Easter products made of felt. Easter eggs using felting technique. The best DIY felt crafts

Easter is one of the main holidays for Christians. Even non-believers try to stick to Easter traditions. We begin to get acquainted with the customs of our culture from childhood, therefore, in preschool institutions, contests are often held for making the best Easter crafts. Children really like to do crafts with their own hands, and when you can give this to someone, or decorate a room, the children will be very happy about it.

The main Easter symbols in our area are Easter cakes, colored eggs, as well as a rabbit or a hare. Party supplies and souvenirs can be made by hand. Parents or kindergarten teachers can help children make interesting crafts. Such activities can develop creativity and hand motor skills.

There are many technologies and options for making your own Easter souvenirs. Of course, it is impossible to make an overview of all possible methods within the framework of one article, so we will consider several simple, but interesting ways to prepare crafts for kindergarten, as well as for decorating a home interior.

One of the main attributes of Easter Sunday is chicken eggs. They can be designed not only with the help of natural and chemical means, but also in original ways. Below are some ideas that you can implement with your children.

To decorate boiled eggs beautifully, you can use powdered sugar. It just needs to be mixed with a little water. As a result, you get an edible white paint. Get creative and paint various patterns on the surface. In the photo below, see one of the options.

The next idea is more interesting. Such a craft will definitely stand out among other souvenirs.

For manufacturing, you need to prepare:

  • cardboard,
  • plain paper
  • Double-sided tape,
  • scissors,

Cut out the eyes, legs, ears of various animals from paper materials. Secure the blanks with tape or glue.

The next option for coloring eggs is best done at home.

You will need:

  • Buckwheat or rice,
  • Bandage,
  • Onion peel,
  • A saucepan of water.

Before boiling the eggs, you need to moisten them, roll them in buckwheat or rice, then wrap them with a bandage and cook in water with onion peels. As a result, original and beautiful patterns appear on the surface.

There is another way to decorate Easter eggs. You need to draw silhouettes of animals on paper and cut them out or use ready-made templates. Place them on the surface of the boiled egg, and draw dots around it with a marker. You will have an interesting result.

If you show a little imagination, then you can decorate eggs for Easter from various materials. If you have original options, then share them in the comments with the blog readers.

Master class on making a voluminous Easter card

You can congratulate your loved ones and friends not only with pleasant souvenirs, but also with postcards that you can make with your own hands. Below we will consider a master class that will help you make a voluminous Easter card yourself.

You will need to prepare the following:

  • Markers or felt-tip pens;
  • Scissors;
  • Colored paper;
  • Glue.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Draw a simple version of the church on white paper. If neither you nor your child have artistic talents, then you can simply find a suitable drawing on the Internet, attach a sheet of paper to the monitor and simply trace the contours with a pencil, or print the image below. Then trace the contours with a marker and color in the image a little, and then cut out the silhouette.

2. Now you need to make the basis of your future holiday card. To do this, you need to glue paper parts on a blue sheet or cardboard: grass, clouds. Then fold the sheet in half.

3. The cut out image of the church must be carefully folded in half and unfold. Lubricate the edges with glue, and then fix the silhouette to the base. Also draw trees on the card.

Another option for a voluminous Easter card.

Young children with your help will be able to cope with this task.

Making an Easter Bunny from a Bank

Making the next craft is a simple process and takes no more than 30 minutes. Such a souvenir is an excellent gift for parents and educators, as well as a decorative element for decorating a festive interior.

So let's get started:

  1. You need to prepare white and pink felt. For one souvenir, you will need pieces of 10 × 10 cm.
  2. You also need to prepare a plastic jar. The use of glass containers is not recommended to avoid the risk of injury.
  3. For making crafts, it is better to purchase quail eggs. Before filling the container, you need to carefully make a small hole in the eggs and pour the contents out of them.
  4. You will need to cut out bunny ears from white felt, and sew pink inserts to them.
  5. Now you need to make small cuts on the lid and thread the prepared ears through them. For reliability, secure them with glue.
  6. It remains only to fill the jar with empty eggs, draw a face.

