Congratulations mother daughter on the wedding touching words. Beautiful speech of mom on her daughter's wedding day. Parting words from mother to daughter at the wedding in verse and prose. How to prepare a speech? Original wedding greetings from parents

Is your daughter getting married? On the wedding day, she will have a chance to listen to many congratulatory speeches, but the most important of them, of course, will be the mother's congratulations, which she will deliver at her daughter's wedding.

The beginning family life is a completely new page in life, and the newlyweds cannot do without the support of loved ones and their parting words.

The speech of the mother of the bride, which will sound on the wedding day, no doubt, should be different from the usual congratulations. You can talk about how you raised your daughter, give some examples from your life, give young people instructions and end your speech with poetry.

Congratulations in verses for the daughter's wedding from mom

Beautiful dress, well, like a princess ...
Hairstyle ... Your eyes are full of happiness!
Today, dear, you became a bride,
I wish you a happy wave.

Let life be filled with light and affection,
More smiles, more likely a baby.
So that your husband turns your life into a fairy tale right away!
And so that your soul always sang.

What a beauty you have grown with us!
On your wedding day, we are very happy for you.
Always be happy, as you are now,
And this will be our best reward.

We wish to carry you through the years
All happiness, tenderness, affection and care,
Through life only go hand in hand.
Family is both leisure and work.

From now on, be together forever
Give birth to children, smart and healthy.
Trouble will pass by either side
When the family is ready to support!

I wish you to walk hand in hand through life,
So that neither storms nor troubles scare you along the way,
So that young love only grows stronger over the years!
Remember that people forge their own happiness.
After all, nature has generously endowed us,
She gave us everything, forgot nothing,
Give tribute to nature and love each other,
As a precious vessel, take care of each other.
And then your life will sparkle like a diamond,
There will be tenderness, love, and trouble will not happen!

Mother of the bride's parting words in her own words in prose

Even the most expensive gifts that you give to the bride and groom cannot replace the warmth of family feelings that you will express in your speech. In the speech that will sound at the wedding from the lips of the mother of the bride, you can use not only poetry, but also prose. Congratulations on the wedding on behalf of the "newly-made" mother-in-law can only be addressed to her daughter, or they can be addressed to both newlyweds.

Beloved daughter! You met your soul mate, and together you made the right decision - to combine two destinies into one. Happy wedding day to you! Happy birthday to the new family! May heaven bless this marriage and grant it its patronage. Be happy and don't forget your family. We are always there and ready to support you in any situation!

Dear daughter! One of the happiest days in your life has come: you are marrying a loved one. This holiday is full of fun and kindness, but there is a place in it and a bit of sadness, because we are giving you in marriage, and now you will become part of another family. I wish your newly-made family mutual understanding, great love, which will become stronger every day, happiness, harmony and happy replenishment! Take care of each other! Bitterly, our dear newlyweds!

Daughter, now it's time for you to build an independent life. The years have passed, you have grown up and are getting married. So let your family be strong, your home rich and generous, and your life prosperous. Be happy, daughter, support your spouse, take care of the family hearth. And you, son, become the real head of the family, so that your children are proud of their parents, as we are proud of you. I wish you happiness, prosperity and warmth! Take care of your love!

Wedding greetings to daughter and son-in-law

The congratulatory speech of the bride's mother, delivered at the wedding with all her heart, will touch the newlyweds and guests more than the standard memorized phrases.

This page of our site contains texts that you can use in your speech. Find the right words for your daughter and her chosen one, which you will say to them on their wedding day - and you will see how the eyes of those close to you will light up with happiness.

Congratulations, my dears! Now you are not just a beautiful loving couple, now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding, endless love and prosperity. Respect, appreciate and never cease to amaze each other. Happy wedding day!

Dear daughter, dear son-in-law! Today is an important day in your life, a wonderful holiday. I congratulate you on your marriage and wish that there are no contradictions, disputes and quarrels in your family, so that in all difficult situations you always find a compromise, make the right joint decision. I wish you to carefully preserve the hearth of your love and raise wonderful children who, as I hope, you will soon have. Advice and love!

