Original wishes in prose. Original congratulations on the anniversary in prose. Happy birthday greetings from celebrities on the phone

Accept congratulations! I hope your personal new year will be even better, richer and more complete! Happy Birthday!

Short birthday wishes in your own words

Let life become a long journey full of adventures and discoveries, every day promises a holiday, and the night - a fairy tale!

Happy birthday greetings good for free

Today I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you to spend all 365 days of the year with no less pleasure than today's holiday! Let from now on and always the whole world be one big road for you, along which you can travel with a fair wind and true friends, making amazing discoveries and finding magical treasures from which you can easily collect your happiness!

I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments.

Cool sms to DR

I wish your refrigerator was bursting with delicacies, expensive cognac poured from the tap, and your wallet cracked from large bills!

Cool congratulations in your own words

I wish you happiness, love, health, joy, success, satisfaction from life, faith in yourself and in your future. Great desire to create and love! A sea of ​​cornflowers and marigolds, many true friends and common love!

Universal congratulations in your own words with deep meaning

Enjoy every minute of your life. Drink it carefully, in small sips, without spilling a single precious drop. Admire nature, because she also admires you. You have everything you need to be happy and you will definitely achieve everything you want. Believe in your strength, in your dream! Happy Birthday!

Original text-congratulation in prose

I congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish that every new day of your life be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, joyful meetings with friends and people close to you in spirit. I wish you good health, family happiness and excellent mood. Let the morning dawn meet you with bright colors. Give smiles to people and they will readily reciprocate! Happy holiday!

Let wonderful and unique events daily fill your cup of life with the purity of the people you meet on the way, and let your soul always fly to meet happiness and never close the doors to it. I wish you harmony in relationships, originality in adventures and the manifestation of your own unique talents! Happy Birthday!

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May all the words of congratulations come true, may all relatives come together, may happiness and laughter never leave you. Happy birthday to our good, reliable and most important man in the family! We all thank you for your support, wise advice and affection!

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My devoted friend, accept the words of congratulations on your birthday. An unforgettable holiday to you, kindness, fun and happiness. I wish you not only an abundance of earthly and spiritual blessings. Dreams to come true as often as possible and life seemed much sweeter.

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I will not turn to hateful wishes. Everything you want in postcards, you already have.
And I wish this: that you live comfortably with yourself, that you appreciate simple truths, do not drown in boredom and sadness, see your friends more often, do not grumble in vain, and solve all problems with great ease!

Well, is it possible to find a more beautiful person on the planet than you?! A wonderful soul, a sunny look and a kind heart, and all this in one person! I wish that the soul does not know sadness, the eyes do not see tears, and the heart always sings with happiness!

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Original wish in prose

Happy Birthday! I wish you to celebrate today and hear a thousand congratulations, continue to accept gifts next week, this month - start to embody everything that you wished for, so that a year later I would say in confusion: “You have everything, but love, health and happiness are not happens a lot? I want them!”

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Happy birthday wishes for a girl

Congratulations on your wedding day! May always true friends warm you with smiles, like summer rays of the sun! So that a warm breeze always protects you from all adversity! Be always healthy and may everything be OK with you. I also wish you strong, strong love!

Original birthday words

I wish you health, harden yourself in minor troubles and develop immunity to all troubles. Regularly take vitamins of joy and enjoy sweet moments of happiness, and start your morning with a smile! And more vivid impressions - they are needed like air!

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Everyone comes into this world to make it more beautiful. I wish you wisdom to recognize your calling, patience to follow it, love to enjoy your life to the fullest! Happy Birthday to You!

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Very beautiful congratulations to a woman in prose

Birthday is a great occasion to feel once again how wonderful and unique life is! Be happy, always unique, we wish to be loved and love! May the most beautiful flowers always bloom on your road, and wherever you are, there will always be a holiday!

Cool birthday wishes

I want to wish you perseverance to materialize the most desperate ideas into life. Let yesterday's bold dreams become today's reality!

Very beautiful birthday words

Happy Birthday! Let your life be beautiful and bright like spring, sunny and warm like summer. Let it be far until autumn, and snow blizzards never penetrate the soul!

Today is a wonderful day, I would say the best day of the year, because on this day a wonderful person was born and this little man is you, my dear friend. I wish you to give smiles to everyone around you, so that everything in your life goes smoothly and according to plan, although not. May your life be in full swing, may there be many adventures and new acquaintances, may you be sometimes ashamed, but never be bored.

