Normal growth ratio. Harmony horizontal lines. Growth increases techniques

Growth and weight ratio

There are different formulas to determine the optimal weight and Growth Ratio. But they are all conditional, since many other factors do not take into account. Therefore, excess fat needs to be assessed not only by these relations, but also in appearance, the thickness of the skin fold, etc. with the same height and weight, one person may look full, the other is completely normal.

Best Fat Relationship Indicator in Body

The objective parameter of the perfect body is the percentage ratio of fat and muscle tissue. For men, the norm is 9 - 15% fat from the total body weight, and for women - from 12 to 20%.

Ketle index

Knowing the body mass index (BMI), one can judge obesity or weight lack of weight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years. The results may be false for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, elderly and adolescents (up to 18 years). Among the many different methods for calculating the ideal weight, the most popular method is the growth-weight indicator, the body mass index is the ketle index.

Formula: body weight in kg divided into growth in meters in square in / (p * p)

For example: height 170 cm, weight 65 kg. So, 65: (1.7 * 1.7) \u003d 22.5

Norm for men - 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Body mass index


Risk of accompanying diseases

Less than 18.5.

Body mass deficiency

Low (increased risk of other diseases)

18.5 – 24.9

Normal body weight


25.0 – 29.9

Excess body mass (resource)


30.0 – 34.9

Obesity I degree


35.0 – 39.9

Obesity II degree

Very tall

40.0 or more

Obesity III degree

Extremely high

The ketle index, obviously, shows quite well the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how fat is distributed in the body, in other words, does not give a visual-aesthetic picture.

Thus, you can check your body to ideality in another formula. The distribution of fat by body is determined by the ratio:
The waist volume (at the level of the navel) / the volume of the buttocks.
Norm for men - 0.85
For women - 0.65 - 0.85.

Is the age affect the growth-weight ratio?

The answer is unequivocal. Yes, of course affects. Proved that weight Men and women with age should gradually increase - this is a normal physiological process. Kilograms that some people consider "superfluous", in fact, may not be. Can be used to determine the optimal weight formula depending on age. P - in this case, growth, and in - age in years. Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4


in cm

























































































































































































































































Brock formula: detecting relations growth-age

One of the most popular methods for calculating the perfect weight is the formula of Brock. She takes into account growth ratio, weight, type of physique and human age. And the formula of Brock for people under 40 years old is "height (in cm) minus 110", after 40 years - "Growth (in cm) minus 100".

At the same time, people having an asthenic (fine) type of physique - from the result it is necessary to subtract 10%, and people having a hypersthenic (blessing) type of physique - should add to the result of 10%.

How to identify your type of physique?

The physique is usually divided into 3 types: normostic, hypersthenic and asthenic. In order to find out how your type of physique is enough to measure a centimeter the circumference of the finest place on the wrist. The resulting circle in centimeters will be the necessary indicator (Solovyov Index).

Solovyov's index

Type of physique

Characteristic of this type of physique

for men

for women

18-20 cm

15-17 cm

normostic (normal)

the physique is distinguished by the proportion to the main dimensions and their correct relationship.

more than 20 cm

more than 17 cm

hypersthenic (bicycle)

In people who have a hypersthenic (wide-distance) body type, the transverse sizes of the body are much more than that of normostas and especially asthenics. Their bones are thick and heavy, shoulders, chest and hips are wide, the legs are short.

less than 18 cm

less than 15 cm

asthenic (fine)

In people having an asthenic (thin) type of physique, longitudinal sizes prevail over the transverse: limbs are long, thin bone, the neck is long, thin, muscles are poorly developed.

Nether's formula for growth and weight ratio

There is a pinch formula that allows you to calculate the perfect weight ratio and growth. At 152.4 cm of growth should have 45 kilograms of weight. On each inch (that is, 2.45 cm) over 152.4 cm must be 900 grams, plus another 10% of the weight gain.

Formula John McCullum in the ratio of girth

One of the best formulas was created by the Methodist Expert John McCulum. McCalloum formula is based on a measurement of wrist girth.

1. 6.5 wrist girth equals chest girth.

2. 85% of breast girth are equal to the girth of the thighs.

3. To get a waist girth, you need to take 70% of the chest girth.

4. 53% of the gripping of the breast is equal to the girth of the thigh.

5. To pick up the neck, you need to take 37% of the chest girth.

6. Biceps girth is about 36% of breast girth.

7. Girth for the shore is slightly less than 34%.

8. The girth of the forearm must be equal to 29% of the chest girth.

But not all physical data will accurately comply with these ratios, as they suggest that the scope size is harshly associated with the size of all bones of the person. And some are not.

