Unusual questions to the guy in the correspondence. List of questions for penpals: vulgar, about love and relationships

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When a relationship is just beginning, each of us, like a girl, is tormented by questions over and over again: What to say? What to wear? To call or not to call? What does he think? How will he react? Everything has been discussed with her friends a billion times, but not everyone can ask him frankly without fear of scaring (or hearing the truth?).
We asked four quite ordinary men some frank questions that interest most women. And calmly listened to their answers. There is something to note here. Men were not cunning, but, reading their opinions and destroying some stereotypes, do not rush to create new ones. All men, like all women, are very different. And everyone is looking for the main thing - understanding.

Our heroes:

Sergey, 27 years old, businessman. Divorced, lives in a civil marriage.
Matchmaker Dossier: Manages to combine two rare qualities: ambition in business and love of homebody. He prefers to work at home, "in the nest," so to speak. He is ready to solve all family problems on his own, but appreciates women's advice. The character is soft, pliable. Average growth, a little overweight.
Peter, 30 years old, journalist, teacher. He is married and has a daughter.
Matchmaker dossier: Gifted with a developed imagination, romantic, has a subtle sense of humor. He extols women and, as a true knight of the feather and heart, is ready to serve and worship them. But, rather, he hovers in romantic dreams than is really ready to “go left”. Modest, patient, gentle. High growth.
Vladimir, 36 years old, art director. A widower, raising a son.
Matchmaker Dossier: Metrosexual. Moderately selfish, but also romantic at the same time. He is looking for his beautiful "lady of the heart" and in the process sincerely loves all the pretty women. Oster on the tongue, frank, decisive. As a person of a creative profession, strives for self-realization, likes to have fun. High growth.
Andrey, 44 years old, businessman. Divorced.
Matchmaker dossier: Self-confident, purposeful. He has a wide range of interests, travels a lot, is engaged in various sports, maintains a wide circle of acquaintances. Resolute, restrained, knows how to listen to people, but in everything he relies only on himself. Medium height, thin, athletic.

Our questions

10. Perfect sex ...

1. Do men prefer younger girls?
There are those who are looking younger, there are those who are looking smarter. In terms of the everyday mind, not higher education. If a man has established himself as a person, he is looking for a woman equal to himself, a woman “partner”.
Yes. Looking for fresh skin and firm softness. But we are ready to see the beauty of experience and tranquility in 30-40-year-olds, to appreciate the smile of understanding. This is even more important than skin and firmness. Do not forgive bitchiness in middle-aged (after 30) women - never.
I like sexy women, but certainly young ones are no longer needed. It is pleasant to look at youngsters, to sleep with them is no longer. Not interested. My age range is 25 to 45.

Of course. Draws to beauty, to fit forms. Attracts youth, gaiety, naivety, childishness. Gentlemen prefer blondes also because they behave directly like children. I want to take care of youth, prompt, lead.
The peers are overloaded with their thoughts, problems, they analyze the relationship "from and to", draw analogies, play for time, thinking. And in love, spontaneity, impulse are important. What happens next is the third question. A flash is always much more interesting than some kind of logical decision: here, we go, eat, take a walk, come, lie down and it will happen ...

2. Are men scared off by smart women?
I'm not there. There is intelligence, and there is boring. They scare off women who are too qualified in something and constantly talk about it, they suppress. Attracts a woman who is smart "in life", not a woman-genius, but a woman-man.
Not always. Scared off, I would say, are incomprehensible women. And incomprehensible actions can arise not only from a great mind ...
Smart men - no, fools, probably yes. It's another matter if a woman begins to “push” with her intellect. I remember Klara Novikova joking: “How smart does it take to seem like a complete fool? And how much you need to be a fool to pretend to be smart ... ”A woman should be able to stop talking in time. The mind is not in erudition, but in the ability to "read" a man, to understand him. And the man will reciprocate.

Yes, intellectuals scare away. They begin to be clever, to give assessments and definitions: this is so, and this is not so. A man doesn't need that. He wants to be the smartest, to lead, to make the last decision. And smart women do not just encroach, but win all these rights in the struggle, suppress men, turning them into house slippers. And then they themselves are also surprised.

