Education for a healthy lifestyle. Basic principles of teaching a healthy lifestyle Teaching the patient about the formation of a healthy lifestyle

    Medical and hygienic education, goals, objectives, principles.

The fundamental principle of public health is its preventive orientation. The most important section of preventive work is the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Medical and hygienic education- part of the public health system, including the dissemination of medical and hygienic knowledge, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the instillation of hygiene skills in the population in order to maintain and improve health, increase efficiency and active longevity.

Basic purpose medical and hygienic education of the population is the formation of knowledge and skills to independently make decisions on the preservation and promotion of health.

Currently, there is a gap between hygiene knowledge and human behavior. Therefore, there is a need to turn knowledge into skills. Determining the direction of this work, it is necessary to speak not about sanitary education, but about hygienic education and upbringing.

The most important tasks of health care institutions for hygienic education and upbringing of the population:

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle among the population.

    Promotion of hygiene and honey. knowledge

    Popularization of medical achievements. science

    Raising a conscious attitude of the population to the protection and promotion of health.

Work on hygienic education and upbringing and healthy lifestyle is mandatory in every health facility. This is an integral part of the professional duties of all medical workers, regardless of their specialty and position.

The work on hygienic education and upbringing is based on the following principles:

    State character - the state finances the activities of institutions for hygienic education and upbringing of the population, ensures the development of the material and technical base, training of personnel, the legal basis for the activities of service institutions.

    Scientific character - the correspondence of medical and hygienic knowledge to the current state of science and practice.

    Mass character - the participation of all honey. employees, involvement of specialists from other departments and public organizations.

    Accessibility - when presenting the material, incomprehensible medical terms should be avoided; speech should be understandable.

    Purposefulness - work should be carried out in the chosen direction in a differentiated way, taking into account different groups of the population.

    Optimism - to achieve the effect, it is important to emphasize the possibility of a successful fight against diseases.

    Relevance - the choice of the direction of work should be relevant at a given time.

    Historical types of HLS institutions.

The following historical types of institutions of the healthy lifestyle formation service are distinguished:

    Houses of health education.

    Health Centers.

    Centers for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

In 1918-1920. health education in Belarus developed in the extremely difficult conditions of civil war, devastation, famine and high epidemic morbidity, which determined its content and forms.

A major step in the organizational strengthening of health education was the creation in the provincial, and then in the county towns of the Houses of Health Education (DSP). The first such house in our republic was the Gomel City DSP named after N.I. Pirogov, opened in 1920. In 1921 - the Vitebsk year of the DSP named after N.A. Semashko, and Minsk DSP. 7 departments worked in the Minsk DSP: the department for the protection of motherhood and infancy, social and contagious diseases, hygiene and sanitary statistics, etc. In 1949. Chipboards were opened in Brest and Grodno.

In the second half of the 20th century, the need for the formation of a healthy lifestyle was comprehended as a complex problem, including collective and individual prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, and hygienic education of the population. In 1989, in order to coordinate all the activities of various bodies, institutions and public organizations for hygienic education and upbringing of the population, the health education service was reorganized into a healthy lifestyle formation service, and health education houses into Health Centers (CH). There were 18 health centers in the Republic of Belarus (republican, regional, city).

The HLS service carries out its work through:

    The system of health care institutions

    education system

    Youth organizations

    Communication channels (TV, radio, print)

    Optional forms of education (health schools, schools for young mothers and the elderly, etc.)

    Mass forms of healthy lifestyle promotion (film and video lectures, fairs, holidays, health marathons, etc.)

One of the first orders regulating the work of the service was the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated July 7, 1992. No. 129 “On increasing the role of hygienic education and upbringing, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population of the Republic of Belarus”.

This Order approved: approximate staffing and organizational structure of health centers; standard report card for equipping health centers and HLS offices at polyclinics; approximate time limits for certain types of work on hygienic education of the population. The provisions of the order required:

    To finance Health Centers at the rate of at least 1% of the local health budget

    Allow the Central Health Center to open paid advisory and recreational units.

    Establish HLS offices at polyclinics, central, district and city hospitals headed by doctors,

    To include in the duties of the chief physicians of the HC the functions of the chief specialists in HLS.

    Include healthy lifestyle promotion issues in the programs of all cycles of advanced training and advanced training for doctors of all specialties

    To introduce a course on the basics of healthy lifestyles into the training programs for students and pupils

    Include in the nomenclature of medical specialties and positions the specialty doctor - valeologist and medical assistant-valeologist.