A few more growth and weight ratios

The physique is considered ideal if the waist girth is 25 cm less than the girth of the thighs, and the girth of the hips is approximately equal to the girth of the chest.

Waist girth should be equal to "height in centimeters - 100". That is, a woman with growth of 172 cm will be folded proportionally, if the waist girth will be 72 cm, the girth of the hips and the waist is about 97 cm, that is, if it is clothing size 48.

If the girth of the hips is less than the gripping of the chest, and the waist girth is less than 20 cm girth, then such a figure is called "apple". If the girth of the breast is less than the girth of the thighs, and the waist girth is less than the girth of the thighs by 30 cm and more is a type of "pear".

For women and girls of medium height - from 165 to 175 cm - such an observation turned out to be fair. The girth of their waist in centimeters is approximately equal to the weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss gives a breakdown in a waist for one centimeter.

All women want to look attractive. The presence of a slender figure is definitely a deposit of success. The weight category affects not only the appearance of a person, as well as his health and psychological state.

For proper control over body weight, it is recommended to know not only the figures on the scales, as well as the ratio of weight to growth. Indicators both lower and above average adversely affect women's health.

For example, obesity can lead to endocrine, gynecological, cardiovascular diseases.

There are also various types of obesity that have a relationship with the human constitution.

The most dangerous type of obesity is abdominal (in the abdomen), as organs located in the abdominal cavity are subjected to negative effects.

The reduced body mass index also has a negative effect in connection with the gradual exhaustion of the entire body. Anorexia becomes a common problem among young women and girls, which is based on the pursuit of the "ideal" patterns.

However, normal indicators for each person are individual. The weight of a person is influenced by heredity, the presence of chronic diseases, human lifestyle (region of residence, preferences in food, physical activity).

Sometimes people are oriented only on the figure on scales, which may seem too big or small. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the analysis of numbers should be carried out according to growth.

A very simple and fast way to determine the ratio of the length and body weight is the calculation of the body mass index (BMI).

To find out if you can use the special formula ketle. Doctors are widely used in their practice the NMT indicator.

Taking advantage of the kettle formula, the possibility of predicting the occurrence of certain diseases is provided. In particular, the pathology of the cardiovascular system, such as arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina region.

Also, the control of BMI will help a person who decided to take up his figure.

So, in order to take advantage of the formula that Ketle suggested, you need to know your growth in meters, weight in kilograms.

At the moment, it is possible to find out your BMI on some Internet sources online. You need to enter the length of the length and mass of the body, and get the answer.

The normal borders of the body mass index are within the limits of nineteen to twenty five. The value of the indicator below nineteen serves as an alarm is exactly the same way as the value of the body weight index indicator above twenty-five.

However, the ketle method does not take into account the age indicator. For example, a teenager can have a reduced BMI, although for its age, the ratio of growth and body weight is normal, therefore it is not worth worrying in this case. But if the body has already been formed, the progression of the speaker is observed both to a smaller, and at the most side of normal borders should not be tightened with a visit to the doctor.

Because how much the indicator is changed, there are several degrees of obesity. At the present stage, this is called a violation of fat metabolism (NLC), respectively, the first, second and third and fourth degree. The NJSC leads to a decrease in the quality of life of a woman, psychological discomfort, diseases of the endocrine, gynecological and cardiovascular sphere.

Treatment of obesity should be carried out with nutrition correction, classes with a psychotherapist, ensuring adequate physical exertion. Weight control is made by calculating the BAC by the formula above. Return to the normal limit of BMI testifies to the successful comprehensive therapy.

The table of the perfect ratio of growth and weight in women

Also, to determine the perfect ratio of the length and body weight, you can use special tables (they can be easily found on the Internet), some are also taken into account and the age indicator.

Types of women's physique

There are many human body classifications.

The most simple of them includes types:

  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normostic.

Asthenic type is characterized by high tall, long limbs, the longitudinal size of the chest prevails over the transverse, intercostal gaps are narrow.

The hypersthenic type includes growth below average, relatively short limbs, the prevalence of the brief size of the chest over the longitudinal, relatively short neck.

The normostic type is characterized by an average growth, well-developed muscular mass, proportional length limbs.

All three of the above-mentioned type of physique are options for the norm.

There is also more detailed classification:

  • type A;
  • type x;
  • type o;
  • type H;
  • type of U.

Type A (also known as "pear") causes the presence of narrow shoulders and wide thighs. Fat deposits are postponed to the greatest extent in the field of buttocks, hips ("ears").

