Gray earthy complexion because of what. Why does the face turn blue

Skin tone is influenced by lifestyle, profession, diet and habits, lack of sleep and the environment, even stress and heredity. In addition to common causes, there are diseases that provoke an unhealthy complexion. An experienced doctor, during the first examination of a patient, may immediately suspect problems in a particular area in the body if he notices an earthy, cyanotic, yellow or green complexion in the patient. In the article on the site, we will consider how an unhealthy complexion is associated with diseases and decipher the map of diseases by skin tone.

What does "unhealthy complexion" mean?

This concept refers to color deviations of human skin. Ideally, when the person does not complain of pain or malaise and feels great, the skin tone will be in the range of pink, beige and yellow, and a healthy blush may appear on the cheeks. Each organism develops and functions in its own way, therefore, skin color will vary depending on individual indicators.

In Chinese medicine, there are 5 unhealthy skin tones: white, black and green mean pain, red and yellow mean fullness, white mean absence.

For each of the five skin colors, organ problems are distributed:

  • red is the heart,
  • white - pulmonary system,
  • black - kidneys,
  • yellow - spleen,
  • green - liver.

Unhealthy complexion and disease map

A dark complexion is characterized by ailments associated with the thyroid gland, liver, adrenal glands, heart. If there is an unhealthy complexion in the direction of a uniform dark shade, this may mean adrenal insufficiency, the development of renal pathologies, and bacterial endocarditis.

If the face becomes covered with blurry brown spots, this characterizes the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. When the face becomes covered with dark spots, and besides, the patient constantly feels numbness of the fingers, cold extremities, "goose bumps" on the body - these are sure signs of systemic scleroderma.

Leopard syndrome is characterized by the appearance of dark brown spots. Clearly cut spots on the skin can be a symptom of nevus syndrome.

Black spots on the skin

Black spots near the cheekbones and wings of the nose or all over the face indicate kidney and bladder problems. Blackness may appear due to a decrease in the amount of vitamin B-group - PP or niacin. This disease is called pellagra. Also, dark, almost black spots appear due to hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation - xeroderma pigmentosa.

Blue complexion

This shade can appear in the course of treatment with the drug "Cordaron". In addition, a blue complexion can be the result of the development of cardiopulmonary diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • asthma;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • heart defects;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumothorax.

Redness of the skin

Often, red spots on the face give away a person who abuses alcohol. In addition, redness of the skin on the face may indicate the development of:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • rosacea;
  • scarlet fever;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis.

Earthy skin color

An unhealthy complexion (earthy and gray tones) may not always indicate a problem. It is most likely to "earn" such a color if you do not get enough sleep, abuse cigarettes and alcohol, be constantly in a suffocating room, eat harmful foods and lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is possible that an earthy skin color may be the first symptom:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • oncological nature of the disease;
  • sepsis;
  • HIV infection.

Every girl, woman, and even a girl dreams of being beautiful. But what is beauty? What is it, the standard of beauty? How is the concept of beauty related to the health of the skin and internal organs of a person?

What determines the color of a person's face

Complexion is not skin color. The pigment melanin is responsible for the skin color, protecting from ultraviolet radiation. If the skin receives an overabundance of ultraviolet radiation, then this leads to burns and a violation of skin pigmentation, in the worst case, to DNA damage.

The skin of the face can be white, yellow, dark-skinned, black. Whereas the complexion is white, pale, yellow, gray, earthy and even green, and the reasons for such a variety of unhealthy colors in a similar lifestyle.

The concept of "lifestyle" includes:

  • way of eating;
  • health status;
  • physical activity;
  • bad habits;
  • stress.

What does it mean - an unhealthy complexion

If you imagine the image of a young healthy girl, in a frosty season, who came from the countryside, with a glowing blush on her snow-white skin, you can easily understand what a healthy person looks like.

A blush on both cheeks accentuates the whiteness of the skin.

It is not for nothing that in Pushkin's fairy tale, the mirror defines beauty precisely by the whiteness of the skin and its blush: "You are the sweetest in the world, all blush and whiter" it says to the evil queen. So what causes an earthy complexion?

Causes of an earthy skin tone

An inappropriate lifestyle causes problems in the body. As a result, the skin becomes unhealthy. If a person continues to live without changing a harmful lifestyle, health problems are exacerbated. And, depending on the magnitude of the problem, the color of the skin also changes.

Let's highlight the main causes associated with chronic diseases.

Chronic diseases

These are diseases that constantly exist in a person, and wait only in the wings, a weakening of his immunity in order to fully manifest themselves. Therefore, signs of ill health appear along with the disease. And one of them is an earthy complexion.

It's important to know!
An earthy color on the face often provokes dehydration, including dietary dehydration, as a consequence of a special type of diet. Do not forget that 1.5 - 2 liters of water a day leads your appearance to beauty and health!

Associated with other life-threatening illnesses

With the development of life-threatening diseases, the body sends signals to its owner in all possible ways. Often non-healing ulcers appear on the body, growths are formed on the skin, and there are often severe pains. An earthy complexion can be a sign of internal problems.

It manifests itself especially strongly in diseases such as:

  • Thyroid problems;
  • Oncological foci;
  • Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome;
  • Dangerous internal sepsis, i.e. blood poisoning.

If the thyroid gland malfunctions, split ends are added to the earthy complexion of the face, and excess weight appears.

With HIV infection, an earthy hue appears as a consequence. persistent, portable diseases, the causes of which doctors cannot find right away.

With sepsis, the skin takes on an earthy complexion with some kind of long-lasting purulent process: sinusitis, abscesses, pneumonia, renal inflammation, etc. if no response measures are taken, blood poisoning occurs, a disease that can be fatal.

Lifestyle related

A person's lifestyle is reflected in his appearance. When it is violated, the skin, like a mirror, reflects all the malfunctions occurring in the body. An unhealthy, sallow complexion appears, the reasons are hidden in the wrong lifestyle.

As for the change in complexion in the direction of its grayness, earthiness, then it is just the most likely to acquire such a skin tone, regularly violating the set of rules that is called a healthy lifestyle.

The appearance of an earthy tint in the face leads to:

  • excessive consumption of cigarettes and alcohol;
  • sitting for many hours in a confined space;
  • lack of regular physical activity;
  • lack of walks in the fresh air.

At this point, we should dwell in more detail. Because it is not so much the possibility of diseases that leads to a change in the tone of the face, but rather a way of life - in the overwhelming majority of cases this is so.

Diet and way of human nutrition

Nutrition is also a way of life. When it is violated, the intestines most often suffer. There are stomach problems, constipation. The body needs to be cleansed, and the intestines are clogged.

As a result, the decay products begin to be excreted through the skin, which occupies about 2 square meters in an adult. A metabolic disorder contributes to an earthy complexion.

Be careful! Pay attention to the smell of sweat. With an excess of protein food in the diet, indigestion, it has a fetid odor. And this is a signal that it is time to sound the alarm, to put things in order in your diet.

Health status and immunity

The face of a healthy person always has a healthy, pink tint. Look at these comparisons and you can easily guess what leads to good skin condition.

  • Pure water- chlorinated water
  • Good nature- anger
  • Fresh air- air in the room without ventilation
  • Walk in the park- watching TV series / playing on the computer

Anything that is stated in opposition to the concepts of health, cleanliness and freshness can be the reason for the manifestation of an earthy complexion in a person.

Consumption of not fresh, contaminated water leads to a difficult metabolism, stuffiness in the room contributes to spasm of blood vessels, a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, and therefore, an earthy, gray complexion will not take long.

And such parallels can be drawn endlessly. Everything that has a positive under it contributes to recovery, renewal, recovery.

Physical activity is an important part of life

If you run a search on the Internet, you will notice that over the past 20 years, many diseases from the old, corresponding to a respectable age, have moved into the category of young ones. Why it happens? Usually, there is one answer to all the troubles associated with disease: bad ecology. But what about the way of life, does it not affect the color of our faces?

Or is it around the clock being in the field of screens - TV, computer, smartphone or tablet, has nothing to do with it? Around the clock vigil near flickering monitors - at home or at work - is not good for the skin.

It dries up from constant heating and operation of fans of system units, printer cooling systems, loses moisture, becomes flabby.

And the answer to the question why an earthy complexion arose so unexpectedly, the reasons must be sought all in the same lifestyle, devoid of the necessary physical activity.

Bad habits and attachments

A scourge for any skin is bad habits. The skin breathes, and being trapped in smoke, it literally suffocates.

According to dermatologists, one of the problems of the smoker is the lack of oxygen, which is the main reason for the sallow complexion.

A smoker can breathe often and a lot, but the required amount of oxygen is not absorbed by the lungs. Alcohol also does not impart blush and negatively affects the skin.

The face of those who like to drink turns red, the capillaries expand on the nose and cheeks, thereby giving away the unhealthy hobby of their owner. On the other hand, on other parts of the face, the natural skin color becomes dull, earthy-gray, and the reason is the oxygen starvation of skin cells, their death.

Stress and nervous strain

One of the main factors in all diseases, stress, also affects the appearance of the skin.

Stress is a blow to the endocrine system, here is another reason why the face becomes earthy.

Sometimes the skin becomes covered with spots. Most often, the reason lies in the restructuring of the hormonal background.

It's important to know! Among other things, the cause of the sallow complexion is in the violation of blood circulation, due to kidney disease and kidney failure, Graves' disease.

Grated fresh apple mixed with sour cream, applied to the face and eyelids for 15 minutes, moisturizes the skin, relieves the tired look and gives it freshness.

When a tan does not decorate, but only harms the skin

Tanning tends to emphasize the beauty of the skin and hide its imperfections. But this is possible with a light tan.

Long-term exposure to the sun or frequent exposure to tanning salons harms the well-being of the skin: deprives the skin of the necessary reserves of moisture, its elasticity is lost.

As a result, the skin becomes tired and dull. It becomes grayish, painful in color. Pigments appear that add a few extra years to the appearance.

Against the background of an overabundance of sunbathing, problems may begin not only with the appearance, but also with the internal state. There is a possibility of developing problems with the kidneys and the lymph system due to their disturbance by an excess of tanning.

It's important to know! Be careful in the sun or tanning beds. Remember to apply a barrier cream. Hide your skin as much as possible under natural fabrics.

Leather covered with linen cloth, for example, feels much more comfortable than being in the open sun. This will keep the face from acquiring an earthy color instead of golden tan.

How to improve complexion, how to restore skin health

To have a healthy complexion, you need:

The first thing a doctor pays attention to when examining his patient is the condition of his skin. After all, the skin, like an indicator of health, reacts sensitively to all changes in the body. Poor nutrition, bad habits, various diseases affect the complexion of the face and body, indicating a variety of problems. It is important that, for example, a pale and gray complexion can have completely different causes, so deciphering skin signals should be given special attention. But, even if the problem exists, it is best to see a doctor and get tested, since only a professional can make the correct diagnosis.

Causes of gray skin color

If the face is noticeably gray in a short period of time, then this means that the digestive system of the body has failed. It is the problems with the gastrointestinal tract that appear on the skin in the form of a gray color. In order not to start the disease, it is best to consult a gastroenterologist, only if you notice a sharp change in complexion. Disorders in the work of the pancreas make themselves felt through the sallow complexion. The face can be grayed out and vice versa, if the person is not sick, but only healed: due to prolonged use of strong antibiotics.

However, the gray complexion is caused not only by diseases: often the skin is colored in this inconspicuous color as a result of the influence of addictions on the skin. For example, gray skin in heavy smokers and alcohol abusers. Improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle also contribute to the appearance of gray skin. Indeed, if a person is constantly sitting, then the load on his back and neck muscles increases, which eventually leads to vasoconstriction. It is not worth mentioning that constant tension, stress stimulates an uneven complexion, which women are diligently trying to get rid of with the help of cosmetics.

Red face: causes and consequences

Why does the face turn red? The vessels are likely to expand and fill with more blood. This usually happens when the body temperature rises sharply: on the beach, in a solarium, in a hot room and, of course, with infectious diseases. But in these cases, the redness quickly leaves the owner, and the face returns to its normal color. It is also known that red skin is inherent in people of age suffering from essential hypertension. If the red skin color is observed in a young person for a long time, then you should pay attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.

In fact, in young people, red complexion can have serious reasons, so it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor. Heart irregularities are a serious problem for the whole body. In addition, red cheeks around the perimeter or redness of one of the cheeks may indicate pneumonia or colon pathology. Do not forget also that redness is a symptom of the strongest poisoning with alcohol, drugs or toxic substances.

Perfect skin: reality, not dreams

It is easy to see that most women who are not happy with their skin color mask it with a layer of cosmetics, not paying due attention to internal problems. But cosmetics will not cure diseases, will not return healthy skin, but on the contrary, will only worsen its condition. Therefore, having decided to return a beautiful skin color, it is important to improve health, revise the diet and get rid of bad habits.

The key to health is sports. It is not for nothing that people who go in for sports look much healthier and more beautiful than those who lead a "sofa" lifestyle. Active physical activity has a noticeable effect on a healthy complexion. Enhanced blood circulation, a large amount of oxygen stimulates the restoration, nutrition and regeneration of skin cells, which contributes to the healing and radiance of the skin. Also, physical activity should be supplemented with proper nutrition, sufficient intake of vitamins and water.

Skin care plays an important role in complexion and body color. Skin moisturizing and nourishing problems can be solved with homemade masks and scrubs, as well as other cosmetics. Often wondering how to change your complexion, you should pay attention to special recipes based on carrots, pumpkin, coffee and chocolate: these ingredients can affect skin pigments. There are also special whitening masks for all skin types. The main thing is not to forget that the skin is a harbinger of internal diseases, therefore it is very undesirable to ignore such signals from the body. Noticing the problem in time, it is easier to solve it and continue to enjoy life, shining with health and beauty from within. And your skin will definitely follow your example, and you will gain a truly healthy complexion!

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

It's not just sunburn that affects our skin color. Skin tone depends on many reasons, for example, how close to the surface of the skin blood vessels are, from the characteristics of the nervous system, from age, malnutrition, etc.

But a change in skin color can also be a harbinger of the development of various diseases in the body. Therefore, if you notice that your skin has acquired some kind of persistent, unusual shade for you, be sure to contact the var and undergo an examination.

If your skin turns yellow

In this case, you should pay attention to the liver. A yellow skin tone appears due to the pigment bilirubin, which is formed in the liver when the hemoglobin of red blood cells is destroyed. Then bilirubin is not excreted from the body, but is deposited in the tissues, so the skin turns yellow or acquires an orange tint. The causes of jaundice can be cholelithiasis, hepatitis, poor functioning of the pancreas, spleen, and blood diseases.

If your skin has turned dark

In this case, you should pay attention to the adrenal glands and kidneys. A swarthy complexion, similar to a sunburn, can appear with a lack of adrenal hormones. This disease is also called bronze. Treatment should be done by an endocrinologist.

And if the skin has darkened very much and has acquired an almost black tint, then this is a sign of kidney disease or a bladder infection. The examination must be done by a urologist.

If your skin turns white

This can be caused by digestion or metabolic disorders, changes in blood composition or thyroid problems, cardiovascular or lung disease.

One of the most common causes of pallor is anemia, that is, a lack of hemoglobin. The skin also turns white with edema or the peculiarities of the reaction of the nervous system to cold, fear, pain.

If your skin has acquired a bluish tint

This is very dangerous and indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood, which may be the result of problems with the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Diagnoses can be very different - pneumothorax, pulmonary emphysema, heart disease, or thromboembolism.

You, without delay, need to see a cardiologist and have your heart checked.

If your skin turns red

In this case, it is worth taking a blood test, paying attention to the cardiovascular system, and measuring the temperature. Redness of the skin can be caused by inhalation or ingestion of harmful or strong substances.

If the skin has turned gray

An earthy gray skin tone is common in people with digestive problems, such as gastritis, frequent constipation. Even just a poor diet can leave an imprint on the skin. Greyish skin tone in smokers and people under frequent stress. In this case, the blood vessels and capillaries constrict and the supply of oxygen to the skin is reduced.

If your skin is greenish

Such a shade of the skin can be given by problems with the gallbladder, liver or cancer. Moreover, as in the case of blue skin color, the green tint is dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

A green tint appears in patients with liver cirrhosis, in case of complications of gallstone disease and in cancer.

Based on materials from print media

Matte, smooth and beautiful face skin is a dream of any of us. We dream of dreaming, but in reality, sometimes, looking in the mirror, we get upset. The complexion is not always happy. What makes the skin look faded? Why does it take on an earthy hue? And most importantly, how to deal with it?

Causes of Skin Tone Changes

An earthy complexion very often indicates serious malfunctions in the work of internal organs. Therefore, your first priority is to undergo a medical examination, because beauty is inseparable from health. Also, the causes of the problem can be unhealthy diet and addictions.

Smoking, alcohol, sugary, fatty, spicy foods, coffee and a sedentary lifestyle worsen both the color of the skin and the body's resistance to disease in general. You can maintain your attractiveness only if you take responsibility for your health and devote enough time to facial care.

Fast color recovery

We often think of the skin “on the night before Christmas”, that is, on the eve of the holidays, when urgently, in a few days, we need to put ourselves in order. Drink carrot juice to quickly restore a beautiful skin tone. Just one glass a day - and in a week and a half you will look fresher.

How to restore the beauty of the skin?

Try to eat as much seafood as possible. You need vitamins and essential fatty acids. So fish, nuts, spinach, new potatoes, broccoli and olive oil should always be in your diet.

Don't forget about water! It is pure water that our body needs. You need to drink it 1.5-2 liters a day.

Dehydration and an earthy complexion go hand in hand. Moreover, pay special attention to the quality of the liquid used. If you don't have the opportunity to buy purified water or bring it from a spring, then use the good old way: freeze it in the refrigerator, let's melt and drink.

Pamper your skin with an infusion of calendula in olive oil, beet juice, watermelon and melon masks. They are able to restore the radiant color and beauty of the skin in a month.

The beer mask has a very good effect on the complexion. To prepare it, mix a quarter glass of beer, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. potato flour and the same amount of grated carrots. All such masks are applied for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off.