Normal urine color and changes. What are they talking about. What does the color of urine indicate? Causes of urine discoloration

Our readers know that in the project "Are you healthy: undergo examinations together with" Komsomolskaya Pravda "we talk about all types of tests and examinations that are recommended to regularly do to a healthy person. Fluorogram, cardiogram, mammogram, tomogram, ultrasound of the main organs, examination of the stomach, blood and urine tests, gynecological smears, examination of the prostate - nothing will remain without the close attention of Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents. In each issue you will find a report on how we passed this or that survey, and answers to questions about how important this survey is, how to prepare for it, and how often to take it. It will be easier to find out if you are healthy with Komsomolskaya Pravda!

I have always considered the delivery of a urine test unpleasant and not too necessary. But Olga Nikolaevna Ambrozhevich, the doctor of laboratory diagnostics of the city polyclinic №5, was able to prove: without this simple analysis, the picture of our state of health will be incomplete.

You shouldn't be like that, - Olga Nikolaevna remarked, seeing how disgustedly I put the jar with the analysis on the laboratory table. - Urine is the mirror of the body. Even the most experienced doctor will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis without further examining the urine test. No analysis, no diagnosis.

- And what can the "waste" of our body tell us about?

About many things. For example, by analyzing urine, it is possible to assess the function of the kidneys and other internal organs, to identify the inflammatory process in the urinary tract, and at an early stage, when the treatment is most effective. And if you sometimes look more closely at the urine, then you yourself may suspect that something was wrong.

- Look closely at what?

To the color of your own urine. It is worth - do not be surprised - to pay attention to the smell. It is the changed color and smell of urine that are the first to signal problems in the body. Just do not panic if you ate beets or garlic the day before, and the next day you notice that your urine turns red or has a specific smell. Urine can change under the influence of certain foods. By the way, some medications can also change its yellow color to rose-red. But if there are pains in the lower abdomen, painful or frequent urination, blood in the urine, it is already a signal to urgently consult a doctor.

- Can a urine test lead to a false trail?

They can, so you need to be able to take a urine test correctly.

- By the way, why do you need to take urine only in the morning?

This time was not chosen in vain. After the night, elements accumulate in the body that will help the clinician to accurately assess the patient's health. After standing, the urine can become cloudy, bacteria appear in it, which should not be at all.

- How is the research analysis carried out?

First of all, a laboratory assistant casts a part of the material into a test tube and uses a urometer to determine the specific gravity, reaction, color and turbidity. Then the tube is placed in a centrifuge. Then comes the next stage - determining the chemical composition of urine (the presence of protein, glucose, bile pigments). Then the sediment is rolled onto a glass slide and microscoped, that is, viewed through a microscope.

- This is where the fun begins?

I confess that when I first saw a urine test under a microscope, I was amazed. Until now, I never cease to wonder what patterns nature can create in such an environment. Each element - protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes - has its own unique shape, and bacteria even move like living things.

We count the number of leukocytes by eye, but this is not always possible - sometimes they combine in a lump, mixed with mucus. This happens in the analysis of older people or those who do not follow personal hygiene ... Sometimes it signals a running inflammatory process. In such cases, we write on the form: "A large number of leukocytes."

- What else can a laboratory assistant see through a microscope?

After an abundant intake of vegetables and fruits, oxalate crystals are clearly visible in the urine - in the form of postal envelopes. With cystitis, crystals appear in the form of sledges, sometimes in the form of gymnastic weights. In a patient with thrush, mold filaments are visible, sometimes even a tree with branches looms. Diabetes mellitus can be identified by prism-shaped crystals. Violent sex "throws" sperm into the analysis - both for men and women. Alcohol does not affect the test result, but you can guess that a person has drunk or drinks well by the pungent smell.

- Tell me, can a laboratory assistant pick up an infection through analysis?

If you do not comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards (gloves, gown, disinfectants), then it is likely.

- How many analyzes does a laboratory assistant look through during a working day?

More than a hundred daily. For general or clinical analysis, 200 ml of analysis is sufficient. It is advisable to remove the lid, and attach the doctor's direction to the dishes with an elastic band.

Taking my form with the results of urine tests, I carefully put it in the card - after all, here is almost everything about my health ...


How to take a urine test correctly

Thoroughly wash the testware and scald it with boiling water. By the way, you can buy a sterile test jar at any pharmacy. Special devices for collecting urine from children under one year old are also sold there.

Make sure to shower before filling the jar.

Women should not be tested during critical days.

Tell your doctor if you are taking medications.

Do not overdo it on the eve of taking an analysis with the use of mineral water: it can change the reaction of urine.

Urine must be in the morning.

For a healthy person, for the purpose of prevention, it is advisable to take a urine test once a year. Patient - according to indications.


What diseases can a urine test tell about?

1. If the color has changed (you can even determine it yourself):

Dark yellow - congestive kidney, edema, burns, vomiting, diarrhea.

Pale, watery - diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus.

Dark brown - hemolytic anemias.

Dark (almost black) - acute hemolytic kidney.

Red - melanosarcoma, renal colic, kidney infarction.

A type of "meat slop" - sharp jade.

The color of the beer (greenish-brown) is parenchymal jaundice.

Greenish yellow - obstructive jaundice.

Whitish - fatty degeneration and breakdown of renal tissue.

Milk - kidney lymphostasis.

2. If the smell has changed (you can determine it yourself):

Ammonia is an infectious disease of the urinary tract.