3. How should a woman dress?
Good, expensive, varied. She must value her image, her clothes, and has the right to demand from a man that all this be paid for. To be, if not in fashion, then in style.
Too much frankness pisses me off. It is important that the clothes fit.
Skirts, trousers, low-cut blouses, classic jackets, sweaters - everything is beautiful if everything is in place. To the place - it means that it creates an image. I don't think it's worth talking about all sorts of absurdities like when a girl with an imperfect figure puts on tight jeans and a tank top.
Sometimes women dress as if they have a powder mirror hanging in their house, in which they can see only one of their eyes. I don't need a neckline or miniskirt. Beautiful breasts are visible even in a turtleneck: you can't throw mud at the sun. Clothes should fit the woman. In addition, a woman's self-confidence is important. And sometimes she walks beautiful, but some slouching, notorious, dressed in something gray ... And that's all - no longer interesting ...

Classically - skirts, dresses, hairpins, manicure. A woman should have a sense of style. No, you don't have to be naked. If you get naked, you will attract the same males. I like women with sophisticated feminine looks. With manners as soft as water. Women who radiate calmness in everything - in their clothes, in their eyes - and at the same time confident in themselves.

4. Ideal female proportions ...
Lack of breasts is bad, excessive size is bad, the same with hips. Harmony is important. I do not like thin, thin and small. A hundredweight is too much. I like it a little more than average.
I really like it when the female forms fit comfortably in my hands, when it is convenient to hug my shoulders or waist with my hand. If this is not possible, you need to compensate for the deficiencies with the proportions of the heart (laughs). I'm attracted to skinny ones. And plump too. Not necessarily 90-60-90, you can also 90-70-100, for example.
Long neck, thin shoulders, 3rd or 4th breast size, waist, nice hips, tight ass, long legs ...

One blonde says to another: "I recently learned what 90-60-90 is." - "Oh, what is it?" - "240".
Ideal guitar figure: narrow waist relative to the hips, proportional feminine ass and chest. And, of course, below me. However, not all of my women were exactly like that, although beauty is very important to me. But it is more important if it is easy and comfortable for you to communicate with a woman. I myself, in general, am not a tall handsome man and, of course, there is no certainty that a beautiful woman will stay with me for a long time ... And I will have to keep an eye on the beautiful one too ...

5. Should a woman be able to cook well?
In a metropolis, there is often no time for cooking, and you can always have a tasty meal in a cafe. But this is rather an excuse. If you live in a small town - no options: a woman should be able to cook. And in general, it’s just a shame if she doesn’t know how. And you don't know how.
The ability to cook well is a consequence. An intelligent, kind, loving woman cannot but learn to be a good housewife. But that’s later. In a few years.
Yes, definitely. If the food at home is not tasty, then there is no home comfort. I don't want to come to such a house.

Not necessarily good, but should be able to. Well, and not rubbish, of course. Food by itself does not evoke love. But when a man is full, he begins to think about everything else: about her hands, her body, about talking, looking into her eyes, and so on.

6. What is the most annoying behavior of women?
When women do full war paint makeup, wherever they go and whatever they do. It is especially annoying when cosmetics are inappropriate or need to get out of the house quickly. And I also don’t understand why you need to buy so much cosmetics when you only use 20%.
I am no longer small, and I have learned to see a person in my woman. She relies on me for her weaknesses and weaknesses, in the hope that I will help her cope with them and improve. Therefore, nothing is annoying. In others - infuriates, infuriates, infuriates coquetry. This is a misunderstanding that you are not a painted fool, but a person. I hate it very much.
Obsession. All these sms: “Why don’t you write, don’t call? You forgot me?" This is terribly annoying and repulsive. Well, he just started spinning, forgot to put money on the phone, hung up at the meeting. Excessive and inappropriate talkativeness is unpleasant. It is unbearable when you are publicly insulted or humiliated.

It is unpleasant to realize that a woman is frankly interested in your status, to feel how she calculates and measures the benefit in her mind. You can directly hear the clicking of the calculator buttons. This immediately lowers the degree of interest.
I do not like it when women refuse to admit the fact that they should always look good, be well-groomed and tastefully dressed.
The most repulsive in women is masculine behavior and harshness.
It is also unpleasant for a woman to constantly control you. Out of self-doubt and instead of figuring out the reasons why a man wants to leave home, with her screams she wants to suppress the desire to go anywhere at all. It is much easier to take the position of the victim than to simply put yourself in order.

7. What should a woman never say to a man?
About other men. Just not worth it. You can seriously ruin a relationship by using an ex as an example.
A woman should not humiliate a man, even if he is really a complete schmuck. Suffice it to say that they are not on their way.
Criticism is possible, but you need to be able to present it. Let this be a proposal to change, and not a mountain of reproaches that hurt pride.

