Congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of the money tree. Ideas and poems for cash gifts

What to say when giving a gift.

You have been looking for a suitable gift for a loved one or just a very good friend for a long time, and you bought, as you think, exactly what he needs. But how to present a present so that the presentation is original and memorable?

What congratulatory speech would be most appropriate? The article contains congratulations for the most common and valuable gifts. You can use them as they are or add your own.

The most important thing is that the congratulations sound sincere, and the hero of the occasion accepts your valuable gift as a sign of warm and cordial relations.

Words for a bank gift with money in verse and prose

What is the most practical gift? Of course, money! Even if you visited a dozen stores on the eve of the celebration and did not find what the birthday man or colleague would really like, then you always have a win-win option - to give money.

We invite you to present a jar or other glass vessel with money, accompanying the moment of presentation with a comic quatrain or a simple but original congratulation.

A birthday present should be original, useful, beautiful and evoke positive emotions. All these requirements are met by such a present as money.

How can you give money so that the gift does not look official and is remembered for a long time?

  • Roll up a jar of money and write a funny label. For example, "dried greens", "cauliflower".
  • Present a sealed jar with money and hand it over with the words: “I am giving you a bank account.”
  • Hand over a jar of money and a printed instruction that details how to stamp money.

What words to decorate a cash gift?

Please accept my sincere congratulations! May good health be, may good luck accompany you in all your endeavors. So that everything in life goes smoothly and well, so that in the morning you want to sing merrily, I give you this jar of money. I think with them you are guaranteed smiles and vivid impressions.

I congratulate you and wish you warmth and comfort, so that the sunlight warms in any weather. May your wishes come true. I'm giving you a jar of money to start this process faster!

Bank - almost like, as a gift, a pot.
You give - and immediately everything is fine.
There is where to put and where to put.
Life immediately becomes easier.

Everything goes to its place
And nothing just falls apart.
The jar is the most useful item in the world.
There is no better gift, of course.

Bank - not a simple subject,
And universal.
accept the gift
This one is unique.

She will solve a hundred problems
In one moment
Because it was created
Just for filling.

Ideal for water
Milk and juice
Becomes a flower vase
Good for wine.

Suitable for loose
For cereals and semolina.
And most reliable
Save money in the bank.

If there's something you want
Urgently buy for yourself,
Our gift will help here
All dreams come true!

Words for a gift "bank of money"

Money in the bank is cool
You accept from us soon
With a round sum in a stash
Live warmer and more fun.

I give a big jar
It contains the initial contribution.
Replenish your piggy bank.
Let the coin rattle.

Money for a big deal
I wish to accumulate.
Let there be strength and faith
Anything you want to buy.

I'll put money in the bank
I will close the lid.
Here is a present
I'll arrange for you.

For good deeds only
Let the penny go.
If you need
Break the jar!

I want to donate today
Money in the bank for you!
Let them help you achieve your goals.
Take them from me.

I'm sure you know
Where do you need them.
I sincerely wish you
Buy whatever you want.

In honor of a significant day
I want to congratulate you
I wish you success
And it felt the best
To bypass
Any sorrow and misfortune
So that peace reigns in the soul,
May God always be with you
To health never
Nothing hurt
Paperwork, like from me,
May you have more.

Video: How to give money in an original way for a wedding, birthday or anniversary (money bank)?

Words for a car gift in verse and prose

Not everyone can donate a car. But if you have prepared such an impressive present, then you just need to supplement the congratulation with a comic wish.

  • Congratulations on your birthday! I won't tell you standard wishes. Your guests did it for me today. Today I will fulfill one of your dreams: accept a car as a gift. I think this brand suits you. Follow the rules and be lucky on the roads!
  • Happy Birthday! Let fate surprise you pleasant surprises. For example, such as today: accept this car as a gift! It is always a pleasure for a good person to give a valuable gift, because you will cherish it and will not turn up your nose! With such a machine, you will always and everywhere appear on time!
  • Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best the best: health, good luck, fulfillment of all your cherished desires. May fate pamper you and give you only memorable gifts. For example, a car! Now you can also be congratulated on the purchase of a foreign car! Build new plans already with the car, because the accumulated money can be spent on another desire!

To be fashionable and stylish
And everywhere to keep up
Take the car
He's just right for you.

Becoming the owner of the wheels
Don't hold your nose high
Don't drive on the road
Follow all the rules.

Let the car become a friend
Rushing through life circle after circle.
Hold the steering wheel firmly in your hands
And cherish the gift.

Everywhere to be in time and do a lot,
Now you can confidently, boldly.
And you won't get tired anymore
He will solve almost all problems.

Beautiful and fast, not a fairy tale, but a true story,
I give you this car.
May it always serve you flawlessly
And so that the gas tank is never empty!

My love for you cannot be measured
There are no words to describe her
I want to entrust my modest gift,
I hasten to hand over the keys to the car.

Drive carefully, don't drive too hard
Take care of your life and health
Enjoy the ride.
Green light is always on the way!