Garlic - if you have not eaten garlic, this smell may indicate poisoning with arsenic, phosphorus, selenium.

Acetone - diabetes mellitus, fasting, diabetic ketoacidosis.

Putrid - putrefactive bacteria.

Almond - cyanide poisoning.

Sharp - cystitis.

3. If the turbidity has changed. Healthy urine should be clear, turbidity and flakes indicate inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract.

4. Reaction (determined by the doctor): sour. A neutral or alkaline urine reaction signals the presence of a urinary tract infection. An alkaline reaction indicates pregnancy.

5. Density: norm - 1018 - 1025. Increased density - dehydration, high blood sugar. Decreased - kidney inflammation, renal failure.

6. Red blood cells: great when they are completely absent. If there are up to 100 of them, this is a signal of the presence of inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, urolithiasis, kidney cancer or severe infection. If there are more than 100 of them, then the urine will acquire the color of meat slops, therefore, this indicates kidney disease or bleeding.

7. Leukocytes: an increased amount indicates inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, cystitis, prostatitis, immunological kidney damage.

8. Protein: more than the norm (0.033%) happens with infection, inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, renal failure.

9. Bacteria and fungi: they shouldn't be normal.

10. Cylinders: there should be few of them, better when they are completely absent. A large presence is a signal of damage to the kidney tissue.


In the next issue, "Are You Healthy" - everything about mammograms.

What research would you like to know about?

Most people treat urine as waste. In fact, this is a product of the body's vital activity, demonstrating to a knowledgeable person the state of internal organs is no worse than an X-ray. The color of urine can tell a lot about the state of health and problems in the work of certain organs, how much liquid a person drinks, what he ate and what medications he takes.

The normal color of urine in a healthy adult is yellow. It can be lighter or darker, but always transparent. The tonality changes with age and depends on physical activity. Urine contains several dyes formed mainly from blood pigments:

  • hematoporphyrin;
  • uroerythrin;
  • urorrozein;
  • urochromes;
  • urobilin;
  • uric acid.

Normal urine color

The concentration of dyes may vary. Uric acid, unlike other substances that make up urine, has a pinkish tint. But its content is small and does not change the general picture of yellow pigments. It can dominate the staining of urine in the first month of a man's life and with pathological kidney disease.

The appearance of turbidity, sediment, color change indicates a disease, both of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract - the gastrointestinal tract.

If a white precipitate in the urine is yellow, you should consult a urologist, this is a sign of the formation of kidney stones. At the initial stage, the organ can be restored with proper nutrition. In an advanced form, treatment is complex, operative or with the use of ultrasound.

Normal urine may foam. This is a signal of an increased concentration of protein in urine as a result of its high content in blood and tissues. We urgently need to treat the kidneys, check the stomach and thyroid gland. Pathology in these organs provokes the production of protein in large quantities.

The color of urine changes for many different reasons. Even in a healthy person, it can suddenly turn red or orange.

Urine is never purple and blue, closer to the shade of ultramarine. It can be painted in other colors.

The amount of pigments and other substances is influenced by:

  • age;
  • the amount of fluid you drink;
  • diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • air temperature;
  • physical activity;
  • medications taken;
  • natural products;
  • dyes in drinks and semi-finished products.

A wide variety of factors can affect the color of urine.

What does the color of urine indicate? If a person has a transparent and almost colorless urine, then he is an infant at the age of several days or drinks a lot of water while inactive. It is in optimal climatic conditions, does not freeze and does not overheat, the body spends a minimum of energy to maintain life. Ethyl alcohol makes urine colorless. After drinking strong drinks, there is an increased urinary excretion and discoloration of urine. But this does not mean that everything is in order with health. The kidneys work with increased stress and are not able to filter and remove toxins from the blood, only water.

The greater the load, the person sweats from the heat and drinks little, the urine will darken. The color also changes with age. Dark yellow urine with a high content of pigments and uric acid in elderly people and with dehydration of a healthy body.

Often people notice that the color of urine has changed dramatically, it has become dark red or orange, brown. The reason is simple, you need to analyze what you ate yesterday. Urine can be painted in bright colors:

  • beetroot;
  • carrot;
  • cherries;
  • blueberry;
  • blackberry;
  • rhubarb;
  • beans;
  • beer;
  • drinks with dyes.

Some foods can stain urine after being eaten.

Apples and cucumbers can affect the color of your urine, but they brighten it. The staining passes quickly. The exception is beer and food colorings. They load the liver and kidneys, make them work with overload, removing toxins from the body. Irritation of the walls of the urinary tract, stomach, bladder occurs.

Taking medications and vitamin and mineral complexes, you can notice a change in the color of urine. Fixed assets, used more often than others and actively affecting the staining of urine, are shown in the table.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that this is the color that urine will acquire. Quinine can color the urine dark brown and make it black. It all depends on the body's response to a particular drug. Triamterene gives urine a bluish tint in some patients, emerald in others. Ethyl alcohol will discolor the urine, making it clear. At the same time, the urge to go to the toilet is more frequent and abundant urination.

The use of herbal decoctions with senna leaves leads to the staining of urine in a light green and green-yellow color.

Drinking a decoction from senna leaves can change the color of urine

When treating with drugs containing: nitrofurans, metronidazole, chloroquine of normal yellow color, urine gradually darkens in a jar and acquires a brown tint.

Sick person urine

In case of malfunction of the organs of the genitourinary system, especially the kidneys, the color of urine changes. It affects the staining of urine and disease of the liver, stomach, gallbladder and cardiovascular system.

