Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements. Scenario of the folklore holiday "Autumn gatherings" in the senior group Folk holidays in Russia in the fall

Larisa Mukhina

Goal and tasks:

Create a joyful mood in children, evoke positive emotions from the holiday.

To acquaint with the Russian tradition - autumn gatherings.

Arouse interest in Russian folk culture, foster a sense of patriotism, love and respect for their homeland.

To develop in children musicality, creativity, public speaking skills.

Build self-confidence and self-confidence by engaging preschoolers in individual and collective performance.

Preliminary work: Conversations about autumn, about the Russian traditions of the sitting. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the Russian folk costume. Learning Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, round dances, games.

The hall is decorated in the form of a Russian hut.

The Mistress comes out:

I'll flood the stove hotter, (walks around the hut)

Everyone will be home soon.

And then I go to the river

Over the icy water.

I will add birch firewood

Heat of golden logs.

And then I'll put it on the table

Old Russian samovar!

The hostess addresses the guests:

Good afternoon, dear guests!

You are welcome to come to my room on Oseniny. (looking around)

Something few guests in my room.

I'll call the children to my place:

Dress up, pack up, go for a walk

The girls are red, but good fellows!

You have fun, sing and dance.

To celebrate the autumn.

A group of children is included in the folk music "The Month is Shining".

Hostess: Come in, dear guests, have fun and joy!

Children: Thank you, hostess!

Children: Guests are people forced

Where they sit, they sit there.

Hostess: Come in, we have a place for everyone and a kind word.

Another group of children enters to the folk music "The Month is Shining".

Children: We drove past and turned up to smoke.

Hostess: We've been waiting for you for a long time

We don't start the holiday without you (sit down)

A girl and a boy come into the hall to the song "Oh, you canopy!" with a tray.

(There is a loaf and salt on the tray).

Girl and boy:

We got a festive role.

We brought you bread and salt.

Hostess: Thank you, kids!

(The hostess thanks her and makes the guests sit down.)

Hostess: Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Does everyone see? Does everyone hear? Was there enough space for everyone?

Child: For guests, of course, there was enough room

Isn't it a bit crowded for the owners?

Hostess: In cramped quarters, but not offended.

Let's sit side by side and talk okay.

Let's tell everyone how it was before.

1 child. On the heaps, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Elderly and young

2 child. Did they sit by the torch

Or under the bright sky-

They spoke, they sang songs

And they danced around

3 children: They played and danced!

Oh, how good the songs are!

In a word, these gatherings

Were a celebration of the soul!

4 child: Rest is not trinkets

Time for games and news

Let's start the gatherings!

We open gatherings!

In chorus: For friends and for guests!

Girl. Hey girls run out

Ava guys help

Sing a song fast

A joke song.

The song "Like ours at the gates" rus. n. NS.

Hostess: Our gatherings are dedicated to autumn. In the good old days, there was such a custom among the Russian people: how the field work ended, the crops were harvested, and the grain was poured into the bins - they whiled away the autumn evenings together, arranged gatherings. Harvested, it's time to have some fun and dance!

Dance "Chamomile-chamomile" audio recording

Hostess: People spent their time at their favorite pastime: some were sitting at the spinning wheel, some were embroidering a pattern on a towel. Some made dishes from clay, others made spoons and bowls from wood.

They work and pull the song, then they joke around. And today we will sing autumn songs, recite autumn poems.

Children come out.

5 child. Who paints the leaves

So beautifully painted?

Who is in the garden path

Gently covered with leaves?

6 child. - Why did they blush

Maple and aspen leaves?

Why did they eat so tasty

Birds rowan berries?

7 child. Because it has come

Autumn is a wonderful time!

She gilded everything

A whole mountain of leaves!

8 child. - In a flock of birds she called

Decorated the woods

The queen is a miracle of the ball

Autumn-Russian beauty!

9 child. Summer flew by like a big bird

Autumn is already knocking to visit us

And the autumn leaf is quiet and sad

Falls to the ground as if by accident.

10 child. Long-legged rain will pour tears

Thin rowan by the window to be sad

A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash,

A maple leaf is circling above the ground

Oh, autumn, again you took us by surprise

And again I put on a gold outfit.

SONG "Sweet autumn rustling" muses. Eremeeva (standing in a semicircle)

Who else has come to our gatherings? (opens the door).

Grandmother Vasilisa enters (music)

Hello, good fellows and red girls! I found out that you were here for a gathering, so I hurried to you. She brought her magic chest with her. And in it are magical riddles! (opens the chest). Do you children know a lot? Answer these riddles for me! Who of you guesses, he is wise as I will become!

1. Troubled Egorka took up cleaning,

I went to the dance in the upper room,

I looked around - a clean floor. (Broom)

2. They go forward - they sing,

They go back - cry. (Buckets)

3. Wooden girlfriend,

Without her, we are like no hands.

At leisure - merry

And feed everyone around.

He wears porridge directly into his mouth,

Doesn't let us get burned. (Spoon)

4. And hisses and groans,

The water boils quickly.

He ate some coals

Tea is ready for us.

The belly tap opens

Pours boiling water. (Samovar)

5. Black horse

Jumps into fire. (Poker)

6. Sleeps in the summer,

It burns in winter.

The mouth opens.

swallows firewood. (Bake)

Grandmother Vasilisa: It's good to be visiting you sincerely, warmly, and it's fun.

Well, good fellows and red girls! And what a gathering without a fun game! I brought you a rejuvenating apple, let's play with it.

Game: "Voivode"

Children stand in a circle. They pass the apple to the music to each other with the words: "The apple is rolling in a round dance, whoever took it is the Voivode!"

The child, who turned out to have an apple, walks into the circle and says: "Today I am the Voivode, I am going out of the round dance!", Stops in front of two children. They turn their backs to each other. "Voivode" stretches out his hand with an apple. All children say: “One, two, three! Run! " Two children race around the circle. Whoever took the apple first is the "Voivode". The game is repeated several times.

11 child. Gave the guest autumn

Fruit yields

Drizzling rains

A body of forest mushrooms.

12 child. How not to rejoice in people

How not to have fun?

The harvest is not experienced

Everyone can be proud!

And now, guys, I’ll ask you riddles about our harvest!

1. Dig a little under the bush,

Looks out into the light ... (potatoes);

2. Is the garden empty,

If it grows there ... (cabbage);

3. For the tops, like a rope

You can pull out ... (carrot);

4. Don't be alarmed. If suddenly

It will make you shed tears ... (bow);

5. Well done on the garden bed,

And their names are ... (cucumbers).

Autumn round dances were very fond of in the villages. Let us and you, red girls and good fellows, start a round dance!

The song "Harvest" muses. Fillipenko

Hostess: In ancient times, hostesses prepared a lot of cabbage for the winter. Now we will play the game "KABUSTA" and invite your parents to play with us.


Everyone stands in a circle. The hostess begins to transmit to the music of cabbage forks, on which maple leaves with ditties for parents are attached. On whom the music stops, he sings ditties, pulling out a leaf from a cabbage, and if the children run out of music, they dance.

Parents' ditties.

Cabbage heads ripen

Round in the garden.

Autumn will be colder -

Salt them in a tub.

Cabbage will grow for me

White, heady.

For salads on the table

The most coveted.

Chop the cabbage finely

Yes, I'll season with garlic

Serve to the table in a plate

With a gilded bezel.

I annoyed cabbage

I decided to treat you all.

Oh, cabbage is just honey!

It goes like that with potatoes!

Autumn red has come

And she brought us gifts,

We will collect them in a basket,

Ah, a beautiful picture!

Hostess: It is not without reason that it is said that with a song any business can be argued. Our cabbage is good, so let's sing about it.

The song "Cabbage" rus. bunk bed R. NS.

Grandma Vasilisa: Well done guys, you know everything and how fun you play. Business time for fun is an hour, but let's dance more fun now. I brought you miraculous balalaikas for the holiday.

Boy: Come on, balalaika

Balalaika three strings

Sing along, don't yawn

Come out, dancers.

PAIRS DANCE WITH BALALAYKA to the song "Miracle-balalaika"

(The hostess brings out the cake for the children and for the guests)

Hostess: Here, dear guests, we had some fun, we learned a lot of new things at our autumn gatherings. While you were singing and dancing, I baked a cake for you. (treats the children to a cake)

Good fellows and red girls, help yourself!

Get good health!

We are glad to stay with you,

We will come again.

Now hey guys,

Let's have tea with pies!

Thank you, hostess, for the treat, thank you for the holiday! (bow,

Grandma Vasilisa: I'll also drink tea with you

Well, why are you sitting?

Are you looking at all the little eyes?

Legs to arms and forward:

The samovar has been waiting for everyone for a long time!

(go off to cheerful folk music.)

First Oseniny is a holiday celebrated on September 14th. By this day, the peasants have already harvested from the fields. The time has come to thank Mother Earth for her generous gifts. Every house baked pies mixed with freshly harvested flour. From that day in Russia, they began to celebrate autumn weddings. This holiday connects two holidays: spiritual and earthly. By its spiritual nature, it is the holiday “The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos”, and by its earthly nature, it is a harvest festival accompanied by games and songs. According to the national calendar, a golden autumn begins on this day, which will last until October 14.

Autumn trees are met by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oat bread. In the old years, there was a custom of treating newlyweds to their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called "Podnesenye Day". All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. Today we have a holiday called Oseniny. Since September 21, it has been believed that every summer is an Amen. Autumn came into its own. In fact, this is a religious holiday of the astronomical autumn equinox. In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "opozhinka" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. According to folk tradition, cabbage parties, girls' parties, began when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. Autumn is the first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to "wipe" the "new" fire with the help of two boards, and with this pure fire to begin sitting, or gatherings. They noticed: if Semyon - the day is clear, then the whole Indian summer will be warm, and the winter must be expected to be warm.

The popular name for the days of memory of Saints Paraskev, of which there are four in the Orthodox tradition. Among the Eastern Slavs, Paraskeva Friday, the patroness of the day of the week of the same name, was especially revered. In the folk tale dedicated to the Day of the Exaltation, the meaning of the holiday is revealed in its own way. The church service was given a special "dignity" on this day: "We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and we honor Thy veil." In popular understanding, the church holiday of the Intercession of the Mother of God appears to be far removed from the Christian legend. Kuzminki (Kuzmodemyanki) is a girl's holiday celebrated all over Russia by girls on the autumn day of memory of Kuzma and Demyan - November 1/14.

Korean autumn traditions

After Christmas came the so-called holy days, which lasted until Baptism, during which it was customary to go from house to house and glorify Jesus Christ with prayers and hymns. One of the most significant summer holidays was Ivan Kupala or Ivanov's Day, named after Jonah the Baptist and celebrated on the day from 6 to 7 July, at the summer solstice. Only with its onset, the ancient Slavs could eat apples from the new harvest, which were necessarily consecrated in the church. One of the most revered autumn holidays that came to the ancient Slavs from Byzantium was the Protection of the Day, celebrated on October 14 (1). On this day, tables were laid with refreshments, gifts were brought to the poor and orphans, there was a visit to a church service, the time for wedding celebrations began.

The autumnal equinox falls on September 22, sometimes 23. Day and night at this time become equal. From time immemorial, many peoples attached a mystical meaning to this day. The ancient rite of the Buddhist festival Higan is held. On this day, the Japanese prepare food only from plant components: beans, vegetables.

Orthodox world celebrates Christmastide - two weeks of winter holidays

Full bins and free time gave people the opportunity to relax.

Nativity of the Virgin (8.09 old / 21.09 new). On this day, Simeon the Stylite is remembered - the founder of the stolpniki. This day is associated with the end of work in the fields and the beginning of winter. It is considered by the people to be a girl's holiday and the cover of weddings.

The holiday is celebrated by visiting guests, wide hospitality. 06/18, which is about 9 months after this holiday. Fleeing from snakes, you can read a rhyme. Russia Autumn was portrayed as a little dry peasant. AUTUMN: Do you guys know what the people called these months differently? Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas.

So, in Israel on September 19, Sukkot takes place. Jews on this day perform the rite of the ascension of the lulav.

Autumn equinox among the Slavs

The day of the autumnal equinox was one of the main holidays among the Slavs. Oat is the name of a deity in mythology that was responsible for changing the seasons, so in the fall he was thanked for the fruits and harvest. The ceremony for the autumn equinox was the seeing off of the goddess Zhiva to Svarga - the heavenly kingdom, which was closed in winter. Our ancestors often used trees in autumn ceremonies and holidays.

Bright and optimistic folk holidays are an excellent base not only for moral and physical relaxation, but also a source of self-expression, the possibility of spiritual unity, the birth of solidarity. But how much better it is to hold a festivities with beautifully dressed people, round dances and songs, with traditional games or secret fortune-telling.

On St. George's Day, they celebrated complete calmness from the autumn labors. Kolyada is of primordial pagan origin and is associated with the winter solstice. From January 6 until the very Maslenitsa in the old days, Wedding weeks lasted.

With a seemingly successful harvest, "pockmarks" sometimes cope for a whole week: the more fruitful the summer was, the longer the holiday. It was customary for the Poles to do the first sowing of winter crops that day: they sow several handfuls of rye from the ears consecrated in a wreath on Obzhinka. Czechs, Moravians and Slovaks consecrated wheat for sowing in a church or blessed bunches of the first ears of corn; both were decorated with flowers. According to Slovak legends, on this day snakes go to the ground - until Yuri. They believed that what the weather will be on the Nativity of the Virgin, this will then hold out for another four weeks.

On January 21, Prosinets is celebrated - the Middle of Winter - it is believed that the cold begins to subside and returns, at the behest of the Gods, to the Lands of the Slavs. Solar warmth. They glorify the Heavenly Swarga. The name of the holiday "Prosinets" comes from "to shine", which means the revival of the sun. February 16. the Name Day of Kikimora is celebrated - the day when people create amulets for the house. For Christians, this date was the day of Maremyana the Righteous, popularly nicknamed Meremiany-Kikimora. On March 22nd, the second Calls of Spring (Goddesses Are Alive) are held, created from the tops of the hills, from which the snow has already begun to fall, popularly called "yarilin bald patches". The main dish of the great Maslenitsa holiday is a pancake - in the Slavic pagan tradition, symbolizing the Sun. April 16 - 22 Rusalia - with the onset of warmth in high water, mermaids begin their games. Therefore, in the Russian folk tradition, the day of Yarila Veshny is also known as St. George's Day - the day of the “wolf shepherd”.

October 22 Autumn Grandfathers, 27th Day from Ovsen. October 26 Mokosha Shifts to the 8th Friday from Rozhanice. Nov. 1. Day of Svarog. December 4 is the holiday of Dawn (Ushas and Vesta). December 23 - Holy Evening. Christmas Eve. Summer holidays are holidays of the cult of birth, harvest and protection of this harvest from various misfortunes.

Religious holidays are also celebrated in Russia. They are also popular, because the Orthodox faith cannot be separated from the values ​​that the country's culture is rich in.

In December, people could already take a break from hard work and should have thought about a more pleasant spring preparation for new business. Our ancestors loved on December 25 (Spiridon-solstice). On the night of it, according to their beliefs, their ancestors came down to people in the form of Christmas-takings. Those who wished the owners of all earthly blessings. If they were stingy and did not thank the singers, they could receive an evil wish for the holiday. All days of the week of Shrovetide with their own name and rituals. In many villages, the tradition still exists, the figurines are called larks, because of the desire to see this particular bird. Yes, and the holiday is often called Larks. Asking for indulgence and mild winter. They rejoiced and thanked nature if the fields were covered with snow that day.

1. To systematize and enrich children's knowledge about the holidays and traditions of the Russian people. In the evening on Christmas Day, everyone went to church, the people, led by a priest, performed a procession of the cross. A Christmas lantern was his obligatory attribute. Baptism was considered among the people as a special day that can bring happiness. In Russia, they have always been loved, they contributed to the rapprochement of people, the strengthening of family ties.

Holidays have survived, which we continue to observe, getting used to them, without even thinking about their origin. But there are holidays that are again applicable in our modern life. The ancient Slavic traditions with their unique ethnic background are being revived. At the end of the round dance, the women brought jugs of home brew and treated the girls. In Russia, on Semyonov Day (September 1), there were tonsured and mounted on a horse. This ancient rite was performed in some families with each son, in others - only the firstborn. There, in Tolmachevsky lane, beyond the Moskva River, women gathered around the church of Kozma and Damian with chickens and after mass they served prayer services. In the villages, women came with chickens to the boyar's yard and, with a petition, brought them to their boyar "for a red life." In response, the noblewoman presented the peasant women with ribbons for the ubrusnik (headdress). Such "petition chickens" were kept especially: they were fed mainly with oats and barley and were never killed.

Our ancestors believed that fun and satiety give rise to a special energy. They, having passed through the temporary layers, organically merged into the rules of Christian festivities. The Orthodox Church on special days prohibits parishioners from working, swearing and grieving.

Rituals and customs are part of the culture of every nation, be it a huge nation or a small community. We invite you to get acquainted with the autumn ceremonies, the history of their origin and essence. The traditions associated with the onset of autumn are interesting and varied in different countries.

There are also holidays when people are not just resting, but having fun, dancing and singing, performing ritual actions related to the thematic component. What is their difference and unity, when did they originate and how are they celebrated today?

Russian folk holidays are not only beautiful and cheerful, they are filled with meaning and spirituality, the thematic content of each carries an ideological load, which is especially important for young people. The atmosphere of community, a single root and familiarization with national sacred values ​​contribute to the formation of national pride and patriotism.

Wine harvest

Autumn holidays among Belarusians are similar to autumn ceremonies and holidays among other Slavic peoples. One of the main autumn ceremonies was performed at the dozhinki. Similarly to the Osenins, Belarus celebrated the harvest festival - the rich man. A popular print with grain and a candle inside was considered the symbol of the holiday. Dzyady means "grandfathers", "ancestors".

Grape harvest festivals are considered traditional in Europe.

It was believed that on this day the first mowing should be carried out, then there would be plenty of hay. If it rained, they expected a rich collection of honey. Athenogenes marked the beginning of the harvest. The first sheaf was kept in the hut as a talisman. On this day, magic rituals were performed for a good offspring and against the death of livestock. The horses were bathed, their manes were combed, treated with selected hay and oats, and freed from any work.

The oat loaf was broken into such a number of pieces, which was equal to the number of those present at the ritual. On returning home, this bread was fed to livestock - this was supposed to attract material wealth to the house. At Oseniny, a large meal was always arranged, in which all the inhabitants of the village took part. The obligatory attributes of the festive table were kutia made from cereals and honey, bread, and milk dishes.

The following signs apply to this day: "Lenten Ivan came, took away the red summer", "Lenten Ivan is the godfather of the fall", "A man does not leave Lenten Ivan without a caftan." Dormition fasting, he is also - spozhenki; by consonance and coincidence of time, it mixes with the spines - autumn, the name day sheaf, the end and celebration of the end of the harvest). September 21 - autumn, the second meeting of autumn. We continued harvesting the onions, which had begun the day before. In the villages, Exaltation is associated with the end of the harvest, this is the third meeting of autumn, the first winter. These days were called muddy roads, jelly, October - muddy. In everyday life, Pokrov is associated with the end of field work, the collection of the last fruits, with the first frost and snow cover of the earth. The veil is traditionally a time of attracting grooms and weddings. Among other signs about the weather, the following stood out: "Dmitrov does not wait for the day of transportation", "Dmitry in the snow - late spring."

Velesen is the seventh month of the Vedoslavl year, the first month of autumn, dedicated to the god Veles. Maya's nine houses. Before giving birth to Kolyada, Maya went through nine signs of the Zodiac, visited nine heavenly houses: the house of Maya (Virgo), the house of Veles (Libra), on the day of Veles - mountain ash was collected. Memory of Zlatogor and Bus. On the same day, the god of the winds Stribog and his bird Stratim (ostrich) are commemorated. The old recipe was: “To cure spoilage in children, you have to go at dawn to three lakes or three springs, silently, without looking back. The holiday of summing up the results of the agricultural year. Weddings begin to play with the Pokrov.

The Slavic farmers considered the beginning of the year to be September - the month when they were harvesting. The peasants performed the rite of glorification of the Family and Rozhanitsy, made sacrifices to their ancestors and glorified family well-being. The fall of September 14 in the pagan calendar was called the Autumn Serpent - the time of snake weddings. For example, it was necessary to strike a fire with the help of two dry planks. The ground was fumigated with this fire. It was also supposed to offer thanks to the earth for the harvest.

There are several more names for the holiday - Aspozhok, Spasov or Asposov day - a threefold derivative from the words Spas, Lady and reap - after the harvest. This week is called Asposova too. December 9 - St. George's Day. Yuri is cold. Here's to you, grandmother and St. George's Day! " - began to speak among the people after its abolition by Tsar Boris Godunov.

People worshiped the sky and asked him to water the earth for a good harvest. Rich sacrifices were brought to the pagan gods, prayers and thanksgiving were offered up, people tried to attract their favor with ritual dances. Fearing to anger them with vanity and insufficient attention, the ancient Slavs prepared for the rituals in advance and set aside for this not only whole days, but sometimes whole weeks, if the question was already very important.

Dmitrov Saturday was always held solemnly: they went to the graves and served there funeral services, arranged rich treats. On November 27 - the day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, St. Nicholas winter, cold. Previously, in many places in Russia, the so-called Nikolschina was celebrated from Nikolina on the day.

Look back to the past and return to the present

The first turning point occurred in 988, when Prince Vladimir christened Russia. This epoch-making act changed the calendar and the nature of pagan rituals. When handicrafts and manufactories became the basis of the well-being of the townspeople, folk holidays and ceremonies closely related to the agricultural calendar retreated even further into the shadows. In this difficult period of the change of eras, paganism moved to the most remote parts of Russia.

Today, Russian folk holidays in their natural form are exotic. Only in rural outbacks, which have not yet been absorbed by mass urbanization, can one find living folklore. People are happy to take part in a colorful action that has an exclusively historically authentic basis.

Already somewhere from Ilyin's day, and somewhere from Uspenyev, autumn round dances began to be led in many settlements. It is worth noting that the round dance is the oldest of the dances of the Russian people, rooted in the rituals of worshiping the sun god. They renewed the fire, extinguished the old one, produced a new one. From that time on, all activities in the field ended and work began in the house and in the house, in the garden. On this day, they did not go to the forest, because it was believed that the snake could drag away.

Calendar rituals, having arisen in ancient times, reflected the worldview of the people, it changed in accordance with the development of society. The Slavs did not create their own fortune-telling systems, but “a holy place is never empty”: they had their own way of foreseeing the future. L. A. Tultseva examined the formation and adoption of new holidays and rituals among the peoples of our country in everyday life. At present, practical needs have put forward the task of developing modern calendar holidays for Russians, taking into account the features that have appeared in the new region. Nowadays, most of the customs and traditional activities associated with autumn rituals are a thing of the past. To some extent, the previous ritual actions are retained in the games of children of those families where the older generation tells the young about it.

In the 4th century, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great found the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher. Many then wanted to see this miracle. So the Feast of the Exaltation was established. On the third day of November, Kazanskaya was celebrated.

Exaltation moves heat, and cold advances. Exaltation of the autumn moves towards winter. The bird moved towards the Exaltation in flight.

Gogol wrote: "What Russian does not like driving fast?" And today, on walks, it is very popular to ride a sleigh pulled by a Russian troika!

The word "mother" is sacred for every person, but the naming of the Mother of God is even holier ... The Mother of God was revealed to all of us and eternal Life - Christ is given.

End of February - beginning of March - Maslenitsa. The start date of the holiday "floats", it is associated with the lunar calendar, starts 8 weeks before the first spring full moon.

Traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people

September 24 - Fedora-Ripped off. Two Fedors up the hill - one in autumn, one in winter, one with mud, the other with cold. On this day, a ceremony called "the wedding and funeral of Kuzma-Demyan" was performed.

The work done was completed by drawing up the program "Holidays and Rituals of the Russian People as a Part of the Folk Art Optional Course" and a selection of didactic material. Trinity Trinity games and songs. Reproduction of Rublev's painting "Trinity".

In the nineteenth century, this holiday was celebrated everywhere among the Slavs, only at different times, mainly depending on the climate. For example, the last sheaf was reaped in silence, and then the women rolled over the stubble with certain song words. This rite was called "curling the beard."

Autumn folk festival

"It's good in the fall in Russia!"

Target: to enrich children's ideas about the social and cultural values ​​of the people, about national traditions and holidays.


Enrichment of musical and auditory experience through familiarization with national folklore;

Development of musical abilities (sense of rhythm, memory, intonation hearing) in musical games and specially modeled by the teacher musical and didactic games with movement;

The development of emotional responsiveness to music, the formation of musical taste.

Children enter the hall with the song "My Motherland"

muses. A. Polyachek, lyrics F. Savinova,

stop in no particular order.

1 child:

I see a wonderful freedom

I see fields and fields -

This is Russian expanse

This is the Russian land.

2 child: I see mountains and valleys

I see rivers and fields -

These are Russian paintings,

This is my homeland!

Leading: Russia, Russia, our country,

She is very, very big,

Russia is the Motherland, our home.

Where we live with you!

3 child: Everything is fine: earth and sky,

And fields, and forests, and meadows,

Golden seas of bread -

No, Russia is dearer than you!

The song "My Russia" by G. Struve is played.

(a group of children sings)

4 child: Majestic and beautiful

At any time, our Russia!

But in autumn it is especially good

This is how the soul sings in Russia!

Leading: You need to meet the autumn holiday

Cheerfully, cheerfully, fervently and amicably.

Children: Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit!

Included with the music Autumn.

Autumn: Hello good people! Have fun and joy!

I am Autumn! That very time of the year, about which it is customary to say "raw", "rainy". But there are other words about me: golden, crimson.

But autumn is the time to collect bread and vegetables, the time to harvest for the long winter. So this time of the year is the most generous and fruitful.

The round dance "Gifts of Autumn" sounds, muses Shestakova

(all the children are singing, at the end of the song the children run to the chairs, and Autumn catches them with rain)

Autumn: Do you know what sayings people have put together about the autumn months?

1 child: September sees off the red summer,

Autumn meets golden.

2 child: September is cold, father, and much to feed.

3child: In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.

4 child: In November, the snow will blow up - the bread will arrive!

Autumn: These months are not only hard workers, but also merry people:

"He worked well, had a nice fun."

Yes, now they will tell about themselves.

Music sounds, Months enter.

Autumn: Hello, hello brothers, the autumn months!

What did they come with?

September: With soft rain!

October: With a crispy fungus!

November: With the first ice!

Autumn: What gifts did you bring us?

September: Vegetables and berries.

October: The last honey.

November: Festive mood.

Leading: Come in, please, stay with us on the holiday.

Thanks for the treat!

Autumn: Each month has its own wonderful holidays associated with the old agricultural calendar. Let every month tell about these holidays.

September: I have another name - Veresen.

In September, heather blossomed, from which a delicious drink, jam, was brewed.

They say about me: "In September there is one berry - mountain ash, and even that is bitter."

Autumn: Maidens-beauties

Go to the circle quickly.

Round dance "Ryabinushka"

Start smoothly.

Girls perform a round dance "Ryabinushka"

(Russian folk music).

September: Your round dance is so good -

You just can't take your eyes off!

Take out a table with cabbage.

Autumn: The lady sat down in the garden,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We prepare tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt!

1 child: Our harvest is good, it has a lot of birth!

Oh yes, white cabbage is good!

2 child: At the Exaltation, the first lady is cabbage.

3 child: Indeed, without cabbage and cabbage soup will not be thick!

4 child: Bread and cabbage dashing will not be allowed.

Autumn: Help me chop the cabbage,

Help me to salt it!

September: From the Feast of the Exaltation, they began to chop cabbage

And salt for the winter.

Cabbage chopping served as an occasion for folk parties.

5 child: Cabbage evenings came to us:

On horses, on foxes, on sables.

Round dance "Cabbage" (Russian folk melody).

Autumn: Who is with me, who is playing "pegs" with me?

Children: We are with you, we are with you to play "Pegs"!

The game "Pegs" is held (Russian folk melody)

girls choose boys ("pegs"). The girls are standing, the boys are squatting, "driving" outside the circle.

I go around

I am building a fence.

I'm looking for pegs.

(He chooses a "peg" and approaches the Mistress):

Kuma (godfather), godfather (godfather), give me a peg!

Buy it!

And what is it worth?

A head of cabbage, a broom, and a ruble of money.

Well, then let's go to the bathhouse.

All children: One, two, three - run!

(Whoever comes running first becomes the "Master".)

At the end of the game, they take places on the chairs.

Autumn: September left the yard a little -

His brother came to us - October!

October (out):

In October there will be a holiday of the Intercession.

Know that winter in Russia is cold and harsh.

Fix the hut, so as not to freeze, until the Intercession.

And put the bee hives in the cellar -

According to the ancient custom, the holiday of honey is glory.

The round dance "As on the Day of the Pokrov" is being performed

(Russian folk melody).

Girls (singing): As for the day of the Pokrov

Weaved many carpets.

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

Weaved many carpets.

First herbal,

Summer is hot heat.

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

Summer is hot heat.

And the second carpet -

Dry foliage.

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

Dry foliage.

The third carpet is snow

And he, too, is not forever.

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

And he, too, is not forever.

Boy: The songs sang well

Lovely girlfriends,

Just what a gathering

Without our ditties!


Children (they perform ditties in turn):

Oh, laughter girls,

Start singing ditties.

Start quickly,

To please the guys.

All Dubravsky girls

We beat beauty records.

The beauty of its recipes

We take in the garden.

Why, as a man,

Goose bumps on a cucumber?

He lies in the sun

Why is he trembling?

Sweetheart sent me

A note for the holiday

That he adores me

Like a radish salad.

The boyfriends are now a hundred

Under my window

Everyone wants to get

Patty with potatoes.

I caught a mouse in a cage

And locked up there tightly.

After all, you can't assemble without a mouse

There is a turnip in the garden.

Together: If there were no wheat,

There would be no cheesecake

As they could, so they sang

We are ditties for everyone!

Autumn: Now the time has come

It is November at the yard.

1 child: In November, winter is struggling with autumn.

2 child: November is capricious - it cries, then laughs.

November: And November laughs on its main holidays,

Inviting you to sing great songs to the feast,

To celebrate their glorious labors for people.

All children: Finished business - walk boldly!

A musical game "Don't be late" (Russian folk melody) is held:

Autumn: In Russia it goes like that

What a talented people

Himself a reaper and a Swiss,

And a player on the pipe.

Well, how will it go to dance -

No one can resist!

Russian folk dance "Kabluchki"

Autumn: What a fun holiday we have.

And you guys probably realized that autumn is a wonderful time of the year.

And I brought you an autumn treat - rosy and sweet apples.

A treat.

Leading: And when the whole year has passed, we will meet you again

And let's say together: "It's good in the fall in Russia!"

All children: Autumn, autumn, again mercy's visit.

Autumn says goodbye and leaves.

For our readers: autumn folk holidays in Russia with detailed descriptions from various sources.

Autumn is a golden time. During this period, children go to school, and adults go to work. With the arrival of a cold snap, Russians are waiting for the weekend to come and spend that time with family or friends. That is why many people are interested in the question of what autumn holidays in Russia will be this year. After all, many people want to prepare for them in advance.

Where can I find important dates?

If you buy a calendar, you can be sure that a person will not miss a single important event for him. You can buy it both at the nearest store and download it for free on the Internet. The second option is most preferred by most people.

In fact, there are many important days in autumn, all of them are almost impossible to remember. But every person should familiarize themselves with the main ones.

Autumn holidays in Russia are long-awaited for many residents of the country. They are divided into official, church and professional. Only during the official holiday people are given a day off. On more days, people continue to go to work.

September holidays

There will be many interesting events in September, so people should not have time to get bored.

The first month of autumn begins with the Day of Knowledge. It is on this day that all children and adolescents go to school. The beginning of the school year for many Russians is the first step in preparing for adulthood.

On the first weekend of the month, residents of Russia celebrate Moscow Day. This date is changing. It can be either 2 or 3 numbers.

The 9th is the International Day of Beauty. At this time, all the beautiful people of the country can take part in beauty contests.

September 10 - tankers' holiday. This date will be memorable for all veterans who defended the country in Soviet times.

But on the 13th there will be a professional holiday - Programmer's Day. This profession is in demand, so many people will be able to celebrate such an event.

In a few days, on September 16, an important environmental event will take place. On this day, it should be remembered that the ozone layer protects our Earth from radiation. Everyone should do their part in protecting the environment and ecology in order to live in a clean and safe country.

On September 21, an important church holiday is held - the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin. All Christians can visit the church at this time.

But on the 30th, residents of Russia can celebrate a modern holiday - Internet Day. It is difficult to imagine the life of any person without a worldwide network.

Important events of October

October will be no less busy than the previous month. At this time, it will be possible to celebrate the Day of Music and the Day of the Ground Forces of Russia.

On the 1st, two important holidays can be celebrated at once: the Day of the Elderly, as well as the Day of the Ground Forces in the Russian Federation.

On the 6th, every student should not forget to congratulate their beloved teachers on their holiday. On this day, it is customary to buy flowers or other gifts and give them to people who have devoted their entire lives to teaching children.

The 13th is an important Day for agricultural workers. It is thanks to these people that everyone can eat well.

On the 14th, another church holiday takes place. This is the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

November Holidays

The last autumn month will be remembered by students and police officers.

November starts with All Saints Day. In Russia, this holiday is not very popular, but young people often celebrate it, as they want to borrow the traditions of the West.

On the 4th, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. Also at this time, Russians celebrate another important holiday for them - National Unity Day. This day is not a working day, so all Russians can stay at home.

But the 7th number is no longer a weekend. The situation has changed recently. Now, on the Day of Consent and Application, people go to work. There are different opinions around this event. Some people support this day, others do not see the point in it.

Double holidays are not uncommon. On November 10, young people and police officers celebrate their day.

On the 21st and 22nd there will be two professional holidays. The first of them is the Day of the Accountant, and the second is the Day of the Psychologist in Russia.

Autumn holidays in Russia can be fun and memorable if you spend them with dear people.

Folk holidays of autumn in Russia

Many Russians remember their traditions. Autumn holidays in Russia are often accompanied by merry festivities, dances and interesting rituals.

The holiday of the Eastern Slavs is held on September 14th. It is named after Semyon the Flyer. On this day, people greet the arrival of autumn. Various rituals can be performed on this day. For example, housewarming or lighting a fire. There are many signs associated with this day.

27th - Exaltation. This is a very important holiday for Orthodox people. Christians fast on this day. They can also visit the church.

Holidays of the peoples of Russia in the fall allow you to take a break from the bustle of the outside. You need to follow them so as not to forget to congratulate loved ones.


Autumn holidays in Russia are varied. They are loved by both adults and children. If the date is official, then you can spend this day at home and relax. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend your time with loved ones and enjoy their company. Each person should find time both for work and for rest.

Holidays in autumn and winter in Russia are the brightest, most colorful and varied. A large number of people are waiting for them. To keep abreast of all events, it is worth looking into the calendar, then you can be sure that you will not miss anything.

First Oseniny is a holiday celebrated on September 14th. By this day, the peasants have already harvested from the fields. The time has come to thank Mother Earth for her generous gifts. Every house baked pies mixed with freshly harvested flour. From that day in Russia, they began to celebrate autumn weddings. This holiday connects two holidays: spiritual and earthly. By its spiritual nature, it is the holiday “The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos”, and by its earthly nature, it is a harvest festival accompanied by games and songs. According to the national calendar, a golden autumn begins on this day, which will last until October 14.

Autumn trees are met by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oat bread. In the old years, there was a custom of treating newlyweds to their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called "Podnesenye Day". All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. Today we have a holiday called Oseniny. Since September 21, it has been believed that every summer is an Amen. Autumn came into its own. In fact, this is a religious holiday of the astronomical autumn equinox. In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "opozhinka" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. According to folk tradition, cabbage parties, girls' parties, began when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. Autumn is the first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to "wipe" the "new" fire with the help of two boards, and with this pure fire to begin sitting, or gatherings. They noticed: if Semyon - the day is clear, then the whole Indian summer will be warm, and the winter must be expected to be warm.

The popular name for the days of memory of Saints Paraskev, of which there are four in the Orthodox tradition. Among the Eastern Slavs, Paraskeva Friday, the patroness of the day of the week of the same name, was especially revered. In the folk tale dedicated to the Day of the Exaltation, the meaning of the holiday is revealed in its own way. The church service was given a special "dignity" on this day: "We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and we honor Thy veil." In popular understanding, the church holiday of the Intercession of the Mother of God appears to be far removed from the Christian legend. Kuzminki (Kuzmodemyanki) is a girl's holiday celebrated all over Russia by girls on the autumn day of memory of Kuzma and Demyan - November 1/14.

Korean autumn traditions

After Christmas came the so-called holy days, which lasted until Baptism, during which it was customary to go from house to house and glorify Jesus Christ with prayers and hymns. One of the most significant summer holidays was Ivan Kupala or Ivanov's Day, named after Jonah the Baptist and celebrated on the day from 6 to 7 July, at the summer solstice. Only with its onset, the ancient Slavs could eat apples from the new harvest, which were necessarily consecrated in the church. One of the most revered autumn holidays that came to the ancient Slavs from Byzantium was the Protection of the Day, celebrated on October 14 (1). On this day, tables were laid with refreshments, gifts were brought to the poor and orphans, there was a visit to a church service, the time for wedding celebrations began.

The autumnal equinox falls on September 22, sometimes 23. Day and night at this time become equal. From time immemorial, many peoples attached a mystical meaning to this day. The ancient rite of the Buddhist festival Higan is held. On this day, the Japanese prepare food only from plant components: beans, vegetables.

Orthodox world celebrates Christmastide - two weeks of winter holidays

Full bins and free time gave people the opportunity to relax.

Nativity of the Virgin (8.09 old / 21.09 new). On this day, Simeon the Stylite is remembered - the founder of the stolpniki. This day is associated with the end of work in the fields and the beginning of winter. It is considered by the people to be a girl's holiday and the cover of weddings.

The holiday is celebrated by visiting guests, wide hospitality. 06/18, which is about 9 months after this holiday. Fleeing from snakes, you can read a rhyme. Russia Autumn was portrayed as a little dry peasant. AUTUMN: Do you guys know what the people called these months differently? Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas.

So, in Israel on September 19, Sukkot takes place. Jews on this day perform the rite of the ascension of the lulav.

Autumn equinox among the Slavs

The day of the autumnal equinox was one of the main holidays among the Slavs. Oat is the name of a deity in mythology that was responsible for changing the seasons, so in the fall he was thanked for the fruits and harvest. The ceremony for the autumn equinox was the seeing off of the goddess Zhiva to Svarga - the heavenly kingdom, which was closed in winter. Our ancestors often used trees in autumn ceremonies and holidays.

Bright and optimistic folk holidays are an excellent base not only for moral and physical relaxation, but also a source of self-expression, the possibility of spiritual unity, the birth of solidarity. But how much better it is to hold a festivities with beautifully dressed people, round dances and songs, with traditional games or secret fortune-telling.

On St. George's Day, they celebrated complete calmness from the autumn labors. Kolyada is of primordial pagan origin and is associated with the winter solstice. From January 6 until the very Maslenitsa in the old days, Wedding weeks lasted.

With a seemingly successful harvest, "pockmarks" sometimes cope for a whole week: the more fruitful the summer was, the longer the holiday. It was customary for the Poles to do the first sowing of winter crops that day: they sow several handfuls of rye from the ears consecrated in a wreath on Obzhinka. Czechs, Moravians and Slovaks consecrated wheat for sowing in a church or blessed bunches of the first ears of corn; both were decorated with flowers. According to Slovak legends, on this day snakes go to the ground - until Yuri. They believed that what the weather will be on the Nativity of the Virgin, this will then hold out for another four weeks.

On January 21, Prosinets is celebrated - the Middle of Winter - it is believed that the cold begins to subside and returns, at the behest of the Gods, to the Lands of the Slavs. Solar warmth. They glorify the Heavenly Swarga. The name of the holiday "Prosinets" comes from "to shine", which means the revival of the sun. February 16. the Name Day of Kikimora is celebrated - the day when people create amulets for the house. For Christians, this date was the day of Maremyana the Righteous, popularly nicknamed Meremiany-Kikimora. On March 22nd, the second Calls of Spring (Goddesses Are Alive) are held, created from the tops of the hills, from which the snow has already begun to fall, popularly called "yarilin bald patches". The main dish of the great Maslenitsa holiday is a pancake - in the Slavic pagan tradition, symbolizing the Sun. April 16 - 22 Rusalia - with the onset of warmth in high water, mermaids begin their games. Therefore, in the Russian folk tradition, the day of Yarila Veshny is also known as St. George's Day - the day of the “wolf shepherd”.

October 22 Autumn Grandfathers, 27th Day from Ovsen. October 26 Mokosha Shifts to the 8th Friday from Rozhanice. Nov. 1. Day of Svarog. December 4 is the holiday of Dawn (Ushas and Vesta). December 23 - Holy Evening. Christmas Eve. Summer holidays are holidays of the cult of birth, harvest and protection of this harvest from various misfortunes.

Religious holidays are also celebrated in Russia. They are also popular, because the Orthodox faith cannot be separated from the values ​​that the country's culture is rich in.

In December, people could already take a break from hard work and should have thought about a more pleasant spring preparation for new business. Our ancestors loved on December 25 (Spiridon-solstice). On the night of it, according to their beliefs, their ancestors came down to people in the form of Christmas-takings. Those who wished the owners of all earthly blessings. If they were stingy and did not thank the singers, they could receive an evil wish for the holiday. All days of the week of Shrovetide with their own name and rituals. In many villages, the tradition still exists, the figurines are called larks, because of the desire to see this particular bird. Yes, and the holiday is often called Larks. Asking for indulgence and mild winter. They rejoiced and thanked nature if the fields were covered with snow that day.

1. To systematize and enrich children's knowledge about the holidays and traditions of the Russian people. In the evening on Christmas Day, everyone went to church, the people, led by a priest, performed a procession of the cross. A Christmas lantern was his obligatory attribute. Baptism was considered among the people as a special day that can bring happiness. In Russia, they have always been loved, they contributed to the rapprochement of people, the strengthening of family ties.

Holidays have survived, which we continue to observe, getting used to them, without even thinking about their origin. But there are holidays that are again applicable in our modern life. The ancient Slavic traditions with their unique ethnic background are being revived. At the end of the round dance, the women brought jugs of home brew and treated the girls. In Russia, on Semyonov Day (September 1), there were tonsured and mounted on a horse. This ancient rite was performed in some families with each son, in others - only the firstborn. There, in Tolmachevsky lane, beyond the Moskva River, women gathered around the church of Kozma and Damian with chickens and after mass they served prayer services. In the villages, women came with chickens to the boyar's yard and, with a petition, brought them to their boyar "for a red life." In response, the noblewoman presented the peasant women with ribbons for the ubrusnik (headdress). Such "petition chickens" were kept especially: they were fed mainly with oats and barley and were never killed.

Our ancestors believed that fun and satiety give rise to a special energy. They, having passed through the temporary layers, organically merged into the rules of Christian festivities. The Orthodox Church on special days prohibits parishioners from working, swearing and grieving.

Rituals and customs are part of the culture of every nation, be it a huge nation or a small community. We invite you to get acquainted with the autumn ceremonies, the history of their origin and essence. The traditions associated with the onset of autumn are interesting and varied in different countries.

There are also holidays when people are not just resting, but having fun, dancing and singing, performing ritual actions related to the thematic component. What is their difference and unity, when did they originate and how are they celebrated today?

Russian folk holidays are not only beautiful and cheerful, they are filled with meaning and spirituality, the thematic content of each carries an ideological load, which is especially important for young people. The atmosphere of community, a single root and familiarization with national sacred values ​​contribute to the formation of national pride and patriotism.

Wine harvest

Autumn holidays among Belarusians are similar to autumn ceremonies and holidays among other Slavic peoples. One of the main autumn ceremonies was performed at the dozhinki. Similarly to the Osenins, Belarus celebrated the harvest festival - the rich man. A popular print with grain and a candle inside was considered the symbol of the holiday. Dzyady means "grandfathers", "ancestors".

Grape harvest festivals are considered traditional in Europe.

It was believed that on this day the first mowing should be carried out, then there would be plenty of hay. If it rained, they expected a rich collection of honey. Athenogenes marked the beginning of the harvest. The first sheaf was kept in the hut as a talisman. On this day, magic rituals were performed for a good offspring and against the death of livestock. The horses were bathed, their manes were combed, treated with selected hay and oats, and freed from any work.

The oat loaf was broken into such a number of pieces, which was equal to the number of those present at the ritual. On returning home, this bread was fed to livestock - this was supposed to attract material wealth to the house. At Oseniny, a large meal was always arranged, in which all the inhabitants of the village took part. The obligatory attributes of the festive table were kutia made from cereals and honey, bread, and milk dishes.

The following signs refer to this day: "Lenten Ivan came, took away the red summer", "Lenten Ivan is the godfather of the fall", "A man does not come out of Lenten Ivan without a caftan." Dormition fasting, he is also - spozhenki; according to the consonance and coincidence of time, it is mixed with the spines - autumn, the birthday sheaf, the end and celebration of the end of the harvest). September 21 - autumn, the second meeting of autumn. We continued harvesting the onions, which had begun the day before. In the villages, Exaltation is associated with the end of the harvest, this is the third meeting of autumn, the first winter. These days were called muddy roads, jelly, October - muddy. In everyday life, Pokrov is associated with the end of field work, the collection of the last fruits, with the first frost and snow cover of the earth. The veil is traditionally a time of attracting grooms and weddings. Among other signs about the weather, the following stood out: "Dmitrov does not wait for the day of transportation", "Dmitry in the snow - late spring."

Velesen is the seventh month of the Vedoslavl year, the first month of autumn, dedicated to the god Veles. Maya's nine houses. Before giving birth to Kolyada, Maya went through nine signs of the Zodiac, visited nine heavenly houses: the house of Maya (Virgo), the house of Veles (Libra), on the day of Veles - mountain ash was collected. Memory of Zlatogor and Bus. On the same day, the god of the winds Stribog and his bird Stratim (ostrich) are commemorated. The old recipe was: “To cure spoilage in children, you have to go at dawn to three lakes or three springs, silently, without looking back. The holiday of summing up the results of the agricultural year. Weddings begin to play with the Pokrov.

The Slavic farmers considered the beginning of the year to be September - the month when they were harvesting. The peasants performed the rite of glorification of the Family and Rozhanitsy, made sacrifices to their ancestors and glorified family well-being. The fall of September 14 in the pagan calendar was called the Autumn Serpent - the time of snake weddings. For example, it was necessary to strike a fire with the help of two dry planks. The ground was fumigated with this fire. It was also supposed to offer thanks to the earth for the harvest.

There are several more names for the holiday - Aspozhok, Spasov or Asposov day - a threefold derivative from the words Spas, Lady and reap - after the harvest. This week is called Asposova too. December 9 - St. George's Day. Yuri is cold. Here's to you, grandmother and St. George's Day! " - began to speak among the people after its abolition by Tsar Boris Godunov.

People worshiped the sky and asked him to water the earth for a good harvest. Rich sacrifices were brought to the pagan gods, prayers and thanksgiving were offered up, people tried to attract their favor with ritual dances. Fearing to anger them with vanity and insufficient attention, the ancient Slavs prepared for the rituals in advance and set aside for this not only whole days, but sometimes whole weeks, if the question was already very important.

Dmitrov Saturday was always held solemnly: they went to the graves and served there funeral services, arranged rich treats. On November 27 - the day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, St. Nicholas winter, cold. Previously, in many places in Russia, the so-called Nikolschina was celebrated from Nikolina on the day.

Look back to the past and return to the present

The first turning point occurred in 988, when Prince Vladimir christened Russia. This epoch-making act changed the calendar and the nature of pagan rituals. When handicrafts and manufactories became the basis of the well-being of the townspeople, folk holidays and ceremonies closely related to the agricultural calendar retreated even further into the shadows. In this difficult period of the change of eras, paganism moved to the most remote parts of Russia.

Today, Russian folk holidays in their natural form are exotic. Only in rural outbacks, which have not yet been absorbed by mass urbanization, can one find living folklore. People are happy to take part in a colorful action that has an exclusively historically authentic basis.

Already somewhere from Ilyin's day, and somewhere from Uspenyev, autumn round dances began to be led in many settlements. It is worth noting that the round dance is the oldest of the dances of the Russian people, rooted in the rituals of worshiping the sun god. They renewed the fire, extinguished the old one, produced a new one. From that time on, all activities in the field ended and work began in the house and in the house, in the garden. On this day, they did not go to the forest, because it was believed that the snake could drag away.

Calendar rituals, having arisen in ancient times, reflected the worldview of the people, it changed in accordance with the development of society. The Slavs did not create their own fortune-telling systems, but “a holy place is never empty”: they had their own way of foreseeing the future. L. A. Tultseva examined the formation and adoption of new holidays and rituals among the peoples of our country in everyday life. At present, practical needs have put forward the task of developing modern calendar holidays for Russians, taking into account the features that have appeared in the new region. Nowadays, most of the customs and traditional activities associated with autumn rituals are a thing of the past. To some extent, the previous ritual actions are retained in the games of children of those families where the older generation tells the young about it.

In the 4th century, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great found the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher. Many then wanted to see this miracle. So the Feast of the Exaltation was established. On the third day of November, Kazanskaya was celebrated.

Exaltation moves heat, and cold advances. Exaltation of the autumn moves towards winter. The bird moved towards the Exaltation in flight.

Gogol wrote: "What Russian does not like driving fast?" And today, on walks, it is very popular to ride a sleigh pulled by a Russian troika!

The word "mother" is sacred for every person, but the naming of the Mother of God is even holier ... The Mother of God was revealed to all of us and eternal Life - Christ is given.

End of February - beginning of March - Maslenitsa. The start date of the holiday "floats", it is associated with the lunar calendar, starts 8 weeks before the first spring full moon.

Traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people

September 24 - Fedora-Ripped off. Two Fedors up the hill - one in autumn, one in winter, one with mud, the other with cold. On this day, a ceremony called "the wedding and funeral of Kuzma-Demyan" was performed.

The work done was completed by drawing up the program "Holidays and Rituals of the Russian People as a Part of the Folk Art Optional Course" and a selection of didactic material. Trinity Trinity games and songs. Reproduction of Rublev's painting "Trinity".

In the nineteenth century, this holiday was celebrated everywhere among the Slavs, only at different times, mainly depending on the climate. For example, the last sheaf was reaped in silence, and then the women rolled over the stubble with certain song words. This rite was called "curling the beard."

Oseniny is an ancient folk holiday of farewell to summer and meeting of autumn. Autumn is a meeting of autumn in Russia. In the calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "opozhinka" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Mother Earth was thanked. At the beginning of September, the grain harvest was completed, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. Also, the meeting of autumn had its own special meaning - on this day, ceremonies were held to renew the fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined by blows of flint.

From "autumn" the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (first of all, onions were harvested). Usually in Oseniny they made a large and beautiful table, at which the whole family gathered. For the holiday they cooked fruit drinks and kvass from berries and baked loaves from flour of the new harvest. With these dishes, Mother-cheese-earth was glorified for giving birth to bread and other products.

September 14 is the Day of the Flyer Seed. With Semyon, the ambush began, i.e. work in huts with fire.
September 21 - Ospozhinki was celebrated - a harvest festival. It was believed that from this day, autumn firmly comes into its own.
September 27 - Exaltation. All the signs and rituals of this day were associated with the word "move".

Autumn moves towards winter, “bread moves from the field to the threshing floor”, “the bird has moved away”, and even “the caftan with the fur coat has moved, and the hat has pulled down”.

In the old days in Russia, the second Osenins were also important on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. The holiday was celebrated with great hospitality and wide hospitality. They certainly visited their parents and commemorated their ancestors. In the church Christian calendar, the second

Autumn fell on September 21 - the Nativity of the Virgin.
Also, it was called Pasekin's Day. On this day, bees were removed, onions were collected. Onion Tear Day. The signs said that "Every summer is over." "If the weather is good, the autumn will be good." "Indian summer has scared the quiet."

It is customary to meet autumn trees near the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oat bread. The older woman is standing with bread, and the younger ones are singing songs around her. Then they break the bread into pieces for all those who have gathered, and also feed this bread to livestock for offspring.

It is interesting that the Aztec Indians celebrated the day of male fertility on this day. And September 21 was considered an auspicious day for the conception of strong and healthy boys.

In Russia, in Oseniny, there was a custom of treating newlyweds, who had recently played a wedding, to all their relatives. Relatives and acquaintances came to the newlyweds. After a hearty dinner, the young hostess showed her entire household in the house. The guests were supposed to praise the Hostess and teach wisdom. And the Boss showed the guests the yard, harvesting tools, summer and winter harness of horses.

The second Osenins were celebrated on September 21, they coincided with the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. The third Osenins fell on September 27.

Elena Antipova
Presentation "Autumn Holidays in Russian Traditions"

Slavic holidays in Russia from time immemorial they obeyed the natural system, and each of them was not only justified from the point of view of pagan mythology, but also directly related to the weather and the change of seasons. The entire Slavic calendar obeyed this system, for example, winter holidays - there were Christmastide, spring and summer - Shrovetide, Ivana Kupala, and autumn Slavic holidays occupied a special place in the life of every Slav. And one of these Holidays were September 9 - Autumn's Day... Generally autumn the period among the ancient Slavs is considered one of the most important from the point of view of worship of the gods, since it is accompanied by a large number of various ritual and ritual actions. This was due to the end of the harvest and the completion of preparations for the winter period, people rejoiced at the results of their hard work and thanked the gods for their mercy. Our ancestors, especially farmers, considered the beginning of the new year not January, which is customary for a modern person, but September, when the harvest took place. During this autumn months, the ancient Slavs celebrated eight very important holidays... Each of them has its own hidden sacred meaning, but at the same time is connected with each other. From the first week autumn celebrations began and the celebration of the goddess Makosha, then on September 8-9 they were dedicated to the prayers of the most revered gods of the Family and Rozhanitsa, and on September 9 it became popular the celebration of Osenin - the holiday of the harvest... These days, our ancestors not only glorified their gods, but also brought gifts in order to appease them for the whole next year. Also according to some sources Autumn was celebrated(14, 21 and 27)

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