You are quite big now
Our man, our hero!
You deserve a car
All bolts are included.

Just drive carefully
Skip if possible
Still responsible for you -
We worry about children.

Any purchase holiday -
Double car purchase!
I send wishes of different
It's easy to ride.

The road was so smooth
In the traffic police only friends and relatives.
Machine, like lightning
And so that not a day is under repair.

Words for the gift "car"

Words for a gift with a cake in verse and prose

A traditional birthday present is a cake. It’s good if the pastries are made to order or an interesting wish for the birthday person is written on it. Then the offering of a sweet treat will not look trite and boring.

And if not? How to present one of the obligatory elements of the celebration? Accompany his presentation with a comic commentary or verse.

  • Happy Birthday! I wish you health, prosperity, much money and sweet life. Let this cake make you happy today and decorate all your dreams in the same pink color as the ribbons on the box. Let life consist only of white stripes, like these white roses on a cake.
  • Happy birthday and I want to sweeten this one for you joyful day with a sweet treat! Cut it only with good thoughts and may everything that you have long dreamed of come true. When it starts to melt in your mouth, let your soul be filled with endless joy.
  • Happy Birthday! May you have enough of everything: and friends, and money, and warm days, and smiles, and success, and love. And so that your life is filled with sweetness, I give you a cake with best wishes from confectioners. Sweet love to you, sweet kisses and more luck!

You won't find a better gift -
He's great, he's great!
He makes people shiver
He is so relevant today.

Wonderful cake like a dream:
It is fresh and unbelievably tasty.
It was made slowly
And just for you!

I give you this wonderful cake,
So that all your wishes come true.
To always be always - the highest grade
Your long, sweet life!

Let it be airy and gentle, just like him,
There will be every new night.
And let you dream the most fabulous dream,
How all misfortunes go away!

I wish you a sweet life
And so the gift is a cake!
May good happiness steal away
Enter your life with love!

I wish you a lot of positive
So that every moment is a parade of luck,
Let all problems rush past
How fast the horse gallops!

My gift is the sweetest.
In fact, top notch.
So that everything in life is smooth,
I'm giving you a cake today.

He will cheer you up
He heals sorrow
For effective treatment
Take it with tea.

And increase its properties
A circle of friends helps
All sadness will pass instantly
And more fun to heal.

Pour more tea
Yes, and cut the cake into pieces,
So that on sadness and sorrow
We'd better put an end to it.

On holiday, we want to wish the best:
Treasured dreams to fulfill,
To be in motion and to go to the goal,
Good people on your way!

Let life be happy every sunny day
And happiness will settle in your world,
Good luck, prosperity, strength and love!
Accept the most delicious sweetness from us.

Let this cake give pleasure,
Tastes of refined satisfaction,
Will please the zest and beauty,
And make your holiday more joyful!

He is elegant and pleasant
And it tastes incredible!
And give pleasure.

My present is a cake.
You know a lot about sweets -
This is a holiday for the soul.
Hurry up and bring it to the table!

We wish you a sweet life
Like this cake.
We wish you prosperity
And life without hassle.

Let everything be fine
May you always be lucky
Let troubles forget you
Let life take off.

Words for the gift "cake"

Words for a gift with flowers in verse and prose

You can express your feelings by giving a beautiful bouquet. Flowers complement the feeling of celebration and bring the aroma of a miracle to the celebration.

Accompanying the presentation of a gift with a comic verse or a warm wish, you will certainly bring joy and spiritual sweetness to the culprit or hero of the occasion.

Happy Birthday! May your life be like this as bright and colorful as a rainbow. May there be a lot of positive and good emotions in your life. Inexhaustible energy for the fulfillment of your cherished desires will be added by this bouquet saturated with aromas and shades. I wish you to walk on roads strewn with flower petals!

Words for the gift "flowers"

Happy holiday! I wish you to be as beautiful as these flowers, and delight the eye with charm!

Happy Birthday! I wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes that luck is always there, and you bloom like these flowers!

Flowers are the perfect gift for any occasion.

They broke their heads for a long time
What is the best gift to give?
Express as admiration
And pleasant surprise?
Although the gift is not new,
What a holiday without flowers!
And with a bouquet - a wish:
Be beautiful like a flower
Please our eyes with charm.
And let there be no worries!

Let it be hard to surprise
They (flowers) have long been familiar:
Thought to revive feelings -
Give flowers you, as usual!
Touch the petals with your hand
But they are such a charm!
All gray hair off the temples,
She will return, our courage!
When it's time to give a bouquet ...
... and this is already cool -
Take a chance, luck awaits in the morning
Success will come again to someone!
I give you these flowers
After all, only you are the best in the world.
Let it bring you joy
Their wonderful smell.

Let the fun cause,
And filled with a feeling of affection.
Let dreams come true
And everything will be as you want!
For you as a gift
I'll bring flowers
Delicate petals
You touch with your hand.

clear and understandable
We are the language of flowers,
Let them about feelings
They speak without words.