Dear children! You have become adults and independent, you have created your own family. I wish you to keep your love and increase it. Let your home be warm and cozy, hospitable and generous! Appreciate every minute you spend together, because time is so fleeting. Don't waste your time on petty grievances. Love you, mutual understanding and great happiness!

Mother of the bride's wedding speech

The mother's parting speech, which the daughter hears at her wedding, will have a special meaning for her, and you need to prepare well for such a performance. It is not worth putting it off until the last moment, but it is better to do it in advance.

In order not to experience a feeling of confusion and embarrassment in front of the guests, think over in advance the words of touching congratulations for your daughter from your mother. Re-read the text several times to remember it well.

Try to keep yourself confident and not worry, so as not to forget or confuse anything. And if this did happen, do not be embarrassed, because the main thing is that the mother's parting words at the daughter's wedding sound sincere and from the bottom of my heart.

On this day, I am overwhelmed with joy for you, dear daughter and son-in-law! Now you are overwhelmed with love and happiness. But don't forget that life is not only about joy and fun. Like everyone else, you will have to face challenges and difficulties along the path of life. I would like to wish that in difficult moments you always remember that you must be together and overcome obstacles together. Thanks to this, you will become even closer and dearer and will be able to preserve your marriage for many years.

I congratulate you, dear children, on your wedding day, on this wonderful and joyful holiday. Dear son-in-law, take care of our daughter and love her all my life, and you, in turn, are dear, remain faithful to your spouse and create a warm atmosphere in the house. May your family be strong and happy, may your life be decorated with bright emotions and beautiful deeds.

Daughter, you and I have experienced many joyful, amazing and sad moments. I shared with you your victories and defeats. And now I wish you the same help and support from your husband. I want you to be happy together and understand that you must pass all the obstacles in your path shoulder to shoulder. Let it be your little marital victories. And, of course, you always have a mother who is ready to listen, support and happily babysit future grandchildren.

Dear (name) and (name), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental order: live, live - make good! Peace and joy to you!

Happy wedding to our beloved daughter! We will always remember you as a first grader with bows in your hair, but this does not mean that we are not happy about your fast wedding. Be happy with your spouse and let there be no dark stripes in your life, but only light and clean ones.

Congratulations on your wedding and wish you all the brightest and most beautiful in your marriage. I feel infinite happiness that now I can call myself a mother-in-law with a clear conscience and refute all stupid jokes. Now we will all become one big and close-knit family.

Dear ones, today you are making an insanely responsible step, you are creating your own family. I confess, when I got married, I was very worried that I could not make your grandmother happy, and I kept thinking that she would refuse me at the last moment. But as you can see, this did not happen and for many years we have been living in perfect harmony, which is what we wish for you. I know that your family will be special, exemplary, and for many it will become an example to follow. Happiness to you, my dears! Save your love, sincerity and understanding. Live in joy until those years when your turn comes to congratulate your grandchildren as I congratulate you today.

Dear daughter! Today is a special day for you - you are creating your family. I wish to carry your love with your husband through your whole life, to gain mutual respect, to maintain patience. Advice and love, healthy and beautiful children!

Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings, loving groom ... May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will become even more confident that you made the right choice!

Dear ones! A wonderful event happened today - you became husband and wife. Always live in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are one now. I wish you replenishment in your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for many, many years. And if it is difficult, we, parents, will always help with a kind word and give good advice. Be happy!

Dear children! Our beloved, grown up, almost independent, but still so dear and the best in the world! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to live a long, good, eventful life as a couple! We wish love to be gentle, loyal and very patient! Let it become the pivot on which the peace of your friendly family will be held! Let there be no disagreements and omissions, live openly, joyfully and be a support for each other until the very old age!

Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how touchingly you hold your husband's hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Happiness to you!

Lovely newlyweds! Today is a particularly solemn day for both of you, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will confidently step into a new life full of bright events. Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes: good to you, warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you live comfortably and happily. Plant lots of beautiful trees and raise kids to be proud of. Let your union be strong and become the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and support for each other. Respect and value each of your soul mates!

