Scenario of the New Year's holiday for preschool children “New Year in the circus. Scenario of a New Year's circus performance for senior preschoolers

New Year's circus performance in kindergarten. Scenario

Author: Tkachenko Irina Viktorovna, MBDOU kindergarten number 2 "Kolokolchik", the city of Stary Oskol, musical director.
Matinee script for senior preschool children.
It will be of interest to educators and music directors of preschool institutions.
Two children run in to the music: a clown and a clown.
Here! Here! Quicker! We will have a circus here!
The fun show will begin now!
Everyone is in a great mood today!
We are starting the New Year's performance!
(they run, clapping and become the first - leading to the boys and girls, take balls)
Roll call of children.
The best holiday ever
It is a New Year!
Everyone loves him
Everyone is waiting for him:
Grandmothers and mothers,
Grandfathers and dads,
Adults and children,
Everything in the world!
Everything is unusual today -
We will have fun ...
(show thumb)
Everything is beautiful, as if in a fairy tale,
A round dance rushes in a dance.
And over this round dance
Jokes, songs, children's laughter
Happy New Year!
With new happiness everyone at once!
(release balls)
Mother Fir to daughter Fir tree
I combed all the needles
Bought fashion shoes
I made a brand new dress!
Dressed up her daughter Christmas tree
She ruffled her bangs with a branch:
Get ready to join the guys in the garden!
Children will be very happy!
Hit the road baby
Don't forget the decorations!
Wonderfully in a new dress
You will look beautiful!
The Christmas tree ran into the garden,
There are many guests here, children!
She shook off the branches, got up ...
All children:
This is the beginning of the holiday!
First! First! Today now
We present our circus for you!
A special circus! This circus on New Years
It will bring many miracles to us!
The fun begins.
Invited to the arena:
Mischievous clowns
Jokers are hilarious!
I'm at the New Year's tree
The funniest!
Whoever sees - everyone laughs.
I am butterscotch!
And here I am - Pasture -
Nose like a potato!
I was in such a hurry
Fell off the tree.
I ran into needles.
My nose touched the balls!
Let on a holiday on our
A cheerful laugh will sound
Let's laugh and dance!
We will try for everyone!
(photo file no. 1)
Now freeze-
Hold your breath!
There is a magician in our circus.
He will surprise all the guests now!
I am a fakir and a sorcerer.
My turban is two hundred years old.
And now dear viewers-
Magic tricks lovers,
I am in a hurry for you
Focus show now!
You are water-water
Bright as frost!
Turn the water red
Yellow or blue.
Something strange is thundering
Some guest is in a hurry to visit us.
Icicle-envy EXIT
And I heard everything! And I know everything! Celebrate the New Year! Are you waiting for Santa Claus? And he will bring gifts to all the children! Oh, how jealous I am! I'm an Icicle - Zavidulka! All these children: the tree, the holiday, the fun, and the gifts! And I'm jealous, jealous !!! Oh, look at this little dear! (to the teacher) Oh, what a dress she has! I would like this and the same hairstyle! Oh, how lovely! And what kind of shoes do you have! Not otherwise from Versace?
CLOWNS: (loudly) Hello!
ICICLE (bouncing)
Hello !!! And there is no need to yell like that!
Enough to be jealous, tell me, what did you come with?
And what should I come with?
Well, you got into the circus for the New Year's show, you got your number!
Oh, what is a circus?
Children from the place.
The circus is definitely a smile and enthusiasm
There the magician will surprise you, and the juggler will surprise you.
A gymnast flies under the dome, a juggler throws balls,
And the clown makes the audience laugh, laughs big and small.

Horse riders in a circle race merrily
And we all look at it and clap to the song.
Wow! Blimey! All-I will also perform today! And my number is called "Icicles thorny frills!"
Fu on your tree, and the lights are ugly! Ha ha ha! Extinguished. Admire! You will still remember me! I'll be back!!! (runs away)
Our Christmas tree is sad - fluffy branches lowered
And we will not lose heart:
Let's sing and dance.
Children texting.
A roof with a snow cap
White smoke overhead.
Yard in the snow, houses in the snow
So you came to us?
CHILDREN: Winter !!!
What happened? Outside the window
The snow winds like a drizzle.
It's winter winter
Laughs merrily!
Winter paint with white paint
A blizzard draws us
And the guys near the tree
They dance so tenderly!
Dear esteemed spectators,
Would you like to play the game?
The game is a joke, with acceleration
Will cheer everyone up!
Do you like to play snowballs?
Do you like to chew snowballs?
I do not advise you, brothers,
To overeat with snow porridge!
Everybody go out to play
Take the spoons.
GAME "SNOW Porridge"
Entering on a scooter Icicle-Zavidulka.
Rolling around in circles, saying:
Here's a circle
The arena is very cool
I used to ride without hands
(falls, knocks over a pan of snowballs)
And now without a tooth.
Okay, we'll have a competition to see who gets the most snowballs in the bucket! Agree ?!
I'll take the biggest bucket now and beat you all!
Yes, you slipped me a bucket full of holes, I deceived my beloved! There are so many of you, but I am alone! All offended. I am leaving you.
Everything is unusual today -
We're having fun!
And who follows the Christmas tree,
Does he start a ringing song?
Hello my friends!
I came to the circus for a holiday!
So, we continue the presentation.
To everyone's surprise!
Meet the artists.
And don't forget to clap them
For the first time on the arena, a charming Snow Maiden with her cute butterflies.
In the morning, training is underway on the arena:
The monkeys deftly climb into the hoop.
The children all came to the Christmas tree, the guests are here, but here's the question:
Where does our cheerful, daring Santa Claus go?
There are no empty seats in the circus
Just give me an answer:
Bring Frost and gifts
Who will help us?
All children.
We are unusual horses in the circus
We sleep only on a white bed.
We play dolls, wash handkerchiefs,
In Czechs we walk and wear socks.
We carry beautiful princesses in a carriage,
We love to play like small children.
In the evening we have a show at the circus.
We ride together, easily across the arena.
Long teach all the animals
Do miracles in the circus
We are horses learned
Dance for half an hour.
(photo file No. 2)
Christmas horses
You rather rush
Santa Claus the way to find
Help faster.
Hello kids! Boys and girls!
Cheerful, funny, very nice kids!
I congratulate you on a merry holiday!
Low bow to all of you, pranksters!
Grandpa, what pranksters?
Do you think that there are no pranksters among these guys?
No one!
Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.
Guys, are there pranksters among you?
And the ugly ones?
And the mischievous ones?
And the Little Rams?
And the good kids?
Oh, grandfather, you are joking again, but by the way, we have been waiting for you for a long time!
Well dear guys,
We haven't seen each other all year!
Wind up near the tree
Friendly, noisy round dance!
Santa Claus, and the lights on our tree do not burn!
So it won't take long to fix it. Now I will clap magic mittens ... ..
An icicle enters the hall with a stepladder dressed as an electrician.
Pass it out! Step aside!
You Grandfather, hold tight here. And you, Snegurochka, hold my instrument!
FATHER FROST. Allow me! Who are you?
ICICLE. I'm electric!
FATHER FROST. What are you going to do?
Now we will turn off the electricity, turn out the bulbs!
Everything! There will be no holiday! The tree will not light up!
How will it not be? How not to light up? Come on, come down here! Yes, this is my old friend! Again you spoil the holiday for the children, but well, march from here!
Well, how old am I? Look at yourself!
I, I, I am a young icicle!
I, I, I - prickly and angry,
If you suddenly touch me,
You will become as prickly as I am!
I need your tree! Fi ... Just think .. (leaves)
Well, we will light the lights on the tree anyway!
(to all children) Let's say out loud: “1.2.3. Well - ka, Christmas tree, burn! "
We continue the New Year's show,
Read the poems to everyone's surprise!
New year, new ice
Round dance of new songs.
A new wind rushes into the distance.
New calendar in the house.
New stars magic light
He sends us greetings.
The clock strikes 12 times
Everything will come true with us.
Snow caps trees put on
In a hurry to meet the New Year
Fir-trees - daughters around mom - ate
They lead a forest circle dance.
On a merry holiday, needles shine
Under the New Year's moon
May you have so many good friends
How many snowflakes in winter!
If the hedgehog is small
Puts on boots
So the New Year is coming soon
The hedgehog will go to the Christmas tree
To talk to her
Give her a gift
The hedgehog wants to congratulate the tree
After all, they are very similar!
If the frost ends, the snow will melt white,
What will poor Santa Claus do?
Water will run from him in streams to the floor,
Then it will also drip from his beard.
Good Santa Claus, dear, sweetheart!
Hide Santa Claus in our refrigerator.
PICTURE comes out, disguised as a girl
ICICLE. I also prepared poetry.
FATHER FROST. Well, well, let's listen!
ICICLE (stands on the chair)
Santa Claus is an old man lame, terrible and terribly evil!
Well, clowns are greedy, greedy beef! (shows tongue)
What kind of poetry is this? You can spoil the whole holiday with such verses! Girl, what group are you from?
ICICLE. I'm from the cheerleading group! (Blows the whistle)
FATHER FROST. All clear! This is again our friend, Icicle Zavidulka. Do you want to spoil our holiday again ?! For the last time I say, go away! Don't bother us having fun!
Santa Claus steps on her, she backs away, but rests her head against him, shouts: "I don't want to!"
We continue the circus performance
We begin the winter dance.
FATHER FROST. Well done, made the old man happy!
CLOWN. Did Santa Claus dance with children?
CLOWNESS. Sang songs, read poems?
CLOWN. Santa Claus was Merry?
CLOWNESS. What else has he forgotten?
CHILDREN. Present!
FATHER FROST. I prepared gifts, of course! I have a magic bag. Clowns, help.
Enter Icicle, wearing a medical gown.
ICICLE. All stand, do not move! I take this bag with me!
FATHER FROST. Who is she? What are you commanding here?
ICICLE. I'm from the children's clinic. I don’t allow children to give sweets! They hurt your teeth! Reduces bellies!
FATHER FROST. Where are you going to get all this?
ICICLE. How where? I'll eat it myself!
FATHER FROST. Well, I do not! I recognized you, Icicle - Zavidulka. I wanted to take gifts from the children!
Yes, I also want gifts, a holiday, fun!
And no one gives me gifts!
CLOWN. Maybe that's why she is so angry that no one gives her gifts?
ICICLE. Yes, that's why! And how I would like to get at least a piece of candy for all my efforts!
FATHER FROST. Okay! I have beautiful and delicious gifts. Here they are!
How kind I have become! How pretty I have become!
Thank you Santa Claus! I will never do harm again!
Icicle, guys also love and expect gifts. You better dance with them. DANCE WITH GIFTS
(photo file no. 3)
Thank you for the fun
I say goodbye.
I promise I will come to you
Only next year!
I send greetings to the circus performers,
I wish you all many years to come.
Come to the circus more often.
Don't ever forget.
And the fairy tale will be next to you,
In a dream and in reality, always!
The show ends
Our circus is closing!
Congratulations from the educators.

"The circus! The circus! The circus!". Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the senior group

Shvab Ekaterina Valerievna, musical director of the MBDOU Loukhsky kindergarten, Louhi village, Loukhsky district, Republic of Karelia
Description: The script can be useful for music directors and educators of preschool institutions, school teachers, employees of the Department of Culture.
Creation of a joyful, New Year's mood in children.
To consolidate knowledge about the New Year's character Grandfather Frost, about the circus and circus professions.
To foster friendly relations, collectivism, responsibility, culture of behavior at the matinee.

Event progress:

Parents in place
And the kids have been waiting for so long
When the holiday starts
Under our slender tree?
At this New Year's hour
Miracles happen
In kindergarten now
The tale begins ...

Dance "Christmas countdown"

What is more beautiful in this room?
What did we decorate together?
You don't need to think for a long time
Of course it is ..
Children (all): Christmas tree
1 child:
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree!
Just a lovely sight!
Fluffy needles
To everyone's surprise!

2 child:
Asterisks, flashlights,
The balls on it -
Everything burns, shines
Lots of lights.

Together we go to the Christmas tree
let's all come up,
And a little Christmas tree song
sing ours!
Children stand around the tree

"Christmas round dance" A. Evtodyeva
Sit on the chairs
Something guys are whispering
Do they have a secret there?
1 Child.
We want to arrange a surprise
No more surprising.
2 child:
First! First! Today now,
We present the kindergarten circus for you!
A special circus! This circus on New Years
It will bring many miracles to us!
Our first guest - come in soon!
It's more fun for us to celebrate together!
Shurik runs out from behind the tree, performs two "wheels", kneels in front of spectators and children

Hello everyone, I'm the clown Shurik,
I'm in a painted frock coat,
Look at me
Do you like me today?
Oh, Shurik, today you are simply inimitable and your costume is excellent!
In the meantime, we do not get bored.
We continue the circus
Listen, see all-
Let's start our parade alle!

"Parade - alle!" festive rebuilding + sit down
We start the presentation
All guests are surprised!
The performance is attended by
the most famous and famous artists!
The first number of our program….
Shura is hiding behind the tree.
Leading (to children):
Have you seen Shurik?
Shurik: I'm here!
What are you doing?
I look through my grandfather's old binoculars, in which you can see a lot of unusual things
And what do you see?

Your dress is new and the decoration is also very suitable for the dress!
Oh, Shurik, don't embarrass me, better look at the guys!
Now let's see the guys!
Looks at children
Shurik: The kids have beautiful suits.
And their eyes are waiting for something fabulous, unusual….
Still, we have a New Year's, fabulous, magical holiday .. They are waiting for miracles!
Maybe they need to show the trick?
Of course!
What is a circus without magic tricks?
And now I'm going to show tricks!
Does anyone have a mobile phone?
One of the spectators gives the clown a phone

"Focus with a mobile phone"
Shura puts the phone in a bag, takes a hammer, knocks where the parts are. Then he pours them on his palm, shows them to children and parents
Shura, why did you break someone else's phone? Aren `t you ashamed?
Wait, wait, now look further!
Shura puts the parts of the phone back into the bag, conjures over it and takes out the phone again intact.
Well done Shurik! Since you know how to do such difficult tricks, conjure us up on the holiday of Santa Claus, the children have been waiting for him for a long time!
Music sounds, Shurik conjures over (a large box), opens it, Baba Yaga appears.
Wow ... Like Santa Claus I wanted to conjure, but here Baba Yaga appeared ...
Baba Yaga:
What are you, you Baba Yaga, INTO, only should sit in the forest ...?
I want New Year too!
And I also want to see the circus ...
Help even the old one to get out of your box, I am also a magician, a magician.
Sits down next to the children

Don't be upset, Shurik, next time you will definitely succeed!
For childish joy
A wandering circus came to us
Singing and ringing
Everything in it is like in the present:
Let's start the New Year's circus show!
The first number of our program are trained cats, welcome with thunderous applause!

Cat trainer:
My cats love petting
I treat them with sausage
My cats are just class
Look everyone at us!

Dance "Trained cats"

Shurik: Maybe I should try again?
Of course Shurik, how are we without Santa Claus ...
Music sounds, Shurik conjures over the box, Santa Claus appears

Father Frost:
Wow .. For the first time I get to the tree out of the box ...
Hello my dear ones,
Hello my dear ones!
Oh, how smart you are,
All ruddy and okay.
We need to celebrate the New Year,
Get up in a round dance together!
Santa Claus, our Christmas tree does not burn, help us light the Christmas tree!
Father Frost:
Since I came here
this grief does not matter!
I will fix everything, friends,
I only need help!
Will you help me?
Will your parents help you light the tree?
Then listen carefully and watch.
Stand up!
Everybody gets up

Father Frost:
Stretch the handles to the tree, squeeze your fists.
So that everything is like in a fairy tale,
shut your eyes tightly!
And imagine two funny lights in the cams!
Have you presented?
Now open your eyes, throw the lights up!
I'll catch the lights and put them on the tree!
Children "throw lights"
Father Frost:
The Christmas tree is beautiful, light up with clear lights,
Blue, green, yellow and red!
Let the star shine stronger
peace and happiness illuminate!
And now let's all blow on the Christmas tree and quietly say the magic words:
"One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!"
The lights are lit

Father Frost:
We did not try in vain with you,
the tree flashed with lights!
Your lights are sparkling!
We are invited to a round dance

Round dance "Who walks there, wanders" A. Evtodyeva

Baba Yaga:
Just think Shurik conjured Santa Claus ... Your Santa Claus would come to you anyway, that he should sit at home ... Try to make my broom fly without me, but dance ... Ha-ha, it will never work!
Father Frost:
Okay, grandma, don't be angry, it's better to ride the kids on your broomstick and you yourself will see, it will become more fun!

Game "Baba Yaga's Tail"

We continue our circus performance.
Open wider doors-
Animals perform in the circus.
Meet the famous tamer Elena and her trained tigers!

Dance "Trained Tigers"
Shura runs out from behind the tree and knocks on the ratchets
Shurik, what are you doing, take away the ratchets soon!
(takes them away from Shurik)
Shurik takes out a pipe, blows in the ear of the Leader
Disgrace, what else did you come up with ..

Teases the Host by playing even louder. The presenter selects the pipe
I run out of tools, but I have hoops!
What are you going to do with them?
I will give them to wonderful assistants with trained pigeons.
This number is quite unusual.
You can call it exotic.
I will not find other words for him
These pigeons live only in the circus
They dance together and do not get tired.

"Dance with trained pigeons" girls of the preparatory group

Baba Yaga:
What a beauty ... I also need to catch someone in my forest and prepare a circus act ..
Who will continue to perform with us?
We continue the presentation!
We invite strong men.
Every day strong men pump their muscles
Even at the Olympics, strong men will be recognized!

"Dance of the Strongmen"

Father Frost:
Well done, made the old man happy!
Now let's have an intermission!
Legs don't want to stand
I invite you to play
Children come out,
And show yourself to everyone!
Game "Let's Jump"
Children sit down

Father Frost:
And now a game of attention:

The game "Ssss-nezhinki" - Ssss-nezhki "
Boys are snowballs, girls are snowflakes. D.M. says, if there are "snowballs", then the boys run, grab hold of the staff, if "snowflakes" - the girls run out, they take the staff. Speaks differently, or holds out ssssssssniezhki, or snow ---- Incas, children wait for Santa Claus to say and run out to the staff.

So our New Year's holiday is coming to an end and the New Year is approaching closer.
We have a clock in the New Year's bright hall ..
Shiny hands glide on the dial ...
They cannot be delayed even for a moment!
They are always in motion ... tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock !!

Dance "Tick-tock" by A. Chugaykina

Santa Claus, are you upset about something, what happened to you?
Father Frost:
Children are waiting for gifts, I forgot a bag of gifts in the forest. How can I bring it so quickly, I won’t put my mind to it
Baba Yaga:
Take your bag, I won't carry it again next time
Father Frost:
Thank you Yagusya, today you are just so flexible, kind, I will have a present for you too!
Baba Yaga:
Well, thanks ... I didn't expect ... I'll still be useful to you!
Today on the arena performed:
Trained tigers and inimitable Elena!
Children run up, bow, receive gifts
Father Frost:
Beauties of cats and their trainer!
Cat girls run out, curtsy, get presents
And of course the world famous strongmen!
Strong men come out, bow, receive gifts
There are cameras in the hall
Well, `click` guys!
Next to Santa Claus!
Only together…
Father Frost: No questions!
Children are photographed for memory with Santa Claus

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 96

Scenario of a New Year's party in the preparatory compensatory group of children with severe speech impairments.

"New Year's circus"


Agulenko Nadezhda Petrovna,

Musical director

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 96

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory

Komsomolsk-on-Amur 2015

Leading: Opens New Year

Fairy doors

Let him enter this hall

The one who believes in a fairy tale

Let him go into this house
The one who is friends with the song.
We start the winter holiday
There is no more wonderful!

Children to the music "White Snowflakes" "enter the hall and stand facing the audience in 5-6 lines (5 people each), dance a dance.

1-reb: A cheerful holiday has come to us - a dreamer, a joker, a prankster!

He calls us to a round dance, this holiday is New Year!

2-reb: He will give songs, fairy tales, he will whirl everyone in a noisy dance!

Smiles, winks, this holiday is New Year!

3-reb: Our cozy, light hall sparkles with a golden rain.

The Christmas tree invites you, the hour for the holiday has come!

The song "In the spacious, bright hall" 45 (2/2) prep.

    In a spacious, bright room

We decorated the tree.

Friendly and bright

The lights are burning on it

And Santa Claus for the holiday

He brought toys of different

And jokes and songs

He makes the guys laugh

Yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes, he amuses the guys (2 times)

    Snowflakes are flying, flying

Snowflakes are cold.

And they spin merrily

And fall on the fur.

We celebrate the New Year

We dance and play

The Christmas tree is elegant

Cheerful laughter rings.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, there is a cheerful laugh. (2 times).

4-reb. The Christmas tree came to visit us

The snow on the branches brought

We will sing a song to her

Let's start our own round dance

5th child: The beautiful hall shines today
Shines with many lights.
And our New Year's round dance,
Calls the children affably.

Children rearrange themselves in a circle around the tree

6 children: we will light the lights on the Christmas tree today,

And we will spin in a round dance, we will sing a resounding song!

7 children: Light up, bright lights, green beauty!

Light up our faces with different flashlights!

8 children: We really like your New Year's toys,

Smart, fragrant, shine, sparkle, burn!

Children repeat "Shine, shine, burn!" (the tree lights up.)

Round dance "(children sit down)

Leading: Sparkle with lights, tree!

Into the world of magic perch,

Fulfill all desires

Make all your dreams come true!

They say that on New Year's Eve that you don't want,

Everything will always happen, everything will always come true.

What do children dream about?

What do they love more than anything else?

- music about the circus sounds -

- 3 children run out - in Petrushek costumes

1reb: Here! Here! Quicker! We will have a circus here!

The fun show will begin now!

2-reb. There are many spectators here! Please sit down more comfortably.

Meet the artists, and don't forget to clap.

3-reb Let's amuse everyone today, the circus begins.

Let the cheerful laughter ring, and the whole evening does not stop. (sit down)

(Under the "Circus March" 2 adult clowns run into the hall. They run around the tree and meet in the center of the hall).

Klepa. (Joyfully) Funtik!

Funtik. (Surprised) Klepa!

Klepa. I'm so glad to see you!

Funtik ... And I'm even more happy!

Klepa. Hello Funtik!

Funtik. Hello, Klyopa!(Shake hands for a long time)

Klepa. Funtik, you and I forgot to do something.

Funtik. I haven't forgotten anything!

Klepa. We forgot to say hello to the guys and guests.

Funtik. This is true. Oh, how not good! It's you, Klyopa, to blame!

Klepa. It doesn't matter who is to blame. We must say hello, start!

Funtik. But I can’t!

Klepa. You can not? Then I'll say hello first, and you study. It's very easy! (To children :) Hello, guys, hello! (Bows in all directions).

Funtik. Okay, now I am. (Children after a pause ) It's very simple! Hello guys, hello.(bows in all directions)

Klepa. (In an undertone , taking Funtik aside) It is not necessary to say “very simple”. Just say: "hello, guys, hello!" So go!

Funtik. (to children) “Very simple” is not necessary to say. Just say: "Hello, guys, hello!" So go!

Klepa. You do not understand anything! You don't have to tell the guys “very simple”. Say "Hello guys!" Even small children know how to say hello, and you are no longer small!

Funtik. You teach me badly, but you scold me!(Steps aside )

Klepa. (Pulls him back) Don't be angry, let's say hello together. Repeat after me!

Together. Hello guys and guests, hello!(Bow)

(Children respond with applause.)

Klepa. Attention attention! The circus has come to you.

Funny scenes, cheap prices. Full camps, huge success.

The armchair is fifty dollars, the boxes are more expensive. Getting back out is free for everyone!

Funtik. The circus! The circus! The circus! The circus is very good!

Acrobats and jugglers, trainers, dancers.

For the first time in Komsomolsk, today, now

We present our circus for you.

Klepa. Then we'll go on tour to New York

And we will cause universal delight there.

Well, now - a show for everyone.

Hope we have a huge success

Funtik. Clap, clap, you can whistle, welcome our artists together!

Klepa. So watch the show carefully! You don't have to gasp and gasp!

Funtik. Don't get up from your seat, clap louder and sing along.

Klepa. And now in our arena "Parade Allee".

(The dance-game "Circus" is being performed). Page 9/1

Funti :. Guys! The first issue of our program.

Klepa. We start the show, everyone is surprised!

All the artists in fashionable hats are running on their hind legs!

They stumble, squeal, their tails tremble finely!

In the circus arena! The trainer with her dogs.

Pusik! (One dog runs in)

Musik! (The second runs in)

Kusik! (Third)

Chusik! (Fourth)

Trainer, your way out.!

(Dance "Trained Dogs" is performed). Page 26/4

Funtik : : Attention! The only ones in the world will perform before you
Strong athletes! Throwing weights like children's balls!
No, they cannot be compared to Schwarzenegger and Van Damme,
And they will show the strength to our delight.

2 Strongmen come out with an assistant who is holding a bowl of talcum flour.

Strongmen endure weights.

1 STRONG: Look - I'm a strong man! Like a kid, I play ball!

2 strongman : Only such a strong man can shoulder this ball:
Silver, new, one hundred kilogram!

The soundtrack of the "Americano" music, to which the Strongmen perform their number. P. 29/6

At the end of the number, the Strongmen go around the hall, an assistant runs after them, she carries weights.

Funtik. The fun continues! Are invited to the dance

Parsley are outcasts, jokers, merry fellows.

(Performed "Dance of Parsley")

(Klepa runs out screaming).

Klepa. Oh oh oh. Theft! Help, robbery, loss!

The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole everything from his pocket.

Funtik. Stop, you Klyopa, shut up! Shut up, don't shout!

You can’t live without deception, you don’t have a pocket!

Klepa. How! What didn't you say before? Guard! The pocket was stolen !!!

Funtik. You messed things up again. What's up, what's up?

Klepa. I lost the circus program that I used to announce the numbers.

Funtik. What to do now? Now let's arrange an intermission, and then we'll figure out how we can find the program.

Klepa. Intermission!

Funtik. During the intermission, the children will play!

(A dance-game "snake" is being held).

Children are divided into 4 teams, take each other by the waist and move only to their own music.

Klepa. Oh oh oh. The intermission ended, but we did not find the program that we would


Funtik. Or maybe the Snow Maiden will help us find the program? We must loudly call her: "Snow Maiden, we are calling you, come soon, we are waiting!"

(Clowns repeat the words, attracting children).

(The Snow Maiden enters to the music.)

Snow Maiden. Before the New Year from the land of snow and ice

Together with Grandfather Frost, I am in a hurry to visit you here.

Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday, everyone calls me Snow Maiden.

Hello kids, girls and boys!

With new happiness! Happy New Year! With New joy for everyone!

Let your wishes come true! And great success will come!

Funtik. Hey, Snow Maiden - sister to snow white

Help the clowns and find the program.

Snow Maiden. 1,2,3,4,5 - we start looking.

You go right (to the clowns). You go left.

When you hear a noise and a knock, then the program is here!

(Clowns look, as soon as they meet, children clap and stomp, as they disperse - they sit quietly. Once - clowns look behind each other, shrug their shoulders, another time - they search each other. At the end they find a program ).

Fntik. I am announcing the following number of our program:

Klepa. They throw rings up

They'll put on fireworks.

And five, and six, and seven rings,

And twelve finally

Wondering around-

As long as only the hands are enough?

Performance of gymnasts with balls and hoops ”. (p. 19. F.2.)

The game "Who is most likely to roll the ball around the tree" (two children play. Roll the ball in different directions).

Reprise "Shawl" isp. Clowns are adults.

Snow Maiden. Well done boys. And now, friends, I will continue!

And the next number of our program ...

In the circus arena! Only once!

Eastern fakir and sorcerer Suleiman!

Fakir enters

Wizard. I am a fakir and a sorcerer. My turban is 300 years old.

Having owned the art of transformation for three thousand years,

I will embarrass any sorcerer!

I can get the moon with a skillful hand from heaven,

I will make an elephant out of a fly and I won't blink an eye!

Everything in the world is within the power of a magician. I can swallow the sword.

I'll swallow whatever you want, in front of you this

I can swallow candy. (eats candy)

Snow Maiden. You did it cleverly. These tricks are simple.

Can you or not guess without seeing the color?

Wizard. For me this is a trifle, I am not in vain a great magician.

(The Snow Maiden gives three children a handkerchief of different colors: blue, red, yellow. Then she asks a question to the Wizard, in which the phrase is structured so that the clue is contained in the first word. The letter in the word is highlighted with a voice. ..? ”(Blue),“ It is advisable to know what color the shawl has ……… ...? ”(Yellow),“ What kind of shawl is ………… here? ”(Green),“ What color do you think a handkerchief at …….? ”(Red).

("Focus with- handkerchiefs »).

Wizard. Give me another task - I will fulfill my wishes!

The old man will not refuse you! How happy I am at this moment!

Snow Maiden. Show us some more tricks. Surprise all the guests!

Wizard. Sim salabim, Turkish delight! A hair, come off!

Have a wonderful table!

(The clowns bring out the trick table).

("Tricks with water").

The Snow Maiden thanks the magician and asks him to stay at the holiday

Snow Maiden. And then the program says:

“I am loading a cart of gifts, I will be there soon. Father Frost!"

Santa Claus is not easy to find, he lives in a forest far, far away.

Funtik. We will go to meet him, we need to help Grandpa.

(Clowns run away from hall

Snow Maiden. While the Clowns are looking for him, I want to make riddles for you.

Guys, you listen carefully to the questions and answer “Yes” or “No”.

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes!)

He arrives at seven sharp. Right? (No!)

Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? (Yes!)

Wears a hat and galoshes. Right? (No!)

He brings the kids a Christmas tree, right? (Yes!)

He is friendly with the Snow Maiden, right? (Yes!)

Wizard. Well, the answers are given to the questions, you all know about Santa Claus.

And this means, the time has come, which all the kids are waiting for.

Let's all call Santa Claus together.

Children: Father Frost!

Wizard. Well, louder!

Children: Father Frost!

(Music sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall.)

Father Frost. Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

He walked through storms and snowstorms to achieve his goal.

And I thought of one thing: I dreamed of getting into the circus for a long time.

And the desired hour has come, I am very glad to see you!

Come on, circus people, stand together in a round dance!

(The round dance "New Year" Filippenko 52 (10/2) is performed.

    We will dance in a round dance today

To celebrate New Year's holiday near the Christmas tree.

Chorus: New Year. New Year! Songs are heard.

Ice sparkles outside the window and snowflakes curl.

    The tree looks at the balls, colorful firecrackers,

Stars burn brightly on top of her head.

    We will all stand together in a round dance near the tree,

Hello, hello New Year,

Our wonderful holiday!

Father Frost. Oh yeah song! How wonderful! It was very interesting!

And now I want to know - can you dance?

- dance "Icy palms"

Father Frost : Icy palms. say ... and now I'll make your palms icy, well, substitute them for me here.

Game with D. Moroz "Freeze"

Well ... I didn't freeze anyone.

But now I will blow my magic breeze on you, and you will sit on the chairs. (children sit down)

So, he sang songs, made children laugh

Well, I don't seem to have forgotten anything.

Snow Maiden. How so! And what do all children expect for the New Year?

The children are screaming. Gifts, gifts!

Father Frost ... Of course, children, but what about the New Year and without gifts, now ...

(The music and the song of Santa Claus sounds, another Santa Claus comes in - disguises himself.


Presenter: Here are miracles on New Year's Eve: Santa Claus is coming to us again!

2nd Frost. (Funtik). Hello boys and girls! You know me from a book.

I have a long, long beard, although, of course, not gray.

Clap your hands, because I'm so good!

(He persuades the children to clap him).

Snow Maiden. Oh guys, what is it? Ded Morozov became two?

Each with a staff and in a fur coat, in a shiny hat.

How can we now find out where the real one is?

2nd Frost. (Funtik). The real one is me!

Father Frost ... Do not believe him, friends!

Snow Maiden. So how do we know who is right? I came up with it. Attention!

We will arrange a test for Grandfather Frost.

The first test - let the lights on the tree light up as soon as possible.

And it will be brighter and more cheerful for us at the holiday.

2nd Frost. (Pound). I'm not afraid of the test. I can easily cope with the task.

Herringbone, light up for us! (strikes with a staff. The lights go out in the hall, it gets dark.)

2nd Frost. (Pound). Oh, oh, my staff does not want to work.

Father Frost ... And I know how you can light a Christmas tree. The guys will help me.

Let's say together, one, two, three, well, burn the Christmas tree.

(Children and Santa Claus talk both on the tree and in the hall lights flare up.).

Snow Maiden. Here. Happened!

2nd Frost. (Pound). Give us another test.

That I can cope with it, I am sure in advance.

Snow Maiden. I think the magician and wizard Suleiman will help us.

(The magician comes out to the music and turns D. Morozov into a closed hoop one by one. He says magic words. The last to Klyopu.)

2nd Frost. (Klepa). Oh, oh, help, undress, take off shoes, robbed (throws off the clothes of Santa Claus, and jumps out of the hoop.)

Funtik. So, is it you Klyopa, you decided to joke with us?

Klepa. So we are in the circus today, and in the circus you have to joke and laugh.

Father Frost. And you also need to give gifts to children. Now it's my turn to surprise everyone.

Bring in my magic cap.

(A present hangs on a string inside the cap. The first time Santa Claus lifts the cap by the rope, there is no gift, and the second time he says the magic words: "Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice! Miracles on New Year's Eve!" and there is a gift).

Father Frost. Here are the guys a treat, for your circus and performance.

Snow Maiden. This is the trick! Thank you, grandpa.

(Distribution of gifts).

Father Frost. Well, be healthy kids, live together, without worries.

Snow Maiden. And don't be bored, we will come back to you again in a year. (They leave.)

Klepa. So our New Year's circus performance is over.

Funtik. They performed in the arena, everyone tried very hard,

To make the guests in our hall laugh merrily.

Klepa. Goodbye, goodbye, we will come to you again!

Funtik. And today, goodbye, clap us together! Educational webinars

New Year's scenario "Circus" in the senior group

(Children run in to the music and scatter.)

Dance "New Year's signs".

(After the dance, they remain scattered).

A wonderful day is coming
New Year is coming to us!
A holiday of laughter and inventions,
A holiday of fairy tales for children!

1 : On a noisy holiday, New Year's

We gathered in an elegant hall.

Forest Christmas tree today

Nobody has ever seen prettier.

2 : Needles sparkle with gold,

And silver shines with rain.

And it smells like a forest, the coniferous is silent,

And today we are waiting for a miracle.

3: What if her toys come to life?

Will the fox step out of the thicket to us?

Forest animals will come running ...

After all, we all believe in miracles!

4 : Snow flies outside the windows,

In a hurry to meet the New Year,

And now the fairy tale comes to life-

Spin faster, round dance!

Round dance "New Year's Tale"(" New year, like in a fairy tale ... ")

Blizzard across the field

And circles, and spreads,

Ahead of the carved sleigh

Three fabulous horses.

And in the hall she sits herself

Coloring Beauty Winter!

Dance "Near the forest at the edge".

(After the dance, everyone freezes in place. Several children "whisper".)

What are you guys whispering?

What is your secret there?

1 : We want to arrange a surprise-

No more surprising!

Host: Is there a surprise here? That's interesting! What will you show us?

2 : Circus performance

We will show all guests!

3 : everything is unusual today!

We're having fun.

For guests and for children

The circus has arrived at the kindergarten!

4 : Listen, see all:

Let's start our parade alle!

Rebuilding under M. Dunaevsky's march "Circus».( They go to the place. They sit down.)

The circus is very good!

It's festive and light everywhere!

A cheerful laughter rings out here,

The tree is lush for everyone.

Here it is our stage-

Called ...

Everything: Arena!

Child: In every circus from the heart

They are greeted by kids.

They do miracles:

then they say funny

Tears are pouring like a fountain

Somersaults, sing,

The faces are painted

Performing ... CLOWNS!

(Two clowns run out to the music.) "Dance of the Clowns".

1 : Once together with moms

We went to the circus in winter.

2: There we saw a clown

And they were very surprised!

1 : The clown was strong, brave,

I flew under the dome

During the presentation

I laughed a lot!

2 : I'm a clown rather

Now I dream of becoming

And in the circus in the arena

Perform at the Christmas tree!

1 : I'll be Clown Bom today!

2 : And I am Clown Beam!

1 : Well, my dear brother Bim,

Let's surprise everyone now!

(Clowns jump on big balls to music.)

The circus show continues

A trainer is invited to the arena.

They run after her on their hind legs

Two artists in fashionable hats.

They stumble, squeal,

Small tails tremble.

(A trainer comes out to the music, the dogs are running after her.)

1 : Have a well-bred dog

There is no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples

Jump over barriers

Bring balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

2 : We are circus dogs,

Smart and mischievous.


Come on, friend, tell me, how much is 2 + 2?

(Barks 4 times. Dr. tsa praises, "treats")

Ball! How much is 3 + 3?

Well done they are with us!

They can go to the 1st grade!

Now please dance

And amuse the guests!

"Dog Waltz".

The graceful cat performs in the circus,

The amazing dance surprises us all.

A cat comes out to the music. Carries a mouse by the tail.

By the soft step of a feline

The New Year is coming to us.

I wish you all happiness

A well-fed life without worries!

"Dance of the Cat".

Well, bravo! We continue the circus program,

We invite strongmen to the arena!

Now we will introduce you

With cool strongmen

They play with kettlebells

How light balls!

(Strongmen with weights and a barbell come out to the music.)

1 : Strongmen are in the arena!

The world's best circus performers!

We throw up weights

Like baby balls!

2 : Why is the giant strong,

How does a kid play ball?

Only to a giant strong man

This ball is on the shoulder!

The ball is wonderful, new,


"Performance by the Strongmen"

The Clown runs out:
-I can do that too! I am the strongest too! (Tries to lift the kettlebell. Then - the second.)

And I know who is the strongest in our hall! (calls the dad, who squeezes the kettlebell several times. Everyone counts. The other dad raises the bar.)

We continue the circus program,

We offer performance on the tightrope.

In the arena, ballerinas

Like light fluffs

And dance and spin

And yet they are afraid.

"Dance on the Rope".

Open wider doors-

Animals perform in the circus.

Meet the famous tamer and her trained tigers!


In the morning, there is a training session at the arena:

Predators jump deftly into the hoop.

And the trainer himself for each jump

Throws a piece of sausages to the artists.

1 : I can throw the ball deftly

And jump into the hoop deftly.

I am a wonderful circus performer

I am the miracle of training!

2 : Art with all my heart loving,

Loving the arena very much,

I give myself to train

From morning until late at night!

"Performance by the trainer and the tigers."

Rings fly higher and higher

Hoops, skittles, balls.

It was the jugglers who came out to the audience,

They are the most agile in the world!


1 : Circus performance

We will show you without beauty!

2 : Musician, play the intro!

We are here for you!

"Dance of the Jugglers"

The presentation ended

Just to everyone's surprise!

All the artists did their best.

We give them our applause!

The song "Circus" is performed by O. Popov... (The performers make a lap of honor, then bow and sit down.)

There are no empty seats in the circus

Only who will give me the answer:

Who's coming now big

With a long white beard?

Children: Santa Claus!

Guys, it seems to me that Santa Claus is already close! Let's call him, say:

Father Frost! Come quickly! The circus will be more fun! (They say 2-3 times.)

D.M .: I hear! ..

(Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter. DM stops in the center of the hall. With the beginning of the music, the children stand around DM, Snegurochka - in a circle with the children.)

The song "Who is this?"

Hello kids, girls and boys!

Children: Hello, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus I'm real

From a deaf, dense thicket,

Where they ate in the snow,

Where are storms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense

And the snow is loose.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year

Both hosts and guests,

Happiness to everyone, we wish you well

And fine, clear days.

1 child: We were waiting for you very much,

Santa Claus today.

It's good that you came

On New Year's holiday!

We will start a round dance

Let's sing a song for you!

Round dance "New Year's song"("We were looking forward to ...")

Oh yes tree! It's just amazing!

So smart and pretty!

I've been to all the gardens -

I have never seen a better tree!

DM, light us the lights on the tree.

Come on, children, let's say in unison: "1, 2, 3, herringbone, burn!" (they say the lights come on.)

2 child: Come on, herringbone, stronger

Light up the lights!

Kind Santa Claus,

Play with your dreams!

3 child: Once you got caught in a circle-

Stay there!

Do not leave you, Frost,

How not to break free!

The game "Let's not release!"

Let go of me

nice little children,

Because I love to dance

More than anyone else in the world!

Legs are shaking

Do not stand still.

So come on, friends,

Let's dance together!

"A bear walked across Greece"(at the end of the song, D.M. loses his gauntlet.)

Game "Mitten".(at the end of the game, D.M. dances.)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather is tired, tired,

He danced very merrily.

Let it rest by the tree

Who will read poetry to him?


Well done! You read poetry well.

Now the time has come

Sing together for us, kids.

The song "Freezing blizzards in the courtyard." ( at the end - they run away)

Snow Maiden:

A tricky question for you now

Grandfather Frost will ask.

Do you like to play snowballs? (Yes!)

Do you like licking snowballs? (No!)

I do not advise you, brothers

To overeat with snow porridge!

Snow Maiden:

Now we will play with you,

The most clever who - we will find out!

Let's cook "Snow Porridge"! (attraction)

Snow Maiden:

Now we play snowballs

We hit each other aptly!

" Snowball game"

Now take snowballs

And put it in a bag with me.

You play snowballs well.

Can you guess the difficult riddles?


Snow Maiden:

DM, what fellows are great, they have guessed all your riddles. And they also know the song about you. Really guys?

A song about me? Sing, please.

Song "Hot Time"

Snow Maiden:

Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Danced near the Christmas tree? (Yes!)

Did you sing songs? (Yes!)

Did you laugh at the children? (Yes!)

What else has he forgotten? (present!)

Surprise "Living Bag"

Petrova Natalia Miroslavovna

Natalia Nikulina

entrance children in the hall"Winter"

How nice that today

Guests came here to us,

And, without looking at worries,

Everyone found a free hour.

Snows flew in and covered the earth,

Blizzard and cold winds howled.

But let the bad weather rage and be angry,

On holiday we'll all have fun!

1reb. Today in this hall

We will tell you about

How New Year's celebration

Every house comes.

2reb. About how brightly they shine

Garlands of lights

That this holiday

Everyone's favorite children.

3reb. Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello song hello laughter

The one is the most important today

Who laughs the loudest

WITH New Year! WITH New happiness!

Congratulations to you friends!

And today to our tree,

Let's shout out to everyone: "Hooray!"


Hello dear tree

Again you are our guest.

The lights will light up soon

On your forest branches.

6 reb:

Look, invites

Christmas tree festive us.

Under the green branches

We'll be spinning now.

Round dance « NEW YEAR DISCO»

Children sit down

Veda: Today miracles await us, on holiday guests must come to us. You are wondering what this is.

Music from the cartoon sounds "Masha and the Bear" MASHA comes out singing a song

Masha enters backwards and sees no one

Masha: Nobody there. Where are you all here? Where have you all gone? (turns) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Why are you sitting here? There is nothing to do! So I'll think of something now. I'm so quick to think up! (thinking) THERE IS! I came up with it! Soon New Year? Let's go to congratulate the pensioner! What, what Bear! He circus pensioner! Let's bring joy to Misha! We will arrange for him circus show, to everyone's surprise! What go? It's a long way to go, and winter has dusted everything ...

Veda: The guys and I love winter and are not afraid of frost!

CHOROVER "Ice palms»

Children sit down, the screen is pulled back,

behind which the Bear sleeps. Masha approaches the bear

Masha: Mishka, are you sleeping or what? That gives! On the nose New year - he sleeps! Play with me, play with me, are you asleep? (touches nose, ears, paws) maybe you are sick? (loud) come on, let's be treated!


Masha: Woke up, welcome guests! I didn’t come alone today, I brought the guys!

Misha grabs his head

flops down on the bed, shakes his head and groans!

Masha: Are you glad? Do not say anything. Let me guess! Glad! I see that I'm glad! Be strong Mishka, we will congratulate you! We will arrange Festive, new year performance!

Child: The circus! The circus! The circus! The circus!

V circus very good!

Everywhere festively, it's light!

A cheerful laugh is ringing here!

Acrobats and jugglers

Trainers, dancers

Everyone is invited to visit!

Masha: I will be the director circus... Hello! Hello dear audience! I am a director circus, known all over the world, and I came to you with my troupe. And so PARAD ALLE.


MASHA: So, attention! Our show begins.

Magic is friends with a smile

A smile serves magic.

A violin cannot be without a bow,

V the circus is so important a smile!

The fun continues

They are invited to the arena,

Clowns are mischievous

Funny jokers!

1 clown:

I'm a funny clown Beam,

The circus needs me!

I'm at the tree New Year's

The brightest and funniest

Who sees, everyone laughs

What a bell I am!

2 clown:

And here I am Timoshka

Nose like a potato

So in a hurry

I fell off the tree

I ran into needles

My nose touched the balls!

3 clown:

Let on holiday on our

A cheerful laugh will sound.

Let's laugh and dance

I'm glad to try for everyone!

dance "Clowns"

1 clown:

Dear esteemed spectators,

Do you all want to play the game?

MASHA: Dear audience, joke, sing, laugh, at holiday with us,

play whatever you want, the desired hour has come!

the game "Clown"

Red-haired clown, freckled, - pat themselves on the head, show freckles,

The guys really like it. - three claps of hands

The nose is like a red tomato. - stroke your nose alternately with your hands

And in his eyes there is fervor. - with the help of hands depict eyes and clap cilia - fingers

Tears flow like a tap - “collecting tears in palm "

In multi-colored pockets. - show pockets, palms to the hips.

And in pockets, here and there, the hands are folded into a “bud”, raised upward, and the “petals” are opened.

Roses grow red.

Now he cries, then laughs, - the index fingers vertically to the eyes, then to the lips.

Now he is kind, then he fights - they stroke their hands, then throw their fists forward.

Oh, how clumsy he is - hands on the belt, body tilts to the right and left.

But that's how everyone needs him. - arms crossed on the chest, to the sides and on the belt.


Masha takes out the box, carries it on her outstretched arms, closing her eyes., Is afraid, passes it to the bear, he does not take it, shows that she is afraid, put it on the floor, want to open it, look into the box. They coward, shake, throw back the lid. Speaks in a mysterious voice.

Masha: In our circus today the guest is quite unusual,

And, frankly, exotic!

He's already coming here

Snake charmer

A child comes out (dressed in an oriental style, he has a basket with a snake in his hands

Fakir: I am the great snake charmer!

I conjure with my music.

Do not be alarmed, dear friends -

my snake trained!



Host and MASHA

Masha comes out with a string not very long, she walks by children, invites you to catch the rope with your foot, step on, pulls it away, the Leader takes the rope, Masha looks in bewilderment, takes a longer rope out of her pocket, continues to play with the children, the Leader comes up, gets angry, and takes this rope as well. Masha waits for her to leave and pulls out a long ribbon from another pocket

MASHA: We continue circus show!

The number is called - graceful tightrope walkers!


The Bear comes out in his hands, he has a picture, it shows a bear in a Japanese costume with fans, Masha comes up and jumps

Masha: Show me, Misha! Well, show me!

The bear sits down sadly, clutches at his heart.

MASHA: Misha, are you sick (scared) here circus submission-and he is sick.

I’m such an ambulance, iuiuiuiuiui.

Pulls out a listener, listens

Masha: So, everything is clear! Bed rest, very bed rest.

The bear shakes his head, shows a picture.

Masha: AAAAA first love, I see…. do not cry, we will refresh your memories now


The BAR is decorating the tree.

MASHA: Misha, and Misha, and Santa Claus will come

BEAR: Will come.

MASHA: And soon?

Bear: Coming soon.

Masha: Where will it come from?

And with whom will he come?

And in what will it come?

Will it come from there or from there?

Will it come for a long time?

The BEAR gets angry and stomps his feet.

BEAR: Come, come!

Masha: So we talked ... Or maybe it's time to call Santa Claus, otherwise the guys want gifts, and of course I also want them.

V circus Santa Claus waiting,

Let's call him together!

Leading: Girls, you are on my command will shout: "Grandfather", a the boys: "Freezing"... And now everyone together: "Father Frost!"

Santa Claus entrance

Father Frost

WITH New Year! WITH New Year!

Congratulations to all - all - all!

Let in the year

The year to come

all are accompanied by success!

Father Frost:

(looks at the tree)

As good as a tree

And how many toys!

Let them flare up among the branches

Instantly magical 100 lights!

Well let's say 1-2-3,

Burn our Christmas tree!

Father Frost:

Become a round dance

We will meet with a song New Year!


Happy Santa Claus

Leading: Santa Claus, we were waiting for you.

Do not frighten us with frost

Do not freeze our ears, cheeks,

You better sing songs!

"YOU BROUGHT US A FIR-TREE" Playing with Santa Claus

Playing with Santa Claus "Dance with acceleration"

Father Frost

Oh, I'm tired, I'm hot!

I'm not used to being warm!


Sit down, Grandpa, catch your breath

and chill a little!

You guys help out poetry, read it soon!


Father Frost

Thank you, I sat out and looked around a little ...

I'm hardly mistaken:

What is in circus i got!

(passes by children looking at them)

Here is a fakir, acrobats,

clowns - giggles,

and Japanese girls, animals,

Ballerinas, strong men!

Masha: Well circus we continue the program

We offer performances by magicians!

The music is playing

magicians-fakirs come out

1 magician:

I am a fakir and a sorcerer

Two hundred years of my turban

Everything in the world is within the power of a magician

I can swallow paper

I'll swallow anything

Everything in the world on the shoulder!

2 magician:

I am a fakir magician too

Great vocation.

I can turn you kefir

To your bank Coca-Cola

3 magician:

And now dear viewers

Magic tricks lovers

Together we want for you

Show focus now.

All the fakirs say:

You are water-water

Light as frost

Turn the water red

Yellow or blue.

Show focus

Father Frost

I, too, match them

I could become a magician!


A magician, Grandpa? How's that?

Father Frost

(addresses MASHA)

Come on, buddy, announce my number!

Dear viewers, children and parents!

The famous magician Santa Claus is in the arena!

Tricks from Santa Claus for gifts

Father Frost:

Have you received all the gifts? Have you forgotten anyone?

At an elegant tree

The kids sang

But to say goodbye to you

It's time for me.

Goodbye kids.

Goodbye, guests.

WITH Happy New Year everyone!