Comic and funny words of congratulations for gifts

If you are not too lazy and prepare a comic wish or a poem for the hero of the occasion, you can make an unforgettable impression on him.

The loved one you present will appreciate your creativity and will remember the words you uttered for a long time. The selection below will help you find the right words.

May you have more reasons to drink. So that you Today, both Lamborghini and Ferrari wished that their wishes come true. So that you can afford vodka, whiskey and even a cup of tea on your birthday. Be healthy and happy!

Happy Birthday! I wish you a lot of everything: happiness, joy, good luck, warm days, good neighbors and understanding colleagues. Let a stream of dollars and euros rush to your house! When there are too many banknotes, you will wave your hands and shout: "That's enough!"

Our dear birthday boy!
Although you already [and not] fifty dollars,
Still joy for friends -
Birthday, anniversary!
After all, any of the birthdays -
It's also a reason to donate.
Because - see for yourself! —
We have come here with gifts.

Birthday boy, dear!
We are here for you with all our heart!
But first, pour it.
Get drunk, respect people!
No, we don't need alcohol
We would like such a drink
Just to clear your throat!
And we'll give you
Everything we took with us.
It's still a lot of work...
After all, there are a lot of gifts!
Dear hero of the day
We are generously pleased to give.
And without asking for a reward
Let's get started. Is everyone ready?
We are for a dear friend
Haven't regretted anything
Barely dragged.

(At these words, they take out a large box in which all the prepared gifts are stacked, and they begin to take out each item from it one by one and read cool poems about each gift)

Gift number 1.

Look here:
It says "WATER".
And although there is no water,
Let's highlight this point:
After all, the bottle, even if empty,
But what a beautiful one!
Suitable for everything at once.
Well, first of all, it's a vase.
Secondly, the dishes are
And not only for the bouquet:
For water and compote,
And for tea with bergamot.

(in these words they present an empty water bottle - plastic)

Video: Happy Birthday! Joking congratulations!

Gift No. 2

Here's another hello:
Pack of cigarettes.
And "hello" - from childhood he:
Do you remember - summer, the stadium ...
A hundred meters on a physical ...
Sitting in the yard…
Cigarettes were also
Will you still deny it?
Even if you don't smoke for a long time
We give a pack anyway.
It only takes a glance
To understand: smoking is poison!
And why, you ask, a pack? —
You will hide a stash in it!

(in these words they present a pack of cigarettes - preferably empty)
Gift No. 3

Look how beautiful
This beer can!
You can make a rattle
Very nice toy
Throw some coins in there!
What is not the joy of the hero of the day?
Rattle - isn't it?
And a coin box.

(in these words they present an empty beer can)

Gift No. 4

Here's another present for you
Under the name Eurocent,
If simply - a penny
Made from excellent stainless steel.
For what? So it's not a secret:
From donated coins
Happy birthday!
We will not take the present back!
It's money, and besides,
Our modest contribution to this dinner.

(they present a coin and throw it into the already donated beer can)

Gift No. 5

Here's another surprise
Not a whim, not a whim:
This is a candy wrapper.
And why, you ask, is this?
We want to infect with an example:
Become a collector!
This is the first copy.
Do you understand, jubilee?
Who buys paintings
Who collects coins...
Fanfiction is more reliable though:
After all, paintings are more expensive!
And, giving candy to friends,
Remove fanfiction at the same time.

(at this place they present a candy wrapper)

Gift No. 6

And from refractory steel
We give you a pin.
You ask: why all of a sudden?
For gum! Got it, friend?
You might say, “What is it?
After all, now the underwear is different -
From "Trussardi", from "Dior" ... "-
What kind of conversation?
But take it, do not torture your friends,
Just like that - just in case!

(on these words they present an ordinary steel pin)

Gift No. 7

Look here mate:
It's a matchbox!
You say, little thing? No not like this:
It's not empty at all.
Even if you are not a tourist,
Not an avid climber
But from now on you can
Light a fire in your soul!

(in these words they present a box of matches)

Gift No. 8

We are happy to give you
This tube of lipstick.
And although it is completely empty,
But beautiful female lips
He keeps touch.
Hey tube! A feast for the eyes!
And I can give advice:
Throw it in the enemy's pocket!
Revenge him in full
For you his wife!

(an empty tube of lipstick is presented at this place)

Gift No. 9

Look what a beauty:
At least while the jaw is in place,
Behind the teeth - an eye for an eye!
We give ... Now, now ...
(rummaging through the box)

The hero of the day is ready to accept
This dental floss?
Oops, looks like they screwed up...
But we hardly repent -
The thread is simple, ordinary
Somehow act more habitually.
And they made a mistake - it does not matter:
They will always come in handy!

(in these words they present a spool of ordinary thread, maybe not a new one)

Gift No. 10

And now seriously
We will solve the "dental issue".
This is pasta. Yes, a tooth!
Such a fragrant one!
We know, we've tried...
True, we doubt gnaws:
Is it worth giving?
Because buy a new one
We didn't make it today.
But we will give - in fact!