8. Approve the staffing structure of the HLS office depending on the number of people served: up to 60 thousand - paramedic-valeologist 1.0; over 60 thousand - valeologist 1.0.

9. In the job descriptions of each honey. an employee to include 4 hours of working time monthly to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated December 26, 2001 No. No. 729-A "On information work with the population of the Republic of Belarus" on holding Unified Health Days:

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2002 No. No. 181-A "On improving the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle."

    Include in the work plans of all health facilities a section on the promotion of hygiene knowledge among the population as mandatory.

    Include in functional duties - 4 hours for propaganda 30 parts.

    Take measures to strengthen the machine-technical base of healthy lifestyle rooms.

    Take into account work on healthy lifestyles when evaluating the work of medical workers, including when determining the amount of bonuses.

    At least once a year, consider HLS issues at meetings of health councils.

    Institutions with extra-budgetary funds at their disposal should provide for the allocation of at least 3% of the profits for the organization and conduct of HLS events.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated October 25, 2002 No. No. 145 "On streamlining the current system of sanitary and epidemiological institutions." About reorganization from 01.01.2003 state institutions of the "Regional Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology" by joining them as structural subdivisions of the "Regional Health Centers" and "Regional AIDS Prevention Centers", depriving them of the status of a legal entity. Rename them to the Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

    Department of Public Health

The Department of Public Health (PH) is an organizational, coordinating, methodological institution for the problems of healthy lifestyles of the population.

Main goals:

    Organizational and methodological



    Consultative and health-improving

    Conducting sociological research

    Public health monitoring

The Department of Health is the organizer of the HLS training among medical professionals. employees, and among other specialists (training of cultural workers, general organizations), analyzes the work on healthy lifestyles, organizes and conducts seminars, conferences, meetings, disseminates best practices in promoting healthy lifestyles among the population. Publishing activity is the development and publication of methodological guides, information materials, popular science literature promoting healthy lifestyles.


    Develops, together with the UZO, as well as other departments, programs to strengthen and preserve the health of the population, participates in their implementation.

    Participates in the organization and holding of mass events among the population aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving health, increasing efficiency, and achieving active longevity.

    Introduces new forms and methods of work: health holidays, health days, health campaigns, health marathons, etc.

    Widely uses optional forms of education of the population (schools of health).

    Organizes events to form public opinion, raising the prestige of health through the media (TV, radio, print, cinema).

    It conducts sociological research and functions as a press center for the public health department.

1. Rational nutrition:

regular (4-5 times a day)

Balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates

last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime

restriction of light carbohydrates


2. High physical activity:

visits to sports sections, a dance club, a “health school”

regular morning exercises

participation in tourist trips

cycling out of the city

· walks in the open air

fast walking

Performing elements of breathing exercises

Regular house cleaning

walking before bed

work in the garden

Active participation in sports events of the city (district, region)

3. Creation of a favorable psycho-emotional climate in the family, at work and at home:

manifestation of the highest moral relations to people

cultural behavior in the team, in the family and in society

Maintain discipline and punctuality

Conflict-free collaboration at work

intolerance to rudeness, rudeness, ignorance, racial discrimination and violence

Respectful attitude towards pregnant women, elderly and senile people, disabled people

Love for people and for yourself

Respect and respect for parents and all family members

Assistance to parents in the upbringing of younger family members

optimistic attitude towards life

· love of life

protection and respect for nature and animals

respect for the cultural heritage of the city and the country

4. Increasing the body's defenses:

proper rest and sleep

The use of various methods of hardening the body

Keeping your body and clothes clean

use of water procedures (shower, sauna, bath, swimming in a pond and in a bath)

Sunbathing (morning and evening hours)

dressing according to the weather

frequent exposure to fresh air

Implementation of the vaccination schedule for the prevention of infectious diseases

Reception of multivitamins in winter-spring time

Prophylactic visits to the dentist and gynecologist (for women)

2 times per year

5. Reducing the impact on the body of adverse environmental factors:

selection of housing in a non-hazardous ecological zone

proper choice of food

use of air purifiers at home and at work

frequent ventilation of the living room

using a water filter

cultivation of indoor plants that are harmless to health in order to create a favorable microclimate for housing

use of protective equipment (gloves, mask) when using household chemicals

during epidemics of SARS: wearing a mask, prophylactic use of immunomodulators recommended by health care, use of vaccinations

· prevention of sexually transmitted infections

(including HIV infection):

Frequent hand washing

Using the knowledge of the culture of sexual relations

(safe sex is the use of male and female condoms during the period of choosing a life partner (partner), in the future - monogamous sexual relations, the use of sexual toys; use of a protective film during oral sex)

Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen), (prevention of genital candidiasis)

use only personal hygiene products (toothbrush, shaving machine, comb, towel, manicure and pedicure sets, swimsuit)

Compliance with sexual hygiene

Maintaining menstrual hygiene

Refusal to watch television programs for a long time

Compliance with regulatory requirements when working with a computer

use of mobile phones for brief information

6. Negative attitude to psychoactive substances: smoking, alcohol and narcotic substances.

Opposition to the influence of negative social processes.

