Smokey ice in black pencil. For gray eyes. Stages of creating smokey ice makeup

It is customary to emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of the eyes with the help of skillful makeup. One of the fashion trends regarding the way of making a make-up is the well-known smoky ice. Makeup artists find this style of eye makeup ideal because it allows you to highlight your strengths and mask weaknesses.

Makeup smoky eyes Is the use of not only black and ash shadows. This was the case initially when the style was gaining popularity. It is now fashionable to carry out makeup in a similar genre using the most daring shades of shadows, such as green, purple. Giving preference to smoky ice, girls are advised to proceed from the color of their own eyes and the tone of the evening dress.

What is smokey ice makeup

The stylistic direction of both evening and daytime smokey ice make-up implies a purposeful accentuation of the eyes. Due to the fact that the emphasis is on the mirror of the soul, makeup artists recommend refusing to use lipstick. It is allowed to apply a transparent gloss or light lipstick on the lips.

The essence of make-up is high-quality shading of shadows. This is done to achieve smooth gradients in shades. Initially, only dark shadows were used. As the fashion trend developed, makeup artists began to use bright, saturated colors. Instead of liquid eyeliner, which looks unnatural, only eyeliner is used for smoky ice. It can be traditional black or brown, gray. To perform makeup, match shades of shadows are selected. Rarely, but the use of a contrasting palette is acceptable. Due to shading, the eyes visually become larger, more expressive, more beautiful. The look acquires depth, mystery, originality. If the makeup is done with high quality, you cannot do without the attention of men in the coming evening.

Like clothing fashion, the main trends in smokyeyes make-up are changing. Photos of models with this make-up, contained on special "fashion" portals in the network, allow you to evaluate and understand the general direction. So, now it is in vogue to make smokey ice makeup, taking into account the color of the eyes, skin, hair of the girl.

Let's list the main advantages of making makeup in the Smoky Ice style:

  1. The ability to visually enlarge the eyes, thereby making them more expressive.
  2. Smokey ice is appropriate to use not only for the evening, but also for the daytime. To achieve naturalness during the day, shadows of a pastel palette will help.
  3. The ability to correct and mask the existing shortcomings. For example, to make the upper eyelid visually less overhanging, which will make you look younger.
  4. Ideal for women of all ages.

It is quite possible to paint eyes in the style of smoky ice at home, without the help of a master. To do this, it is enough to carefully study the step-by-step algorithm of actions and practice a little. The result will exceed expectations.

Smoky eyes make-up variations

The most common makeup option involves the use of smoky or dark ash shades. The chosen method depends on the woman's eye color, the purpose of the makeup (where she is going to go), the color scheme of the clothes, hair color and personal preference. In order to understand what exactly will suit a particular girl, you will have to conduct a number of experiments. Plus, constant practice will help you hone your craft and keep you from looking ridiculous. Let's consider all known variations in detail.

The usual smoky makeup in the style of smoky eyes

Smoky smoky ice is considered by makeup artists as the main one due to the fact that when the technique first appeared at the end of the last century, this option was the only one in this style. Therefore, smoky smoky ice is a tradition, a classic. The use of the "haze" effect in makeup using dark shadows is not accidental: the method will add depth to the look, and mysterious expressiveness to the eyes. It is recommended to start practicing smokey ice with a classic, that is, smoky makeup. Having mastered the technique with the "haze" effect, there will be no problems with other shades. Subsequently, the girl will be able to paint in a fashionable genre, using different, even very bold, tones.

Is it appropriate to richly paint your eyes with smoky smoky ice during the day? Unlikely. Shadows perfectly emphasize the eyes, but smoky smoky ice is not suitable for daytime make-up. At work, school, on business, it is recommended to perform natural make-up with the use of light shadows. A great option: light gray shadows. The tone will suit girls with any eye color and outfit style. As a contrast, a bright shade is needed, which is painted over the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. The shape of the eyes is emphasized with a pencil.

Smoky eyes makeup on a background of bright, saturated shades

Bright shadows on the eyes make the make-up catchy and stand out. This makeup option is suitable for bold young girls. It is appropriate during the heyday of spring, with the arrival of summer and holidays. The raging of colors in the image during this period is appropriate and relevant. For makeup, choose shades of a purple, green, pink, blue palette. It is recommended to practice in advance and choose the most suitable combination of eyeshadow for a particular face.

Features of performing smokey ice for different shades of eyes

As in any business, there are several nuances in applying smokey ice. To achieve harmony when choosing the main shade of makeup, you should focus, first of all, on the color of the owner's eyes. Also, an important role is played by the color of the skin, hair; the general type of the girl's appearance (autumn, winter, etc.). The most saturated shades can be afforded by dark-skinned brunettes. Blondes with fair skin are unlikely to face smoky ice in a rich black palette.