The first sign of the disease is the appearance of various types of precipitation and turbidity.

  1. Proteins are in the form of white flakes, which gradually settle.
  2. Pus resembles cream tinted with brilliant green.
  3. The mucus is like a transparent poorly cured jelly.
  4. The excess salt content is colored in different colors and settles to the bottom of the jar as a fine powder.
  5. Blood that is not mixed with urine can be irregular and slow to settle.

The color of the urine has changed, which may mean. Even a yellow pigment, with a more intense tone than usual, indicates a violation in the work of organs.

Renal failure, diabetes of all types, renal glycosuria - an increased content of glucose in the kidneys - lead to a decrease in the amount of pigments that color urine in a normal color.

With dehydration, which has arisen as a result of intoxication - diarrhea, vomiting, urine becomes dark yellow. Stagnation of bile, infectious diseases lead to a similar staining of urine. When a person gets burns, the immune system is rebuilt to heal and as a result, the urine darkens.

Dark yellow urine with dehydration

The urine is green, what is it. If the use of drugs that stain it in such a color is excluded, rhubarb was not eaten, then there is a high probability of a viral liver disease, namely obstructive jaundice. Why is the urine green - it contains a lot of bilirubin.

A green with a brown tinge color appears in parenchymal jaundice, when the bile pigment urobilinogen, which is the end product of the breakdown of hemoglobin, is added to bilirubin. Symptoms of liver diseases are poorly expressed and at the initial stage of development is determined by changes in urine staining. Shaking produces a greenish foam.

The urine becomes dark brown with a greenish tinge when the body is intoxicated with a large amount of beer, especially dark unfiltered varieties. After taking a malt alcoholic drink in large quantities for about a week, the kidneys are restored, increased secretion of enzymes and toxins.

Brown urine may appear as a result of drinking a lot of beer

With a high content of urobilinogen in urine, it becomes brown, brown and gray-red. This is the result of the development of hemolytic anemia in the body - a pathology in hematopoiesis, in which red blood cells are destroyed. The disease is serious and requires immediate action.

The red cloudy color of urine is observed with a large number of diseases accompanied by bleeding:

  • Lead anemia - uroporfinuria;
  • tumors, including malignant ones, in the urinary system;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diffuse and erosive gastritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • kidney infarction.

In diseases of the stomach and intestines, most of the bloody inclusions are excreted in the feces. With severe bleeding, it enters the urine, paints it first in a pink tone, with a neglected disease during the period of remission and exacerbation in red.

Bloody urine may indicate gastrointestinal diseases or hematuria.

Identifying the color as meat slop means staining with a muddy reddish-brown tone, as when mixing blood with water when washing the liver or red meat. This becomes urine with hematuria - blood diseases, acute and chronic glomerunephritis.

Black urine reports an excess of melanin, hemoglobinuria, homogenized acid. Such substances are excreted in large quantities during an exacerbation of a hemolytic kidney - the form of acute renal failure and a type of progressively developing cancer - melanosarcoma. Gives a black tint to urine alcaptonuria - a hereditary disease associated with disorders in the exchange of urine enzymes.

If there is a large amount of pus, proteins, fats, phosphates in urine, it turns white, as if milk was added to it. Sediments of different shapes are gradually formed, the turbidity remains. Most often, this indicates the degeneration of the kidneys, the formation of fatty deposits in them.

With a milky color of urine, indicating renal lymphostasis, attention should be paid to additional symptoms of the disease - swelling. The neglect of the disease leads to complications in the work of the heart, the development of oncology.

It is necessary for each person to periodically look at the color of their urine in order to detect diseases in time that do not manifest themselves in another way at the initial stage.

Assessment of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) used in the clinic to assess the degree of impaired renal function and monitor the course of kidney disease. However, GFR does not provide any information on the causes of kidney disease. This is accomplished through urinalysis.

A general urine analysis begins with a visual assessment of the physical properties of urine and, above all, the color of urine.

Color is a vital indicator of many conditions in the body. In medicine, any manifestation of deviation from the norm is often reflected by a change in color. For example, with jaundice, the yellowness of the proteins appears. Urine as one of the body's biological fluids is no exception to this rule. Discoloration of urine can be the most important indicator of the earliest stage of the disease.

Normal urine color is light yellow
... It depends on the presence in the urine of one of the final metabolites of erythrocyte hemoglobin, the urochrome pigment. However, in kidney disease with impaired filtration and selective, selective reabsorption, the pale color of urine changes. In case of impaired filtration in the glomeruli of the kidneys, some elements, for example, erythrocytes, leukocytes, proteins, dyes, etc. enter the urine, if reabsorption is impaired, they do not return to the blood. Thus, components that are absent in normal urine appear in the urine. They sometimes change, the color of urine often accurately reflects the level of kidney damage. Therefore, the color of the urine is used in the indicative formulation of the diagnosis.

Deciphering the color of urine and possible diseases or conditions

Color decoding
"Light urine »

  • Typically, light colored urine reflects adequate water intake and is a sign of health. However, light-colored urine is found in diseases such as hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, insipidus and diabetes mellitus. In addition, light colored urine is observed during pregnancy.
  • White or colorless urine: If your urine is colorless, it means you are drinking too much fluids. Drinking too much fluids can cause blood sodium levels to become critically low. Symptoms include confusion, headaches, nausea, and bloating. In severe cases, this can lead to seizures, organ failure and even death.

