Toilet rules. Harsh and merciless Islamic dressing etiquette

Question: What are the adabs (rules) of going to the toilet?

1 - Entering the toilet, pronounced I Auzu .. and Bismillahi .., and read the dua "Allahumaa inni awzu bikya minal hubsi wal habais."

2 - You cannot enter the toilet holding objects in your hands where the names of Allah, verses of the Koran are written. If such items are in your pocket or are covered with something, you can enter.

3 - It is allowed to enter the toilet if there is a securely closed amulet with dua and verses on the body.

4 - You need to enter the toilet with your left foot and exit with your right.

6 - You cannot talk in the toilet, stay for a long time, read a newspaper or the like, sing, smoke, chew gum.

7 - They do not read dhikr in the toilet, do not answer salam. If they sneeze, they say "Alhamdulillah" to themselves.

8 - When making use of the toilet, they do not sit with their face or back to the Qiblah. You need to sit so that the Qibla is on the right or left.

9 - You need to get dressed immediately after relieving the need.

10 - Use the left hand to cleanse. If your left hand cannot be used, you can use your right hand.

11 - Remove impurities with your finger and then wash your finger. If at the end of washing, impurity remains, then it is washed with water.

12 - Men, doing truthja, hold their hand from back to front. Women, in order not to get aroused, carry out from front to back.

13 - After washing, you need to wipe off with a towel, cloth. If there is no tissue, you can use toilet paper. Toilet paper is made especially for this. It is not allowed to use other paper for this.

14 - After truthdzh, i.e. after cleansing, underwear should be lightly sprayed with water. This is done so that there is no waste that this moisture or urine or water spilled during washing.

15 - After cleansing, men make istibra. Istibra women don't. Istibra - emptying the urinary tract from urine. Istibra is done by walking a few steps, coughing or lying on the left side.

16 - If you leave the toilet without making an istiber, then there is a likelihood of the remaining urine in the urinary canal, and therefore it is necessary to prevent the flow of urine by sticking a roll of cotton the size of barley grain into the urinary canal.

18 - The inner confidence that after the istiber there is no urine left in the canal, they call it “Istinka”. After the truth, you can take a bath.

19 - Without special need, you should not relieve yourself on your feet. In the toilet, urine spray should not get on the clothes. And therefore, if possible, you need to have separate clothes for the toilet and enter with your head covered.

20 - After leaving the toilet, you need to wash your hands.

21 - Do not relieve themselves of any water, the walls of the mosque, the graves and the road.

22 - Cleansing with a stone or something similar in the absence of water is considered cleansing with water.

Question: Would it be better to wear separate clothes for going to the toilet?

Answer: Yes, it will be better. It is a mustahab to wear separate clothing for the toilet and wear a hat. (Saadat-i abadiyya)

Question: It is much more convenient for me to use the toilet. Is it appropriate to use a toilet instead of a floor-standing toilet (Genoa bowl)?

Answer: If it is more convenient to use and you can use it without getting dirty with impurities, then there is nothing like that in this. But using a floor-standing toilet is better from a medical point of view. Better is cleansing from impurities, less likely to get dirty with impurities. Because there is a complete exit of all impurities, the bladder and intestines feel better, no impurities remain on the exit routes. Non-Muslim doctors have recorded that Muslims do not have diseases of the urinary tract and colon due to the fact that they use the toilet in this way.

Especially such ailments as prostatitis and diseases of the genitourinary tract are great inconveniences for men that affect family life. You cannot relieve yourself on your feet and you need to choose the path that is best for your health.

Question: It has been said that you cannot relieve your need for water. Does the water in the toilet relate to this?

Answer: No, the water in the toilet does not apply to this. Because this is already the place to send the need. Waters that cannot be relieved of need include those that are used by humans and animals, or those that are used by humans. These include streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, pools, and bodies of water.

Question: Is it a mustahabam for both men and women to enter the toilet with one's head covered?

Answer: Yes, it is mustahab to enter the toilet with your head covered. It is enough for women to enter the toilet wearing a bonet hat.

Question: Is it possible to pronounce Ausu .. and Bismillah .. already in the toilet if I forgot to pronounce it at the entrance?

Answer: If the places of the awrah are not yet exposed, then we can say. Because there is no open filth in modern toilets. Even if there is no suitable place, then in a forced situation, you can read namaz in the toilet.

How to sit on the toilet

Question: In the toilet, during the desired (sunnah) sitting, put both palms or one palm on your face?

Answer: The right palm is placed on the right cheek, the left on the left cheek. This is Sunnah. If it becomes necessary to use the hand, then the right palm remains on the cheek and use the left hand.

When visiting the toilet, it is highly desirable for believers to be shod and in a headdress. It is also advisable (sunnah) before entering the toilet to ask for protection from Allah Almighty, saying the following words:

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَعُوذُ بِك مِنْ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ

« I start with the name of Allah. O Allah, I ask You for protection from male and female genies».

It is advisable to enter the toilet with the left foot, and exit from the right, as opposed to entering and exiting the mosque. It is extremely condemned to bring into the toilet paper on which the names of Allah Almighty are written, the verses of the Koran, hadiths, Sharia sciences.

To relieve need should be in a sheltered and remote place from people. You cannot relieve yourself on the road, in places where people gather, in the shade, where people stop to rest. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Beware of two curses." He was asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what two curses are we talking about?" He replied: "Relieve need on the road or in the shade." This rule also applies to places where a person can bask in the winter. It is also undesirable to empty under fruit-bearing trees, because the fruit may fall on impurities. If a tree or shrub, or just a piece of land belongs to someone, then emptying under it without the owner's permission is a sin. It is reproved to relieve themselves in a burrow, in crevices, in stagnant water, in running (low) water. In short, you need to avoid things that create inconvenience for people or harm flora and fauna.

When correcting the need in an open area, one should not turn with his face or back towards the Kaaba.

This is allowed only if in front, no more than three cubits (about 1.5 m), there is an object at least 2/3 of a cubit (about 35 cm) high. As for the places specially designed for this purpose (toilets), it is not forbidden to turn towards the Kaaba in them, but it is better not to do this there either.

When coping with need, one should sit down without turning either his back or face to the Kaaba. It is also undesirable to turn towards the sun or the moon.

They do not talk in the toilet, do not read the Koran and do not remember Allah (you can remember and read in your mind). If we sneeze, then we say "Alhamdulillah" (Praise be to Allah) mentally. Small need is not coped against the wind and on a hard place (in order to avoid droplets).

Washing (in Arabic "istudja") is a mandatory removal of all secretions from the anterior and anus passages until complete cleansing.

Discharge can be normal (urine, feces) and unusual (ointment, wadju). If the person has emitted only intestinal gas, then washing is not necessary.

Watch out for splashes of urine. It is undesirable to pee a small need while standing, as well as to look at evil spirits. Inadequate urine cleansing is one of the causes of torment in the grave. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Protect the body and clothing from getting urine on them, since most of the torment in the grave is due to the neglect of cleansing from it."

After urination has ceased, for complete confirmation of this, it is advisable (sunnah) to perform istibra, clearing the throat, squeezing the urethra, squatting, etc. Istibra is the release of urine remaining in the urethra after the cessation of its excretion. If a person knows that the flow of urine has not yet ended completely, then he is obliged to get rid of it to the end.

It is undesirable to touch and look at the organs with your right hand (unnecessarily).

When performing truthja, it is preferable to use first a solid object that can remove evil spirits - stone or paper, but water is preferred. You can use one of them - water or stone (paper), but water is preferred. Istingja is performed with clean water suitable for cleaning, or by wiping with pebbles (three or one, having at least three edges, or with paper, etc.). The latter is performed provided that the sewage has not spread beyond the passage or the feces have not dried out. If this happens, then water must be used for purification.

Any object capable of cleaning can replace the stone, if it is rough, dense (not free-flowing), clean (not contaminated with Najas). For example, paper napkins. Smooth objects such as glass are not suitable for this purpose. An honorable object, such as a piece of edible food, a piece of paper, or material containing information about Islam, cannot be used to remove impurities. When removing them with an object, it is necessary to wipe the contaminated place until it is completely cleaned, but at least three times, preferably an odd number of times.

After leaving the toilet, it is advisable to say:

غُفْرَانَك الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي أَذْهَبَ عَنِّي الْأَذَى وَعَافَانِي

« I ask Allah for forgiveness. Praise be to Allah, who freed me from the harmful and bestowed health on me».

I start with the name of Allah. All praise belongs to Allah, may blessings and salutations be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and companions! May Allah direct us all to what He loves and what He will be pleased with!

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to the ummah in order to improve its condition. People were surprised and said: “ Muhammad taught his companions everything: even how to relieve the toilet.". A visit to the toilet, where the natural needs of a person go, is a place that people do not like, because there needs are coping there. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) raised the use of the restroom to the level at which one can receive a reward from Allah. Each of us can go to the toilet and earn a huge reward by completing the 15 Sunnaths of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

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There are some Sunnatas performed when entering the toilet. Firstthis is the removal of the ring and everything that has the name of Allah on it : you cannot enter the latrine with anything on which the name of Allah is written. Second Sunnahbefore visiting, you must pronounce the name of Allah and ask Him for protection from Satan as requested by the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him): “ O Allah, I resort to Your protection from evil spirits and impurities and the accursed shaitan ". We know that the shaitans gather in the toilet and bathhouse, and this dua will save you from Satan. Third Sunnahhead covering , fourthputting on slippers , so as not to get dirty, the fifthtucking up of trousers to avoid dirt, that is, impurities, which can interfere with the performance of prayer.

The toilet should be entered with the left foot. Allah is not remembered there, and conversations are condemned. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not allow talking in the toilet and taught that if someone calls, then let the one who was called cough to make it clear what is in the toilet.

An important point- This is nudity in the toilet. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not like this, and he said: “ Allah deserves to be ashamed of Him ". When you want to defecate, bare only as needed, and if you are in an open area it is desirable to read this dua: "With the name of Allah, there is no deity besides Him." The Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) told us that whoever reads this dua, Allah will hide from the eyes of the jinn, and they will not see his awrat.

Also, the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us to wash well with stones and water, but today a person can use paper with water. The Arabs did not know about washing with water until the arrival of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). Allah praised the people of Medina because they were the first to follow what he taught them. The Almighty said about them: “ She has husbands who love to cleanse themselves. "(Surah" at-Tavbatu ", ayat 108). Why? Because they were washed by stones and water. It is advisable for a person, when washing himself, to first use paper, and only then water, thereby he will fulfill the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

When washing away, you need to use your left hand, removing your right from this; it is also advisable to cough up and squeeze out the remains of urine - there is purification in this. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us: “Truly, most of the punishments in the grave are due to gossip and not being cleared of urine,” this is worth considering. It is necessary to cleanse by coughing up and squeezing out the remains of urine with your hand.

Everything about religion and faith - "prayer when leaving the toilet" with detailed descriptions and photographs.

Dua at the entrance to the toilet

Transliteration: Allahumma inni awzu bi-kya min-al-khubsi wa-l-habais

Translation of the meaning: O Allah, I resort to you from the evil of the shaitans male and female

Dua when leaving the toilet

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بِسْمِ الله اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَعـوذُ بِـكَ مِـنَ الْخُـبْثِ وَالْخَبائِث

Bi-media Llyakhi, Allahumma, in-ni a'uzu bi-kya min al-khubsi wa-l-habaisi!

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Pleading when entering and exiting the toilet

In the name of ALLAGA, Merciful to everyone in this world and Merciful only to those who believe on the Day of Judgment!

I ask you to pay attention to the Sunnah when entering the toilet, with which foot we enter it and with which one we leave. It happens that both young and adults do not pay attention to this. How can one not pay attention to this when it is Sunnah to enter with the left foot and leave with the right. In all positions we have someone to follow and, following which we receive a reward. It already happens differently in the mosque, they enter from the right, and leave from the left. This is Sunnah, pay attention to it!

The next sunnah that we must pay attention to is this supplication read when entering and leaving the toilet.

When entering the toilet they read:

“Bismillag. Allagumma inni a'uuzubikya minal-khubsi wal-habaais "

Translation: “In the name of the Lord. Oh, the Almighty, verily, I resort to You from the harm of the shaitan, male and female. "

The basis for this is the hadith from Anas, may ALLAH be pleased with him, which says that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said so when he entered the toilet.

Try to learn this dua, or just read when entering the toilet and leaving the phones, all the more, now there is such an opportunity, and we will be one of those who will fulfill the sunnah and receive a reward.

And when a person leaves the toilet, it is sunnah for him to say:

"Gufranaka, alhamduli Llyagyillazi azgabaannil aza waafani"

Translation: "Forgive me! Praise be to ALLAGU for delivering me from the one who tormented me and alleviating my condition "

The basis for this is the hadith from Abu Zarr, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and greet him, when leaving the toilet said: “ Alhamduli Llyagyillazi azgaba annil aza waafani "

Also transmitted from Aisha, may ALLAG be pleased with her: "The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not come out of the toilet except for saying:" Gufranaka "

Alims in the books "Manhaj-ul Kavim" and "Bazhuri" indicate the repetition of words "Gufranaka" three times.

Let those who know this dua try not to forget to read it, and those who do not yet know, let them approach the knowledgeable, ask them to write and teach them, especially so that we teach our children to do this.

May ALLAG help us to follow in all deeds and words the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and give us a happy ending !.

"Lavamiul anwar sharhu kitabil Azkar"

غفرانك، الحمد لله الذي أذهب عني الأذى وعافاني

Ibnu Majah, 110/1,

Abu Daud, 7/1, Tirmidhi, 48/1, Ibnu Majah 110/1

"Manhaj-ul Kavim" with. 193


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    Toilet rules

    When visiting the toilet, it is highly desirable for believers to be shod and in a headdress. It is also advisable (sunnah) before entering the toilet to ask for protection from Allah Almighty, saying the following words:

    بِسْمِ اللَّهِ اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَعُوذُ بِك مِنْ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ

    « I start with the name of Allah. O Allah, I ask You for protection from male and female genies».

    It is advisable to enter the toilet with the left foot, and exit from the right, as opposed to entering and exiting the mosque. It is extremely condemned to bring into the toilet paper on which the names of Allah Almighty are written, the verses of the Koran, hadiths, Sharia sciences.

    To relieve need should be in a sheltered and remote place from people. You cannot relieve yourself on the road, in places where people gather, in the shade, where people stop to rest. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Beware of two curses." He was asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what two curses are we talking about?" He replied: "Relieve need on the road or in the shade." This rule also applies to places where a person can bask in the winter. It is also undesirable to empty under fruit-bearing trees, because the fruit may fall on impurities. If a tree or shrub, or just a piece of land belongs to someone, then emptying under it without the owner's permission is a sin. It is reproved to relieve themselves in a burrow, in crevices, in stagnant water, in running (low) water. In short, you need to avoid things that create inconvenience for people or harm flora and fauna.

    When correcting the need in an open area, one should not turn with his face or back towards the Kaaba.

    This is allowed only if in front, no more than three cubits (about 1.5 m), there is an object at least 2/3 of a cubit (about 35 cm) high. As for the places specially designed for this purpose (toilets), it is not forbidden to turn towards the Kaaba in them, but it is better not to do this there either.

    When coping with need, one should sit down without turning either his back or face to the Kaaba. It is also undesirable to turn towards the sun or the moon.

    They do not talk in the toilet, do not read the Koran and do not remember Allah (you can remember and read in your mind). If we sneeze, then we say "Alhamdulillah" (Praise be to Allah) mentally. Small need is not coped against the wind and on a hard place (in order to avoid droplets).

    Washing (in Arabic "istudja") is a mandatory removal of all secretions from the anterior and anus passages until complete cleansing.

    Discharge can be normal (urine, feces) and unusual (ointment, wadju). If the person has emitted only intestinal gas, then washing is not necessary.

    Watch out for splashes of urine. It is undesirable to pee a small need while standing, as well as to look at evil spirits. Inadequate urine cleansing is one of the causes of torment in the grave. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Protect the body and clothing from getting urine on them, since most of the torment in the grave is due to the neglect of cleansing from it."

    After urination has ceased, for complete confirmation of this, it is advisable (sunnah) to perform istibra, clearing the throat, squeezing the urethra, squatting, etc. Istibra is the release of urine remaining in the urethra after the cessation of its excretion. If a person knows that the flow of urine has not yet ended completely, then he is obliged to get rid of it to the end.

    It is undesirable to touch and look at the organs with your right hand (unnecessarily).

    When performing truthja, it is preferable to use first a solid object that can remove evil spirits - stone or paper, but water is preferred. You can use one of them - water or stone (paper), but water is preferred. Istingja is performed with clean water suitable for cleaning, or by wiping with pebbles (three or one, having at least three edges, or with paper, etc.). The latter is performed provided that the sewage has not spread beyond the passage or the feces have not dried out. If this happens, then water must be used for purification.

    Any object capable of cleaning can replace the stone, if it is rough, dense (not free-flowing), clean (not contaminated with Najas). For example, paper napkins. Smooth objects such as glass are not suitable for this purpose. An honorable object, such as a piece of edible food, a piece of paper, or material containing information about Islam, cannot be used to remove impurities. When removing them with an object, it is necessary to wipe the contaminated place until it is completely cleaned, but at least three times, preferably an odd number of times.

    After leaving the toilet, it is advisable to say:

    غُفْرَانَك الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي أَذْهَبَ عَنِّي الْأَذَى وَعَافَانِي

    « I ask Allah for forgiveness. Praise be to Allah, who freed me from the harmful and bestowed health on me».

    Prayer when leaving the toilet

    Prayer times


    useful links

    Words of appeal to Allah at the entrance to the toilet

    With the name of Allah, O Allah, verily, I resort to You from viciousness and evil deeds (it is also possible that by “khubs” and “habais” they mean evil spirits of both sexes).


    TIun nedaldi Vilik “Bismillagyi-rrahImanirrahIim” lugun wa hveyi siv kyabulrai lagyana, makhsus duya kIelun:

    "Allahumma lyakya sumtu wa bikya amantu wa alaykya tavakkyaltu wa‘ ala ryzkykya aftartu fagfirli ya gaffaru ma kaddamtu wa ma akhartu "

    “I am Allag, Vi razival kazanmishun patal for siv hvena. Wah inanmish I am. Vakh umud quaz yagun-va. Wuna gayi rizkyidal za siv hkudzava wa pakagyan yikyan Ramazandin vatsran queen tir siv huniz niyat iyizwa. Zavay khyayi va hizhedai gunagyri-lai gil kachu. "

    Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

    Lezgin Islamic educational portal.

    How a Muslim should behave in a restroom

    I start with the name of Allah. All praise belongs to Allah, may blessings and salutations be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and companions! May Allah direct us all to what He loves and what He will be pleased with!

    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to the ummah in order to improve its condition. People were surprised and said: “ Muhammad taught his companions everything: even how to relieve the toilet.". A visit to the toilet, where the natural needs of a person go, is a place that people do not like, because there needs are coping there. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) raised the use of the restroom to the level at which one can receive a reward from Allah. Each of us can go to the toilet and earn a huge reward by completing the 15 Sunnaths of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

    There are some Sunnatas performed when entering the toilet. Firstthis is the removal of the ring and everything that has the name of Allah on it : you cannot enter the latrine with anything on which the name of Allah is written. Second Sunnahbefore visiting, you must pronounce the name of Allah and ask Him for protection from Satan as requested by the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him): “ O Allah, I resort to Your protection from evil spirits and impurities and the accursed shaitan ". We know that the shaitans gather in the toilet and bathhouse, and this dua will save you from Satan. Third Sunnahhead covering , fourthputting on slippers , so as not to get dirty, the fifthtucking up of trousers to avoid dirt, that is, impurities, which can interfere with the performance of prayer.

    The toilet should be entered with the left foot. Allah is not remembered there, and conversations are condemned. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not allow talking in the toilet and taught that if someone calls, then let the one who was called cough to make it clear what is in the toilet.

    An important point- This is nudity in the toilet. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not like this, and he said: “ Allah deserves to be ashamed of Him ". When you want to defecate, bare only as needed, and if you are in an open area it is desirable to read this dua: "With the name of Allah, there is no deity besides Him." The Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) told us that whoever reads this dua, Allah will hide from the eyes of the jinn, and they will not see his awrat.

    Also, the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us to wash well with stones and water, but today a person can use paper with water. The Arabs did not know about washing with water until the arrival of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). Allah praised the people of Medina because they were the first to follow what he taught them. The Almighty said about them: “ She has husbands who love to cleanse themselves. "(Surah" at-Tavbatu ", ayat 108). Why? Because they were washed by stones and water. It is advisable for a person, when washing himself, to first use paper, and only then water, thereby he will fulfill the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

    When washing away, you need to use your left hand, removing your right from this; it is also advisable to cough up and squeeze out the remains of urine - there is purification in this. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us: “Truly, most of the punishments in the grave are due to gossip and not being cleared of urine,” this is worth considering. It is necessary to cleanse by coughing up and squeezing out the remains of urine with your hand.

    Some people see going to the toilet as a waste of time and try to do something else, sometimes wrong. The time during which we relieve ourselves is not a waste of time, it is for thinking about the blessings of Allah, therefore the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that when we leave the toilet, we go out with our right foot, reading this great dua: " Praise be to Allah, who has removed harm from me and preserved me " or " Praise be to Allah, who has alienated the harmful from me and left what is useful for me ". Reflecting on the blessings of Allah, a person will feel great humility before the Creator, because he sees evil in himself, but other people do not see it in him. This is the benefit of being in the toilet.

    Among what the Messenger taught us (peace and blessings be upon him) is the knowledge of how to properly relieve need. It is advisable for those who want to defecate, to bare only as needed, without opening the Avrat at once, then sit down, leaning on the left leg, for this makes it easier to defecate. What is worth paying attention to and what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) drew attention to - one should beware of splashes. If you urinate in an open area, then you need to beware of splashes from the wind, if you urinate on a solid, then the splashes stain clothes.

    Also, let a person after a bowel movement do not look at what came out of him, and do not leave behind something that may not be pleasant to another - you need to wash it off after yourself. Allah magnified the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) miraculously: the earth swallowed his stool, but he taught us that a person would clean up after himself, because it is disgusting for others. Some do not comply with this requirement, and this is noticeable in some baths and toilets, especially in public ones.

    The beautiful aspect in this sunnah is that a person feels a connection with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) in all life's affairs, and even in this simple matter there is a connection with the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). This means that the awareness of following the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and understanding of the meaning becomes full-fledged: “ Say (O Muhammad): “If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you. ”” (Surah “Alu Imran”, ayat 31).

    Sermon transcript Muhammad al-Sakafa