7. Proper organization of the regime of work and rest:

Active participation in the social and political life of the country

regular visits to cultural and sports facilities:

exhibitions, galleries, museums, concert halls, conservatories, theaters, stadiums, cinemas

Reading fiction, journalistic and professional literature

Assistance to parents, relatives, relatives and lonely people of elderly and senile age in solving everyday household problems

showing interest in home cooking

learning to sew, knit, embroider, etc. (have your own hobby)

learning to play a musical instrument

visiting theater, choir and dance studios

participation in volunteer movements of the city

Excursions to historical places of our country

Teaching foreign language(s)

Tourist trips to foreign countries

visits to hairdressers and beauty salons

organization and participation in cultural events of the team

reception of guests

pet care

8. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene:

taking a shower at least once a day (more often in summer)

oral hygiene in the morning and evening

After each meal, rinse the mouth, use dental floss

After each act of defecation, the implementation of the toilet of the anus

daily change of underwear

once a week change of bed linen

Men daily change of socks

regular shoe care

use of an individual towel (separate for legs)

frequent hair washing

Wearing clean and ironed clothes

during the menstrual period: use sanitary pads, change them after each urination, toilet the external genitalia 2 times a day

Use only personal hygiene products

9. Increasing the professional level and developing the creative potential of the individual:

Proper organization of work and your workplace

· Good work ethic and responsibility

Regular reading of professional literature

showing interest in scientific research

implementation of postgraduate education

Improving practical activities by studying new professional technologies

participation in research work

Public speaking at meetings, conferences

Active participation in discussions

The formation of a healthy lifestyle today is a hot topic for any person, whether it is an adult or a child, a schoolboy or a student. Sometimes in the family, the culture of a healthy lifestyle is taught by parents in children, starting from preschool age. Kindergartens, schools, and the media are now actively promoting a healthy lifestyle and its constituent elements: physical education, gymnastics, and a variety of diets. This trend has its reasons.

The thing is that modern life requires from a person large investments of his labor, time and, most importantly, health in order to achieve his own goals. The situation is also aggravated by bad ecology, sedentary working conditions, low-quality products and poor diet, harmful radiation from a variety of equipment and many other factors that can affect our mental and physical well-being. Despite the fact that modern medicine has achieved significant success in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, it often turns out to be powerless in cases where the human body is no longer able to fight the disease even with the help of drugs and medical measures. In order to avoid such cases, you need to know and follow special preventive techniques and rules that are the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

In this training, we invite you to take a series of free online lessons on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, form healthy eating habits, exercise and sports, how to build an optimal daily routine, and maintain your mental health. The course program is designed to help everyone form their own healthy lifestyle system.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle, or what is it?

Healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) is a skill of a person, which consists in the ability to perform special actions (or vice versa, to refuse to perform such actions) aimed at maintaining and improving his health and preventing diseases.

Disease prevention called a system of measures to prevent or eliminate the causes of disease. Prevention can be of different levels: primary prevention is a system of measures to eliminate the causes and factors of diseases, secondary prevention is the prevention of the progression of an existing disease, and tertiary prevention is the prevention of recurrence of diseases. Within the framework of a healthy lifestyle, it is customary to consider the primary prevention of diseases.

Have the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle - it means to have special knowledge about what is healthy and what is not, how to discipline yourself, build the right daily routine, as well as perform special procedures and eat the right food.

Why lead a healthy life?

Each of us has our own physical and mental characteristics, some of which are transmitted to us at the genetic level. Someone, without doing any physical exercises and special nutritional recommendations, always remains in good shape, someone is not prone to colds, and in winter it is impossible to infect with acute respiratory infections, someone is able to sleep 4 hours a day and stay alert . All these abilities are more of an exception to the rule, peculiar only to some people. And we can certainly say that in the world there is no ideally healthy person who has all the advantages listed above. That is why it is important for us to know our weaknesses and be able to take all necessary measures in order to prevent diseases. This is the role of a healthy lifestyle.