A woman should tell a man everything, even that which hurts his pride. It's all about intonation. I am a philologist, and I know that the main part of the meaning of a statement is conveyed not by words, but by intonation. It all depends on what kind of feeling is put into the words, and not the words themselves.
At least I would like to know everything she thinks of me. The question is not what she should say or not, but her feelings for me. In love with me.
Should not arrange scenes of jealousy. Especially unfounded. A guy can walk to the side. But if this did not happen, or even happened, but he was not caught, all these reprimands and tantrums very much hit the pride and destroy the relationship. I think that if you are together, you need to trust each other.

Should not cut: "I told you, I warned you ... Once you came to visit as normal people, and then you managed to get drunk like a pig ..." Sometimes they do it not because you really deserve it, but for prevention.
You can't criticize a man. Women's wisdom is to gently lead a man to a solution to the problem, to make the person want to change. The best way is to lead by example. If you want him to lose weight, do not eat yourself at night, sign up for the gym, start jogging in the morning. Good examples are just as contagious as bad ones.

8. If a woman earns more ...
It is unpleasant. But, rather, it is unpleasant that at the moment you cannot earn more. It's not a problem for me if I know that the situation will change soon. If you perceive a woman as an equal to yourself, then her success makes her strive upward. If a woman reproaches this, then yes, it becomes a serious test.
I am happy for her, for us. And I'm looking for a new job. I’m not nervous, I don’t drink.
It's good. On this score, I have no complexes. But on condition that the woman will not reproach me for this. I enjoy my job, and I will not change it to earn more. If a woman has a talent for making money and she likes it, I will not interfere. And since it is absolutely necessary that someone sit at home and cook borscht, I can do it too.

It doesn't matter if you are a family ... A woman should be wise. It is important how she behaves at the same time, how she puts herself, what role she pretends to. Of course, we are not talking about a situation when a man is lying on the couch. To be honest, the successful women I have met have been too masculine. I didn't want to have a close relationship with them.

9. Are men monogamous or polygamous?
I am monogamous, but I will not speak for everyone. I still have all thoughts about one woman.
I believe that I am both monogamous and polygamous at the same time. I have no desire to crawl into bed with other women, but I am happy to communicate with other women heart to heart. Under certain conditions, I could have sex-love with them, but I can’t, and I don’t want to.
Polygamous. And although I can truly love only one woman, at the same time my eyes will always squint at other people's asses. And if suddenly a safe option for the family arises, in which my woman does not know anything, I will use the opportunity. And most men will do the same.

Polygamous, and I, in particular. Climbing a hillock, looking around, picking more victims and hunting is the essence of a man. There are monogamous men. I think their percentage is 20. But there are those who become monogamous if they find a woman who is completely satisfied with them, and how not to hunt - you will not find more seductive prey.

10. Perfect sex ...
Perfect sex is like the first time with this woman. When you don't really know it yet, you study it, try to be better. Every time I try to repeat it later.
For me in sex, intimacy is important - physical intimacy as a continuation of the soul, spiritual. She should belong to me without a trace and accept me the same way. Sometimes just hugs, the touch of naked bodies mean more than inventive, technical sex. In general, love is the most important thing for me in sex.
This is sex without boundaries. Full access to everything (again, by mutual will). In sex, there should be absolutely everything and no constraints. If you have sex, then selflessly. Disconnect the brain - and go.

One that satisfies both. It can be fast or long - different. And it is very important to see that the woman is just awesome, just as good as you. It makes you feel like a man.

Thanks to social networks and mobile applications, people can communicate with each other from completely different places. However, the problem of communication does not disappear anywhere: people, more often girls, are embarrassed to meet, communicate with the opposite sex. It will be helpful for them to know what to ask the guy in the correspondence.

What questions can you ask a pen guy

It is difficult without preparation to ask questions that will help you learn more about a person, have an interesting time and attract attention. Many girls get lost during correspondence, not knowing what to ask a guy about, and what topics should be avoided. Experts and experienced people advise: you always need to build on the situation, come up with your own questions, and not ask banal ready-made ones. It is important that there is a dialogue. What to ask a guy in a correspondence?

What you can ask a stranger about

At the initial stage, you should find common interests, hobbies, learn about what area you work in. What's smart to ask a guy in a text message? Start with neutral questions, such as asking what the person is doing, how they are doing, and so on. After receiving answers, you can try to reveal your temperament, learn about life preferences. Ask, for example, which dance is more to your liking: rumba or waltz, jazz or zuk.

