Comic riddles for September 1. What awaits me at school. We are now students

If you went to school -
It acquired a new status.
There was a child, there was a preschooler,
And now you are called ...

Black, crooked, all dumb from birth.
They will stand in a row - they will speak now.

I'm bloated according to rank,
And I'm not more important:
Trust me for reasons
Both the questions and the answer.
I sit at home in the evenings
I tear, of course, from the surplus,
I also serve as a sleigh
For desperate boys.

The school opened the doors
She let the new settlers in.
Who guys know
What are they called?
First graders

In winter he runs to school,
And in the summer it lies in the room.
As soon as autumn comes
He takes me by the hand.

The steel skate runs across the white field,
Leaves black traces behind.
A pen

There is a building near the school,
All smart ones are standing.
The classes are lined up
Everyone is in a good mood.
In front of the school, where is the bench
The children came out to ...

There is a house:
Who will enter it,
The one and the mind
Will acquire.

They listen, they sing, they dream,
The school year begins.
All have become more mature in a year,
Smarter, wiser.
And now they are in a hurry to get there
Hurry up to your school class.
This holiday is without a doubt
You will name it without delay!
1 September is the day of knowledge

City in bows, bouquets.
Goodbye, you hear, summer!
On this day, a crowd of fun
Together we walk to school.
September 1

He is famous for his letter army,
He is in the ABC book, his name is ...

White field, black seed
Whoever sows it understands
Whoever knows him will guess everything.
Writing / Reading

If there are no kids in the class, she has a longing.
Black chalk awaits ...

There is, friends, such a bird:
If he sits on the page,
I am very glad
And the whole family is with me.

The children lined up amicably:
Class after class, each other.
Everyone understands and knows
This is a school ...

The first grader is seven years old.
A satchel behind my shoulders,
And in the hands of a large bouquet,
There is a blush on the cheeks.
What's the holiday date?
Answer guys!
September 1

Clever, bookish he is a wizard,
Teaches us everything ...

She speaks silently
But understandable and boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter.

They live in a wonderful house
Cheerful friends,
They are all called by name
From the letter A to Z.
And you, since you are not familiar with them,
Knock faster at the friendly house!
This book is not simple:
I use it to study letters.

Round ball on a thin leg
We spin at the window.
On the ball we see countries
Cities and oceans.

I'm smart and cheerful
I am the happiest
I'm going to school today
Together with my dear mom.
First grader

Any student goes to school with him,
The mirror of knowledge is your school ...

I love straightforwardness
And the straight line itself.
Make a straight line
I help everyone.

There was a lesson, and he was silent -
So he was waiting for a change.
The lesson will only end
It will ring loudly ...

I'll tell you in science,
What do we mean sounds
And I can also add
That without us words cannot be composed.

Time between two calls
Called ...

The neck is so long
Crochet tail ...
And it's no secret:
She loves everyone who is lazy
And her lazy people - no!

The little men sat in a row
We are all told.

Doesn't look like a man
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives a heart.
He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws,
And tonight
He will color the album for me.

I look like a box
You put your pens in me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course, I - ...
Pencil case


Happy child 22.08.2017

Dear readers, many of us are already concerned about the upcoming September 1st. This is especially true for the parents of future first graders. How much you need to prepare: buy notebooks and textbooks, choose a form, and just morally tune in to the new status of your children. It's no joke, yesterday a child is just a toddler, toys and playgrounds, and tomorrow is a schoolboy. This step is very serious and responsible. And now, in the very last days of summer, it is high time to teach poetry with children to a line by September 1.

Today on the blog we have prepared for you a selection of poems for September 1 for first graders, as well as for senior school children. Choose the verses that are most appropriate for the age and practice with the children. I now give the floor to Anna Kutyavina, the leading column.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog! The last month of summer is coming to an end. Fertile autumn will begin very soon. And on September 1, we traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge. Our children will go to school. And parents await this moment with trepidation, especially mothers and fathers of future first graders. It seems that our children are still so small, where should they go to school? You can't see the little man behind a briefcase with books. However, very soon they will start learning, make new friends and start bringing home a ton of new experiences. And over time - and long-awaited estimates.

But first, a wonderful holiday awaits us, for which we must properly prepare. I suggest you help your child learn verses for September 1 for a ruler. For convenience, all poems are grouped by age. It remains only to choose the right one.