And now it's time for all of us
Rang a friendly "cheers"!

Video: words for wedding gifts

For a wedding with the presentation of money, in which there is no place for banality.

Magic casket

In order to beautifully give money, they are packed in a special box - a chest. You can make it yourself, buy it ready-made or use the help of gift shop consultants who will build such a thing in just five minutes.

In order to make a chest yourself, you will need:

decoration accessories.

With the help of cardboard and adhesive tape make a box. The size can be arbitrary. Beads, embroidery, ribbons, openwork fabric, buttons are most often used as decoration. It all depends solely on the imagination of the donor. If embroidery was chosen as a decor, it is easy to “engrave” the initials of the newlyweds on the lid.

Finely chopped colored paper is placed at the bottom of the box in order to get the “nest” effect. Money, small balls, beads and any other accessories that are only suitable for decorating the chest are placed on top of it. Jewelry can be presented in the same way.
To the finished casket, they attach some cool congratulations on the wedding in prose with the presentation of money, be sure to indicate the initials of the donor in it and tie the box with an elegant satin ribbon.

money carpet

If there is clearly no desire to give money in an ordinary white envelope with the guest's initials, you should pay attention to such an unusual gift idea as a money carpet.

In order to build this design, you will need:

satin ribbon;
polyethylene film.

The size of the cardboard base is meter by meter. The film is fixed on cardboard with adhesive tape. Then glue the tape in such a way that something like a frame is obtained. After that, the cardboard is drawn into small rectangles. They must be equal to the size of the bill.

From banknotes of different names on the carpet, it is easy to add various symbols, for example, hearts or the initials of the newlyweds. For this, let's say, banknotes of 100 rubles are used, and the rug itself will be made of banknotes of 50 rubles.

An alternative presentation implies the ability to dilute real bills with fake ones in order to make the carpet bigger. However, in this case, it is worth notifying the bride and groom about this in advance. Otherwise, the newlyweds can spend their honeymoon not somewhere abroad, but in the cell of the nearest police station.

In addition to a cash present, you should definitely prepare at least a short, but cool congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money, wishing the young people to have such a rug in every room of their family nest.

Bouquet of balloons

Having decided to give money to loved ones for a wedding, you can do it in a more than original way by making a money bouquet from balloons. To do this, you will need to purchase balls, sparkles and beautiful ribbons yourself. The number of balls must be equal to the number of banknotes. Bills twisted into a tube are placed in the balls. Also, glitter or confetti is poured inside each ball. Then they are filled with helium. A ribbon is attached to each ball, and then they are all fastened into one bouquet.

Together with the congratulations, it is worth giving a bouquet of flowers, tying a postcard to it with a wish to live a long and happy life together.

banknote cake

A cool congratulations on a wedding with the presentation of money in the form of a cake is an unusual present that the newlyweds will definitely like, regardless of the amount of money donated. What is worth only the idea of ​​such a gift.

The cake does not need to be baked. It is easy to build a dummy out of cardboard. This will require three boxes. They can be either oval or square. The only condition is that the boxes must be hollow inside and differ from each other in size (from larger to smaller).

Banknotes are attached to the side of the boxes. To fix it, it is quite logical to use paper clips, since when attaching to adhesive tape, it will be quite problematic to remove bills without damaging them. From above, each tier is tied with a satin ribbon. At the very top, you can install a figurine of young people or rings.

How to give money in an original way with an umbrella?

“The most important thing is the weather in the house,” Larisa Dolina sang in one notorious song, once popular in the 90s of the last century. There is a grain of truth in the words of the singer. Especially when it comes to a young married couple who have just crossed one of the main pages in their lives.

Young people who were once nobody to each other got married. Now they will have to experience both joy and hardship together. From the latter, guests may well protect the newlyweds by giving them a miracle umbrella.

In order to make such a gift, you will need four simple things:

staples and thread.

To make the gift look really festive, you can pick up an umbrella with a thematic pattern. For example, it can be an image of a couple in love, balls, hearts and rings. Having chosen the basis for the gift, it remains only to decorate it with money.

To do this, open the umbrella and tie threads to the knitting needles. Paper clips are attached to the threads, and banknotes are already hung on them. The amount depends solely on the financial capabilities of the donor. To make the design look more voluminous, it is necessary to exchange bills for smaller ones and hang them as "thick" as possible. Then the umbrella is closed and packed back.

In addition to the umbrella, it is advisable to prepare a cool congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money, wishing the young people to meet less adversity in life, and if they do, then endure them steadfastly, and most importantly, supporting each other.

Origami from money

Before folding a graceful car or a heart out of a five thousandth note, you will have to sweat a lot. It is unlikely that anyone succeeds in making origami the first time. But if there is still enough time left before the wedding, it will not be difficult to build such a gift with your own hands.