Technique for making smokey ice makeup for green eyes

For green-eyed girls, chocolate, golden, purple, green shades are suitable as the main tone of smokey ice makeup. It is acceptable to combine the listed shadow colors with each other. For example, make-up looks beautiful with a combination of brown, golden, green shadows. Let's move on to the step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Preparing the skin for make-up: apply a foundation for the eyeshadow on the lower and upper eyelids.
  2. Arrows are neatly drawn along the lash line with a pencil. Color: black or brown. The eyeliner is carried out both from below and from above.
  3. Next, you need to shade the drawn arrow in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one.
  4. In the middle of the eyelid, an intermediate shade is applied. For example, light brown. Apply a golden, olive or beige tone to the inner corner.
  5. The resulting shades are shaded until a smooth gradient is formed.
  6. Mascara is gently applied to the eyelashes.

So, the makeup in the style of smoky smoky ice is ready.

Technique for making smokey ice makeup for brown eyes

To perform smokey ice, owners of brown eyes are advised to adhere to some principles. Dark-haired women with dark hair should choose shades of chocolate, olive shades. A combination of colors is allowed. If a brown-eyed girl has light skin and hair, then she will have shades of blue, green, cornflower blue, purple tones to her face. In order to avoid mistakes, it is recommended to use the traditional method suitable for all types of appearance: apply pearl, silver shades.

Smokey ice for blue-eyed girls

Girls with blue eyes are advised to abandon the rich dark tones of the shadows. Turquoise, lilac, blue, light blue, silver colors are ideal. For daytime make-up, choose pastel shades; for the evening - darker. When doing makeup for the daytime, thick arrows should be avoided.

Step by step instructions for creating smoky eyes makeup

The technique of the makeup style in question can be easily learned by itself, so as not to resort to expensive services of masters. Especially if you want to make smokey ice every day. We suggest using step-by-step instructions. It should be noted that it is difficult to get a decent result without practice, experimentation, and search for the desired image. It is recommended to be patient. Step-by-step steps to complete the classic smoky smoky ice:

  • prepare a corrector for masking imperfections in skin color;
  • powder to make the skin matte;
  • tone cream;
  • base under the shade (with its help, they lie flat, do not form lumps, do not spread);
  • black pencil;
  • shadows of dark shades (traditionally they are black or gray);
  • shadows of a light palette to create an intermediate tone;
  • black mascara;
  • brush for applying eyeshadow and sponge.

So, step by step, we will perform the Smokey Ice makeup.

  1. Make-up begins with leveling the structure and skin tone of the face. The area of ​​the eyes, eyelids is also subject to the application of a foundation, treatment with a corrector. The concealer helps to mask the bruises under the eyes.
  2. Apply a foundation under the eyeshadow all over the upper eyelid.
  3. Carefully draw arrows with a thin line above and below. They should be located as far as possible to the border of eyelash growth. At the outer edge of the eyes, the arrows should be slightly raised up. In the absence of a pencil, they are drawn using dark shadows.
  4. Arrows or shadows begin to blend with a brush.
  5. In the area of ​​the arch of the hollow of the eye, dark shadows are applied. The intermediate tone is placed slightly above the main color of the shadows. Light shadows are applied under the eyebrow. Shading everything again. You should get the effect of a smooth gradient from one shade to another.
  6. With the help of mascara, they paint over the eyelashes.

Makeup is ready. The technique for its implementation is simple and straightforward.

Before going to a party, wedding, prom, etc. it is recommended to watch a number of videos - tutorials on how to make smokey ice makeup. Different options for recording lessons will allow the owner to visually assess whether this or that color scheme is suitable for her, based on the type of model. Having tried and experimented several times, you can get a harmonious and neat evening make-up without visiting an expensive salon. Each video tutorial contains detailed instructions for performing makeup.

Teaching with the help of video is convenient because, if you wish, you can pause and watch the passage again.

Master fashionable techniques and be trendy!

Makeup artists consider Smokey Ice (we will show you how to do makeup step by step with a photo at the end of the article) as the most effective and versatile makeup for blue-eyed girls. The original fresh style will perfectly complement any look at any social event.

Fashionable technique for eye makeup Smokey Ice, its features

Simple bright makeup is quite common, but in most cases it looks defiant and ridiculous. If a girl wants to create a memorable makeup, then of course she should use the smoky shading technique.

The main feature of this makeup is a piercing look.