Our dear! You are now husband and wife. From that moment on, you became the closest and dearest people on the whole planet! Please love each other and support each other in all situations. Let your family life be full of romance, regardless of the number of years you have been married.

My dear children, with the marriage of you! May this day of love always live in your hearts. Take care of each other, do not offend, be support and hope. Let your life together do not know the cold and black clouds. I wish you, my dear ones, to give birth to a son and daughter. Remember that our house is always open for you, in any weather. Be happy and loved!

On this wonderful day, I congratulate you kids with all my heart! I wish you happiness, prosperity, support the fire of love all your life, take care of each other, protect and overcome all problems and hardships together. Let your family be stronger than stone, and let life be full of only the most wonderful impressions and emotions.

Our beloved children! We are most glad that you found each other and fell in love with all your heart. We can hardly hold back the tears of joy and affection that arise at the sight of your couple. We wish you many years of life in love and harmony, financial well-being and the most beautiful, intelligent, kind children who will be our adored grandchildren.

Our dear children! Today we, the happiest parents, bless your marriage with a long, strong and happy family life! Good to you, love, peace, joy, understanding. Be happy, dear newlyweds!

Today you are as beautiful as ever ... I would like to believe that this is not a dream, because our children are already so grown up to marry ... Your wedding is the most significant event in the life of us, your parents, and we will do our best to help you you have lived a very long and very happy life! Know that nothing should break your union, and it is in your hands. Let the bright sun of happiness illuminate your life together, and the stormy wind of change, if it changes something, then only for the better. We wish you to give us wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, because you can't wait to try on the role of grandparents! We wish you health, our children, a smooth life together, prosperity, mutual understanding and great love.

Dear you are ours! Today you are embarking on the path of eternal love, happiness and family harmony! Believe in each other and love each other! Let nothing darken your well-being, and we will support you in everything! We are very happy for you and for this step that you are taking now on your life path! When starting a new page, remember your footprint on this earth - be fruitful and multiply! Give us grandchildren and granddaughters, and we will nurture them, love and pamper them! God grant that everything goes well in the family, that cash is not transferred in the house, so that your hearth always remains warm! And let you hear "bitter" only at the wedding! Advice and love! Peace and prosperity! Bitterly!

Our dear children! We look at you and are happy! How beautiful you are with us, how you fit together! We, your parents, congratulate you on your wedding! We wish you complete family harmony, we wish you understanding and tact. Do not be afraid to make compromises, this is the only way you can preserve the invaluable that is being born now! We wish you always and in everything a golden mean! We wish you, bride, to be behind your husband like a stone wall. Always feel his support and support. We wish you, groom, to remain a dearly beloved husband, to feel the care, affection, love of your wife. And whatever happens, be always together! And we expect long-awaited grandchildren from you! Be happy, our dears! And may everything be sweet with you! Bitterly!

Our dear children! You have taken an important, responsible and, most importantly, a joint step - you have officially consolidated your feelings. Now you have your own family - young, beautiful and very nice. From now on, we have no right to interfere in your life, but we will gladly come to your aid at any moment. We will be glad if in your life you start to follow an example from my mother and me, but try to listen first of all to your soul mate. May there never be clouds on your horizon, and your family's guiding star will never fade. Congratulations on your marriage and the beginning of a new life. Advice and love to you, dear children!

Our dear daughter and son. Today we see endless happiness and smiles on your faces. So may these smiles never leave your faces, and your happiness will truly become endless. All the best and brightest to you in your new, as yet unknown, but already so interesting life. Advice and love!

A wedding happens only once in every person's life. And this time has come for you. Remember today forever, because it will never happen again for you. Today everyone will shout “Bitter!” To you, but in your life we ​​wish you not to experience this feeling. May you always and in everything be only sweet!

Dear daughter and son! Well, that day has come when you leave for a new, independent life. From now on, you need to be only together everywhere and in everything. Never quarrel anywhere, because quarrels lead nowhere. If it becomes difficult - smile at each other and the heaviness will pass. All the best and the best to you!

Daughter and son! Yes, that's right - from now on, you both became our children. We want to wish only the brightest and warmest on this day! and remember that only then can a family be considered such. When warmth and comfort flourishes in it. Good luck, our dears! And let this path be easy and pleasant for you!