The finished figure is placed in a box and beautifully packaged. You can also make several origami - one for the groom and another for the bride, giving them in different boxes. In this case, one figure should be made in the form of a shirt, and the other in the form of a dress. Newlyweds will surely love this gift.

It is quite logical to prepare a congratulation in words along with the gift or make a video postcard, involving some other guests in working on it. This present will be appreciated no less than origami from a bill. Sooner or later, the money will still have to be spent, but the video will remain. A cool video congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money will not leave anyone indifferent.

Money "cabbage" in the bank

Another quite creative way to donate money is to present it in a bank. It is advisable to purchase a container that is usually used as an interior decoration. Ordinary pickle jars are indispensable here. The container should have a tight-fitting lid with a small handle. It will be convenient to hang a postcard with the donor's initials on it. You can make a postcard either with your own hands or buy it ready-made in the gift shop, choosing the design, congratulations and font size yourself.

In order to make the gift more weighty, some banknotes should be exchanged and more little things should be poured into the jar. In addition, a plate with the inscription "cabbage" is optionally attached to the top of the container. It can also be decorated with a beautiful fabric or gift paper wrapped around.

An alternative way to give money in a bank is sweet medicine. In a traditional presentation, as a rule, sweet candies or medicines are used instead of real pills. Wanting to present such a gift for a wedding, it is enough to add a certain amount to it and attach a card with wishes. The donor does not even have to invent and manufacture anything with his own hands. The basis for this can be purchased at any pastry shop.

In order to fit more bills in a jar, they will need to be twisted into thin tubes. As for the text of a cool wedding greeting with money in the bank, it can be a comic card with an emphasis on cabbage, which the common people call money, or an emphasis on sweet medicine. In this case, the gift can be presented in the form of an attending physician or a sexy nurse. A couple will definitely appreciate such a creative approach to congratulations from close friends or relatives.

Poems for a gift money for a birthday

What is the best gift in the world?
Anyone can answer this for you.
The gift is convenient and versatile,
A useful gift, a real gift.

Of course, we're talking about money here.
With money, luck will always smile!
We wish you to prosper every moment,
Never know the lack of money!

It's hard to choose the right gift
To please both the heart and the eye.
To cause real delight,
And benefit to bring for you.

But money will never be superfluous,
You can take them from us! Congratulations!
Let the wallet be filled with them always,
We wish you wealth on your birthday!

There is no better birthday
What a long-awaited gift -
Sweeter than any hello
More than warm wishes!

I congratulate you on the holiday
And I give a paper envelope -
In it, I give you money
On a solemn and important day!

And I want to be cordial
Sweet, kind and playful,
And I send you, of course,
Lots of happiness and health!

It took us a long time to decide:
What to give from the heart on a birthday?
What if you don't like the watch?
What if you don't wear earrings?
We have gone through many options.
And the conclusion was made, in the end, this is what:
We will give you money in an envelope with a cute bow,
To buy yourself a present any!

I'm in a hurry, I'm flying to you for your birthday!
I bring flowers, I rhyme congratulations!
I want to give a lot of surprises,
But to be sure to please!
Accept, please, the envelope is not easy -
Filled for you with all my heart!
In it is a modest executor of wishes:
Spend it all without hesitation!

On your birthday, I give you an uneasy envelope
Although only money is there, not a golden key!
I want to buy myself a present
So that the joy of your life would immediately illuminate.
It's so nice to pamper yourself on your birthday,
About this, dear, my poem.
Happiness is not in money, but they fulfill desires,
Let there be a lot of money, let them be enough for everything!

Give different gifts
And friends and relatives,
Mugs, books, lighters,
Plus, postcards!
I think that on a holiday,
It's time to create miracles!
For the desires of the most diverse,
I will donate money!

Everyone thinks I'm stingy
And stubbornly and for a long time ...
I don't have an obsession
listen to everyone, but
Let everyone line up
Under the orchestral "dawn"
They will see that I give you money
Birthday gift!

Heading: Congratulations -> Gifts Of course, each of us at least once faced with a situation when, after going through a bunch of gift options, they still settled on money, and whatever one may say, there are such events as, for example, a wedding, where it’s easy to come without money uncomfortable.

And, despite all this, presenting money in an envelope has already become somehow banal, uninteresting, and sometimes even awkward ... Undoubtedly, it will be nice to present a gift certificate from a large retail chain, a package of securities, or even collectible coins or banknotes. But, despite their impressiveness, such gifts look somewhat formal, and therefore more suitable for a wedding or anniversary.

Yes, and agree - how many of us can afford such a gift? That's why you can approach the situation a little differently - creatively. And it seems to me that the proposed ideas will help to present a cash gift and, at the same time, make it original.

1. One of the ways to present money is through various variants of the money tree. Such a gift would be appropriate for both men and women.

You can give a money tree in a pot like this: in front of the hero of the occasion, put a pot of earth on the table and let him “plant” a coin there. Then the coin is watered and the person is asked to close their eyes. At this time, you need to change the pot with a coin for a pot with a money tree.

