Beauty secrets of oriental concubines. Beauty in Arabic: the secrets of oriental women

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which does not diminish: wise oriental women learned the most important thing about self-care a thousand years ago! Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture are used.

Argan oil

Valuable argan oil is the number one remedy for the beauty of Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its positions. Girls use it in its pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a means for the face and body. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of aroma: the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

Amla extract

Amla , or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask. Amla works especially well on the scalp, perhaps, oriental beauties have such thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care! If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful face toner with a mesmerizing scent. Previously, women used it as a basic treatment, but today it can replace micellar water for you. In addition, rose water has a calming effect, relieves redness and inflammation. And one more secret of oriental beauty - it is best to keep rose water in the fridge to freshen up your skin even more.


Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the ritual to prepare the bride for the wedding. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means you can easily make an Indian bride mask at home yourself! This requires 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water. This is the beauty secret of oriental women in facial care.


You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it on your own experience. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa. Unlike artificial colors, henna is completely harmless and even useful. We do not call for dyeing your hair (however, colorless henna is suitable as a firming mask) or getting a tattoo, but henna is just perfect as an eyebrow dye!


Citric acid is a natural skin whitening agent that is also great for refreshing. We most often strive for tanning, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their face with lemon juice. Yes, life is not fair! By the way, there is another common beauty technique for the beauty of oriental women: the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe it over your face.

Mustard seed oil

The story of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012 in India and the Middle East, food was cooked with this oil, but then it was banned from food products due to its high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is another matter entirely! For centuries, girls have rubbed mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a "braid to the waist", then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Halawa Natural Wax

Halawa wax is incredibly popular in eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells like sandalwood. This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into nails to keep them strong and shiny, or it can even be used as a deodorant! Yes, yes, the girls of the East guessed that sweat can be dealt with in this way, a long, long time ago. What is most interesting is that natural wax is beginning to gain popularity in other countries, displacing the products we are used to.


It is difficult to imagine oriental culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East. Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to steam again. Thanks to this, all unnecessary "dirt" leaves the body through the pores, forgive me for being straightforward, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bathhouse, so there is no question of any cellulite!

Natural perfume

Of course Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumery based on essential oils with pronounced oriental spicy aromas does not give up its positions. Jasmine, musk, vanilla, rose, sandalwood - how else to enchant an oriental prince, if not with such a veil? Arabian perfumery is oil-based without the use of alcohol, so it is very long-lasting.

There are legends about the beauty of oriental women. Eastern beauties have always captivated Western men with their mystery. Eastern beauty really deserves our attention, because you can easily use some recipes even in Russian realities.

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which does not diminish: wise oriental women learned the most important thing about self-care a thousand years ago! Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, sauna culture are used.

Argan oil
Valuable argan oil is the number one remedy for the beauty of Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its positions. Girls use it in its pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a means for the face and body. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of aroma: the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

Amla extract
Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask. Amla works especially well on the scalp, perhaps, oriental beauties have such thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care! If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful face toner with a mesmerizing scent. Previously, women used it as a basic treatment, but today it can replace micellar water for you. In addition, rose water has a calming effect, relieves redness and inflammation. And one more secret of oriental beauty - it is best to keep rose water in the fridge to freshen up your skin even more.

Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the ritual to prepare the bride for the wedding. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means you can easily make an Indian bride mask at home yourself! This requires 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water. This is the beauty secret of oriental women in facial care.

You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it on your own experience. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa. Unlike artificial colors, henna is completely harmless and even useful. We do not call for dyeing your hair (however, colorless henna is suitable as a firming mask) or getting a tattoo, but henna is just perfect as an eyebrow dye!

Citric acid is a natural skin whitening agent that is also great for refreshing. We most often strive for tanning, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their face with lemon juice. Yes, life is not fair! By the way, there is another common beauty technique for the beauty of oriental women: the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe it over your face.

Mustard seed oil
The story of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012 in India and the Middle East, food was cooked with this oil, but then it was banned from food products due to its high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is another matter entirely! For centuries, girls have rubbed mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a "braid to the waist", then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Halawa Natural Wax
Halawa wax is incredibly popular in eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells like sandalwood. This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into nails to keep them strong and shiny, or it can even be used as a deodorant! Yes, yes, the girls of the East guessed that sweat can be dealt with in this way, a long, long time ago. What is most interesting, natural wax begins to gain popularity in other countries, displacing the products we are used to.