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My fluffy! Today, from the very morning, I think only about you, about what happiness and miracle you are, and how lucky I am that I am also a part of your life. I want your eyes to shine and laugh, I want to hug you tightly and gently. I promise to fill this day with magic and surprises! Each of your birthdays we will be together. Believe me - there is still so much joy ahead!

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On your birthday, I wish your dreams come true, even the most unrealistic ones, the absence of reality and being in a fairy tale! And in memory to keep the warmth of relatives, friends and relatives and a slight aftertaste of childish enthusiasm!

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Every day is for your benefit, on your accounts of years, increase the percentage of happiness, without loans at the expense of flowers, falling stars of desire, new fateful days, true friendship and good luck of friends who love you.

On this wonderful day - your birthday - I sincerely want to congratulate you! I wish you just a little - may everything that you have bring you joy, may everything that you do not have is not a necessity for you, may everything that you dream of miraculously appear in your life. I wish you to be a happy person, enjoy every new day, find pleasure in simple things: a cup of morning coffee, rays of sunlight, a breath of wind, the views of dear people. Appreciate what you have, and fate will surely give you even more.

With all my heart, with all my heart, I congratulate you on the best holiday of the year - happy birthday. I wish you, as usual, all the best: good health, mutual love, unclouded happiness, high incomes, true friendship, understanding with loved ones. May there be more joy and fun in your life, may problems be solved easily, as if by magic, may troubles bypass you. And I also wish you that this birthday goes well, that toasts and congratulations sound, that you are presented with wonderful gifts, that you bathe in the attention of relatives and friends!

On the eve of your birthday, I puzzled for a long time, thinking: what can I give you to surprise and please? I went shopping, looked, chose ... It is very difficult to choose a worthy present for you, because you already have everything you need, but I don’t want to give a useless thing. Therefore, I decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to do it simply - this envelope contains a modest amount that you can spend as you see fit. I am sure that such a gift will not be useless, and you will definitely find a use for it.

I want to wish you great happiness, Siberian health, optimism, longevity, love and attention of relatives, good luck and prosperity!

Today is your birthday! And I am very glad to be there at this solemn moment! I want to wish you unclouded happiness. May your mood always be elated, may only welcome guests knock on the door, may the gifts be necessary and pleasant, may the congratulations be warm and sincere, may everything in your life turn out the way you want. I wish you well-being, career growth, let both bosses and employees appreciate you. I wish you mutual love - bright, sincere, all-consuming. Be the happiest woman in the world - because you, like no one else, deserve it!

You celebrate your holiday in a close circle, among the people closest to you, and I am very glad to be among them. I won’t talk for a long time, I just wish you immense happiness and impeccable health! May all the most secret dreams and desires come true, may your life flow peacefully and calmly, without troubles and upheavals! Happy Birthday to You!

A wonderful day has come - today we are celebrating your birthday together! We wish you to remain as beautiful as you are now, to be always in high spirits, to be distinguished by good spirits and good health. Let there be no problems in your life, let the difficulties disappear on their own, let your acquaintances admire you, at work they appreciate you, your relatives love you. Let love warm your heart so that you always feel desired, the only one, necessary. And most importantly, just be happy!

Today you already seem to have wished everything that is possible. Love, health, happiness, prosperity, fulfillment of all desires - all this has already happened. I would really like to be original, so I wish only one thing - take care of what you have, rejoice even in small luck, appreciate the people who are with you. As the saying goes: "He who does not know how to rejoice in the little, he is not worthy of more!" Be grateful to fate for what she has already brought you, and then she will not skimp on gifts and pleasant surprises.

I wish you everything and everything on your birthday. If health, then the strongest, if love, then bright, passionate and mutual, if work, then interesting and well-paid, if friends, then reliable, if good luck, then immense, if happiness, then endless. Let all the good in your life be too much, and the bad - just a little, and then only so that you do not stop appreciating the good!