Color decoding
"Bright yellow or neon yellow urine color"

This urine color is due to the use of vitamin supplements, especially those containing water-soluble riboflavin or vitamin B2, which is naturally yellow. Excess riboflavin stains the urine bright yellow. If the intake of vitamins exceeds the upper safe level, then there is a potential risk of hypervitaminosis.

Color decoding

"Dark yellow or golden color of urine"

Too dark color - it is either very concentrated urine or heavy dehydration... Dark yellow or golden urine may indicate laxatives or supplements that contain B complex.

Decoding "dark yellow urine"

This color of urine can reflect the following conditions:

  • Dehydration

Dark yellow urine is often a sign that the patient is dehydrated or is not drinking enough water. One of the reasons for dehydration: due to intense sweating without replenishing lost water. Other important factors that lead to dehydration are excessive vomiting and diarrhea. Due to dehydration, the concentration of nitrogenous wastes in the urine increases, the urine becomes concentrated, and the color of the urine changes from colorless to dark yellow. The high concentration of nitrogen-containing toxins in the urine, along with the color change, gives the urine a specific odor.

  • Medicines and supplements

Taking B vitamins and supplements makes the urine dark or bright yellow. All B vitamins are water-soluble, if they are taken in doses exceeding the body's needs, then their excess is excreted in the urine. Medications such as quinine and quinine derivatives, rifampicin, warfarin, nitrofurantoin, and sulfamethoxazole can give the urine a dark yellow or orange color, and urine from recent laxatives can be dark in color.

  • Eating certain foods

Another common cause of temporary urine discoloration is eating certain foods. For example, when consuming asparagus, the urine may be dark yellow or greenish in color. Excessive consumption of foods rich in B vitamins, carotene and vitamin C also change the color of urine from bright to dark yellow. On the other hand, eating a lot of beets turns urine reddish purple, while eating blackberries and rhubarb gives urine a red tint.

  • Diseases and Disorders

Persistent yellow coloration of urine can be caused by jaundice. Along with urine, with jaundice, the skin and sclera of the eyes are colored yellow. The color change in jaundice is caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, which is a metabolite of old red blood cells. Normally, the liver removes excess bilirubin from the blood, and it is excreted in the bile. The metabolic process of bilirubin is disrupted by excessive destruction of red blood cells or liver disease caused by infections or the action of certain drugs.

Disruption of bile flow into the bile duct system can also cause jaundice by disrupting the flow of bile into the digestive system. Liver infections such as hepatitis A, B and C, infectious mononucleosis and leptospirosis, paracetamol overdose, cirrhosis of the liver, autoimmune hepatitis, and liver cancer can cause jaundice by damaging liver cells. Diseases such as malaria, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, Gilbert's syndrome, etc., can also cause jaundice due to increased breakdown of red blood cells. Conditions that impede the flow of bile and thereby cause jaundice include gallstones, pancreatitis, cholangitis, and cancers of the bile duct and pancreas.

Hemolytic anemia is another factor that can cause your urine to turn dark brown or yellow. With hemolytic anemia, the hemolysis of erythrocytes is enhanced, which is not fully compensated by their maturation in the bone marrow. The number of red blood cells in the blood decreases, and the increased breakdown of red blood cells increases the level of bilirubin in the blood and causes jaundice.

In addition to being dark yellow, urine can be orange, brown, and greenish in other conditions.

"The urine is reddish brown. »

The reddish-brown color of urine is observed in hepatitis and melanoma, as well as in copper poisoning.

Smoky (silvery) brown
and red or pink urine. "

This color of urine takes on foods such as beets, beans, and blackberries. Note that red, pink urine can be a sign of serious medical conditions.

Deciphering the blue and green color of urine

The urine is blue or green when you have recently eaten food that is colored in the corresponding color or taken methylene blue medication. The urine is blue or green in case of bacterial infections of the urinary tract or taking amitriptyline, indomethacin and doxorubicin.

Blue urine is a symptom of a bacterial infection and such a hereditary disease as familial hypercalcemia.

Analysis decoding
"Cloudy and dark urine with an unpleasant odor"

Such urine usually indicates a urinary tract infection.

Decoding the color of urine
"Red or pink urine"

This test result reflects the presence of blood in the urine, which is usually associated with an infection with kidney stones.

Concomitant symptoms of urine discoloration

  • If dark yellow urine is associated with a urinary tract infection, it may have a strong and unpleasant odor.
  • The person experiences frequent urge to urinate and a burning sensation while urinating.
  • In some people, the infection is accompanied by fever and abdominal pain.

Before drawing any conclusions regarding the reasons for the discoloration of urine, it is very important to pay attention to food recently consumed, as well as the amount of fluid consumed. The fact is that temporary abnormal coloration of urine is usually caused by eating certain foods and dehydration. Water plays a key role in the elimination of impurities from the body through urine. But if your dark yellow urine for a significant period of time, with an unpleasant odor, be sure to consult a doctor.

To diagnose a disease the physician should properly analyze the complaints, symptoms and medical history. Order blood tests, liver function tests, urinalysis, and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, which are required to identify specific causes of dark yellow urine. The results of these diagnostic tests, in turn, will determine the course of treatment.

A rainbow of urine!

The color of urine in an absolutely healthy person is an important indicator of the functioning of the whole organism. Normally, it should be straw yellow, and its changes often cause anxiety and bewilderment. And not in vain, since urine is exactly the thing that can indicate the presence of hidden pathologies.