Type t is characterized by the presence of wide shoulders and narrow thighs. The waist with this type of physique may be weakly pronounced, since its circle is about equal to the hip circle. At the same time, the body type fat deals in the field of hands, shoulders, chest.

Type X. For this physique, the width indicators of the shoulders and hips are approximately the same. At the same time, the waist is well expressed. Excess weight is uniformly postponed throughout the body. Such women tend to do not complain about the presence of a "problem zone".

Type O. In this case, women have a wide waist. At the same time, fat is postponed mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, sides, and is very seriously due to a decrease in body weight. The width of the hips and shoulders are about the same. Women usually have slender legs. Also this type is known as "apple."

For the type H, a distinctive feature is a weakly pronounced waist. The waist, hips and shoulders have about the same size. In the presence of overweight, it finds a uniform distribution, while the "straight" figure is preserved.

How to determine your height and leg length

To determine the growth, there is a special device - a height meter. Measuring the body length indicator needs to be barefoot, keep head straight.

For correctly measuring the length of the legs, you should undress to the underwear. Measurements should be performed on the side surface of the leg, starting from the heel ending the connection point of the femoral bone with the pelvis (approximately at the level of the middle pelvis). Normally, the length of the legs should exceed four or six centimeters from half of growth.

Is the age affect the ratio of growth-weight

Metabolism is the metabolism. The metabolic rate can be high, medium and low. At high metabolic speed, overweight is almost never postponed. At low - the metabolism is slowed down, excess mass can accumulate with a high degree of probability.

The metabolism speed is usually determined at the gene level. However, there are special substances, components of products that can influence the metabolic rate.

With age, the speed of metabolism is usually reduced. Consequently, keeping the mass at the initial level is becoming harder. In order for the weight not to change towards the increase, you need to reconsider the nutrition, play sports.

How to calculate the right ratio of growth and weight in women

To calculate the ratio of growth and weight, there are many formulas. However, none of them take into account all the indicators affecting the mass.

Here is a formula that provides for the calculation of age, growth and weight.

Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4

R - Growth, in - age in years

You can also take advantage of the above formula for the BMI (Ketle Index).

Based on the above, body weight should be analyzed in a ratio with the growth, human age, the speed of metabolism, the presence of chronic diseases, and so on.

A little more additional information is in the following video.

Human weight is determined by his physical physique and health. The higher the man, the more significant the mass of his body. The larger the amount of the chest, the greater the weight of importance. And vice versa. Too much obesity is expressed in unnecessary kilograms and testifies to the manifestation of unhealthy. The cause of the set of fatty mass and the formation of ballast deposits becomes low-cost, excessive calorie food, disorders in the metabolism inside the body. The first two factors together form obesity of different degrees and contribute to the development of diseases of the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular systems.

Diabetes, high pressure, heart failure, arthrosis become the most frequent consequence of extra kilograms.

Monitor its mass, correctly define your own proportions and timely change the lifestyle and nutrition help various systems for calculating optimal weight.

Growth and weight ratio of man: Proper proportions

The correct weight in men is determined by the height of growth, the volume of the chest, the severity of the bones. Growth / weight ratio for most men's figures, characterized by health, is a constant value. An increase in this indicator indicates an unnecessary set of mass, and the decrease may indicate the presence of internal inflammatory processes. How to determine the right weight for men?

Build Men and Weight

The ideal weight of a person affects several indicators. The first of them is the type of physique. There are three main types of body addition:

  • normal;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenik.

For asthenic addition, narrowed shoulders, elongated limbs and accelerated metabolism are characterized. Such a person is called dry, housing, thin-minded. It really almost does not have a fat layer, which is normal for a man should be from 11 to 18% of the weight. Asthenics bones are narrow and lungs. It forms a physiological basis of a small weight.

The hypersthenic physique is characterized by broad shoulders, shortened limbs and a dense short neck. The exchange of substances in hyperstoles is slowed down. Such people are called dense or cycle-specific. They have bulk heavy bones, respectively, their weight will be more than in asthenic and normostic.

The normostiles represent the most balanced type of body structure with an average metabolic rate adopted for normal.

Belonging to one or another type of physique can be estimated visually. If doubts have any doubts, you can use a simple test: Cook with a large and middle fingers one of the hands of the wrist of the second hand. If it happened easily - there is an asthenic physique. If hard is the normostic. If it did not work out completely - obvious signs of hyperstlenika.