Today, on your beautiful birthday, I prepared two bouquets for you. The first is this bouquet of wonderful flowers. The second is a bouquet of sincere compliments, which, in order not to forget anything, I wrote down on a beautiful postcard. There are few women like you in the world. You are distinguished by beauty and grace, a slender figure, a charming smile. Your sharp mind and determined character are to be envied. Your sense of humor does not leave indifferent any of your interlocutors. You are cheerful, sociable, easy-going. It's nice to talk heart to heart with you, you know how to listen and understand.

I wish you that everything you think of will be easy for you, that fate will always be favorable to you. May all your dreams come true in the shortest possible time. May every day be filled with joy, laughter and smiles. May Lady Luck accompany you in all your affairs. And I also wish you endless personal happiness, so that your heart burns and warms with the fire of love! Happy birthday to you, and may this day be fabulously bright, filled with good wishes, attention of people close and dear to you!

What can be original birthday greetings in prose? If the birthday boy likes to read, then in the original congratulations in prose, you can use quotes or references to your favorite works of the hero of the occasion. And as a gift on the occasion of a birthday, it is worth presenting, for example, the complete works of your favorite writer. How about all the volumes of George Martin's PLiO? Unusual wishes become when the birthday person recognizes in them both himself and his friends. This adds to the friendliness of the holiday. It will be easier to congratulate in an original way with the resource provided below. At the very least, you can use some templates for composing congratulations.

Happy birthday and wish all your undertakings to be accompanied by inspiration and success. Let all roads lead to the top, and let health, optimism, self-confidence and the support of loved ones become constant companions in life. Welfare and warmth to your home!

Happy Birthday! I wish your eyes to shine with happiness, there was always a smile on your face, only good people surrounded you. I also wish you good luck, creative success, family well-being, true friends. Love and be loved.

Happy Birthday! May cherished dreams and secret desires come true. Let the sun warm with its rays, and happiness never leaves your life path. May relatives always be there, and well-being and prosperity settle forever in your cozy home.

Happy Birthday! I would like to wish, which I will do now with pleasure, the very best health. If surprises - then only pleasant ones, if acquaintances - then the most cordial, if news - then the most long-awaited. I wish you the highest income and the most pleasant expenses. Ski winters to you, hot ocean summers, warm blooming springs and bright autumn in a warm country ... And in general, happiness all year round for millions of years to come!

On your birthday, with all my heart I wish you a pure ocean of happiness, a noisy sea of ​​fun and an endless river of prosperity! So that every day you will be pleased with unexpected and very pleasant news, your mood will never fade away and the people around you will bring only positive emotions!

Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you! I want to wish you bright, amazing, happy days, bright events and positive emotions that will make your life even more beautiful. May good luck accompany you everywhere and everywhere, and success walks next to it.

Happy Birthday! Happiness, joy, many meetings and cheerful, kind, sincere people, warm feelings, wonderful dreams, good health. I wish you a long life to live easily, without worries and negativity. I wish you to know the taste of real victories, I wish you continuous adventures, good friends, and that there is enough health, enthusiasm, and patience for everything.

It's time to wish you a happy birthday. I would like to wish you health, love and kindness. Let new horizons open up for you, let creative ideas not be translated in your head and new peaks easily conquered, and emotions will be only positive!

With all my heart, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you incredible vitality, positively charged energy, self-confidence and undoubted well-being in life. May success await you both in work and in creativity, may sincerity take place both in relationships and in feelings.

With a bright holiday of children's dreams! Let there be a chic mood, harmony in the soul, warmth and light in the heart. No need to look high, because all the best and good is nearby. Successes in work, mutual understanding at work. May all dreams come true, may the bad be forgotten, and the best happen.

On the occasion of your birthday, let me convey to you my congratulations in prose. Considering that you have been working extremely hard for the last year and suffering from lack of sleep, my wish to you is the following. Three hours of sleep was enough for Suvorov to fully restore his moral and physical strength. Edison slept well for four. Gagarin knew how to instantly, without even bringing his head to the pillow, to enter into a deep, almost lethargic sleep. This is the ability I wish for you today. Agree, such an original gift will be cooler than even the most wonderful thing.

Are you, my friend, into transhumanism and dreaming of superpowers? Others would like to be bitten by a genetically modified spider on their birthday. Or the gift of telekinesis and telepathy would open. But you can also do something yourself. Start running sprints and crosses regularly. After a couple of years of hard training, you will easily run 10 km out of 50 minutes, and 100 meters in 12 seconds. I assure you, walking in a crowd down the street, you will almost always be the only person within a radius of half a kilometer who is capable of this. Sounds like a superpower already? You can also develop original mental abilities in yourself - read more (prose, poetry, various genres), train your memory, study mathematics. It will also put you above many others. Keep this congratulation in mind, my friend.