To know when to sound the alarm and when you shouldn't lose your composure, you need to figure out what determines the composition, smell and color of urine, as well as how it can change under the influence of certain factors.

What determines the normal color of urine

It is impossible to say unequivocally about what color the urine should normally be in a person who does not have health complaints. There are certain factors that can affect the color of the biological fluid, and they in no way relate to the development of any pathology.

What determines the color of urine in a person? There are several important aspects to consider here. In particular, the color of the urine depends on:

  • urochrome, which is a breakdown product of hemoglobin;
  • lifestyle of a person;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • the amount of fluid that enters the human body in one day;
  • climatic conditions;
  • food;
  • physical activity;
  • metabolic process;
  • the presence of current acute diseases.

The normal (straw-yellow) color of urine in an adult may vary slightly. This is due to the individual characteristics of the organism.

Urine without abnormalities in children

What color should healthy urine be in a small child? In this situation, the age category is of great importance. If in adults the organs of the urinary system have already formed and can fully function, then in newborns this process is just beginning to occur, therefore the shade of the biological fluid can constantly change.

So, as for the question of what color the urine is in the baby, the diet of the nursing mother plays an important role here. In a newborn baby, who is only 1-2 days old, it may be brick red. This is due to the underdevelopment of the urinary system, as well as the fact that during the period of intrauterine development, he fed exclusively on colostrum produced by the body of the expectant mother.

As a rule, the color of urine returns to normal in a few days, maximum - in a week. Only if this has not happened, parents should be concerned and show the baby to a specialist.

As for what color the urine should be in older children, it all depends on what they eat, how much water they use, and how physically active they are. Taking certain medications also plays a big role. If a child has a change in the color of urine, then, first of all, you must try to correct the situation on your own. To do this, you need to change your lifestyle and menu for several days. If after this there are no changes, then it will be possible to suspect the presence of any pathology in the child.

Causes and factors for changing the shade of urine

Normal urine color is characteristic only of a person who has no health complaints. If he develops some kind of ailment, then his first sign is a change in the color and smell of the biological fluid. This can happen under the influence of the following factors:

  • taking certain medications;
  • eating a large amount of vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • excessive or insufficient fluid intake;
  • increased physical activity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • excessive passion for weight loss diets;
  • the use of teas based on hay, hibiscus and other components saturated with a large amount of pigments;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • taking antibiotics (long-term and uncontrolled).

What color urine should be in a healthy person, and what harmless factors can cause its change, we have considered. However, in addition to them, there are a number of reasons that can cover a great danger to health. For security purposes, let's look at them as well.

Pathologies leading to a change in the properties of urine

The color and smell of urine can tell a lot. In particular, this applies to the health and normal functioning of all organs and systems. There are many pathologies in which darkening of urine can be noted, and the presence of most of them can only be confirmed by OAM. However, there are those whose development is able to determine the person himself, you just need to listen more attentively to the signals of your body. The accompanying symptoms will help you understand what the color of your urine is talking about.


First of all, you must remember that, therefore, its presence in the results of clinical analysis should be a strong cause for concern. In this case, the biological fluid can have a different shade - it all depends on the blood sugar level of the diabetic.

Note. Sticky urine in men, women and young children is a clear sign of diabetes. In this case, you need to act immediately, since this is an extremely dangerous pathology that can even lead to death.

Food poisoning

In the case of food poisoning, the healthy color of urine is replaced by a dark yellow or, conversely, completely colorless. Diarrhea and profuse vomiting drain the body, leading to dehydration. Each person tolerates this condition in his own way, respectively, his body reacts differently than other patients.

Infectious diseases of various etiologies

If the urine is cloudy, what does it mean? This question was asked by each of us, at least once in our life. From infectious diseases of the urinary system and other organs are expressed not only through pain, fever, etc., but also through changes in the properties of urine.

So, the color of urine in acute or chronic cystitis directly depends on the type of this pathology. With hemorrhagic cystitis, a reddish tint of urine occurs, since a certain amount of blood will be present in it.

Bacterial cystitis is accompanied by dark yellow urine and a sharp, even chemical, odor. The reasons for a sharp change in the physical properties and color of urine with this type of pathology are the addition of bacteria, under the influence of which an inflammatory process develops on the walls of the urethra.

Cystitis is a dangerous disease that most often occurs in women. The disease can lead to serious consequences, therefore, a cloudy and unpleasant smelling biological fluid should be a good reason for contacting a urologist.

Renal pathology

What does light yellow say, almost? First of all, it signals the onset of such a pathological condition as polyuria.

Polyuria is an excessive amount of urine secreted during one urination process. Such an anomaly is observed in people with renal failure, pyelonephritis, nephritis, etc. Different types of diabetes can also lead to such a change in the color of the biological fluid.

People with urolithiasis also have problems with urine pigmentation. It becomes thick, dark yellow or, conversely, almost colorless.

Hematuria is another abnormality that often occurs in the presence of oxalate kidney stones. They have sharp corners that violate the integrity of the epithelial integument of the kidneys. This disease can lead to serious consequences, therefore, self-medication in this situation is not recommended.

Liver pathology

In order not to miss the moment when the development of the pathological process began in such an important organ as the liver, you should not forget what the normal urine should be in an adult healthy person and a child. Any deviations should alert you, especially if the urine has darkened. Hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver - all these are dangerous liver diseases that give it an unnatural hue.

