Whisper to confess your love. Love spells, lapels, suckers, whispers. Preparing for the ceremony

The entire female sex, from primitive times to our time, believes and uses magic, and especially when it comes to matters of the heart, because when it does not work out in real life to build a relationship, there is only hope for miracle and magic.
Most of all women in life want to be loved and desired by their man. And a lot of suffering brings a woman loneliness and lack of demand among the stronger sex. But what to do when feelings are unrequited or not passionate enough?
Short conspiracies called whispers for a man's love will come to the rescue.
Small spells are very effective, as they are pronounced in a whisper during the evening dawn and are endowed with great strength of desire and energy. Among single women, whispers of a man's love are very popular, but to
the day of the meeting of the betrothed came as quickly as possible, say such a whisper at the end of the day:

“Roads wind, wind, and then converge into one. So let my fate meet with another fate. What is conceived will come true, what is conceived will come true "

Unrequited love and sympathy is also a tragedy for a woman. What could be worse when you are not noticed or ignored, but it happens that a person simply does not know about your feelings or he is timid and not brave, and in order to push him there is a special conspiracy, he is very easy and simple. Buy a scarlet satin ribbon and throw it into a river or lake while saying these words:
"My ribbon will float and redden, and my heart (name) will burn to me."

If it seems to you that your beloved pays more attention to computer games and friends than you and you would like him to miss you more, you can read a special whisper for interpretation. It can be pronounced not only at a distance, but also next to the adored object, but only so that it cannot be heard, for example, in the subway or a nightclub. And the words are a pinch like this:

“I don’t breathe - I tell fortunes.
Exhale from me
And in you - breath.
So that you dry without me. "

If you have become a victim of a love triangle, and your partner cannot make the final choice in your favor, then there is also a special whisper for this case, but there is one nuance, you must know the name of your rival and conduct a small ritual. Take a clove of garlic and cast a whisper spell over it and put the garlic in the pocket of men's clothing. And the words need to be whispered like this:

"Throw away the garlic, throw it out of your heart and (name of your rival)."

So that in the feelings that have disappeared to return the old spark and peppercorn, you can also turn to magic whispers, because they are for this case too, and the words are simpler than ever:

“From body to body is a love affair.
My blood, but your love.
Love me harder than yourself.
A twig in the forest bends, I feel where it will stick. "

If a girl wants to warm up the feelings of her boyfriend, who lives far away from her, or just to make his sympathy for her increase, she can take advantage of the guy's addiction. This procedure is magical and very powerful. You can do it yourself, at home. Dryness on a young man is one of the strongest options love spells, and also has a very strong effect.

This area does not belong to white, but to black magic. This means that this procedure takes energy from the person on whom it is carried out, you take his will. However, some magicians think that this is even closer to damage, since after this a person begins feel terrible.

You can make a dough in the following situations:

  1. A very severe dryness on a guy at home can be produced by a girl who wants to evoke sympathy of the opposite sex, for example, a guy she met recently.
  2. This method is also suitable if the girl is already in a relationship with a guy, but his love for her has weakened. A girl can use this method if she noticed that there is a rival on her way, and she needs to get rid of her. She can also help in the event that the relationship is threatened with a break, and they need to be urgently reanimated.

In what cases does the drying agent fail? Before running at the speed of light to do this terrible ritual, the girl needs to familiarize herself with situations in which the described ritual has the ability not to work:

  • a man is a leader, has a great will, leads people. In this case, the additive has no effect on him. It also happens that a man recently broke up with a previous girlfriend, but still has not stopped loving her.
  • Also, this ritual will not work if the young man finds out that you are going to produce it. Moreover, in this case it may be directed against you.

In all of the above cases, the filler will not work, however, if you want the ceremony to be successful, it is better to still seek professional help.