Our dear and beloved children! Today a moment has come in your life that happens only once in a lifetime. Remember this day forever and if sometime it becomes difficult for you, remember how good and joyful you were today. And then the sadness and sadness will immediately leave you.

All parents are always happy for their children on their wedding day. We are happy for you today, too. You have already entered a new life that is full of all sorts of different moments. Try to make sure that there are only bright moments in your life. Well, if a dark streak comes - just step over it as soon as possible and happiness will enter your home again!

Leaving for a new life today, make a pity for yourself. Remember that your wedding day is a magical day, so your wish should definitely come true! Well, we have already made a wish for you and will try to fulfill it right now. We wish your young family happiness and unearthly wealth. If this is - there will be everything else. Well, for wealth to come, we are now ready to take the first step for this. Advice and love! Bitterly!

Dear, beloved children! It is difficult to come up with and say something new when so many good and warm words have already been said. Therefore, in order not to repeat ourselves, we can say only one thing - everything will be in your life. There are no only bright moments. There will be problems and quarrels. You will be bored without them. But let this all remain a passed test for you, after which your life will acquire only bright and bright colors!

Well, you have become husband and wife. Your family is still very young, it is only one day old. But your whole future life will largely depend on how you live this day. Therefore, we wish you to live today as brighter and more fun as possible, and in future life, let this joy and fun only multiply. Advice and love. And may you never be bitter in your life!

What can you wish for on this day? I don’t want to say banal words. Therefore, we wish only one thing - let in your life there will be only what you yourself want to see in it. Remember that you yourself are building your own happiness. so build it so that others will look at you and envy you! Advice and love!

Well, young people, perhaps I am as worried as you are. I had the opportunity to congratulate the young for the second time. Everything that I did not have time to tell my children, you will have to listen. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your wedding, you have been going for a long time to this and, finally, you have given us all such pleasure - to take a walk at your wedding. As the father of not only your father, but of the whole family, I have every right to give parting words to you for your whole life. Here's my advice: “Live happily! "

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his spouse, and the bride - to be a caring wife and help her husband in everything! Let the hearth of your love never go out! Unity and happiness to you!

Lovely (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of good! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you have a pure and deep lake of hope. Hope, faith, love and wisdom may be your companions. Let them help you not to turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happiness to you on a family voyage, may your ship never go off course!

Dear children, (Names of spouses)! We bless you for a strong marriage and a friendly family. Living in peace and friendship, love and harmony, happiness for yourself, for the joy of people! Let the children laugh in your family, may there be peace and prosperity in your home!

We raised wonderful children and we are proud of you on this significant day. Our relatives. We sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding to you, our darlings!

Dear and beloved children, we congratulate you on the most important day in the life of your family. After all, today you have formed a new unit of society called "Family". Know that a family is very much like a ship. And the strength of the ship depends on what kind of relationship there will be between the spouses, how much they will understand each other. And durability is very important. Since there is a huge sea ahead of you - life. And this sea will not always be calm and smooth. Sometimes you will have to get caught up in storms. Sometimes icebergs will come your way. And for your ship to remain safe and sound, it must be strong. After all, if his mast falls off, the deck is damaged, a gap appears in the skin, your ship will slowly but surely sink. Today we wish the newlyweds and their ship a quiet sea and a fair wind!

Lovely (Name of spouses)! You have a special, solemn day today! Today you will become husband and wife. Today you will take a serious, important step into a new life. We would like to wish you good and warmth, many happy days. Build your house so that you can live happily in it, plant your own garden - the best, raise your children so that they are your pride. Remember: a strong family is the key to your success in life. Take care and value each other, be each other's hope and support.

Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings and a loving groom. May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will be even more confident that you made the right choice!

On the wedding day of their daughters, mothers are no less worried than the young themselves, because they give their child into the hands of their son-in-law and worry about the future well-being of their daughter. Often, emotions overwhelm mothers so strongly that it is difficult for them to collect their thoughts and speak, and the gazes of guests who are waiting for beautiful, touching and wise words from their mother only add oil to the fire of excitement and experience. Therefore, the touching congratulations to the daughter for the wedding from the mother, whether they are in prose or poetry, are best prepared in advance so as not to bring your speech to awkward pauses and clearly express all your emotions and feelings.