Poems for first graders on September 1

The solemn line for the Day of Knowledge necessarily includes poetry. And the main characters at the holiday are first graders and high school students. The latter give the kids parting words about school, lessons, relationships with teachers and classmates. And the newly minted schoolchildren in verse promise their older "colleagues" to study well and be the pride of the school. Sometimes parents can also take part in the lineup.

But to start learning verses about September 1 for first graders is better now, so that both you and the child do not worry that some line will be forgotten, and you will have to blush in front of your comrades. So, our selection of short poems for September 1, just right for kids.

I'm going to school today

In kindergarten with everyone
I've been friends for many days
And now the time has come
There are more important concerns.

I have books in my portfolio.
I have a bouquet in my hand.
All the boys I know
They look after them in surprise.

Why am I cheerful
And dressed like a parade?
I'm going to school today
This is not a kindergarten!

First graders

Lace blouses,
White shirts,
Mischievous faces -
These are first graders!

To school in a row
All carry bouquets:
- We are going to study,
Bye, summer!

Smart! Ceremonial!

Smart! Ceremonial!
Such beloved ones!
Combed, with bows
The girls are coming!

And the boys are great!
So pretty
So neat
They carry flowers in their hands!

All the former pranksters -
First graders today.
Everyone is good today
They are waiting for such at school!

What awaits me at school

The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
Will not be lazy at school
There I am to a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I'll start my journey.

Nature awaits - forest and field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once ...
Five at school are waiting for me
The whole first class is waiting for me!

I grew up

I have no time for toys now -
I study by the ABC book,
I will collect my toys
And I'll give it to Seryozhka.

Wooden utensils
I will not give it yet.
I need a hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame

And the bear is smeared too ...
It's a pity to give the doll:
He will give her to the boys
Or throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?
He's bad, without a wheel.
And then, I need it too
Play for at least half an hour!

I have no time for toys now -
I study from the ABC book ...
But I seem to be Seryozha
I will not give anything.

The first time in first class

Autumn red cat
Wanders outside the window
With a yellow leaf
Jumps over bumps.

In the sky blue clouds
Tickled on the sides
Gathered them in a bunch
And the cloud blinded.

Wait a bit,
Don't urinate the path!
After all, today is the first time
I'm going to first grade.

Autumn nodded to me
She winked slyly.
Gushed out, like from a barrel,
Downpour ... of leaves.

Happy holiday!
Hello, our school!

First grader

Early early in the morning
The whole big street
Looks out of the windows from houses -
Admires the boy.

Who is this handsome
Is he walking down the street?
Who is so proud
Carrying a backpack?

Who is this happy
With white flowers
Steps very carefully
New shoes?

Who has such
White shirt?
The street admires -
This is a first grader!

Amazing bouquet

- Look! Take a look! -
The people are surprised, -
Along the path by itself,
The bouquet goes by itself.

Amazing bouquet
Wearing a school uniform
A new satchel behind my back
White bow above the head ...

- Who is this?
- This is our
Six-year-old Natasha! -
The people are smiling:
- The girl is going to school!

Hello school

First time in first grade
We are marching together!
Many of us, many of us, -
We need to learn!

Pencils are good
Blank pages!
We've come, kids!
To study here!

We go to first grade, -
The whole crowd of fun!
Accept us, school!
Hello hello school!

Hello school!

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! For lesson
Calls us, without stopping,
Iridescent bell.

We are with funny friends
Far away on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.

We want to go around the whole world,
The whole universe to go through.
Wish us success
And happy journey.

September 1

Good morning, ginger cat!
Good morning, birds!
The school year has begun
I'm going to study!

I'm leading my mother by the hand -
She's a little scared.
I remember on the go
About yesterday's affairs.

How we walked with my friend
Over the four seas
How they made a snowball
Rejoicing and arguing.

And in caps on one side,
Riding on the carousel
How we waited for this day -
The first day is autumn!

We came to school today
To know everything in the world.
Everything you need to learn:
Add, write, count.
And for a thousand questions
The teacher will give us the answer.
Everything in life will come in handy
Learning is light.

First grader

In the hands of a briefcase, flowers; and bows in pigtails ...
I'm not walking - I'm floating! My soul is a titmouse.