A cute craft is ready in just a few minutes.

Patterns and patterns for Easter chicken made of felt and paper

You can make a cute chicken for Easter with your own hands. For children, such a craft will be difficult, so parents can independently perform all stages of manufacturing, and children can observe and help.

For crafts, you need to prepare the following:

  • Felt of different colors.
  • Pattern, (you can print below).
  • Threads.
  • Filler for soft toys.
  • Beads.
  • Needles.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins.
  • Stapler.

To start making crafts, you first need to print a pattern with chicken details.

Then you need to cut out all the necessary parts, leaving a supply of paper to secure the element to the felt with pins or a stapler.

The longest part of the bow needs to be folded in half to connect the ends.

Now from the front side, sew the second piece of the bow, making small stitches.

In the next step, wrap the middle part around the bow, tighten and secure from the back side so that the seams are not noticeable.

Prepare the front of the head and attach two layers of beak to it. Secure the first layer completely, and the second only half from the top. After that, the bottom part needs to be raised so that it looks like the chicken has an open mouth. Look at the photo how it should turn out.

Now you need to insert filler between the layers of the chicken head and sew several buttonhole stitches, and then completely overwrap. After that, fasten the beads with threads, which will act as eyes.

The head is ready, in a similar way you need to prepare the rest of the craft details.

It remains only to neatly connect all the elements with loop stitches.

A cute souvenir is ready. It is great for table decoration or interior decoration.

But the next paper chicken craft will be within the power of small children. To do this, you need to print the template below.

Now use the template to prepare the colored paper parts. Stick on the beak and eyes, and then connect all the parts with a small needle or pin at the bottom. You should have a souvenir like this:

Such a craft for a kindergarten will be very original.

Craft ideas from scrap materials

In fact, gift souvenirs can be made from almost any material. It takes a little experience and patience to implement creative ideas. Check out some interesting Easter craft ideas below.

You can make a cute rabbit out of an ordinary paper plate. The whole procedure takes just a few minutes.

Crafts can be edible. To do this, you will need puff pastry and various figurines that symbolize Christ's Sunday.

You can beautifully decorate the festive table with the help of crafts that you can make with your own hands from napkins.

With a little bit of imagination, make the bunnies out of small towels.

There can be many options.

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Photo gallery: Easter handmade: how to make felt crafts for Easter

Easter - crafts

Felt is one of those simple, but at the same time versatile materials, which is always easy and interesting to work with. It is just perfect for creating original crafts and unusual gifts with your own hands. This handmade is very soulful and warm, so it is often used for thematic and festive crafts, including Easter ones. It is about how to make original crafts for Easter from felt that will be discussed further.

Easter Crafts: Easter Felt Basket

A felt basket is a rather useful DIY holiday craft that will decorate any home. It can be used both as a decoration and in a more practical way, for example, for storing various little things. In addition, such a felt basket, supplemented with sweets or Easter eggs, will become an original present for family and friends for Easter.

Easter crafts

Necessary materials:

  • thick woolen felt - 2 squares 30 * 30 cm.
  • acrylic felt for filling - 1 square 20 * 20 cm.
  • thick sewing needle
  • floss
  • white thread
  • ruler
  • pencil

Easter crafts

On a note! For the base of the basket, use a thick felt, at least 4-5 mm thick. Thinner material will not be able to keep the shape of the craft well.

Step-by-step instructions for Easter crafts:

Craft for Easter from felt "Multi-colored krashanki": a master class with a photo

Multi-colored krashanka eggs are one of the main symbols of Easter. Such a felt craft can be used as an independent decor, or you can add it to a basket from the previous master class - together they will look very organic! To make felt eggs really festive, be sure to use several multi-colored bases and many additional accessories. And do not forget to involve your children in making such unusual krashanki - this is a fun family activity!

Necessary materials:

  • multicolored felt
  • threads of different colors
  • paper
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • floss
  • needle
  • pins
  • beads, ribbons, rhinestones, buttons for decor

Step-by-step instructions for crafts for Easter:

Original crafts for Easter made of felt, master class on video

    It is easy to sew Easter eggs with a pattern from colored felt. before sewing the parts, decorate each with a piece of a different color. Using an egg pattern from two parts, we sew an Easter egg with a decorative seam along the edge of the craft. Insert zigzag tape inside. You can additionally make ears and get an Easter bunny. Additional application of eyes, felt nose or other fabric. Do not forget about the soft padding inside the craft.

    Crafts made of felt turn out to be very beautiful, they can be made for Easter to decorate the holiday, or donated to someone. It is interesting to make them and it is not difficult to make them, they can be done together with children, nothing special is needed.

    Crafts made of felt can be done in the form of animals: two paired parts are sewn together and then you can put a little filler inside.

    Felt toys can be beautifully decorated by sewing to their surface on one or two sides other images of felt of another color (or glued), as well as decorating with beads, ribbons, buttons, cross-stitching, etc.

    And also beautiful fleece Easter eggs.

    For example, we sew such beautiful birds.

    Let's see how to sew one of them.

    Take felt, chlorofiber, ribbons, beads for decoration, as well as a wooden skewer, glue, scissors, and a thread with a needle.

    First you need a cloth, scissors. According to the pattern, we cut out paired blanks for birds, as well as parts wings beaks paired.

    We sew each blank with a decorative seam on the other, not forgetting about the hole for the stuffing. The beak is sewn in at the same time, or glued later.

    After stuffing, the hole is sewn up, the wings are glued, the ishi are sewn with threads.

    Sew on the beads for the eyes. The felt bird is ready!

    More other felt crafts for Easter:

    Let's try to make an Easter egg out of felt.

    For this we need the following materials.

    Advice, in order to cut the felt, you need to take the sharpest scissors in the house.

    We cut out on cardboard a template for the details of our egg, decorations for it and grass.

    I will show you ideas for crafts with felt for Easter, those works that I liked. It’s of course a pity that our hands do not reach to do them. And so let's get started:

    We will make these Easter eggs

    Instruments: colored felt (any colors you find), various braids (ships will go sequins, beads, embroidery and everything that you do not mind for decoration), we need threads, a needle, pins, scissors, filler for toys.


    1. We must cut out blanks in the shape of Easter eggs from felt. Like these ones

    1. We sew on one side of each of our blanks of jewelry (sequins, beads). We decorate our blank as you like, there are no restrictions on decoration here.

    1. Next, we fold our two blanks with the not decorated sides inward and sew with a buttonhole seam. Do not forget to attach this to attach a loop. The main thing is to note that we are not sewing it up to the end.

    1. With padding polyester or filler for toys (which you have at hand) we fill an Easter egg and now you can sew it up to the end. Our entire Easter egg is ready.

  • Toy-case made of felt for Easter

    What you need to make this Easter craft:

    • felt red, pink and white,
    • paper pattern,
    • felt-tip pen in black and pink,
    • needle, thread, pins, scissors, glue gun.

    Work description.

    You can see other crafts for Easter:

    What kind of craft and what can you make for Easter?

Easter holiday - all Christians look forward to this day with special trepidation. The lightest and purest Easter holiday is celebrated by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians on the same day. All sorts of Easter souvenirs will traditionally appear in stores, but why not try to make them yourself? After all, DIY Easter crafts are not much inferior to store counterparts.

There are many great Easter ideas, many of which can be made by the whole family, involving even small children in needlework. Do-it-yourself crafts for Easter can be accompanied by stories about the history of this holiday.

The symbolism of the holiday is very important. Traditionally, its symbols are what one way or another means the renewal of life - these are Easter streams, Light is the Easter fire and Life itself (cakes, eggs and rabbits).

Easter eggs are the most common holiday symbol that marks the victory of life over death. Traditionally, they should be red, but today eggs are decorated in every way. But still, red is of great importance. After all, according to legend. when Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to inform about the miraculous resurrection of Christ and brought him an egg as a gift, he said: "It is impossible, just as it is impossible that the egg will turn red." And the egg turned red in the hands of Tiberius! Since then, the color red means the victory of life over death, renewal.

For more than a century, there has been a tradition of sending beautiful Easter cards to relatives and friends. They depict not only the symbols of the holiday, but also the whole beauty of spring flowering. And also cute chickens, rabbits, flowers, Easter cakes.

There are a lot of options for decorating an Easter egg. They depend on what materials to use: paper, embroidery, just threads or beads. But first you need to make its preparation.

Easter egg blank

An egg-shaped blank can be:

  • piece of wood
  • foam blank
  • workpiece from natural material
  • non-standard blanks

Wooden egg blank

Perhaps the most convenient will be a foam blank. And all because it keeps its shape perfectly, while not being too hard. You can easily stick pins into it, etc.

Styrofoam egg blank

But making Easter crafts with your own hands is also good because even a blank can be made from scrap materials!

In the most ordinary raw egg, we have to make two small holes: at the top - no more than 2 mm, and at the bottom - about 5 mm in diameter. For this purpose, we need an awl or a fairly thick needle. After these procedures, the white and yolk will easily pour out from below. You just need to rinse the shell and dry it.

A plastic egg from a well-known children's chocolate delicacy can also be used as a blank - it is quite possible to braid it with beads or tie it up.

Easter eggs from beads

Beaded eggs are distinguished by their grace and always attract attention. It is a rather painstaking, delicate work, but the result is always impressive. We need to weave a special pattern, and then carefully transfer it to the egg, on which we will previously apply the thermal sticker. But if you have not done beading before, it will be difficult, although such a detailed master class as will be an excellent help in the first creative experience of this kind.

Easter eggs with embroidery

Why not deviate from the bulky egg standard by making a flat embroidered pendant? It looks very cool, original, and not to say that some kind of work is difficult to do. The detailed master class describes how to embroider and assemble such an unusual egg. The difficulty, perhaps, will only be that the embroidery itself will take some time. But the result is worth it!

You can still stay with the traditional idea of ​​a volumetric egg, and in this case "Cross" recommends paying attention to the master class on creation. But instead of a Christmas ball, we will use an egg-shaped blank. Rest assured, the souvenir will be very delicate, everyone will want to examine it more closely, or even become the owner of such beauty.

Easter eggs made of felt and fleece

If you make such an unusual Easter gift with your own hands, be sure it will be appreciated. It can even act as a talisman, because souvenirs from these materials always look bright and unusual.

And, by the way, you can definitely involve children in the preparation of this souvenir. The main requirement is accuracy, but there will be no difficulty in the very process of making such an egg, everything is extremely simple. However, check it out for yourself by watching the master class "Easter eggs made of felt - a wonderful souvenir on a bright day!"

Garland of eggs made of felt

One has only to stock up on these incredibly advantageous materials in needlework, and then the work will go like clockwork.

Knitted Easter eggs

Even if you do not know much about knitting, you will be able to make beautiful crocheted Easter eggs. It is enough to pick up a hook, bright yarn and master the single crochet technique.

Of course, there are more complicated options. More experienced knitters will probably want to attach a bright flower with a beautiful button in the core to the egg already tied in a simple way. But you will have to try to create it, although this is not so difficult to do.

Easter eggs "dressed" in an openwork cobweb look very cool. This is a gentle, delicate, and not at all difficult work. The master class with the beautiful name "Lace Splendor" describes in detail all the moments of making this handicraft souvenir.

It is also a very interesting version of a souvenir - such a DIY Easter gift will appeal to many. In order to make it, we need:

  • foam blank
  • silk or cotton white threads
  • PVA glue
  • pins
  • polyethylene film
  • decor details

First, we cover the foam blank with polyethylene. This is necessary so that our threads do not stick to the foam and subsequently come off without difficulty. Then we need to very carefully stick the needles into the blank. One row will be along the edge of the future window, and the second row will go along the oval of the Easter egg.

There will be no window in the second half, so we will make a number of needles exclusively along the oval of the egg.

The halves are made separately from each other!

We moisten the threads in PVA glue, and wrap them around our workpiece. It is better to wrap not randomly, but observing the "zigzag" pattern through the pins of the outer and inner rows.

When the wrapping is finished, the threads can be covered a second time with glue. Next, we wait for the workpiece to dry thoroughly. As soon as this happened, we very, very carefully remove the pins, and then remove the half from the workpiece.

We make the second half according to a similar principle. Now you need to connect them with each other. You can tie them up with a satin ribbon or fix them with a hot gun.

It's great if you put a fluffy miniature chicken or rabbit inside such a delicate Easter egg. The egg can be tied on a thin ribbon, decorated with a bow on top for beauty. It turned out to be a very beautiful craft: many will be surprised that you did it yourself!

Origami Easter Egg

Colored paper and triangular modules - if this tells you something, it is clearly worth experimenting with a similar Easter souvenir.

How to make a triangular Origami module

First, you will have to learn how to make modules from colored paper, later this skill will come in handy in new origami crafts.

To do this, you line up the colored paper in a special way. However, there are at least two ways to make modules. Usually the paper is folded several times, cut at a certain stage, and then the same pieces are turned into future modules. How to cut paper correctly, you can watch the video:

Origami Easter Egg Step-by-Step Workshop

We will act as follows:

  1. We need to prepare 99 green and 112 pink triangular modules.
  2. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows will each have 8 green modules. They easily fit on top of each other.
  3. In the 4th row there will be 16 pink modules, which need to be dressed in one pocket.
  4. The 5th row is done according to the principle: 2 green modules - 2 pink modules - 2 green ones, etc.
  5. 6th row: the same principle, but the pattern itself needs to be slightly shifted to the side.
  6. Next, we try to give the egg the shape of a bowl and continue to lay out the same pattern, remembering to shift it to the side.
  7. You need to make 8 rows with a pattern.
  8. The next row will be 16 pink modules.
  9. The work will end next to the green modules, which will sit on three corners.

The video master class will instruct you in detail on how to create an origami egg:

And the next master class will show you how to improve your work. But for beginners, the first way will be the best choice, since it is as simple as possible, but the result is just as attractive.

Quilling Easter Egg

To perform work in this technique you will need:

  • egg preparation
  • pins
  • paper pins

First of all, think about what the egg will be. Elements can be glued to the workpiece itself:

And you can then carefully remove the blank. This is necessary in order for the egg to be hollow and delicate.

If you chose the second option, then the manufacturing principle will be the same as making an Easter egg from threads. That is, we go the following way:

  1. Cover the egg with polyethylene, and then, starting from the very top of the workpiece, glue the quilling elements. Each element should not only be attached to the previous one, but also secured with two or three pins.
  2. This will make the upper half of the egg, after which you need to varnish it, leave it to dry.
  3. Now you can tackle the second workpiece (bottom half), and after drying, glue both parts together.

The quilling elements are twisted the way we need it. It is better to practice in advance so as not to waste time in the process of making the Easter egg. In order not to get lost, it is better to follow this video master class:

Prosperity and abundance in Easter symbolism is a rabbit. It is believed to bring good luck to the one who receives it as a gift. You can plant him next to a basket with Easter eggs, he will be her cute and sweet guard.

You can sew a simple rabbit from gray linen, you can sew colored adorable bunnies, using all your imagination. It is not necessary to put away this souvenir until next Easter, because it can be a kind talisman for a year.

Watch our master class "Easter Bunnies Bringing Good Luck" and choose the one that you like)

Without spending a lot of effort, you can make the cutest Easter basket with your own hands, in which colored eggs will look so great. And there are many variations:

In addition, the craftswomen even make baskets out of paper! The baskets made using the Quilling technique are especially beautiful.

How do you like a basket decorated with knitted flowers? Isn't it beautiful? !! Easter cake and eggs tied using the Amigurumi technique will serve as an excellent filling!

Easter candles

Egg-shaped candles are an original souvenir for Easter. Our master class "Easter candles and their protective properties" will not leave any questions on the topic "how to make them."

By the way, the same eggshells can be the best candlesticks:

Easter napkins

Classics of the genre! However, you can already start making them, because such embroidery takes a lot of time. There are a lot of patterns according to which you will embroider. Assess your skill level and make your choice.

The current calendar week will end with a wonderful holiday - Happy Easter!

And even if it is not customary to give any significant gifts for this holiday, it is very possible and necessary to please relatives and friends with bright eggs made of felt made by yourself :) This will create a festive spring mood!

They can also be used to decorate a festive table or a beautiful Easter wreath made of branches. Well, kids will surely like to make such testicles as a gift to grandparents for Easter;) After all, the process of their creation is quite easy, interesting and very creative!

So, in order to sew bright eggs-magnets from felt, you will need:

  • pattern;
  • felt (both plain and patterned);
  • scissors;
  • ordinary threads;
  • floss threads to match felt and in a contrasting color;
  • vinyl magnetic sheet;
  • needle;
  • glue moment crystal;
  • a little synthetic fluff;
  • simple pencil or tailor's chalk;
  • various decorative items for decorating eggs (buttons, beads, lace, half beads);
  • When all the materials are ready, we proceed to the most pleasant thing - to creativity! :)

    1. We transfer the egg pattern to a clean sheet and cut it out along the contour.
    2. We choose felt for the base of our decorative testicle and, applying a pattern to it twice, draw a line around it with a simple pencil or chalk.

    3. Cut out carefully.

    4. Now we cut out from the pattern the middle part with the inscription "ХВ" (Christ is Risen). This part will be decorative, it will decorate the egg. And therefore we cut it out of felt of a different color or from felt with a pattern.

    5. Well, we have prepared three main parts for creating our future felt Easter egg.

    6. Now we put aside the back part for a while and start decorating the front part.

    To do this, first we chop off the base with the middle colored insert and grind them with the usual seam forward of the needle with small stitches in one thread. We lay the seam from above and below, retreating 2mm from the edge.

    7. Now we will close the seam with beautiful lace, sewing it also in one thread with very small stitches with a seam forward on a needle. Such lace, as shown in the photo, can be sewn both for its base and for the "pattern", so that in the end the lace ribbon fits snugly against the felt base. We carefully cut off the excess in the shape of an egg.

    8. Visually focusing on the inscription "ХВ" (Christ is Risen) on the pattern, we transfer it to our testicle using a simple pencil or chalk.
    Don't make the line too bold. Otherwise, you may tear the felt or the line itself may be visible after embroidering.

    9. With a seam back to a needle in three threads of a floss, we embroider letters with neat and equal stitches.
    10. Now add some more decor using bright buttons, beads, half-beads.
    11. And now we can already sew the two parts of our testicle together. We put them on top of each other and pin them off with a couple of pins. Make sure that the sides on which the pencil line of the egg contour can be seen are inside the product, and not outside.
    12. We sew two parts of the egg with a decorative overcasting stitch of a floss in six threads. To begin with, we hide the knot inside the product and then “go around” it around the entire perimeter, trying to lay stitches at the same distance from the edge and between ourselves.
    13. When almost the whole egg has been sewn, stop and leave a small (2-3cm) hole for stuffing. We do not cut the thread!

    14. Using synthetic fluff (holofiber), carefully and evenly fill the testicle. You should not make a pillow for him, it will be a magnet. This means that it must be flat enough.

    15. When there is enough padding in your opinion, complete the egg decor by sewing the hole with the same overlock stitch.

    16. Our felt Easter egg is almost done!

    At this stage, you need to decide how you will use it.
    If you hang it as a toy on a bunch of pussy willows, for example, just pass a needle and thread through the top of the product and tie a knot. This will create a suspension.
    If you just put each egg on a plate as a napkin decoration, for example, then leave it that way.
    Or you can make a testicle a bright festive magnet;)

    17. To do this, cut out a small oval from a sheet of vinyl magnet and use the Crystal moment glue to glue it to the back of the egg. We press well so that the glue seizes.

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