The application of healthy lifestyle knowledge can be useful to any person in a variety of situations, for example, it will allow:

  1. Correctly educate children (parents, teachers, educators and teachers).
  2. Live longer and feel better - absolutely everyone.
  3. Do not ruin the health in youth for everyone who studies a lot in the student's bench, and who works tirelessly to climb the career ladder.
  4. Organize events and make the right decisions if you are involved in the organization of human pastime, for example, you are an employer, school principal or university president.

It should be noted that a healthy lifestyle culture affects the quality of life of any person, which is associated with the achievement of longevity, the ability to fully perform social functions and actively participate in the family, work, and social life of society.

How to learn it

Many of us sometimes think about how to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise or eat moderately and balanced. But often things never go further than promises to themselves that from Monday it is necessary to change their lives. These promises can be repeated many times until a really serious problem appears, which will be quite difficult to deal with.

In order not to bring your body to such situations, you need to observe special rules, which will help maintain your health and which you will learn from the lessons of this course. Compliance with these rules must be purposeful and systemic . To do this, firstly, you need to decide what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle, and set yourself. Secondly, you need to try and confidently strive for the goal every day. It is very important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as in any other business, to develop a regimen, habits and self-discipline.

One of the important habits should be proper nutrition, consisting of a balanced diet and taken in the right mode. No less important for health are such components as the correct balance of work and rest, sleep, moderate physical activity, understanding the biological rhythms of your body, and much more. However, even a person leading a healthy lifestyle is not immune from all diseases, and therefore it is important to know how to behave correctly in case of illness or injury. To successfully lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to be able to understand your body, learn from your own experience, constantly replenishing your knowledge base.

A healthy life also requires a complete rejection of bad habits that can negate all your efforts. You must understand that drinking, smoking, overeating and many other weaknesses only exacerbate the impact of factors associated with poor ecology, mental and labor stress on the human body.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Healthy lifestyle course

Below is a plan for a healthy lifestyle course. In our lessons, we tried to collect everything you need for self-study: information about the key elements and concepts of a healthy lifestyle, diagrams and pictures, videos, notes, programs, scenarios, as well as projects of activities aimed at improving health and preventing diseases. We see the key function of this training in the fact that, unlike school essays, reports or class hours, from these lessons you will receive not so much theoretical and propaganda knowledge as practical skills applicable in the life of every person.

How to take classes

You can take lessons on a healthy lifestyle in any order, paying attention to what is interesting for you. The material in the lessons is presented, to some extent, concisely and is aimed at general familiarization with the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. However, there are many practical tips and examples in the lessons. General recommendations include the following:

Practice self-discipline. It is the ability to adhere to the correct regimen from day to day that is the main component of almost all elements of a healthy lifestyle. In order not to let yourself relax, remember more often that the most important thing is at stake - your health. And if you need other motivational techniques, you can find them in time management training on our website (coming soon!).

Learn to understand your body. Each person has his own physical and mental characteristics, so no ready-made universal techniques will replace your own experience.

Approach any recommendation carefully and with hesitation. Any time you have any doubts about the effectiveness and safety of any advice on a healthy lifestyle on our website or in any other source of information, do not follow the advice until you are completely sure of it. Try from time to time to consult with specialists, doctors, nutritionists, trainers, and also read reviews on the Internet - all this will help to avoid mistakes.

In order to learn the principles of a healthy lifestyle as efficiently as possible, and then form your habits and daily routine, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the lessons of this training, try to complete the proposed exercises and recommendations. After reading all the lessons, you will have enough knowledge to start creating your own healthy lifestyle program. You may need additional knowledge. You can find some useful information in the materials discussed below, as well as using conventional search engines. But remember that everything should be taken a little critically, and remember that often taking some particularly drastic measures to improve health, you risk getting the opposite effect and causing serious damage to your body.

Additional material

In addition to online lessons, in this section we will collect all the useful information about a healthy lifestyle: articles, videos, books, textbooks, abstracts, charts, as well as reviews and recommendations from specialists and ordinary people about the practice of applying the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Also, take a look at the Healthy Body category on our blog where you can read articles like.

Preschool education technology

healthy lifestyle.

Pushchina Olga Nikolaevna

teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 Joy",

Verkhovazhye village.