There are the following types of suckers for a guy who is at a distance:

What is the threat of the drying

After whispers of love at a distance, young people may well converge, however, they will begin a difficult period of relationship: they will often quarrel about and without reason, get angry, swear, resent, look for traits that have ceased to suit them. Drying at a distance is one of the most powerful rituals and before taking such a bold step, carefully consider whether you really need this person so much that you are ready to take his will, and not just tease.

Attention, only TODAY!

Some girls do not even realize that in order to attract a betrothed into their life, you can only say a few phrases to the man in the ear. A young man is guaranteed to turn his attention to that representative of the fair sex who knows what whispers for love are. Thanks to this method of love magic, you can not only evoke fleeting sympathy in a man you like, but also get love for your whole life.

If you find it difficult to attract the attention of young people, you have a meek disposition, and your behavior is more like a Turgenev young lady than a liberated socialite, and you prefer going to museums and galleries to noisy gatherings and parties with friends, then whispers of love from a distance will become ideal a method that will help you get to know the man you like.

Despite the age of women's emancipation, girls sometimes want the initiative at the beginning of a relationship to be with the man. It is the stronger sex that by its nature should not only be a breadwinner, but also win the heart of its beloved.

But if a man is too keen on other things and does not think that a girl needs romantic signs of attention, then a strong whisper will come to the rescue to attract love. This is definite, which will allow you to understand whether you should start a relationship with this young man. This ritual does not apply to strong love magic, it only gives an opportunity to manifest those feelings that young people, for some reason, hide.

Therefore, you should not worry that you will tie a person to you without his desire. If there is no love chemistry between two people, then the spell simply won't work. Whispers only attract attention and encourage a man to take the first step if he is initially interested in a girl.

Whisper for a man to call

If you liked a man and there is sympathy between you, but for some reason you stopped communicating, you can use the following conspiracy, which is aimed at getting this young man to call.

Before the ritual, close your eyes and think about this man, remember your last meeting and imagine your future date in the smallest detail, and then say: “ In the city there is a forest, behind the forest there is an edge, and at the edge of the house there is. A girl, gifted with beauty and intelligence, lives in that house, waits and misses, sheds bitter tears, the red fellow left her, left for overseas countries. But time passed, and (name) returned for the girl. He dialed her number memorized by heart and invited to see her

Whispers to her husband's love

If you notice that your spouse's feelings have cooled a little, or you want to return to your former passion, then you should read a whisper to your husband's love. Prepare dinner for the growing moon, try to have your man's favorite dishes on the table. Pour wine or some other alcoholic beverage into the glass and say the following words: “ Drink, my dear, to the bottom and fill our love with every drop ».

Whisper in the back

If your chosen one cannot show his feelings in any way and does not take the initiative into his own hands, then a whisper in the back is best. This ritual is very effective, since the spoken words will be deposited in the subconscious of a person, and he will take the first step.

When your loved one goes, tell him after him: “ You are leaving me now, but you will be back soon. You will love me in my house and live with me in peace and harmony».

In this article, you will learn how to pronounce love whispers.

Whispers are simple conspiracies or love spells, if used correctly, they work. Let's find out more about them.

Whispers from White Magic to the love of a man, boyfriend, husband, in the distance

Whispers of love in the distance

Simple, kind whispers from White Magic won't hurt the person you often think of. Whispers can be used at the beginning of an acquaintance, and if you already know the person well. They can be pronounced at a distance if you, having met this person, forgot all the words that needed to be pronounced, or if your loved one is far from you.

If you know the man to whom you are whispering well, you need to prepare his photograph and 2 candles. This should be done at midnight, when the moon is growing. Light candles, look at the photo, and imagine that your beloved is with you, mentally speak whisper:

  • Birds cannot fly without wings, fish cannot swim without water, you cannot be without me.

Then put out the candles, put the photo under the pillow, and go to bed. On subsequent nights, you can repeat the whisper again.