What to ask a guy in a correspondence? Anyone will gladly reflect on what they will do on a desert island, how they will spend a huge lottery win. The following questions will help keep the correspondence and find out more about the guy:

  1. What kind of sport does he prefer?
  2. Does he like noisy parties?
  3. What does he like to listen to, watch?
  4. Were there extreme actions?
  5. What is your attitude to religion, the other world?
  6. Does he turn to parents for advice, help?
  7. Does he like unfamiliar places, and what countries does he dream of seeing?
  8. How does it feel about virtual dating?
  9. Does she recognize former teachers?

What to ask a guy when meeting on a social network

If it is difficult to start a conversation, for a start it is recommended to just say hello, wait for an answer, and then start acting. What to ask the boy? Ask when the cold will end, if it's winter outside, or write about your desire to meet. The guy can take it as flirting, which is also good. Another option is to use a trick, for example, to write that a person looks like an old acquaintance from whom there has been no news for a long time.

You should not ask long, complex questions that require long, detailed answers - on social networks, on websites, it is easier to communicate in concise, easy-to-read phrases. It is recommended to study the guy's profile and use the information received in correspondence. Photos, personal information, statuses and so on will help a lot. If, for example, the page shows that a person is interested in cars, you can ask whether he has his own transport, whether it is difficult to drive it. You can ask for advice, advice on buying, service.

Questions for a guy to get to know him better

If you like a guy and you want to get to know the person better, conduct the right conversation from the very beginning. Avoid talking about the level of wages, social status, religious views, attitudes towards politics, towards the current government. To get to know a guy better, ask about hobbies, dreams, goals, desires, taste preferences. Sample list of questions:

  1. Do you have a favorite book or author?
  2. Does he know how to cook?
  3. What character do you like in the opposite sex?
  4. Does he want to start a family in the coming years?
  5. Does he use obscenities?
  6. What kind of films does he prefer?
  7. Where does he like to walk, hold meetings with friends?
  8. How often does he fall in love?
  9. What topics are interesting?

What to ask a guy when communicating on VK

Vkontakte is the most popular social network through which it is easy to get to know any person on your own or through friends, acquaintances, colleagues. As a rule, people indicate on their pages full information regarding education, marital status, preferences, set and change statuses, upload photos. Thanks to this, a lot can be learned about them without correspondence. What can you ask a guy on VK? Sample list:

  1. What would be the perfect day off?
  2. How does he like to spend his free evenings?
  3. Do you have favorite holidays and what do you like about them?
  4. What dishes does he like to eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner), what kind of cuisine does he prefer?
  5. Is there a hobby?
  6. Does he like to visit concerts, theaters?
  7. What do parents do?
  8. Is there a brother or sister?
  9. What color do you like?
  10. Favorite clothing style?
  11. Does he like night walks?
  12. Are there many friends?

What you can ask a guy with a sense of humor

To defuse the situation, laugh together, establish contact, you can ask cool, funny, non-standard questions. If you like the answers, do not forget to let us know. What to ask a guy in a correspondence? Examples of unusual, original questions:

  1. What was your school nickname?
  2. What is the strangest or funniest incident in your life?
  3. Have you ever danced striptease?
  4. Was he afraid of monsters and brownies as a child?
  5. How old did you go to the potty?
  6. Have you ever looked funny in front of a crowd?
  7. Believes in Santa Claus?
  8. What kind of pictures do you like?
  9. Does he want to be a girl at least once?
  10. How did people remember birthdays before when there was no social media?
  11. Why is food tastier at night?

What question to ask a guy to interest him

There are several topics of interest to men that can be touched upon if you are texting not for the first day. To spend time interestingly, you can discuss intimate, frank things with a young man, flirt, use elements of the game. So what to ask a guy in a frank correspondence? Ask:

  • What body part do you like the most (in response, send a photo of the voiced body part in clothes)?
  • Are you familiar with the Kamasutra, did you use it in everyday life?
  • How do you feel about nudists, will you be able to visit their beaches?
  • Did you use paid intimate services?
  • Does she know how to do erotic massage, does she want to try it on herself?
  • Can you sunbathe naked?
  • What is he sleeping in?