Delight lives in the eyes, and all of me is wide open ...
Everyone is looking at me, because I am a first-grader!

The sun sends me greetings! And I shine too
And the eyes of mom and passers-by shine.

And my friends are singing a song for me about school,
And the first funny bell rings for me.

At the desk for the first time ... and suddenly it became anxious,
But here the family is my class, and here you can do without a mother.

The teacher here is our second mother:
- Good luck to the world of knowledge! - she told us with a smile ...

We are now students

Here is autumn in the yard.
The birds flew to the south.
So it's time for kids
Put books in portfolios.

Enter the class for the first time
Can't take your eyes off
From a spacious, bright school.

Everyone is at their desks. Here is a notebook.
We took pens in our hands boldly ...
Stop running and playing
We will take care of the adult business!

Let them ask us at the blackboard -
We will proudly answer everyone:
We are now students
Not small children!

I will be the first

I am today for the first time
I'm going to first grade.
I will try in everything
The best to be a student.

Mom and Dad told
How to behave at a desk:
For example, you cannot lie
The desk is not a bed.

I intend to sit straight
As my mother taught me.
I want to ask, say
You just need to raise your hand.

And you can't talk to anyone
So as not to disrupt the lessons.
Forty five minutes lesson
To hold out for the whole period!

Dad gave secret advice:
You can run to the toilet.
It's a pity, you can't go to the buffet yet:
I would buy sweets there.

No, I can't relax.
You have to try the best.
I will listen to my mother,
I'm not exactly the first one.

First grader

First grader, first grader,
Dressed up as for a holiday
I didn't even go into a puddle,
Looked and went.

Ears washed to a gloss
Scarlet mushroom on the lid of the knapsack.
And he himself, like a fungus,
From under the cap looks sideways:

Does everyone see, does everyone know
Is everyone sighing with envy?

What a day!

What a day! It's like summer!
This is our September.
I love him for this,
And especially now.

Near dad, next to mom!
I am holding a bouquet in my hands.
We got up early today
Earlier than the earliest birds.

I've been waiting for this for a long time
I almost didn't sleep a wink.
I walk proudly to school
To the most important first class!

Poems for September 1 for high school students

Poems for September 1 for grade 11 students will be very different from the naive children's poetry of kids. And this is not surprising. The guys have come a long school path, and in their poems they put both the joyful anticipation of a new, adult life, and the bitterness of the upcoming separation from their native school. On Knowledge Day, high school students sincerely thank the teachers for their patience, attention, and knowledge invested in all their school years.

Soon school dear
We will part with you.
A year left is not enough.
You have become completely dear.

And native teachers
So much knowledge was given to us.
And now our roads
Everyone chooses for himself.

We have a year left to study
And then we, like birds,
We will scatter in all directions.

Someone here, someone abroad
To collect grains of knowledge,
To find a job without difficulty.

And today the first graders
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
New Ver and new Sasha
School is waiting for you, kids!

The doors are wide open for us -
This school meets us.
And we, having climbed the steps,
Let's go into a cozy quiet classroom.

We enjoy the moment -
We will be at school for the last year.
It makes it a little sad
Time has its own turn.

Let it fly carelessly
Three summer months as a moment
We are happy to meet today
Native teachers.

Smart, discreet, and again
Already calling us to a lesson
With such a familiar chime
Last Our first call.

And the bell will ring again
Already for us again.
1st September lesson
The class will hear for the last time.

May this year and graduation,
But there is a lot waiting for us:
We must choose our own path,
Find out your way.

We all will pass with confidence
Exams and choices.
We will find our peak -
School gave us strength!

And armed with knowledge,
She lets us go
Having inspired everyone with talents,
Raises to success!

In a year we will finish studying,
And today we have a line.
And he can't sit at the desk in any way,
But September is on the doorstep now.

We are ready to sit down at our desks,
To obtain knowledge for life.
Don't forget the geography of the map,
And we will not forget history.

We will remember all things
And we will not give a weakness in anything.
We don't believe in bad omens
And we will pass the exams very well.

