Is platonic friendship between a guy and a girl real? Is friendship between a guy and a girl possible?

Is there friendship between a guy and a girl (man and woman)? This question is most often asked by people who have big plans for a friend or girlfriend, or people whose half has friendly relations with the opposite sex. In this topic, we will try to reveal the question of whether there really is friendship between a man and a woman, friendship without any rapprochement, or any friendship between two guys and a girl is something more than friendship. We recommend that you read


YES, FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN A GUY AND A GIRL IS POSSIBLE: IN this case Indeed, friendship is possible, but you need to understand that friendship at any moment can develop into something more than just friendship. So, for example, dance partners can be friends, thanks to their interests, i.e. dance classes, also, for example, friendship is possible between actors when a guy and a girl rehearse a certain role. In this case, friendship between a guy and a girl is possible, and there is little chance that it will grow into something more. As a rule, such a friendship ends when the hobby ends. For example, friendship is also possible between colleagues when a guy and a girl are working together on one project, which leads to rapprochement and friendship, at least for the duration of such a project. You should not be afraid of such a friendship, there is little chance that it will develop into something more. Although, let's look at when the friendship between a woman and a guy develops into more, and when it doesn't. So, if both work partners have a husband or wife (boyfriend, girlfriend), then most likely they will not translate their friendships into large ones, if only one has (husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend), then the second bachelor may take the initiative and try to transform friendly relations into large ones, i.e. in this case, the chances of the transition of friendly relations into love increases. And the next case, when a guy and a girl are friends with each other and they, both on the part of the guy and on the part of the girl, do not have a soul mate, in this case the chance of changing friendship into love increases many times over, since already two partners can try to change friendships into closer ones. Also, the chance of changing friendships into large ones may depend not on the presence of the second half of one of the partners, but on the nature of the person, so there are people who need various sexual partners, one husband or wife is not enough for them, and they are looking for connections on the side, in this case , the chance of changing friendships increases.

NO, FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN A GUY AND A GIRL IS IMPOSSIBLE: If friendship between a guy and a girl is expressed not from a professional point of view, but as some say, that they are just interested in communicating and spending time together, then this is far from friendship, but much greater feelings, ready to flare up with a bright and hot flame. Also, there can be no friendship between a guy and a girl who were previously together, but for some reason parted, there can only be obligations between them, for example, for children, etc., but there will never be friendship, and if they say that they only have friendship, then this is a complete lie, this is not friendship - this is an attempt to restore the old relationship. If you raise a question on the first option, voiced in this topic, i.e. friendship between a guy and a girl in their professional field, which consists in spending time together not only in special institutions designed for training and developing their hobbies, but it manifests itself in joint meetings and walks that are practically not related to their hobbies or profession, then this is already higher feelings than just friendship. We recommend that you read


Considering the need to fear friendship between a man and a woman on the part of a couple who are friends with each other, but do not have a spouse or soulmate, such friendship will be useful and, perhaps, it will lead to the formation of a couple.

Considering the friendship of a guy and a girl from the side that friends have a spouse, then such friendship should be treated with more caution, since a living organism is arranged by nature in such a way that a guy and a girl are always something more than friendship and the top of the desires of animal instincts always can surpass morality and reason, which will lead to treason or the destruction of the family. After all, people are arranged in such a way that the more mixing of the human gene occurs, the more different people will be born, which will lead to natural selection and improvement of the living organism, i.e. person. This is natural selection, driven by the instinct of reproduction, in which neither man nor woman can resist his friend or girlfriend and have sexual intercourse with him. Watch your partner more closely if he has friends of the opposite sex.


For more than one century, people have been asking themselves the question "Can there be friendship between a guy and a girl." Can they just be friends without mixing a sincere good feeling with love or desire. To this day, there is no consensus on this matter.

The most common point of view is "Friendship between the sexes does not exist." Many would also add with confidence that it cannot be, because where there can be sex, no one will remember friendship at the right moment. On the other hand, I think any of us have heard the expression "Don't ruin your friendship with sex" more than once. And then the thought arises that friendship between a guy and a girl still has a place to be, but only until that opportunity ....

So can people of different sexes just be friends?

If we turn to psychology on this matter, then among scientists we will not find a consensus. Some believe that all the actions of a guy in any case will be based on sexual desire and the desire to please a girlfriend. And yet, the majority adheres to the point of view that the commonality of views, hobbies, principles makes completely different people, including boys and girls, interesting to each other. And interest immediately turns into caring for each other, empathy, support. This is the true expression of friendship. Of course, there is a danger that the friendship that arose in this way between a guy and a girl will grow into something more.

Nevertheless, psychologists say that absolutely any girl needs a friend - a guy.

And such friendship is useful immediately for a number of reasons. Let's name some of them:

  1. In friendship between a guy and a girl there is no rivalry. Friends, even the closest, on a subconscious level, still from time to time compare themselves with each other. Cases of not just rivalry, but fierce competition are not rare. In such a situation, it is difficult to talk about frankness in communication, support and mutual assistance.
  2. It's no secret that men and women have different interests. Sometimes it is useful to communicate with a person with a different mindset, outlook on the world, other problems and concerns. This allows you to take a different look at topics that have already stuck on your teeth.
  3. In the same situation, a guy and a girl behave differently, react differently to the same words. Therefore, sometimes it is very important to hear the opinion of a friend - a guy, in order to make the right decision.
  4. In addition, the opportunity to appear at an event arm in arm with a handsome man or a charming companion, if it does not raise self-esteem, then certainly amuses self-esteem to a large extent.
  5. Well, and of course, household self-interest. A girl can always ask a guy to fix something, hang a shelf, help with the move. The guy will be pleased to receive a delicious homemade borscht as a reward.

But do not forget about the existence of various kinds of nuances that can destroy even the strongest friendship between a guy and a girl.

  1. One of these nuances is the jealousy of the second half. Not every young man will take for granted the friendship of his beloved girl with another guy, and by no means every girl will understand the friendly nature of the relationship of her young man with an outside beauty.
  2. Another case is when a guy or girl is unrequitedly in love with his girlfriend or boyfriend. They are ready to agree even to friendship, if only the object of sighing does not disappear from sight. In such a situation, under the guise of a friend, a person can wait for his chance for many years. And as a result, he loses those crumbs that he could count on, remaining a close friend.
  3. Well, of course, the most frequent and most destructive is "casual sex." There are situations when cracks appear in an already existing relationship with the second halves of both friends. And now friends, getting into a romantic atmosphere, and even not quite in a sober state, find themselves in bed. In the morning, both become very uncomfortable. And the further, the stronger the tension in communication will grow. Such a friendship is doomed.

Thus, we conclude that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question “Is there friendship between a guy and a girl”. One could say that it is, but with a thousand reservations. And yet, as they say, in any rules there is a place for exceptions.

Is there friendship between a guy and a girl? - This is a question that has been discussed for many years in offline conversations, on psychology forums and not only, but there is still no answer. Reflecting on whether there are friendly relations between a man and a woman, we will come to our own answer, but we do not pretend to be the truth.

  1. Yes, there is

This option is possible and happens, but it cannot be ruled out that at one fine moment the communication between a man and a woman will become something more. The psychology of a person is such that imperceptibly for himself, his feelings begin to change, often positive emotions and feelings from camaraderie can lead to falling in love, and falling in love - to love.

There are also cases where the chance that the friendship will remain forever is quite large. Friends who are related to each other by common interests, such as actors or dance partners, will not become lovers. If a guy and a girl have a joint project at work, this can also lead to friendship, because in this way it is easier to cope with tasks.

Although friendships have little chance of developing into something more, they still exist. If both partners have a family, they will not get closer. If both are lonely, then one of the two can take the initiative. In this case, there is a chance to translate the friendship of a guy with a girl into love.

Can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Friendly communication in which one sympathizes with another. In such a couple, one is in love, but he does not betray himself, the other does not notice this. At the same time, the one who is in love tries with all his might not to show his feelings, because they can lead to unpredictable consequences. The sympathy of one for the other can last forever, although the heart is not iron, sooner or later the lover confesses his feelings. And then friendship will grow into mutual feelings, or become something unusual. In order to resolve the situation as gently as possible, you need to calmly talk with each other and find a solution that will suit both.
  2. Mutual love. Both parties have feelings for each other, but they believe that when they get closer, the transfer of friendship into love, friendly communication will collapse. Nevertheless, such communication can even develop into a family, since in this case the girl is connected with the man by common interests, that is, the couple is comfortable with each other - and this is one of the main conditions for creating a family in which there will be no misunderstandings, quarrels and as a result, grounds for divorce.
  3. One of the friends is married. In this case, friendship can destroy a family, because family relationships sometimes seem difficult to us, and a friend is always kind and “fluffy”. In this case, you should not forget that a friend is most often so good precisely because he is further away from you. In family life, he may turn out to be a different person - his character and habits will hurt you more.
  4. Old friendship. You can be friends since childhood and know each other inside and out. At the same time, falling in love will not appear, since too familiar friendships will be stronger than new feelings. However, if you manage to jump over the barrier of habit, the relationship will become the strongest!
  5. A friend is a former “soulmate”. They say that such a relationship is a good partnership, but in reality this may not be so, because a girl sometimes does not forgive a man for past sins that led to parting. In male psychology, everything is different: guys are drawn to ex-girlfriends, because a lot of pleasant memories are associated with them.

So, one thing is clear: friendships can become the basis of love, and further developments can be anything.

  1. No it doesn't exist

If a guy and a girl say that they communicate because they are interested in each other and comfortable, even if they are just work colleagues, then there can be something more than ordinary friendship between a man and a woman. At least affection. And it can turn into a fire of feelings, burning with the brightest flame. Friendship does not exist and cannot exist between a guy and a girl who used to be a couple, loved each other. Usually these are some kind of obligations, for example, a common child who needs attention from both parents. It may also be an attempt to return the old relationship, but definitely not friendship.

If relationships of interest, the same dances, go beyond the walls of an institution where a guy and a woman are engaged in a common cause, then this is no longer a friendship between a guy and a girl. One shows attention to the other, invites for walks. Usually the desire to transfer communication from the professional sphere is driven by a man.

Because of the libido, the friendship between a guy and a girl almost always gravitates towards a love relationship. Only relationships that have been tested by time, or those in which no one is interested in each other, can be friendly. Due to the energy of love, this happens quite rarely.

One important aspect arises when your spouse has a friend of the opposite sex: is it worth considering such communication between the sexes as a threat and why?

Family friend of the opposite sex

If a woman and a man do not have their own families and soul mates, such friendship cannot harm. Quite the contrary: friendships can develop into love, and later, perhaps, into a new “cell of society”. However, if one of the couple has a soul mate, then jealousy on the part of the spouse will most often appear by itself, such is human psychology. We don’t know if this is correct, but love implies jealousy, so such friendship of the second half may seem like a cruel joke to many. As they say, a woman and a man can be friends, but "very carefully."

So, is friendship possible between a guy and a girl? The article shows that it is possible, but not always. There are exceptions, which always arise unexpectedly and pleasantly surprise. Friendship between the “sexes” can arise from the very kindergarten, then you know everything about each other: all the secrets, all the partners of your friend, and sometimes there are no reasons for the transition of friendship into love. Sympathy for the opposite sex can strengthen relationships without transforming into love. Human psychology and the laws of society are continuously changing things that are not subject to analysis.

You can call the recipe for friendship between the sexes. In order for her to be “one hundred percent”, without any hint of a further transition to another stage of the relationship, the guy and the girl must be the same and equal in some common cause. If there is equality, then friendship is possible. Why? In this case, the man does not go through the stage of courtship and care, maybe he does not pay for coffee and a restaurant. A woman is a partner and colleague, a friend, but not a lady of the heart.

So, if there is a motivation for, the circumstances are such that two people cannot get close to the degree of falling in love, then the probability of a guy's friendship with a girl is high. In this case, the main thing is to earn trust and not lose a friend because of the desire to transfer the relationship to the plane of love. On the other hand, love is also friendship.

Is there friendship between a guy and a girl? Some believe that such relationships will sooner or later develop into something more, while others are sure that gender differences cannot become an obstacle to true friendship. In fact, both points of view are valid, and we will tell you why! More interesting articles on the Girls website!

You are friends with a guy from kindergarten, you know all his secrets. And girlfriends don't believe that you're just friends.

They do not believe that you never wanted to cross the line of communication based on common interests, beyond which something else begins. What do you yourself think? Are you closing your eyes to his secret crush on you?

Friendly relations between a guy and a girl: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists agree that for a pure 100% friendship, it is necessary that the guy and the girl feel their equality and have similar interests. In words, everything is simple, but what problem can arise here? Girls sometimes want to feel their defenselessness. And the guys, in turn, like to show masculinity and strength.

Friendship between a guy and a girl can be like walking on thin ice. You never know when you can fall headlong into deep feelings.

Friendship between a guy and a girl: when something more is hidden behind it

They usually make friends with the person they like. And where there is sympathy, the flame of love can suddenly flare up. Or it has already flared up, but you don't want to admit it for some reason:

    Reason #1. Fear
    After all, having embarked on the path of love, you are afraid that you will lose friendship with this guy. And I really don't want to lose her. Therefore, you are content with little. You can reason like this: love can end quickly, but you can be friends for a long time. And you prefer not to take risks.

    Reason number 3. You are both secretly in love
    None of you are showing. Most likely, both of you are afraid of losing your friendship. It's better to have a tit in your hand than a crane in the sky - you justify yourself. But if you take a chance, it may also happen that, holding a tit in one hand, you catch a crane with the other.

The psychology of relations between a guy and a girl: when friendship is still possible

Okay, we already understood that with friendship between a guy and a girl, everything is not easy. Friendship today - love tomorrow, love today - friendship tomorrow. But are there really no options when you can relax and be 100% sure that we are just good friends. Perhaps not 100%, but 70-80% is still possible. And under what conditions:

    Condition number 1. you already had a relationship
    Sometimes ex-lovers manage to be friends. But, of course, with a whole set of conditions:

    • If you broke up peacefully - without offense and mutual reproaches.

      If none of you already has strong feelings for the other.

      If you already have a new love (this is desirable).

      If you can calmly discuss other guys and girls with each other.

    Condition number 2. Do you have a common hobby?
    For example, you made friends in the classroom in some section and your relationship does not go beyond this hobby. As a rule, such communication will be dosed, but such friendship can last for many years. Although there is no guarantee that you will not fall in love with each other, of course, as you understand.

    Condition number 3. You know each other from early childhood
    If you remember very well how he threw porridge in kindergarten and hid from the teacher under the bed, it may be difficult for you to look at him with different eyes. Still, love most often flares up when there is some kind of mystery and mystery. But then again, everything happens in life.

So now that we've looked at the basic friendships between a guy and a girl, go through all of your friends of the opposite sex in your mind's eye. What feelings do they really evoke in you? Are you deceiving yourself? When meeting, take a closer look at them. How do they act when they are around you? Such an analysis will help you understand the true motives of your friendship.

How do you feel about friendship between a guy and a girl? Do you have friends of the opposite sex?

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From the side of the girl - yes, from the side of the guy - no. What does it mean?

Look, a girl can really see a guy as a friend who she thinks just wants to spend time with her, listen to her, listen to her stories. And it's completely normal for her. She does not perceive him as a potential sexual partner. Moreover, she may be very surprised if a guy friend suddenly wants to go to the next stage of the relationship.

For a girl, male friends are necessary to raise her self-esteem, because she can drain her negativity to them, complain, cleanse herself internally and then just leave, because "we are just friends." For a girl, this is completely normal. However, few of the girls realize that in the opposite camp at the same time they are preparing to storm the fortress, or in other words - the guy is preparing to get you, slowly, gradually changing the status of "just a friend" to the status of "more than a friend."

|| If a guy is guaranteed nothing in the end, he will never be friends with a girl "just like that."

A guy will never be friends with you if you are not sexually attracted to him. They either use you to raise their self-esteem, or plan to have sex with you in the near future. Friendship between a guy and a girl is false. False because the girl perceives this as a real friendship, when the guy is ready to be there for free at any moment (“after all, he’s just a friend”). And the guy, being around at any moment, wants to receive an award, because in his head he behaves like a gentleman. However, at the same time, he is afraid to hint to the girl that he sexually likes her, since there is a chance to spoil everything altogether: to lose the opportunity to have sex with you.

|| The guy is afraid to hint to the girl that he likes her, because there is a big chance to hear “No” in response. Therefore, he is just waiting for an opportunity when he will be 100% sure to declare it.

It turns out, friendship between boy and girl is the use of each other for their own purposes. Friendship can only be when you do not need anything from this person. However, from a guy, a girl needs his ears to talk into, his presence to raise her self-esteem, well, his time that he spends on her. The guy needs a reward for his efforts. If he tells the girl that he likes her, and she exclaims in response: “you are very good, but you are only a friend to me,” then the guy will immediately stop being as good as he pretended to be and then the girl will see his true intentions.

Is there friendship between a guy and a girl? No! Therefore, when your boyfriend is “just friends” with another girl, understand: they either had sex, or they are, or they will soon be. This is true, because a guy who has no sexual attraction to a girl will not waste his time and energy just like that if nothing awaits him at the end. A man may even agree at first that you "will not have anything", however, this is just his game by your rules. He can lie low and wait until the opportunity comes.

Is there a friendship between a guy and a girl who broke up?

Friendship between the former also does not exist! This is even more deception than friendship between a guy and a girl who are not yet in a relationship.

Actually it looks like this. Both a girl and a guy find it difficult to survive a breakup. Therefore, they believe that it will be easier if they see each other in the status of friends from time to time. This nonsense happens only with the permission of the girl. Because she believes that in this way she will wean herself from the guy faster when she sees him and allegedly does not experience anything.

|| In fact, due to a brain habit, the girl wants to return the relationship, but she realizes that this is wrong, so she compensates for this by meeting as friends.

The guy just hopes to sleep, because the feelings have not completely cooled down.

Friendship between a guy and a girl who are no longer in a relationship is akin to going to a bar with a dead alcoholic. Sooner or later, he will risk himself to test his strength and order alcohol, promising himself that he will restrain himself and not drink.

If you were good together, then why did you break up? It's stupid to be friends with your ex-boyfriend. Sooner or later you will oversleep, which will make you even more unhappy. Don't test yourself.

And, yes, one more time. Can you be friends with an ex?? NO! No nuances. None at all. You're either dating, or it's a stranger.

  1. The guy does not want to “just like that” spend time with the girl. He is either guaranteed to get something from her, or he expects to get something.
  2. Friendship between a guy and a girl is a lie. The girl uses the guy, and the guy uses the girl. Does that sound like free friendship?
  3. If they broke up, then forever. If he comes back, it will be as it was. And as it was, it fell apart.
  4. It is important to understand the guy's intention right away. And, if you do not want to give him a chance, then tell him about it right away and do not meet again.