2. Another option is a cash punching bag. This gift is optimal for real men. We buy the most ordinary punching bag, take out the filler from it (usually there is sand), put money instead of sand.

For the best effect, bills can be exchanged for coins so that the pear comes out really heavy. And after the pear is sewn up, we paint it in golden or silver color. The gift itself can be beaten as a competition for the strongest, and as a result, the winner (who, of course, becomes the hero of the occasion) receives this same pear as a gift, and in addition, we hand over scissors and a book related to money, for example, about a golden calf or 12 chairs. Well, or in extreme cases, we hint that the pear is not easy !!!

3. If you are going to congratulate a female person, then it is natural to come without flowers as inconvenient as without money. Therefore, such beautiful flowers from money can become a wonderful gift. How to make such a bouquet can be read in the article “Flowers from money”.

And if
You will also read the poem, then of course
Your gift will be simply unforgettable.
I propose this: Today, at a solemn, joyful hour,
We present flowers and a gift from us!

Here is a drop of happiness, the radiance of a dream,
Here is a spark of temptation and the light of beauty, 4. The tablecloth with banknotes attached to it will also look original. A woman can be given such a tablecloth with the words that now she has an indispensable assistant.

And for a single man - that since there is no one to take care of him yet, then for now he has such a money tablecloth-samobranka. 5. Another original option: money toilet paper. For such a gift
You will need cling film (the thin one in which products are usually wrapped in supermarkets), scotch tape, and gift money exchanged in small bills (for example, fives, tens, etc.) We take each bill, wrap it in film, and then fasten the wrapped banknotes in a strip and wind into a roll. Another option is to unwind a toilet paper roll and then roll it back up, inserting bills. You can give it with a wish: to have money like garbage. 6. If there are few bills, then you can make a monetary picture.

To do this, we take a photo frame, put the inscription on the sheet in bills .. for example, 1,000,000, and insert it into the frame. 7. Another option is a head of cabbage. Here you can approach in different ways.

You can take a real cabbage, lift the top sheets and attach bills to them. Another, more time-consuming, option is to change money so that the bills are greenish in color. Take a cardboard cylinder from toilet paper or make it yourself and then create a “head” with banknote leaves on this cylinder. 8. You can give a bag of gold.

To do this, we sew a bag from burlap, stick a paper dollar symbol $ on it or draw with a marker. Then we fill it with coins and give it with the words that for the sake of such an event you are ready to do anything .. even rob a bank.

9. For people in one way or another connected with business, jurisprudence, taxes, etc. this option is perfect: buy
Tax Code, and on the article about income that is not subject to taxation, we invest a cash gift.
For newlyweds, this option can be beaten by giving
Kama Sutra (naturally, we invest money in the most interesting places). 10.

We all would like to rake money with a shovel ... so give your dear person a shovel for raking in money. To do this, buy a shovel, scoop or children's spatula. We decorate it with ribbons and balls, on the working canvas (scoop) of the shovel we fasten an envelope with money. 11. Money coloring is also a great gift.

For such a gift
You will need a small file and 2 sheets of paper. We put a banknote into the file and attach the file to a sheet, and on the second sheet we print a photocopy of this banknote. We hand over with the words - each of us would dream of stamping money and today you will learn how to do it, and here is a guide to action. 12. Another dream about wealth is for money to fall from the sky. In principle, it is not difficult to organize - you only need an umbrella with money.

We buy an umbrella, put money in small bills there and pack it. When presenting a gift, we ask the birthday person to demonstrate a new thing. Naturally, opening an umbrella over your head, a person in the truest sense of the word will be under the rain of money. 13. There is also the so-called donation gift.

I think that at least once it happened that several people “share off” for some gift, which the person himself subsequently buys. And there are several options here. If
You go to visit a company or know the rest of the invitees well, then you can cooperate with them. Draw on a piece of paper the item that the birthday person wants to buy, cut this drawing according to the number of participants, and then everyone will attach money to their piece. Having collected the whole puzzle from different guests, the birthday boy will receive the desired amount.

If it is not possible to cooperate with other guests, there is such an option - to give something related to the desired purchase. For example, if a birthday boy dreams of a washing machine - we buy a box of washing powder and attach money to it, for a car enthusiast - you can attach it to a toy car, for a computer genius - to a box from a mouse.

If you are going to a wedding, then you can present money on a brick, as the first brick in a new house for the newlyweds. 14. One of the original gifts can be such a ball with money.

And if a person loves Soviet cartoons about
Winnie the Pooh, then you can attach two balls (blue and green) to a pot of honey. 15. You can give a "bank account." To do this, we put the money in a bank, clog it and present it with the words: And here is your new bank account.

16. A "gift from the mafia" will be intriguing. For this gift, we buy a small box, and even better - a small suitcase or cosmetic bag. We fill it with money, put a few bags of flour (imitation drugs) there and present it.
A travel bag can be a great gift. 17. So that “the chickens don’t peck money”, you can pack the banknotes in the Kinder Surprise egg or make such wonderful money chickens.