One year left for us to go to school,
We will be students for a year
But do not forget our happy days,
We will not forget the teachers

New guys replaced
They will come with great hope,
And the first day of school will be,
The happiest dear

We've learned a lot
We grew up within these walls
More recently, to school,
We also walked with a dream in our eyes,

The teachers accepted us
They gave us their warmth
They taught life little by little
They crushed all the evil at the root,

And now only a year is left,
And then everyone is on their own,
But we promise we will be forever
We are devoted to our dreams

All that we have comprehended here,
We will never forget
We remember our teachers
They are always in our hearts!

Life has spread its paths from the very doorstep
Choose your own path and go boldly along it!
May good luck come to you, if you honestly have lived!
Let fate appoint you what you deserve.

Just remember, just remember, in the roar and rhythm of the century
The most important profession is to be human!

The holidays are over, we rested for many days
Friends meet again at the school doorstep
Fortified, healthy! Praise to the forest hikes ...
With new knowledge! And happy new school year!

Choose poems that are suitable for your children, learn and celebrate September 1 with a smile on your face. After all, one way or another, this day marks the beginning of an important stage in your child's life. It doesn't matter if he is seven or sixteen. The main thing is that he begins or continues an exciting journey to the land of knowledge. And he will certainly succeed!

Happy Knowledge Day and a good start to the school year!

Anna Kutyavina, psychologist, storyteller, owner of the site Fairytale world

I thank Anya for the selection of poems for September 1. I invite you to read articles that may be useful to you right now:

Well. That happy hour, when on September 1 your baby goes to grade 1, is getting closer and closer every day. The excitement with which both you and the child are expecting this momentous day is understandable. Surely, a steamed school uniform is already hanging in the closet (is it in your school now?) And a satchel has been assembled.

It remains only to prepare and learn by September 1 poems for first graders... This is what we will try to help you with today. After wandering around the Internet, we have selected for you such verses for September 1, which are suitable primarily for first graders. That is, those that can be characterized by the volatile phrase "first time in grade 1". If you like it, we will be happy. And if you want to see other poems by September 1 - look also in the section “children's poems for the holidays. “You will definitely find exactly what you were looking for. Have a nice holiday!

V. Codryan

August 31

Mom and dad and I are worried
Our family is worried all evening.
Everything is ready for a long time - both the form and the bow.
And wonderful flowers adorn the sideboard.
And my mother is confused: "Is everything all right?" -
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad forgot himself completely from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he poured jam on the cat.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set your alarm so we don't oversleep.
For six hours or better for five. "
Mom told me: “Don't be naive -
I think how to fall asleep today!
After all, you will go to school tomorrow for the first time.
Everything will change in our life tomorrow ”.

K. Ibryaev

Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly

On the road, girls, on the road, boys!
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly.
Wonderful meetings and kind books
The steps will be on it.

On this ladder you can soon
Reach the inaccessible depth of the sea
Go underground, climb mountains.
And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the ladder,
But the cherished route has been verified exactly,
To make you friends with an amazing miracle,
Which is called Knowledge.

First grader

So you became a first grader!
Put on a new uniform.
May it be a holiday for everyone
This first day of school.

Autumn smiled cheerfully:
Good journey, students!
In the yard she hung
Leaves of bright flags.

You will take a briefcase with notebooks
And you will enter the spacious classroom.
You are with school orders
Meet now.

Will you be friends with the problem book,
You read a lot of books.
You were just a boy before
And now you are a student!

And be proud of this title
You can with good reason!

A. Stroylo

1st of September

Grandma in the medicine cabinet
Looking for validol:
Grandson of Andryusha to school
The first time I went.

Mom sighs all the time:
“How is he there now?
Difficult business
This first class ... "

Even dad, childhood
Remembering, I became sad.
Read in the newspaper
I forgot about football.

And toys are grief-stricken
So dejected:
“We’re probably now
Not needed anymore ... "

First class guys

We have everything good
They call it first class.

Passengers without fear
Take flight
If the pilot is first class,
First class aircraft.

Here is a builder - first class!
He built the first class!
First-class homes
Winter will not settle.

First-class teacher
I am strict with first graders:
"Put aside the toys,
Lesson begins! "

From Kamchatka to Arbat
On this day in our country
First class guys
Go to first grade!

V. Moruga

What awaits me at school

The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
Will not be lazy at school
There I am to a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I'll start my journey.
Nature awaits - forest and field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once ...
Five at school are waiting for me
The whole first class is waiting for me!