Taking into account all types of body addition types, various auxiliary manuals are developed and used to evaluate, for example, a table of growth and weight ratio for various types (aesthenics, hyper-or normostic). In this table, the correct weight is determined in the corresponding graph of the growth indicator and type of addition (Fig. 1).

With the same growth value in men, the weight of the agent is below the normstation on average by 2 kg (or 10%). Hypersthenik is heavier than the normostic approximately 2.5-3 kg (or 12-14%).

A second embodiment of the type of body type is to measure the wrist length (in centimeters). If the wrist circle in men is less than 17 cm - this is the data of asthenic. From 17 to 20 cm characterize normostic. Over 20 cm - hypersthenik.

Brock formulas: Weight and Growth Taxation

A more complicated and accurate calculation takes into account not only the growth and physique, but also age. At the same time, the procedure for calculation was called the formula of the Brock, existing in two versions. The first variant of the shaped formula takes into account the type of physique.

  1. From the measured male growth (in centimeters), it is necessary to take 110 (if a man is up to 40 years old) or 100 (if a man is older than forty).
  2. The resulting value is a normal weight of the normostic, it must be reduced by 10% for the extension, for hyperstenka - also increase by 10%.

The second calculation on the brock does not take into account the physique, but does an amendment for age. This calculation turns out to be a fairly averaged assessment of the relationship of weight and growth for men.

  1. From the growth of men (in centimeters) take 100, 105 or 110. The value 100 is torn to small growth (up to 165 cm). The value of 105 is torn with an average growth (from 166 cm to 175 cm). For all others with greatest growth (above 176 cm), 110 is torn on the growth value.
  2. The resulting number is considered the norm for age 40-50 years. For representatives of the younger generation (20-30 years), the result obtained is reduced by 10-12%, for men in age (older than 50) the result is increased by 5-7%.

The ratio of the growth ratio and weight of a man, taking into account the number of years, will help determine without calculations the correct weight value for a man of any age (Fig. 2).

Other formulas for calculating weight: Brunhard, Negoto and Kethe

The formula of Brunhard relies on the value of growth and chest volume. The grumps of the chest can change the ratio of growth and weight. The procedure for calculations for this formula:

  1. Growth (in centimeters) is multiplied by chest girth (in centimeters).
  2. The resulting value is divided into 240.

Index Keta is considered an approximate type of weight rate estimation. The ratio of weight and growth in these calculations is determined as follows:

  1. The value of male growth (in meters) is erected into a square.
  2. This value of the square is divided by body weight (in kilograms).

The resulting number is called the index of the index, it focuses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe accessories to ideal weight or output beyond the permissible values. Normally, the index Keta in men should be between 19 to 25. The age of a man when calculating this index does not matter (Fig. 3).

The Negro formula determines the ratio of weight and growth for men with a complicated calculation in the following order:

  1. From the growth of men (in centimeters) is torn 152.4.
  2. The result obtained is multiplied by 1.1.
  3. The result obtained after multiplication is added 48.

Fat in body: norm or pathology?

It is believed that the human body should contain a certain amount of fat. Its weight depends on age and for men can be from 11 to 25% of the total body weight. At the same time, up to 25 years in the body is considered the norm of the presence of about 15% fat. The average age (from 40 to 50-55 years) allows you to increase the amount of adipose tissue to 22%. Elderly age (after 55 years) limits the fat content rate of up to 25%.

With a significant decrease (compared to the norm), the values \u200b\u200bof the number of adipose tissue in the body should consult a doctor for a survey. There is a high probability of detecting chronic disease.

An increase in the percentage of fat forms inside a carcinogenic ballast (fat layer), unagreering skeleton bones and has an additional load on the heart and blood vessels.

If you wish, you can determine the presence of excessive adipose tissue without calculations using the so-called tweezing test. To do this, you need to take yourself two fingers for the fold on the stomach. Carefully remove the fingers from the abdomen, while maintaining the distance between them. And measure this distance (in centimeters). The presence of fatty excess shows the distance is more than 2.5 cm.

There is a value that differs for women and men as the weight and growth index (BMI), which contributes to the assessment of the consistency of the mass of a person with its growth.

It helps to reveal the extra, normal or missing weight, which is very important if necessary for the treatment of the body or for self-adjustment of its shape.

What is a "body mass index"

In the 19th century, the doctors determined that the appearance of diseases is associated directly with the presence of fatty matter in humans. To identify optimal weight, it took the calculation of the value of the ratio of human growth to its weight.

In 1869, the doctor A. Ketle invented the index calculation technique, which makes it possible to assess how much body mass is suitable for existing growth. Over time, many scientists contributed various amendments and new formulas appeared. But the standards in different period differed.