What to ask a foreign guy

If there is no way to see a person in the near future, because he lives in a foreign country, leading questions will help to find out a man better. What you can ask your pen-pal:

  1. Have you been to Russia? What did you like about the country?
  2. Are there any plans to leave your homeland?
  3. How often does he take vacations?
  4. What languages ​​does he know perfectly?
  5. How is it resting?
  6. What kind of cuisine does he prefer?
  7. Do you like Russian girls?
  8. What customs of his country does he always observe?
  9. What is the guy's family?
  10. What should be an ideal family?

In addition, when meeting a foreign guy, you can ask to tell more about work, place of residence, customs. It is recommended to clarify how a man's parents would react to a Russian girl. If you have virtual love, you can clarify what the future wife will do, what work to do, where to live, and so on. You should not ask vulgar, tricky questions when chatting on the Internet, especially if the guy does not know the language well.

Don't ask a pen guy questions

Even if a guy willingly answers all questions, shows interest in correspondence, you should not directly ask about such things:

  • material condition;
  • saturation, quality of intimate life;
  • the number of former girls;
  • the presence of a car, apartment, business, and so on;
  • financial solvency of parents;
  • plans to have children;
  • last sex;
  • gifts for girls.


Is it true that a person can be deciphered by facial expressions, gestures or, for example, the lines on the hand? Non-verbalika really lifts the veil of the secrets of the human soul, but it is much more convenient, easier and faster to talk. About life, about love, about sex. Ask questions, get answers, analyze and try on yourself. Nothing complicated. Except that the question can be so uncomfortable that it becomes a stumbling block instead of a learning tool. Let's talk about the right and inappropriate questions for the guys.

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Ask him yourself: questions the guy to get to know him better

Compare means and ends. If your dream is Mendelssohn's march, don't ask about your attitude to threesome sex and blowjob. At the same time, it is at least short-sighted to arrange interrogation with passion on an extremely narrow topic that worries you. Take it in general and wider - about hobbies, goals, dreams. And casually drop it - about the family, kids, betrayal. And most importantly - do not overwhelm with erudition, even if you are seven inches in your forehead. A man should feel equality, or better, superiority. However, a balance is needed here too. Sometimes pretending to be a fool is a good thing. To be a chronic fool is already an amateur. Here are some questions to ask a guy to see his inner world or just fill an awkward pause in a conversation.

Parent topic: Questions to help you get closer

They say that relationships are work, and both need to work so that everyone has happiness, love and orgasms. Another question is, how does it feel to work on a relationship? One of the means that strengthens heart bonds is a heart-to-heart dialogue. The very moment when you can and should get out of the comfort zone and talk about the burning - about hidden grievances and unfulfilled desires. Here are a couple of questions, honest answers to which will help develop and deepen your communication with your partner.

Mouth shut: questions not to ask guys

“What shoes should I wear today - this or that? As these? These have an uncomfortable heel, and those fit perfectly with the dress. On the other hand, I bought these recently, and those are already pretty worn out. So which ones? " With inquisitorial ruthlessness, we women can torment our men with stupid questions. And some of them cause sticky cold sweat ("Can I talk to you seriously?"). Or simply put in an awkward position ("If there was an opportunity to sleep with Scarlett Johansson, would you sleep?"). In general, sometimes it is better to chew and not run up than to ask and get the truth head-on.

What questions to ask the guy, we found out. We'll also show you where to get a guy who can be interrogated. Click on the link and go to the rating page, where you will find out all the details and pitfalls of dating portals. And if you add our site to your bookmarks, you will learn a lot about how to pick up guys and what to do with them later. Happy acquaintances!

Not sure how to get your pen guy interested? Why not ask him a couple of original and provocative questions? In our article we will tell you about what questions you can and should ask men when communicating on VKontakte. We have compiled a detailed list of questions: provocative, funny and original, about women and love, about life and hobbies. You will also learn what questions should be avoided when communicating with a man.

Ask the interlocutor about the simplest, which does not require self-disclosure and thought. The conversation will start easily. These questions will help build trust. Talk about what he was doing today, what he saw interesting, about his work (study), about what is happening in his city, if you live in another city, discuss the latest news.

  1. Was it a good day?
  2. How are you?
  3. What are you doing now?
  4. At lunchtime, do you go to the cafeteria or take food from home?
  5. Have your project been accepted?
  6. Did you get home from work without incident?
  7. It's cool here, but how is the weather with you?
  8. What places would you recommend a tourist to see in your city?
  9. Have you already had a vacation this year?
  10. Did you go for a run today?
  11. How's the news that the dollar fell a little?
  12. Have you already heard what happened in [region name] yesterday?
  13. How did you celebrate February 23 (Airborne Forces Day, New Year)?
  14. What did you get for your birthday?