V. Rudenko

Hello school!

The windows are washed
The school is smiling
Sun bunnies
On the faces of the guys.
After a long summer
Here are friends, girlfriends
They gather in flocks,
They make a noise with joy.

To moms, dads huddle -
These are first graders.
They are waiting, worrying,
Your first call.
So he rang out,
Collecting into classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson began.

Plan-outline of the holiday "First time in first grade"

Class: 1
Description: The solemn line on September 1 is a festive and significant event for first graders and their parents. For first graders, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Popular wisdom says: "A good start is half the battle." Therefore, it is important to hold the solemn line in an interesting, bright, positive way.
Purpose: to create conditions for adaptation to school life.
Objectives: 1) to keep the children in a festive mood from the first meeting with the school; 2) create a mood for educational activities; 3) promote the unity of teachers, children and their parents; 4) instill in students the desire to communicate, be friends with each other, support and help each other.

On the desk
Wonderful days have come
We came to the 1st grade.
And a lot of interesting things
We will find out now.
The song "First Grader" sounds
Teacher: Dear Guys! Dear mums and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers! The long-awaited day has come when you first came to school, the land of Knowledge. I'm sure you have been looking forward to this day. Have you noticed that each of you has matured a little on this day? Yesterday you were called children, babies, and from today they will say about you: "This is a student, a schoolboy." And I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check.
- Are the diligent girls here?
- Smart boys?
- Caring mothers?
- Skillful dads?
- Kind and affectionate grandmothers and grandfathers?
- Then you can start.
Smart! Ceremonial!
Such beloved ones!
Combed, with bows
The girls have come!
And the boys are great!
So pretty
So neat
We came with bouquets!
All the former pranksters -
First graders today.
Everyone is good today
I'm waiting for such guys!
Teacher: It's time to get to know each other. I am your teacher. My name is ... I was really looking forward to meeting you, thinking about you.
Look around - this is our study in which we will study. It is clean, bright, beautiful. Your parents helped make it this way. We will try to keep it that way for a whole year.
In this room, called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candy. This is knowledge. I will give you, my dear students, all my knowledge, so that you grow up smart, kind, hardworking. I congratulate you on your first day of school and wish you to study well and work hard. School years are the most wonderful and funniest years. They are so interesting. That you will endlessly be surprised! What happens for the first time is especially remembered and stays in memory for a long time. May everything be good in your school life. Together we have to learn not only to read, write and count, play and have fun, but also be sad, rejoice at our successes and the successes of our comrades, think, reflect. How many good and kind students sat at these tables. I hope that you too will study with interest, respect teachers, and actively participate in all school activities.
- Guys, how do you call us all in one word? (pupils, pupils, first graders)
Guess the riddle:
There is a cheerful light house
There are a lot of nimble guys in it;
They write and believe there
They draw and read! (school)
- What do the guys do at school?
- Well done! So, you came to school, and do you know how to behave in the classroom, in the lesson. Now our guys will tell you the rules of the student at school.
First graders rules.
Councils for first graders. Poems are recited by students
1. Do not yawn in class,
Boldly raise your hand.
Just don't shout from the spot
Do not spin and do not download.
Answer beautifully, clearly,
To make it clear to everyone.
2. At school, everyone should learn,
You can't be lazy here, friend.
The lesson will not pass faster
If you think about the call
And don't listen to the teacher
And eat a pear under the desk.
3. Know: during recess
Never stand against the wall.
Better play games
Wipe the board and chat.
Like boys and girls
Prepare books for the lesson.
4. Do not count the mice in the class,
Listen to everything, remember.
Keep your briefcase in order
Books, pens and notebooks.
Don't forget about your diary:
After all, now you are a student.
5. The bell rang - go,
Don't wait for permission.
Laugh the loudest in the world
Step up the kids
And like a turbo plane
Knocking everyone down, rush forward.
6. Don't be greedy, share,
Be good, don't fight.
Protect the weak in the class