18. For a sweet tooth, you can make sweets with a surprise. To do this, you need to buy sweets in the cover, carefully unpack them, put the bills inside, and wrap them back. The main thing - do not forget to hint that sweets are with a surprise !!! 19. "Ten": You can give money not in one bill, but for example in tens and with the words: We give you ten for free,
Ten for being kindly let in.

We put a ten on a transparent stocking,
A dozen from us in income tax,
Ten - for two (let it make a little noise in my head),
We'll give you ten as a surprise,
Ten for you on Versace underwear
And we give this ten to the dacha - There you will walk in linen from Versace,
And look like myself
Take a ten for the Max Factor cream
Ten for clarity in the housing issue,
Ten to go to a restaurant
And this one to stash in your pocket,
Ten for our joint friendship
Ten for what you really need to drink !!
20. Cash rewards are always nice, and a cash ribbon will be doubly nice!
Banknotes are attached to the ribbon and this ribbon is handed (put on over the shoulder) with the words: Dear _______________________!!!
For great services to the fatherland and all the rest of mankind,
And also in connection with the holiday date
President and all of us accept a small advance
Daily percentage, adding to it,
And as soon as you increase wealth,
You can change to the "green" tape.

I order the award to be washed urgently!
Lena, we are celebrating your anniversary!
20. Finally, you can give a rich man's apron/vest
We take polyethylene, fold it in half, cut out the apron / vest, stitch it with rectangles.

We carefully cut each rectangle from above and put a bill into the resulting pocket. Then we dress the birthday man with the words: We give an apron (vest), we are magical,
They decided to explain the meaning of each. The problem of choosing a gift for the anniversary of a loved one will not bypass anyone. The hero of the day, as a rule, already has everything. Don't want to donate things you don't need. And one more nuance is the price range: it’s not nice to give cheap things, but too expensive things can only be given as a pool of money ... Probably one of the ways out in this situation will be to use money as a gift for an anniversary. You can give money in a beautiful envelope by investing in a postcard.

But you can anniversary gift money to beat is quite colorful, interesting and fun. We will tell you now how to do this: Such an anniversary gift will enliven any evening, involve all guests in action and will not require large financial investments.

But it will require some preparation, but, as they say, without difficulty - you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond!
An anniversary gift will be a stylized
It can be any size, but the larger, the better and more effective.

To begin with, we draw up the front side: The second page with poems: “Though not in money
Your happiness, but without them
You can't live!
We decided in
Give you a passbook!” The third sheet of a stylized passbook with verses: “Money in vain
You don’t give up - buy things wisely so that they serve for many years, there is never wear and tear! Maybe the rhymes are somewhat clumsy, but believe me, the guests will not be picky about such rhyming. In addition, we give you only an idea - compose poems to your taste!
Starting from the third page, pictures with objects are a kind of envelope in which they lie, lie down
The SAVING BOOK will go around the table to watch the toastmaster can beat the situation and the guests will invest their mite in these envelopes. Fourth page with verses: "Take away on
A SAVING BOOK for your grandchildren and kids for an apartment and a house, and for other needs! The drawing with the house, the furnishings of the apartment is also an envelope with money. Fifth page with verses: “For fishing, tennis courts and other sports: we also provided for - money
You won't regret it!” The pattern with the skier, tennis player, fisherman and so on is a pocket with banknotes.

A cool gift made of money with your own hands - Money in the bank!

anniversary gift

with verses: “You are a man in the dawn of strength - do not take strength yet,
You still have to storm the peaks and storm. To always be
You are in shape, as the athletes say, you need to go to a sanatorium to improve your health! Drawing depicting a rest home, sanatorium, etc. and banknotes for this event. Well, of course, if the hero of the day is female, then the verses need to be redone, at least like this: “You are a woman, fresh, beautiful and do not take up strength yet ...” Seventh page with verses: “Over the hill, pensioners are very active people!
You have to go on a trip around the world every year!” Drawing according to the theme and money. Eighth page: “They even put them in an envelope for going to restaurants, for decent wine - they won’t be enough anyway!” The corresponding drawing is an envelope with banknotes.

Cheerful ninth page with verses: “For love cupids and for women on the side, you don’t expect banknotes from us, instead of money, figs to you!” Fig figure respectively. Under the hero of the day, it’s elementary to redo the poems !!!
But be careful with this page, it is not suitable for every anniversary!
Page number ten: “If a rainy day comes, then in this case open the last envelope and don’t torture yourself!”. In an envelope with a pattern of flowers and bundles of money lies a certain amount.

On the final eleventh page, you need to place photos of everyone who prepared this
A PASSBOOK (even for those who could not attend the anniversary) and verses: “And you will forgive us for our mistakes, we say so again and again!
After all, we put all our friendship and love into those pieces of paper!