Questions about life and hobbies

These questions are great for online dating. Cover topics such as hobbies, accomplishments, family and childhood memories, and pets. All this will help you get to know each other better.

In order to choose questions that will be of interest to him - carefully study his page in contact. All that you need, he has already written in the section "About me".

  1. Do you like to travel to distant lands?
  2. What kind of music do you listen to?
  3. What are you reading?
  4. How do you feel about computer games?
  5. What movie would you watch now?
  6. What do you prefer: football or hockey?
  7. Can you swim?
  8. Why do you value your friends?
  9. Do you have brothers or sisters?
  10. What was your favorite game to play?
  11. As a child, did you want to become like your father?
  12. Do you like it when the family gathers for a feast?
  13. Who would you like to have at home: a cat or a dog?
  14. Can you hang a shelf or painting on the wall?
  15. Do you like to craft something?

Do you want to receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to meet men on the Internet correctly? We advise you to read free checklist Alexei Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and translate them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real plane.

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Funny, original questions

Ask these questions and the atmosphere will be relaxed. The ability to joke back will help the guy feel relaxed and charming. This will help diversify the correspondence and win his sympathy.

  1. What do you do with the alarm when it wakes you up too early?
  2. What color would you paint the refrigerator?
  3. What weather do you associate yourself with?
  4. How do you fold your socks?
  5. Have you ever gone outside in slippers?
  6. Do you like crunching thin ice on puddles?
  7. Ever thought it would be great to be able to fly?
  8. What do you say when in the morning you see yourself shaggy and unshaven in the mirror?
  9. Could you eat soup for breakfast?
  10. What kind of tree would you be?
  11. Do you like bubble burst film?
  12. Have you ever sung while stuck in an elevator?

Questions about women and love

To satisfy your curiosity about how a guy behaved with girls before and how he will behave with you, questions about his previous experience and his beliefs will help. Here are some hot, tricky relationship questions:
  1. What do you value in a girl the most?
  2. What character traits of a girl might turn you off?
  3. Is the profession of your future wife important to you?
  4. What do you think about cheating?
  5. Should a woman wait for a man at home or accompany him in his business?
  6. Can you remember the first time you fell in love with someone?
  7. What do you think of the girls who are the first to talk about their feelings?
  8. Was it so that you were not reciprocated?
  9. Would you call yourself amorous?
  10. Is love at first sight fairy tales?
  11. What does romance mean to you?
  12. Is polygamy permissible?
  13. Could you fall in love with a VK pen girl?

Provocative questions

These are tricky questions, with a trick. They take time to think, to choose the most accurate answer.

  1. Do you use mat in your speech and why?
  2. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?
  3. What can scare you?
  4. Do you consider yourself a gambler?
  5. Tell us about your cherished dream.
  6. When was the last time you cried?
  7. What do you value most in life? Would you like to live forever?
  8. Have you had problems with alcohol, drugs?
  9. What do you think of people with a criminal record.
  10. What will you never do, even for money?
  11. When can a wife or a child be saved, whom will you save?

Vulgar questions

You need to be careful when asking about your intimate area. There is a very thin line between looseness and vulgarity. And, of course, you don't need to start such a conversation if you know each other recently. Here are some vulgar questions to ask a man:

  1. Have you ever watched others have sex?
  2. What types of sex have you tried?
  3. Which actress would you like to share the bed with?
  4. When was the last time you watched porn?
  5. Do you shave your underarms and groin?
  6. Would you agree to a threesome?
  7. What do you think about when you look at a girl's chest?
  8. Would you like sex with a stranger?
  9. What is the most unusual place you have had sex?
  10. Is it true that the shape of the tip of a man's nose speaks of the shape of the head of his manhood?
  11. What makes you squeamish about sex?
  12. What do you like most about foreplay?

The most difficult thing in dating on the Internet is to write him the first message. In our article, we have collected the most complete.

From this article you will learn how, which will be interesting to both.