What touching congratulations to a daughter for a wedding from a mother in prose can be

Mom is one of the most important people in the life of every person, even if he is on the verge of creating his own family, the role of the mother in his life remains unchanged. Therefore, congratulations to her daughter for the wedding from her mother in prose should be touching, and every word should be saturated with maternal wisdom, affection and love.

My dear daughter! As a child, you loved reading fairy tales, where everything usually ended with the wedding of a prince and a princess. Today I am glad that you found your fairy tale, found your prince, but I want you to know that a wedding is not a happy end to your story, but only its beginning! This is the beginning of your great and passionate love, the beginning of the life of your future children, so I want your joint road to be covered with flowers, and so that every day sparkles with sunlight and warmth. Be a good, caring and loving wife, and then your husband will thank you in kind.

Beloved daughter! So the day has come when all your dreams have come true. I am infinitely happy that such a strong feeling as love has appeared in your life, and such a strong husband who will take care of you and love you. I want to wish that at this stage you never stop dreaming and making your dreams come true. After all, now that you have your own family, you must take care of its well-being, so that the hearth always burns with a bright flame, so that you have healthy, beautiful and smart children. Let the warmth burn in your soul and not go out, and the world around you was beautiful and welcoming. Know, my dear, that, despite the fact that now your family has come to the fore for you, I will always be ready to help you not only in word, but also in deed. After all, for parents, the happiness of their children is the most important thing in life! And I want to wish that when we gathered all our families at one table in many, many years, I saw in your eyes exactly the same light, the same joy as today.

Dear daughter and dear son-in-law. I congratulate you on your family's birthday, on your first joint date, which I hope you will celebrate for many, many years in the exact same circle of loyal friends and people close to you. Remember that family is a job, the work of two hearts in love, and that true happiness and well-being is impossible without some effort. But at the same time, I want to wish that such work was only a joy to you, that it would warm your hearts and give that very spark of life. Let your family life be a campaign on countless clear days, let it become a waterfall of happiness and the most positive emotions. Love each other's arcs and respect each other, and then all your now joint dreams will become reality.

On this solemn day, my daughter gave me another son-in-law, whom I will love as my own son. Today, our families have become strong bonds, and I want to wish that these bonds will now become a chain of links that cannot be disengaged. Dear newlyweds, a new world has now opened up in front of you, and may it be magical and amazing for you. Let no disappointments overtake you on this long journey of life together. Give each other joy, warmth, care and love. And we, as parents, will try to help in everything and under any circumstances.

My dear girl, quite recently I remember how I tied bows for you at school, and now you are already quite an adult, you have already become a wife and will soon become a mother yourself. But, as a mother, I am simply sure that you will cope with these responsibilities and give your family great happiness, care, love, patience, that you will give all of yourself for the good of your loved ones. But, if you need my help, or advice, I will always listen to you with great joy and open heart, help, give you a hint. May your life be full of only positive emotions, may your husband be faithful and caring, and you will be the most beautiful, wise for him in response, you will be his support, you will be his heart. May your feelings only become stronger every day, I wish you well, peace and all the very best that a mother's heart can only desire.

On the wedding day, the most touching congratulations are from the mother of the bride. There is no person in the world more dear than mother. The strings of her soul are tuned to her child, she understands him best of all. Mom teaches the best qualities: cordiality, mercy, decency, kindness.

At the wedding, of course, everyone's congratulations are important. Congratulations from guests, parents, friends, witnesses - it is very pleasant to hear, but congratulations from the mother on the wedding day to her daughter are the most anxious and heartfelt.

Only a mother can find words that will become a guiding star on the path to a happy family life.

The mother of the bride at the celebration has the most important duty - to provide support to the bride.

Preparing a wedding party takes time, energy and nerves. Before the wedding, brides are always worried, worried, so the mother is always there, supports and calms her daughter. Mom will give advice when choosing a dress, hairstyle, various additions and more.

