Program for the correction of parent-child relationships “We can do it together! Joint activities of foster parents with foster and blood children Joint activities of parents in kindergarten

(Optimization of parent-child relationships)

The lesson "New Year's meeting in a workshop of good mood" can be held in the pre-New Year's time both by a psychologist with children at risk and their parents, and by an educator, with children of the group and their parents.

Target: optimization of parent-child relationships.


1. To foster the development of partnership and cooperation between parent and child.

2. Promote the development of spatial thinking, imagination.

3. Promote the development of communication skills.

4. Contribute to the release of psycho-emotional stress.

5. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for parents and children.

Number of participants: 6-7 couples (child with parent).

Time: 25-30 minutes.

Material support: badges "Junior master" and "Assistant junior master", "Help" cards, black bag or box, black bags according to the number of participants, 12-14 squares 10x10 cm made of colored paper (according to the number of participants), glue for each pair participants, shiny narrow braid, herringbone, owl and mouse glove puppets, tape recorder, disc with perky, cheerful music.

Course of the lesson:

1. Meeting guests, an invitation to the workshop.

2. Seating in a circle.

3. Greetings.

4. The tale of how forest dwellers learned about the New Year's holiday.

5. Seating at tables in pairs child-parent.

6. Introduction of workshop rules.

7. Setting up to work in the workshop:

Exercise "Sensitive ears";

Exercise "Keen eyes";

Exercise "Mirror".

8. Making decoration for the Christmas tree "Zvezdochka".

9. Outdoor game "Merry skating".

10. Exercise "Magic box".

11. Exercise "I like it in you."

12. Decorating the Christmas tree, New Year's greetings.

13. Seating in a circle.

14. Feedback.

15. Ritual of the end of the lesson.

Lesson summary

1. Meeting guests, an invitation to the workshop.

The psychologist meets children and their parents at the entrance to the group:

Hello. I am glad to welcome you to the workshop in a good mood.

I turn “Child's Name” into “Junior Master”, I turn Mom into “Assistant Junior Master” (attaches badges to the child and parent).

2. Seating in a circle.

Children and parents sit in a circle.

3. Greetings.


I am very glad to see you in my workshop. Let's greet each other. We will do this in a special way. Everyone will name their title in the Workshop, name and add any welcome gesture.

The psychologist introduces himself first:

I am Senior Master, Name Patronymic.

Makes a welcome gesture. Everyone repeats the movement of the psychologist.

Parents and children greet each other in a circle.

4. The tale of how forest dwellers learned about the New Year's holiday.


Now I will tell you why I invited you to my workshop.

"The tale of how forest dwellers learned about the New Year's holiday"

There was a nimble mouse at the edge of the forest. She was very curious, everything interested her around, especially the cars that passed along the road. I would like to know what is happening where they are going, thought the nimble mouse.

One day she broke down and climbed into a truck, which stopped for a while next to her house. The car brought her to the city. It was not at all like in the forest. Instead of trees, stone houses grew in the city, streams of cars drove along the roads of the city, it was crowded, noisy, the little mouse got scared and was going to run home as soon as possible, but suddenly she saw a tree. This tree was very similar to the one that the mouse saw in the forest, but it was much more beautiful, something very shiny and colorful hung on it. Everyone next to the tree was happy, laughed or simply smiled, everyone who approached the tree immediately became in a good mood.

What are you staring at, have you never seen Christmas trees?

Behind the brisk mouse stood a fat city mouse.

You stand here with your mouth open. They will trample you, look how many people are around.

The city mouse took the forest mouse to its burrow, fed it with delicious cheese and told about what a New Year's holiday is.

All the way home, the nimble mouse thought it would be nice to decorate the Christmas tree in their forest, arrange a holiday and cheer up all the forest dwellers in the cold season. She told about the wonderful holiday to everyone she met along the way, but no one could even imagine where to get the Christmas tree decorations. And only Owl said, I know what to do.

She flew to me. Now you can guess why I invited you to my workshop?

We will make decorations for the forest Christmas tree, we will give a good mood to the forest dwellers. And when you do something pleasant to another, does your mood improve? Of course yes!

Take your places in our workshop soon.

5. Seating at tables in pairs child-parent.

Children and parents sit down at the tables in the workshop.

6. Introduction of workshop rules.

To make the work stand out, I want to tell you about our rules.

First rule: when the Senior Master speaks and shows, one must watch and listen carefully.

Second rule: help each other.

The third rule: if you need help, turn the white circle with the inscription "Help" to the yellow side, I will definitely come and help.

7. Setting up to work in the workshop.


Now let's tune in to work. You must hear the Senior Master, see what he is doing and feel each other as a pair.

Let's tune our hearing.

The exercise "Sensitive ears" is performed: with the palms we press the auricle in the direction from the back to the front (3 times).

Let's adjust our vision.

The "Keen Eyes" exercise will be performed:

eyes up - down (4 times);

eyes to the right - to the left (4 times);

bring your eyes to your nose.

Let's tune in to each other.

Exercise "Mirror".

Turn around to face each other. I turn the Assistant Masters into a mirror. The mirror will reflect the actions of the Masters. Masters, imagine that you go to the mirror.

You brush your teeth.

You wash your face.

You comb your hair.

You touch your left ear with your right hand.

Good. Now switch roles. I turn the Masters into a mirror. Assistants to the masters

You brush your teeth.

You wash your face.

You comb your hair.

You touch your right ear with your left hand.

Did you feel each other? Now we can get to work.

8. Making decoration for the Christmas tree "Zvezdochka".

Children and parents, under the guidance of the Senior Master, make the Zvezdochka Christmas tree decoration. (See Attachment.)

9. Outdoor game "Merry skating".


We did a good job, let's get some rest, take a sleigh ride. Assistants to the masters will become horses, and the Masters will sit in the sleigh.

Parents with children become in pairs one after another. The parent stands in front of the child, the child takes the parent's hands. As soon as the music starts, the horses begin to move. As soon as the music stops playing, the horses and riders scatter, jump, run, and have fun. Music sounds again, you need to find your mate, but become so that Masters become horses, and Assistants become riders. To the music, they "go" to their places.

10. Exercise "Magic box".


It's time to please the forest dwellers and decorate the Christmas tree. What mood do you think you should decorate the Christmas tree so that it brings joy.

That's right, with a good one. Therefore, let's leave everything that was bad in the old year. I have a magic box that can take away all sorrows and resentments. There are black bags on the table. You can whisper your sorrows there, close the bag and put it in a magic box.

The box is sent in a circle, filled with bags of sorrow and resentment. At the end, the psychologist closes the box.

This is a magic box, whoever put an offense in it, he forgot his offense.

11. Exercise "I like it in you."


And now we need to recharge ourselves with a good mood.

Turn to each other and exchange compliments. What is a compliment, these are pleasant words spoken to another. Assistants to the masters begin.

Parents tell their children: “I like about you ……”.

And now the Masters will compliment their assistants.

Children tell their parents: "I like about you ...".


Is it pleasant when we are told good, kind words, when we are praised? Is our mood improving?

Parents and children:

Let's decorate our Christmas tree in a good mood.

12. Decorating the Christmas tree.

Children and parents decorate the Christmas tree.

When the tree is decorated, the psychologist says:

How wonderful you decorated the Christmas tree, Owl says that now the forest dwellers can truly celebrate the New Year.


Let us, standing by the Christmas tree, wish each other a good New Year.

Parents and children join hands and say New Year's wishes (in a circle).

12. Seating in a circle.

The psychologist offers to sit on chairs in a circle.

13. Feedback.

So the lesson in the good mood workshop ended. I would like everyone to share their impressions. What you liked, what was easy, what was difficult, what was most memorable, what new things you learned about your children.

All participants share their impressions.

14. Ritual of the end of the lesson.


Our meeting has come to an end. I turn you into girls and boys, moms and dads. Until we meet again in the Workshop of good mood.


1. Turn the square into a rectangle.

The psychologist demonstrates a square already folded into a rectangle.

Psychologist: - Dear Masters, what geometric shapes lie in front of you?

Children: - Squares.

Psychologist: - And what kind of geometric figure do I have in my hands?

Children: - Rectangle.

Psychologist: - Show your assistants how to turn a square into a rectangle.

2. Psychologist:

Have you done everything? Wonderful! We have made an auxiliary line that will help to make our Star. Turn the rectangle into a square again and fold it in half again so that the result is a crosshair inside and can find the center of the shape.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 1" "Ryabinka"

Active lesson according to the program

"Origins" and "Education on sociocultural experience

in the middle group of a kindergarten.

Active occupation

with parents of pupils of the middle group

Theme:"Friendly family"

DOWNLOAD (presentation)

(The lesson is conducted on the basis of the book number 1 for the development of children 4-5 years old "A friendly family")

Ermolaeva Natalia Yurievna

Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" "Ryabinka"

Nefteyugansk, Tyumen region

Target: Joining parents to domestic traditions. Providing parents with pedagogical support in mastering the category "Friendly family". Development of a unified context in the group.


  1. Show the value of family relationships, the importance of a friendly family.
  2. Develop motivation among parents to interact in a group.

Approximate plan:

1. Work in a circle: the teacher's admonition on the topic "A friendly family".

2. Conversation with parents about relationships in families.

3.Work with the book for the development of children "Friendly family".

4. Working with proverbs.

5. Individual work (performance of the assignment proposed by the teacher).

6. Work in foursome (performance of the assignment proposed by the teacher).

7. Summing up the results of the work.

Material for the lesson : presentation “Friendly family”, small soft ball; book number 1 for the development of children 4-5 years old "A friendly family", "Assignment for parents" (printed on pieces of paper), a simple pencil, an assignment from the book to create a picture with children "Our friendly family" (all according to the number of those present).

Preparatory stage.

Give parents a home development book "Friendly Family". Invite parents to read the texts, familiarize themselves with the assignments for them, answer the questions proposed in the book.

Work in a circle. Conversation with those present.

Educator: Good afternoon, dear parents! We are glad to see you at the meeting dedicated to the theme "Friendly family". Your child is 4 years old. By this time, children define the boundaries of their family and identify themselves with it. In the family, the child receives the first lessons of love, warmth, tenderness. Family is the gift of life, thanks to which every baby from the moment of birth enters the world and becomes its unique and inimitable part. Traditionally, many peoples have had a large family. The father is the skeleton of the family, the mother is the soul of the family, the child is the reunion of the love of mother and father. Let's reflect with you on the concept of "family".

The teacher passes the ball to the parent sitting on the left and asks the question: How do you understand the word family?

The parent, sitting to the left of the teacher, answers the question and passes the word further around the circle.

when the ball returns to the teacher): How does the explanatory dictionary of S.I. this word?

1. This is a group of close relatives living together; 2. Uniting people united by common interests.

Family is the most important thing that each of us has. The family is a place where we will always look forward to returning. Where relatives and friends always wait for us and love us. It is not for nothing that they say: "My family is my support, my family is my fortress." Osemye is well said in the poem by Maria Langer "Family is happiness, love and luck"

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Introductory connecting text of the teacher on the topic of the lesson: I invite you to listen to the legend of the family. “In ancient times, there was a surprisingly friendly family. The family is huge - 100 people. The rumor about this family reached the supreme ruler. And he decided to visit this family. When the ruler was convinced that all this was true, he asked the head of the family, "How do you manage to live without quarreling, without offending each other?" Then the head of the family took a sheet of paper, wrote 100 words on it and gave it to the ruler. He read it and was surprised: one word “understanding” was written there 100 times.

The parent, sitting to the left of the teacher, answers the question and passes the word further in a circle (parents pass the ball to each other and everyone speaks).

The teacher summarizes the parents' answers ( when the ball returns to the teacher): Thank you for your answers. It is wonderful that each of you has a recipe for maintaining a close-knit family. A close-knit family develops the warmest relationships that are imbued with sincere love, care for each other and attention. There is no cleaner, richer, more fruitful friendship in the world than in a good family. The love of loved ones, with which the father's house is filled, becomes the basis of a person for life.

The main stage. Parents' work with a book.

Educator: And now let's move on to working with the book "A Friendly Family".

The teacher invites the parents to read the text in the book: “Please open the book on page 3. Let's read“ A Word to Parents ”with you. I invite each of you to read the complete sentence in sequence. (the text is displayed on the slide). Parents read the text in a chain.

“There is tremendous power in my father's house. The parental home is the foundation of the life path. Home is often called home, which for each of us is associated with a feeling of warmth and care, understanding and support, sympathy and mutual help.

Brothers and sisters, grandmothers and grandfathers accompany a person in life for many years, lay the foundations for communication, instill the first work skills. The earliest memories of a person are retained by memory for a long time, cherish the world of childhood in the soul, in which the family and parental home will forever retain their unique appearance. Quiet sincere lullabies, paternal concern for the well-being of the family, funny jokes and timely help from grandparents, strong friendship of brothers and sisters - this and much more remains dear and significant for a person for life. "

Educator: Thank you. The theme of the family is also reflected in folk wisdom - in proverbs and sayings. Let us turn to the proverbs proposed in the book (display on a slide): “There is no need for treasure when there is peace in the family. The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies. He who honors his parents will never perish. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Dear Parents! Who wants to reflect aloud on the meaning of the first proverb? second? Third? Fourth?

The teacher gives the parents some time to comprehend the proverbs. Then the parents speak out about the meaning of the proverbs.

The teacher summarizes the parents' answers: ( when the ball returns to the teacher): Thank you for your answers. Proverbs and sayings about family convey to us the age-old wisdom of the people. When raising your child, playing with him, do not forget about this wisdom. Use regularly in your speech family proverbs. By doing so, you are imperceptibly instilling in your child the necessary worldview regarding family values. After all, the family is one of the greatest values ​​that we need to protect and respect.

Individual work. Educator: And now I suggest you complete an individual assignment.

From the proposed statements, emphasize those that you think help you live happily and happily in your family. The task execution time is 1 minute.

Educator: Completed the task? Now let's split into two microgroups, 4 people each. Sit closer to each other. The task remains the same, only now you complete it together. Consult, listen to each other, and come to a common decision. Someone from the group will speak up and present your findings to us.

Work in the four. Representatives of each of the four voiced the results of their work.

The final stage.

The teacher summarizes the parents' answers: So, you think that in order for the family to live in harmony and happiness, you need to work together, help parents, congratulate each other on the holidays, take care of the younger ones, tell each other the news. Thanks for your work. I share your opinion on the choice of statements. Indeed, in a family it is important to be attentive to each other, to take care of the elders and the younger, to treat loved ones with understanding, to do any business together, together. Then the family will be strong and friendly.


Work in a circle.Educator: Thank you for such an interesting conversation, for your answers and reflections. We got invaluable experience of communication with each other, shared our thoughts and feelings, exchanged opinions. Please share with me your thoughts on this event: Did you learn anything new in our class and what will you take for yourself?

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: MKDOU d \ s number 275 "Misha"

Settlement: Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk

A family and preschool -the two most important institutions for the socialization of preschoolers. Despite the different educational functions, the interaction of the family and the kindergarten is necessary for the development of the child.

Younger preschool children are most sensitive to parental influences. And if the parent is not competent in matters of upbringing, does not have the necessary knowledge, then all the work on raising a child in a preschool institution will be in vain.

At the age of 1 to 3 years, the child has a number of specific age characteristics. This period is characterized by heightened sensitivity to separation from the mother and fear of novelty. Adaptation to a preschool institution is extremely painful. Therefore, it is necessary to organize this period in such a way as to injure the child as little as possible.

It's not so easy to get used to kindergarten. No one can predict what the consequences will be caused by the sudden transformation of the baby from "home" to "nursery". Both children and parents suffer. Going to kindergarten is often stressful for a child. A large number of strangers are the main cause of the stress that occurs. How to make a child's entrance to kindergarten painless? How can you alleviate his suffering and help cope with the stress of separation from loved ones?

Therefore, on the basis of our group, together with a psychologist, a circle was organized"Mom and Me", the purpose of which isinvolving parents in the pedagogical process and improving the adaptation process of young children in kindergarten.

Joint classes system"Psychologist-parents-educators-children"is designed for close interaction of all participants in the educational process of children of the first junior group.

The main areas of work of our circle:

    Joint activities of children, teachers and parents

    Teaching parents to interact with their child

    Consulting parents on topical issues

Parents willingly responded to our proposal for such close interaction. Only those who did not have such an opportunity because of work could not attend our classes. Usually 10 people are present, which is the most optimal for joint activities. Our meetings are held in a playful way, where children and educators take part together with their parents. The frequency of meetings is once every two weeks. We conduct all classes together with a teacher-psychologist. This academic year we have conducted 5 such sessions. At the end of each lesson, parents have many questions, we tried to systematize the information they are interested in and exchange experiences at a round table with tea drinking. Also, at the end of each meeting, parents are given booklets or memos on various topics that are interesting and important to them.

The topics of the lessons are as follows:

1. "Let's get acquainted!"

Purpose: to acquaint parents with the participants of the adaptation family group, the conditions for raising children in a preschool institution.

2. "Visiting a fairy tale"

Purpose: to remember the heroes of favorite fairy tales, to teach children to understand images, to develop interest in fairy tales. Formation of a positive emotional background, development of cognitive processes.

3. "Let's play"

Target : To teach children to understand the essence of the game situation, to acquaint with the speech structures of the greeting. Develop emotional responsiveness, form elements of voluntary behavior.

4. "Visiting the Dwarfs"

Purpose: to teach children to perform several interrelated play actions with the leading role of an adult. Develop communication and interaction skills, form a culture of communication

5. "Stocky Hedgehog"

Purpose: To teach children to select pairs of objects in shape, color. Develop visual perception, motor skills, enrich vocabulary.

Each includes three parts:introductory, main, final.

The main means of workserve a variety of games with speech accompaniment: round dances, songs, nursery rhymes, rhymes, "okay" and "catch-up".

They quickly involve children in their rhythm, switch them from friendly crying to friendly clapping and stamping their feet, unite children, and set a positive emotional mood. In these games, even shy, withdrawn children gradually overcome the internal barrier and make contact. As a rule, the lesson begins with exercises that require the coordination of the actions of the whole group: children walk together, run, clap their palms on the ball, perform other tasks in accordance with the rhythm and words of a poem or song.

These exercises create a positive emotional background, increase the speech and motor activity of children, and help to tune in to joint group work.

The main part of the lesson includes games and exercises that give children the opportunity to move intensively, freely express their emotions, and actively interact with peers.

The lesson ends with calm, sedentary games and relaxation exercises.

In parallel with the solution of the main tasks, tasks are solvedcomplex development of children:

    removal of emotional and muscle tension;

    decrease in impulsivity, excessive physical activity, anxiety, aggression;

    development of skills of interaction of children with each other;

    development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

    development of playing skills, voluntary behavior;

    developing emotional responsiveness

Lesson number 2

« let's play»

Introductory part:

Exercise "Hello, golden sun"(activation of positive mood)

Hello golden sun(children and parents hold hands and walk in a circle raise their hands up);

Hello blue sky (children and parents hold hands and walk in a circle to the side);

Hello weed and flowers(children and parents hold hands and walk in a circle, hands below);

Hello you and hello me, Hello my friends(children and parents narrow the circle, hug each other).

Exercise "Good Mood"

Children with their mothers stand in a circle, you need to touch your palms to the next one, smile and wish a good day.

Exercise "Where are our pens?"

Adults pronounce the text, children talk it over and perform the appropriate movements.
My hands were gone.
Where are you, my dears? (hands behind the back).

Show yourself to me again, (show hands).
My ears are gone.
Where are you, my dear ones? (ears are covered with palms).
One, two, three, four, five -
Show yourself to me again, (show ears).
My eyes are gone.
Where are you, my little eyes? (eyes close with palms).
One, two, three, four, five -
Show me again, (remove their palms from their eyes).

Main part:

The game "Chizhik"

Chizhik flew across the sky(mothers and babies depict birds, flap their wings and fly in a circle),
Right (left) foot nodded(throw their leg back, trying to reach the buttocks)
Kiv-kiw - don't nod
Fly away to your house!(run away to their house).

The game continues several times.

Game "Magic Bag"

- “Guys and parents, look, I found a magic bag, and let's find out what lies there. I'll get it first, oh guys, who is this? itbun, and from what fairy tale, and what song does he sing? The children take turns approaching the teacher, put their hand in the bag and take out one hero of the fairy tale. They show the rest, with the help of their parents, they name the fairy tale, together with the parents we tell it.

Outdoor game "Winter exercises"

Hands to feet and ears

On your knees and shoulders

To the sides, to the belt, up,

And then a funny laugh:

Ha ha ha hee hee hee

How good we are!

Once - clapped their hands,

Two stamped their feet,

Three, four - pulled up,

They joined hands together.

Final part:

Exercises in the final part are carried out on an individual mat (mother and child)The main focus of the final part is relaxation, psycho-muscular relaxation, work with a basic sense of trust, bodily contact with the mother.

"Summer day"

Children lie on their backs, relaxing all muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music: (Moms stroke parts of the bodies of children, at the word thunder they press to themselves)

- I'm lying in the sun,

But I don’t look at the sun.

We close our eyes, our eyes are resting.

The sun strokes our faces

Warms hands, warms legs

Suddenly we hear: bom-bom-bom!

The thunder came out for a walk.

I would like to note that, among children attending our classes, the adaptation process is much easier, children have become more sociable, open, positive emotions prevail in their mood.

This form of work with parents gives them the opportunity to see the teacher's work from the inside and change their attitude towards our hard work.

Target: Creation of conditions for cooperation of children and parents in a game situation


1. Educational:

Creation of a favorable psychoemotional climate in the families of children.

Increasing parental interest in the inner world of the child.

To cultivate the ability to work in pairs, in a group.

2. Educational:

Correction and harmonization of parent-child relationships.

Expanding your ability to understand the psychological characteristics of your child.

To form the ability to act on a signal, to navigate in space.
3. Developing:

The development of communicative forms of behavior that contribute to self-actualization and self-affirmation.

Enhancing family communication.

Develop dexterity, attention, the ability to move in different directions.

Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.

Equipment: recordings of musical sketches (acquaintance, "Engine", "Catchers", "Little House"), ribbons, "palms" from multi-colored paper, "houses" from cubes.

The course of the lesson.

1. Greetings. Acquaintance.

Today we have a very unusual activity. Why? (Guests came - parents). Let's get to know each other. Each of us has a name and each of us is endowed with a huge number of positive qualities and merits. Let's remember them (...). Now everyone will give their name and the most striking quality. I'll start, my name is Natalya Valerievna, I'm kind. Children and parents continue.

We met, but didn't say hello. Now everyone will try to say hello to everyone in one minute. We started ( soundtrack sounds).
2. Determination of the objectives of the lesson.

What are we doing at Iglochka? (we play, draw, read, ...) Would you like to play with your parents today? I suggest we play together today and teach our parents our favorite games. Do you agree?
3. "Describe your mom."

But we don't know who came with whom. Let's try to guess. Now the guys will take turns describing their parents, and we will guess which of them is his.

(In turn, each participant, the child tells about his mother, so that from the description it is possible to guess who his mother is. At the same time, the child is asked the following questions: “What is your mother?”, “What does she like?”, “What does she dislike? "," What does she like? "," What does she dislike? ").
4. An outdoor game "Train".

We start to play. Everyone turns into a trailer. And the train will be today -…. All pass the way and call into the depot (the soundtrack "Parovoz-Bukashka" sounds).
5. An outdoor game "I love, of course, everyone ...".

Participants sit on chairs in a circle, the leader is in the center. The presenters say the phrase: "I love, of course, everyone, but ... (names any sign, for example, those who have blonde hair, those who have pets) ... more than anyone else." Participants of the game with the indicated sign must change places, and the presenter at this time must have time to take someone's chair. After that, the one who did not have enough chair becomes the presenter and the game starts over. We've noticed that we all have a lot in common.
6. An outdoor game "Catch with ribbons".

Participants stand in a circle, each with a colored ribbon tucked into the back of the belt. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal, the children scatter in different directions, and the trap tries to draw out the ribbons from them. At the stop signal, the children gather in a circle, the driver counts the ribbons. You can take ribbons from each other and count the number.
7. "Yes, no" game of multi-colored palms (three colors).

If "yes", raise their palm, discussion and argumentation of the answers.

Do you like ice cream?

Do you often rest?

Are you an independent person?

Do you like to travel?

Are you a unique person?

Do you like to play?

Do you like to dream?

Is it easy to be a parent?

Is it easy to be a child?

Do you spend a lot of time together?

For children: would you like to become parents now?

Parents: would you like to become children now?

8. An outdoor game "Find your house".

Each player has a “palm” of a certain color. At a signal, they scatter around the hall in different directions. After the signal "Find your house" - the participants should gather in groups at the place where the pyramid of their color is built.

After mastering the game, the original houses can be swapped.
9. Conclusion. Reflection "I liked it today ..."

Each participant ends the phrase: "I liked it today ..."
The summary is summarized.

We had a wonderful time today, I wish you had many such fun minutes with your children. Peace to you and family well-being.


"We are together" (for children from 7 to 12 years old)
The purpose of this program is to unite family members, harmonize intra-family relations.
When working with a child-parent couple in this direction, the following tasks are implemented:
Learning the skills of cooperation and partnership between parents and children in play and joint activities.
Teaching children the ability to communicate in a group of peers and with unfamiliar adults.
Improving children's self-esteem and parental competence.
Teaching parents the skills of constructive communication with children.
Organization of classes: the cycle of classes includes 8 meetings, classes are held once a week. Joint lessons for 1 hour 30 minutes, lessons for parents only - 2 hours. 1-5 joint for parents and children; 6-7 - only with the participation of parents; 8th lesson - joint final.
Methodological tools used in the program: communication games, joint activities of parents and children (drawing, construction), role modeling.
Cycle structure:
Diagnostic stage. It is carried out at a preliminary meeting of a psychologist with a parent-child couple and at the final lesson.
Task: diagnostics of the style of family education, the characteristics of interpersonal relations in the family, the level of communication skills of children.
1. Preparatory stage:
The main task: acquaintance of the participants, formation of an atmosphere of trust and safety in the group.
2. The actual correctional and developmental stage
Teaching parent and child cooperation skills.
Removing barriers for children in communicating with adults.
Development of reflection skills.
Teaching parents the skills of effective communication with children.
3. The final stage.
Objective: testing and mastering new ways of communication and interaction, reflection on the experience gained.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program
For an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the group at the diagnostic stage, a differential examination of all participants is carried out. Parents fill out the questionnaire "Analysis of family relationships", perform "Kinetic drawing of the family" and a joint drawing with children, a family sociogram (see Appendix).
Children perform the "Kinetic Drawing of the Family" and a joint drawing with their parents, a family sociogram. The psychologist also assesses the level of communication skills of children by the method of standardized observation (see Appendix).
At the final meeting, at the end of the cycle, parents fill out the training participant's questionnaire, re-evaluate their interpersonal communication with the child, children and parents fill out the family sociogram, parents and children perform a joint drawing on one sheet. The psychologist assesses the level of communication skills of children on a 3-point scale (1 point - low, 2 points - average, 3 points - high level).
Efficiency is measured by a qualitative analysis of drawing tests, positive dynamics in the parents' assessments of their relationship with children, and an increase in children's communication skills.


No. Topic Number of hours
1 Acquaintance, group rallying 3
2 Learning to cooperate 4.5
3 Communicate with the child - how? (for parents) 2
4 Rewards and punishments (for parents) 2
5 Completion of the work of group 1.5
Total 13

Group rules. The trainer introduces the group rules and discusses them with the training participants:
* Confidentiality (secrecy) of what is happening in the group.
* We speak only from ourselves and about ourselves (I-statements ").
* Confidential communication style. Addressing all participants by name.

LESSON No. 1 (children together with their parents)
Topic: Acquaintance. Cohesion of the group.
1. Warm up.
Exercise "Affectionate Name" (participants sit in a circle).
Instructions: The participant to the right of the leader calls out his name and throws the ball to someone. The one who has the ball, comes up with an affectionate name for him and passes the ball to the next player, until all the participants are in the role of inventors. When the first participant has the ball, he says which name he liked best and passes the ball to the next. (10 min.)
Exercise "Changing places" (participants sit in a circle, the coach is holding a ball).
Instruction: “Now we are going to throw the ball to each other, and the one who has the ball ends the phrase:“ None of you know that I ... (or I have ...). Be careful, each of us can visit the ball several times. " (5 minutes.)
2. The main part.
Exercise "Unexpected pictures" (participants sit in a circle).
Objective: Increase group cohesion. Each participant is given a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen.
Instructions: 1. “Take a piece of paper and sign your name on the back. Then start drawing a picture (participants draw for two minutes).
2. At my command, stop drawing and transfer the started drawing to your neighbor on the left. Take the sheet that your neighbor on the right will give you, and continue to draw the picture he started.
(2 minutes).
3. Transfer your drawing to your neighbor on the left again, continue drawing.
At the end of the exercise, each participant receives the picture that he began to draw.
Exercise discussion:
Do you like your drawing?
Did you like drawing on other people's drawings?
Which drawing do you like the most?
Exercise "Find yourself a mate" (participants stand in a semicircle)
The presenter distributes pre-prepared leaflets with the names of animals written on them to each participant. Since all names are paired, everyone can find a pair after the coach's command
Instruction: “Close your eyes. At my command, each of you starts screaming in the language of your animal. Your task, without opening your eyes, is to find your mate by voice. " (10 min.)
Exercise "Shadow" (participants are divided into parent-child pairs).
Purpose: development of observation, memory, inner freedom and relaxedness, the ability to adapt to another.
Instruction: one (parent) is a traveler, the other (child) is his shadow. The traveler walks through the field, and behind him, 2-3 steps from behind, his shadow. “The shadow tries, exactly, to copy the movements of the traveler. After a while, the participants switch roles. Exchange of feelings, impressions. (10-15 min.)
3. Completion of the work of the group.
Purpose: to receive feedback from the training participants (what they liked, what became a discovery). (10 min.)
LESSON number 2 (children together with their parents)
Topic: Increasing group cohesion. Teaching parents and children skills in partnership.
Instrumentation: sheets (A4 format), felt-tip pens, pieces of paper with the names of animals written on them for each participant (the names of animals are paired: cow-cow, rooster-rooster, etc.).
1. Warm up.
Exercise "3 qualities" (participants sit in a circle)
Instruction. It is necessary, after giving your name, to come up with one or more inherent qualities that begin with the same letter as your name.
Exercise "Construction".
Instruction: the presenter sets a sign for the construction, the participants must complete it within a certain period of time (for example, 1 minute). The coach checks the correctness of the formation.
- lining up by height;
- by eye color (at the beginning - dark-eyed, at the end - light-eyed);
- by shoe size. (5 minutes.)
2. The main part.
Exercise "Blind" (couples - parent and child are sitting side by side at tables).
Instruction: mom and child are sitting side by side at the table. There is a sheet of paper in front of him. One of the partners is blindfolded, and only he is allowed to draw. Another partner with open eyes will control the hand movements of the "blind" player. Then the roles are exchanged. (20 minutes.)
Exercise discussion:
Which was more difficult: drawing with your eyes closed or directing the drawing? Why?
What did you like more: drawing or directing? (10 min.)
Exercise "Bridge" (participants sit in a semicircle).
Purpose: achieving mutual understanding, consistency in actions.
Instruction: two lines are drawn parallel to each other on the floor (or laid out using ribbons). The distance between the lines is approximately 25-30 cm. This is a bridge. A couple is invited - a parent and a child. Task: without words, using only facial expressions and gestures, disperse on the bridge. (10-15 min.)
Exercise "What does the doll tell you?"
Purpose: to identify urgent problems of the group members.
Instruction: the coach takes a doll in his hands and, addressing the participants, says: “A very wise lady has come to us. (Referring to the neighbor on the left). Take her so that she looks at you. What does she tell you? " The participant contacted by the coach must answer the question with direct speech. For example: "Misha, behave yourself" or "You are too trusting, Tanya."
Discussion of the exercise.
The set by the trainer for the wisdom and discernment of the "lady" contributes to the fact that each participant in the game puts into the mouth of the "lady" a phrase that is usually associated with an actual problem for him. (15 minutes.)
3. Completion of the work of the group.
The group members are given the task to think for one minute and say: "If my mother (my child) had a magic wand, she (he) would have thought (a) ..."
Exchange of feelings, impressions of the lesson.

LESSON number 3 (children together with their parents)
Topic: Teaching the skills of productive cooperation between parent and child "
Toolbox: sheets of paper with words written on them, a pin, a small toy, a half-watt sheet, felt-tip pens.
1. Warm up.
Exercise "Mirror"
Instruction: participants stand in two circles (outer and inner). One circle is a "mirror", the second is a person standing in front of it. A person shows different movements, the "mirror" should repeat them as accurately as possible. At the signal from the leader, one circle takes a step to the side. A new pair is formed, which continues to perform the task, and so on until the participants return to their original position. Then the players switch roles: those who were the “mirror” become a person, and the “person” becomes a mirror. (10 min.)
Exercise "Tell me my secret."
Goal: development of non-verbal communication skills and creation of a favorable psychological climate.

Instruction: each of you will now have a secret that everyone will know about, the coma of yourself. It will be some word that is attached to your back. Your task is to guess this word with the help of the group. The group should silently show the meaning of this word only through gestures. It is important to show well so that the person can guess. Words are attached in turn to each.
Examples of words: student, disgust, exercise, writing, illness, bear. (15 minutes.)
2. The main part.
Exercise "Two with one felt-tip pen" (couples - parent and child - sit at tables next to each other).
Purpose: training in cooperation skills.
Instruction: “Now you are one team to paint a picture. And you should draw with the same felt-tip pen. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to talk to each other. Both people in a pair should constantly hold the felt-tip pen in their hand, without releasing it for a moment. If you feel like it, you can glance at your partner from time to time to see how he feels at the same time, and to understand what he wants to draw. We draw for five minutes.
After completion, show your work to the rest of the group.
Exercise Discussions:
Was it difficult for you to draw in silence?
Have you and your partner come to a consensus?
Was it difficult because the image was constantly changing? (10 min.)
Exercise "Blind listening" (parent and child sit at the table opposite each other, a partition is placed between them).
Purpose: teaching the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding.
Instruction: each participant in a pair is given seven matches. The parent builds a figure from his matches behind the partition, and then tries to explain to the child in words how to build the same one. Neither parent nor child should see each other's actions. At the end of the work, the partition is removed, and the figures are compared. Then parent and child switch roles. If it is very easy for a couple to complete this task, then the number of matches can be increased. (15-20 min.)
Trust exercise (participants sit in a circle)
Purpose: development of a sense of trust, empathy.
Instruction: a couple comes out - a parent and a child. The child becomes with his back to the parent, moving some distance. The parent extends his arms forward. The task of the child is to fall into the hands of the parent without bending the knees. (5-10 min.)
3. Completion of the work of the group.
Summing up the results of the lesson. Exchange of feelings, impressions of the lesson.

LESSON number 4 (children together with their parents)
Topic: Achieving mutual understanding between parent and child.
Instrumentation: ball, blindfolds.
1. Warm up.
Exercise "Lavota dance" (participants stand in a circle).
Instruction: everyone walks in a circle and repeats together with the presenter: "We dance tra-ta-ta, our dance is fun, the dance of the lavota". Then the presenter asks: "Did you hold hands?" All together: "No." They hold hands and repeat the words of the song. The presenter asks: "We were holding hands" All together answer: "Yes!" Then the presenter enumerates sequentially (by the shoulders, by the waist, by the ears). (5 minutes.)
Compliment exercise (participants sit in a circle)
Instruction: “Now we will compliment each other. You need to throw the ball to any of the participants and say something nice to him. And he replies: "Yes, of course, but, besides, I also ..." (10 min.)
2. The main part.
Exercise "The Blind One and the Guide."
Purpose: achieving mutual understanding at different levels of interaction.
Instruction: the participant playing the role of the "blind" is blindfolded. The "guide" leads him around the room, introduces him to the world around him, objects. Becomes his "eyes". The "blind" should be driven carefully, carefully so that he does not bump into objects or another pair. Then the pairs switch places. (10-15 min.)
Exercise "I like it" (parent and child sit on chairs opposite each other).
Purpose: to establish a positive dialogue between the child and the parent.
Instruction: parent and child talk to each other, constantly pronouncing the beginning of the proposed phrase: "I like that you ..." - and add content to it. Thus, a positive dialogue arises. The parent gives the child, and the child gives the parent "feedback". Exchange of feelings. (10 min.)
Exercise "Doodle".
Purpose: Bringing family members and group members together.
Instructions: a half-wattman sheet is placed on the table, the participants sit around the table. Everyone takes one felt-tip pen (colors should not be repeated). Then the participants quickly draw scribbles on the sheet - irregular, continuous lines. Then each in turn tries, based on their own ideas, to finish the created scribbles. The journey of drawing from hand to hand continues until everyone decides that he has nothing more to finish drawing for him.
Exercise discussion:
* What do the group members see in the picture?
* Can you see any plots or images that reflect the mood of the participants or family relationships? (15 minutes.)

3. Completion of the work of the group.
Exercise "Hike".
Purpose: rallying the group members, increasing the emotional background.
Instruction: “Let's imagine that we all decided to go camping together. Here is the backpack that we need to collect for the hike. Each in turn will put something in it. This must be done without words, only with the help of gestures. We all need to carefully monitor what each of us puts in our backpacks, and not repeat ourselves. After each of the participants has put something in a backpack, the coach turns to the group with the question: “What did you put in our backpack ...?”, Calling the name of one or another member of the group. Everyone else is guessing. (10 min.)
Feedback from the training participants. (10 min.)

LESSON No. 5 (children together with their parents)
Topic: Parent-child cooperation.
Tools: matches - two boxes, scarf, glue, scissors, A4 sheets of paper, illustrated magazines.
1. Warm up.
Exercise "What can be done with the object" (participants sit in a circle).
Purpose: development of creative thinking.
Instruction: everyone, in turn, should tell how this item (scarf) can be used. The coach starts the game, the participant continues to his right and further in a circle. The participant who cannot figure out how to use this item is eliminated from the game. The participant who comes up with the most methods wins. (10 min.)
Exercise "House".
Instruction: the participants are given the task to draw their family in the form of a house and sign which part of the house symbolizes which family member. For example, the roof is dad, the foundation is mom, the window is a child, etc.
Exercise discussion:
Why is this or that family member chosen by this part of the house?
The trainer deciphers the designations of the parts of the house: the foundation is the foundation of the house, that member of the family on whom everything rests and on whom everyone presses. The roof is the family member who is responsible for safety. The walls are the supporting structure of the house, without this family member everything will collapse. Windows are the family member for whom everything is done (most often the windows are children), the pipe is the family member who is responsible for emotional relationships in the family. (15 minutes.)
2. The main part.
Exercise "Family Commandments" (parents and children sit in a circle, united in pairs).
Purpose: study of family traditions, values.
Instruction: the parent together with the child makes a list of family commandments (customs, rules, prohibitions, habits, attitudes, views that all family members adhere to).
Then there is an interchange of written in a circle. (15-20 min.)
Exercise Discussions:
Which commandments satisfy you and which ones do not? (10 min.)
Exercise "Family collage".
Purpose: uniting family members.
Instruction: Parent and child collaborate on a collage of their family using magazine clippings. (25 min.)
Discussion of the exercise.
Each family presents its own collage. The rest of the group can ask clarifying questions. (10 min.)
Exercise "Reporter".
Purpose: study of interpersonal relationships in the family.
Instructions: The coach asks one child to come to the center of the circle. The coach and the child sit opposite each other. The child is told the following: “Imagine that your mom is on TV and the reporter is asking her questions about her child, that is, about you. But now you will act as your mother and will try to answer my questions about you the way your mother would answer. " To enter the role, the child is asked questions about the name (he must introduce himself as the name of the mother), about the profession, about the age. The reporter then asks the child directly about himself. A sample list of questions: “Tell me, do you have a child? What's his name? How old is he? Tell us, what kind of child do you have? What do you like to do together? Imagine that a child sees you now, what would you tell him? " Every child should play the role of the interviewee. Then the parent is called to the center of the circle, and he answers the questions about the mother in the role of the child. The list of questions is about the same. Discussion of the exercise. (30 minutes.)
3. Completion of the work of the group.
Summing up the results of the lesson. Exchange of feelings, impressions of the lesson.
LESSON number 6 (children together with their parents)
Topic: Teaching children the ability to communicate in a group of peers and with unfamiliar adults.
Tools: a small tiger toy, a blanket, a CD with relaxing music, a tape recorder.
1. Warm up.
Exercise "Guess" (participants sit in a circle)
Instruction: “We have to jointly solve one problem: all at the same time, without agreeing and not uttering a word, throw out the same number of fingers on both hands as quickly as possible. The presenter counts: one, two, three - on the count of "three", all at the same time throw out their fingers. If the problem is not solved, we make another attempt. " (5 minutes.)
Exercise "Tiger hunting" (participants stand in a circle).
Instructions: the participants stand in a circle, the driver is chosen - the "hunter", who steps aside, turns his back to the others and counts to 10. At this time, the participants in a circle pass a small toy (tiger) into each other's hands. At the end of the count, the one with the tiger extends his arms forward, covering the toy with his palms. Others do the same. The task of the "hunter" is to find the tiger in three attempts. After that, the "hunter" chooses a new driver. (10 min.)
2. Main part
Exercise "Cinematography".
Purpose: to unite family members and group members.
Instruction: the presenter says that each married couple (parent and child) are now directors who will shoot a film about the family. It is necessary to come up with a name, genre and the main character of the film. After each family has presented their ideas, participants are asked to team up with those whose ideas they find consonant or interesting. Minigroups must create and stage their own film about the family.
Discussion of the exercise. (40 min.)
3. Completion of the work of the group.
Exercise "Bedspread".
Purpose: developing trust.
Instrumentation: all participants stand around the cover and take it. One participant sits down on the blanket, the rest raise it and gently swing it down. The exercise is performed with relaxing music. (10 min.)

Exchange of feelings and impressions of the lesson. (10 min),

LESSON № 7 (for parents).
Topic: "I am statements." "Temporary language"
Purpose of the lesson: teaching parents the skills of constructive communication with children.
1. Help parents understand the psychological difference between "I am the statement" and "You are the statement."
2. Try to master the skill "I am statements" by examples.
3. To acquaint parents with the concepts of "temporary language" and "permanent language".
Instrumentation: sheets of paper (A4 format), pencils for each participant, schemes of "I-messages" for each participant (see Appendix).
1. Warm up.
Exercise "Scold the child."
Instructions: one parent portrays a child, the other parent scolds him from different positions:
- the child is sitting, the parent is standing;
- the parent is sitting, the child is standing;
- parent and child have their backs to each other.
The couples then switch roles.
Exchange of feelings. (15 minutes.)
2. The main part.
Information for parents.
"You - messages" often disrupt the communication process, as they cause the child to feel resentment and bitterness, create the impression that the parent is always right. Examples of "You - messages": "You always leave dirt behind!", "Stop doing this!", "You need to repeat the same thing a hundred times!" and others. "I - messages" are a more effective way of influencing the child in order to change his behavior, which the parent does not accept. As an example, here's a message diagram for a parent who is tired and doesn't want to play with his son.
"You are the message":
The parent is tired: "You tired me." - The child's reaction: "I am bad."
"I am the message":
The parent is tired: "I am very tired." - The child's reaction: "Dad is tired."

Next, the parents fill out the participant's questionnaire.
3. Completion of the work of the group. Summarizing. Concluding remarks from the presenter.
“Today we are completing our classes. Together we have passed some part of the way, managed to get used to each other, to make friends. Each family is unique in its own way, and I would like to highlight the contribution of each dyad to our group process in a special way. "
Awarding the participants with certificates and photographs.
Exchange of feelings, impressions from this cycle of classes.
Parting. (10 min.)