Recently, the optimal BMI has decreased, and this caused an increase in the number of people having an overweight body and obesity.

The optimal mass of the body is the set range, in which the weight can move without affecting the functioning of the body

As determined by the BMI

Sometimes, the calculation of the BMI does not give accurate data. This is due to the fact that people have a different ratio between muscle and fat mass, which is due to many factors. Therefore, individuals look at the same indicator in the same way.

For the right calculation, the Age is taken into account, gender and type (fine-eyed, mid-grade and wide-distance) set, set according to the measurement of the wrist girth.

The objective value is considered pronounced in percentage of the proportion between fat and bone muscular cloth for women 13-20%, for men - 10-15%.

Slept persons with narrow bone formation have a smaller standing compared to the owners of large forms. Sometimes to determine the constitution of the body measure the amount of the chest.

Because of the peculiarities in the structure of the female and male figure, their BMI is different. It is also necessary to take into account the age of checked, because the young and elderly person will be optimal weight.

When analyzing the body mass index (weight and growth ratio), it should be considered that for men and women it will be different because of the peculiarities in the structure of the female and male figure.

Over the years, the fatty layer is added, more weighty than muscle tissue. Because of this, a mature person can have an ideal coefficient, and at the same time suffer overweight.

Special calculations are used to determine the optimal index of the mass of children. A special way is calculated by the BMI in athletes. Thanks to the trainings, they have a powerful muscles, and their ideal weight will be much higher than that of an ordinary person.

How to calculate BMI by formulas

The calculation of the weight and growth index is preferably used by such simple actions: for women from growth (cm), 110 are taken away from growth, and for men - 100. But in such a formula, the age of the age, the Constitution of the individual, etc. factors are overlooked.

Calculate the correct indicator yourself, taking into account all the subtleties is quite difficult. For people who want to support their weight in order, the calculator was invented - online.

It is only necessary to write down your data (height, weight) in a certain form and after 2-3 s. The display will show the result. Additionally, the mention of the hips and wrist circumference may be required.

The resulting results must be compared with the table, and make a conclusion which body weight for the subject.

Calculation of the body mass index for different methods

There are various ways to calculate the index, according to which it is possible to independently determine its suitable weight and install how many kilograms should be reset. It is very important to remember that none of the techniques will give an accurate concept about the existing composition of the body, because Each organism has its own characteristics.

Only a high-class specialist will help correctly assess the patient's physical body. If the existing weight is somewhat different from the calculated norm, with the well-being excellent, do not panic. Faster it is an individual norm.

Formula Brocca

The most recognized and common is considered the formula of the French anthropologist, suitable to people of the normal physique, which are above 150 cm and below 185 cm.

Having some growth is necessary to subtract the coefficient:

  • up to 165 cm - 100;
  • up to 175 cm - 105;
  • from 175 and above -110.

With this calculation, it is necessary to take into account the type of physique, and change the result obtained:

  • Asthenic (fine bone) - reduce by 10%;
  • With normostic (average bone) - take 110 on growth;
  • Hypersthenic (Bicycle-related) - increase by 10%.

The optimal weight for women and men is calculated by different depending on the type of addition

To determine its type, you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of the working hand. Female sizes for all types of sequence - up to 16, 16-18, 18 and above. Men have such grip values \u200b\u200b- up to 17, 17-20, more than 20.

Formula ketle

The Mathematics of Belgian origin Ketle proposed his methodology for calculating BMI. The formula is elementary, and consists in the need to divide the weight of the tested on growth (meters) in the square.

Classification with CMT BMI What to do
Lack of body weight19 recommended to increase weight
- Great lackLess than 16.
-The average deficit16-17
- Male unfasteless17-19
Normal weight19,5-25,0
Surplus body massMore is necessary to reduce weight
1 Stage of Obesity25-30
2 Stage of obesity30-35 persistently recommended to reduce the mass
3 Stage of obesity35-40
4 Stage of obesitymore than 40.immediately need to get rid of excess weight

These indicators are applicable to representatives of both strong and weak gender.

This calculation has some amendments. For example, it is not suitable for pregnant women, old people and children. The coefficient can be modified depending on the complex or magnitude of the muscle mass.

If the indicator is above 30 units. It is advisable to take serious measures: to visit a qualified specialist, contact a nutritionist and play sports.

Formula Lorentza

The weight index and growth for women can be calculated using a very simple Lorentz formula, which will help get the amount, very similar with the results of other, more painting computations.