"The only beauty

which I know is health"

G. Heine:

In the federal state educational standards of preschool education, great attention is paid to the issues of health saving. The well-being of any society largely depends on the state of children's health. However, according to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the current state of health of children and adolescents causes serious concern: the number of absolutely healthy children over the past decade has decreased from 23% to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased from 16% to 17.3%, approximately 20 -27% of children belong to the category of often and long-term ill.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. More and more in modern education, the dominant of "intellectual" education is felt, as a result of which the health of children suffers. But it is up to seven years that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body takes place, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

Of great importance in creating favorable conditions for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers is the system of preschool education, since care is taken to improve the health of the child, as noted by a number of authors (A.F. Amend, S.F. Vasiliev, M.L. Lazarev, O.V. Morozova, T.V. Poshtareva, O.Yu. Tolstova, Z.I. Tyumaseva, etc.), is not only a medical problem, but also a pedagogical one, since properly organized upbringing and educational work with children is often in to a greater extent than all medical and hygienic measures, ensures the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle.

The task of early formation of skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle is relevant and significant in modern conditions also because we, educators, are faced with the problem of poor health of children, their low level of physical development, etc. Therefore, the main task of improving the health of children in kindergarten is to form their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life.

From what level of health, physical development will be achieved by the end of the child's stay in a preschool institution, his success in school also depends.

In order to motivate a child for healthy behavior, I try to interest him, create positive emotions when mastering knowledge, make him feel the pleasure of healing methods, using positive examples from the surrounding life, a personal example.

I believe that a kindergarten should become a “Health School” for children, where any of their activities (playing, sports, leisure activities, as well as eating and physical activity, etc.) will be of a health-improving and pedagogical orientation and contribute to the education of their habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle.

I form the child's idea of ​​himself, a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-saving technologies. Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interconnection and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his education and development.

There are three groups of technologies:

  1. Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health,
  2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle,
  3. corrective technologies.

To technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle include: physical education classes, problem-game situations, communicative games, self-massage, acupressure, health classes.

I will share my experience of using self-massage, acupressure and conducting a cycle of classes for preschoolers "The ABC of Health" in my work.

The simplest, accessible to the understanding and execution of the child is massage and self-massage. With systematic massage, the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels are strengthened, muscle tone is normalized, and tactile sensations are stimulated. Massage movements are used on the palms, hands and forearms of both hands: stroking, rubbing, light pressure, pinching, patting, bending, extending the fingers, both all and in turn. The following exercises are effective: rolling one walnut or ball, rolling a ribbed pencil, imitation of rolling a bun, sticks, as in modeling, squeezing rubber toys of different densities, etc.

I recommend doing massage and self-massage 2-3 times a day in classes, physical exercises, walks. Each exercise is performed 6-8 times: 3-4 times for the right and left hand. After each exercise, you should do relaxing stroking and shaking your hands.

Since concrete-figurative thinking prevails among preschoolers, I select poetic texts for many massages. Their content and rhythm are as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself, so that a concrete image arises in the child. You should start with warming movements that make the muscles more supple and the movements painless.

The next type of health-saving educational technologies that I use in my work is the system of gaming lessons from the ABC of Health series. Children in the lessons of valeology expand their ideas about their bodies, about health, about situations that are dangerous to health and life, acquire personal hygiene skills, verbal communication, leisure culture. The child learns to treat others as himself.

In the process of familiarizing children with the human body, I solve the following tasks:

To form in children adequate ideas about the human body (about the structure

own body)

To create in the child a holistic view of his body;

Learn to “listen” and “hear” your body;

Help to realize the inherent value of one's own and the value of the life of another person;

To form the need for physical and moral self-improvement, for healthy


To instill prevention and hygiene skills, to develop the ability to foresee possible dangers for

life consequences of their actions for themselves and their peers.

In my work, I use the program for familiarizing preschoolers with the human body "I and my body" (author - S.E. Shukshina), materials from the program S.A. and peace". On the basis of methodological and fiction literature, she developed a series of informative conversations, which included information about the external and internal structure of a person.

I present educational material to children in a form that is easy for them to understand. Introducing children to my body, I use a variety of life situations, regime moments in order to show the child what his hands and feet “can” do, why eyes, ears, tongue are needed, why you need to dress in cold weather. The child receives all these activities in appropriate situations, and therefore they are understandable to him, easy to remember.

Sometimes it can be difficult to convince a child not to eat snow, wash their hands before eating, chew food well and not swallow it whole, brush their teeth, not watch TV for a long time, etc. It is still very difficult for a child to establish the relationship between the disease and its causes. At the same time, a detailed study of the course of human anatomy and physiology with children is not supposed.

I organically include valeological material in the structure of classes, it contributes to the expansion of children's knowledge about the structure of a person, the effect of physical exercises on the body, and life safety. With children, I learn sets of exercises aimed at the prevention of flat feet, the respiratory system, and skills of playing self-massage are being formed.

