Presentation on the topic "non-standard physical training equipment in the dhow". We make non-traditional physical education equipment with our own hands

G. Semey

KGDU "Nursery Garden No. 3"

Umirova Z.S.

(physical education teacher,

Non-traditional sports equipment in kindergarten.

One of the priority tasks of forming a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is to create motivation, teach and instill healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.

An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized subject-spatial environment, first of all, it is a motor subject-developing environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional. To do this, in our kindergarten "KGDU Nursery School No. 3", we use non-standard sports equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to activate physical culture and health-improving work.

It is possible to update the game equipment in the gym at no special cost, if there is a desire and a little imagination. The use of non-standard manuals brings variety to physical activities and the effects of novelty, makes it possible to use familiar exercises more widely, to vary tasks. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with play, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motor activity. The use of bright color manuals increases children's interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional coloring.

The pedagogical staff of our kindergarten pays special attention to the joint work of teachers, children and parents in the upbringing and teaching of children. Knowing that positive results can be achieved only by making parents our allies, we tried to arouse their interest in physical education and health promotion of children, to show how much their interest in classes increases when using non-standard equipment. Parents, taking care of the health of their children, have enriched the sports corner with attributes , hand-made. At the very first request of the educators, the parents of our pupils brought from home a variety of waste materials. Preschoolers are very fond of making toys with an adult. A child can become a co-author of creativity as early as 3-4 years old. At first, the child observes the work of an adult, gives the necessary part, older preschoolers themselves can glue, pick up parts, suggest any design. In the middle group, for children 4-5 years old, in our kindergarten, we opened a creative workshop called "Crafts from waste material." Together with the educators, the children make various crafts and toys, help to make non-standard sports equipment for the sports corner of the group room. Naturally, educators offer children creative activities that are affordable for their age. Children choose the pictures they like and paste over boxes with them, decorate sports equipment with self-adhesive colored paper, thread nylon thread into plastic bottle caps, pour cereals into bottles from kinder surprises, etc. Joint creative work satisfies the child's need for vigorous activity, gives a real embodiment of thought and fantasy. In the process of working with natural and waste material, children learn about the properties of these materials, learn to compare these materials with each other. Their knowledge of the standards of shape and color is consolidated, the desire to achieve a positive result is brought up. The creation of non-standard equipment is always creativity, the invention of something new: in design, in the way of action. Such equipment contributes to the conduct of new interesting and exciting games in the classroom. This will allow the kids to "take a break" from the constantly repetitive exercises, and the teacher - to implement new ideas and learning objectives with minimal expenditure of money. Non-standard equipment helps to increase the physical activity of children, forms a steady interest in physical education, both among boys and girls. The use of non-standard equipment and aids brings variety to outdoor games and physical education activities, allows you to use various exercises more widely, vary tasks, make changes, diversify holidays and entertainment, both indoors and outdoors. The use of these aids and equipment increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to apply a differentiated method of working with children with different pathologies.

Movement is a vital need, a means of strengthening the body. The kid is by nature a doer, and his activity is expressed in movement. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intensive intellectual development is. For the full development of a child, it is necessary that in motor activity he gets acquainted with as many different physical education aids and objects as possible. There is a well-known scientifically grounded conclusion that neither imitation nor images give such a positive result when performing motor tasks as equipment and aids.
The success of physical education classes, and the effectiveness of physical education of children in general, depends on the forms, methods and techniques, an individual approach to children, and also, to a large extent, on the availability of the necessary material and technical base. The subject environment is of great importance for the development of the activity of children, the formation of their initiative behavior and creativity.
Insufficient material support, the inability to purchase expensive equipment, an ardent desire, in spite of everything, to make physical education activities entertaining and effective, diverse and exciting, encourage many teachers to search for new forms of work.

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"The health of our children largely depends on the setting of physical culture in kindergarten and family ..." N. M. Amosov.

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An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized subject-spatial environment, first of all, it is a motor subject-spatial environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, and transformable. To do this, in our group, we use non-standard equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to activate physical culture and health-improving work.

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Purpose: to expand the subject-developing environment, by creating new non-standard equipment, from waste material with your own hands, helping the full development of preschool children Objectives: To motivate children for physical activity through the use of non-traditional equipment in independent activities Develop expressiveness and beauty of movements Develop creativity, imagination , when using this equipment To generalize and disseminate experience in the creation and use of non-standard equipment for the motor environment

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Requirements for non-standard equipment Non-standard equipment should be: Safe, Maximum efficiency, Convenient to use, Compact, Easy to manufacture, Aesthetic.

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Group corner

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we have a new product - "Massage Gloves" in the health and fitness center! This non-standard hand-made equipment makes me and my children happy. "Massage gloves"

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"Massage gloves" help to have a positive effect on the growth and development of the child's body, relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation, and soothe the nervous system of preschoolers. The children really liked them! With pleasure and desire, children play and massage themselves and each other! The massage is performed to increase the general tone of the body, to strengthen the immune system and improve the emotional state of the child.

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To make "Massage Gloves" you need gloves, beads or buttons.

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And also in our group there are other non-standard physical training equipment:

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"FIREWORKS IN A BOTTLE" Material: A plastic bottle filled with confetti, foil, pieces of styrofoam, etc., in which holes are made. Cocktail tube. Purpose: To teach correct breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). Use: The child blows into a tube inserted into the lid. Breathing exercises in play.

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Su-jok massage ball with spring rings The development of fine motor skills is very important for the full development of the brain. Thanks to actions and games for the development of fine motor skills, the child develops coordination of movements, learns to control his body, to concentrate on objects. No one can give a 100% guarantee that only due to constant finger stimulation, a child will speak early or grow up as a child prodigy. But the development of hand motor skills is one of the simple and effective developmental activities. This is especially important for children with delayed speech development.

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Material: "Quiet simulator" - on the wall made of self-adhesive film, silhouettes of children's hands and feet in different variations are glued: "Quiet simulator" Development: development of coordination of movements, spatial perception, understanding spatial relations (right - left). Training of muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, arms and legs, relaxation.

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Winder Game is a useful competitive game for preschool children. They are used to effectively train the fine motor skills of the fingers. During the game, dexterity, coordination and speed of movement are improved. Winder games are used both in competitions and in individual work and in the free play activity of children. I bring to your attention a do-it-yourself game winder. "Whose butterfly is faster." Game - winder "

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1. Physical education equipment for preschool institutions: value, variety, equipment requirements

2. Basic requirements for the selection of physical education equipment

2.1 First junior group

2.1.1 Placement of exercise equipment

2.2 Second junior group

2.2.1 Placement of exercise equipment

2.3 Middle group

1 Placement of exercise equipment

2.4 Senior and preparatory groups

2.4.1 Placement of exercise equipment

2.5 Equipment for the gym

2.6 Sports ground equipment

3. The use of non-traditional equipment on the sports ground, in the gym and on the site of the kindergarten

4. Organization of walks in the winter season

4.1 Walk structure

4.2 The task of the educator

4.3 Components of a walk

5. Make a selection of exercise minutes, chants, march songs, chants


1. Physical culture equipmentfor preschool institutions:value, varietyAsia, equipment requirements

Full and all-round development and upbringing is impossible without properly organized and sufficient physical activity for preschool children, which has a huge impact on the health and physical development of the child. The growing body of a child needs movement, and the satisfaction of this need is the most important condition for his life and development.

The child's motor activity is often determined by the motor regime proposed to him, which consists of organized and independent activity. When developing a rational motor regime in kindergarten, it is important not only to ensure that the biological needs of children for physical activity are satisfied, but also to ensure that it corresponds to their motor experience, interests, desires and functional capabilities of the child's body. Therefore, the teacher must take care of the organization of children's motor activity, its diversity, as well as the fulfillment of the main tasks and requirements for its content. To do this, it is necessary to have correctly selected physical education equipment, which is an integral part of the general subject-play environment of the kindergarten.

Reasonable selection and rational use of physical culture equipment in the process of optimizing the regimen of children's motor activity in a kindergarten will contribute to the development of the motor sphere of children, their all-round development.

At the initial stage of mastering various movements, a variety of poses, and object-related actions, an important role belongs to adults. They create conditions for activating the motor activity of children during their wakefulness, widely using a variety of bright toys, objects, aids, which are an incentive for them to perform different movements. Kids reach for the object they like, try to overcome some distance in order to get it, and then try to act with it. Through actions with different objects, the child gets acquainted with the object environment surrounding him. The gradual mastery of different types of movements helps to expand the child's capabilities in knowing the world around him. In the process of manifestation of motor activity in a child, conditioned reflex connections in the cerebral cortex are established faster, and its all-round development occurs more intensively.

The development of the motor sphere of preschool children is associated with the choice of certain methods of their actions, requiring physical effort and energy expenditure, correlating them with the dimensions and weight, stability and other properties of the objects used.

The child's motor activity to achieve the goal of any action, for example, throwing the ball into the basket, maintaining balance on a balance bar, walking on a gymnastic bench, cycling, skiing is determined by the child's intellectual-sensory, cognitive, as well as emotional-volitional and playful activity of the child.

Feelings of "muscle joy" are of great importance for the development of children's movements. The satisfaction of children from overcoming the emerging difficulties of a different nature (various obstacles encountered on the way; indecision, excitement, ignorance of the methods of performing movements, etc.), contributes to the development of volitional efforts, the enrichment of motor experience, and the disclosure of their functional capabilities.

In the process of performing various types of exercises with the use of manuals, motor skills are formed in children (cycling, scooter, skiing, jumping on a trampoline, jumping rope, climbing a rope, etc.).

During the use of physical training equipment, variable and complicated conditions can be created for performing various physical exercises. For example, children, overcoming an obstacle course, consisting of different modules, make many movements: walking and running on an inclined boom, crawling on a gymnastic bench, crawling under arcs, jumping on a trampoline, etc. At the same time, children show agility, endurance, quick reaction, as well as courage, determination and resourcefulness.

A complex of exercises for general developmental effects with various aids and objects (ball, hoop, gymnastic stick, etc.) can have a huge impact on the development of different muscle groups and strengthening muscle tone.

Bicycles, rollerblades, skates stimulate the development of leg muscles. To strengthen the muscles of the foot and prevent flat feet, various massagers, small objects (rings, sticks, balls - for gripping with toes), ribbed boards are used. The formation of the correct posture is facilitated by physical exercises performed against a wooden wall, exercises with children's resistance bands, a gymnastic stick and other objects.

Physical education aids help children to achieve a clearer idea of ​​movement, which develops on the basis of sensations and perceptions. Independent physical activity of children is determined by the presence of specific knowledge about different ways of doing exercises using physical training equipment. It is important that in the process of teaching children movements, manuals contribute to their faster mastering.

In the process of performing motor tasks, children gain knowledge about the properties of various objects and aids (shape, color, weight, quality of material), get acquainted with the peculiarities of movement in space, with the directions of movement. It should be noted the positive role of using a variety of physical education aids in outdoor games and exercises for children for the perception of space and time, including for the formation of skills and orientation in the environment. Children, showing their motor activity, act in a certain space, which can be different in size and shape, subject saturation. During walks, on a group site, a sports field, or in a nearby forest, the field of activity for children is quite wide.

They move a lot on playgrounds, treadmills, jumping zones, on an obstacle course, in a mini-stadium, on a ski track. However, the space for physical activity of children during physical culture classes held in the gym is more closed, since it is limited by the size and shape of indoor spaces (group rooms, physical culture and gymnasiums, swimming pools).

In any of the above conditions, the child determines the location of some objects in relation to others, as well as in relation to himself and, at the same time, he learns all this in the process of motor activity on the basis of sensation, touch, visual perception and speech. In different conditions, the formation of movements and spatial orientation occurs in children at the same time. Versatile cognition of spatio-temporal relations, the objective environment occurs through active movements performed by children with different aids. Some physical exercises can be performed by preschoolers with small physical aids (rubber ring, flag, rope, stick, hoop, ball). Other exercises - on a gymnastic roller, wall, balance beam, handlebar, sledging, skiing, etc. or near them (at a gymnastic wall, bench, at a log, etc.).

When children participate in collective games with elements of sports (small towns, volleyball, football, badminton, tennis, basketball, hockey), as well as in sports exercises (skating, skiing, cycling, scooter), a special environment is created, which requires children to be able to coherently solve motor problems, obey certain rules, use well-known movements in accordance with game situations, and also independently find different ways of completing a task.

With the rational selection and placement of physical culture equipment, favorable conditions are created for the deployment of various independent motor activity of children. Preschoolers can choose interesting and accessible movements with various manuals that will help to creatively solve motor problems, feel comfortable in space among various objects and regulate their motor activity.

Physical culture aids greatly contribute to increasing the interest of children in performing various motor tasks in unusual conditions (forest, in the gym, on the sports ground), which leads to the satisfaction of their need for physical activity, and also has a beneficial effect on the health of children, their physical and mental development.

The participation of children in the preparation of manuals for various types of physical education classes forms their skills of careful and careful handling.

The harmony of the combination of various forms, colors of different aids in the design of the physical education and play environment evokes positive emotions in preschoolers. Rational physical activity of children in a variety of conditions of the subject environment forms their habit of regular physical education.

2. Basic requirements for the selection of physical education equipment

The selection of equipment is determined by the tasks of both physical and comprehensive education of children. In a kindergarten, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of physical education equipment to provide children with a favorable level of physical activity in the process of various forms of physical education of preschoolers. The variety of equipment and manuals makes it possible to use it productively in different types of physical culture classes, while creating their variable content for the development of children's arbitrary movement, their independence and creative ideas.

It is necessary that the equipment (dimensions, dimensions and weight of objects) correspond to the age characteristics of children and their anthropometric indicators. The amount of equipment is determined based on the active participation of all children in the process of various forms of physical activity. The dimensions and weight of portable equipment should be commensurate with the capabilities of the children.

One of the important requirements for the selection of equipment is to ensure the safety of children when using it. Each benefit must be sustainable and durable. In order to provide insurance, prevent injuries in children during physical education classes, it is necessary to have good bindings and gymnastic mats.

The materials from which the equipment is made must meet hygienic requirements, be environmentally friendly and durable.

A variety of shapes, colors of physical education equipment should contribute to the education of artistic taste in children. Delicate pastel colors are most preferred for painting equipment.

It is advisable to complete the equipment in accordance with different types of movements, physical exercises, outdoor and sports games. With the help of equipment and manuals, the correct implementation of various complexes of physical exercises (general developmental, exercises in the main types of movements), as well as the purposeful formation of various physical qualities (agility, flexibility, strength, endurance, speed and speed-strength qualities) should be ensured.

Most of the physical education aids are used by children in the process of performing physical exercises and outdoor games. Therefore, the sets of equipment should include a wide variety of items: large (gymnastic benches, ladders, booms, etc.), portable and stationary, made of different materials (wood, rubber, plastic, etc.), small (rubber rings, balls , balls, hoops, etc.).

The presence of a variety of equipment in the kits is due to the specifics of the construction and content of different types of physical culture classes (morning exercises, corrective gymnastics after a nap, physical culture classes, games and exercises in the air and indoors, physical culture leisure and holidays).

Due to the fact that preschool institutions have to independently provide themselves with the necessary equipment, it is important when selecting it to take into account the recommendations that are quite fully disclosed in the annotated list of T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva, M.A. play equipment for preschool educational institutions ", Moscow," Mosaic-Sintez ", 1999.

When choosing physical training equipment, it is essential to take into account the peculiarities of the physical development of children and the age stages of the formation of motor skills. Therefore, in the proposed manual, the equipment is selected in accordance with age groups. In addition, for most items of physical education equipment, sizes are indicated that correspond to the main parameters of the age development of children.

For the rational organization of the physical activity of preschool children, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment at the place of its use (for certain conditions). We offer an approximate list of physical education equipment for group rooms and a gym.

2.1 First junior group

Children of the third year of life are very active, they try to act independently, making a wide variety of movements using different aids (walking on a bench, climbing and crawling under a table, chairs, rolling a ball, a ball, throwing a ball and various objects, walking on a limited support while maintaining balance and etc.).

Independent physical activity of children 2-3 years old is associated with playing around with various objects and toys. Children reach for a toy, bend over, climb onto a cube, make certain efforts to get one or another object or aid.

The emergence of plot play is essential for the development of children's motor skills. However, observations show that babies often do not move enough in these games. Their games are of a sedentary nature, so all actions with a doll, bear, bunny, etc. are performed mainly in the process of sitting, standing or walking.

The movements of a 3-year-old child are not yet sufficiently formed as arbitrary, they are often chaotic and unintentional.

In the development of movements and the manifestation of their motor activity, a significant role in babies is played by the ability to act in imitation of familiar images, as an adult, imitating animals, birds, transport, etc. Imitation movements take an important place in children in their independent activity.

You can observe how the child independently manifests his motor activity in games with figurative toys. For example, a child with a bunny jumps, runs away from a wolf, crawls under arcs, hides in a tunnel, etc. Toddlers try to imitate the actions of an adult, but they do not adhere to the exact form of movement. For them, the main thing is to repeat the movements and actions many times on their own, while feeling great joy.

The physical activity of children 2-3 years old significantly increases in the process of games with the use of physical training aids. Their handling of benefits is fairly simple, they usually beat them. For example, a child takes a hoop lying on the floor, sits in it, imagining that it is a house, then runs to the chanterelle and sits down with her. Then he takes a bunny, a bear, etc. and puts them back in his "house", etc. Another child can use the hoop as a steering wheel. Children can also build a house from a rope, a jump rope (lay a circle on the floor), build a fence from gymnastic sticks, while using such actions as stepping over, crawling.

If you analyze the actions of the child, you will notice that they are performed in various combinations and spatial-temporal relationships (different direction, speed, pace, etc.). It is important for a teacher to find a rational combination of manuals and movements, not to allow them to be monotonous. In such conditions, children quickly acquire the ability to transfer already well-known movements into a new environment. In the process of managing the motor activity of children, one should pay attention to what the children are doing, and, if necessary, switch them from one type of activity to another. Given the rapid fatigue of younger preschoolers from monotonous movements and postures, their inability to regulate their motor activity, it is important to constantly monitor the change of movements and their alternation with rest.

Two-three-year-olds love to do the errands of adults, so more often it is necessary to involve toddlers in the arrangement and cleaning of the aids.

The teacher must maintain the interest of children in various physical education aids by introducing novelty in their use (introducing a new aid, rearranging it from one place to another, complicating the motor task with the same aid). In order for every child from 2 to 3 years old to show his physical activity in different types of activity, it is necessary to have a sufficient set of physical training equipment in the group.


In the group room, you should free up space, arrange the equipment appropriately, providing the kids with various toys and aids for free use that stimulate their physical activity.

All manuals should be available to children, encourage them to do everything that is within their power and interest. To do this, we recommend placing some small aids (rubber rings, balls, massage balls, etc.) on a hanging shelf so that the child cannot reach them from the floor.

A stable box or cube (10-15 cm high) should be placed under the shelf, on which the child can stand and take the object of interest.

In order to increase the motor activity of children, it is advisable to place favorite toys (bunny, bear, chanterelle) on large aids (gymnastic ladder, etc.).

It is important to place physical culture aids in such a way that they contribute to the manifestation of physical activity in children.

So, next to the doll's corner, you can put motor toys (cars, carts). Large exercise equipment requires a lot of space, so it is better to place it along one free wall. Educators should remember that little ones quickly lose interest in the same textbook. Therefore, it is undesirable to keep all available manuals in a group room. It is better to introduce them gradually, alternating them. Small aids should be kept in open boxes so that children can use them freely.

2.2 Second junior group

The motor activity of children of the 4th year of life is characterized by a sufficiently high level of independence of actions with various objects and physical education aids (ball, hoop, rubber rings, etc.), since they already have the necessary motor experience. Children's movements are more varied and coordinated.

In children in the fourth year of life, elementary skills of joint motor and play activities are formed. In independent activity, children begin to use more and more different exercises in walking, running, jumping, throwing and catching a ball, crawling and climbing. Children of younger preschool age are characterized by imitative activity. This is due to the fact that the child's accumulated motor experience allows him to control his movements, focusing on the sample.

In the second younger group, the plots of outdoor games become more diverse. However, their main content continues to be the reproduction of the actions of animals, birds, the movement of vehicles of various types, the objective activity of people.

Showing independent physical activity, children of the 4th year of life perform rather complex movements (climb a hill and run away from it, crawl under various objects, etc.) and combinations of different movements (rolling the ball along the "path" and running after it, jumping up, trying to catch a mosquito, etc.). In connection with the increasing independence, children are able to navigate in space, the coordination of their actions in the team improves. At the same time, children of this age are still rapidly losing interest in one and the same toy, aid, one or another movement.

The teacher needs to constantly maintain interest in movements using physical education aids, introducing different options for actions with them (tossing the ball and catching, hitting the floor, wall, rolling the ball, etc.).

By the age of four, children are already able to independently unite in a small group to perform play exercises using different aids and objects.

However, most children find it difficult to choose games and can be in a “dormant state” for a long time. They need help from a teacher.

In the independent motor activity of children of younger preschool age, you can see games of different mobility (with a ball, with a rope, with a hoop, with plot toys).

By the age of four, children are developing different types of children's activities, which contributes to a significant increase in physical activity during the day of their stay in kindergarten.

One of the means of increasing the motor activity of children is motor improvisation to music. Such movements as stomping, whirling, and various jumps bring children great joy. Therefore, more often you should use musical accompaniment in different types of physical education classes.

A favorable environment contributes to an increase in the motor activity of babies: a lot of free space in the group, a wide variety of objects and toys, the direct participation of the teacher in outdoor games and exercises.

2.2.1 Placement of sports equipment

For storage of physical training aids in group rooms, sectional furniture with drawers or the "Sports Corner" trolley can be used.

Children of the second youngest group are rapidly losing interest in the same manual, so we advise you to constantly update it (moving it from one place to another, introducing a new manual, etc.).

Large equipment requires a lot of space, so it is better to place it along the walls.

Small exercise equipment (massage balls, balls, rubber rings, etc.) should be kept in baskets or open boxes so that children can use them freely.

2.3 Middle group

The age period of children from 4 to 5 years old is characterized by the further development of various forms of physical activity, which is largely due to their sufficient supply of skills and abilities, good spatial orientation, the desire to perform movements together, in small groups. Children of this age are interested in the most complex movements and motor tasks that require speed, dexterity and accuracy of their implementation.

Children of the 5th year of life possess, in general terms, all types of basic movements. They have a great need for movement improvisations to music. The growing motor imagination at this age becomes one of the stimuli for increasing the motor activity of children due to well-mastered methods of action with different aids. A sufficiently high physical activity of children is manifested in outdoor games, which form their responsibility for following the rules and achieving a certain result. It should be ensured that children independently organize outdoor games with a small group of peers by the end of the year.

Creation of a favorable environment (organization of free space for games, rational selection of physical culture equipment, encouragement of individual games with aids) remains one of the ways to increase the physical activity of children in the middle group.

2.3.1 Placement of sports equipment

In this age group it is necessary to have a "Sports Corner" - a trolley on wheels. It contains short gymnastic sticks, geometric shapes, massage balls, flat hoops, rings. "Sports Corner" is located in the corner of the room.

Aids such as balls of different sizes, weight balls, sets (bows, skittles, ring toss, cords) should be stored open in boxes that are located along the wall.

It is important to locate gymnastic modules and balls against walls where there are no batteries.

In the middle group, it is good to have a wooden wall (height 150 cm) to form the correct posture, located near the front door of the group.

In order to develop children's interest in different types of exercises using aids, some objects and aids should be stored in the pantry room, which allows updating the material in the group.

2.4 Senior and preparatory groups

Older preschool age is the most important period for the development of physical activity. Children 5-7 years old are active, skillfully use their motor apparatus. Their movements are sufficiently coordinated and accurate. Motor activity becomes more and more purposeful and dependent on the emotional state of children and on the motives that guide them in their activities. Independence, self-confidence, a sense of satisfaction are a good stimulus for the development of purposeful physical activity.

Older preschoolers master complex types of movements and methods of performance, as well as some elements of technology. They are able to receive satisfaction as a result of successfully achieving goals and overcoming difficulties. Children of this age are characterized by a wide range of special knowledge, the ability to analyze their actions, change and rebuild them depending on the situation.

For older preschoolers, it is necessary to create variable, complicated conditions for performing different types of physical exercises using manuals.

Overcoming an obstacle course (made up of various manuals, children are forced to apply their motor skills and abilities and show resourcefulness, determination, courage and independence.

In the sixth year of life, children become interested in outdoor games and sports exercises (basketball, badminton, tennis, skiing, cycling). Children are already able to solve motor tasks, obeying certain rules and apply previously learned movements in accordance with play situations.

2.4.1 Placement of sports equipment

The main set of equipment and aids is located in the gym, since various types of physical culture classes are mainly held in it.

It is advisable to store equipment for sports games in a section cabinet or in closed boxes. We recommend placing hoops, skipping ropes, cords on the hooks of one free wall in a group.

Physical education equipment is located in the group so that children can freely approach and use it.

2.5 Gym equipment

Most of the physical culture equipment is located in the physical culture and physical culture and music halls. The efficiency of the use of equipment is significantly increased with its rational placement. The arrangement of different items of equipment depends on their size and purpose. The gymnastic wall is installed permanently, firmly attached to the wall. It is advisable to purchase it with additional benefits: a ladder with hooks, boards, a slide-slope. Ropes, poles, rope ladders are fixed on the ceiling using special devices: hooks, monorail, etc.

Large items of equipment (soft modules, gymnastic benches, booms, cubes, etc.) are placed along the walls of the room.

For boards, ladders with hooks, a place is provided where they can be suspended or laid in such a way as not to interfere with children from showing their physical activity.

It is advisable to store small physical training equipment (balls, rings, bags with a load, cubes, clubs, etc.) in sectional cabinets, on special shelves, racks, in drawers located also along the walls of the gym. Hoops, cords, skipping ropes are best placed on the walls in different parts of the hall on special hooks.

For stretching the nets (for ball games), pulling cords, elastic bands (for hanging small objects, for crawling, jumping over), fastenings in the form of brackets and clamps are convenient. They should be placed in pairs at different levels of opposite walls.

It is advisable to have a mobile "Sports Corner" - a cart with different aids: flat hoops, rubber rings, geometric shapes, etc.

The equipment should be located so that children can freely approach and use it. It is advisable to always leave the middle of the hall free for outdoor games and exercises using different aids.

For games and physical education classes, children of the first junior group need to have a basic set of physical education equipment in the group room, since with a large number of groups, kids rarely go to classes in the gym. In addition, the equipment for toddlers is not always suitable. For storage of portable equipment, small play aids, it is desirable to have an additional room located near the gym, which will free up space for the physical activity of children.

If there is free space, it is necessary to create a gym, where children's exercise equipment of a complex and simple type will be located. For outdoor games in the hall it is necessary to have a sports mobile corner, a labyrinth for a game, "Parachute", a mini-stadium.

Approximate set of equipment for a gym

Type of equipment


Dimensions, weight

Number per group

For walking, running, balance

Balance weights of different types

Gymnastic floor beam

Length 240 cm Width of the upper surface 10 cm Height 15 cm

Smooth board with hooks

Length 250cm Width 20cm Height 3cm

Ribbed board

Length 150 cm Width 20 cm Height 3 cm

Balance track (rope floor ladder)

Length 23 cm Width 33 cm Diameter of slats 5 cm

Snake path (rope)

Length 200 cm Diameter 6 cm

Massage mat

Small wooden cube

Rib 20 cm

Soft module (set of 6-8 segments)

Gymnastic bench

Length 200-300 cm Width 24 cm Height 25, 30, 40 cm

For jumping

Trampoline for children

Diameter 100-120 cm

Gymnastic set: hoops, slats, sticks, stands, clamps

Disc flat

Diameter 23cm Height 3cm

Mate track

Length 180 cm

Gymnastic goat

Height 65 cm Length 40 cm Width 30 cm

Hole cone

Folding gymnastic mat

Length 200 cm Width 100 cm Height 7 cm

Mat with markings

Length 190 cm Width 138 cm Height 10 m

Short rope

Length 120-150 cm

For rolling, throwing, catching

Skittles (set)

Ring toss (set)

Small bag with weight

Weight 150-200 g

Hinged target

Length 60 cm Width 60 cm Thickness 1.5 cm

Average ball

Weighted ball (stuffed)

Weight 0.5 kg, 1.0 kg

Mini basketball ball

Massage ball

Diameter 6-7 cm, 10 cm

Set for children's sports games (bag)

For crawling and climbing

Large arc

Height 50 cm, Width 50 cm

Small arc

Height 30-40 cm, Width 50 cm

Knotted rope

Length 230 cm Diameter 2.6 cm between knots 38 cm

Smooth rope

Wooden ladder with hooks

Length 240 cm, Width 40 cm Diameter of bars 3 cm Dist. between switching 22-25 cm

Game labyrinth (6 sections)

Rope ladder

Length 270-300 cm Width 40 cm Diameter of bars 3 cm

Wooden gymnastic wall

Height 270 cm Span width 75, 80, 90 cm

For general developmental exercises

Simulators of the simplest type: children's resistance bands, disc "Health", dumbbells, weights

Ring flat

Diameter 18 cm

Ring soft

Diameter 13 cm

Short tape

Length 50-60 cm

Different massagers: "Hummingbird", ball-massager, "Ring"

Small ball

Weighted ball (stuffed)

Weight 0.3 kg,

Small hoop

Diameter 54-60 cm

Short gymnastic stick

Length 75-80 cm

2.6 Osports ground equipment

The sports ground is intended for special activities and sports exercises for older children. The size of the playground is set at the rate of 1 m2 per child (total area not less than 250 m2). It is advisable to locate it closer to the sites of the older groups. This will make it possible to use it not only for organized events, but also for independent games of children in small groups (rounders, tag, volleyball, etc.).

A treadmill is arranged around the perimeter of the site, it can be straight or closed, and aids for exercises in basic movements are placed along the edges. Most of the site should remain free: it is needed for collective outdoor games, sports and gymnastic exercises. In order for children to exercise as much as possible during classes, it is necessary to have such aids on the sports ground that several children can use at the same time (for example, a gymnastic wall for 6-8 flights, 2-3 logs, several targets for throwing).

Physical education equipment should be appropriate for the age of the children and be as comprehensive as possible, i.e. be used for different exercises (for example, you can pull a volleyball net or rope for climbing exercises between the jump posts, etc.).

For exercises in long and high jumps, a runway is arranged along the edge of the site (length - 8-10 m, width - 1.5-2 m; direction - from south to north, so that the sun does not blind your eyes) ... At the end of the track, a landing pit is arranged (length - 3 m, width - 1.5-2 m, depth - 30-40 cm). On the inside, the walls of the pit are edged with boards, lowered 1--2 cm below its edge and fixed with pegs. The pit slightly above the sides is filled with fine-grained sand mixed with sawdust. At a distance of 20-30 cm from the pit, a push-off bar (width - 20 cm) is laid and fixed at the same level with the ground. For high jumps with a running start, stands are installed at the edge of the pit (behind the bar), and the rope is pulled.

For climbing exercises, you can install a gymnastic ladder in 6-8 spans (height from the ground - 3-3.5 m, span width - 65 cm, distance between rungs - 20-25 cm) or a portable tower made of metal pipes (total height - 2.5 m, width - 3 m, number of spans - 5, distance between crossbars - 20 cm).

For exercise in balance, logs are convenient (length - 3m, diameter - 20 cm). They are installed at different heights (for example, the first and third - at a height of 25 cm, and the middle one - 40 cm, all three logs are adjacent to each other; or the first log is installed obliquely to a log that lies parallel to the surface at a height of 40 cm, and etc.). There should be logs of different construction on the site.

For throwing at the target, special targets are used. These can be hinged boards - targets adjacent to the gymnastic wall or separately mounted on a rack.

In order to be able to play volleyball and badminton, posts must be installed on the long sides of the court, between which the net will be stretched. Its height for playing volleyball should be equal to the height of a child with a raised hand, for playing badminton - 120cm.

There is also a basketball court (13x7 m). On its short sides, pillars are installed, on them shields (length - 120 cm, height - 90 cm) with mesh baskets (diameter - 45 cm) are fixed. The height of the top edge of the net is 180-200 cm.

On the territory of the kindergarten there should be a circular path (track width - 2-2.5 m, length - 100-150 m) with a dividing strip in the middle for children to ride on pedal cars, scooters, bicycles.


Firstly, the more manuals and equipment, the more children can be simultaneously included in the process of performing the movement.

Secondly, the more diverse the equipment, the more motor skills, reactions, abilities are formed, mastered in the process of performing the task.

Thirdly, the use of a variety of equipment contributes not only to the satisfaction of the child's motor activity, but also affects his all-round development.

When practicing with the use of physical education equipment, the child learns to navigate in space; fine motor skills are improved; positive qualities are brought up: such as courage, dexterity, endurance; a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, etc. develops.

In classes organized with the use of physical education equipment, the child will quickly satisfy their motor needs, experience a feeling of joy when working with an object, show a genuine interest in the task, trying to complete it as best as possible. It's not a secret for anyone that “in a healthy body there is a healthy mind” that is. the more muscle groups are involved with the help of physical education equipment, the stronger the healing, hardening effect on the body as a whole.

3 ... The use of unconventional equipment in the sports ground, in the gym and onkindergarten site

One of the priority tasks the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is to create motivation, training and instilling healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.

Modern educator is a creative worker, a master of his craft, an innovator, leading a healthy lifestyle, who uses the latest methodological developments in his work.

An important direction in the formation in children, the basis of a healthy lifestyle is a properly organized subject-spatial environment, first of all, it is a motor subject-developing environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional, for this in our kindergarten we use non-standard equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional stimulus for activating physical culture and health work.

At design of the subject-spatial environment contributing to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers, one should proceed from the need to take into account the following factors:

· individual social and psychological characteristics of the child;

· Features of his emotional and personal development;

· Individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs.

Games using non-standard physical education equipment.

Physical culture lesson using non-standard physical training equipment.

The main task of preschool institutions is health improvement, ensuring the versatile physical development of the child, the kindergarten has certain ones that allow them to fully engage in the health improvement of preschoolers. These are hardening procedures in groups, breathing exercises and acupressure, morning exercises, physical exercises and a swimming pool, sports events and entertainment, health days, various circles.

Physical activity is a natural requirement of the human body. Movement is of particular importance in preschool age. Creation of interest in physical exercises, provision of a more differentiated approach to the selection of movements, increased physical activity is facilitated by the use of non-standard equipment. Reasonable selection and rational use of such equipment and manuals contributes to the motor sphere of preschoolers, the formation of various motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities and creative abilities, the upbringing of moral and volitional qualities, an increase in interest in various sports games and physical exercises. Along with this, tasks are being addressed aimed at strengthening the health of children and their full psychophysical development.

Preschool children are very fond of non-traditional physical education and play equipment. It is one thing to do exercises to “maintain health,” and quite another to help fairy tale characters, overcome obstacles, and participate in a story-driven game.

Non-standard equipment is used in all types of children's activities - both organized (physical education, morning exercises, etc.) and independent, free (rest, individual lessons and games).

They allow you to increase the child's physical activity, facilitate adaptation, develop basic movements, maintain positive emotions, diversify play activities, increase the level of the educational process, develop each child taking into account his interests and desires.

Performing sets of exercises for general developmental effects with various aids and objects (milk bottles, "Rainbow", cones, wooden spoons) has a huge impact on the development of different muscle groups and strengthening muscle tone.

For this, in all groups of the kindergarten there are corners equipped with homemade sports equipment that help in correcting posture and flat feet. The foot correction track is laid out next to the bedroom. And children, waking up, after a nap, walk along it once or twice. It consists of several rugs: sharp rugs made of synthetic materials, which are now fashionable to put in front of the front door or in the bathroom, a rug with sewn rows of buttons and a rug with sewn rows of plastic bottle caps.

· “Woven track” track is woven from a cord using macrame method, the rings are tied with yarn and all this is sewn onto the legs of the “octopus”.

· The simulator for developing the foot and training the sense of balance is a wooden board. On the front side, on the board, “traces” of a child's foot are drawn, and on the back side, a round wooden roller is attached. The task of a child who stands on such a simulator is to try to maintain balance on a swinging board.

· “Bags with stones” pebbles - pebbles are poured into a linen bag.

· "Massage rugs" are rugs made of carpet, knitted with thorns, with rings, balls; used in the form of a track and separately, in the classroom and in everyday life, including for exercise after a nap.

All of these aids are used in the classroom. In the water part, children are invited to walk along massagers, located alone or in a path in one or two parallel lines. The general developmental exercises include separate exercises with massagers ("Wicker track"; "Bags with pebbles"). When performing the basic movements in streaming and group way, these exercises are used as intermediate exercises.

In the process of performing different types of exercises using non-standard equipment, motor skills are formed in children:

· "Track - a snake" consisting of foam blocks connected in the form of a broken line; it is used to develop dexterity, consolidate the skills of balance, jumping, climbing;

· "Walkway - ladder" is a strip of foam rubber sheathed with leatherette; used for exercises of different types of walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing.

It's no secret that in kindergarten and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, watching TV, etc.). This increases the static load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. Decreases the strength and performance of skeletal muscles, which entails impaired posture, flat feet, delayed age development, speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength.

Recently, the number of children with musculoskeletal disorders has increased in kindergarten. The main purpose of physical culture is movement and active rest, which should help children get rid of hypodynamia syndrome.

Unfortunately, in kindergartens there are still children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: stoop, sluggish posture, flattened foot, valgus position of the heels.

During the growth of the body, for various unfavorable reasons, deformities of the spine, legs and feet may occur.

As Hippocrates argued, "The foot is the foundation on which the building stands - our body," and therefore completely non-standard equipment was introduced in the kindergarten to prevent flat feet, preschoolers must necessarily walk barefoot on various surfaces.

Performing exercises with manuals and didactic equipment increases interest in classes, improves the quality of their implementation.

Unfortunately, today's children “with a foundation” have more and more problems.

The foot can be compared to a map of the whole organism: there are no muscles, glands, organs that would not have their "representation" on it.

A modern child does not have the ability to walk on an uneven surface, which means that the numerous nerve endings located on the foot are not irritated or massaged. That is why, in a physical education lesson, preschoolers must necessarily walk barefoot on different surfaces. sports equipment group children

Such an opportunity is provided, in particular, by the simple manufacture of "Octopus". It is used for the prevention of flat feet in physical education and in individual work.

Preschool children with great pleasure are engaged in non-traditional physical education and play equipment. In the process of performing motor tasks, children gain knowledge about the properties of various objects and aids (shape, color, weight, quality of material), get acquainted with the peculiarities of movement in space, with the directions of movement. It should be noted the positive role of using non-standard equipment in outdoor games and exercises ("Tent", "Lapotochki") for the perception of space and time by preschoolers, including for the formation of skills and orientation in the environment. The harmony of the combination of various forms, colors of different aids evokes positive emotions in children. Rational physical activity of children in a variety of conditions of the physical culture and play environment forms in children the habit of regular physical education.

Children in physical education should be, first of all, interesting.

Equipment, especially non-standard equipment, plays an important role in creating an exciting atmosphere for the class.

Performing exercises with manuals and didactic equipment increases interest in classes, improves the quality of exercise performance, and contributes to the formation of correct posture. Therefore, the developed notes of activities and entertainment using custom-made non-standard physical education equipment are successfully applied in practice.

In each age group of the kindergarten, a sports or health corner has been created, where manuals for the development of physical activity are located in an accessible place for children. This is also factory sports equipment, but mostly non-standard, made by teachers. Here you can see various massage and ribbed paths for the prevention of flat feet, ring throws, soft targets, multi-colored flags, ribbons, sultans and much more.

This will help turn your usual activities into an interesting game.


· Non-standard equipment allows to form motor skills and abilities more quickly and qualitatively, contributes to an increase in interest in physical education.


· Form motor skills and abilities.

· Arouse children's interest in the use of non-traditional equipment in the classroom and in free activities.

· Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

· Development of creativity, imagination when using non-traditional equipment.

· Promote the development of a culture of movement and body reflection.

Types of non-standard equipment : standard; non-standard.

Application :

· at home; in the yard; in a group; in the gym.

The effectiveness of the classes is influenced by high-quality and deeply thought-out preliminary work on the preparation of all the necessary manuals and equipment that will help to carry out the complex in a lively, emotionally, interesting way. Saturation of the space of the gym with inexpensive, non-standard, multifunctional equipment and tools that meet hygienic, anatomophysiological, mental, aesthetic, ergonomic and other requirements.

Games with non-standard equipment.

· « Fun tracks »:

· A) "Do not wet your feet" - younger age - walking in a forward direction at the signal of a teacher or parents.

· B) “Don't fall” - older and younger age - walking on a tightrope in a straight direction on your foot and sideways on your heels, on toes, in the middle of the foot.

· « Multilevel racks »:

· A) "Jump over the back" - jumping on two legs over the crossbar in height.

· B) “Crawl - don't touch” - crawling under the crossbar (can be used in speed relay races).

· C) "Don't touch the rope" - in relay races, snake running at the signal of a teacher or parents.

· « Tunnel "- a large piece of fabric is sewn together so that a" tube "is formed into which hoops can be inserted from both sides. Can be used in relay races (speed climbing)

· « Funny clown »:

· A) "Hello everyone" - younger age - crawl on all fours under the clown and shake his hand.

· B) "Say hello to the clown" - older age - crawling in a forward direction, right and left side.

Games with non-standard equipment "Parachute"

"WAVE" Alternate raising and lowering of the arms to create waves.

"CAROUSEL" Holding the handles of the parachute, they go in a circle, saying the words "Barely, barely, the carousel spun ..."

"SEA WAVES ..." Holding the handles of the parachute, they make movements with their hands, depicting waves. After the words "Sea figure freeze ..." they make some figure without letting go of the parachute. For complication: a figure on one leg.

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Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment for physical education in kindergarten from waste material

So Oksana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU No. 203 "Combined Kindergarten", Kemerovo
This material is intended for PE instructors, caregivers and parents.
Target: making non-standard equipment from waste material with your own hands for physical education and using it in the classroom and in games
Tasks: to generate interest in non-standard equipment, to involve teachers and parents in its manufacture; develop creativity, imagination when using non-standard equipment; motivate children for physical activity, through the use of non-standard equipment in independent activities
"The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the setting of physical culture in kindergarten and family ..."

The equipment offered to your attention is made by hand to replenish the subject-developing environment. At first glance, these are just handicrafts made by me and my parents, but they are irreplaceable assistants in their work. Children's interest in various innovations causes positive emotions in children and this tones up the body as a whole. Joint production of equipment activates parents, sets them up for cooperation with teachers.
The production of such aids does not require large expenditures. Basically, I used a variety of waste material: everything that is likely to be found in any house from the category of unnecessary things. Minimum cost and time! And the result is very striking, attention-grabbing manuals. They help develop the muscles of the arms, legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, attention.
Non-standard equipment should be:
The most effective
Convenient to use
Technologically advanced and easy to use

Material: plastic bottles, a wooden stick for connecting bottles together, colored tape or electrical tape, peas (or other material for filling them).
Tasks: to teach how to perform ORU with a subject, to develop hand strength, to foster a love of sports
"Dumbbells - sweets"

Material: plastic bottles, filler sand, fabric and ribbons for decorating "candy"
Tasks: teach how to perform ORU with an object, to develop hand strength, develop physical qualities
"Throwing bags"

Material: dense fabric, filler - sand (peas or other material)
Tasks: for the development of hand strength, for training in outdoor control systems, ATS, for throwing and outdoor games, as well as for the development of fine motor skills.

Material: satin fabric of different colors, for the shaft - a skewer for barbecue
Tasks: to teach to carry out the ORU with the subject, outdoor games

Material: woolen or cotton threads.
Tasks: are used for outdoor activities, for outdoor games
"Funny pencils"

Material: the equipment is made of colored pencils, a container from a chocolate egg, a synthetic cord
Tasks: contribute to the prevention of flat feet, foot massage. Improving blood circulation in fingers, hands and forearms
Use cases: palm massage (rotation of the pencil barrel between the palms), fingertip massage, massage of the back and the inside of the palm. Foot massage.
"Multi-colored caps"

Material: plastic bottles cut in half. Self-adhesive tape in the same color as the cork. So that the children do not forget, do not get confused what color they need to collect.
Tasks: develop dexterity, coordination of movements, dexterity and accuracy.
Use cases: scatter the corks on the floor and mix. On command: "One, two, three", children collect plugs, each of its own color. Whoever collects first is a fine fellow!

Tasks: develop an eye, coordination of small movements, train the forearm and hands
Material: plastic bottles, tapes. chocolate egg capsules, self-adhesive paper, electrical tape
Use cases: A string or tape is tied to the handle of a plastic bottle, and the other end is attached to a chocolate egg container. Children throw the container up and catch it with a bottle. If caught - well done!
"Soft balls"

Tasks: develop children's eyes, dexterity, educate volitional qualities, attention, reaction speed, the ability to regulate and coordinate movements, form self-control skills.
Material: used socks, tights
Tasks: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, vigilance, accuracy
"Paths for the prevention of flat feet"

Material: dense fabric, various materials for foot massage (stones, caps, buttons, used markers, counting sticks, cereals and much more)
Tasks: to carry out the prevention of flat feet; strengthen immunity, develop attention, thinking, intelligence.
"Jump rope from lids"

Material: multi-colored lids, two handles from 5 liter bottles, awl, cord
Tasks: teach children to jump rope, develop jumping ability, agility, attention
Usage: for jumping, and also this manual can serve as for throwing at a target, if the rope is connected in a circle
"Magic rings"

Tasks: to teach how to carry out the ORU with the subject, to develop dexterity, coordination of movements, to use in ATS, outdoor games
Material: chocolate egg capsules, cord, awl
"Sultans, ribbons"

Material: colorful ribbons, plastic bags, rings, rubber bands
Tasks: teach how to perform ORU with objects, develop attention, dexterity
Use cases: holidays, dancing, outdoor games or just for a good mood
"Birch logs"

Material: linoleum pipe, paint
Tasks: teach children to step over, jump, run over objects

Material: soft toys, braid and stick
Tasks: develop fine motor skills of the fingers and dexterity.