In addition, it will be appropriate for both evening events and everyday outings, taking into account, of course, the color scale and saturation. For example, combinations of dark colors will make your eyes piercing and sexy, but warm and delicate colors are more suitable for a light and romantic look.

Who is Smokey Ice makeup suitable for?

Make up, made using the smokey technique, is considered one of the most versatile, and all because it suits almost all types of girls and women... Since the smokey technique is based on shading the shadows and eliminates the presence of clear lines, the makeup is suitable for all types of eyes.

In addition, the smoky make up allows you to correct the overhanging of the upper eyelids, even with beige shades.

One of the most crucial moments is the choice of shades of eyeshadow. Choose a palette of colors based on the individual characteristics of the girl, such as skin type, eye color, etc.

It should not be forgotten that saturated colors make the look piercing and mysterious, but delicate colors will add romance and lightness to the look.

What color of eyeshadow to choose for Smokey Ice blue eyes

Smokey ice for blue eyes, performed step by step according to the photo instructions, may not always look harmonious on the girl's face, and it may not be a matter of execution technique at all. It is quite difficult for blue-eyed beauties to choose the right shades of shadows to create smoky ice, but it is quite possible.

Purple, deep blue, and charcoal shades are perfect for creating a piercing look. And to give the image festiveness, you can use golden, silver shadows, but they should be in moderation.

For everyday make-up, it is better to give preference to calm tones. eg light brown pastel or gray. To create a romantic look, you can experiment with pale pink and lilac shades.

When choosing a color scheme, external parameters should be taken into account, for example, girls with dark hair and fair skin should avoid golden shades, but they are perfect for swarthy women.

Necessary tools and materials for Smokey Ice makeup

Before proceeding directly to the makeup, all the necessary tools should be prepared, namely:

  • In order to properly perform makeup, it is better for the first time to have on hand instructions for performing Smokey Ice for blue eyes step by step with a photo.
  • Foundation, corrector, powder, light blush - all this is necessary to create a basic make-up.
  • The eyeshadow palette should consist of a light pearlescent shade and two matte colors of medium and high saturation. To achieve high-quality shading, it is advisable to take friable matte shadows.
  • A pencil for drawing the lash line, it can be black or deep brown. To avoid sharp lines and sharp transitions, it is advisable to use a soft pencil or eyeliner.

  • To create eye makeup, you need a standard eyeshadow brush, a blending tool, and a beveled brush.
  • You should definitely have cotton pads on hand to correct mistakes, if any.

When choosing tools for make-up, it is advisable to be attentive to their quality. The blending brush should be soft and not crumble, this will allow you to properly blend the shadows on the eyelids.

Basic rules for creating Smoky Ice makeup

There are many variants of Smokey Ice for both blue and other shades of eyes, but first you need to remember basic rules for creating makeup and be able to apply them in practice, following the step-by-step photo instructions:

  • to create a holistic image, you should not forget about the eyebrows: they need to be summed up with a shade of medium saturation, since too dark eyebrows will look awkward, and light ones will be lost against the background of bright makeup;
  • in order for the shading to be smooth, you must choose a soft pencil;
  • classic smokey involves the use of only shades of gray;
  • to create a good shading, the transition of shadows should be smooth;
  • in order not to stain the skin when using loose shadows, cotton pads should be placed under the lower eyelids, so that the particles of shadows will not crumble on the face;
  • you can powder not only eyelids, but also eyelashes, so they will seem much more magnificent after applying mascara;
  • so as not to look too intrusive, it is better to cover lips with lipstick of a delicate color or use a translucent gloss;
  • if the eyes are set close, you should avoid scrolling the contour of the inner part of the water line.

How to make the classic Smokey Ice for blue eyes: a step-by-step guide

Classic makeup can be done in a few minutes, of course, beginners will have to practice a little to achieve this result, but it's worth it:

Classic Smokey Ice makeup for blue eyes (step by step photo) - in gray tones
  • first of all, it is necessary to prepare the skin of the face by cleansing and moisturizing it;
  • apply a foundation (a very thin layer on the eyelids) and powder everything;
  • the eyelash growth line and the lower part of the water line are brought up with a pencil, creating a certain Smokey ice contour for blue eyes, which is clearly visible in the step-by-step photos;
  • shade the pencil with a special brush, although you can use your own fingers at home;
  • to give the look depth, a small amount of dark shadows should be applied to the edge of the movable eyelid and well shaded to the corner of the eye;
  • apply a lighter shade to the corner of the eye and shade in such a way that the end of the eyelid remains darkened;
  • start to work with the lower eyelid: apply dark and light shadows with a thin layer in the same sequence as on the upper eyelid, using a wide brush, do the shading;
  • on the area under the eyebrow, it is necessary to apply a small amount of pearlescent shadows and shade the product with a wide brush, mixing it with the border of a saturated shade;
  • in the final step, remember to apply mascara to create a dramatic look, use false eyelash tufts.

