Scenario of the event for Valentine's Day "The great eternal temptress - love!" in the children's sanatorium. School Valentine's Day Scenario

First you need to create a festive atmosphere in your home. Hang paper hearts on chandeliers, doorknobs, on sections, and anywhere your eye may drop or touch your hand. Let the guests know that they are not just here for coffee and traditional sweets. Let the breath of love be felt in every little thing. If time permits, prepare homemade heart-shaped badges for each invitee and write a number on them.
The guests gather and the copyright-by-Valentine's Day begins. I hasten to warn you that this scenario can be carried out anywhere, on any site. This material is just a guide to action, the rest will be complemented by your imagination.

Leading (hostess).
Love is not everything: not bread and not water,
Not a roof in a downpour, not naked clothes,
Not a raft sailing to drowning when
Strength and hope have already run out.
Love does not replace the air
When there is not enough breath in the lungs.
Does not heal bone, does not cleanse the blood,
But sometimes they die without love ...
Dear friends! Despite the fact that all the storms of passion, hatred, friendship, sex and much more can be contained in just one word of six letters, we already see that love can be different. Songs about different love will be performed now. You listen carefully, and then answer the question, what kind of love was it.
1. You were afraid of my love in vain:
Not so much I love.
It was enough for me to see you
To meet your smile.
And if you went to another,
Or was it completely unknown where ...
It was enough for me that your
The cloak hung from a nail.
When will my passing friend
He rushed off, looking for a better fate.
It was enough for me that the nail
Remained after the raincoat.
Fogs, wind, snow and rain,
The flow of winters, the rustle of years ...
And there are no worse events in the house -
A nail was taken out of the wall.
When the nail mark disappeared
Under the brush of an old painter
It was enough for me that the trail
Was visible yesterday.
And in the noisy wind to catch again
Now ringing violins, then brass timpani.
And what will I have from this,
You cannot understand that.
Here we are talking about selfless, blind love.

2. You are my night moth
You fly, you fly, you fly.
How my light was waiting for you
You don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know.
And in the morning in another warmth
You will rush away, you will rush away, you will rush away,
Shattering hope like glass
Say goodbye to me, say goodbye.
Here we are talking about fleeting love:

3. There are so many golden lights
On the streets of Saratov.
So many guys are single
And I love a married man. (2 times)
Here we are talking about unrequited love.

4. The sky will be covered with specks of stars,
And the branches will bend elastically.
I will hear you thousands of miles away ...
We are the echo, we are the echo
We are a long echo of each other.
And me before you, wherever I am,
It is not difficult to touch the heart.
Again love has called for us
We are tenderness, we are tenderness,
We are each other's eternal tenderness.
And even in the edge of the creeping darkness,
Beyond the circle of death
I know we will not part with you,
We are memory, we are memory
We are the eternal memory of each other.
Here we are talking about faithful, strong, immortal love.

5. The reeds rustled, the trees bent,
And the night was dark.
One beloved couple
I walked all night until the morning ...
And if they scold at home,
Then come here again ...
She came: he is not there,
It will never be.
Here we are talking about deceptive love.

Here are our connoisseurs of love. And now there is a small competition for them. I will ask you questions, and each of you will try to answer them.
How do you live in love? The answer must be with the letter "R"! Joyfully.
What did love create? The answer must be with the letter "D"! Children.
How is it flattering in love? The answer must be with the letter "O"! Charming.
What has love made you in your life? The answer must be with the letter "B"! A madman.

The winner, who is most interested in answering all the questions, will be awarded a prize. A short dance break, in which, perhaps, couples will be determined who will be able to participate in the fight for the title of Valentine and Valentine of the evening. Three pairs are selected.

Dear Applicants! You are honored to be "in love." For a whole year. For those who are already in love, this is a chance to test their relationship, and for those who have met today, it is an opportunity to fall in love or at least maintain friendly relations with each other. We have prepared very interesting tasks to make the holiday fun and touching. Each couple will have to go through three love tests, and the couple who does it best will receive our super prize and the crowns of winners.
So, our first assignment is for young men.
Now each of you will equip your partner in one of the places we have proposed. Here I have three cards, draw one of them.
The options are:
For aerobics workout;
To the party;
Get a job at a company;

Participants choose their own cards.

We give you a moment to think, and then you will have to answer how you collect your girlfriend in the indicated place.

Example 1: for an aerobics workout.
(We omit the details of the underwear so as not to inject the contestants into the paint.) Jeans, sneakers, sweater, jacket, sports bag (backpack). You need to put it on yourself to get to the gym. You need to take with you: a swimsuit, sports slippers, deodorant, watches, etc. (call your imagination to the rescue).
Example 2: to a party.
Dress (blouse, skirt), shoes, jewelry, scarf, raincoat (if cool), money, bag, etc.
Example 3: applying for a job at a firm.
Business suit (blouse, jacket, skirt), shoes. Accessories: a handkerchief, glasses (for solidity), a manicure, a watch, a brooch, a folder (briefcase), a notebook, a pen, a resume, etc.
A jury of guests evaluates the answer.

And now our first task for the girls. Now each of you will choose a card on which an excerpt from a song that sounded in one of the movies will be written. Your task is to name the movie, the performer of the song and the largest number of films in which this actor was filmed.
1. Firing, taverns, skirmishes, swords, horses.
And a wild feast from fight to chase.
And a moment of love, and a moment of holy fervor
The hand caressed, but the soul loved ...
"D'Artanyan and the Three Musketeers", Mikhail Boyarsky. Films: "Dog in the Manger", "Mama", "Don Cesar de Bazan", etc.

2. In deeds of love, as if peaceful,
The path of lovers is such
What a Russian contribution for the happiness of the darlings
Not a wallet, but a head.
But the swords whistle, and the howling of buckshot,
And the darkness of the cautious silence
For a long look at a short meeting
Ah, this is really not a price ...
"Midshipmen, forward", Dmitry Kharatyan Films: "Green Van", "Private detective, or Operation" Cooperation "," Face ", etc.

3. Don't cry, hurt heart,
Brush the tears from your eyes.
I say goodbye to you
I say goodbye to you
Parting is not for us.
"Straw Hat", Andrei Mironov (Films: "An Ordinary Miracle" "The Diamond Arm", etc.

And now a small dance break for all lovers (not really in love, not at all in love, but expecting this wonderful feeling). And then we will continue.

Dance break. I hope you will be able to choose the most romantic melodies for your holiday.

So, the second task of our competition. And this time we will start with the fair sex. You will need to answer the question quickly and without hesitation. What is the name of the hero in question:
1. How languidly he was silent,
How ardently eloquent
In heartfelt letters, how careless.
Breathing one, loving one,
How he knew how to forget himself! (Eugene Onegin.)
“A young man entered the city wearing a green waist suit. His mighty neck was wrapped several times in an old woolen scarf, his legs were in lacquered boots with an orange suede top. There were no socks under the boots ”. (Ostap Bender.)
“It turned out that the back of my horse was cut off completely, and the water he drank poured out from behind, without lingering in his stomach. I was stunned, what a weirdness. " (Baron Munchausen.)

Now the second task is for men. In the film "Cinderella" the evil stepmother forced Cinderella to sort out cereals, and not just sort out, but separate the grains of buckwheat, rice and lentils poured together. Our task is simpler. You, blindfolded, must determine what kind of cereal you were given to try.

Boyfriend: rice, buckwheat, millet.
guy: buckwheat, "Hercules", peas.
boyfriend: lentils, millet, semolina

The next task is common for all couples. We will ask you two questions and provide three possible answers. You, without hesitation, must choose the right option.
Questions to the first pair.
1. Which of the following colors stands for talkativeness?
Bell. +
2. Find a pair of Pechorin.
Bela. +
Questions for the second pair.
1. Which of the following colors means shyness?
Mimosa. +
Red Rose.
2. Find a pair of Don Quixote.
Dulcinea. +
Manon Lescaut.
Questions for the third couple.
1. Which of the following colors means silence?
White rose. +
2. Find a pair of Ivanhoe.
Lady Agnetta.
Lady Rowena. +
Lady Rogneda.

So the jury! We would like to hear from you the results of the first two competitions.

Results are announced.

And the last test for our lovers. Attention, question! What are the most common gifts for Valentine's Day? Of course, sweets! Our competition is called “Sweet Heart”.
For each pair, we have prepared just such a vase in the shape of a heart, in which there are the same sets of sweets. Now, blindfolded to music, you will compete who will eat candy faster, and the first to find a candy in the shape of a heart. You will also need to name the candies you ate.

Names of sweets for the competition:
Wafer: - "Troitskie", "Galinka", "Little Red Riding Hood";

Additional competition "Shoe for Valentina" - "Valentin" carefully examines the shoe of his partner and remembers it. All guests take off one shoe and all the shoes are folded in the middle of the room. Each guy with his eyes closed must find his partner's shoe and, having already untied his eyes, put it on her leg. The fastest Valentin wins.
Additional competition "Magic Valentine". "Valentine" is invited to come up with a "Valentine" in 5 minutes. It can be an essay in poetry or prose, in the style of a monologue, dedication, etc. The size of the letter is from four lines to a whole poem.
The jury sums up the results. They choose Valentine and Valentina in the evenings, as well as several additional titles as an incentive prize: "The most beautiful couple", "The most original couple", "The most tender", etc.

Dear friends! Valentine and Valentine of our evening are elected. Let's congratulate them and reward them with our souvenirs.
Inspired by a high feeling,
Once upon a time
Someone invented Valentine's Day
Without knowing then,
What will this day be loved
A welcome holiday of the year
What's Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers are everywhere
Confessions of love again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone
Let only Love rule the world!

Valentin and Valentina put on the crowns of the winners and are presented with the Valentines and Valentines Diplomas.
You can successfully make this diploma yourself, I will try to help you with this.

Valentine's and Valentine's diploma
This Diploma is awarded
February 14, as a sign of the assignment of the name VALENTIN (A) to him (her) for the period from February 14, 200_ to February 14, 200_.
The chosen ones VALENTINE and VALENTINA undertake during this period to respect each other, and maybe even take care of each other, like Romeo about Juliet, Ivanhoe about Lady Rowena. Throughout this year, our lovers have no right to violate the holy laws of Love and exactly one year later they undertake to transfer the lovers' crowns to their successors.
Saint Valentine
Draw hearts and a heart stamp on the diploma.

Purchased and owned by the site.

Scenario for Valentine's Day "Cupids in Love"
Music plays (Rihanna & Eminem - Love The Way You Lie), the presenter comes on stage dressed in Cupid's costume. The hall is decorated with origami hearts.

Host: I would like to devote today's meeting to the most beautiful thing that we have. Something that makes you live, rejoice and do crazy things. This is what the great poets and poetesses wrote about at all times. Yes, you quite rightly thought it was Love. And today is the best time to talk about love, Valentine's Day!

Host: So, I invite 5 boys and 5 girls to the stage. Each of you must get a piece of paper from two bags. Those who match the colors of the halves of the hearts become a pair.

Host: Now, let's fast forward to the time of Pushkin, when young people in love wrote poems and poems to win the heart of their beloved. Your task is to write a short verse to your lady of the heart about your feelings in one minute. As soon as you do this, we will listen to you.

Host: Great! You see, in our time, young men are able to speak in an unusual way about their feelings. And now the task for our beautiful ladies. We all know that mutual understanding is the most important thing in a relationship. Girls, your task is to explain with the help of facial expressions and gestures, without words, the phrase that will be written on your paper. (“I want a big bouquet of blue roses”, “I made you a cake in the shape of a heart”, “My dad wants to meet you”, “Let's go to the ballet”, “Help me find my phone in my purse”). Each pair has 3 minutes.

A competition is being held.

Three words are like three fires
They will come to you in broad daylight.
Sometimes they will come to you at night
Huge as a globe of the earth.
Like a sail to a ship
Three words: "I love you."
What are the old words
And how dizzy
And how dizzy ...

Oh, what a wonderful poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky. But I think that our young people are able to turn the heads of their ladies. So, everyone is given two A4 sheets, scissors, glue, scotch tape. Your task is to make an original gift with your own hands for your sweetheart in 2 minutes. This can be anything from a tulip to a paper bracelet.

A competition is being held. Music is playing.

Host: You see! I told you that in our time, young people are very talented and creative! Well, our couples have become close, and now it's time to check if their relationship is strong enough. As we all know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Right now we will check it out. Guys, please put on aprons so you don't get dirty. Girls, your task is to take a spoon, scoop up the ice cream, and taking the spoon by the handle in cubes, return to your young man and feed him, naturally, without letting the spoon out of his mouth. Try to do this as quickly and accurately as possible.

A competition is being held. Music is playing.

Host: So we found out what modern youth is capable of, for the sake of their soul mates. And our holiday of love is coming to an end, and I would like to reward our young cupids with prizes.

Love dear friends, because it is love that is always in our hearts, wherever we are, it is love that helps us in the most difficult times, and it is love that makes us happy and cheerful!

The jury will sum up the results, the winners will be awarded.

Valentine's Day Scenarios

Purchased and owned by the site.

Evening progress

(The hall is decorated in pink and red tones, balloons and carved hearts are used for decoration, fanfare sounds, turning into cheerful music.)

Lead 1:

The evening poured the coolness over the fields

And, flying through the valleys,

Threw night cloaks to the poplars

And black shawls for mountain ash ...

Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2: Hello loving and beloved hearts!

Lead 1: We met with you in our cozy hall on the eve of a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day. This is the most romantic holiday when we confess our love and give cute gifts to our beloved.

Lead 2: According to the Catholic Christian tradition, February 14 is the day of commemoration of Valentines - the holy martyrs: the bishop and the healer. It is these saints who are considered the patrons of all who are in love, betrothed, the protectors of the newlyweds.

Lead 1: According to legend, those who find love, and even more so decide to marry or play a wedding on February 14, St. Valentine will patronize all their lives.

Lead 2: In Russia, the holiday of all lovers has been celebrated only recently, in imitation of the Western tradition.

Lead 1: They say that it takes one minute to distinguish a person from those around him.

Lead 2: One hour to appreciate its merits.

Lead 1: One day to love him.

Lead 2: But it takes a lifetime to forget him later. Therefore, love is the brightest feeling born in a person's soul.

Lead 1: Love is happiness, but only when you believe that it will be eternal. And let it turn out to be a lie every time, but only faith gives strength and joy to love.

(They recite poetry to the sound of a lyric melody.)

Lead 2:

It all starts with love ...

They say: in the beginning there was a word ...

And I declare again:

It all starts with love!

Lead 1:

It all starts with love:

And insight, and work,

Eyes of flowers, eyes of a child

It all starts with love! ..

Lead 2:

Spring whispers to you: "Live ..."

And you will sway from a whisper,

And straighten up and start

It all starts with love ...

Lead 1: We are announcing the beginning of our contest "My Half".

Lead 2: The competition is attended by two couples from each class.

Lead 1: The performance of the couples will be judged by our distinguished jury consisting of ...

(The hosts represent the jury in turn.)

Lead 2: We will get to know our couples during the first competition. They will need to be interested in introducing themselves. They may be assisted in this competition by representatives from their class.

Lead 1: The first pair is ...

(Couples take turns entering the submission competition.)

Lead 2: Love is when you tell a boy that you like his shirt, and then he wears it every day.

Lead 1: For the next competition, we invite the male half of our couples to the stage.

Lead 2: You all know very well the kind, romantic fairy tale by Charles Perot "Cinderella". We remembered this tale for a reason.

Lead 1: After all, the next competition is called "A Shoe for Cinderella".

Lead 2: Now, behind the scenes, all the girls will have one shoe taken off. Young people, in the order of lot, choose the shoe that they believe belongs to their significant other.

Lead 1: Then they take turns going backstage and returning with the Cinderella to whom this shoe matched.

(The competition is held to the soundtrack of a Cinderella song.)

Lead 2: Love is when any minute of parting seems like an eternity, and in order to shorten these minutes, many hours of phone calls or ICQ correspondence begin. Our next competition is called "Twins".

Lead 1: For him, dear couples, you must choose the one for whom you will be looking for a twin - either you are looking for a twin for a girl, or for a guy.

Lead 2: Another representative from the couple goes to the auditorium and looks for a person who is most similar to his other half, then, returning to the stage, explains his choice to everyone.

(The competition is held with a funny soundtrack.)

Lead 1: Love is when my mom makes coffee for dad, and first drinks a little and then gives it to him. As you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Lead 2: We will now check how well our participants will be able to go this way, our next competition is called "I will not eat, I will take a bite".

Lead 1: We invite all our couples to the stage. All the young men are blindfolded and their hands are held behind their backs, and the girls receive a kilogram of apples each and they are also blindfolded.

(While the presenters are explaining the rules of the competition, the assistants blindfold all the participants and give the girls a bag of apples in their hands to make sure that the coffee is delicious.)

Lead 2: The task of our participants is to first find each other on this stage with their eyes closed, and then the girls must feed the boys with apples from their hands.

Lead 1: Only five minutes are given for this competition. The winner is the couple with the smallest weight of apples in the bag.

Lead 2: Attention, get ready, let's start.

(The competition is held under a funny soundtrack and the presenters accompany the course of the competition with comments.)

Lead 1:

Love is my work and my thoughts,

I don't need the world if there is no love.

Love in a person's heart gives rise to music. And then a person wants to sing.

Lead 2: Therefore, our next competition is called "Let's Sing". Each pair is given a cut from phonograms of famous performers, where two characters are a man and a woman.

Lead 1: It is necessary to play these songs artistically to the soundtrack.

(For each pair, "cuts" sound in turn, for example: Philip Kirkorov "I didn't know ..." and Alla Pugacheva "This is love".)

(To the soundtrack "Love Story" the presenters read poetry.)

Lead 2:

How can I tell you my story

So as not to repeat familiar words again,

To make people understand - my story is true,

I have nothing to hide where to start.

Lead 1:

How can I explain

Sometimes it's just the way it should be

That sometimes you live the way you should live

How to explain to you what it means to love,

How to explain?

Lead 2: Now our couples will tell us my love story.

Lead 1: This will be the story of their acquaintance in a given situation.

(Leaders in turn give each couple a piece of paper with a description of the situation. After 3 minutes of preparation, the couples must play up the proposed situation, for example: "A girl was standing at a bus stop in the pouring rain, and a young man was driving a car and accidentally splashed her with water from a puddle."; "A girl is at a football match in which a young man participates, whom she likes and with whom she wants to meet. To show how she is rooting for him, she ..."; "You are at the disco, a guy invites a girl, you dance, and the guy constantly steps on his feet. ";" A young man, trying to show how clever he is and getting to know a girl, jumped unsuccessfully and twisted his leg. "

While the couples are preparing, the hosts can play with the audience. For this, paper hearts are prepared in advance, on which the names of famous couples are written: for girls - red with female names, for boys - blue with male names. When spectators enter the hall, some of them hear these hearts in a chaotic manner. During the competition, a task is given - to connect to couples. The couple that connected the fastest gets a prize, and the rest of the couples have the opportunity to vote for the couple participating in the competition - write the names of a pair of participants on the back of their paper heart, according to the results of this vote, a couple is selected that receives the Audience Choice prize. The pairs that you write on paper hearts may be as follows: Ruslan and Lyudmila, Master and Margarita, Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler, Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin, Nadezhda Krupskaya and Vladimir Lenin, Cleopatra and Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, Gerda and Kai , Adam and Eve, Malvina and Pierrot, Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, Othello and Desdemona, Lisa Alice and Basilio the Cat, Alyonushka and Ivanushka, and so on.)

Lead 2:

Poems are born in love

In earthly love, in supermundane love.

Lead 1:

They're like ships

Someone's distant lights

In the vastness of endless life,

Born poems in love!

Lead 2: The time has come for the competition, when our couples will read love poems.

Lead 1: But not just like that. Each couple in turn should read at least a few lines of a love poem, but always expressively.

Lead 2: With a pause of ten seconds, the move goes to the next pair.

(A phonogram of a lyric melody sounds, a competition is underway.)

Lead 1: No pretense will help to hide love for a long time when it is, or to pretend - when it is not. Now our couples will take turns showing us their creative acts on the theme “Love is beautiful”, which they prepared at home.

Lead 2: In this competition they can be assisted by representatives from their class.

(Couples take turns showing numbers of any genre.)

Lead 1: Now we invite all couples to the stage in order to find out how well they know each other.

Lead 2: We will ask young men and women questions about their soulmates.

(The moderators ask each couple in turn, the following questions can be used - for boys: “What color is her eyes?”; “Does she have a dog?”; “Does she like to dance?” For girls: “Does he love play football? ";" What kind of ice cream does he like? ";" How does he study at school? " )

Lead 1: Our last competition is dance competition.

Lead 2: Now you will hear a medley of various dances and the couple should quickly orient themselves and dance this dance.

(Cutting sounds, a competition is underway.)

Lead 1: While the jury is summing up the results, our couples can rest a little.

Lead 2: No matter what anyone says, but love is a force that can change a lot.

(A lyrical phonogram sounds, the presenters recite poetry.)

Lead 1:

I can wait for you very much

Long-long and true-true

And I can stay awake at night

A year and two and all my life, I guess!

Let the leaves of the calendar

Will fly around like foliage by the garden,

What do you really want!

Lead 2:

I can follow you

Through thickets and passes,

On the sands, almost no roads,

In the mountains, along any path,

Where the devil has never been!

I will go through everything, not reproaching anyone,

I will overcome any worries

Just to know that everything is not in vain,

That then you will not betray on the road.

Lead 1:

I can give for you

Everything that I have and will be.

I can take for you

The bitterness of the worst fate in the world.

The whole world to you every hour.


Just to know that everything is not in vain,

That I love you not in vain!

(After summing up the results, the awarding of pairs is held - in nominations and the pair that won the competition.)

Lead 2: There is an opinion that there are different medicines for love, but there is not a single one that is reliable.

Lead 1: We wish our winners and participants that their love for each other cannot be cured!

(The presenters say goodbye, leave the stage.)

Valentine's Day has been celebrated in our country for over 10 years! Therefore, it has become a good tradition to hold events dedicated to this holiday. Many people remember school parties with cute contests and songs.

Arrows of Cupid. Scenario for a high school party

Here you need 10 people (5 guys and 5 girls). The hall should be decorated in the appropriate style - garlands of paper hearts, "flying" cupids, and so on.

You must first prepare:

  1. 2 bags in which to put pieces of paper of different colors. The bags must have the same color range.
  2. leaflets with the words: "I want a huge bouquet of red roses", "Do you think I'm fat?" ? "
  3. 10 album sheets, 5 scissors, 5 pieces of glue stick, 5 rolls of tape.
  4. 5 servings of ice cream, 5 dessert spoons and 5 aprons
  5. Prizes for participants.

To the music of Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You, the host, Cupid, enters the stage. The music is muffled, the host says:

“Hello dear guests! Today our holiday, as you already understood, is dedicated to a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day! From time immemorial, love is considered the most tender and disinterested feeling that is capable of miracles. Anyone who has tested it at least once knows that my arrows hit right on target!

Now I invite 10 people, 5 guys and 5 charming girls to the stage! "

Each of the participants takes 1 piece of paper from the bags. The girls are from the first, and the guys are from the second. Those whose colors match and will be considered a pair.

“Let us recall the times of great poets, when gentlemen dedicated entire poems to their beloved lady! So now, in each pair, a gentleman must write to his chosen one a few lines that describe his feelings. "

The music, muffled earlier, resumes again and the guys are taken to the task.

“Awesome! Romance has not yet died out! And in our time there are worthy gentlemen who can surprise their lady! And now it's the girls' turn! As you know, one of the main criteria for a strong relationship is complete understanding. Girls are more often quick-witted, so this task is for you. You need to convey to your partner without words, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, what is written on your paper. Each couple gets 3 minutes for this. "

“Well done, no one doubted the women's ability to win. And the mission fell on the shoulders of the guys to constantly surprise their loved ones. After all, routine can get bored with cute girls. Now each of you will be entrusted with an important task: to make a surprise for your soul mate from the available means. You are given 2 sheets, scissors, tape and glue stick. Which one to make of them depends entirely on your imagination. You are given 3 minutes for this. Time has passed ... "

“Once again I was convinced that today's youth are very talented! This competition will introduce newly minted couples closer. Who knows, maybe fate will turn to you with luck and my arrows will fly to you. So, the famous saying goes - the way to a man's heart is through his stomach! Now we will check it out in practice. Young people, now your ladies will feed you dessert. You'd better wear aprons so you don't get dirty. Girls! Your task is to scoop up a spoonful of ice cream, take the handle of the spoon with your lips. Thus, you need to feed your partner with ice cream. The winner is the one who eats the portion first with the least loss of dessert. "

“What economic and caring girls we have! Guys with such lovely ladies will never be lost! Now all the participants will be awarded with commemorative prizes. There are no winners or losers here. Love won in our competition! And our evening, meanwhile, comes to an end. Love, dear friends and be loved! Do not be shy about your feelings and accept them with dignity! Now the most reverent stage of the holiday begins for you - the disco. Newly made couples! Don't go far apart! You look great! Good evening, dear friends! Until next time! "

Scenario for Valentine's Day in a large team

A romantic and very beautiful plot will tell the viewer the story of the origin of the holiday and plunge into the most tender feelings and a warm atmosphere.

The room for the celebration needs to be decorated appropriately - a lot of garlands of hearts, hang signs on the walls with quotes from great romantics about love. Also set up a mailbox for valentines. To deliver postcards to addressees, several postmen, dressed as cupid, should be presented.

The light in the hall is muted, candles are burning, a spotlight is lit and illuminates the path of the presenter. To pleasant romantic music, the presenter begins to broadcast:

“We sat with an angel just now for tea,
I was pinched and not sure next to him,
Questions with darkness, thoughts bursting with a hundred,
As he suddenly said: - Let's talk!

I know all your innocent secrets
You are right somewhere, but where it is unnecessary and vulnerable,
I am not empowered to hold the answers before you,
Unfortunately, I am only a cherub.

- Then answer me one everyday question,
Or advise how it is possible to act!
I disbelieved in earthly love, I have no faith,
Could you teach the soul to love?

- I asked a tricky task ... Here's a dilemma ...
Heart love is the hardest to find
Even in antiquity, poems were written to her,
And the enemies fought to the last drop.

I will help an inconsolable soul today
This is the cup for the salvation of the soul,
Having drunk it to the bottom, you will open a wonderful world
Or, on the contrary, you will become the property of darkness.

Time to say good-bye! Really, the choice is yours!
Take a deep breath and drink it to the bottom!
Be merciful and you will find great love,
Be meek and fate will make friends with you. "

The lights have gone out and a shadow theater appears against the backdrop of a white wall. The famous "Ave Mariya" is playing. The priest begins the wedding ceremony. The happy couple is replaced by another. How suddenly the soldiers burst into the church and take the priest away ... The music dies down.

“In the old days, when men had to serve for a quarter of a century, marriage at a young age was prohibited by law. And lighting it in the church threatened with the death penalty! But love cannot be locked. Feelings are timeless! The priest who blessed the spouses contrary to the law was caught by the authorities and executed. It happened many centuries ago, on February 14. Many do not believe that this holiday is real! But we know that Saint Valentine always helps people build their love from above. "

"What is love? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. Everyone interprets this concept in their own words. However, everyone who has ever been seized by this feeling knows about butterflies in the stomach and a unique desire to live, create, love! And now a question for the guests: What do you think is love? Can you share these wonderful impressions with us? " Answers are heard from the audience ...

“Dear friends, we remind you that we have a love mail! At the end of the evening we will sum up the results and the one who picks up the maximum number of valentines will receive a commemorative prize! And now I am announcing a reading contest. "

Participants read poems about love, the jury chooses the best and awards prizes.

“Each of us, from childhood, got acquainted with the famous works of love. Who remembers them? Let's remember the most romantic ones. " The audience responds to the presenter.

“Well, friends, let's move on to active contests. I invite 5 men and 5 beautiful ladies to the stage. Each gentleman must confess his love to his chosen one with a song. Just remember, you have to come up with it yourself. The motive may be well-known! "

A competition is underway, prizes are awarded.

“Now I invite new couples to the stage. The competition is called "Shadow Pantomime". You will have to portray the last moments of Desdemona's life. The most believable scene wins "

The competition is held with the determination of the winning places and the presentation of gifts.

“And now it's the turn to strain your brains and vocal cords! The competition is called "Reach for your neighbor". The participants stand side by side and take turns singing 1 line from famous love songs. It is important that the songs are not repeated. Those who, within 15 seconds, cannot remember the appropriate lines, are eliminated from the game. "

“In the end, I would like to hold a competition for the best declaration of love. I will ask 5 men and 5 girls to come out. »The host himself collects pairs. The cavalier, in an original way, guided by his imagination and vocabulary, is recognized by the chosen one in feelings. The winner is determined by the audience, according to the most thunderous applause.

“You can talk about love forever! But it all ends at some point. So our concert is coming to an end. Now I invite all the guests to the stage for a romantic dance. The gentlemen invite the ladies. I wish you a good evening and more love! Until next time! " Music played Sergey Mazayev "I love you to tears."

Valentine's Day for two

If you live with your significant other, then the celebration begins in the morning. Make him a cup of coffee with his favorite croissant. Lift you out of bed and whirl in a passionate dance. After a shower (this can be a joint visit to the bathroom), read your favorite poems of your own performance or quote from great poets.

Of course, the most important part is in the evening. In the afternoon, you can visit the cinema, cafe or favorite park where you met. But by the end of the day, prepare the most important surprise for your soul mate.

First, prepare your outfit. It can be an erotic cat costume, cupid, or just an evening dress or costume.

Secondly, a delicious dinner. It should be something light but satisfying, such as a vegetable salad with meat, sushi, or just fruit. Overeating this evening is not worth it, because it has a passionate continuation ... A bottle of good wine must be present.

Sprinkle fresh rose petals on the bed, turn on pleasant music and meet your loved one fully armed.

Pre-prepare the clue hearts, which then need to be placed in the correct order and hide the gift in their direction. Invite your significant other to follow them. Such an unusual presentation of the presentation will pleasantly surprise the addressee.

Make some pretty hearts on which you write a few of your loved one’s potential wishes. For example, an erotic massage, a weekend in nature, or a trip to the garage with friends. Offer to pick one or more options at random. This will be the second surprise.

The third gift will, of course, be yourself. Here, turn on your fantasy and seduction!

We wish you a great holiday! Love and be loved!

Scenario Valentine's Day.

1. Romantic music sounds, the lights are turned off.

Love! Love! And in convulsions and in a coffin
I am alert - I am seduced - I am embarrassed - I will rush.
Oh honey! Not in a grave snowdrift,
I will not say goodbye to you in a cloudy one.
M. Tsvetaeva.
The wanderer passed, leaning on a staff, -

A cab rides on red wheels -
For some reason I remembered you.
In the evening, a lamp will be lit in the corridor -
I will certainly remember you.
Whatever happens, on land, at sea
Or in heaven - I will remember you.
B. Khodasevich.
You are heavy, love memory!
I sing and burn in your smoke,
And to others it is only a flame,
To warm the cooled soul.
A. Akhmatova
I love you with a capricious dream
I love you with all the strength of my soul
I love you with all my blood
I love you, I love you, hurry up!
K. Balmont

2. The music sounds louder. Leading out.

Good evening!
You, of course, understood that today we are dedicating our program to the eternal theme - love.
We have some great reasons to talk about love.
First, your youth.
Second, Valentine's Day. Probably, some of you may ask a reasonable question: "What does Valentine have to do with, and even more so a saint?"
And our answer will be extremely simple: the fact is that the whole of Europe has already been a copyright-by-holiday for a very long time, and after it America is celebrating today, February 14, Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day.
The history of the origin of the holiday is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but now it is associated with one romantic legend.
A certain Valentine was unjustly convicted and sent to prison. According to the verdict of the court, he was supposed to be executed on February 14.
But the daughter of the head of the prison fell in love with him, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, unfortunately, was blind.
This love made a miracle - the girl regained her sight. Later, Valentine was canonized, that is, raised to the rank of saints.
Then Stendhal wrote about this novel "The Parma Cloister".
Or maybe it was not so, but today it doesn't matter anymore.
It is important that all lovers received their holiday and another reason for warm confessions, tender hugs and gifts.
So we congratulate everyone who is in love. Love each other. Make each other happy.
Dear viewers! We have a nice message for you - today you will receive the traditional holiday messages. They are called valentines. And besides that, small gifts.
Here it is, the beginning of the tradition for lovers - valentines. Try today to write this "valentine" to your girlfriend or boyfriend. And your chances of feeling in return are multiplied.
Leading. Don't believe me? Try it yourself.

but it seems that we have digressed from the topic. After all, we decided to talk about love ..
And on such a day, just talking about love is not enough. We need a tournament. Tournament in honor of beautiful love. And if there is a tournament, then we need knights.
We'll find them now!
It's a pity that you have to look. But there was a time when there were no men in the world ... but there were solid knights. They spent their time in tournaments and battles, and devoted their leisure time to serving the Beautiful Ladies.
And the ladies loved the knights, because they were often and for a long time not at home ...
... Because feats were often performed on the side. To a stranger. And again, in the name of the Beautiful Ladies.
"In the name of the Beautiful Ladies!" - this is the name of the first part of our tournament. So, greet the brave young men, the knights of our day, who are ready to enter this stage.

3. Music on the exit of the boys sounds.

The presenter introduces the participants.

Do any of you know what the name Valentine means? "
Answers: Valentine in Latin means "healthy".
Competition "Compliment"
Knights! Women are known to love with their ears. This truth does not require proof, but requires gentle words. Remember what you could say to your girlfriend how you would compliment.

Participants take turns giving compliments. If one of the participants finds it difficult, the presenters turn to the next one, and so on until the winner is identified. After the end of the competition, the floor is presented to the jury. The results are summed up. The winners are awarded with small heart-tokens made of thick red paper. (For each correct answer)
Competition "Understand me"
A loving heart is capable of understanding and forgiving a lot. The ability to understand another is a rare quality of character, not everyone is given it. But since it is simply necessary for loving couples, now we will practice a little in it.
Imagine this situation: on the other side of the road, on which cars are constantly moving, you saw your good friend. You would love to invite her. Where - it will be clear later. And since she cannot hear your words, you will have to use facial expressions and gestures. Our second competition is called “Understand Me Without Words”. Before starting it, I ask the participants to go down to the hall and find themselves an assistant.

4. Music for the competition sounds.

Participants go down to the hall and choose their assistants. Together they go up to the stage. The girls stand on one side, the knights on the other and receive a task. Sample tasks: invite to ballet, hunting, skiing, circus, disco, watching an action movie. Participants take turns completing the task. The assistants are guessing. Then each task is read aloud. The results are summed up. Hearts tokens are awarded.

Dear Knights! It so happened that the fair sex appreciates the mind in men first of all. And now you have to demonstrate your intuition and intelligence. I will read a short excerpt from the book, and you have to guess which character we are talking about.

COMPETITION "Literary Heroes»
An excerpt from a literary work is read for each participant.

"I will not tell you who I suspect and what I am guessing. I need facts set out in the most detailed way, and I will compare them myself." (Sherlock Holmes).

How languid he was silent,
How ardently eloquent
In heartfelt letters, how careless.
Breathing one, loving one,
How he knew how to forget himself!
(Eugene Onegin).

"You should not be surprised by my horse, nor my spear, nor shield, nor squire, nor my armor, nor the pallor of my face, nor the extraordinary thinness, for now you know who I am and what my occupation is."
(Don Quixote).

“The young man entered the city wearing a green-waisted suit. His mighty neck was wrapped several times with an old woolen scarf, his legs were in lacquered boots with an orange-colored suede top. There were no socks under the boots.”
(Ostap Bender).

"A young Gascon, in a beret adorned with a semblance of a feather, his eyes are open and intelligent, his nose is hooked, but finely outlined, his height is too tall for a young man."

"It turned out that the back of my horse had been cut off completely, and the water he drank poured out from behind, not lingering in his stomach. I was stunned, what a weirdness."
(Baron Munchausen).

Dear knights, go to our impromptu dressing room and select, please, the elements of the costume that match, in your opinion, the hero you have guessed.

Participants come to the table with props and choose the necessary elements.

And now - the task. Having put on what you have chosen, congratulate all the Beautiful Ladies present here on behalf of your hero on today's holiday. (Out of competition)

Harem competition

Leading. As we know, men love female attention and we invite them to create their own harem. So, our newly-made "sheikhs", here are bracelets for you (elastic bands for money of different colors), you must go into the hall and put your bracelets on the girls' ankles. The more there are, the better for you.

5. Music for the competition sounds.

Congratulation. The results are summed up. Hearts-tokens are awarded. The three participants with the highest number of points (tokens) advance to the finals. The rest are awarded with incentive prizes. All participants go down to the hall.

6. Musical pause. Song

The first part of the tournament in honor of beautiful love is over. We have knights. Now we hasten to introduce our ladies.

7. Music on the exit of the girls sounds.

Presentation of the participants.

Contest "Find a Pair"

Dear Ladies! You will, of course, remember that in the good old days, every lady had her own knight. And still their names are on everyone's lips. Now I am calling a famous lady, and you are the name of the man who is associated with her. Together they make up world famous love couples. First, we'll practice with the audience. Juliet - (Romeo), Desdemona - (Othello). Now try it yourself.

One name is called for each participant. Constance Bonacier - (d'Artagnan), Josephine - (Napoleon), Ophelia - (Hamlet), Assol - (Arthur Gray), Dulcinea - (Don Quixote), Angelica - (Geoffrey de Peyrac), Mercedes - (Count of Monte Cristo) ... The results are summed up. Hearts-tokens are awarded.

Competition "Idol"

Leading .
What a beautiful lady without an idol! Of course, it is difficult to find such a hero in which all the desired qualities are combined, but you can try. And we will limit the search circle today to well-known film actors. We ask each participant to name their favorite actor. (Actors are named). Concentrate and list as many of the films he has starred in.
The girls take turns completing the task, the presenter counts the number of films named by the participants. The results are summed up, token hearts are awarded.

Let's talk about the merits of today's young people. So you want to have a reliable, attentive, business companion nearby. It is very difficult to make a choice, but you, our dear ladies, still have to. For these are the conditions of our next competition. So, dear participants, we ask you to go down to the hall and choose the most real, at first glance, man among the audience.

8. Music for the competition.
The girls go down to the hall and look for guys - helpers. Go up to the stage with them.

Leading .
A real man understands everything: fashion, films, weather and, of course, domestic affairs. Now they will demonstrate their skills and present the ladies with extra points. The task is simple: blindfolded, determine the type of cereal.

Competition "Krupa"

Each pair with a blindfold names the type of croup: the girl brings it up, and the young man determines what kind of croup he got.

Now we will talk about the sore point. Our second task for young people is to determine the exact price today for the things that we will show you.

The subject is removed. Each participant says his own version of the price, and then the presenter names the exact price.

Contest "Attentive"

Ladies love when their companions are attentive to them. They are pleased when they notice the beauty of their hairstyles, dresses ... Young people have been looking at our participants for a long time. I wonder what they saw, what they noticed. We ask each pair to stand with their backs to each other. We will now ask each young man three questions about clothes, shoes and other details of the toilet of the subject of your attention. The task is to answer as accurately as possible. The success of the participant you are helping depends on this.

Questions are asked. The results of all three contests are summed up, and heart tokens are awarded. Young people go down to the hall. The three girls with the most points go to the finals. The rest are awarded incentive prizes.

9. Musical pause. Song…
Solemn moment: the final of the tournament in honor of beautiful love.
We ask the three ladies and three young men who have won the previous trials to come up to the stage.
Leading .
Our final contests are not for singles, but, as you already understood, for couples.
In order for us to form such couples, we will not torment you with questions, as in the TV show "Love at First Sight".
Let chance decide everything, as in life.
We give young people cards with the names of famous people, of course, men.
Leading .
And our ladies, of course, have cards with the names of their beloved women.
Thus, we get pairs.

Couples are conditionally formed: Pushkin - Goncharova, Vysotsky - Vladi, John Lennon - Yoko Ono. These surnames are written on cards that are used only for pairing.

Leading .
It's easier for you now. Now you two. And for starters, the knights will give flowers to the ladies. Go to our flower girl Anyuta and take the bouquets.

Contest "Hand a bouquet"

Leading. Now let's warm up a little. Imagine that this is where you made a date. Your girlfriend is coming. Give her the bouquet.

10. The music for the competition is romantic.

Participants take turns presenting bouquets.

Captive Poets Competition
Leading .
Love and poetry are inseparable. In the spring, each of us is a little poet.

Leading. This competition has two parts.

Now the girls will read to us a prepared verse about love.

And young men at this time, will present themselves as poets and….
You are holding heart cards on which the beginning of the quatrain is written, which you have to continue.

Each card has the same beginning: "On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture ...".

We give you a moment to think.

While our couples are doing, we ask all viewers to look at the back of their seat. Three spectators have it written "Happy place".
Leading .
We ask the owners of the lucky seats to come up to the stage to receive prizes.

Prizes are awarded.

So, let's listen to what lines our couples have inspired by the holiday today.

Each couple reads their poem: the girl reads the beginning, and the young man continues. The results are summed up.

Competition "Culinary"

Leading. And now we invite all the guys to become cooks for a while. I will give the couples in turn the names of the products, and you must quickly determine what type they belong to (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.) for each correct answer - a heart.

1. Artichoke (vegetable)
2. Carp (fish)
3. Pistachios (nuts)
4. Lingonberry (berry)
5. Persimmon (fruit)
6. Gobies (fish)
7. Cherry (berry)
8. Watermelon (berry)
9. Coconut (nut)
10. Kiwi (fruit)
11. Kvass (drink)
12. Blueberry (berry)
13. Parsnip (vegetable)
14. Melon (vegetable)
15. Mullet (fish)
16. Parsley (vegetable)
17. Cheddar (cheese)
18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)
19.Rice (groats)
20. Kumis (drink)
21. Grouse (bird)

What a holiday without dancing! Now the music will play and you will dance a little. The gentlemen invite ladies! But, now we are organizing a love triangle (ball). We hold the ball and dance, and as they say, the third is not superfluous.
And at this time, the audience and, of course, the jury watch and decide which pair they liked more than others.

11. Music for the dance competition.

Rock and roll (fast) 1 min.

Russian folk 1 min.

Slow Titanic 1 min.

The team receives a heart for the guessed object.
1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Means for saving rubles (kopeck)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Package "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Means for "sugrevu" (mustard plaster)

Contest "Declaration of Love".

Leading .The most crucial moment in love is a declaration of love.

Leading ... You can say I cha lyu ... or, so to speak, that you will remember for the rest of your life! Now we invite couples to think, this will be our final test, and for all of us there is a very beautiful song performed by Michurina Lina

12. The minus "Titanic" sounds

That's all. The program of our competitions has been exhausted, it remains only to sum up the results.

To summarize, we ask our couples to go to the stage. The word of the jury.
Summarizing. Prizes for 3rd and 2nd places are awarded first, followed by the main prize.
Leading. Love is strong like a deity
And equal to the deity,
That is why I praise her,
That life gives it.
Leading. Nowhere have I met God,
Love is visible everywhere.
Our life without its beginnings
Barren and meager.
Leading. What to pray - to the deity
Or earthly love?
I will call love God
And I pray to her alone.

13. The song "The Most Favorite" is played

This scenario can be used at a corporate party, when drawing up a holiday program dedicated to Valentine's Day in schools, colleges and universities.

The script is suitable for schoolchildren, students and adults.

Scenario "Banquet for all the happy", which is dedicated to all lovers in honor.

The scenario of the evening dedicated, interesting, detailed with a description of all competitions, games and words of the presenter.

Preliminary preparation (decoration of the holiday).

The hall is decorated in a romantic style: flowers, heart-shaped balloons, candles. On the tables next to each device there are paper hearts, pens, sheets of paper, unlit candles.

The melody "I will never forget you" from the opera "Juno and Avos" sounds.


Love comes so unexpectedly:

When it's rainy and foggy

When the February blizzards

When the spring drops

Comes in the summer heat

Comes in the morning dawn

Comes as an incorporeal cloud,

Comes like a rainbow of heaven ...

Comes without asking for consent,

Giving pain, bestowing happiness!

Good evening, dear friends!

How many knows what love is? What does she look like? .. What does it mean - to look in the eyes with a sinking heart and not find words? Lost and embarrassed like a teenager? Over and over again to discover something in each other? Nervous before meeting his or her parents? To experience moments of despair, when it seems that nothing can be returned? All this is love. But what can I say, pulling a classmate by the braids, and in return receive a briefcase on the head - and this is also love. It is different for everyone and at the same time surprisingly similar. A person dreams of nothing more than love. Sometimes, having found her, he bitterly regrets, but can no longer live without her.

And today all of us who have gathered here are united by it - beautiful and cruel, insidious and desired - love! After all, today is Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day!

You see small props on your tables, later I will explain what these items are for. Until then, we are starting a romantic evening dedicated to love and lovers!

An excerpt from the song "All you need is love" (from the repertoire of the group "Beatles") sounds.

Leading: There is more than one legend about why February 14 is called Valentine's Day. The most beautiful, albeit very tragic, sounds like this. Many centuries ago, during the time of the Roman Empire, the army of the Emperor Claudius lacked brave warriors. Therefore, the emperor issued a decree forbidding men to marry, so that their families would not distract them from their military duty. But a bishop named Valentine helped the lovers: he secretly married them. Many couples have found their happiness thanks to him. For this, Valentine was imprisoned and sentenced to death. But it was in captivity that he found his love. It was the blind daughter of a jailer-executioner. And before the execution, he sent her a note with beautiful words and the signature "Your Valentine." It was February 14, 269 ... According to another legend, Valentine was a doctor and healed the jailer's blind daughter with the help of a letter that he sent to her. The girl opened the note and saw - saw! - painted flower and words of love. Be that as it may, since then Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers!

The soundtrack of the song "Without you" (from the repertoire of Meraia Carey) is played.

Leading: In our age of universal employment, in the cycle of affairs, there is often no time to pay attention to your soulmate. So let us, at least on days like today, think and talk only about love and loved ones.

Do you know the simplest, but very effective way to make a loved one enjoyable? .. Nothing pleases at times like ordinary praise! Let's praise our loved ones right now! I will approach you with a microphone, and you will tell your soul mate: “You are the most ... or the most ... and you will name which one or which one. Only, mind you, don't repeat yourself!

Guests compliment each other.

An excerpt from the song "The most, most, most dear man" (from the repertoire of the group "Tutsi") sounds.

Leading: Words of love will never get old. And now ... Let's confess our love to each other in different languages!

Everyone repeats after the presenter:

In English: I love you.

In German: Ich liebe dich.

In French: Je t "aim.

In Spanish: te amo (te ato).

In Ukrainian: I'm tebe kohai.

In Czech: cute te.

In Chinese: wow ah no.

And finally, in Russian: I love you!

Leading: Yes, how nice it is to hear so many words about love ... But even more pleasant is not words, but actions for the sake of loved ones. Remember the days of noble knights. All their deeds were performed exclusively in the name of the lady of the heart. Where are the real knights now? Are there still those among men who are able to prove their love not only in words, but also in deeds?

The host invites several men to participate in the "Knight's Tournament" competition.

An excerpt from the song "It's time to go, let's rejoice ..." (from the movie "Three Musketeers)" sounds.

Competition "Knight's Tournament"

Leading (after the participants of the competition have presented themselves): So, the first task. Many poems have always been dedicated to beautiful ladies. A knight could not be called a knight if he did not know how to praise his beloved in poetic lines. Now we will see which of you is able to make the strongest impression on a lady with a love poem. Or maybe it will even be of its own composition?

Each participant reads any love poem. The audience chooses the best with applause.

Leading: What good fellows! How many beautiful verses were recited! And now - the next task. No self-respecting beauty will give her heart to someone who cannot sing serenades!

The task of each contestant is to sing an excerpt from any love song. Spectators again appreciate with applause.

Leading: Thank you, what a wonderful vocals our knights showed! And how much passion they put into their singing! And finally, one more task ...

Participants must declare their love to their lady with body language, that is, with any gestures and movements, but without words. The most "eloquent" wins.

Based on the results of all tasks, the audience determines the winner. The winner is declared a real knight and King of the party, receives a paper crown and a prize (for example, a toy horse), the rest are awarded chocolate medals.

An excerpt from the song "Kings Can Do Everything" (from the repertoire of Alla Pugacheva) is played.

A dance break is announced.

Leading: The king of the party, of course, has the right to choose his own queen. However, we have a different approach. The title of queen must be earned! And now I invite charming and courageous ladies to take part in the competition for the title of Party Queen. (Several girls are involved). So, here they are, our athletes, Komsomol members and just beauties! (The girls say their names). Now we are going to act out a scene from married life. Imagine, lovely ladies, that you are housewives. Early morning. Husbands are still stretching in bed before work, and you have no time for sleep: it's time to cook the most delicious breakfast for your loved one!

The task of the participants is to create some original treat from what is on the tables in three minutes. And besides, come up with a name for him associated with the theme of love. Music sounds (the song “Well, where are you, girls?” From the repertoire of the group “Hands up”), the girls “cook”. The host encourages the guests, especially the partners of the contestants, to loudly cheer for them. When the time is up, the host asks the ladies to demonstrate the dishes and explain their names.

Leading: Perfectly! These are the most unusual and most mysterious dishes I've ever seen. Dear guests, let's rate them with applause, noting each one for himself, whose dish is the most original. But only those to whom they were intended will try these masterpieces!

Calls men and explains to the participants the next task - to treat their partners as erotic as possible. The audience is "sick". By the way, men don't have to eat everything completely.

Leading: So, our men are full and happy. It's time to get ready for work. Dear contestants, we will help to tie the strong half of the ties, because only you can do it so beautifully and sexy so that after that men do not want to go to work!

The girls are given ties. To the music from the movie "9 and a half weeks", they tie them on men, while trying to move beautifully.

Leading: Oh, what smart men we have turned out! Asks the audience to applaud the participants and mark the one that did the best in the task, in their opinion.- So, young people, I understand that all your thoughts now are not about work, but ... you cannot get away from it, and you have to go to work!

The men leave.

An excerpt from the song "Oh, in vain, aunt" (from the repertoire of the group "Merry Guys") sounds.

Leading: Beautiful housewives accompanied their spouses to work. And what do you think they will do in their absence? Not guessing! As faithful and loving wives, they always think only about what else to please and surprise the spouses. And they start rehearsing for them ... belly dancing!

The song "Beautiful Love" (from the repertoire of the group "Assorti") is played. The girls dance, the audience supports them with applause.

Leading: Great, great! All of you danced so incendiaryly that the audience seemed a little confused! But we can't get lost, because it's time to choose the winner based on the results of all three competitions. Let's remember who you liked the most in which task and loudly applaud each charming participant! Whoever gets the loudest applause will become today's Queen.

An excerpt from the song "The Queen of Beauty" (from the repertoire of M. Magomayev) is played.

Leading: You know, they say that love is like a fire: you can't throw firewood, it won't burn. I think all the ladies present agree with this, because every woman has to make a lot of efforts to shine with her beauty again and again. This is a hairdresser, and a manicure, and grueling trips to the magical zines for the most breathtaking outfits and much more. There is such an anecdote:

The husband is standing near the beauty salon, waiting for his wife. She comes out and asks coquettishly:

- Well, how?

The husband looked and said:

- Well ... You at least tried!

Therefore, dear men, let's appreciate these efforts, let's notice every new thing and more often say compliments, because after all, women love mostly, oddly enough, with their ears.

And the presenter invites men to compete in making toasts for female beauty. The prize for the best toast is a frame for a photograph of your beloved (“to capture her beauty for ages”).

Dance break.

Leading (when everyone took their places again): Now let's do a little psychological experiment. Have each one take a paper and a pen. We all, of course, love to watch movies about love. And now I suggest you remember five titles of films where love is present, and write them down in a column. This test is individual, so I do not recommend consulting your neighbors!

Guests remember and write down.

Leading: Well - everyone remembered five names? Now I'll tell you what it all means!

Read the first line to yourself. This is the answer to the question "What do you think of your significant other?"

The second line is "Your opinion about the first date with each other."

The third is "Your thoughts after the kiss."

The fourth is "Your erotic fantasy."

And, finally, the fifth - "How do you imagine the future of your couple."

So, the subconscious mind will not deceive!

An excerpt from the song "Words of love you tell me ..." (from the movie "The Diamond Arm") sounds.

Leading: As they say, "you can fall in love many times, but love - only once ...". If Cupid's arrow has already hit the heart, then this means that true love cannot be avoided. And we are with you today - our own Cupids! Therefore, I invite everyone to test their accuracy and get a prize!

Competition "Arrow of Cupid"

A large red heart with a target in the center is drawn on a piece of Whatman paper. Players are given darts, which they must hit as accurately as possible in the center of the target in order to "hit the heart of their chosen one with Cupid's arrow." Three attempts are given, and the winner is determined by the sum of the points. He receives a prize - a chocolate bar for his beloved.

Another version of the competition with darts is when many hearts with female names are drawn on a sheet (you can make a second sheet with male names, for women, and it is better to just draw hearts in advance and invite everyone to write their names in them during the dance).

The task of the players is to hit the heart with the name of only their beloved (or beloved) with an "arrow". If the player gets into the hearts with other people's names, the presenter scolds him for inconstancy and makes him beg forgiveness from the other half, moreover, this reduces the chances of winning.

Leading: Yes, in life it quite often happens that Cupid hits the wrong heart with his shot. But unrequited love is also happiness, because it helps a person discover many wonderful qualities in himself.

The song "We choose, we are chosen" from the movie "Big Change" is played.

Leading: As it is sung in another song, "love is never without sadness, but it is more pleasant than sadness without love." Therefore, today we will not be sad, but we will enjoy the holiday, smile and dance!

Dance break.

Leading: It's time to take a break from fiery dancing. Is there something that you don't know about love, but are embarrassed to ask? Surely there is. But we are here for that and gathered on Valentine's Day to find out everything about her. I bring to your attention a small test from the category "Do you know that ...?".

Whoever is the first to find the correct answer is the one who answers.

1. The name Valentine means:

A) healthy;

B) in love;

B) cheerful.

(correct answer: A).

2. In ancient Rome, there was a custom according to which a man gave a ring:

A) the bride;

B) the bride's parents;

B) the best friend of the bride.

(correct answer: B, as a promise to take care of their daughter).

3. A diamond wedding is ...

A) 55 years of marriage; B) 60 years of marriage;

B) 70 years of marriage.

(correct answer: B).

4. Russian proverb: a husband without a wife - what ...

A) a tree without leaves;

B) a child without a mother;

B) goose without water.

(correct answer: B).

5. In Africa, the bride is unquestioningly given in marriage if the groom is near her house ...

A) will shout about love;

B) will kill the beast;

B) will shoot into the air.

(correct answer: B).

6. According to Russian popular belief, a girl will be happily married if there is a little ...

A) cry;

B) dance;

B) push up.

(correct answer: A).

7. In which country were boys allowed to marry at the age of five?

A) in Kenya;

B) in Holland;

B) in India.

(correct answer: B, parents could choose a bride for their son and marry them).

8. In the novel "Gone with the Wind" it is said: for a marriage to be happy, a husband and wife must be ...

A) two pair of boots;

B) made from one dough;

B) the same age.

(correct answer: B).

9. Some modern psychologists argue that the symbol of love - the heart - is not copied from the heart, but ...

A) from strawberries;

B) from the female breast;

B) from the female buttocks.

(correct answer: B, since anatomically the heart is completely different from its symbol).

The most erudite gets a tasty prize for winning the competition.

Leading: What do you think is, in your opinion, an ideal couple? Code he and she understand each other without words? When they walk hand in hand down the street and everyone looks back at them with envy? Or when the whole huge family gathers for the golden wedding of their beloved grandparents, and after half a century of living together they still look at each other with tenderness? Everyone has their own idea of ​​ideal happiness for two. Maybe every couple considers themselves ideal ... But today we will choose the most ideal of all the couples present. This requires a little courage and true love!

Competition "Ideal couple"

Multiple pairs are called. Lovers tell about themselves in a nutshell - what their names are (if there are participants in previous contests, the presenter greets them as old acquaintances), where and how they met, how long they have been together.

The first task "Live Valentine"

On the table lies the props for this task - hearts, artificial flowers, hats, glasses, various "cool" things (toy noses, horns, etc.).

The task of each couple is to demonstrate a motionless "live picture" on the theme of love. The task goes to the song "Enchanted, bewitched". Spectators choose whose "live Valentine" is more interesting, and some couples leave the competition, only semi-finalists remain.

Leading: The second task is more difficult. Good physical preparation is required here! At all times, men carried women in their arms. Our competition is no exception. Dear men, a little warm-up awaits you - overcoming the distance with your partners in your arms!

The presenter places the pins at a distance of about one and a half meters from each other (how many pairs, so many lanes with pins) and explains the task. Men should take their partners in their arms and run to the finish line as quickly as possible, bypassing the pins and trying not to knock them down. At the finish, there are chairs on which the men seat the ladies, and they themselves return to the start in the same way, where they take a bunch of flowers from the table and return in the same way to present flowers to the women. Then, for the third time, they do the same to pick up a large candy and also bring it to the partner. Three pairs win, in which the ladies are the first to be with flowers and sweets, the rest are eliminated. The audience is actively "getting sick".

The task goes to the song "Honestly" ("It's not for nothing that they have been carried in their arms for centuries ...")

Leading: Yes, there are still real men in the world! How dashing they overcome any obstacles, and even with their beloved burden in their arms! All fought with dignity, but, unfortunately, not all of them make it to the finals. Now, dear finalists, take some rest, because the most interesting is yet to come. The third task is dance! You will hear different melodies. What melody sounds, perform such a dance. And we will carefully monitor which couple will be the first to determine what kind of music it is, and who dances the best!

For this task, you need excerpts from different dance melodies, for example, waltz, gypsy girl, dance of little swans, cancan, rock and roll, etc.

Tests such as the second and third can be arranged if there is sufficient space. If not, other options for tasks are offered, for example:

"Ribbons of desire"

The host explains that in many countries there is a custom when a girl ties a ribbon on a tree branch, while making a wish to meet her betrothed. Couples are given the same number of colored ribbons. The man will represent a de-revo, and the couple will win, in which the girl fastest of all ties all the ribbons on the “tree”. The task is accompanied by fast music.

"Affectionate words"

The presenter asks everyone what kind word he calls his soul mate (for example, kitten, sun, fish, etc.). And then he gives out markers and large sheets of paper and offers to draw a “portrait” of a loved one in 1 minute - that is, what each named. Viewers vote for the best portrait. The winning pair is declared the Ideal Pair and receives a prize and a “Certificate of Ideality”.

All other couples are awarded the titles "Most romantic", "Most witty", "Most mobile", "Most original", etc. They are given appropriate "certificates" and sweets to make everyone happy.

Dance break.

Leading (after the break):

There are two snowflakes in the palm of your hand -

This is you and me.

Two silver water lilies -

This is you and me.

On a summer morning, two dewdrops -

This is you and me.

We're just two halves

From love alone!

Words of love are special. They can be listened to and repeated endlessly. And every time they sound like the first time. And now it's time to find out why you have paper hearts on your tables. They are so that everyone can come up with and give their own "valentine" to the closest person in life. Today we are breaking the unwritten rule that Valentine's card must be anonymous. Take pens and write everything that you would like to say to each other, everything that your heart is whispering about ... And if by chance there is one among you whose heart is still free, give him a “valentine” with kind words, and let she will become a talisman in the search for true love.

The song "Listen to your heart" (from the repertoire of the group "Roxette") sounds. Guests sign hearts and give each other.

Leading: And now the most important moment of tonight is coming ... I want you to remember this holiday and so that February 14 becomes not just one of the days of the year for you, but a very special date. But for this I need an assistant ...

And this important gentleman -

None other than Valentine!

The host appoints "Saint Valentine": Dear guests, is there anyone among you named Valentine or Valentine?

If this is a woman, then it will be "Saint Valentine". If no one has such a name, then the presenter chooses the most lively or the one who himself expresses a desire to help. If there are several owners of such a name, the same thing. On "Saint Valentine" or "Valentine", the presenter puts on a cape - "the priest's cassock" and hands a thick book - "prayer book".

Leading: I ask all the lovers in this hall, without getting up from their seats, to take each other's hand. And now, in the face of Valentine's Day, you will swear an oath of love to each other! And we will help you with him - we will read the words of the oath in turn, and you tell me, okay?

The presenter reads the words "vows" for men, and "Valentine" for women.

Lovers Oath:


I swear to everything I can

Be a reliable support

To have you with me

Like a stone ... wall!


Be flexible and sweet

And just a little bit jealous

For you to call me

"Real... ideal"!


I swear not to regret the words

About my love for you

I swear to do things

Do not skimp on ... purchases!


I swear that I won't

Beat dishes during quarrels!

In order not to break happiness,

I'll be you ... be in love!


I swear honestly

What is not interesting at all

I look around

On other beautiful ... I will!


I swear in front of all the people

Dress only in fashion

But fight with your beauty

Only you, beloved ... my!

Leading: So, you made an oath! Whoever violates it will face a terrible punishment. Therefore, love each other and never part.

Turning to "Valentine": Well, what do you think, are these couples in love worthy of your blessing?

Valentine: Worthy!

Leading: In this case, do not open your hands, lovers, and Saint Valentine himself will bless you!

The presenter lights a candle and hands it over to "Valentine", who goes around all the couples so that they light their candles from his candle.

When the candles are lit, the presenter asks the men to invite their ladies to dance, thanks "Valentine" or "Valentina" for their help, and let him (or she) also invite his soul mate to dance. Let each couple dance with a burning candle.

Dance with candles. The song "Nothing could be more wonderful" (from the repertoire of Alsou) sounds.

Leading: Now, dear lovers, Saint Valentine has blessed you! And nothing threatens your love anymore. I look forward to seeing you all here in a year, next Valentine's Day ...

And now our program is coming to an end, it's time to say goodbye. It’s a pity to part. But let Love never part with you - the most beautiful, inspiring and, of course, mutual! Love and be loved!

The song is being played.

The song "Ah, Valentine" (duet, based on the song "Vernissage" from the repertoire of Valery Leontiev and Laima Vaikule).


I met a girl alone

Since then, I seem to be in captivity ...

Ah, Valentine's Day!

How often do I see in my dreams:

She walks towards me ...

Ah, Valentine's Day!

And I'm flying towards her

And I don't want to wake up ...

Ah, Valentine's Day!

But in reality my love

Doesn't know about me at all

Ah, help me, Valentine!


Ah, valentine, ah, valentine,

Introduces women and men

Falls in love, drives us crazy

And again in the heart of the mess!

Ah, valentine, ah, valentine,

From young years to gray hair

We are ready to search for the answer,

But without love we have no life!


Amid the daily hustle and bustle

Once you appeared ...

Ah, Valentine's Day!

We don't know each other, but believe me

I'm looking for you everywhere now ...

Ah, Valentine's Day!

But the bustle of the city

Separated from you forever ...

Ah, Valentine's Day!

How strange it is so far

Look for a familiar look in the crowd,

Ah, help me, Valentine!