And do not give offense.
We must cherish friendship
All one family to live.
7. Do not be sad in the lesson,
It is better to unscrew the handle.
Take a little wash
Use your finger to poke a hole in the book.
Draw on the desk with chalk
Tell everyone: "I'm busy!"
8. Don't joke about your health,
Go to the dining room.
Behave yourself there
Eat carefully, calmly.
Don't speak with your mouth full
Ate - take away the dishes.
9 wanted to sleep at school,
The desk is the best bed!
Stretch out on it beautifully
And snore lazily.
If they call -
Ask them to wait.
10 you don't run like a cheetah
Along the rows of beautiful desks.
Not a soccer briefcase with a foot -
He's new and dear.
Comb your hair and be neat
Clean, sweet, tidy.
11. And during the break
Paint the walls nicely.
Show how you can
Remove the bolts from the table.
And, like a brave knight in a fairy tale,
Fight with a pointing sword.
12 take a break after school
Help the adults at home.
And homework
Do not leave, friend, without attention.
Try to do them yourself:
Without prompts from dads and moms.
Teacher: Today you have become first graders. Student! This honorary title is borne by all residents of the Land of Knowledge and must be earned. So now I will check if you are ready to become disciples. To do this, you must overcome trials.
- From tomorrow you will need school subjects, and which ones you will find out if you guess my riddles:
I carry a new house in my hand
The doors of the house are locked
And they live in that house -
Pens, books and album. (briefcase)
Tell me first grader
What eraser do you wear to school?
What - colored markers
And are pencils simple? (pencil case)
I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me
We must learn to read and write. (book)
I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today -
I have - ... (plasticine)
Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler,
Manage to write on me,
You can draw
What am I? Notebook
Doesn't look like a man
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives a heart.
He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws,
And tonight
He will color the album for me. Pencil
I love straightforwardness
I'm the straightest
Make a straight line
I help everyone. Ruler
Your pigtail without fear
She dips in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album he leads along the page. Brush
I have a grimy back.
But my conscience is clear -
I erased the blot from the sheet. Elastic.
You need me for order
Do not turn the page in vain.
Where I lie, read. Bookmark
What a wand in your hand
Draws quickly on a piece of paper?
Did you write everything you need?
Put it in your pencil case! A pen
Well done! You have passed this test.
I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and awarded the proud title of PERVOGRAM. And now the moment has come for the solemn pronouncement of the oath of the first grader, after which you will become members of a large and friendly school family of the school …………………… ..
I read my oath... You repeat "We swear" in chorus
Oath of the First Grade
Learn letters, learn to read ... We swear!
Learn to write and count by summer ... We swear
In the lesson, try, and do not count the flies ... We swear!
Take care of the textbook, do not throw or tear ... We swear!
Complete all homework ... We swear
Coming to school on time ... we swear
To become smarter and grow up in a year ... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers ... We swear! We swear! We swear!
All homework
We will strictly follow through.
To the lesson without delay
We'll come running in the morning. We swear!
Let's not forget the pen at home
Both a notebook and a pencil.
But forgot - we will not cry
For the whole class, for the whole floor. We swear!
And during the break
We promise not to make noise,
Don't knock down people and walls
Don't push like a bear. We swear!
Let's be smart and funny
Do good deeds
To make us a native school
As a family, I accepted. We swear!
Teacher: Of course, it won't be easy at school. But we always have reliable friends and assistants. Who are they? Yes, these are our parents.
Well, dear parents, are you ready to help your first graders study?
- And you children, turn to your parents and listen to what they promise you.
We will always help children in their studies,
So that the school is proud of the children. Yes!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. Yes!
Let's be calm, like water in a river,
We will be wise as a star in the sky. Yes!
We will get up in the morning in the cold,
To be in time both here and there. Yes!
We will always cook delicious dishes
Pamper sweet children sometimes. Yes!
When will the suffering end,
Together with the children, we will take a walk then. Yes!

Congratulations to the parents. Parting words of parents.
To the first grader from the parents.