Questions to Avoid in Correspondence with a Man

  1. Refuse questions that you are not ready to answer yourself. So you will get rid of the awkwardness when he gives you a complete answer and asks what you think on this topic yourself.
  2. Refrain from direct exam questions that force you to demonstrate knowledge in any discipline (Are you fond of chemistry? Then tell me which element is in 75th place in the periodic table. Do you know German? Translate in a nutshell what Rammstein is singing about).
  3. It should be extremely careful to discuss parting with his previous partner (wife) or the desired number of children. Wait for him to speak.
  4. Avoid questions about the amounts in his account and about the property he owns. Do not ask about this at least in the first conversations. If you are unable to restrain yourself, ask indirect questions (Could you live a year without working? Would you give your mom a car / new kitchen set / trip abroad?). Curiosity and direct questions about the material condition will show the guy that he is a selfish and tactless person.
  5. There are many pitfalls in conversations about politics, religion, social activity. An incorrectly asked question can offend, destroy the established intimacy. Enthusiasm, fanaticism will surely surface themselves in his statements. And you will have to decide whether these views are acceptable.
  1. Try to strike up a conversation: encourage a conversation, not demand an answer at all costs.
  2. Know the measure in questions. After fifty questions in a row, you get the feeling that you came for an interview or a test.
  3. After sending a question, give the interlocutor a detailed answer. Take your time with the next question, do not interrupt, starting to share your own experience.
  4. If you are already asking questions, memorize the answers or create a separate file where you save the guy's remarks. It will be very embarrassing if you ask the same question again. The situation will also be unpleasant when you start dreaming aloud about a joint weekend on barbecue, forgetting that your interlocutor is a vegan. Also, so as not to seem annoying, mark for yourself the topics from the discussion of which he seeks to get away.
  5. Make it easier for him to understand your goal. Please explain why you asked this question. It's a good idea to get to the point with a few introductory phrases. For example, you want to find out if there has been a history of alcoholism in his family. Complain that the neighbors are making noise again, the drunken father of the family is driving the household away. Then ask if he is familiar with this situation. Let him answer a little not what you wanted to know, but maybe it will be found out how he treats drunkards or how he can successfully reason with the brawler.
  6. Be careful with diminutive suffixes. Many men cannot stand lisping speech, and their carriers seem to them narrow-minded, infantile. The meaning of your statement may be distorted, acquire an undesirable connotation depending on whether there is a diminutive suffix. The question "How are you?" shows interest, but "How are you doing?" may sound either childish or slightly dismissive.
  7. Show genuine interest. If you are bored with him, even a hundred questions will not hide it. On the contrary, a man will appreciate the attention to himself, so the chances of an attentive and active listener will be higher.

Did you meet on the Internet and were you captivated by his appearance or communication style? Do you want to continue dating, but do not know where to start? We have compiled a list of questions that will help you get to know the guy better and decide whether there is a need for a personal meeting or your communication will remain only on a virtual level.

To find out by correspondence whether a young man is right for you, try not to scare him off with your undue interest. Move smoothly from general questions to more complex and intimate ones.

But don't overdo it! Remember that you are not interviewing a candidate for a responsible position of your boyfriend, but just trying to find out if you and a new acquaintance have common interests, views and goals.

Simple, general questions

Having learned the name of the interlocutor, you can continue the conversation. This will help you simple questions that you would not hesitate to ask at a personal acquaintance:

  1. How old are you?
  2. You study or work? Do you like your occupation?
  3. What city do you live in? What attracts you the most to him?
  4. What was your mood today?
  5. What are you going to do tomorrow?
  6. How often do you meet on social networks?
  7. Your date of birth?

Questions about hobbies, hobbies

We can say that the primary data has been collected. It's time to move on to questions that will more fully reveal the character of your interlocutor. Answers to them will help you get to know him better and decide if you have close topics for communication:

  1. What kind of music do you listen to? What is your favorite musical style? Group?
  2. What's your favorite movie or TV show? Actor? Genre?
  3. Do you read books? Which one made the strongest impression on you?
  4. Do you have a hobby, a favorite pastime?
  5. Do you visit any sports section?
  6. How do you feel about extreme sports?
  7. What is your zodiac sign? Do you trust horoscopes?
  8. Do you have a lot of friends? Where do you like to spend your time?
  9. Share what fascinates you most in life?

Advice! You don't have to ask one question after another without interruption. It is necessary to conduct a dialogue - ask, but do not forget to also talk about yourself. If a guy is interested in you, it will be important for him to find out about your interests and hobbies.