Acquaintance with the groom's parents takes place in the bride's house, and the mother has a lot to do: prepare the house, prepare a treat and meet her future relatives well. Mom explains to her daughter how to run the house, how to relate to her husband, how to create a happy family life.

The only thing to remember is that there should be a measure in everything, even when giving advice. You don't have to take all the preparations for the wedding yourself. You need to help only as much as it is necessary for the young.

What can be the congratulations of the mother of the bride at the daughter's wedding?

Now let's talk about my mother's speech.

How to appeal to young people so that the performance is beautiful and sincere? The Internet is replete with wonderful wishes in poetry and prose, they are written on a beautiful huge postcard and read. A friend or relative can afford such a step, but reading a cheat sheet is not an option for mom.

Another option, if there is not enough time or memory problems, then you can write a congratulation on a scroll with a seal, as a mandate, and read it.

Whatever the mother's congratulations - prose in your own words, poetry - everything must be written down. Excitement, fatigue will not allow the introduction to pass like clockwork, and therefore it is best to prepare.

Speech can be ordered from professionals. It does not matter who writes, the form is not important, the main thing is a kind, warm and sincere performance.

Congratulations from the mother of the bride at the daughter's wedding: important points

There are no definite rules for constructing a congratulatory speech, but it is worth adhering to some points.

First, to express gratitude to the guests for coming to congratulate the young. Then say a few words about the bride, about her childhood years, about how proud you are at this exciting moment. However, without fanaticism, the speech should not embarrass the bride. Better to say how beautiful she is today. Be sure to mention the groom, new relatives.

The main part is the wishes for the young. Congratulations from parents for a long time sink into everyone's soul, touch to tears, and we must not miss this part in the script.

You can end the speech with a proverb, folk wisdom, a quote about the family. It is very good if the song is performed by my mother. The last words are a toast to the young.

Mom’s words spoken at the wedding have incredible power. Only a mother, knowing her daughter, will utter the very correct words that will help a young family become happy and easily endure all everyday hardships.

There are two important points in the parting word. This is a positive transfer of mood, which allows you to tune in to celebration, and positive energy. The second is my mother’s wise command.

In such a rite, icons are often used, more often the icon of the Mother of God. She is betrayed by the newlyweds for storage in their family.

Mom's words show all her soulfulness, warmth, tenderness and cordiality. On this day, the closest people, relatives, friends gather, and there is no need to worry. Speaking words, they look at the one to whom this applies: at the guests, at the daughter, at the groom.

Mom with a sense of humor is good, but a comic form of parting words is not suitable. It is very important to cope with anxiety, if feelings are overwhelmed, it is better to take time out and speak later.

How to deal with mom's anxiety?

To cope with the excitement will help, first of all, a rehearsal of your performance.

Speaking to an audience can be compared to a theatrical performance, and a great game needs work on itself. They play text, facial expressions, gestures, movements, be sure to show the performance to someone or rehearse in front of the mirror.

Before the performance, you should do a few breathing exercises, gymnastics for the face will not hurt to relax the muscles. You need to think positively and positively, but you shouldn't worry, it will only make it worse. One speaker feels how worried he is, those present do not know about it.

It's very good for a family story to film my mother's speech. It is a memory for all time and for all generations.

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Congratulations on your daughter's wedding

Time flew by quickly
Childhood ran away.
And today, as I wanted,
You are getting married, daughter.

You shine and shine
The groom shines with happiness.
Long years to you! Congratulations
We are with the wedding of you two.

May good luck be great
Rain falls on you.
We wish you love forever
And we are more likely to wait for grandchildren.

Bright days, warmth, prosperity,
Easy and straight roads.
May your life be sweet
And keep you, children, God!

Congratulations to your daughter on your wedding day

Congratulations to my daughter on the wedding,
I will say a line of wishes.
So that everything is honey with my husband,
So that everything in life is sensible.
I wish you family happiness
I bless you for a long life!
I raised you, daughter, I am kind and fragile,
I hope you will be with a baby in the family
A good, beloved, and tender mother,
And any goal you will achieve stubbornly!