If you do not have a photograph of your beloved, then a whisper can be sent to him by the wind... Choose a day when there is a strong wind outside, climb to an elevated place where you can see everything, turn to the side where the wind is blowing, and say mentally whisper:

  • Pick up my words, wind, take them to the one who is dear to me, he will not be without me, not live, only love me.

If you pronounce the words with all passion, often think about this person, he will definitely pay attention to you.

Good, kind whispers for attraction and good luck in love, to meet a man, boyfriend, love: words, read

If you really want to meet your loved one, then, before going out into the street, you need to remember the whispers.

So, at home, going outside, focus, close your eyes, imagine that your loved one is in front of you, whisper whisper:

  • Our meeting is inevitable, love is with you, happiness is with me.

And you will certainly meet the desired person on the street.

Whispers to get the attention of guys, men: words

Psychologists men believe that in order to draw a guy's attention to yourself, you need to be active, but it is not always possible to be confident in yourself, especially with a man you like. For this, they came up with whispers, it is worth saying them to yourself - and your wish will come true. It is advisable to use whispers at the beginning of acquaintance.

If you spend time in a large company, and there is a man you like, try to walk by him more often, look at him so that your views meet, while remembering to yourself whisper:

  • Eye to eye, soul to soul, love to love.

Whispers to make a guy, a man love: words

If you liked a man, and you know that he is free, but he does not pay attention to you, this will help whisper:

  • My eyes are sharp, my heart is hot, if I pass you by, you will notice me.

These are the words you should say every time you meet a man you like. And if you can invite this man to your home, at least in the company of other friends, then while treating him with your food at home, repeat a whisper to yourself, and look at him. The man will not stand your gaze, and will answer you with consent.

For a beloved, husband, man, guy to love: words

If you are afraid that your husband will cheat with another woman, you can whisper after him, after going out into the street whisper with the following content:

  • With me you are young and daring, and with others you are weak and old.

Whispers to make you miss, called: words

If you want your husband or your boyfriend to be bored and not think about other beauties, he needs to mentally read this whisper:

  • Go dear, hurry up, and don't forget me, return to your own doorstep quickly, but don't know the way to other people's women.

Important... After reading a whisper, try not to think about a man all the time, do not get hung up on your desire to get him, otherwise the fulfillment of desire is reduced to zero.

Whispers to come, come back: words

If your husband or boyfriend left, but you continue to love, and you want him to return, you need to often say the following whisper:

  • Go where you are going, but you will be mine, without me you will be sad, the white light will not become cute, sadness, melancholy will seize.

Whispers in the photo: words

If your loved one is far away and you have a photograph of him, you can say whisper to the photo, bringing it close to your lips:

  • Do not forget about me, be with me always and love me.

But for the whisper to work, no one has to see the photo, only you. Take it out of a secluded place, utter a whisper, and hide it again.

Whispers to the growing moon, to the full moon: words

Since ancient times, sorceresses have associated their magical power with the moon. They performed their sessions on the waxing moon, and most of all on the full moon. On a full moon, we see a large moon that is mesmerizing. Our ancestors advised to start a new business on the full moon.

And whispers, too, most of all come true on the full moon, and during the growing moon, and if it is also Friday, then the effect of whispers will certainly be there, the Moon will help with this.

Words: Omnipotent moon, give the heart of my beloved.

It is interesting... How do you know when the moon is waxing? On a moonlit night, when the sky is clear, without clouds, look at the moon. It can be full, with the letter "C", and "C", looking in the other direction. So the moon is full - full moon; "C" - old moon or waning; in the third case, mentally put a stick to the moon, the letter "P" is obtained, which means growing.

Whispers in the back: words

If you say a whisper to the past, and to the man you like in the back, then your love impulses are transmitted to him.

How does it work? You walk behind your beloved man, at some distance, clench your hands into fists, and repeat these words to yourself- whispers:

  • Look at me, fall in love forever, never leave, be mine forever.

If the whisper affects your chosen guy or man, he will turn back.

Love, fast-acting, gypsy whisper of love addressed to: words

Gypsy magic does not belong to white magic, rather it is black magic. It works better than simple whispers, but the consequences after it sometimes do not heal.

If you ordered a gypsy to make a love spell on her beloved, she turns to her spirit, which the gypsies call egregor. The spirit, in return for the service, takes the jewel from the gypsy woman, if there is none, then she pays with her energy. After such a ceremony, the energy field of the person for whom the love spell was ordered is destroyed, and he suffers from serious diseases, becomes aggressive, and there will be no sense from such a love spell.

Whisper: Do not forget about me, be with me, and love me.

But there are times when gypsy love spell does not work:

  • If the person to whom the love spell is made has a strong will.
  • A person has pure thoughts, he is sincere.
  • If there is great love between two people, and the third person wants to destroy it, and orders a love spell.

Whispers for marriage: words

If there is a beloved man, and you are dating for a long time, but he does not offer you to marry him, you need to read whisper-prayer for love when the full moon comes. How to do it right?

  1. Wait for the full moon to come.
  2. Prepare sacred water, if there is none, you can water from the spring, but the effect will be less.
  3. Do the ceremony at midnight: pour a full glass of water, put it in front of the window, and read the prayer 3 times.

Prayer words:

  • As grass and trees dry without water, fish also die without water, so does the servant of God (the name of the beloved), so that he does not live without me. As I quench my thirst with spoken water, so strong, burning, eternal longing will come to him, so that he cannot listen to me enough, stop looking at me. Amen!

Whisper the prayer passionately, put the desire for a happy life in your words, drink water, and wait for the results in 1-3 weeks.

Whispers to passion: words

They read whispers of passion if they want more passion in bed, in a love duel.

Whisper to passion a woman can charge dinner while she is preparing it by saying these words:

  • Dear, eat, add male strength, spend on me.

And before going to bed with her beloved, the woman puts a pepper under his head, saying:

  • Pepper, sharpen our love with you, beloved.

Whispers to the longing of a loved one: words

Whispers of white magic require a kind of sacrifice from the person reading the whisper:

  • Before reading a whisper, you need to fast (do not eat fast food) for 1-3 days.
  • Before pronouncing a whisper, you need to read a prayer to the Saint corresponding to your name or the Virgin Mary.

You can make a person with whom you are familiar with melancholy. And, for example, you really like a famous actor, you cannot influence him. You can turn the melancholy on your loved one with a whisper, uttered late in the evening or early in the morning when the moon is rising. Pour water into a glass, throw in a pinch of salt, and read whisper:

  • As the water is salty, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will yearn for me. As people cannot live without water, so he cannot without me.

After uttering a whisper, drink water, and wait for news from a dear person.

Whispers to a guy, a man to kiss: words

You are going on a date with a man, and you want him to kiss you, before you go out, talk, while marching around the apartment, whisper:

  • Even the walls want to kiss me, and you can't resist and kiss me.

Whispers to be the only and beloved girlfriend, wife: words

For a husband to love his wife, and she was the only one for him, whispers must be read everywhere. For example, you are preparing soup for your husband. Prepare and condemn whisper:

  • I don't cook soup, but warm up love, the loved one will eat, he will love me.

And if your husband is going on a business trip, and you collect his things, sentence this whisper:

  • I iron my shirt, let it envelop him, like my love, and protect his heart from other women.

Whispers in bed, before going to bed: words

To "tie" a loved one to yourself in bed, having sex, you need to mentally read about yourself whisper:

  • You are my king, and I am the queen, we will be together forever, we will never part.

These words need to be whispered to yourself, putting all the passion into them.

Whispers when kissing: words, read

When kissing, a man and a woman have a powerful exchange of energy. To make a man fall in love with herself even more, a woman mentally, with all passion, says whisper:

  • May my love flow into your mouth, and your heart will respond to the call.

The magic of whispers for love: how does it work?

There is no guarantee that all the whispers will work. A positive result is possible if the guy you like has not yet shown interest in the girl, but a whisper can push, and the man will be interested in the girl.

Also, whispers should be pronounced to a girl who does not yet have a lover, but she wants to appear, the higher powers will undoubtedly send such a man.

For the whispers to work, you need to adhere to the rules:

  • Believe what you say in a whisper
  • Understand the words you say
  • Learn the text of a whisper by heart in order to pronounce it without looking at a piece of paper

How fast do whispers for love work?

If you believe that whispers will help, then they will definitely help. And how long to wait for the whispers to take effect: a week or a month - it does not matter, it is more important that they are fulfilled.

So, now we know what whispers of love can be uttered on different occasions.

Video: A very strong conspiracy with which you can return a man

Whispers to a man's love will help to bring romance into life, to feel unforgettable emotions. They are quick magic words, which are the simplest and most accessible rituals to achieve what you want. It should be remembered that in the war for happiness, any method is good, but you need to use love spells and whispers wisely.

Love spells must be used wisely

You can make your beloved come as soon as possible, tune in to a romantic wave, feel the need to be near, you can use whispers of love and longing at a distance. The ceremony is carried out according to the instructions:

  • print a high-quality photo of a guy where he is alone, without sunglasses;
  • buy red candles by giving money without change;
  • conduct a ritual on the growing moon or, in extreme cases, at midnight;
  • install candles and light them, put a photo between them;
  • look into the eyes of a person and visualize that he is nearby.

Concentrating on getting what you want, utter a whisper of love:

"A bird cannot fly without a wing, a fish cannot swim without water, you cannot be without me."

The snapshot of your beloved should be placed under the pillow, the candles are extinguished, and you go to bed. You can't talk until the morning. After waking up, pronounce the conspiracy in the photo again. The card must be wrapped in a red napkin or cloth and hidden from prying eyes.
There is not always an image of a loved one. When there is no photograph, you can use the power of the wind. Choose a moment when the weather is raging, go to a hill (hill, mountain), face the wind and say:

“Take up the wind, my word, to the one who is dear to me, bring it. He cannot live without me, not be, only love me alone. May it be so".

The wind is not the only active assistant in white magic. Rain and thunderstorms will also help make the guy call, make himself known in any other way. Standing on the street, putting out your palms with the inner side to the rain, quietly say a whisper to the deep love of a man:

“The rain is stronger than the lei, do not regret the rain water. Sprinkle my dear (name of a loved one), bring him to my doorstep. Pierce his heart with lightning, strike me with love. "

It is believed that the more formidable rain and thunderstorms rage, the better, the stronger the love will be. After a few days, the effect will appear. The ritual is performed at any time of the day and the position of the moon.
If there is no way to meet a person, you should use love words, whispers at the window. To do this, say through the window nine times in a row:

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my doorstep, following my steps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

In a few days, the guy will begin to take the initiative. In order for such whispers of love to work effectively, it is important not to let go of the image of the desired man from the head during conspiracies.

Such magical effects will awaken new feelings in the relationship.

Whispering in bed works as an easy sexual attachment of a young man to a woman. During the preludes, you can quietly say:

"You are in me, I am for you."

Before intercourse, in order to experience the greatest pleasure, a quick word should be applied to sex. It is barely audible to read, running your fingers through the hair of your beloved:

"My dear, be with me forever."

During direct sexual intercourse, at the peak of the partner's highest pleasure, say to yourself:

"I will take your seed, I will tie it to me forever."

These whispers of physical strength in bed, love of a man, which are aimed at improving relations between partners, should be pronounced with each intimacy. There is a ritual that enhances the effect of these conspiracies, if correctly performed.
To do this, before going to bed, the girl prepares dinner and says the following text over it:

"Dear, eat, add male strength, spend on me."

After dinner, before going to bed, you need to put pepper under the man's pillow, saying:

"Pepper, sharpen our love with you, beloved."

Such magical effects will awaken new feelings in relationships, give a lot of emotions, physical and spiritual closeness.

The conspiracy will work effectively if the person constantly catches the eye.

The success of male gaze, attention lies in the activity of the fair sex. However, many girls are very modest and constrained. This does not mean that they should not be led on the love front.
If you see an attractive man in the company of acquaintances, you should clearly pronounce a whisper to yourself so that the woman is liked:

"Eye to eye, soul to soul, love to love."

You can pronounce these magic words every day, the conspiracy will work especially effectively if a person constantly catches your eye. The object of sighing will definitely take the first step in the near future.

Strengthening the first date effect

Whispers of love are actively used before the first date. They enhance the impression, make the guy feel awakened. For a man to kiss and become closer, before the meeting, march around the apartment, reading:

"Even the walls want to kiss me, and you can't resist kissing."

During a kiss, you can say to yourself such a haze on a man:

“My breath is your puff, there are no people without saliva, no eyes without eyebrows, no head without ears. Don't live without me either. Amen".

These whispers of love will help the couple get closer. After a successful first date, you need to consolidate the effect with the words:

"You leave, and you think about me, you sleep, and you dream about me, you wake up - and you run to see me."

It is necessary to say whispers to a loved one after a date, looking at him in the back. After a good time, every woman hovers in the clouds and feels happy. At such moments, they have only one desire:

"To get bored and think about me."

Such a conspiracy will help to realize such dreams:

"You remembered me like this, and the next morning you will remember me differently, in the morning I will seem even sweeter to you, I will not get out of your head, I will dream of you, I will certainly like it, the West in my heart."

It should be spoken by looking at the photograph of the beloved and imagining him next to you.

Whispering to remember you at work

Whispers like this will make a person bored

There are such whispers of love that make a person bored, even if he is at work. Hubby begins to yearn at the moment when the woman finishes reading the magic conspiracy formula:

“Little devil brothers, stand behind the back of the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Track to track, step to step, do not lag behind and do not leave, remind me of me. So that he knew and remembered my name, and never forgot. Amen".

He will definitely make himself felt on the phone, arrange a surprise or confess his love in mobile messages.

Video version of this article:

For future love

When an attractive man has already appeared on the horizon, there is a need for active action. Simple whispers about a man's future love need to be pronounced at every meeting with him:

"My eyes are sharp, my heart is hot, if I walk past you, you will notice me."

This simple way to attract love in a whisper will come out of every woman. The main thing is not to look away, to "shoot" with your eyes at the object of sighing and to think about it more often.
If there is no chance in life to be close to a man, you can conduct a ritual to attract love. For a quick meeting, the halves say several times:

“Roads wind, wind and then converge into one. So let my fate meet your fate. What I have in mind will come true, what I have in mind will happen ”.

This effective whisper of new love is spoken at sunset in the waxing moon phase. Such a ceremony is a good opportunity to open a new page in your destiny, become happy, love and be loved.

For reconciliation

Magic will be effective if used wisely

No matter how effective love conspiracies and whispers are, quarrels in a relationship cannot be avoided by anyone. When there is no strength to say that it is time to stop being offended, you need to make peace and sort out the problem, you can resort to a short conspiracy:

"You love me, you will not forget me, your heart beats in a quarrel more often, wants to make peace with me, I give you a kiss, after which you yourself will come to me."

At the same time, it is important to look at the photograph of a loved one, sending as much energy as possible into his eyes, feeling from within the desire to be together again.
When the proposal to make peace has already been voiced by the girl, but the guy still does not want to let go of the insult, you can whisper:

"There is insult in your heart, dear, forgive me, beloved, I love you with all my soul, answer me, dear heart, bring him to me beloved."