His family, religion

Well, do you feel the rapprochement? Did you laugh at the same jokes and are still interested in continuing the conversation? Then it's time to learn about the more personal aspects of his life:

  • Do you consider yourself a believer? If so, which church do you attend?
  • Are you alone in the family or do you have brothers or sisters? If so, what is your age difference?
  • Do you live with your parents? If not, how often do you see each other?
  • Did you grow up in a complete family? Do you like your parent's relationship?
  • Do you like family meals? How are your holidays?
  • Do animals live in your house? Who exactly? Do you like messing with them?
  • Do you like strand? Who usually cleans up your household?
  • Do you have a heart-to-heart conversation with your family? Do you share important issues and events for yourself?
  • Do you feel the support of your loved ones?

Comic questionnaire

Take a break from your serious "information gathering" business. Give your interlocutor time to relax, smile, and cheer yourself up with a frivolous conversation.

Here are some quirky and original questions to help you with this:

  1. What character are you in a computer game?
  2. Do you believe in ghosts?
  3. What funny things happened to you or your friends while traveling?
  4. Do you sing in the shower?
  5. What stupid or funny thing did you have to do on a bet?
  6. Do you like walking in the rain?
  7. What's the funniest text message you've ever written or received?
  8. What is your first thought when you see yourself in the mirror in the morning?

Questions about personal

If you think that you already know a lot about each other and questions on personal topics will not embarrass the young man, you can ask him about this:

  • Do you often change girls? Are you seeing anyone now?
  • Do you have an ideal woman? Is it a collective image or is it a living person?
  • What flaws in a person would you not be able to come to terms with under any circumstances?
  • What actions would you never forgive your friends or girlfriend?
  • Do you think that "sex is not a reason to meet" or is it an important step that presupposes a serious relationship?
  • Can you fall in love at first sight? Have you ever had something similar in your life?
  • Do you consider yourself a romantic?
  • Do you think there is a chance to build a family life by meeting on the Internet?

Trick questions

Do you consider yourself to be liberated young girls, are you not afraid to ask provocative questions, and you yourself gladly answer them? Then take the chance and find out everything that interests you.

Just don’t ask the guy frankly vulgar questions. Despite all the freedom of morals, it is still not worth going beyond the framework of civilized communication.

  1. How do you feel about an open relationship? Do you consider physical betrayal a reason for separation?
  2. Can you have sex with multiple partners?
  3. Are you afraid of other people's homosexuality? Does this make you aggressive?
  4. Do you like risky sex? For example, in crowded places?
  5. Do you always use condoms or should only the girl be concerned about contraception?
  6. How do you feel about watching pornography?
  7. Do you consider it normal to use the services of a “call girl”?

Advice! Conversations on a sexual topic touch on very intimate aspects of life and not everyone is ready to discuss them, even with virtual communication. If you notice that your partner is uncomfortable and withdrawn, slow down and switch to lighter topics.

Questions - answers

Play a game with your interlocutor. Ask questions and offer multiple answers. For this test, choose interesting and tricky tasks that will help you find out in a playful way what is important for your new friend.

Question Answers
1. What is the best time of the year for you? 1. Winter - I love skiing. Every year I try to go to the mountains with my friends.
2. Spring - I like to watch the awakening of nature, walk in a blooming park and listen to the singing of birds.
3. Summer is the sea! Parties! Party until the morning!
4. Autumn - what could be better than sitting at home in front of a computer game when the dull rain drumming outside the window.
2. What color attracts you? 1. Red is the color of passion.
2. Blue - as deep as the sea. The color of meditation.
3. Orange - "crazy" color. Not for all.
4. Black. Why all these excesses. A little rigor and conservatism will not hurt our life.
3. Assuming that humans descended from animals, who was your “progenitor”? 1. Of course the lion. Can't you see from my habits - I'm a real king!
2. Wolf. Dangerous and lonely.
3. Probably a cat - I also like to appear out of nowhere and disappear about my business.
4. The bear is peaceful, but it's better not to touch me. I love to eat, and especially to sleep.

Advice! Try to keep the conversation light, casual. It has been proven that a person is best revealed in a conversation on frivolous topics, but the demand for an answer to difficult and unpleasant questions will most likely lead to the fact that your communication will be interrupted.

Don't be afraid to start the dialogue first to get the guy interested, but don't be intrusive either. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, otherwise he will lose his thoughts, and you will show your bad manners.

Let your friend speak, but if his views on basic life issues are unacceptable to you, cause misunderstanding and mistrust, it is better to end the conversation. Remember, no one has the right to impose their opinion on another person, especially in an aggressive form.

Well, if every day you feel that a young man is getting closer to you, you have many common interests, you agree on family and human values ​​- perhaps your internet dating has a real chance to develop into a real relationship.

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