1.The desired hour has come:
You're enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:
Tell everyone about the school
Treasure the honor of the school!
Keep it always in order
Books, copybooks, exercise books!
The school must learn
You read, count, write.
It is not allowed to be lazy -
You need to do everything for "five"!
You should know perfectly well:
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you are always cheerful
Sing more good songs.
To be always healthy
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And the teacher too ...
And learn the program
If anything, we will help!
If you fulfill your order
Get ready for the second class!
2.You will remember this day forever:
The school will receive you for the first time.
Opens its doors wider -
And the school week will begin
And after her the second, quarter, year ...
Your school period will flow
Will step, run, rush,
Just have time to study at "five"!
It's still in the future, now
The first time you go to first grade.
Knowledge is still a ma-a-lazy stock,
But over the years, you will overtake us.
3. A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new satchel behind my shoulders,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mom's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday
This is your first time going to school
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different. ©
4. Going to first grade, friend?
Show me your backpack?
Here is a pencil case, an ABC book, a notebook,
Well done, study for five!
Well, in order to study for five,
My friend, we must not be lazy.
It is necessary in the morning and at lunchtime,
Repeat letters!
Open a notebook,
And in her,
Write in words!
You will have grades
The most decent
Bunnies and suns
Agree, great, right?
Do not be lazy to read, write,
And take home lessons
Not homework,
And over and above the plan to carry out!
So that your mother is proud of you,
Grandma was proud
So that your father, at work,
I boasted to all my friends
Like, my son is smarter than everyone
Knows letters, numbers!
Count to a hundred? Easily!
Just don't be lazy.
5. Yesterday still grimy,
Already today adults,
You are all so different
So different.
With swirls and pigtails
Today is the first time
Brothers and sisters,
You came to first grade.
Well, well, school, hello!
On your first call
Accept, first graders,
Here is this greeting:
Congratulations on the day of knowledge,
With the beginning of a new life!
Let moms be proud
Their "stupid".
Achieve success in life
only labor will help.
More optimism -
And difficulties will fall!
Learn a lot of new things
Don't get bored
Dare and comprehend
The wisdom of science!
Teacher: Your first Knowledge lesson is coming to an end. I am glad to our first acquaintance.
I congratulate you. I would like to wish you to learn a lot of interesting things at school, find new friends and be very, very friendly and inquisitive. I want to give you the song "Come to School!"
(To the melody of the song "A gloomy day is brighter from a smile")
1. Come to school, kids!
Collect books, pens and notebooks ...
The teacher will tell you from the heart:
- Do not worry, children, everything will be all right!
And then for sure
Suddenly the clouds will dance
And you will start learning everything perfectly;
Life will seem easy
And the teacher's hand
In the diaries will put only "excellent"!
2. Come to school as soon as possible!
I am waiting for you and I will be very glad to all of you!
Above your nose, look more fun:
No need to worry, cry, frown!
3. Come to school, first grade,
After all, it is simply ugly to be illiterate.
Much knowledge awaits you;
Study everything for the good of all Russia!

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

To generalize the knowledge of children about the holiday, to develop cognitive activity.

Integration of NGOs "Physical Development", "Social and Communicative Development", "Artistic and Aesthetic Development", "Cognitive Development", "Speech Development" according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: To generalize the knowledge of children about the holiday, to develop cognitive activity.

Tasks: create positive motivation for learning activities, enrich children's vocabulary, develop creativity, interpersonal interaction skills with peers and adults, and build a sense of confidence.

Forms of organization: frontal, individual.

Activity form: joint activities of adults and children.

Event progress

Children enter the hall to music.

Leading: Hello adults! Hello children! We are very glad to meet you today! All kinds of people are in a hurry to study, the Day of Knowledge is going on in our homeland.

1st Child:

Red day on the calendar -
A holiday of knowledge in September!
This holiday is important for everyone
This is a holiday for all children.

2nd Child:

This day is everywhere
Celebrated by the whole country.
This day is the best
Good day to the calendar!

Leading: We congratulate you all on the holiday and we want you all to like and remember it. This day opens the school year. Let it be fun and interesting, bring you new knowledge and discoveries.

- Moms, dads, kids
They go to kindergarten in the morning.
Flowers grow in that garden
Unprecedented beauty.
These are our children -
The most fun on this planet!
They play here, dance, sing
And they live in a friendly, cheerful family.
Do our children like to play?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then I suggest you play an interesting game. If you agree with what I am saying, then answer: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

If you do not agree, keep quiet.

  1. The kindergarten came to life today after the summer holidays.
    The world of knowledge, children, is very complex,
    Who is ready to go to it? ( children's answers)
  2. Who will study the letters,
    Reading on the sly,
    Will not bother mom:
    "Well, read at least a crumb!" ( children's answers)
  3. Who will sing and dance
    Write, read and paint,
    To then grade "5"
    Receive in the lessons? ( children's answers)
  4. Who is capricious and lazy?
    Well, answer quickly! ( children are silent)

Well done guys, no one was wrong!