The priority direction of valeological education, I believe, is the formation of the moral qualities of the child. Therefore, it is so important to develop in children kindness, friendliness, endurance, purposefulness, courage, an optimistic attitude towards life, a sense of the joy of existence, the ability to feel happy, believe in one's own strengths and trust the world. Reflection skills are equally important for health, that is, the ability to consider oneself and one's condition from the outside, to understand one's feelings and the reasons for their occurrence.

I divided the organized educational activities in valeology into the following blocks:

Block “Know thyself”. In the classroom, children receive information about their physical health, about the structure of their body. About the internal organs, the causes of diseases, how to avoid them, how to become healthy and strong, acquaintance with the specialization of doctors. Formation of practical skills and habits of observance of hygiene rules. Prevention of bad habits. The importance of movement for health, the benefits of outdoor games and sports. Knowledge about proper nutrition.

Block "Emotional health". In the lessons of this block, children get an idea about mood, emotions and feelings, about their impact on health; master speech etiquette, culture of behavior and communication; get acquainted with unpleasant emotions, with ways of emotional discharge.

Block "Extreme situations". This block is the most important, because children are introduced to emergency situations that may surround us. Children consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road, fire safety rules, how to behave on the street, alone in nature and at home. It is important to teach children independence and the ability to avoid danger.

1 “Know Thyself”

To acquaint children with the structure of man; with the name, location and function of internal organs; with the role of father and mother in the birth of a child.

To give some concepts about diseases of the organs of hearing, vision, teeth, internal organs. Teach children to avoid these diseases (prevention).

Explain to children why it is necessary to visit a doctor. To introduce children to some specialties of medical workers (ENT, ophthalmologist, dentist, pediatrician, etc.)

2. “Emotional health of people”

The child and his feelings. Teach children to express positive feelings and restrain negative emotions.

People and their feelings. Children get to know how other people express their feelings.

What kind of person? To acquaint children with positive and negative character traits of people.

Mood. Teach children to describe the various emotions experienced in everyday life (sadness, grief, joy, surprise, etc.), as a result of which they occur.

Teach kids how to deal with bad emotions. Way out of stress.

3 “Extreme situations”

The child and society. You need to be careful when interacting with strangers. Call the police 02.

Child on the street. Traffic Laws.

The child is alone at home. Fire safety. Call fire brigade 01, ambulance 03. Electricity. Gas. Dangerous objects (poison, household chemicals, sharp-cutting objects, medicines, etc.).

Child in nature (in the forest, on the river). Protection of Nature.

Seasons. Winter - snow, snowdrifts, cold, frostbite, hypothermia. Spring, autumn - ice, thin ice on ponds, colds. Summer - heat, sunstroke, burn.

Developed a long-term plan for valeological education for older children:


Conversation "What happens if ..."

To study the ideas of children in the section "I am learning to protect my life and health."

Individual observations of the execution of self-service processes

To diagnose the level of assimilation of health and physical culture skills in children (cultural and hygienic skills, self-service work, interest in physical exercises, taking care of one's health).

Conversation "What am I?"

To study the attitude of children to the results of their activities in the "Center for Health and Physical Culture", in physical education classes; to diagnose the level of self-relationship.

The game "Vegetables on our table"

To expand children's understanding of the importance and benefits of vitamins for human health.


Conversation "What kind of "I" and plants?"

To acquaint children with the structure of the body, some features of the structure of the body of a person and a plant.

Game "My Day"

To form children's ideas about how to organize their lives; daily routine at home and in the garden; ways of rest.

Game "Oh, my stomach hurts"

To teach children to establish a connection between the actions performed and the state of health.

Conversation "What autumn brought us"

To acquaint children with proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes about healthy food, vitamins.

Conversation "What to do if ..."

Fix the rules of safe behavior in a group, on the street, in the forest, in the village. Familiarize yourself with the types of insurance.


Reading works: "Gray Neck", "Ugly Duckling"

Clarify children's ideas about the relationship between health and integrity (preservation) of body parts.

Conversation "My body"

To form children's ideas about the functions of the human body, animals, to learn to find similarities and differences in the structure of the body.

Compilation of a story on the topic: "Where did the speed come from"

To expand children's ideas about the meaning of movements in life and human health, to form ideas about how to develop speed (using athletes as an example).

Conversation "Why in the evening we begin to want to sleep"

To reveal the importance of sleep and rest in human life and health; Familiarize yourself with the elements of planning your time.


Reading of works: "Girl grimy", "Fedorino grief"

To form ideas about the culture of human and animal hygiene - do not use common utensils, clothes, household items ...