So, urine of the color of dark beer is noted with hepatitis. Liver dysfunction leads to general intoxication of the body. This is due to the fact that the organ is not able to fully perform its functions, as a result of which all toxins and harmful substances are thrown into the blood and urine instead of being excreted along with bile.

Urine with hepatitis may have a lighter shade if the disease has just begun to develop. At this time, the main thing is to notice the changes before the patient develops irreversible processes in the liver.

Cirrhosis is another dangerous pathology that affects the color of urine. The urine becomes dark, it has an unpleasant pungent odor. In the case of an untimely diagnosis, the disease in almost all cases ends with the death of the patient.

Feverish states

An increase in body temperature to febrile and pyretic levels is another reason for a change in the color of urine. In this case, it turns dark yellow, even orange. The smell also becomes specific, and the biological fluid itself becomes thick. After the patient recovers, the shade of the urine will return to normal.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also often cause the biological fluid to change its color. The most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by darkening of urine, are:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis, etc.

None of these diseases are safe, so seeking medical attention is urgent.

Changing the shade of urine in expectant mothers

What color of urine is considered healthy in women during pregnancy? This question worries, probably, every expectant mother, who sincerely worries about herself and her baby's condition. The normal color of urine in this case can be either ordinary straw yellow, or lighter or, conversely, dark.

One of the most common causes of urine discoloration in women during pregnancy is toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and profuse vomiting. If the patient does not drink enough fluids, with the help of which the development of dehydration can be avoided, the urine will become dark. If, on the contrary, too much of it is used, then the biological fluid will become pale.

Late toxicosis, or gestosis, is a serious pathology that develops in expectant mothers in the last months of pregnancy. What will determine the color of urine in patients with a similar diagnosis? First of all, on how intense the swelling of the limbs and face of a woman is. Edema, which forms due to the accumulation of excessive amounts of fluid in the tissues, noticeably lighten the urine. For this reason, in expectant mothers suffering from preeclampsia, urine may not have absolutely any shade.

Of course, such a phenomenon cannot be called normal, on the contrary - it can lead to rather dire consequences. The death of the fetus or the pregnant woman herself, alas, happens quite often, since many mothers neglect the alarming symptoms, believing that in the last months of pregnancy, swelling, hypertension and fainting are common.

So what color is normal urine in pregnant women? It is worth noting that in this case, not the shade of urine, but its composition plays an important role. If a woman in an "interesting position" did not find in the AM results:

  • abnormally high white blood cell count;
  • blood impurities;
  • Sahara;
  • squirrel,

but urine still turned dark yellow or, on the contrary, discolored, then there is nothing to worry about: most likely, such changes occurred under the influence of hormonal changes in the body.

Be that as it may, but the question of what this or that color of urine means can only be answered by a medical specialist. Until you visit the doctor's office and pass all the necessary tests, it will be impossible to pinpoint the cause of the change in urine color.

And the saffron hue of urine meets a mixture of hot wind with bile, and it does not last long and passes the matter of urine with a mixture black bile.

Always the density of the shades indicates the severity illness and is found with burnt matters. They happen with an admixture of a complex multi-material nature, with a predominance of coldness. With the complexity of the displacement of matter in the composition, it is observed depending on the nature the wind in the course of urine, cramps, stitches are felt, intolerable pain in a terrifying and unsatisfactory thirst from the mucous membranes of the internal organs.

With the predominance of painful bloody matter in the body, a hot wind with a black tint is born, which, burning blood and bile, gives rise to malignant black bile, which turns everything that occurs on its way into and gives rise to and tumors... Waste from these clots is gradually deposited in various organs and over time, in turn, also form blockages and small tumors, which can also become malignant over time if they are not diluted in time with strong drugs.

The more in the composition of the body fluid, their old thick sediment in the organs of the body generates sticky and mucous clots, the more a person will suffer from chronic intractable diseases. Therefore, human health depends on the health of the filtering organs: liver and kidneys. And their health is recognized in most cases by color and viscosity.

Acute illnesses arise when people of a hot nature acquire a saffron color, and in people of a cold nature, the color of urine becomes white to a greenish tint. With the severity of the heat, a malignant wind is born in the composition of the body fluid and the body temperature rises. At this time, if the fever is brought down with drugs without diuretics and without diluting substances, the disease remains inside the body fluids, that is, it becomes chronic.

Rottenness gradually begins in the weak points of the body. The colder and thinner, the easier the organism itself will cope with the disease and self-healing is obtained. For example, the liquefaction of body fluids by multiple leeches. The saliva of the leech ripens the pathogenic fluids, and the very nature - the immunity - removes the disease from the body.

When in the composition of the body fluid, the residual increased to the limit of fieryness and acquired a fiery color, in this regard, a malignant hot wind is born in the composition of the fluid and the outgoing one becomes scarce, when the body fluid cools, it should gradually become reddish and the color of urine should be transparent. In this way, the administration of drugs by color is regulated. urine.

For example, in acute putrefactive diseases, the color becomes bloody. After bloodletting, the color changes immediately urine towards normalization. Opponents of phlebotomy must take this into account. And then while drugs want to reduce the malignancy of the wind, the patient will lose. Therefore, with fieryness, treatment always begins with bloodletting from large veins. Then he is calmly treated with thinning and cooling medicines, selected according to the nature of the patient.

With the depletion of the secreted, the stench of the matter of the body fluid increases and this indicates the danger or malignancy of the disease, you also need to be afraid of suffocation of the patient or hemorrhage in the cavity of the organs.