Dunno enters the hall to the music.

Leading: Guys, who came to us for the holiday? Really Dunno?

Children: Yes, Dunno!

Dunno: So you guys call me Dunno! As if you are smarter than everyone and know everything in the world ?! And I, by the way, am not stupid either.

Leading: Truth? Then help the children to guess riddles.

The host makes riddles. Dunno shrugs and says that the riddles are complex. Children guess.


  1. The bell has already rung - What awaits us now? (Lesson)
  2. 33 there are letters in it - What shall we call it? (Alphabet)
  3. Where will they teach us to write and count and draw? (At school)
  4. Does everyone expect you after kindergarten? (First grade)

Dunno: Oh, I really don't know anything. Guys, can I stay with you in kindergarten?

Leading: Of course you stay, Dunno!

Dunno: Only I want to play! Let's play guys?

Game "Show the flower".

When Dunno shows a red flower, children are silent; when yellow shows - children stomp; when blue - children clap.

Dunno: Played great, kids. And now it's time to dance!

Children perform a pre-learned dance.

Dunno: And I don't know where to get the books. So I don't read them at all. And where can you get them, if not a secret?

Children: In library!

Leading: That's right, guys, the library is a home for books, they live there. Once you learn to read, you can take books from the library to your home. What books do you like the most?

Children: Fairy tales!

Dunno: I also know and love fairy tales!

Leading: Dunno, let's check how the guys know fairy tales?

Dunno and the Leader ask questions about fairy tales.

  1. How many wishes can a goldfish fulfill? (three)
  2. Who were the seven kids afraid of? (wolf)
  3. Who became the owner of the Golden Key? (Pinocchio)
  4. What are the names of the three piglets? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
  5. What was the name of the hen that laid the golden egg? (Ryaba chicken)
  6. Which girl has blue hair? (at Malvina's)

Dunno: Look how smart the guys are! Everybody knows! Let's play some more. I will tell you the first part of the names of the fairy-tale characters, and you the second part? Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

  1. Baba - ... (Yaga)
  2. Father Frost)
  3. Little Red Riding Hood)
  4. Crocodile Gena)
  5. Sister Alyonushka, and brother ... (Ivanushka)
  6. Fly Tsokotukha)
  7. Dr. Aibolit)
  8. Zmey Gorynych)

Dunno: Well done boys! You know the fairy tales well, so you really are not wasting your time here!

Leading: Of course, Dunno. Our guys already know a lot, but they still have a lot to learn.

Childreads the verse:

We can draw
Hold a pencil in your hands.
We can dance
And also - a little to count.
What are the names of animals we know
We respect those who are older.
You need to help each other -
This is the main thing for friendship!
We grow up and don't miss
We study everything slowly!

Dunno: You are certainly good fellows, mischievous tomboys! Everything is clear with the kindergarten, it is clear what you are doing here. Now I'm wondering, but how is it at school, is everything exactly the same, or is it different?

Leading: And really, what is the difference between a school and a kindergarten, guys? Let's tell Dunno.

Childrenread the verse:

There is a quiet hour in the kindergarten, bedtime is at lunchtime,
We won't sleep at school - there are no beds.
There is darkness in the toy garden, for every whim,
There is not a single one at school - there will be a surprise for us!

We go for a walk in the kindergarten - more than once,
They won't take us for a walk at school.
The teacher is dear here, the teacher will be there,
But on the other hand, many discoveries await us at school!

Leading: Guys, studying at school is very responsible and honorable. Do you want to go to school?

Children: Yes!

Dunno: Guys, it's so interesting and fun with you! You are all so great! Looking at you, I realized that I also want to study and now I will be striving for knowledge, as you do! But it's time for me to return to my fairyland, time flew by quickly. I will miss you very much!

Leading: Come to us again, Dunno, we will always be glad to see you! Really guys? ( Children's answers.)

Dunno says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: So our holiday is over. And we have a whole year of amazing discoveries in the world of knowledge ahead of us. I congratulate you guys on the Day of Knowledge!

In our kindergarten, we learn to be friends, play, paint, sing, dance, read and count.