For the beloved to call

Sometimes you want a girl to meet her beloved man as soon as possible. At the meeting, the call of a beloved whisper is carried out through visualization. Close your eyes, imagine a man, hanging out with him and say:

“There is a forest in the city, there is a forest behind the forest, and at the edge of the forest there is a house. A girl, gifted with beauty and intelligence, lives in that house, waits and misses, sheds bitter tears, the red fellow left her, left for overseas countries. But time passed, and (name) returned for the girl. He dialed her number, memorized by heart, and invited to see each other. "

Such a whisper to a call and a guy's love will help him to think about the girl more often, awaken the desire to take a phone number and call, and then come faster on a date.

Whisper in the back

These whispers are used to keep the man from leaving

Whispers in the back are usually used for the love of a man who leaves. Usually such conspiracies are short so that a person does not hear the spoken phrase. If you want to preserve feelings, prevent your beloved from leaving the house, you can use the following words to make your beloved come back:

“Go, dear, go, but don't forget me. Hurry to the threshold of your own, but don't know the way to a stranger. "

To make the husband not want others, always returns home, will help a conspiracy of love and loyalty to a guy:

"With me you are a fine fellow, and with others, you are a feeble old man."

Or like this:

“You love me, always be with me. You don’t know others, don’t hug, don’t kiss ”.

In the back, there are other whispers of love:

"Leaving - look around, come back to me as soon as possible."

Men at all times were rarely distinguished by their loyalty to their spouses. If you need to discourage a person from a rival and from betrayal, you can whisper:

“Not she, but I am your destiny. With me you have happiness and love, and with her - grief and sorrow. "

In order to prevent the husband from committing adultery, the whisper must be accompanied by some actions. A clove of garlic should be put in a lover's pocket so that he will soon find it. At the same time, say:

"Throw away the garlic, throw it out of your heart and (name of your rival)."

As soon as a person finds a clove and throws it out, the lovemaker will leave his life forever. At the same time, upon the man's return home, it is important to wish with all my heart: let discord go with the other woman, and there will be no more meetings.
To make a guy afraid of losing his soul mate, can that woman who is confident in her own love for a man:

“As you clung to a girl, you will be frightened, pushing her away, you will be afraid in fear. You will remember me, you will immediately break loose, call or return to the doorway. Amen!
I close the love chakras, get out of the way, vicious homewreckers! I send the fear of loss to the guy, I command him to be obedient and honest. Amen!
A strong conspiracy will pierce the soul, and nothing will happen to you. If you want to sleep with the other, this bed will be damned. Amen!".

To longing

The ritual will help the loved one to be bored and want to return cooled feelings.

A whisper for longing works well if you follow the advice before pronouncing it:

  1. Fasting for three days - do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol.
  2. Read a prayer service to the Virgin Mary or Saint, who patronizes the name of the reader, then whispers to the sadness and longing of the beloved.
  3. Perform a ceremony on the growing moon early in the morning or late at night.

You need to pour clean water into a glass, throw a pinch of salt into it and say:

“As the water is salty, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will yearn for me. As people cannot live without water, so he cannot do without me. "

Drink water. The ceremony is to be kept secret. Soon, a meeting is certainly inevitable. This ritual also works great when a man conducts it to return his beloved girl. With the ritual, you can make your beloved girl call, pay attention, miss and want to return cooled feelings.

To cool the senses

It so happens that there is not enough strength to be sad for a man, longing eats away from the inside, you want to do everything possible to forget your loved one. Whispers to the waning moon will help with this. Take two tablespoons of poppy seeds and pour boiling water over it, saying:

“My love is as hot as this boiling water. But this whisper will relieve me of sad feelings. "

When the poppy has cooled down, pour the contents of the container under the tree, repeating five times:

“You can burn, you can burn, but you cannot take possession of me. I do not want to be bored from now on, I want to have fun and rejoice. I will quickly forget you, a miracle will help me in this. "

In less than a month, the tearing love will pass, and the heart will be open to new acquaintances.