It is difficult to imagine oriental culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East. Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to steam again. Thanks to this, all unnecessary "dirt" leaves the body through the pores, forgive me for being straightforward, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bathhouse, so there is no question of any cellulite!

Natural perfume
Of course, Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumery based on essential oils with pronounced oriental spicy aromas does not give up its positions. Jasmine, musk, vanilla, rose, sandalwood - how else to enchant an oriental prince, if not with such a veil? Arabian perfumery is oil-based without the use of alcohol, so it is very long-lasting.

Always stay beautiful and unique!

"Well-groomed woman is beautiful" (c)

Once I came across an interesting article in Turkish, about how women preserved their beauty in Ottoman times, how they looked after themselves and what they used in those days. One of the most well-groomed women of that period was considered ... who do you think?)
Khyurrem-Sultan, or Roksolana, the Slavic wife of the Great Sultan Suleiman, but this is not about her!

Let's plunge into that atmosphere of the mysterious Ottoman era, when the women of the harem competed among themselves in beauty and attractiveness to attract the attention of that one and only. In the harem, life seemed sweet and monotonous, but all the happiness and luck of the concubine was built on only one thing - the desire of the Sultan, whether he would notice another beautiful and clever woman, or not, whether he could spend the night with him or not, for this it was necessary to always look clean , well-groomed and beautiful! You couldn't have predicted who the padishah would call tonight?

The article I read is not just a set of invented sentences, it is a serious scientific study based on ancient works and records from the Topkapi Palace library, which was carried out by Ayten Altıntaş, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Cerrahpaşa University of Istanbul, Ayten Altıntaş.
I collected a little different information, literally bit by bit, from the Internet, and that's what happened in the end.


One of the very first steps in self-care, the women of the harem (she does not consider the rest) began with a trip to the hamam. Cleanliness is a guarantee of health not only in Soviet times, but, as we can see, in Ottoman times. The water, which was infused with violet flowers and hibiscus petals, served as both a fragrance and softener for body skin and hair.
Another emollient was mud, or clay, which was mixed in silver bowls (this is a palace!) With the same water, filtered and rinsed with this solution hair and body.

Removing unwanted hair.

Before the hammam, every time the girls were required to undergo all hair removal procedures, from all parts of the body, without being afraid to use even a mixture of arsenic and sulfur! But, basically, the depilation was carried out using various compositions of honey, eggs, lemon juice.
Peeling for women replaced kese- the best invention for the weak half of humanity in skin care and one of the most important traditions in the culture of the Turkish hamam.
On the steamed and slightly dried skin, they were properly passed with a special mitten made of various silk fibers, so it was freed from dead cells, began to breathe and shine, it becomes smooth and soft.

One of the most important remedies for keeping the body clean was good soap... In those days, the industrial production of various soaps reached unprecedented heights, and of course, the best samples were supplied to the palaces, which were given various forms of flowers and fruits. They were necessarily fragrant.

Since the hair became coarse when washed with soap, the Ottoman beauties knew the secret of making an emollient hair creams: he was occupied with a thick infusion of mallow flowers and hibiscus petals! Isn't it how exquisite it is! In a small amount of water, the flowers were boiled for a long time until a jelly-like gruel was formed, and then they smeared the ends of the hair with the resulting product. Needless to say, kilograms of these flowers were sent to the palace!

For better hair growth and beauty henna powder was used in a composition with ground walnut shells, and dried fig leaves.

One of the most popular skin and hair care products was a special clay, which was diluted with various infusions of herbs and flowers, as well as oils and used as masks on the face and whole body.

A lot of soap, a lot of foam, and water and the steamed body of the concubine is ready for massage: specially trained attendants performed the role of massagers, relaxing the body and muscles on the eve of a stormy night.

Since clean and steamed skin can quickly harden and "wrinkle" when it dries, the best way to avoid this was to apply, or, as they said, ointment, with various oils and creams based on them. They were getting ready on the day of taking water procedures. They were usually based on olive or sesame oil. In the morning, they lowered the plant, the effect of which this or that concubine wished to see on herself.

One of the popular plants was the rose flower, which was delivered to the palace in unimaginable quantities: almost 88 tons per year!


Preferences varied with the seasons: violet was popular in summer due to its cooling properties, cinnamon and cloves in winter. Mixing them with oils and beeswax, the beauties of the harem received their nourishing and caring creams.
Before going to bed, the face was necessarily washed with rose water,

and then the cream was applied to it. The teeth were brushed with a miswaki - a special brush made from a fibrous wooden stick split at the end.

After cleaning, the mouth was rinsed with saline - apparently already then they knew about its antiseptic effect.
To prevent tooth decay, washing the mouth with a mixture of honey and vinegar every day served.

For problem skin after washing, it was advised to wipe your face with a not strong solution of lemon juice in half with water - to reduce pores and greasiness, and in advanced cases, for example, acne, it was recommended to leave your face smeared with purple plum juice overnight. Lemon in those days was as important a remedy as rose water, with its help the concubines whitened the skin of the face and hands and were saved by it as a natural antiseptic for wounds (* I wonder how it stings?)

Did you like beauty secrets? Do they have something in common with modern care?
Would you like to be a concubine of some nice padishah in your past life?))

How do Muslim women look after themselves?

You've probably noticed that Muslim women look special. For example, that they have a special makeup, that their hair is very beautiful and shimmers in the sun, that their skin is even. But are these features of the national type, or the secrets of beauty? We will tell you about this.

The second and very interesting thing I want to tell you about is epilation. Muslim girls know that hair removal is a mandatory procedure since childhood. In Eastern culture, it is considered bad form to have excess hair on the legs and, moreover, on the face. A rather interesting method is used for the face, which is called "three strands". For this, a spool of thread is taken. The thread is hooked between the fingers so that an infinity sign is formed and this sign should be guided over the problem areas of the face. Hair gets caught between twisted strands and is pulled out. Only the hair of the eyebrows is not pulled out - religion says that they should remain as from birth ... But Arab women, of course, tint them and slightly correct them.

Also, Muslim women for many centuries before us knew such a thing as shuggaring. To do this, melted sugar in a frying pan, added lemon juice and waited for the mixture to cool slightly. Well, and then they simply removed unwanted hair with this mixture. Thus, the feet of Muslim women were always gentle and without a single hair. It is worth taking a closer look at these methods and adopting them.

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which continues unabated - wise oriental women learned the most important thing about self-care a thousand years ago! Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture are used.

Argan oil

Valuable argan oil is the number one remedy for Arabian beauties. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its positions. Girls use it in its pure form, without cosmetic additives, and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a means for the face and body. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of scent - the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

Amla extract

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia) - the product is simply applied as a mask. Amla works especially well on the scalp - perhaps oriental beauties have such thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care! If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful face toner with a mesmerizing scent. Previously, women used it as a basic treatment, but today it can replace micellar water for you. In addition, rose water has a calming effect, relieves redness and inflammation. And one more tip - it's best to keep it in the refrigerator to freshen up your skin even more.


Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the ritual to prepare the bride for the wedding. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means you can easily make an Indian bride mask at home yourself! This requires 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.


You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it on your own experience. For example, henna tattoos have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa. Unlike artificial dyes, henna is completely harmless and even, on the contrary, useful. We do not call for dyeing your hair (however, colorless henna is suitable as a firming mask) or getting a tattoo, but henna is just perfect as an eyebrow dye!


Citric acid is a natural skin whitening agent that is also great for refreshing. We most often strive for tanning, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their face with lemon juice. Yes, life is not fair! By the way, in the East there is another common beauty trick - the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe it on your face.

Mustard seed oil

The story of mustard seed oil is rather controversial: until 2012 in India and the Middle East, food was cooked with this oil, but then it was banned from food products due to its high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is another matter entirely! For centuries, girls have rubbed mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a "braid to the waist", then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Halawa Natural Wax

Halawa wax is incredibly popular in eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells like sandalwood. This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into nails to keep them strong and shiny, or it can even be used as a deodorant! Yes, yes, the girls of the East guessed that sweat can be dealt with in this way, a long, long time ago. What is most interesting is that natural wax is beginning to gain popularity in other countries, displacing the products we are used to.


It is difficult to imagine oriental culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East. Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to steam again. Thanks to this, all unnecessary "dirt" leaves the body through the pores, forgive me for being straightforward, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bathhouse, so there is no question of any cellulite!