Scenes for a woman's retirement are cool. Handing over a comic pension certificate

Retirement scenario

When planning a retirement scenario, it is best to choose a cafe or restaurant for the celebration, which will suit the number of guests invited. Here the hall is decorated with balloons and congratulatory posters. As a rule, colleagues and close people are invited to celebrate. It will require you to choose which of the colleagues will be the host of the evening. The celebration begins and all the guests sit down at the table.

- Dear friends, today we are meeting on an important occasion - this is seeing off our dear (colleague's name) to a well-deserved rest. The head of our company is invited to say the words of congratulations.

- Behind the hero of the occasion is a long career biography. All of us, working with him, were able to convince ourselves of his high professionalism. Let's remember what was the work path of (colleague's name).

After these words, the presenter asks questions to which the guests must give correct answers. Examples include the following questions:

- In what city was born, what date?;
- When did you go to first grade?;
- When did you finish school ?;
- What institute did you enter ;?
- When did you start working, in which company ?;
- When did you come to the firm ;?
- The total length of service.

Each guest who gives the correct answer gets a prize.

- Let's drink to the person who has such an interesting work history.

All guests raise their glasses and drink.

- Well, we made sure that the guests know (name of a colleague) well at work, but now we need to check who is our hero of the occasion outside of work. The best test is an interesting competition.

The retirement scenario then includes a competition. The guests' task is to name the compliments for a colleague. Moreover, each next word must begin with the letter that ended the previous one. The guest who is the last to call the word becomes the winner. For this he is entitled to a prize.

- Retirement is an event that should be celebrated in a fun and interesting way with songs. Dear (colleague's name), our employees have prepared a gift for you - a song.

Then all the employees perform the song. It will be very good to pick a song and rewrite its words so that you get congratulations on retirement. Another option is to perform a merry song. Also, employees can perform the favorite song of their colleague, which will be very pleasant for him.

Then one of the colleagues appears in the hall to the accompaniment of the appropriate musical accompaniment. For her, you should come up with an outfit like that of a mysterious sorceress.

- Look, the fortuneteller came to our holiday. Let's ask her what exactly is waiting for (colleague's name) for the songs.

The sorceress approaches the hero of the occasion and takes his hand. She goes on to say:

- Hello, darling. I see that you have worked wonderfully for many years! It's time for you to rest! Do you want to know what exactly awaits you next?

Hero of the occasion:
- Of course I want!

- I have a magic ball that will tell about it. Let each of the guests draw a prediction from him.

The sorceress has a ball in her hands, which should be beautifully decorated. Inside there are pieces of paper with a prediction written on them. Each of the guests draws out a leaf and reads the prediction. As an example, you can write the following options:

- You will babysit your grandchildren;
- Have a rest in a hammock in the country;
- You will rest on the couch;
- You will regularly rest in the sanatorium.

You can think of many other funny options.

- To make all the predictions come true, you need to drink to them. Let's raise a glass to our (colleague's name).

The retirement scenario then includes the words of the sorceress:
- I invite everyone to dance!

After that, dance music sounds, and all the guests begin to dance with the sorceress.

- To make our holiday brighter and more interesting, you need to dress up.

Then a competition is held.

To do this, you will need to prepare several boxes. It is necessary to put unexpected outfits in them. For example, this can be party caps, glasses, false noses, hats, and many other options. Each of the guests must pull one of the items out of the box. After that, he will have to dress him. At the same time, initially each guest chooses a box, from which he then takes out an item. The box should not be transparent so that things cannot be seen. When all the guests are dressed like this, music sounds and everyone dances.

Then the celebration program includes a sweet table. To do this, you can choose different treats. A good idea is a birthday cake that will be decorated appropriately, that is, will match the theme of the celebration.

Everyone knows that women retire at 55. And if so, then for this anniversary everyone wants something special, so that it will be fun and everyone will remember. We offer you our little scenario of a woman's 55th birthday, which will help arrange a cool farewell to retirement. The script has contests and games, beautiful toasts and entertainment blocks. See and choose what you like best.

Meeting of the hero of the day.
When all the guests have gathered, then you can start. Have all the guests get up and make a semicircle. And the hero of the day will be in the center of this semicircle. The facilitator begins:
- Tell me, when a person is born into the world, what does he do? That's right - he is crying! And today a young pensioner was born in our country, who is ready to burst into tears from such happiness. And so that she does not cry, we will give her a dummy. Even small children wear a cap that protects their ears and head from the wind. Let's put on a cap for the hero of the day. And finally, it remains to attach a bib so that it does not get dirty while eating. We put it on. Look - now we have a full-fledged born pensioner! I propose to take and raise glasses to the new pensioner, who is still so young and who still has a whole life ahead of him!

The main holiday.
- Well, since we have a new pensioner, she needs to take the oath and join the ranks of pensioners. And for this we have already prepared the text of the solemn oath. Now the young pensioner will read it and will be accepted into the ranks of the honorary pensioners of Russia:


- now our hero of the day becomes an honorary member of pensioners of Russia. She is awarded a medal and a crown!

In life, every person received many vaccinations. And they are all from some kind of disease. What would you like to vaccinate yourself against? Suggest answer options. And the best option will be awarded with a prize!
Examples include: a sleep deprivation vaccine; a bad mood vaccine; vaccination for immunity from the superior; etc. Whoever offers the funniest option gets a prize.

We all know that every person's life has rights and responsibilities. What rights do pensioners have? Call them!
Yes, you said everything correctly. But this is all according to the law, but what about life? And in life, pensioners have these rights:

Therefore, I propose a toast to the rights of pensioners, which should not be violated!

The game.
Friends! Everyone today said beautiful words to the hero of the day. And some even almost swore that they would protect the hero of the day and always be with her. And tell me - are you all ready for serious deeds for the sake of the hero of the day? Let's check what each of you is ready for. For our birthday girl.

The game is being played. You need to prepare beautiful cards on which to write rhymes. You put all the cards in a bag, and the guests take turns taking out one card at a time and read out a verse that says what he is ready for for the eyes of the hero of the day.

Examples of poems:

- we all congratulated the hero of the day. Who hasn't congratulated her yet? Do not know? Who said the president? You are absolutely right - the President has not congratulated yet. And I was just informed that the retinue from Putin himself is at the door. We let them in.

The retinue from the President enters. The guards are on the sides, and the secretary is in the center. They stop near the hero of the day, and the secretary reads out a congratulation from the president and hands over the following telegram:

But these are not all gifts. We have another package that came to us from unknown lands. And we don't even know what's in it. I will ask you to bring the package to us.

The premise is brought in and the leader opens it. She takes out a package and a note from the package. And he begins to read a note. And transfer the package to the way it is written in this note.

- Dear and priceless our (name of the hero of the day)! All those present are ready to congratulate you on such a significant event and on vacation, which you deserve with painstaking work. We wish you good health, strength, as well as rich leisure! But in addition to our today's congratulations, you should familiarize yourself with the charter of this evening.

    So what are the rules?
  • 1. The charter declares that in 20__ the anniversary of (name of the hero of the day) is not canceled under any pretext.
  • 2. Before the beginning of the anniversary itself, all those present are obliged to raise a toast to the hero of the occasion.
  • 3. It is impossible to remain serious in this room.
  • 4. Everything that will be presented to the hero of the day today cannot be returned or exchanged. All other gifts are accepted within a month.
  • After the charter is announced, a toast should be raised, everyone who wishes to express their wishes.

      After that, the presenter continues:
      - Today we are presenting an honorary diploma, which says that (date) the hero of the day (name) is awarded this diploma for the fact that in all his 60 years this wonderful person has gone through the school of life and passed the following exams:
    • Russian - talking with colleagues and wife in anger and resolving disputes - great!
    • Geography - the ability to return home in any condition is excellent!
    • Math - financial accounting skills to your advantage - great!
    • Music - playing on the nerves of loved ones and colleagues - satisfactory!
    • Chemistry - the ability to create wine from water - good!
    • Based on all of the above disciplines, the examination committee recognizes the comrade (name of the hero of the day) ready for a further life path and confers the proud title of "Honorary young pensioner".

      Ice cream

      Several couples are selected from the hall, not necessarily married. Ice cream with a spoon is placed a few meters from the participants. The task is this: a woman should take ice cream with a spoon, take a spoon by the handle with her mouth and feed her companion. The first couple who eats their portion faster than everyone else wins.

      Anyone can play. One participant begins to move around the hall to the music, catching the rest. It can be done with side steps, or in the style of the Chunga-Changa dance. When the snake becomes quite long, the leader begins to lead it in a spiral. As a result, you will have to unravel the snake.

      Scenes, monologues, miniatures

      site menu

      Section categories


      for the holiday

      Now it's time to retire! We suggest you not to be sad about this, but to celebrate this event in an interesting and fun way with friends and family. Use the scenarios of sending off to retirement, presented below, and you are guaranteed a great mood.

      Host: Today is an important day. Today our honored (full name) goes on vacation. All your friends and relatives accompany you on this journey.
      There are many people on this day
      I have gathered for your holiday.
      We accompany you to rest,
      It just so happened in life.
      And so as not to succumb to sadness,
      We repeat again and again:
      Rest is our happiness!
      Everyone is ready to rest.
      Host 2: You have worked hard and for a long time, you have earned the honor and the right to rest. Now we will remember this day and think of you as an example.
      Pension may scare someone
      Worse than seeing a dentist.
      But do not judge (name) you harshly.
      We will dance cha-cha-cha today.
      How to earn retirement? Maybe each of us will succeed in this. But our pensioner goes there with a sense of accomplishment.
      Next, you need to list the main dates of the pensioner's activity. It is necessary to list as many details as possible, starting with kindergarten. Find photos, simulate slideshows and show them to everyone present. For example:
      Host 1: In the preparatory group in ... year I began to study .... (description of the child). He was smart, tenacious and funny. (Name) entered kindergarten - also a description, for example - a child of average height, in the prime of life, with excellent prospects. I entered the school number ... of the city ... (Name, surname, patronymic), who knew how to draw, read with expression and do push-ups on the uneven bars.
      When listing the dates, you need to publicize the cases in as much detail as possible. For example, show diplomas, name merits, participation in amateur performances, victories in some kind of competitions, character traits. List friends, classmates, fellow students, etc. Briefly describe them.
      When the place comes to describe work achievements, be sure to list them starting from the year of work. Briefly describe the profession itself. Read the verse:
      We respect you as a person
      You are very brave and kind.
      Everyone can have numbers for the century,
      That they won't be old at all.
      We congratulate you today, because the rest
      From now on it has come for you.
      In words they will sound, impregnable and proud,
      We wish you more strength!
      For the speech that will be dedicated to the school, this dedication:
      We enter school with hope.
      Will the plan come true in life?
      We dream about ours, as before.
      Let everyone decide the fate for himself.
      We gathered today, because the reason
      It was provided to us today.
      Everyone can be young at heart
      So that, like in school, there was a lot of strength.
      Host 2: Dear (full name), today our task is to report on your achievements. But we also want to give you a gift. Today is a special day. We give you our gift and want you to remember this day by using this (item name).
      Further, there should be a logical rationale why the pensioner is given this particular gift. You can compose something with humor, but according to the occasion.
      Host 1: So we shared our mood. It is solemn and sublime. And now we provide an opportunity to speak out to the trade union committee.
      PROFKOM: Dear pensioner,
      We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts in chorus.
      You are a constant example for us!
      You cannot express a reproach to life.
      We are not expecting you to work tomorrow!
      Let your holiday start brighter.
      Soon, too, we will come to the ranks
      Those who solves the problem of pensions.
      Host 1: We want to congratulate you on joining the special ranks. This is not an army, but pensioners also have their own teams. For example - "Grandchildren", or "To the garden". We are giving you such a pension-type ticket. Now you are in a special army.
      There is applause. They give a comic army-type ticket for pensioners.
      Host 2. And now let's loudly shout a triple hurray. With wires to retire!
      A three-fold brisk Hurray should sound.

      Scenario of a 60-year-old man's anniversary, seeing off his pension
      This scenario is designed to be held in a small room for 30 - 40 people.
      For the event you will need:
      Indoor decoration
      Musical accompaniment.
      Props for competitions, prizes.
      A treat for guests.

      It is necessary to decorate the room in advance with balls, flowers, garlands.
      Draw a poster, collect and glue photographs for children and youth.
      We create a living corridor of guests.
      At the entrance of the hero of the day, guests greet him with applause

      Friends and employees, sparing no words
      They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day
      You are light and joy, you are full of happiness,
      Your advice is important and necessary to us.
      Your family loves and appreciates you,
      Reliable loyal friends of yours.
      We all wish you health and strength
      So that you always have everything you want
      So that youth, happiness, luck, success,
      Fate has always given you without hindrances!

      After the guests have sat down at the table, a toast from the boss is expected

      The retirement period has approached - you are rewarded
      And he spent his life in labors - free from work affairs,
      Now the task is different - how to process your allotment in a summer cottage.
      How to catch more fish - so that everyone has enough.
      Collect mushrooms and salt them - so that there is plenty.
      So that the grandchildren had something to meet - when they were visiting.
      And do not forget about us - we would ask.
      Good health doubly - we wish you!
      Life is very long for you - we portend!

      To congratulate the hero of the day, options are offered.
      A group of Voni Em arrived from distant Nigeria (there is no need to go into history). Three participants and a participant come out, in black nylon stockings on their heads (such as blacks) music is turned on, the participants imitate singing. After stopping the music, they read congratulatory verses with an accent:
      They say good wine
      It will become real only over the years
      So this is the kind of magic
      Will definitely come with us!

      For example, our dear hero of the day
      I waited for a good endurance,
      And at sixty he is a unique specimen,
      He stayed young in body and soul!

      And the date is round yours
      I only raised your price
      So let's ask for everything now
      Priceless culprit to the stage!

      Stand high, our hero of the day
      And listen to our instructions
      We dedicate a circular to you,
      And in it - congratulations from the heart!

      As a unique variety of wine
      Strengthen, our dear, over the years.
      And the taste of happiness so that it was to the bottom,
      Pour a glass and have a drink with us.

      Let the festive drink
      Will raise the degree of mood
      And happiness pours over the edge
      On your anniversary birthday.

      Let it be today, dear,
      You have become much more mature.
      But how cheerfully they shook the old days
      We are at your, buddy, anniversary!

      After a short break, a song is sung to the tune: "..." (prepare several copies of the words in advance for all the guests to sing).

      Tonight, tonight, tonight
      Without a hero of the day, frankly, there is nothing to do.
      We will gather at the table, pour glasses full
      And we'll sing a song for his health:

      It's time for us to celebrate.
      It's time to celebrate, celebrate a glorious anniversary!
      And meet this day
      In a large company of colleagues and friends!

      Let you not be 20 or 30, let it be!
      Don't lower the bar of your vivacity!
      We will follow strictly, you will not hide from us,
      You should know so!

      We see the brave, the brave, the brave
      A man of slender, handsome, curly haired!
      Let the years go by, but we wish that always
      The soul of (the name of the hero of the day) remained young!

      Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!
      In response to her, you let go of your jokes!
      Keep the same strictness around despondency
      Don't let it!

      Tonight, tonight, tonight
      There is nothing to do without a dear hero of the day!
      We will drink once, we will drink two to the anniversary and to the deeds,
      But not to have a headache tomorrow!

      Other reworked songs for the hero of the day

      The next guests will be a gypsy with a monkey. The gypsy will remind you of all the good and successful things that happened in the life of the hero of the day. About marriage, the birth of children, success in the profession, a big purchase ... And for the future, the fortuneteller will get pre-prepared notes with predictions for the future, a lot of positive changes and good parting words for the future are needed, i.e. retired.
      The fortuneteller concludes with the words:

      Anniversary is a worthy occasion
      To tell about the merits,
      Uniqueness, genius,
      Finally, yours to acknowledge.
      And to the recognition - a wish:
      Happiness, joy in fate,
      Long years of healthy life
      And good luck to you!

      And tomorrow you don't need to go to work!
      Now you have a day off on weekdays.
      You have gone to a well-deserved rest,
      Leaving the daily worries behind.
      Hurry in the morning to do a bunch of things,
      Everywhere you tried to be in time all the time,
      Bearing all women a heavy burden.
      Now the home hearth is your destiny.
      You will not suffer from boredom:
      Business in the house will not diminish over the years.
      Rather, we will miss you -
      Tomorrow we will begin to miss you.
      Thank you for being in the world,
      Such a sincere, dear person!
      You will stay in our hearts forever,
      And our evening today is in your honor!

      IN YOUR HONOR - a medal was cast (you can make a medal yourself by pasting, for example, a photo of the hero of the day, or buy a ready-made one in a store). The medal is handed over to applause.
      A memo to the award medal is read.

      (Other attributes of the anniversary)

      Memo to the award medal.

      FULL NAME. to award a commemorative jubilee medal and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all prosperity.
      The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in a circle of loved ones, at a festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

      The procedure and conditions for the operation of the medal.

      The medal itself consists of a medal, put on, holes for putting on.

      In order to put on the medal, you need to take it by the worn and into the contour, stick your head so that the worn hooks onto the part of the body that connects the head to the body. The medal should sit on the upper front of the torso with the right side out. At the same time, the user of the medal must make a happy, solemn expression on his face. The lower edge of the medal must coincide with the upper belly of the hero of the day.

      So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day dignity, every year on the birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign bottling, but with a good Russian snack.

      The recipient of this medal has the right to:

      - Complete all orders.
      - For free travel in friends' cars, "hare" in any worldly transport
      - Free admission to clinics and supermarkets.
      - Demand reimbursement from the spouse for the cost of proper care of the medal.

      The person awarded with the medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry, getting old, using the medal for making teeth, like a load when salting cabbage.

      Control over the safe storage of the medal should be entrusted to police officers, the FSB, and faithful children.

      Before giving gifts, you can sing a song.
      The song is sung: "We can't give you on your birthday ..."

      We can't get you on your birthday
      Dear "BMW" donate,
      But we will give you a gift, no doubt
      And we are ready to repeat a hundred times:
      That you are kind, cheerful, attentive
      And in business, the generally recognized specialist,
      That in general you are wonderful with us
      And comrade, and friend, and father!

      It's time to give gifts.

      We wish you good health
      For more bright, clear days
      And if you can invite us
      Celebrate the centenary

      Time of competitions and games.

      1. Let's arrange a ditty contest, the winner gets a prize _______

      2 let's arrange a competition for adjectives, let's say for the letter B.

      "__________________" is our NAME of the hero of the day
      All guests
      We were looking forward to your "__________________" anniversary
      Everyone with "__________________" had fun,
      And "__________________" sang songs,
      Gave "__________________" gifts
      "__________________" laughed.
      Let's wait for the next "__________________" anniversary!

      4 Divide the guests into 2 teams and conduct a survey which team knows the hero of the day better:

      1. Date and place of birth.
      2. Its origin: (parents, in which city
      or grew up in the village).
      3. Place of study.
      4. Time to reveal talent or start a career.
      5. Friends or personalities around him. (This
      the question can be asked by showing photographs. Guests
      should not only give the names of these people, but also
      talk about what connects them with the hero of the day).
      6. Detailed questions about where, when and how
      a person created his works, wrote songs,
      7. Questions about personal life. Children, wives, mistresses, reasons for divorce.
      8. Which countries have you visited and with whom there
      did you meet?
      9. What is your current activity?

      Place two chairs in front of the groups. One should have a sign
      "True", on the other - "False." You name a proposal taken from the biography of the hero of the day.
      But half of the sentences must be lies. To do this, you need to distort the dates or names. It is necessary to divide the team members so that each pair consists of one member of the first team and one member of the second team.
      Next, you loudly say out loud a saying about the life and work of your hero of the day.
      The members of the first pair, with the help of their team's prompts, should take the desired chair, that is, if the saying is correct, then the chair with the “True” sign, and vice versa. Who is the first to sit on the right chair, he brings his team one point. The team with the most points wins.

      We wished you today
      Cheerfulness for many years
      Be as we know you
      Always sensitive and attentive!

      Ved.: Today we are accepting ours. to the society of pensioners and take an oath from her:

      I, a young pensioner, joining the honorary society of pensioners, working and non-working, drinking moderately and

      non-drinkers, sticking their nose everywhere, I solemnly swear:

      To be a worthy member of society, that is, to constantly be in a sound mind and body.

      disease, no hops.

      Ved.: Work tirelessly, without stretching your legs. Confidently walk on any of the roads.

      Ved.: Be sharp on the tongue, eyes and ears. Do not succumb to either sadness, or ailments, or cold!

      Ved.: Drink only with friends, and then a little. Always find a path to the house.

      We accept you into the ranks so that you do not know the troubles.

      Do not get sick, do not lose heart, eat more, sleep better.

      Be cheerful and do not swear, never worry.

      Young so that the pensioner did everything and did everything.

      To live, when everything is in moderation, to the title of an honorary pensioner.

      And when you are one hundred, we will lay this table again!

      Scenario of seeing off a man's retirement "Hello retirement"

      Of course, it is necessary and important to start with the design. It doesn't matter whether it is a banquet hall or an apartment, everything should have a festive look. It would not be bad to hang photos of the future pensioner on the walls, or make one large poster-collage. Also, do not forget about balloons and ribbons, paper garlands and lights. The second stage of preparing the holiday is musical accompaniment. Here it is necessary not only to take into account the taste of the retiring person, but also the age peculiarity of the invitees. Then, according to the menu plan, the seating of the guests, and now, almost everything is ready.

      Host, Host, guests.

      gifts for contests, a diploma "With retirement", cards with phrases, a bag, pieces of paper with the name of the songs, a bag.

      The guests sit down, the future pensioner sits at the head of the table.

      Good evening ladies, gentlemen,
      I'm glad to see everyone, friends
      The reason for the meeting is excellent,
      The pension has come, hurray!

      (Full name of the hero of the occasion),
      All the lights are for you tonight
      And at this moment, and at this hour,
      I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
      Let your dreams come true!

      The first toast should be pronounced to the respectable leadership, because you, like no one else, are familiar with our esteemed (full name of the hero of the occasion).

      The evening promises to be interesting today, and now, I would like to start by presenting an honorary diploma to the Honorable (Full name of the hero of the occasion)... I warn you, this is not an easy confirmation of your pension, it is a kind of ticket to a new life, and a solemn reminder of the path traveled. (presents diploma).

      The diploma should be humorous. For example, it should say the following:
      The diploma is awarded (Full name of the hero of the occasion), for excellent mastery of the following vital disciplines:
      - Mathematics - excellent (mastery of their finances, in particular stash, thorough);
      - Geography - excellent (in any condition and under any circumstances finds his way home);
      - Russian language - excellent (can easily agree on everything);
      - Music is good (good play on the nerves of relatives and colleagues).
      Based on the above disciplines, we can confidently say that we are ready for the next stage - retirement!

      We worked so hard, it's time to rest,
      The years passed quickly
      But a pension in life is necessary
      And nowhere without her!

      You know (names the year when the hero of the occasion went to first grade) in one of the ordinary schools, there was one smart, smart boy, with very kind eyes and a big heart. He grew, developed, became a person and made his own plans. V (year of admission to the institute), everything became obvious and understandable. Dreams appeared that had to be quickly realized, ambitions, aspirations, and now, after a long search, that very smart boy came to (Name of the organization)... Then it was (year of entry to work), excitement, fear, mastering new activities, meeting colleagues and a long-awaited salary. Everything is like everyone else, everything is as usual, but one thing distinguished from the others (he names the main quality of the hero of the occasion). And here it is, the long-awaited retirement, on which your colleagues are in a hurry to congratulate you.

      (Here you can show a small slideshow if the establishment has a projector)

      I would like to know now
      How will you congratulate
      But, I will complicate the task,
      And I will order a rhyme for you!

      Competition "Rhyming Patching".
      Of all those present, 5-6 participants are selected, who are given one rhyme. The task is to come up with a congratulation. The holding time is 1 minute. Then everyone reads the results and the best one will receive a prize. Applause will determine the winner.

      Rhyme options:
      1) I hasten to congratulate you on your pension,
      And wish you well.

      2) So the pension has come,
      Has brought happiness, rest.

      3) The event is important, you can't argue here,
      You need a pension, my friend.

      4) With a pension, hurray,
      The years passed quickly.

      All congratulations are beautiful, special, but it seems to me that it's time to read your congratulations to family members!

      Congratulations, this is certainly good, but how about praising our (Name of the hero of the occasion)?

      Competition "Praise me, praise".
      5-6 participants are selected. Everyone should say a laudatory adjective, in a given letter of the leader. The one who names the most will win. For repeat - departure.

      (The presenter offers to drink to all the positive and mentioned qualities)

      Leading (addresses the hero of the occasion):
      But tell me, what do you think to do in retirement?

      Retired is probably good
      You walk in the garden, rest on the couch,
      Retired, no fuss, easy
      All day inundated with dreams.
      There is time for yourself and your family
      And you don't need to get up early in the morning
      Do you want to draw, read, write poetry,
      Or even a memoir.

      Preliminary preparation required. It is necessary to write on the cards a continuation to the phrase "I will be retired", put them in a bag, and so that the host of the event draws out one by one and reads it out.
      You will need: cards with phrases, a bag.

      Example phrases. I will be retired.
      1. . knit socks and scarves;
      2.. read the magazine "Murzilka";
      3.. discuss fashionistas at the entrance;
      4. . ring the doorbell to neighbors and run away;
      5. . listen to music loudly, setting the rhythm for neighbors;
      6.. dress fashionably and seduce local old women;
      7.. play football with local kids;
      eight. . learning to be a hacker;
      nine. . do nothing and just enjoy life.

      (Offers a drink to keep it that way, after which a 15 minute dance break is announced)

      I am announcing a musical pause! Dear friends, you must agree that there is no holiday without a song, and so, I suggest it is not easy to sing, but also to get the opportunity to win a small but pleasant prize.

      Competition "Song".
      Requires preparation. Pre-fold the pieces of paper with the name of the songs in a bag and mix. Several participants are selected. Everyone pulls a piece of paper and gets their own song. The task is to "show" the song without words. You can't make sounds, purr motives, you need to explain with the help of gestures what song got. When they guess right, sing. Time for each participant is not more than a minute. Whoever shows the fastest and whose song guesses will receive a prize.
      You will need: pieces of paper with the name of the songs, a bag.

      Song options:
      1. And someone came down from the hill;
      2. I got drunk drunk;
      3. A Christmas tree was born in the forest;
      4. My bunny (Kirkorov);
      5. A million scarlet roses;
      6. A stream flows, a stream runs;
      7. Smoke from menthol cigarettes;
      8. I lie in the sun;
      9. Girls are standing, standing aside;
      10. No firemen, we are not carpenters.
      The list may be different.

      And now, I am happy to give the floor to our esteemed (name of the hero of the occasion).

      (The host of the event says thanks to everyone who came)

      You know what we have forgotten about, and we have forgotten about initiation into retirees. The diploma was handed over, congratulations were voiced, but the main thing was only now remembered! But, fortunately, I took care, I prepared everything, it remains to voice!

      (The hero of the occasion reads out a comic oath)

      I swear that I will rest
      Do not forget your friends
      And I will be with them sometimes
      Even drink balm!
      I swear to roam and walk and sleep
      I swear not to look for a job,
      I swear that I will laugh
      And I will enjoy life!
      I swear to run every night
      Go to your friends for a meeting,
      I swear I won't lose heart
      I'm ready to become a pensioner!

      (The oath may be different)

      This is all good, but since u (Full name of the hero of the occasion), there is no experience on how to behave in retirement, we decided to take care of this too, and stocked up on advice!

      (The floor is given to friends who have already retired. Can be performed as ditties)

      Congratulations 1:
      I retired
      Now I don’t know
      What is better for me to do
      I read books!

      Congratulations 2:
      I go to the store every day
      Three times, that's right,
      There is news and gossip,
      And a beer barrel!

      Congratulations 1:
      Do not be afraid of pensions, friend,
      You will like it here
      Here the balm will be poured
      Hello, get better!

      Congratulations 2:
      I am retired sometimes
      Sometimes I miss
      But, when I remember about work,
      Immediately lets go!

      (You can do without this part if not among the invited retirees)

      The host announces a 10-15 minute dance break.

      I suggest you friends
      To you to remember the past,
      Tell stories
      Liven up the feast!

      (Guests share funny stories related to the hero of the occasion)

      Not only kind words,
      They will decorate the holiday, wonderful evening,
      Friends brought gifts
      Honor retirement!

      (There is a presentation of gifts. Here you can and even need to insert a comic, cool congratulations)

      Thank you all for this evening,
      I want to say from myself
      I wish you joy, happiness,
      Love your pension.
      More rest, more success,
      Less troubles and fuss,
      Let the world embrace
      Your dreams will come true!

      I join the wishes
      And from myself I want to say
      So that everything is fine with you,
      I wish you I do not get bored!

      Until we meet again, the evening is over,
      But we will cherish in memory
      The moment is so warm and beautiful
      What a pity that time will pass.

      If you wish, you can add some more cool contests to the script.

      This is a fancy-dress congratulation for a pensioner who is about to leave for a well-deserved rest. Depending on the specific culprit and the composition of the guests, you can make changes so that the congratulation is targeted. Comic congratulations for sending off to retirement "Ambulance brigade with gifts" will be more spectacular and fun if you make the characters contrasting: a stern doctor and a "hot nurse" or both roles played by disguised men.

      To carry out this comic congratulation, you need: medical suits, an ambulance kit - you can use it for children, cognac with the inscription "Balsam", disposable glasses, one necessarily with a measuring scale, sweets, a packet of milk and a beautiful bottle of alcohol, a chocolate bar - as a gift

      Congratulation script "Ambulance crew for retirement"

      The "harsh" doctor and the "hot" nurse come out

      Leading: An ambulance team consisting of Dr. Sinyak-Zabubenkina and nurse Svetko-Konfetkina.

      Game with guests "Ambulance brigade"

      (The doctor examines several guests and gives recommendations for treatment to the nurse, she distributes the potion and behaves very playfully).

      Doctor: Open your mouth, close your eyes. Everything is clear - acute glass deficiency. Sister, Balsam Sinyak-Zabubenkina - 50 grams immediately.

      (Come up to the next).

      - Open your eyes, wider, wider, cough. Understandably - underdozakusism, candy Svetko - Konfetkina once, Balm named after me 2 times 30.

      (Come up next, listen).

      - Breath! Do not breath. Sister, this patient has all the signs of perepostitis. Pastila and balsam - 50 one-time use.

      (They come up to the next, move towards the hero of the occasion -.)

      Raise your right hand, close your left eye. Say AAAAA. I thought so - it will dance! 3 x 30 and a lozenge. (And then they approach the birthday boy, begin to conduct an examination: ears, hair, eyes and clatter their tongue, shake their head and be horrified)

      - What a neglected and interesting case. Your patient needs a more thorough examination. Please follow us.

      Comic examination of the culprit before a well-deserved rest

      (For a comic examination - sit on a chair and knock on the knees and arms with a toy hammer).

      Doctor: Everything is clear - novice pensionism - sister, take Belov's mixture at night, 200 grams daily (give a carton of milk)

      (They look into the eyes, the pupils look).

      - Something I do not like your pupils. Look right, look left. Yes Yes Yes. I thought so, nedopohmelizm, this is just my profile. Sister - a mixture of Cooler-Opohmelkin (give a check of vodka).

      - Patient, this is in especially acute cases, in the morning on an empty stomach. Let's check your hearing now. (They examine the ears. Moves away a little and loudly, but speaks aside)

      Brandy 100. Another 100. (the hero of the occasion repeats).

      - This fully confirms my initial diagnosis. Konyakovsky syndrome of the third degree. Do you agree with me, colleague? With these symptoms, I recommend using the Sinyak-Zabubenkina Balm made according to my recipe. Received three stars at the Physicians' Symposium. Consume 100 irregularly, solely to raise tone and appetite (give a bottle of cognac).

      - Well, here is also an acute heartfelt love for grandchildren. Sister, give 2 standards of a granddaughter, take with the grandchildren one wedge at a time (give chocolate)

      - Well, well, you, the patient, have neglected yourself like that? You just have a bunch of diseases, and even chronic workaholism of a protracted form, from which, as far as I know, only a well-deserved rest effectively helps, with which we congratulate you!

      - And we propose to carry out on this occasion mass disinfection with those mixtures that everyone has in stock. (Name Patronymic name) healthy and happy.

      Scenario of seeing a woman off to retirement

      Seeing off to retirement is organized in a festively decorated hall. The guests are sitting at the laid tables, the hostess of the holiday is at the head of the table or in the center, next to her is her husband or “the main man in her life”. Nearby, you can set up a serving table, on which it will be convenient to put gifts, certificates, awards, postcards.

      Script for a woman's retirement evening

      The presenter is provided with information about the kindergarten, school, college, technical school, institute where the hero of the day studied, a list of enterprises and positions where she worked, in chronological order. Props:

      • Comic diploma for a unique contribution to the "life" of the team (regularly watered ficus in the office, baked unsurpassed cookies for tea, etc.).
      • Comic "Certificate of quality" of the hero of the day.
      • "Gold" medals (made of foil or a round chocolate bar in a golden wrapper) for winning competitions.
      • Postcards and pens.
      • Champagne is on the drinks list.

        Leading Each person from the moment of his birth is born many more times:

        • a schoolboy is born at the age of seven on September 1; then the days of appearance came:
        • october;
        • pioneer;
        • Komsomol member;
        • applicant;
        • student;
        • trainee;
        • groom or bride;
        • young mothers and fathers;
          • a certified theoretical specialist;
          • young specialist-practitioner;
          • an experienced worker;
          • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
          • pensioner.
          • There are always close people next to everyone who help to move to a new stage and, as it were, pass it on to the future period of life. Our "Maria Ivanovna" has compiled a much larger list that we need to consider and approve today at this glorious meeting. Like every serious meeting, I propose to hold ours according to the rules I have read out, not to miss a single stage known to us, to announce all the circumstances loudly, raising the filled glasses. To confirm the veracity of the speakers' words, I propose to approve a commission transferring your faithful colleague, and a commission accepting your beloved wife, mother, grandmother into an already full and unconditional family membership. I propose to appoint “Ivan Ivanovich” as the head of the admission committee - a faithful companion of the hostess for N___ (years of marriage) years. Since today we are sending Maria Ivanovna into a new life, we will take as a model the beginning of the journey the sending of a new ship on its maiden voyage and we will open our holiday with champagne. I propose to announce the beginning of the meeting with a festive fireworks of the opening champagne and fill the glasses.

            The boss says in his own words. Leading To make it easier for the members of our “admissions committee” to assess what kind of treasure they are taking, and to the chairman of the “transferring committee” to prepare for the presentation, we will give the floor to a faithful school friend, let her tell about a cheerful, intelligent girl who came to school #_ (number of years) ago ...

            School years - a considerable period, Satchels, pigtails, a fun lesson, Less often - an exam, an assessment, a diary, Years have passed - the call is not forgotten.

            School friend speaks in her own words. Leading Now everyone can see how our Maria Ivanovna looked approximately in those years. The granddaughter (name), who is surprisingly similar to her, but lives surrounded by modern iPods and iPads, will share her school experience.

            Lessons to make everything more boring in notebooks, Textbooks are too lazy to carry with you, There is Internet in your smartphone to instantly Find answers on the most difficult day.

            Leading But our Maria Ivanovna was not only busy with homework, she learned to sew (knit, embroider) in a school circle, and today's wonderful dress (suit) was sewn according to her sketches. In addition, she did not miss discos, and loves to dance.

            Leading School years passed quickly, but student years passed even faster. The choice of profession was not easy, our hero of the occasion has so many interesting hobbies! Now our hostess will tell you how she chose (the name of the educational institution), and friends from her student days will confirm and supplement her words (suddenly something has already been forgotten). Friends are given the floor. Leading The teachers prepared a wonderful young specialist, like Maria Ivanovna came to (the first job). Our hostess doesn’t take on the abilities and strengths, therefore after (the number of years) she received the first advancement (qualification or position - what is the entry in the work book). The excursion in those years will be conducted by an old friend and colleague (full name) for many years. The word - to the first colleagues and friends at work. Leading Work is an important part of Maria Ivanovna's life, but not the only one, this will now be confirmed by her husband (Ivan Ivanovich). He will tell how he lived in those years with his young wife, young specialist and the young mother of their first child. Husband says in his own words. Leading All the difficulties of youth are fondly remembered when you see the joyful expression on the faces of friends and colleagues gathered in this hall, and the happy smiles of relatives - husband, children, grandchildren. Therefore, we can move on to the present day and continue the work of our "receiving and transmitting commissions." To announce the full description of our hostess and to present her with a certificate of honor, the floor is given to the most experienced connoisseur of the hero of the day - the leader of Maria Ivanovna with (the number of years of joint work) -years of experience Petr Petrovich. The leader speaks in his own words. Leading The friendly team does not want to lag behind its leader either. To draw up a collective image of our Maria Ivanovna, the floor is given to the representative of the trade union committee. The representative of the trade union speaks in his own words.

            Presenting the hero of the occasion with a certificate

            Leading To confirm all of the above orally, the management of the company (name of the company) provides a corresponding certificate of quality. For the announcement and transfer of the document to the receiving party, the floor is given to a colleague, a representative of the consumer protection bureau (full name). Quality certificate issued to Maria Ivanovna, confirming the possession of:

            • high professionalism;
            • unfading beauty;
            • inexhaustible hard work;
            • inexhaustible optimism;
            • inexhaustible kindness and willingness to come to the rescue in any situation.
            • Validity is unlimited. The certificate is presented to the chairman of the host - the husband. Leading All of the above confirms many times what a wonderful student our hostess is, but she has to learn to live in retirement and "retirement"! Her friend (full name), a pensioner with (number of years in retirement) -years of experience, will share her experience. Retired friend says in her own words.

              Leading What a wonderful woman and a master of their craft is conveyed by the team (the name of the company in which the hero of the occasion worked), everyone has already heard, and husband Ivan Ivanovich received the appropriate certificate, but what kind of meeting was prepared for her at home, the daughter (son) (name) will tell.

              Our mother does not know how to sit back, Her such thought never comes, The beds are tired - it will only get warmer, And the dacha will only let go sometimes.

              There is already a plan for rearranging the room, And teach the granddaughter to crochet, She will not be bored, and in the family state He will find the position where he will spin like a top.

              Daughter (son) speaks in her own words.

              Drawing up a joke draft solution

              Leading All that has been said must be documented and it is time to start drawing up a draft decision for our solemn meeting, for this I ask you to name the most correct adjectives suitable for our hostess. Draft decision On this (1 adjective) day, after listening to the (2 adjective) remarks and (3 adjective) sentences of the (4 adjective) comrades present here, (5 adjective) the team makes (6 adjective) the decision to hold (7 adjective) a woman, on (8 adjective) retirement, and (9 adjective) family (10 adjective) meet her, (11 adjective) hello and never let her go. The adjectives named by the guests are inserted into the text of the project, the ready-made solution is read out and passed on to the husband. You can transfer the resulting set of words to different groups of guests and make up several options. The best text will be chosen by the hero of the occasion. Musical arrangement, the number of dances and competitions depends on the composition of the guests. In an "adult" team there may be a lover of songs or anecdotes, such people quickly discover themselves and can significantly help the host of the banquet. The organization of seeing off to retirement is inherently connected with the profession and field of activity of the hero of the day. It is very important to prepare souvenirs typical of the former work.

              The second part of the souvenirs is a parting word for the future "free" life. You can include in this category:

              • a new daily routine (the alarm clock rings at the same time, but you have to go not to work, but where - close people who know the hobbies and hobbies of the hero of the day can suggest);
              • a new diet for a pensioner (income decreases, and free time increases, so it is necessary to suggest how to replace a sandwich with sausage, made in a hurry to work);
            • a subscription to the pool (although there is no current there, the skills to overcome the "waves of life" can be useful);
            • a subscription to some kind of health magazine (a pensioner has time to finally take care of his health, because information on how this is done will be useful).
            • Scenes for seeing off a woman's retirement

              If you are entrusted with preparing the farewell ceremony for your friend or relative, then try to make this anniversary evening as fun and interesting as possible.

              After all, seeing off retirement is an important milestone in the life of any person.

              Prepare a retirement script that will include funny ditties, games and scenes.

              Scenes for seeing off a woman's retirement should be funny and cool, so that there is no regret that an important stage in life has been passed.

              Cool scene for seeing off retirement

              Props: costumes for the gods are made from ordinary sheets, wreaths on the head - from artificial twigs or from paper.

              Host: There is an old legend about how candidates for retirees are accepted: a whole council is convened on the divine Olympus - to accept or not to accept? And everything happens like this ... (The Gods enter the hall.)

              The God of Work (addresses other gods): I, the God of Work - Labor - gathered all of you on the professional Olympus and solemnly announce: we have a new candidate for retirement!

              God of Work: Yes, that means we have work again! Now we will thoroughly check this candidate. I'll be the first and start!

              Labor approaches the colleagues of the hero of the occasion and asks them questions: did she work well, did she help others out, did she quarrel with her superiors, etc.

              God of Vacation: I am the God of Vacation - Gulban. Working without rest is like winter without snow. Now I will check if you have learned how to rest properly!

              1. Choose the right option (you, guests, can also choose - at the same time we will check you!) - Canary Islands, Maldives, Hawaii or a summer residence?

              3. Question three: Martini, Hennessy, Jack Daniels or house wine?

              Goddess of Salary: I am the Goddess of Salary - Penny. It's time to say goodbye forever, dear candidate.

              Do you remember how you waited for me every month? How did you count days and even minutes? And then, after waiting, she called me miserable, pathetic, insignificant! And then she spent everything, to the last ...

              But I do not hold evil, everything is in the past. Now you will get to know the Goddess of Pension, and do you promise to cherish and respect her? Do you promise your kids won't take it away from you? Do you promise to buy chocolates for your grandchildren with her help?

              The hero of the occasion promises.

              God of Work: So, candidate, you have passed all tests with flying colors! We officially accept you into the ranks of full-fledged pensioners and give you to the Goddess of Pensions!

              Goddess of Pension: I am the Goddess of Pension - Pension! From now on, I take patronage over you.But first you need to take the oath of a pensioner


              I swear! I swear! I swear.

              And now I give you a real passbook, so big that it can hold numbers with ten zeros! (Gives a drawn passbook. You can arrange a cash gift in this way - put an envelope with money or a gift certificate in it.)

              A funny scene for seeing off retirement

              A participant or a participant, poorly dressed, in a kerchief comes out, approaches the future pensioner and sings to her a song to the tune “I am standing at a half-stop in a colorful half-shawl”.

              I came to you unexpectedly
              Not long-awaited at all
              Excuse me - my fault is not here!
              I will only say that I do not believe
              And I will check your passport:
              You look only 17 years old! (repeat the last line)

              You are smart, beautiful
              I like everything about you so much!
              I propose to be on friendly terms with us!
              After all, you are now free
              I admit publicly:
              It's so fun to live on retirement!

              To drink us a glass,
              I'll get it out of my purse
              Reliable Russian antidepressant! (takes out a bottle of vodka)
              We will drink for our friendship
              And we will raise optimism,
              After all, a pension is a guarantor of stability!

              Alteration scene for the song "Call me, call"

              During the introduction, before the song, they go out one person at a time and stand with their backs to the hero of the day, the hands should not be visible - a white school apron is hidden in them; they put on aprons under the introduction and turn to the hero of the day, in general, so that there is intrigue and surprise.

              Days flew by in succession
              Your turn has come
              In the management of the native
              Try on the role of the hero of the day.
              Our service is only one
              You gave all of yourself
              Thirty five years have been waiting for him
              Thirty-five years have been waiting for him -
              The long-awaited graduation!

              All exams passed
              In local Dumas and in the Ministry of Finance.
              All budgets are tight
              And the reforms have survived.
              Here is the Labor Code
              I gave you permission for the experience,
              To come to financial management,
              To come to financial management
              Anniversary graduation!

              We want to confess to you:
              We respect you very much,
              We tell you from the bottom of our hearts:
              Congratulations on your anniversary!
              Traditions are given to us,
              We do not deviate from them:
              We're starting graduation
              We're starting our graduation ceremony!
              Call me, call me!

              Turn in the direction of the place - from where they will take out the "first grader" with a bell

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              Topic: Anniversary and farewell to retirement - in one bottle

              Theme options
            • Linear view
            • Combined view
            • Tree view
            • Seeing off to retirement

              What I dreamed about came true -
              From now on you are a pensioner.
              Goodbye work for wear.
              Goodbye work for weariness.

              You will go to the forest more often
              Looted by the vegetable ridge.
              You will start the alarm clock
              Just picking mushrooms.

              You are your own boss.
              And even higher - the king and god.
              That you will always be in the family
              All loved ones will be delighted.

              Kohl instead of official shackles -
              A hotbed of family warmth,
              There will be no cloud shadow
              On the horizon you have.

              But do not lose the thread with the work,
              Your colleagues don't mind
              Come to you to drink some tea,
              But you need to - help out, help.

              5 Users Say Thank You to vavenkova For This Helpful Post:

              LIFE IS NOW FREE.

              You now have a free life:
              Ahead - "free program":
              If you want, sleep, but if you want, have fun.
              If you want - starve, but if you want - get better
              (Only this task is difficult:
              Eating a lot of fat is impossible today!)
              If you want - open a cooperative,
              If you want - travel by taking a letter of credit.
              Monaco and Valencia are waiting for you
              (If you have income other than your pension!)
              Do you want to watch a movie in the morning
              Or open the window wide
              And spin hula-hoop for hours.
              But. look, do not tear your "navel",
              For you are no longer twenty years old -
              There is a danger of overstraining with the hoop.
              And if you don't want to "twist" - lie down,
              Or tie a sweater to your husband:
              You dreamed of tying him for a long time,
              Only there was not enough time for this. , -
              If the husband comes home late from work,
              Be very careful in questions:
              Not then retired. to be at home
              It was tense.
              Maybe he really has a meeting,
              Or again - "business meeting". -
              You will live more calmly, more fun
              If you can be more tolerant and smarter.

              6 Users Say Thank You to vavenkova For This Helpful Post:

              In imitation of A. Tvardovsky

              Having tasted the heat of such work,
              When the hours are faster than minutes
              When you forget: where are you, what are you,
              And who and what is your name.
              When the whole world seems to be new
              And life shines with a new face -
              From the sweet tears that are at the ready
              At least - refrain.
              And, treating yourself stricter,
              Don't regret your old life
              If you want to be younger,
              You can rest, my friend, be able to!


              To be honest with you
              And do not squint your sly eyes:
              To be you today
              Everyone would like one of us.

              We are active
              But, dig deeper than us,
              Deep down we dream
              Take a break from work.

              Do not rush to work in the morning,
              Do not rack your brains there.
              But for now, the timing is right
              We have not reached - alas!

              How long will we rush about
              In the turmoil of different things.
              Eh, change places
              Everyone would like to be with you.

              And for this reason,
              You see now
              We, congratulating you now,
              We look at you with envy!

              7 Users Say Thank You to vavenkova For This Helpful Post:

              The retirement period has approached,
              You have to say goodbye.
              For the fact that he spent his life in labor,
              Your reward.
              Free from work affairs,
              In another task:
              How to process your allotment
              At the summer cottage.
              How to catch more fish
              So that everyone has enough.
              Collect mushrooms and salt,
              So that it was enough.
              So that the grandchildren have something to meet,
              When would you stay.
              And don't forget about us
              We would ask.
              Good health doubly
              We wish you!
              Life is very long for you
              We are foreshadowing!

              2 Users Thank vavenkova For This Helpful Post:

              Scene "The Goddess of Pensions"
              Characters: God of Work, God of Vacation, Goddess of Salary, Goddess of Pension.
              Props: costumes for the gods are made from ordinary sheets, wreaths on the head - from artificial twigs or from paper.

              There is an old legend about how candidates for pensioners are accepted: a whole council is convened on the divine Olympus - to accept or not to accept? And everything happens like this. (The Gods enter the hall.)
              The God of Work (addresses other gods): I, the God of Work - Labor - gathered all of you on the professional Olympus and solemnly announce: we have a new candidate for retirement!
              Gods: Oh, how great! How glorious!
              God of Work: Yes, that means we have work again! Now we will thoroughly check this candidate. I'll be the first and start!
              (Labor approaches the colleagues of the hero of the occasion and asks them questions)
              Did she work well, did she help others out, did she quarrel with her superiors, etc.
              God of Work: Well, candidate, you're in luck: your colleagues characterize you with dignity. But this is not enough. Come on, God of Vacation, now you run your check!
              God of Vacation: I am the God of Vacation - Gulban. Working without rest is like winter without snow. Now I will check if you have learned how to rest properly!
              1. Choose the right option (you, guests, can also choose - at the same time we will check you!) - Canary Islands, Maldives, Hawaii or a summer residence?
              2. Question two: diving, surfing, snorkeling or fishing?
              3. Question three: Martini, Hennessy, Jack Daniels or moonshine?
              God of Vacation (sums up): dreaming is not harmful, but you need to rest within your means!
              God of Work: Good. And now the word to the Goddess of Salary!
              Goddess of Salary: I am the Goddess of Salary - Penny. It's time to say goodbye forever, dear candidate. Do you remember how you waited for me every month? How did you count days and even minutes? And then, after waiting, he called me miserable, pathetic, insignificant! And then he spent everything, to the last. But I do not hold evil, everything is in the past. Now you will get to know the Goddess of Pension, and do you promise to cherish and respect her? Do you promise your kids won't take it away from you? Do you promise to buy chocolates for your grandchildren with her help? The hero of the occasion promises.
              God of Work: So, candidate, you have passed all tests with flying colors! We officially accept you into the ranks of full-fledged pensioners and give you to the Goddess of Pensions!
              Goddess of Pension: I am the Goddess of Pension - Pension! From now on, I take patronage over you.But first you need to take the oath of a pensioner
              OATH OF A PENSIONER:
              In front of my friends and colleagues, I solemnly swear:
              -Use it for its purpose: for entertainment, cruises and new outfits.
              I swear! I swear! I swear.
              And now I give you a real passbook, so big that it can hold numbers with ten zeros! (Gives a drawn passbook. You can arrange a cash gift in this way - put an envelope with money or a gift certificate in it.)
              The gods put on the hero of the occasion a homemade medal "Honorary pensioner".

              9 Users Thank Innessa For This Helpful Post:

              Seeing off a colleague to retire

              How many years have we worked together
              We know almost everything about each other,
              How many years have we sang songs together
              And they worked very hard.

              How many cases have we stirred up together,
              How many tears shed from insults
              How much joy and suffering there was,
              We have not forgotten every case.

              We say goodbye to you today,
              But we will remain friends forever
              It's a pity that we are parting with you,
              You are such a good person.

              You have made a huge contribution to the work,
              All Mayan is proud that we have
              People work so honestly that the hunt
              So leave you at work.

              But, alas, there comes a time for everything,
              Now learn to live for yourself,
              You will rest now, I believe
              They deserved it for a reason.

              May your family please you more often
              And in retirement you will perk up your soul
              Come visit us more often
              And in your heart, always be young!

              5 Users Thank Innessa For This Helpful Post:

              This Saturday I celebrate the Anniversary of a 55-year-old woman. Seeing off for retirement. Thanks to the forum, I made up the following scenario. MANY THANKS TO ALL whose material I used.
              If everything is ready,
              The heart is beating more and more
              We will open together, together
              Long-awaited anniversary!
              Let the guests cheer
              Sounds jubilant now ...
              Valentina Viktorovna dear,
              We look forward to welcoming you!
              BALL SALUTE
              Dear ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Valentina Viktorovna We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. Today everything is for you and flowers, and music, and songs, and poems, and this fireworks today is also in your honor!
              (Fanfare, guests popping balloons)
              And each of us came to your holiday with the sole purpose of giving you a lot of happy moments so that you will remember this day as the brightest event in your life.
              AND OUR FIRST SURPRISE IS a unique opportunity to go under a rainbow of happiness. May each color give you hope, keep you out of trouble, and bring good luck.

              1. You step under red - the color of big and passionate love!
              2. Under the orange you get up, you will live a long time with your husband!
              3. Yellow is always a color for wealth - you will become closer to happiness
              4. The color green is a symbol of happiness - let bad weather pass you by!
              5. You stepped into the blue - there will be peace in the house!
              6. Blue shines for you and promises health!
              7. Purple is now a symbol of loyal friends!
              May this day go down in history forever
              And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
              And let the guests have fun carelessly
              Nobody, I hope, will leave the anniversary sad.
              To start the celebration as it should,
              It is suggested to fill the glasses for everyone.
              Well, well, guests, got up together,
              The glasses were raised cheerfully.
              Let's wish Valentine happiness
              And three times together we will shout: "Congratulations"! (fanfare)
              WEATHER FORECAST
              Dear guests, please start your meal, but while you are drinking, having a snack, we would like to inform you about the forecast of today's celebration.
              (soundtrack "Weather forecast")

              Cloudy, anniversary hurricane with champagne is expected today. The temperature above the table is 400, the air is filled with fun. At night there is fog in my head, in the morning it may clear up.
              HOLIDAY RULES
              Read the rules of conduct for today's celebration.

              1. We ask you to have fun, otherwise we won't let you get drunk
              2. You must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without an invitation
              3. After the 10th glass, it is desirable to sing, but it is undesirable to crawl into the neighbor's plate with your elbow.
              4. Please do not lose heart, dance until you drop, you will not be able to dance while standing, dance
              5. Remember to drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom.
              6. It is strictly forbidden to meet under the table or on the roof

              If you are before leaving But we strictly forbid
              Discovered slightly Going home then,
              On yourself other people's things When next to you will be This right does not matter A stranger's husband or wife.

              On a glorious birthday Sing songs, read poems,
              I give the order: Dance and not get bored!
              Until the morning do not fall asleep, Everyone to the fullest
              Drink alcohol, celebrate the birthday!

              TOAST TO PARENTS
              They say ... that we all come from childhood. And childhood is our parents and father's house ...
              (A lyrical melody begins to sound quietly, on the screen there is a video sequence with photos of parents and children's photos of the hero of the day. Against the background of the word :)

              The parental home is a place from Paradise.
              Where time stands still on the hands of the clock.
              And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart,
              Will give you warmth and love.

              Where dad will support in word and deed
              And he will tell the story, sitting down by the fire.
              The parental home is a place under the sky
              Which is in your heart, forever ...

              Today we have a great anniversary and our hero of the day is a round excellent pupil, she has two fives 5 and 5.
              Two fives stood side by side -
              It turned out to be an anniversary.
              We are happy to congratulate Valya
              And we wish her soon:
              Let the charm of you
              Never leaves!
              Your shine, smile, charm
              They will always stay with you!
              May happiness, joy, eyes shine,
              The success will last for years!
              And may for all your desires
              Fate will say in response: "Yes"!
              Happy birthday!

              Now I will tell you about the life of the hero of the occasion. And I will involve the NAME in this case. Your task It is necessary to say "" Shouldn't we have a drink! " This must be done after the words "And he says ..."
              Presenter In the Batyrevsky district, in the village of Bolshoye Chemenevo, on December 2, 1957, a girl named Valechka was born. So pretty and pretty. All the relatives gathered for the bride, and dad said ...

              Host No! He says: "Be my daughter happy" Years go by, our baby grew up in 1965, went to grade 1. And she was so curious, one day she comes up to the teacher and says ...

              The birthday boy "" Shouldn't we have a drink "!"

              Host What are you! She asked when I would be a pioneer like the other guys? Her teacher answered - Valya is coming soon. She was an active pioneer, then a Komsomol member. So I finished school. I went to get a job. And the head of the personnel department says ...
              The birthday boy "" Shouldn't we have a drink "!"

              Host No, he says: "Start from tomorrow." And she started. Then I went to Kazakhstan, but she didn’t like it there. She returned. In January 1976, she got married, and on December 2, on her birthday, she made a present for herself and her husband ... The first-born Andrei was born. Somehow, while conducting another round of the hospital wards, the doctor approached Valentina and said ...
              The birthday boy "" Shouldn't we have a drink "!"

              Host That you are Valya everything was wrong, he says - What a wonderful baby you have appeared, soon you will come to us for one more. And she came .. On January 11, 1980, Sasha was born, and then her daughter Masha was born on June 3, 1990.
              Three children, a wonderful husband, loving relatives - is this not HAPPINESS And that is why every year on December 2, our birthday girl says ...
              The birthday boy "" Shouldn't he have a drink for him "!"

              Dear guests, it's time to congratulate the hero of the occasion,
              Gifts to give, hug and kiss.
              First of all, he will take the floor,
              The one who walks next to this woman in life.

              The floor is given to the HUSBAND.

              Dear Valentina Viktorovna!
              Today is your anniversary
              From your beloved children
              Our hero of the day shines with happiness. Today is a special day, all those whom she loves and who love her have gathered in this hall. And everyone is in a wonderful mood, everyone is joyful and cheerful, as if the sun illuminates everyone around. Orange sun, sun of happiness and good luck. Meet - the favorite sun of a happy grandmother with the dance "Orange Sun"
              DANCE BLOCK
              2 TABLE
              Together, they danced merrily
              Isn't it time to eat?
              Is drinking wine playful?
              Yes, listen to a playful toast?
              Hurry to the table, go
              And fill your glasses!

              And now let's make such a chant after my words, the men say you need to drink for this, and the women, but we do not mind

              MODERATOR: Your anniversary is solid, but we are not counting years.
              Women: "We don't mind!"

              MODERATOR: And you are getting younger - We notice it.
              Men: "You have to drink for this!"
              Women: "We don't mind!"

              MODERATOR: Happy days, health, we wish you more.
              Men: "You have to drink for this!"
              Women: "We don't mind!"

              MODERATOR: We promise to come to the 100th birthday!
              Men: "You have to drink for this!"
              Women: "We don't mind!"

              MODERATOR: Now the glasses are together, raise everyone together! Men: "You have to drink for this!"
              Women: "We don't mind!"

              Host: We congratulate everything and we congratulate the hero of the day, and at this time, her son-in-law, beloved and only son-in-law, sits in this hall modestly. And you know, dear guests, I will tell you a secret - today is his birthday. I propose to congratulate him and shout three CONGRATULATIONS. His beloved wife Masha, of course, wants to congratulate him especially. The floor is Masha ...
              CONGRATULATIONS TO PUTIN (order, order)
              You were crying into the light when you were born
              And everyone around was laughing.
              But indeed, a young pensioner was born here. You all know how little capricious I can be, they are afraid of colds, and they have a little mind, therefore, so that they do not puff in their ears, do not bake the head, and also so that different thoughts do not get into the head, we decided to give him a cap.
              (The presenter puts a cap on her)
              And also you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this does not happen, we give him an apron. (The presenter puts on an apron)
              And I also want to add to the above that young pensioners are upset for any reason, they are always very worried about everything, so their eyes are always wet. To prevent our pensioner from crying, we decided to give her a dummy.
              (The presenter puts on a dummy with a ribbon)
              Host: And now the solemn moment is coming. From the above, the council of pensioners allows you, Valentina Viktorovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.
              Birthday girl: I,. joining the ranks of pensioners in front of my family, friends, colleagues, husband and children, I solemnly swear: ardently with the fervor of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. Replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children for the joy of us, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!
              (The text of the oath must be printed in advance. You can also give a joke pass to the party of pensioners with a photo and a seal.)
              Host: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with the duties and rights.
              Responsibilities: Get up, wash. Sit down, eat.
              To receive guests,
              Don't forget your friends.
              Put the mash for distillation.
              Play sports this year.
              Be ready for defense and labor.
              Rights: When I want - then I get up.
              As long as I want - until then I lie.
              And if I want it, I will sing it out.
              I will go where I want.
              When I want, then I sleep.
              Whom I want - that I love.
              We are pioneers, children of our country!
              There is no one happier than us in the world.
              To be with you again today,

              His whole life serves as an example to children.
              And the october and the pioneers.
              We will continue to take an example from him,
              We came to congratulate Aunt Valya! (in chorus)

              We have come to you so that we can learn from the elders,
              How to drink so as not to get drunk at all,
              How to eat in order to keep the figure,
              We came to congratulate Aunt Valya! (in chorus)

              We are the pioneers of the Soviet country,
              Aunt Valya has been in love with you for a long time
              We cannot find a best friend -
              We came to congratulate Aunt Valya! (in chorus)

              We say without despondency and laziness:
              We do not know the conflict of generations,
              You, - Aunt Valya, are younger than us,
              We must follow your example in this too! (in chorus)

              Soar with bonfires, blue nights!
              We pioneers ask for a glass
              It's high time for adults to pour
              We came to congratulate Aunt Valya!

              Once on the Internet
              Grandfather received the message:
              “Lock your house soon,
              Hurry to our anniversary. "
              Below is the signature, I will not lie,
              aunt Valya point RU.

              I began to drill my brain thinking:
              What to give to the hero of the day?
              He remembered about the miracle of the turnip,
              That in the garden was ripening somewhere.
              That nitrates were recruited,
              In general, I tried to grow up.
              And as soon as I got into a rage
              Shouted: "Oba-na"

              Grandfather, ready in the morning:
              "Know, it's time to pull out"
              I took a turnip, that one: "Oba-na"
              And not a niche from the place.

              The grandfather is nervous, all on edge.
              He and his grandmother have been divorced for a hundred years.
              But I had to call her.
              There was no better thought.

              She flew from Siberia
              And I was stunned with happiness.
              Honor, about forty years old
              She had no business with a man.
              "I gave him strength"
              "Know, it's time to pull out"
              Turnip again: "Oba-na"
              And not a damn thing.

              Both are dragging, all in sweat.
              Curse that turnip.
              We decided to call the granddaughter.
              She gathered her eyes in a bunch.
              I barely betrayed:
              "I'm always ready"
              "I gave him strength"
              "Know, it's time to pull out"
              Turnip proudly: "Oba-na"
              Again, not a shift. Here's the problem.

              Granddaughter takes a cell phone
              SMS to Beetle sends:
              Help out soon, Beetle.
              No urine. Signature-granddaughter.
              The bug still came to the rescue.
              She took her granddaughter at the waist.
              "Are you in your mind at all, lads?"
              "I'm always ready"
              "I gave him strength"
              "Know, it's time to pull out"
              Turnip firmly: "Oba-na"
              To a common cause.

              The bug barks with grief.
              Here the thought knocks her down.
              By borrowing a pipe from a granddaughter
              Murkin dials the number:
              Listen, March daughter,
              You have to help us all.
              This damn bigot
              We pull here day and night.
              Murka, rolling his eyes,
              Answers the call.
              "Get a turnip out of the ground -
              Like two fingers on the asphalt "
              "Are you in your mind at all, lads?"
              "I'm always ready"
              "I gave him strength"
              "Know, it's time to pull out"
              Turnip is modest: "Oba-na"
              In general, it's time for everyone to pour.

              Murka remembered about the mouse.
              Let him run quickly.
              She did not respond immediately.
              She was drunk, an infection.
              Holds a bubble in its paws.
              Come on, quickly, take it tight.
              "Let's grunt vodka, twist a turnip"
              "Get a turnip out of the ground -
              Like two fingers on the asphalt "
              "Are you in your mind at all, lads?"
              "I'm always ready"
              "I gave him strength"
              "Know, it's time to pull out"
              Turnip is sad: "Oba-na"
              And good luck came to them.

              They grumbled, everyone sweated,
              They managed to pull the turnip out.
              The turnip lay on its side.
              Everyone said "BOTH-ON"

              The moral of this tale is as follows:
              Don't throw a word into the wind.
              To make things clear
              I must drink a glass of vodka!
              And therefore, come on, pour everyone quickly!

              The siren sounds. Doctors practically burst into the room, with the words “Where is the newborn? "Everyone points to the birthday boy. Doctors make their way to him. They measure the temperature with a huge thermometer, listen to specials. device heart, breathing. In general, they do an inspection. And they say: “Oh, good baby, healthy. But we must examine the guests so that there are no infections. " Several people (5-7) are examined and given ridiculous diagnoses (swine flu, bacillus, pregnant (for a man), a strange infection. We wrote the diagnoses in large letters on half of the album sheet with a regular marker). First, the diagnosis was shown to the guests, and then handed over to the "patient". The doctors also have a bottle of vodka, but not a simple one, the label is sealed, it says MIXTURE .. Everyone is poured after examination. After the end of the examination, the hero of the day is put on the chairs, the doctors, pointing at her body parts, read out their conclusions and give out a medical book.
              Doctor ophthalmologist T.N. Podglazkina
              Eyes: beautiful, clean and clear
              They look beautifully into the distance and see everything in the vicinity
              They are like a mirror of the soul, everyone sees problems

              Narcologist V.B. Vodkin
              Good wine taster
              Smells the smell of alcohol a mile away
              She is stable in a drunken company.
              But what to amuse others
              Can skip 2-3 stacks
              For charging, for enthusiasm
              Can drink liquor too

              Not registered at the dispensary

              Doctor Kozhven (sexopathologist) Shalunova I.F.
              The patient is not old
              Seductive, smart
              High, visible, white
              Sexually literate

              Her sexual performance is enormous, both in quality and quantity. All analyzes are in order. Access to the body is permitted.

              Physician therapist N.V. Pechenkin
              The patient is of indeterminate age, in the back and in the front. Prefers white, clean, good snacks. The buttocks are rounded and pronounced. From them there are legs with a small foot, extremely fast with a queen's tread. The chest is developed to envy.

              The jubilee entered the time of femininity, flowering, patience, hops and a certain sexuality. In general, "Babenka" is what you need.
              Allowed to work
              Drinking wine is not prohibited.
              Always be beautiful and carefree
              Fuck all the household chores
              "Oh, what a woman has passed!"
              And don't forget about makeup, of course,
              Even if you go home
              So that every man he meets thinks:
              "Oh, what a lady, my God!"
              And one more famous tip:
              Sometimes take a glass
              So that every man he meets thinks:
              "Oh, what a woman, damn it

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Seeing Off to Retirement Scenario

Host: Today is an important day. Today our honored (full name) goes on vacation. All your friends and relatives accompany you on this journey.
There are many people on this day
I have gathered for your holiday.
We accompany you to rest,
It just so happened in life.
And so as not to succumb to sadness,
We repeat again and again:
Rest is our happiness!
Everyone is ready to rest.
Host 2: You have worked hard and for a long time, you have earned the honor and the right to rest. Now we will remember this day and think of you as an example.
Pension may scare someone
Worse than seeing a dentist.
But do not judge (name) you harshly.
We will dance cha-cha-cha today.
How to earn retirement? Maybe each of us will succeed in this. But our pensioner goes there with a sense of accomplishment.
Next, you need to list the main dates of the pensioner's activity. It is necessary to list as many details as possible, starting with kindergarten. Find photos, simulate slideshows and show them to everyone present. For example:
Host 1: In the preparatory group in ... year I began to study .... (description of the child). He was smart, tenacious and funny. (Name) entered kindergarten - also a description, for example - a child of average height, in the prime of life, with excellent prospects. I entered the school number ... of the city ... (Name, surname, patronymic), who knew how to draw, read with expression and do push-ups on the uneven bars.
When listing the dates, you need to publicize the cases in as much detail as possible. For example, show diplomas, name merits, participation in amateur performances, victories in some kind of competitions, character traits. List friends, classmates, fellow students, etc. Briefly describe them.
When the place comes to describe work achievements, be sure to list them starting from the year of work. Briefly describe the profession itself. Read the verse:
We respect you as a person
You are very brave and kind.
Everyone can have numbers for the century,
That they won't be old at all.
We congratulate you today, because the rest
From now on it has come for you.
In words they will sound, impregnable and proud,
We wish you more strength!
For the speech that will be dedicated to the school, this dedication:
We enter school with hope.
Will the plan come true in life?
We dream about ours, as before.
Let everyone decide the fate for himself.
We gathered today, because the reason
It was provided to us today.
Everyone can be young at heart
So that, like in school, there was a lot of strength.
Host 2: Dear (full name), today our task is to report on your achievements. But we also want to give you a gift. Today is a special day. We give you our gift and want you to remember this day by using this (item name).
Further, there should be a logical rationale why the pensioner is given this particular gift. You can compose something with humor, but according to the occasion.
Host 1: So we shared our mood. It is solemn and sublime. And now we provide an opportunity to speak out to the trade union committee.
PROFKOM: Dear pensioner,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts in chorus.
You are a constant example for us!
You cannot express a reproach to life.
We are not expecting you to work tomorrow!
Let your holiday start brighter.
Soon, too, we will come to the ranks
Those who solves the problem of pensions.
Host 1: We want to congratulate you on joining the special ranks. This is not an army, but pensioners also have their own teams. For example - "Grandchildren", or "To the garden". We are giving you such a pension-type ticket. Now you are in a special army.
There is applause. They give a comic army-type ticket for pensioners.
Host 2. And now let's loudly shout a triple hurray. With wires to retire!
A three-fold brisk Hurray should sound.

Scenario of seeing off retirement for a man celebrating his 60th birthday

Scenario of a 60-year-old man's anniversary, seeing off his pension
This scenario is designed to be held in a small room for 30 - 40 people.
For the event you will need:
Indoor decoration
Musical accompaniment.
Props for competitions, prizes.
A treat for guests.

It is necessary to decorate the room in advance with balls, flowers, garlands.
Draw a poster, collect and glue photographs for children and youth.
We create a living corridor of guests.
At the entrance of the hero of the day, guests greet him with applause

Friends and employees, sparing no words
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day
You are light and joy, you are full of happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary to us.
Your family loves and appreciates you,
Reliable loyal friends of yours.
We all wish you health and strength
So that you always have everything you want
So that youth, happiness, luck, success,
Fate has always given you without hindrances!

After the guests have sat down at the table, a toast from the boss is expected


The retirement period has approached - you are rewarded
And he spent his life in labors - free from work affairs,
Now the task is different - how to process your allotment in a summer cottage.
How to catch more fish - so that everyone has enough.
Collect mushrooms and salt them - so that there is plenty.
So that the grandchildren had something to meet - when they were visiting.
And do not forget about us - we would ask ...
Good health doubly - we wish you!
Life is very long for you - we portend!

To congratulate the hero of the day, options are offered.
A group of Voni Em arrived from distant Nigeria (there is no need to go into history). Three participants and a participant come out, in black nylon stockings on their heads (such as blacks) music is turned on, the participants imitate singing. After stopping the music, they read congratulatory verses with an accent:
They say good wine
It will become real only over the years
So this is the kind of magic
Will definitely come with us!

For example, our dear hero of the day
I waited for a good endurance,
And at sixty he is a unique specimen,
He stayed young in body and soul!

And the date is round yours
I only raised your price
So let's ask for everything now
Priceless culprit to the stage!

Stand high, our hero of the day
And listen to our instructions
We dedicate a circular to you,
And in it - congratulations from the heart!

As a unique variety of wine
Strengthen, our dear, over the years ...
And the taste of happiness so that it was to the bottom,
Pour a glass and have a drink with us.

Let the festive drink
Will raise the degree of mood
And happiness pours over the edge
On your anniversary birthday.

Let it be today, dear,
You have become much more mature.
But how cheerfully they shook the old days
We are at your, buddy, anniversary!

After a short break, a song is sung to the tune: "Tonight, in the evening, in the evening ..." (prepare several copies of the words in advance for all the guests to sing).

Without a hero of the day, frankly, there is nothing to do.
We will gather at the table, pour glasses full
And we'll sing a song for his health:

It's time for us to celebrate.

And meet this day

Let you not be 20 or 30, let it be!
Don't lower the bar of your vivacity!
We will follow strictly, you will not hide from us,
You should know so!

We see the brave, the brave, the brave
A man of slender, handsome, curly haired!
Let the years go by, but we wish that always
The soul of (the name of the hero of the day) remained young!

It's time for us to celebrate.
It's time to celebrate, celebrate a glorious anniversary!
And meet this day
In a large company of colleagues and friends!

Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!
In response to her, you let go of your jokes!
Keep the same strictness around despondency
Don't let it!

Tonight, tonight, tonight
There is nothing to do without a dear hero of the day!
We will drink once, we will drink two to the anniversary and to the deeds,
But not to have a headache tomorrow!

Other reworked songs for the hero of the day

The next guests will be a gypsy with a monkey. The gypsy will remind you of all the good and successful things that happened in the life of the hero of the day. About marriage, the birth of children, success in the profession, a big purchase ... And for the future, the fortuneteller will get pre-prepared notes with predictions for the future, a lot of positive changes and good parting words for the future are needed, i.e. retired.
The fortuneteller concludes with the words:

Anniversary is a worthy occasion
To tell about the merits,
Uniqueness, genius,
Finally, yours to acknowledge.
And to the recognition - a wish:
Happiness, joy in fate,
Long years of healthy life
And good luck to you!

And tomorrow you don't need to go to work!
Now you have a day off on weekdays.
You have gone to a well-deserved rest,
Leaving the daily worries behind.
Hurry in the morning to do a bunch of things,
Everywhere you tried to be in time all the time,
Bearing all women a burdensome burden ...
Now the home hearth is your destiny.
You will not suffer from boredom:
Business in the house will not diminish over the years.
Rather, we will miss you -
Tomorrow we will begin to miss you.
Thank you for being in the world,
Such a sincere, dear person!
You will stay in our hearts forever,
And our evening today is in your honor!

IN YOUR HONOR - a medal was cast (you can make a medal yourself by pasting, for example, a photo of the hero of the day, or buy a ready-made one in a store). The medal is handed over to applause.
A memo to the award medal is read.

(Other attributes of the anniversary)

Memo to the award medal.

FULL NAME. to award a commemorative jubilee medal and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all prosperity.
The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in a circle of loved ones, at a festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

The procedure and conditions for the operation of the medal.

The medal itself consists of a medal, put on, holes for putting on.

In order to put on the medal, you need to take it by the worn and into the contour, stick your head so that the worn hooks onto the part of the body that connects the head to the body. The medal should sit on the upper front of the torso with the right side out. At the same time, the user of the medal must make a happy, solemn expression on his face. The lower edge of the medal must coincide with the upper belly of the hero of the day.

So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day dignity, every year on the birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign bottling, but with a good Russian snack.

The recipient of this medal has the right to:

Complete all assignments.
- For free travel in friends' cars, "hare" in any worldly transport
- Free admission to clinics and supermarkets.
- Demand reimbursement from the spouse for the cost of proper care of the medal.

The person awarded with the medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry, getting old, using the medal for making teeth, like a load when salting cabbage.

Control over the safe storage of the medal should be entrusted to police officers, the FSB, and faithful children.

Before giving gifts, you can sing a song.
The song is sung: "We can't give you on your birthday ..."

We can't get you on your birthday
Dear "BMW" donate,
But we will give you a gift, no doubt
And we are ready to repeat a hundred times:
That you are kind, cheerful, attentive
And in business, the generally recognized specialist,
That in general you are wonderful with us
And comrade, and friend, and father!

It's time to give gifts.

We wish you good health
For more bright, clear days
And if you can invite us
Celebrate the centenary

Time of competitions and games.

1. Let's arrange a ditty contest, the winner gets a prize _______

2 let's arrange a competition for adjectives, let's say with the letter B ...

"__________________" is our NAME of the hero of the day
All guests
We were looking forward to your "__________________" anniversary
Everyone with "__________________" had fun,
And "__________________" sang songs,
Gave "__________________" gifts
"__________________" laughed.
Let's wait for the next "__________________" anniversary!

4 Divide the guests into 2 teams and conduct a survey which team knows the hero of the day better:

1. Date and place of birth.
2. Its origin: (parents, in which city
or grew up in the village).
3. Place of study.
4. Time to reveal talent or start a career.
5. Friends or personalities around him. (This
the question can be asked by showing photographs. Guests
should not only give the names of these people, but also
talk about what connects them with the hero of the day).
6. Detailed questions about where, when and how
a person created his works, wrote songs,
7. Questions about personal life. Children, wives, mistresses, reasons for divorce.
8. Which countries have you visited and with whom there
did you meet?
9. What is your current activity?

Place two chairs in front of the groups. One should have a sign
"True", on the other - "False." You name a proposal taken from the biography of the hero of the day.
But half of the sentences must be lies. To do this, you need to distort the dates or names. It is necessary to divide the team members so that each pair consists of one member of the first team and one member of the second team.
Next, you loudly say out loud a saying about the life and work of your hero of the day.
The members of the first pair, with the help of their team's prompts, should take the desired chair, that is, if the saying is correct, then the chair with the “True” sign, and vice versa. Who is the first to sit on the right chair, he brings his team one point. The team with the most points wins.

We wished you today
Cheerfulness for many years
Be as we know you
Always sensitive and attentive!

Comic oath of a "young" pensioner for a woman

Ved .: Today we accept our ........... into the society of pensioners and take an oath from it:

I, a young pensioner, joining the honorary society of pensioners, working and non-working, drinking moderately and

Non-drinkers, sticking their nose everywhere, I solemnly swear:

To be a worthy member of society, that is, to constantly be in a sound mind and body.

Disease, no hops.

Hero of the day: I swear!

Ved.: Work tirelessly, without stretching your legs. Confidently walk on any of the roads.

Hero of the day: I swear!

Ved.: Be sharp on the tongue, eyes and ears. Do not succumb to either sadness, or ailments, or cold!

Hero of the day: I swear!

Ved.: Drink only with friends, and then a little. Always find a path to the house.

Hero of the day: I swear!

Ved.: Dear ............................!

We accept you into the ranks so that you do not know the troubles.

Do not get sick, do not lose heart, eat more, sleep better.

Be cheerful and do not swear, never worry.

Young so that the pensioner did everything and did everything.

To live, when everything is in moderation, to the title of an honorary pensioner.

And when you are one hundred, we will lay this table again!

A lady from the trade union (or a person who is usually involved in organizing various celebrations of the company) runs into the hall:
Guard!!! Robbed !!! Everything is lost!!! Scenario! Jokes and laughter!

Trade union:
Leading! Rather, the whole celebration. I ordered from ... (either the actual name of the company providing services for organizing and conducting holidays in the city or simply "holiday agency" Holiday, holiday "") festive program. They had to get some props and pay for their services. I collected the props, paid for everything, stuck the receipt to the props and went to them. I get out of the minibus and behold (shows an almost empty large BMW package in the hole) what happened. No one will work without a receipt. The props, too, were whistled almost entirely. There is no time to collect a new one, the banking day is over. Nightmare!

Trade union:
Yes, you have to get out (looks into the package), we will use what has been preserved. And we will have to work today for the benefit of joint fun for all of us.

The union goes to the hall and selects 3 men. She takes out 3 bras and 3 short skirts from the bag. Bras are pre-filled with any available means, i.e. foam rubber, cotton wool, fabric, etc. are sewn into the cups. - when a bra is worn on a man, a stable protruding chest should be obtained. For ease of putting on, it is better to sew skirts with ties, sew coins, bells or other ringing material along the bottom of the skirt. Attributes are worn over the costumes.

Union(referring to the newly minted ladies):
The main thing is plastic and relaxedness. And I will prompt (addressing the audience, in a solemn voice) The folk ensemble of the East is performing “Booty, shake your chest, (name of the hero of the occasion) hurry to congratulate! "

Music for oriental dances is included.

Trade union:
Girls! We went softly, smoothly to the left - to the right, to the left - to the right. Pull the thigh harder, to the left - to the right. Hands closed, hands up and head also left - right, more and more. Shaking the chest. Shaking the fifth point ... (well, continue in the same spirit).

Trade union:
I shouldn't have worried. We can handle it ourselves, especially since I threw SOS to all my relatives and friends, we must help. And you (referring to the new dance group) we can even nominate you for the "Firebird of the East 2014" competition, outshine everyone!

A doctor in a dressing gown enters the hall (several inscriptions are sewn or written on the dressing gown, you get a universal doctor: "hiryurg", "glaznyuk", "zododer", "traumatik", "nevryug", "heart-oh", etc.) ...

Throwing a glance at the pensioner
I can declare boldly
Anyone would say a cardiogram,
The heart beats without flaw.
Ultrasound cardiogram echoes after,
There are no health problems.
Even if you pass all the tests and smears,
You will not find reasons for the melancholy-melancholy.
But to support the cheerful spirit,
In order not to lose a musical ear,
In order not to disrupt the metabolism,
And always eat with appetite,
To further strengthen health,
You should accept gifts from me!

Doctor(takes out a package of herring in a jar, on which there is a sticker with the inscription "Neskuchin"):
Drive sadness, longing,
Take these pills
In the morning and in the afternoon, one at a time, and a couple in the evening,
Do not forget to wash everything down with a glass.

Then he hands over a bottle labeled "Drugopriglastin" (glued to a bottle of cognac):
This medicine is not easy
It is accepted only by the crowd,
Look at the calendar more often,
And call your friends on holidays.

Then a bag with lemons and the inscription "Veselin":
The movement of life is the words of a sage,
And you start with the face
And don't write off lemon with a snack,
This is advice from the same sages.

Packing of chewing gum (sachet with several packs) with the inscription "Maskerin":
Sprinkle them always
In soup, compote and mayonnaise,
Let the breathalyzer tremble
And merciless caries!

And finally
A little poem.
Do not be ill, do not miss,
Observe the prescribed regimen.
And to reinforce the words,
Pour into glasses!

Raising glasses.

Trade union:
Thank you doctor and neighbor for your participation and kind advice!

A man in a camouflage uniform, disguised with branches, grass, etc. enters the hall.

Trade union:
So the special friends are joining!

The special friend silently chooses 2 women and 2 men from the hall. Together with them, it occupies a dislocation near a certain place (for example, near a specific table or other piece of furniture, which sometimes will not budge during the holiday).

Special friend(gives women a tape measure):
Two meters to the left at a 40 degree angle (numbers and direction are predetermined empirically, depending on the actual position in the hall), men can be handed a protractor to determine the angle.

Women measure, they must come to a certain chair where one of the guests sits.

An envelope is glued to the bottom of the chair ahead of time with the help of adhesive tape, which is taken out.

A special friend with men joins women.

One of the participants(reads out the text from the envelope):
The male section of the path lies strictly north (or: south, east, west) over ... meters (distance to the nearest window sill)... Men measure the necessary meters, reach the desired windowsill.

Special friend:
Sharing hands under the windowsill.

The players find another envelope (also pre-attached to the scotch tape).

One of the men reads out:
Joint passage straight for ... meters.

Players pass and in front of them are two hills covered with cloth.

The special friend removes the fabric, opening two boxes (from under any equipment) with the inscription "M" on one box and "F" on the other.

Special friend(issues command):
Open the boxes according to the guidelines.

The women open the box with the letter "Ж" and take out a basket of flowers or a basket of chocolates, which you can easily make yourself.

The men respectively open the box with the letter "M" and take out a gift from the team.

Union(referring to the Special Friend):
And how when did you manage everything? We were all here!

Special friend(straightening his clothes):
Not accustomed to discovering secrets. And now you shouldn't waste time on explanations when glasses need to be refilled.

Raising glasses.

Several men (at least 4) enter the hall with helium balloons (at least each person who enters must have a balloon).
One of the newcomers comes up to the Trade Union and says something in his ear and gives a package.

Trade union:
Quite right! Initiation into retirees is required.

The trade union calls 2 more (women or men, preferably tall) from the hall. They are presented with a package received by the Trade Union (it is written on the fabric or roll of wallpaper: "Welcome to the pensioners!"). These two participants stand on chairs and stretch the inscription - a kind of arch is obtained.

Those who entered with balls, tie the latter to a chair. A future pensioner is invited and asked to sit on this chair. Men lift a chair with a pensioner and have to walk 3 times through the arch (the hall is counting).

Trade union:
We present you with a certificate of initiation into retirees. Indeed, it is in the entire solar system. There is one more touch left - a solemn promise. Read and sign.

Inside the certificate, something like this is typed:
I,…., Joining the ranks of retirees, in front of my colleagues, friends and relatives, solemnly promise: to live happily and carefree, get up without an alarm clock, travel by all means of transport, including peskarus, conquer Everest and reach the North Pole, swim across the ocean and fly Dnipro, not to get sick and not limp, attend all kinds of cultural events, go skiing, sledding, rollerblades and scooters, live up to 100 years without knowing any troubles.

The future pensioner reads the promise and signs it.

Trade union:
For a new pensioner, hurray!


Ceremonial raising of glasses.