To remove the coefficient, you need to know your growth in centimeters (P) and carry out the following calculations:

  • P-100- (P-150) / 2. The resulting number indicates normal mass, favorable for humans;
  • For the abbreviated formula, Lorentz need p / 2 -25. In other words, from half of its growth, we take 25.

This technique is relative, and does not allow to know the optimal weight with absolute accuracy. This does not take into account the type of physique and missed from the type of age factor. After all, at various ages, the norm is considered to be different body weight.

Breitman formula

To remove the weight index and growth according to the Breithman formula for women, 165 height, it is necessary to take 100 from 165. For the universal calculation, the growth is necessary to multiply by the coefficient of 0.7 and subtract 50.

Body mass index for women

The weight index of weight and growth is easy to calculate for women, applying the brocade formula: from growth in cm. Taken 100. If you find out 10% from the result, you will get the ideal weight.

Having used too high, it can be argued that the subject is in the risk area, and is subject to diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, the functions of the respiratory system and others are disturbed.

The produced norm can be considered for each lady individually. It is caused by age, and is distinguished by young girls and mature women. For a more accurate definition, it is worth considering the proportion of muscle and adipose tissue.

So, if you use the form of kettle to calculate the BMI of the girl using medium parameters, then with an increase of 1.71 and weigh 64 kg, we get: 1.71 * 1.71 \u003d 2.9241; 64 / 2,9241 \u003d 21.89. Normal for representatives of weak gender is considered to be an indicator of 19 to 24, and in this example it is normal.

Body Mass Index for Men

The weight of a man depends on individual physical shape, well-being, and commensurate growth and width of the chest. The presence of excess kilograms speaks of deviations in the work of many organism systems, because it is very important to determine your ideal mass and stick to it.

Calculate BMI for a man with average parameters (growth-176, weight-88) is possible by the formula: 88 / (1.76 * 1.76) \u003d 28.4. The normal coefficient is considered to be from 19 to 25. The coefficient found above indicates unnecessary kilograms.

A clearer view of the distribution of fatty tissues can be defined as follows: the volume of the waist is divided into the volume of the buttocks. For a strong floor, the norm is 0.85.

Applying the netheror's formula, a man can independently find its optimal ratio.

Having height 152 cm. The body weight should be 45kg. Adding every next 2.45 cm. Growth 0.9 kg to weight output the number, and if it coincides with the actual kilograms, it is regarded as the norm. With a large discrepancy, it is desirable to take the necessary measures.

With the help of growth (p), the BMI for a strong floor can be calculated as so: p- (100+ (p-100) / 20)

Body mass index for children

Like the calculation of BMI for adults, it is possible to calculate this indicator for children and reveal excess kilograms, or a tendency to obesity.

CMT \u003d weight in kg. / Square growth in m.

For example, if you take an average value when the child is height 1.5m. Weigh 45 kg, we get: 45/2.25 \u003d 20. For a girl or boy, 13-14 years old is considered normal. Children are constantly growing, and this means that this factor needs to pay attention. The table below shows optimal indexes for different ages.

The age of the child Girl Boy
0-2 13,3-15,4 13,4-15,7
2-3 15,3-16 15,3-16,5
4-5 13,5-16,5 13,8-16,8
5 13-17 13-17
6-8 13,5-18 13,5-18,5
9-10 14-20 14-21
11 14,5-20,5 14,5-21,2
12 16-21,5 15-22
13-14 16-23 16-23
15-16 17-23,5 17,5-24

Even with the available data, the indicators are not easy to interpret. If any doubts, it is better to consult a pediatrician. It will help determine the optimal and general development of the children's body, and in the case of deviations will be able to give the necessary recommendations.

Teens Mass Index

To correctly define the BMI adolescent, it is necessary to make the same calculations as for children, because it is not entirely correct to apply adult measurements. During puberty, it is necessary to closely closely monitor the body weight of the teenager. The coefficient is calculated using percentile.

To find it, weight should be divided into growth, erected into square.

The value obtained does not contain a share of commensurate types of tissue with increasing, because of this, there is a possibility of inaccuracies and incorrect interpretations.

The extracted result must be compared with certain data due to the age of a teenager, and we obtain a comparative value (CIFI).

Boys and girls this figure may differ, because the average level of muscular mass in men is higher than in women.

The resulting result of the CNMI meets the following indicators:

  • more than 95 - obesity;
  • from 85 to 95 - excess weight;
  • from 5 to 85 - norm;
  • less than 5 is a lack of body weight.

