, while the couple is still flying, without opening the canvases of fabric, it's time to ask the cherished question!

With balloons

Balloons are the decoration of any holiday. They cheer up, please the eye, and will also be a wonderful decoration for a marriage proposal. A guy can use balloons just as a decoration - to give the other half a whole bunch of helium balloons, or make them a valid proposal tool. For example, it will be interesting if a girl starts going down the stairs to work, and there will be balloons tied to the railing with letters that add up to the question: "Will you marry me?"

By radio or television

A universal way to announce your feelings to the whole world is to propose on the radio. If a girl turns on a certain radio station every day, then she will surely be delighted to suddenly hear her name, and then touching words of love. The most important thing is to make sure that the other half is next to the tape recorder, otherwise the girl may skip the text of the sentence, or even not pay attention at all. A more effective way is to buy a few seconds of airtime on a local channel for an offer with a clip of photos, and watch TV together in the evening.

In the form of an inscription under the window

For lovers of increased attention, a young man can arrange an offer that all neighbors will know about: write text on the asphalt in big letters, stand next to a bouquet of red or white roses, call his beloved on the phone and say: "Look out the window." The second half will definitely be delighted to see her beloved, who tried so hard to please her. The only thing to be careful with is the ease with which the paint is washed off. It is unlikely that the neighbors will be delighted with the next inscription, forever sealed on the asphalt.

How to nudge a guy to propose?

If a girl has been living with a guy for a long time, there is a close, trusting relationship between them, and the offer still does not come, you should try to push the young man to a responsible decision. The other half can start talking about how they would like to see the wedding, future children, a new apartment - it would be appropriate to talk about this after the wedding of friends or acquaintances. If this does not work, good friends of the guy will come to the rescue: you will need to ask them to talk to him, talking about their plans for the wedding, family and the original proposal.

Video selection of beautiful marriage proposals

Many young people want to capture the moment of the proposal forever, and with modern video recording tools, this is as easy as shelling pears. It doesn't matter whether it is a professional camera or a recording on a friend's smartphone: any visual memory of this event will allow a couple to enjoy fresh impressions years later. Below you can see how young people made beautiful proposals to their girls.

A creative way to propose at home

Many girls prefer comfort to noisy places and a large crowd of people, so for a beloved, a young man must come up with an unusual way of home proposal, and the hero of the next video succeeded. The guy created a photo album for his lady of the heart, where the letters were marked with bright colors. Leafing through it, the girl saw a question that moved her to tears:

Romantic proposal in a restaurant

Some try to make an original proposal that no one else has had, but the timeless classics always remain relevant - good wine, candles, rose petals can strike a girl's heart. Watch a touching video in which a young man makes his beloved a gorgeous proposal to live together as husband and wife: