Breeds of fluffy cats with photos. The fluffiest cat breeds officially recognized

Not all fluffy cat breeds (even the beloved and demanded ones) can boast of an official status, confirmed by major felinological associations.

How many furry breeds are recognized by FIFe, WCF, CFA

Currently, just over a hundred feline species are legally referred to as breeds.... They received this right thanks to three reputable organizations:

  • World Cat Federation (WCF) - registered 70 breeds;
  • International Cat Federation (FIFe) - 42 breeds;
  • Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) - 40 breeds.

The numbers are not considered final, since often breeds (under different names) are duplicated, and new ones are periodically added to the list of recognized ones.

Important! Long-haired cats make up a little less than a third - 31 breeds, whose representatives are admitted to pedigree breeding, have their own standard and permission for exhibition activities.

Top 10 fluffy cats

All cats, including those with elongated hair, are divided into several large groups - Russian aboriginal, British, Eastern, European and American. Only the Persian cat (and an exotic one close to it) is truly long-haired, while the others are semi-long-haired, even if they are called long-haired.

In the native Russian it is the Siberian cat, in the British it is the longhaired British cat, in the European it is the Norwegian forest cat, in the eastern one it is the Turkish Angora, Burmese cat, Turkish van and Japanese bobtail.

In the group of American cats, elongated hair is seen in breeds such as:

  • Balinese cat;
  • York Chocolate;
  • oriental cat;
  • ragamuffin;
  • Somalia;
  • selkirk rex.

In addition, such well-known breeds as the American Bobtail and American Curl, Himalayan, Javanese, Kimr and cats, as well as Munchkin, Napoleon, Pixiebob, Chantilly Tiffany, Scottish and Highland Fold are noted for increased fluffiness.

The breed, whose homeland is Persia, is recognized by the FIFE, WCF, CFA, PSA, ACF, GCCF and ACFA.

Her ancestors include Asian steppe and desert cats, including. The Europeans, or rather the French, met Persian cats in 1620. The animals were distinguished by wedge-shaped muzzles and slightly cut foreheads.

Important! A little later, the Persians penetrated into Great Britain, where work began on their selection. The Persian Longhair is perhaps the first breed registered in England.

The highlight of the breed is its wide and snub nose. Some extreme types have their jaw / nose set so high that their hosts are forced to feed them with their hands (since the pets are not able to grab food with their mouth).

The breed, rooted in the USSR, is recognized by ACF, FIFE, WCF, PSA, CFA and ACFA.

The breed was based on wild cats that lived in harsh conditions with long winters and deep snow. It is not surprising that all Siberian cats are excellent hunters, easily overcoming water obstacles, forest thickets and snow obstructions.

With the active development of Siberia by man, aboriginal cats began to mix with newcomers, and the breed almost lost its individuality. A similar process (the disappearance of original qualities) took place with the animals exported to the European zone of our country.

The breed began to be systematically restored only in the 1980s, in 1988 the first breed standard was adopted, and a few years later it was appreciated by American breeders.

The breed, whose homeland is called Norway, is recognized by WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, FIFE, TICA and ACFA.

According to one version, the ancestors of the breed were cats that inhabited Norwegian forests and descended from long-haired cats that were once imported from hot Turkey. The animals have adapted to the new climate of the north of Scandinavia, acquiring a dense water-repellent coat and developing powerful bones / muscles.

Breeders put a barrier to chaotic mating, starting targeted breeding of the breed in the 30s of the last century. The Norwegian Forestry made its debut at the Oslo Show (1938), followed by a hiatus until 1973, when the skogkatt was registered in Norway. In 1977, the Norwegian Forestry was recognized by the FIFe.

The breed, which owes its appearance to North America, is recognized by ACF, TICA, WCF and ACFA.

They are dense and round animals, with a short back and muscular hips. The forelimbs are small and widely spaced, moreover, they are noticeably shorter than the hind ones, due to which the association with a rabbit arises. A significant difference from other breeds is the absence of a tail in combination with long hair.

The start of the selection, for which the long-haired manx was chosen, was given in the USA / Canada in the second half of the last century. The breed received official recognition first in Canada (1970) and much later in the USA (1989). Since long-haired manxes were found mainly in Wales, the adjective "Welsh" in one of its variants "cymric" was assigned to the new breed.

The breed, whose homeland is clear from the name, is recognized by the FIFE, TICA, CFA and ACFA. A distinctive feature is the auricles curved back (the more pronounced the bend, the higher the class of the cat). Kittens from the show category have a crescent-shaped ear.

The breed is known to have started with a street cat with strange ears, found in 1981 (California). Shulamith (the so-called foundling) brought a litter where some of the kittens had maternal ears. When mating Curl with ordinary cats, kittens with twisted ears are always present in the brood.

Introduced to the general public in 1983. Two years later, the long-haired, and a little later, the short-haired curl was officially registered.

Maine Coon

The breed, whose homeland is considered the United States, is recognized by the WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, TICA, FIFE and ACFA.

The breed, whose name is translated as "Maine raccoon", resembles these predators only in striped color. Felinologists are sure that the ancestors include Oriental, British shorthair, as well as Russian and Scandinavian longhaired cats.

The founders of the breed, ordinary country cats, were brought to the North American continent by the first colonists. Over time, the Maine Coons acquired thick hair and slightly increased in size, which helped them adapt to the harsh climate.

The public saw the first Maine Coon in 1861 (New York), then the popularity of the breed began to wane and returned again only by the middle of the last century. CFA approved the breed standard in 1976. Now huge fluffy cats are in demand both in their homeland and abroad.

The breed, born in the USA, is recognized by the FIFE, ACF, GCCF, CFA, WCF, TICA and ACFA.

The progenitors ("ragdolls") were a pair of producers from California - a Burmese cat and a white long-haired cat. Breeder Ann Baker deliberately selected animals with a gentle disposition and an amazing ability to muscle relaxation.

In addition, ragdolls are completely devoid of the instinct of self-preservation, which is why they need increased protection and care. The breed was officially registered in 1970, and today it is recognized by all the major cat fanciers associations.

Important! American organizations prefer to work with traditional color ragdolls, while European clubs register red and cream cats.

The breed, which originated in the UK, is ironically ignored by prim English breeders, who are still barred from breeding cats carrying the gene for long hair. Solidarity with British breeders is also shown by the American CFA, whose representatives are confident that British Shorthair cats should have an exceptionally short coat.

However, it is recognized by many countries and clubs, including the International Cat Federation (FIFe). The breed, which resembles the British Shorthair in character and conformation, has received the legal right to perform at felinological exhibitions.

The breed originated in Turkey is recognized by the FIFE, ACF, GCCF, WCF, CFA, ACFA and TICA.

The characteristic features of the breed are pronounced webbing between the toes of the forepaws, as well as waterproof thin, elongated hair. The area adjacent to Lake Van (Turkey) is called the birthplace of the Turkish Vans. Initially, cats lived not only in Turkey, but also in the Caucasus.

In 1955, the animals were brought to Great Britain, where intensive breeding work began. Despite the final appearance of the van in the late 1950s, the breed was considered experimental for a long time and was not approved by the GCCF until 1969. A year later, the Turkish Van was also legitimized by FIFE.

The breed is native to the US and is recognized by the ACFA and CFA.

(in appearance and character) very much resemble ragdolls, differing from them in a wider palette of colors. Ragamuffins, like ragdolls, are devoid of natural hunting instincts, are not able to fend for themselves (more often they just hide) and peacefully coexist with other pets.

It is interesting! The moment of birth of the breed by felinologists is not precisely defined. It is only known that the first trial specimens of ragamuffins (from the English "ragamuffin") were obtained by crossing ragdolls with yard cats.

Breeders tried to breed ragdolls with more interesting colors, but inadvertently created a new breed, whose representatives first appeared in public in 1994. CFA legalized the breed and its standard a little later, in 2003.

There are about 256 breeds of domestic cats in the world. There are fluffy, smooth-haired, affectionate, wayward, active, proud and so on. Which one is better is up to the decision of what is going to start. In this article, we will look at the breeds of fluffy cats, as well as the features of their characters.

Fluffy cats are very popular as they are very cute, funny and soft. It is a pleasure to hold such a pet in your arms. But you need to understand that such individuals need high-quality care. Their fluffy coat must be combed, trimmed and healthy. You need to be prepared for all this if you decide to have fluffy pets. Consider the names of the softest breeds:

  1. American bobtail. Cats of this breed are distinguished by a stocky constitution, compact round paws, thick, semi-long and slightly shaggy hair, as well as a short tail and oval slanting eyes. They are quite calm, patient, good-natured, but freedom-loving animals.
  2. Himalayan cat. Outwardly, it is very similar to Persian. These cats have a beautiful and graceful appearance, despite their fluffy fur coat. They are demanding, picky, emotional and loving. They need to be given a lot of attention, to be taken care of so that they are happy.
  3. Persian cat. This is a very calm and emotionally stable breed. Representatives rarely meow loudly, much less scream. They love to explore new places, sniff corners, etc. They have a long, thick and silky coat, and the tail is also very fluffy and slightly rounded.
  4. York cat. It is a very energetic, active and playful breed. Such cats prefer to hunt, run, jump and, of course, play a lot. Their coat is semi-long, silky and soft. In no case is it allowed to bring a Yorkie female or male with a representative of another breed. She is mostly brown in color, but can be red.
  5. Angora. This breed is distinguished by refinement and elegance. Cats prefer to be active and constantly explore new places. This predominantly white breed of Turkish nationality does not tolerate loneliness, a measured lifestyle and the absence of bright light. Like the Siamese, she is graceful and intelligent.
  6. Briton. Separate short-haired and long-haired representatives. Long-haired ones are distinguished by their patience, kindness and dedication. They often have large blue eyes. Animals require attention and special care because of their long hair.
  7. Maine Coon. This is a large cat breed with characteristic tassel ears. Such animals need special care in order for them to develop correctly, be healthy and live for a long time.
  8. Burmese. A feature of this breed is the semi-thick coat of one of the point colors with white paws. Also, such cats are distinguished by a calm and obedient character, restraint and good breeding. Burmese cats love guests, treat them well, but remain loyal only to their owners.

The Siberian cat is also very fluffy. This is a tricolor breed that loves to hunt and learn new things. In addition to these, breeds such as the Neva Masquerade and Turkish Angora have long hair. There are a lot of fluffy breeds in the world. They often take part in exhibitions. But in order for the animals to look spectacular, you need to keep an eye on their fur coat, trim them from time to time, take them to a groomer and much more.

British and Persian cats are very popular among fluffy cats in the world. Regardless of what color, the pet must be monitored and given due attention. Caring for long-haired cats involves not only cutting, brushing and going to the groomer, but also regular bathing, using special shampoos. In addition, it is necessary to apply the shampoo to the coat very carefully, massaging it, and then rinse off with water of medium temperature. If all this is not done, then the pet's fur coat will be covered in mats, which will make it look untidy and unattractive.

Some people think that black cats are not worth getting, as they bring bad luck. Any cats, be they gray or white, will bring joy and happiness if they are loved. Not only little kittens need care and attention, but also adults. Some owners forget about this, which is why their pets often get sick and die quickly. Only in a loving and caring family will a cat live happily ever after. If other cats or dogs live in the house, then before you start a new pet, you need to find out how this or that breed gets along with other animals. This is necessary to prevent "conflicts" and calm life of all pets.

Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and sloths - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are fortunate enough to become the owner of a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for it, than to feed it, and what tricks to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by chance, others are the result of long selection work, and still others managed to preserve the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which they are appreciated by cat lovers. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cute British shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the feline world, so their appearance differs from the usual Murchiks and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on the development of new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the purebred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our life that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish van, Norwegian forest, sacred Burma, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and flexible character.
  2. Most of all in the world. This is Siamese, and oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to distinguish any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photos evoke tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that they are the most ordinary cats, albeit without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, play a lot and eat a lot, because they are trying to keep warm all the time.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Fans of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are outbred street tramps less smart? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the courtyards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about a cat's independence.

Love your furry friends regardless of their cool pedigree. Always be with them, because every day around a mischievous cat or an affectionate cat is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. This is who is able to make us happy!

There are an impressive number of long-haired pets, but officially about 20 breeds of fluffy cats are recognized by three reputable organizations, including the World FIFE (International Cat Federation), European WCF (World Cat Federation) and American CFA (Cat Fanciers Association). Among them are Persian, Maine Coon, Norwegian forest, Turkish Angora, sacred Burma, Himalayan and others.

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    Popular breeds of fluffy cats

    In the list of pedigree cats officially recognized by felinological organizations, the names of long-haired breeds occupy only a third. Each of the representatives of a particular breed of cats has all the necessary documents, which indicate the pedigree of the animal. Moreover, each individual corresponds to the standard adopted by the organization.

    There are several breeds of fluffy cats that are the most popular in the world. Breeders love them not only for their luxurious fur coat, but also for their friendly character and very attractive appearance.

    Turkish angora

    Turkish Angora

    Turkish Angora cats have long and thick hair, dyed in snow-white color. The body of the representatives of this breed is muscular, but at the same time graceful, the head is small, tapering downward, the neck is elongated, the tail is fluffy, and the limbs are long. Their eyes are colored brown, green, amber. The most common cats with blue eyes.

    Of particular value are cats with heterochromia. These pets have eyes painted in different colors. Turkish Angoras are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, activity and curiosity. They are easy to train and learn simple commands in a short time.

    Original and unusual breeds of cats - description, appearance, character

    Norwegian forest

    Norwegian forest

    Norwegian Forest cats are small in size, but with a muscular and well-developed physique. The eyes of pets are almond-shaped, of various colors. The coat is very long and dense, the undercoat is pronounced. Unlike other fluffy cats, the Norwegian Forest's coat does not tangle and does not require special care. In order for the luxurious fur coat of the four-legged pet to look attractive, it is enough to comb it once a week.

    The character of the representatives of this breed is independent, but friendly. They are wary of strangers, and they quickly get used to the owner and love to spend time with him.

    Maine Coon

    Maine Coons are considered one of the most famous and largest cat breeds. It looks like this:

    • weight - about 10 - 12 kg;
    • height at the withers - about 60 cm;
    • rectangular muzzle;
    • slanted eyes, green or golden;
    • the physique is muscular;
    • color - raccoon;
    • the coat is silky, with a pronounced undercoat;
    • there are tassels on the ears.

    Despite their formidable appearance, Maine Coons are considered one of the most affectionate and friendly pets. They love to spend time with the owner, love to play with children and do not show unreasonable aggression towards strangers.



    The main feature of the Persian cat breed is not only its long fluffy coat, but also its flattened nose. Adult pets weigh about 7 kg. The legs of the Persians are short, the head is large, and the chest is wide enough. It is difficult to care for the thick coat of a four-legged pet, since it gets tangled and requires frequent combing. In addition, Persian cats molt all year round, and in the summer months, pets molt even more.

    The Persians have a friendly character, and they quickly become attached to the owner, like to spend time with him. They get along well with young children and other pets who live with them under the same roof.

    Siberian and Neva Masquerade

    Siberian breed

    Siberian cats are considered one of the most common breed pets. Large cats with muscular limbs weigh about 12 kg. The coat of pets is thick. The head of Siberian cats is wide, the ears are slightly rounded, and the eyes are large, in the shape of an oval. Eye color comes in a deep green or amber-yellow hue. The colors are different, there are snow-white, striped and smoky individuals.

    A distinctive feature of these pets is that their fur does not get tattered during molting, and the breed itself is hypoallergenic.

    Brave pets guard the territory and owners, quickly become attached to the household and are friendly to small children. Siberian cats do not get along only with small rodents and birds, since they are potential prey for them. They have an extraordinary mind and are easy to train.

    Neva Masquerade Cat

    Neva Masquerade Cat is a subspecies of the Siberian breed... It differs from its ancestors in the color of the coat. In Neva Masquerade cats, the eyes are predominantly blue, and there is a characteristic mask on the muzzle.

    Long-haired Siamese cats

    Sacred burma

    Among fluffy cats with long hair, pets with a Siamese coat are common. The most popular of the Siamese-like cats is the sacred Burma. Their luxurious coat needs special care and will have to be brushed out at least 2 times a day. They are distinguished by a silky fluffy tail. The character of the representatives of this breed is balanced and playful. They are very active and affectionate.


    Himalayan cats are also similar to Siamese in color, but visually they are more reminiscent of Persians, since their muzzle is also flattened. Pets are small and weigh about 5 kg. Their long coat requires little maintenance. The nature of the Himalayan cats is peaceful and sociable. Representatives of this breed are active and inquisitive, love to spend time with the owner.

    A subspecies of the short-haired Siamese cat with fluffy long hair is balinese. Balinese cats weigh only 4 kg and are distinguished by a graceful physique, elongated limbs and well-developed muscles. Balinese have no undercoat and the coat is close to the body. Their eyes are almond-shaped, blue in color. Individuals of this breed are very active, sociable and peaceful.

    Ragdolls ("ragdolls") differ from other pedigree cats in their inability to land on their paws when falling, and it is for this reason that the breed got its name. The pet's coat is long, silky, fluffy and does not need special care. Ragdolls are hard to endure loneliness, because they quickly become attached to household members and love to communicate with them.

Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and sloths - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are fortunate enough to become the owner of a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for it, than to feed it, and what tricks to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by chance, others are the result of long selection work, and still others managed to preserve the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which they are appreciated by cat lovers. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cute British shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the feline world, so their appearance differs from the usual Murchiks and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on the development of new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the purebred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our life that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish van, Norwegian forest, sacred Burma, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and flexible character.
  2. Most of all in the world. This is Siamese, and oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to distinguish any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photos evoke tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that they are the most ordinary cats, albeit without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, play a lot and eat a lot, because they are trying to keep warm all the time.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Fans of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are outbred street tramps less smart? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the courtyards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about a cat's independence.

Love your furry friends regardless of their cool pedigree. Always be with them, because every day around a mischievous cat or an affectionate cat is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. This is who is able to make us happy!