Game "Journey to the Land of Microbes"

To expand children's ideas about the importance of human hygiene rules during illness, disease prevention.

Conversation "My sense organs"

To acquaint children with the main sense organs (ears, eyes, tongue, mouth, teeth), their structure and functions, and how to care for them.

Conversation "We are in order"

Good-bad game

To introduce children to the basics of etiquette, good manners, ways to maintain order.

Conversation "How to decorate an apartment for the New Year"

To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating the New Year, making New Year's gifts, Christmas tree decorations.

New Year's games-attractions

Learn to convey various physical and emotional states through the images of New Year's heroes.


Game "Pity your poor skin"

Conversation "What is possible, what is impossible"

To form in children ideas about the organs of touch (palms, skin, tongue), continue to acquaint them with ways to preserve their health, protect the senses.

Conversation "Where did skis, skates, sleds come from"

To form children's ideas about winter physical exercises, the features of their implementation in the conditions of the Urals.

Game "Beneficial and Harmful Microbes"

Introduce children to the germs that cause the flu and how to prevent and protect against the flu.

Conversation "Why do we puff like steam locomotives when running"

To form children's ideas about the structure of the respiratory system, the conditions for proper breathing; reveal the role of physical ex. in strengthening the respiratory system.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of my work on this problem largely depends on how actively parents participate in it. Diagnostics showed that as a result of the work, the level of knowledge in the field of a healthy lifestyle has significantly increased among children, their attitude towards their own health and the health of others has changed. In the course of observations, it turned out that children began to consciously relate to strengthening their health. Parents have an understanding that a very important factor in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children is the example of an adult. At parent meetings, consultations, they were taught to assess the health of the child, parents were advised literature, brochures. For parents, recommendations and advice are drawn up in the "Health Corner".

Parents began to devote more time and attention to the formation of good habits in children, began to be more attentive to their behavior, trying to get rid of bad habits. Educational work among parents through the corner of information, consultations, parent meetings gave positive results.

Thus, systematic work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children helps to improve the health of children, forms an idea of ​​health as a value, and develops healthy habits and skills of a healthy lifestyle.


L. F. Tikhomirova "Health Lessons"

T. A. Sharygina "Conversations about health"

M. Yu. Kartushina "We want to be healthy."

S.E. Shukshina "Me and my body"

S. A. Kozlova ""I am a man"

L. L. Mosalova "Me and the world"

    Medical and hygienic education, goals, objectives, principles.

The fundamental principle of public health is its preventive orientation. The most important section of preventive work is the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Medical and hygienic education- part of the public health system, including the dissemination of medical and hygienic knowledge, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the instillation of hygiene skills in the population in order to maintain and improve health, increase efficiency and active longevity.

Basic purpose medical and hygienic education of the population is the formation of knowledge and skills to independently make decisions on the preservation and promotion of health.

Currently, there is a gap between hygiene knowledge and human behavior. Therefore, there is a need to turn knowledge into skills. Determining the direction of this work, it is necessary to speak not about sanitary education, but about hygienic education and upbringing.

The most important tasks of health care institutions for hygienic education and upbringing of the population:

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle among the population.

    Promotion of hygiene and honey. knowledge

    Popularization of medical achievements. science

    Raising a conscious attitude of the population to the protection and promotion of health.

Work on hygienic education and upbringing and healthy lifestyle is mandatory in every health facility. This is an integral part of the professional duties of all medical workers, regardless of their specialty and position.

The work on hygienic education and upbringing is based on the following principles:

    State character - the state finances the activities of institutions for hygienic education and upbringing of the population, ensures the development of the material and technical base, training of personnel, the legal basis for the activities of service institutions.

    Scientific character - the correspondence of medical and hygienic knowledge to the current state of science and practice.

    Mass character - the participation of all honey. employees, involvement of specialists from other departments and public organizations.

    Accessibility - when presenting the material, incomprehensible medical terms should be avoided; speech should be understandable.

    Purposefulness - work should be carried out in the chosen direction in a differentiated way, taking into account different groups of the population.

    Optimism - to achieve the effect, it is important to emphasize the possibility of a successful fight against diseases.

    Relevance - the choice of the direction of work should be relevant at a given time.

    Historical types of HLS institutions.

The following historical types of institutions of the healthy lifestyle formation service are distinguished:

    Houses of health education.

    Health Centers.

    Centers for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

In 1918-1920. health education in Belarus developed in the extremely difficult conditions of civil war, devastation, famine and high epidemic morbidity, which determined its content and forms.