Body mass index during pregnancy

The weight index and growth for women during a child tooling is calculated by the ketle formula. This ratio is due to a pregnancy, and comparing it with permissible standards, you can find out how many kilograms you can gain a future mother. To do this, you still need to know the weight of the ladies before conception and its growth.

The insufficient set of body weight of a pregnant woman can be a reason for deviations in the development of the fetus. Excessive addition of kilograms can cause difficulties in independent birth.

The norm during pregnancy is considered to be added from 7 to 16 kg. But in practice it happens that moms with unnecessary or missing kilograms produced healthy babies.

If there are doubts about the fact that the weight of the future mother can cause negative consequences for the baby, do not worry prematurely.

Maximum allowable body weight taking into account age

The weight index and growth is easy to find for women up to 40 years, taking away from growth in centimeters 110, and the ladies after 40 years old must be subtracted 100cm.

It is obvious that with age weight increases due to changes in carbohydrate exchange, and this process is natural. It decreases:

  • metabolism;
  • varying and physical activity changes;
  • volume of muscular structure;
  • metabolism movement;
  • hormone activities.

The optimal body weight is different for different ages.

Many scientists for calculating the rate of permissible weight for the ladies use the regulations of Egorov-Levitsky. These indicators talk about the maximum permissible mass in a particular age. The excess of the SMT below indicate an excessive mass of the body.

Growth, M. Age, years
20-30 31-40 41-50
1,66 65,2 71,8 76,5
1,68 68,5 73,7 78,2
1,70 69,2 75,8 79,8
1,72 72,8 79,3 82,8
1,74 74,3 79,0 83,7

Why do you need to know your IMT

It is necessary to know your BMI to those who care about the health and their fig. Doctors apply this coefficient for selecting the dose of drugs. Houses with it can be controlled by its weight.

The calculation of the indicator will help identify the presence of deviations in the body, and their seriousness. Thanks to the data obtained, Dietvrachi can assign patients with obesity, suitable power mode and physical exertion.

The immature method of determining the level of obesity in men and women

Nevertheless, with any weight adjustment, it is not recommended to trust the obtained indicator. If it does not match the norm, it is worth making additional research.

Analysis of IMT results

It is worth emphasizing that the NMT standard varies periodically. For example, in the United States at the end of the 20th century, the normal index was 27.8. Then the standards changed, and the figure decreased to 25. This was the reason for the increase in the number of citizens having an excessive body weight.

According to research of Israeli scientists, the optimal coefficient for men is 25-27. For women, a normal weight index and growth is entirely coincided with the standard.

BMI has an approximate value and used primarily by doctors and nutritionists. Having calculated the number independently, it must be compared with the WHO standards on a separate table.

In identifying obesity or non-blank body weight, it is not necessary to rely with complete accuracy to rely on the displayed index. So, in persons having a highly developed musculature, and not having unnecessary kilograms can be an overestimated indicator.

Degree of obesity

Having determined its weight and growth index using the Brock formula for women, and rearing extra kilograms, classify the overestimated body weight from the optimal table:

Excess,% Stage of obesity Actual CMT
20-30 1 25-30
31-50 2 30,1-36
51-99 3 36,1-40
More than 100.4 More than 40.

Obesity 1 and 2 levels are considered as a minor cosmetic flaw. It may cause light discomfort, and cause further kilograms. At the end of the obesity stage, pathological deviations are formed, hiding all the livelihood systems of the body.

Obesity can have such types:

  • stable level holding a long period of time;
  • progressive - characterized by a rapidly increasing or slow continuous kilogram set;
  • digger - Weight can significantly increase after a long period of its decline.

Disadvantages and restrictions in the use of the IMT method

The interpretation of BMI values \u200b\u200bproposed by WHO do not take into account the age and sex of the individual. Many countries indicate that the optimal weight index in women is lower than in men. In addition, he is higher among middle-aged citizens compared to young and old people.

Under the word "norm" means "average values", but statistical data say that the "standards" of the BMI, according to WHO decrees, do not meet the standard normal distribution of NMT indicators among the inhabitants.

It may be that the weight and growth index, optimal for women of one country, will be overstown in the ladies living in many other countries of the world. For example, in Russia, if you adhere to WHO recommendations, most of the population over 30 years have unnecessary kilograms.

How to bring the body mass index

Overweight, as insufficient, lead to serious violations in the work of the body. With small deviations from the standard you should not worry.

If there are significant differences, first of all, we must consult a specialist. It will select the optimal power mode and assign a diet.

  • raise portion calorie by increasing the received food and more frequent reception using protein products;
  • do physical exercises aimed at adding body weight, eliminating extinguishing workouts;
  • create conditions for healthy and sufficient sleep.