In this case, after cooling and thinning medicines urine becomes abundant, the patient gradually recovers. Here if the doctor applies diuretic without liquefaction of the liquid, it kills the patient or the disease becomes incurable. Then nothing can correct the mistake, gradually the patient dies.

If diuretics and thinning drugs do not work on the patient, which means that the kidneys or liver have stopped working. It is necessary to stop treating the patient with internal medications and temporarily help him with external medications: in the form of a bath, rubbing, medicinal dressings to relieve pain.

You also need to remember. Avicenna says: “In case of jaundice, the redder it is, right up to the transition to blackness, and she dyes clothes with paint that does not come off, and the more of it, the better. urine if jaundice is white or only slightly red, and the jaundice continues as before, then dropsy can be feared. Hunger is one of the factors that increase coloration and greatly enhance it.

This is followed by shades of green, such as pistachio, copperhead, sky, indigo, and leek. Pistachio color indicates cold, just like any color in which there is green, except for the color of copperhead and leek, they indicate a strong burning of urine, and the color of the leek is more favorable than the color of the redhead. Copper-colored urine after fatigue indicates cramping.

Green urine in children indicates cramping, and sky-colored urine in most cases indicates severe cold, preceded by green urine. It is also said to indicate the ingestion of poison. If at the same time there is a sediment, then one can hope that the patient will live, and if not, then the patient's condition inspires fear. Copper-rage-colored urine is a clear sign of impending death.

As for the shades of black urine, they include the saffron color, which turns into black, as is the case with jaundice. It indicates a strong thickening and burning of yellow bile and even the formation of black bile from yellow bile, as well as malignant jaundice. This also includes red, turning black, - it indicates the predominance of bloody black bile, - as well as green and indigo, turning into black; he indicates the predominance of pure black bile.

Black urine generally indicates either severe burnout or extreme cold. Either indicates imminent death, and the demise of innate warmth. Or a crisis and the fact that nature expels black-bored surpluses. The fact that urine was formed in the presence of burnout is concluded by the fact that the urine itself is severely burned out and its appearance was preceded by red and yellow urine. Burnt urine deposits stick to the dishes. And it is not very uniform, not like a dense and compact sediment of ordinary urine, and at the same time it is not very black, but rather has a saffron, yellowish or reddish tint.

If the urine sediment is yellowish, this often indicates jaundice. The fact that urine was formed due to cold is also judged by the fact that greenish and grayish urine precedes its appearance, and the sediment from it is small and compact, as if dried out. The blackness of this urine is cleaner.

Cold and hot nature is sometimes distinguished as follows: if there is a strong smell with black urine, this indicates a hot nature, and if there is no smell with black urine, or its strength is weak, this indicates cold; the fact is that when nature is very broken - weakened, urine has no smell.

The phenomena that depend on the fall of innate strength are concluding with the accompanying fall and dissolution of the patient's forces. On the basis of black urine, they conclude about the phenomena proceeding in the order of purification and crisis, as happens at the end of a four-day fever and with the resolution of diseases of the spleen, with pain in the back and in the uterus. With black-bile fevers and injuries arising from delayed monthly cleansing and bleeding from the anus, which is common for a given patient, especially when the nature and nature of work contribute to a profuse outpouring of urine, as is the case with women who have delayed monthly cleansing, and nature no longer accepts excess blood.

This is then preceded by an outpouring of immature, watery urine, after which the body is relieved. Urine is poured out profusely, in large quantities.

If this is not the case, then black urine is a bad sign, especially in acute diseases, especially when the amount of urine is small; from its scarcity it is recognized that the burnout has destroyed the moisture in the body. The thicker the urine, the worse it is, the thinner it is, the less harmful it is.

Sometimes it happens that a person urinates with black or blood-red urine, because he drank a drink of this color, and the human nature has absolutely no effect on the drink, so it comes out as it was. There is nothing dangerous in this.

Sometimes a sign of a favorable crisis in acute diseases is also urine, which the patient emits liquid. This state of urine is associated with various points. Often it indicates a headache, insomnia, blockage of the ear canal, mental disorder, especially if the urine goes little by little, over time, has a pungent smell and happens with fever, then this is a clear sign of headache and mental disorder.

If fluid urine has insomnia, mental disturbance, headache, and stuffy ears, this indicates that there will be nosebleeds. This urine can cause kidney stones. Rufus said: “Black urine is beneficial in diseases of the bladder and diseases caused by thick juices. This is a lethal symptom in acute illnesses. " And we say: black urine is also bad in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, when there is a strong burnout. There are other signs you should watch out for.

Black urine in old people, for reasons you know, is never good and appears only with a major disorder of health. It's the same with women.

Black urine after fatigue indicates cramping. In general, black urine at the onset of fevers is fatal, as is black urine at the end of a fever, if it is not accompanied by relief and is not a symptom of a crisis.

As for white urine, the word "white" means two things. First, white is that which is liquid and transparent; for people sometimes call transparent white, as transparent glass and pure crystal are called white.

Secondly, these are really white things, that is, things of a color that diffuses the eye, such as milk and paper. These things are not transparent and the eye does not pass through them, for transparency is in reality the absence of any color.

White in the sense of "transparent" urine generally serves as a sign of cold and does not give hope for ripening, and if there is a thickness in it, this indicates the presence of mucus. As for real white urine, it is only thick. This includes urine, the whiteness of which is slimy whiteness, indicating an abundance of mucus and phlegm, and urine, the whiteness of which is oily, it indicates the dissolution of fats.