A major step in the organizational strengthening of health education was the creation in the provincial, and then in the county towns of the Houses of Health Education (DSP). The first such house in our republic was the Gomel City DSP named after N.I. Pirogov, opened in 1920. In 1921 - the Vitebsk year of the DSP named after N.A. Semashko, and Minsk DSP. 7 departments worked in the Minsk DSP: the department for the protection of motherhood and infancy, social and contagious diseases, hygiene and sanitary statistics, etc. In 1949. Chipboards were opened in Brest and Grodno.

In the second half of the 20th century, the need for the formation of a healthy lifestyle was comprehended as a complex problem, including collective and individual prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, and hygienic education of the population. In 1989, in order to coordinate all the activities of various bodies, institutions and public organizations for hygienic education and upbringing of the population, the health education service was reorganized into a healthy lifestyle formation service, and health education houses into Health Centers (CH). There were 18 health centers in the Republic of Belarus (republican, regional, city).

The HLS service carries out its work through:

    The system of health care institutions

    education system

    Youth organizations

    Communication channels (TV, radio, print)

    Optional forms of education (health schools, schools for young mothers and the elderly, etc.)

    Mass forms of healthy lifestyle promotion (film and video lectures, fairs, holidays, health marathons, etc.)

One of the first orders regulating the work of the service was the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated July 7, 1992. No. 129 “On increasing the role of hygienic education and upbringing, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population of the Republic of Belarus”.

This Order approved: approximate staffing and organizational structure of health centers; standard report card for equipping health centers and HLS offices at polyclinics; approximate time limits for certain types of work on hygienic education of the population. The provisions of the order required:

    To finance Health Centers at the rate of at least 1% of the local health budget

    Allow the Central Health Center to open paid advisory and recreational units.

    Establish HLS offices at polyclinics, central, district and city hospitals headed by doctors,

    To include in the duties of the chief physicians of the HC the functions of the chief specialists in HLS.

    Include healthy lifestyle promotion issues in the programs of all cycles of advanced training and advanced training for doctors of all specialties

    To introduce a course on the basics of healthy lifestyles into the training programs for students and pupils

    Include in the nomenclature of medical specialties and positions the specialty doctor - valeologist and medical assistant-valeologist.

8. Approve the staffing structure of the HLS office depending on the number of people served: up to 60 thousand - paramedic-valeologist 1.0; over 60 thousand - valeologist 1.0.

9. In the job descriptions of each honey. an employee to include 4 hours of working time monthly to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated December 26, 2001 No. No. 729-A "On information work with the population of the Republic of Belarus" on holding Unified Health Days:

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2002 No. No. 181-A "On improving the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle."

    Include in the work plans of all health facilities a section on the promotion of hygiene knowledge among the population as mandatory.

    Include in functional duties - 4 hours for propaganda 30 parts.

    Take measures to strengthen the machine-technical base of healthy lifestyle rooms.

    Take into account work on healthy lifestyles when evaluating the work of medical workers, including when determining the amount of bonuses.

    At least once a year, consider HLS issues at meetings of health councils.

    Institutions with extra-budgetary funds at their disposal should provide for the allocation of at least 3% of the profits for the organization and conduct of HLS events.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated October 25, 2002 No. No. 145 "On streamlining the current system of sanitary and epidemiological institutions." About reorganization from 01.01.2003 state institutions of the "Regional Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology" by joining them as structural subdivisions of the "Regional Health Centers" and "Regional AIDS Prevention Centers", depriving them of the status of a legal entity. Rename them to the Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

    Department of Public Health

The Department of Public Health (PH) is an organizational, coordinating, methodological institution for the problems of healthy lifestyles of the population.

Main goals:

    Organizational and methodological



    Consultative and health-improving

    Conducting sociological research

    Public health monitoring

The Department of Health is the organizer of the HLS training among medical professionals. employees, and among other specialists (training of cultural workers, general organizations), analyzes the work on healthy lifestyles, organizes and conducts seminars, conferences, meetings, disseminates best practices in promoting healthy lifestyles among the population. Publishing activity is the development and publication of methodological guides, information materials, popular science literature promoting healthy lifestyles.


    Develops, together with the UZO, as well as other departments, programs to strengthen and preserve the health of the population, participates in their implementation.

    Participates in the organization and holding of mass events among the population aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving health, increasing efficiency, and achieving active longevity.

    Introduces new forms and methods of work: health holidays, health days, health campaigns, health marathons, etc.

    Widely uses optional forms of education of the population (schools of health).

    Organizes events to form public opinion, raising the prestige of health through the media (TV, radio, print, cinema).

    It conducts sociological research and functions as a press center for the public health department.