In this congratulation in prose, I want to wish you, dear friend, to successfully settle in a new place. Another city, another region, another job, another environment. Now there will be completely different faces at your birthday parties. But this does not mean that I and Co., your bosom friends, will forget you. We will always keep in touch with you, and you will visit us periodically. The main thing - do not forget to show yourself in an original way at a new job, so that the authorities immediately notice you. Good luck in everything!

I kept thinking about how to present such an original gift to my colleague on the occasion of his birthday? I have already chosen a gift for a long time - an excellent spinner, ideal for a hardworking office worker. And as a congratulations-wishes, I will say this. Learn to switch off. At least for a couple of minutes. Spinner will help you with this, by the way. Such short-term "reboots" will allow you to work longer without a drop in the quality of work. Or you can buy some collection of short prose - sayings of great people. It helps too, trust me.

Do you know what I want to wish you and advise you on your birthday? My congratulations may seem original or banal, but I chose it. Every educated and cultured person should make a list of 100 books that must be read. You can make a list yourself or ask someone to help you. At least now I could name 20 books that are required reading (in my opinion). Prose, poetry, any genre, but the number must be observed.

Well, is it possible to find a more beautiful person on the planet than you?! A wonderful soul, a sunny look and a kind heart, and all this in one person! I wish that the soul does not know sadness, the eyes do not see tears, and the heart always sings with happiness!

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Prose-verse for birthday

Congratulations and I wish you always on top! May your star in the sky light your way!

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Today you have become (a) a year older, but is this a reason to be sad? Life does not stand still. And today I wish you to always go forward, do not stop and do not look back! And then everything will be great! Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday! I wish the sun always shines, raising your spirits! May all your wishes come true! And let the closest and beloved ones be nearby, and strong strong love warms the soul!

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Original wish in prose

Happy Birthday! I wish you to celebrate today and hear a thousand congratulations, continue to accept gifts next week, this month - start to embody everything that you wished for, so that a year later I would say in confusion: “You have everything, but love, health and happiness are not happens a lot? I want them!”

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Short congratulations on your birthday

Happy birthday, I congratulate you and wish you Endless Happiness, Mind-blowing Good Luck in everything and a sea of ​​Love!!!

Simple words for birthday greetings

May every day bring long-awaited joys, and may the sun always warm your family with warmth! Happy Birthday!

Good words of congratulations

Happy birthday to the most precious and sincere person! May there be no place for grief and sadness in your life, may harmony and serenity go hand in hand, and true friends are known only in joy!

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Congratulations in prose "on you"

I have long wanted to wish that when you wake up in the morning, you never need to think about money and its quantity, and from the kitchen you can hear the aromas of delicious gastronomic dishes served with love. Happy Birthday!

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I wish today, on weekdays and holidays, never to know trouble. I sincerely wish that your eyes water only from euphoria and happiness. May children be born and parents live long. Happy Birthday!

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Wishes of health, love and happiness to a man in prose

On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy and I sincerely wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy gleam in your eyes. Of course, in order for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish that work always brings you not only decent income, but also pleasure.

Congratulations on your birthday! Never listen if they say that a birthday is a sad holiday, but rather have fun from the heart and fill everything with positive on this day. After all, everything is in your hands! Remember this and you will always cope with everything! Believe in yourself and you will be lucky in everything! You deserve (-yna) all the best and beautiful!

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Happy Birthday! May the sun smile at you and the stars shine! May all the horoscopes of the world predict an exceptionally good future for you! May everything turn out perfect for you! Let any idea come true! And always be in a great mood!

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Each of us is born to be happy. To do this, you need to find your calling in life and follow the call of your heart. I wish you to find your own path, which will lead to your cherished goals and the fulfillment of your wildest desires. Inspiration, harmony and more joyful events in life! Happy Birthday!

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Happy birthday wishes for a girl

Congratulations on your wedding day! May always true friends warm you with smiles, like summer rays of the sun! So that a warm breeze always protects you from all adversity! Be always healthy and may everything be OK with you. I also wish you strong, strong love!