Urine of greasy whiteness indicates the presence of mucus, as well as dissolution that is already there or will occur; urine of bright whiteness, moreover, liquid and with pus, indicates festering ulcers in the urinary organs, and if it is without pus, then because it is dominated by very raw and immature matter.

Sometimes such urine occurs with a stone in the bladder. This includes urine that looks like semen. Sometimes this happens during a crisis with mucous tumors, if the insides are flabby, and in diseases that occur from vitreous mucus.

When urine looks like semen, not due to a crisis with mucous tumors, but, on the contrary, it happens at the onset of the disease, then such urine portends sacta or paralysis. If the urine is white during all periods of fever, then such a fever will almost turn into a four-day fever.

Lead urine without sediment is very bad; milk urine is also harmful in acute diseases. The white color of urine in acute fevers, whatever the nature of the whiteness, after the color has disappeared, indicates that the bile has deviated to some organ where a tumor should form, or to impending diarrhea. Most often, this indicates that bile has deviated into the head area.

When the urine is thin during fevers and then immediately turns white, this also indicates an impending mental disorder. If the urine remains white in good health, this indicates a lack of urine maturity.

Oily urine, like olive oil, portends dryness or death in acute fevers.

Know that urine is sometimes white with a hot and bilious nature, and red with a cold and slimy nature. The fact is that if the bile deviates from the urine path and does not mix with the urine, the urine remains white. Therefore, one should carefully observe white urine: if its color is bright and the sediment is abundant and thick, and the consistency is thick, then know that whiteness comes from cold and mucus.

If the color is not bright, the sediment is not abundant and does not separate, and the whiteness does not have a gray tint, then know that whiteness comes from the fact that bile is hidden.

If the urine in an acute illness is white, but there are signs of health in which one cannot be afraid of sarsam or something like that of a brain tumor, then know that the sharp matter has deviated to a different path, and the intestines are threatened with abrasion - erosion.

As for the reason that urine in cold diseases is reddish, this is due to one of the following factors: either severe pain that dissolves bile, as is the case with cold coulange, or a blockage that has arisen in the passage between the gallbladder and intestines, from predominance of mucus. So bile is not poured into the intestines in a natural and usual way, but it is forced to accompany urine and go out with it, this also happens with cold kulandzha.

Or with the weakness of the liver and the lack of its strength to separate the aqueous humor from the blood, as is the case with dropsy and, most often, with diseases from weakness of the liver; then urine is like water in which fresh meat was washed. Or it is due to constipation of urine caused by blockage, and comes from a change in the color of mucus in the vessels, which has undergone decay. Signs of this are that the watery part of the urine and sediment are as mentioned above, and its color is weak and dim, while the color of bile urine is bright.

It often happens that the urine is white at the onset of the disease, then it turns black and becomes fetid, as happens with jaundice.

After eating, the urine turns white and remains white until the stomach takes up digestion, and then the urine begins to stain; that is why the urine of insomniacs is white.

Discoloration of urine is facilitated by the dissolution of innate warmth, but the whiteness is not bright, but unclear due to a lack of maturity. Red coloration of urine in acute diseases is better than watery; white urine is also better in consistency than watery urine. Blood-red urine is safer than red-yellow urine; however, red-yellow is also not so terrible if the bile is motionless, but dangerous, if the bile moves - it is poured into some organ. ...

Red urine in kidney disease is bad; it most often indicates a hot swelling, and with pain in the head portends a mental breakdown. When the urine in acute diseases from the very beginning is red and remains so, without giving, sediment, then death can be feared, and this indicates a tumor in the kidney. If the urine is cloudy with a red tint and remains so, this indicates a tumor in the liver and a weakness of innate warmth.

Complex colors belong to the varieties of urine color. This is, for example, the color, similar to the water in which fresh meat was washed, or similar to blood diluted in water. This happens from weakness of the liver, and it also happens from an abundance of blood, but most often this happens with weakness of the liver, when one of the disorders of nature has overcome.

This is indicated by the weakness of digestion and the dissolution of forces; if the force is great, then this color can only be from an abundance of blood, exceeding the amount that the separating force can completely divide.

This also includes the color of olive oil, that is, yellow with an admixture of beetroot. Such urine is similar to olive oil in its viscosity, transparency and oily sheen, as well as its consistency - it is rather thick, despite its transparency. In most cases, this color indicates evil and does not indicate good, maturity and fitness, but sometimes, in rare cases, it indicates the emptying of fatty substances in a crisis way. This only happens when you feel good after the release of such urine.

Such urine is destructive if its fatty substance is offensive, especially when it is excreted little by little. If something similar to water, in which fresh meat was washed, is mixed with it, then it is worst of all: this most often happens with dropsy, consumption and malignant coulange - with prostate cancer.

Olive urine often comes after the black urine that precedes it, and this is a good sign. Often olive urine on the fourth day of illness indicates that the patient will die on the seventh day, I mean: in acute illness.

In general, there are three varieties of olive urine: it is either all oily, or only from the bottom, or it is oily on top. It is either oily only in color, as in consumption, especially at the beginning of it, or only in consistency, or both in color and consistency at once; this is the case with kidney disease, with the full development of consumption and at the end of it.

This also includes urine of the color of arjuvoni - crimson, this urine is bad and deadly, since it indicates the fumes of both types of bile - yellow and black. Sometimes blackness breaks through in the red color of such urine; this indicates complex fevers and fevers from thick juices. If the urine is cleaner and the black color tends to rise more, this indicates pleurisy. "