Having not critical surplus kilograms worth following the following rules:

  • reduce the amount of food consumed;
  • eliminate fatty foods from diet, reduce the reception of eggs, coffee, alcohol;
  • diversify food with enough vegetables, fruits, innocent dairy products, porridge, low-fat meat and fish;
  • observe the meal mode. At night it is better to drink kefir or eat fruit.
  • choose sports activity that contributes to burning fat;
  • how much can breathe fresh air and stick to full sleep.

It is advisable to track your weight index and growth, which is especially important for women, because its deviations can cause a hormonal failure. The body weight deficit leads to decay forces, decrease immunity. Extra kilograms create problems with the cardiovascular system, contribute to loss of activity.

When looking for optimal indicators, BMI should, first of all, listen to their body. If the numbers speak of deviations, but well-being is quite comfortable, then you can live a full life and without achieving perfect weight.

Useful video materials about growth index and weight for women

The perfect balance of weight and growth for women:

Body Mass Index: How many extra kilos and how much their quantity is dangerous or safe for health:

Growth and weight ratio: Windows Application Overview:

There are different formulas to determine the optimal weight ratio and growth. It should be borne here that at the same height and weight, one person may look full, the other is completely normal.

If you know the body mass index, you can judge obesity or weight lack of weight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years. The results may be false for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, elderly and adolescents (up to 18 years).
How to count? It is raised to the square in meters to the square, then the mass of the body in kilograms is divided into the resulting digit. For example: height 170 cm, weight 65 kg. So, 65: (1.7 * 1.7) \u003d 22.5.
The resulting digit and will be your index. Norm for men - 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Method 2. Volume

The Ketle index shows quite well the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how fat is distributed, in other words, does not give a visual picture. But you can check your body to ideality in another formula.
The distribution of fat for the body is determined by the ratio: waist girth (at the navel level) divided into the volume of the buttocks. The norm for men is 0.85; For women - 0.65 - 0.85.

Method 3. Taking into account age

It has been proven that the weight of a man and women with age should gradually increase - this is a normal physiological process. Kilograms that some people consider "superfluous", in fact, may not be. It can be used to determine the optimal weight formula depending on age.
P - in this case, growth, and in - age in years. Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4

Method 4. Brock formula

One of the most popular methods for calculating the perfect weight is the formula of Brock. It takes into account the ratio of growth, weight, type of physique and human age.
Brock formula for people younger than 40 years: growth (in cm) minus 110, after 40 years - growth (in cm) minus 100.
At the same time, people having an asthenic (fine) type of physique, it is necessary to subtract 10% from the result, and people having a hypersthenic (blessing) type of physique should add to the result of 10%.
How to determine your type of physique? It is enough to measure a centimeter the circumference of the finest place on the wrist.

Method 5. The formula of the pin

There is a pinch formula that allows you to calculate the perfect weight ratio and growth. At 152.4 cm of growth should have 45 kg of weight. For each inch (that is, 2.54 cm) over 152.4 cm should be another 900 g. Plus another 10% of the weight gained.

Method 6. Formula John McCallum

One of the best formulas was created by the Methodist John McCulm. Its formula is based on a test of wrist girth.
Wrist girth, multiplied by 6.5, is granted chest.
85% of the breast girth is equal to the girth of the hips.
To get a waist girth, you need to take 70% of the chest girth.
53% of breast girth are equal to girth of hips.
To pick up the neck you need to take 37% of the chest girth.
Biceps girth is about 36% of breast girth.
Girth for the headlight is slightly less than 34%.
Girth of the forearm must be equal to 29% of the chest girth.
But not all physical data will accurately correspond to these ratios, the figures have averaged, the average value.
A few more options for growth and weight ratios:
The physique is considered ideal if the waist girth is 25 cm less than the girth of the thighs, and the girth of the hips is approximately equal to the girth of the chest.
Waist girth should be equal: height in centimeters - 100. That is, a woman with growth of 172 cm will be folded proportionally, if the waist girth will be 72 cm, girths hips and waist - about 97 cm, that is, if it is clothing size 48.
If the girth of the hips is less than the gripping breast, and the waist girth is less than 20 cm girth, then such a figure is called "apple". If the girth of breasts is less than the girth of the hips, and the waist girth is less than 30 cm girth and more is a type of "pear".
For women and girls of medium height - from 165 to 175 cm - such an observation turned out to be fair. The girth of their waist in centimeters is approximately equal to the weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss gives a breakdown in a waist for one centimeter.