Congratulations to your daughter on your wedding

There are kind words - words-rays.
Be more generous with an affectionate word.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing the word, you better keep silent.
And each house is a power in itself.
There is only one king who has the right
To be king is your husband, your chosen one.

Beautiful congratulations to the daughter on the wedding

We raised you with a soul
They took care of it as a priceless treasure.
When did you manage to become big?
How quickly the years passed!

But you are in reliable hands, we believe
And your choice is to our liking.
May all doors open for you,
Let the path to dreams be easy.

We want to nurse our grandchildren as soon as possible -
We will help you, we will cheer you up.
Drive away sadness and boredom!
Love you! "Bitter" for the young!

Touching congratulations to your beloved daughter on the wedding

You, my daughter, are leaving for a stranger's house.
There they will aim at you with an assessment.
And you are my fruit, did not grow beyond the border,
And they will appreciate me for you.
You merge with them. faithful friend.
And a devoted husband's wife.
But, like a soldier, no, no, look around -
Are you too surrounded?

Touching congratulations to the daughter on the wedding

Congratulations, daughter, you
With this holiday of love and happiness!
I wish you to live in love
A lot of affection, tenderness and passion.

May the husband be caring and kind,
Never offends you
May the cold cover you from everyone
And let the soul do not like in you.

Let your hearth be warm
Let it be cozy at your home.
Give us grandchildren soon,
We are ready to nurse.

Congratulations to your daughter on your wedding day

My dear daughter,
I congratulate you
You are now with a good husband,
And I need the same son-in-law.
I'm glad for you, for myself.
Suddenly the family was replenished.
Friends appeared -
Cheerful matchmakers.
I disclaim responsibility
I entrust you to my husband.
Although he is young,
But it will handle you.
Be good my son-in-law
To be proud of you.
My daughter, don't let me down
Show all your skills.
We must try very hard
So that the husband does not try to hang around,
To eat your fill at home
And he did not look to the side.
I wish you happiness and love
So that the family grows big.
We are already ready for grandchildren,
Do not pull with it so that!

Congratulations to your daughter on a wedding in prose

Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how touchingly you hold your husband's hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Happiness to you!

Congratulations to your daughter's wedding in your own words

Dear daughter! Today is a special day for you - you are creating your family. I wish to carry your love with your husband through your whole life, to gain mutual respect, to maintain patience. Advice and love, healthy and beautiful children!

Congratulations to your daughter on a wedding in verse

We put an end to education -
Happy wedding day, congratulations to my daughter!
Be happy, dear daughter!
After all, with a young beautiful husband
You don't need anyone anymore:
Blessed is this night!
Soon, grandfather and a woman in the arms
Fluffy grandchildren will come
They will talk and sing.
And the two of you dance, sing
Build a nest like doves,
So that there is peace, happiness and comfort in it!

Congratulate your daughter on your wedding

You, my daughter, are leaving for a stranger's house.
Take patience with you on the road.
It, like a key, is a reliable help,
You will open any entrance with that key.
With patience you will pierce the abyss of waters,
You will penetrate into the secrets of day and night,
Your chosen one may strengthen your union,
May he save you from adversity.
Let the husband be dearer every year.
And all that he didn’t give you
In the course of life, only by loving,
Let it be the sun and honey for you.

Short congratulations to the daughter on the wedding

Daughter, my dear daughter,
You are not closer to me in the world
Everyone else? And I burst into tears
Only after learning about the answer
To your boyfriend's proposal:
"Mom, I'll get married."
And tears of happiness poured in a stream!
Congratulations: happiness, peace to you.

Sincere congratulations to the daughter for the wedding to tears

So your wedding day has come
And I don’t have the strength to hold back tears.
I congratulate you, my dear,
Hiding anxiety and joy in my soul.

May your family be strong forever
Let no trouble touch you.
No matter what obstacles we meet in life
Always love each other.

Cool congratulations on the daughter's wedding

Here, my daughter ... You are getting married!
And the husband will become the main thing in life! ..
But do not forget the way to us too -
We will always help you!

What do we need from the two of you?
So that - not like those who drag out life, -
They lived together in love and affection,
Sometimes grandchildren would give us a gift.