Gift Wrapping Ideas

anniversary gift

can be done by people who could not attend the anniversary for one reason or another, the toastmaster will read the verses. Organize such
The host of the holiday can also use the SAVING BOOK, collecting money from the guests in the course of reading poetry, and printing photos for the last page on the printer right at the venue of the anniversary!
Of course, this will require effort, but what a result!
We wish you good luck on
Your anniversaries and congratulations on the past May holidays to all visitors to our site!
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After all, money means a lot to everyone,
Needed for any holiday!
Let there be no shortage in them,
After all, money is a ladder to dreams,
So let in the whirlpool of fate
Life always helps you.
And we will add luck to them,
And she won't let you down
So get richer
You every day and every year!
A little finance never hurt anyone
As a gift to receive from relatives and friends.
This gift takes up little space.
And immediately gives rise to many ideas.
Car, yacht, house on the sea
You can buy for yourself
But our congratulations on the coast
Don't forget to hang it on the wall!
How to teach
Marx, as he teaches
As they teach at school from childhood - Money has such a property - Either there is money, or there is no money!
And so that they are always enough
So that the mother-in-law (son-in-law, husband) is not pledged,
We give money "little-little",
And with them - this congratulations!
We decided to give you together
Not dishes, not crazy kittens,
We modestly put in an envelope
A colored pile of money.
If we can’t choose a gift, we’ll quietly put the money in an envelope,
And there, as you wish, decide for yourself,
What to do now with your money.
To the celebration of a happy occasion
Kst surprise to live without vicissitudes!
I wish you well,
Keep a big money as a gift,
Buy any beauty on them,
Looking from the depths of shop windows, golden,
Sorrow dispersed the darkness over them.
What's inside? And you check!
Yes, there are "bucks", yo - mine,
You have a happy life!
Money, as usual, can be saved,
And you can buy something nice!
Let them not melt in vain,
Let the family's capital grow!
To live in peace and joy
So that the nerves are always in order,
May they add to your family
Gold reserves!
They stopped looking for children in cabbage.
We picked some cabbages for you,
And take care of the kids!
As a gift, so as not to suffer,
Here's the birthday amount!
Hope you are the best

What to give you, the whole family wondered -

Now it's hard to please with a gift

And as a result, we decided

Give a few presentations.

"Kama Sutra" or a book about sex

Let's start with a wise book

About pleasure and love.

So that the husband on the side does not start an affair,

More often, little wife, look at her.

rolling pin

This useful thing

Will definitely come in handy in the household.

For pies, she can roll out the dough,

And sometimes a good thrashing to ask.

nude doll

We look forward to

In your family replenishment.

Let this doll become glorious

For you a visual training layout.

A bottle of wine

When all the guests work up, get drunk

And they will go home after the banquet,

Sip a drunken drink alone

And spend the night of love beautifully.

Piggy bank

In order for the family to live with dignity,

Need to raise money.

Accept this pig as a gift

And feed her banknotes on time.

Card deck

How to pass a languid evening?

Of course, play cards

To undress a party to spread -

We decided to give you a deck of cards.


The most important thing is the weather in the house,

And the rest, as you know, is vanity.

Everything is already in your household, except

Here is this wonderful umbrella.

Well, that's all, the gifts were presented,

Let's go back to the table, perhaps we.

But, in the end, “bitterly” shout:

We want to see the kiss of love!

The newlyweds kiss, and the congratulators begin to move to their places. Suddenly they stop, remembering the main gift. After all, even comic congratulations on a wedding are not complete without a valuable present - a traditional envelope with money.

Oh yes! We forgot one moment!

After all, we still have a present.

We give you this envelope

To replenish the family budget.

Another option for giving joke gifts

For the groom

You are now a married man!

Your bachelor age is over

Your festivities are over before dawn.

Now carry your post in the family circle.

Think less about a mug of beer

Now your main drink is tea!

(the groom is given a pack of tea)

And so that you do not accidentally turn left,

We hand over the compass! Keep the course only on your wife!

(the groom is given a compass)

For the bride

Don't be a bitch wife

Don't play on your husband's nerves

Don't scream for no reason.

Better knock on the tambourine!

(the bride is given a children's tambourine)

Well, of course, for business

(If the darling was guilty)

You can lather your neck once,

To be disrespectful.

And yet, soap with love and lightly -

Here you have two bars of soap for these purposes.

(the bride is given two bars of laundry or toilet soap)

Good sign for the family

To burn the hearth of the family.

But everything happens in life -

It burns, then it goes out.

So that your hearth does not go out,

We give matches in reserve.

(the newlyweds are given a box of matches)

And this thing is necessary

To maintain intimacy.

So that your nights are hot

And so that - to the very end!

(the newlyweds are given a candle)

For your material benefits

We give you a banal envelope.

(the newlyweds are given a gift envelope with money)

So that you live sweetly with each other,

We are giving away a chocolate bar.

(the newlyweds are given a bar of chocolate)

And only today will be only

Let you both bitterly-bitterly!

(newlyweds are given a large onion head)