Thanks to unobtrusive shades, makeup can be used for evening and daytime events... To freshen up the make-up, it is enough to have a blending brush and a palette of matching eyeshadows.

How to make an everyday smokey ice for blue eyes: a step-by-step guide

Makeup for every day is unobtrusive, so professional makeup artists always prefer neutral shades. Thus, you can emphasize the eyes, make the look more expressive, but at the same time soft and sensitive.

It's easy to do everyday smokey ice if you do everything in stages:

  • prepare the skin for makeup;
  • give shape to eyebrows and paint over the necessary places with special shadows;
  • apply a base under the shadow on the eyelids (you can replace it with a thin layer of foundation);
  • lightly powder the eyelids;
  • with the help of blush, slightly draw the cheekbones, the lines should be smooth and almost invisible;
  • with a dark brown pencil, you need to draw a small arrow thickening it to the edge of the eyelid;
  • at the next stage, it is necessary to shade the drawn arrow and apply a delicate bronze tint to the shading place;
  • on the moving part of the eyelid, you need to apply a little beige and smoothly shade all the contours;
  • the lower eyelid should be highlighted with a beige shade, as shown in the photo, shading the shadows, so Smokey ice for blue eyes will look softer;
  • you need to finish the step-by-step makeup by coloring the eyelashes;
  • for lips it is best to use nude lipsticks.

This makeup is perfect for work or study, as it makes the eyes stand out, but does not look provocative.

How to make a smokey ice with an accent on blue eyes: a step-by-step guide

If you need to focus on eye color, it is best to use a bright color that smoothly flows into less saturated shades:

  • apply a primer or base on the movable eyelid;
  • distribute a delicate shade of loose eyeshadows over the entire surface of the upper eyelid;
  • with a saturated shade, you should draw the line of the lower eyelid and draw a thin arrow;

  • on the outer part of the eye, apply a small amount of dark blue shadows, shading the border of the transition;
  • make a stretch, taking a color a tone lighter than the previous one;
  • to make your makeup even brighter, you need to apply a satin light shade to the inner corner and the area under the brow arch;
  • to open your eyes more, you need to paint over the fold with a neutral matte color and shade everything;
  • apply lengthening mascara for eyelashes.

Pro tips: how to make the perfect smoky ice for blue eyes

Beauty professionals can transform a girl beyond recognition in just a few seconds. Of course, such knowledge comes with experience, but there are several secrets:

To create a flawless Smokey Ice makeup for blue eyes (a step-by-step photo will help with this), you need to do everything in combination. So, brightly painted eyes will look out of place against the background of a pale face.

  • You can open your gaze with the help of shimmery shadows, they should be applied to the corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow.
  • For narrow-eyed girls, it is undesirable to draw the lower water line, as this will make the eyes even smaller. To add a little more emphasis, you can draw a line under the lower eyelid and blend it.

You don't have to be a professional to perform Smokey ice for blue eyes (a step-by-step photo will help with this), the main thing is to have the desire and some free time.

Smokey Ice makeup for blue eyes step by step (photo) - in this video:

Smoky Eyes makeup secrets:

Everyone loves Smoky eyes makeup because it combines simplicity and is suitable for almost any occasion. Maybe you are going to a family celebration or meeting up with friends at the club, or you are invited to a wedding where you need to look stunning. And here this option will always help you out. .

Eye makeup in this style looks very impressive and beautiful, it will surely attract the eyes of others to you. It will help you create an enigmatic and mysterious look. In addition, Smoky eyes (smoky ice) are fashionable, many girls prefer it to create their own image.

A distinctive feature is the emphasis on the eyes. With the right approach, it helps to correct the shape of the eyes, to make them as bright and expressive as possible.

If you follow fashion trends, you should definitely try this "look design" option. Many girls, when doing their “foggy eyes” makeup for the first time, do not cope and it looks dirty and untidy. In fact, there are fairly simple ways to create.

By the way, Smoky eyes do not have to be exactly with the use of black and gray shades of shadows, you can choose any combination of colors.

It is not very difficult to make it, however, you will have to make an effort to make your makeup look neat and effective.

You need to know how to apply shades and soft brushes well. It may be a little difficult at first, but over time, when you have done this makeup several times, it will not be difficult for you to do it correctly and beautifully. The main thing is to follow the photo instructions and do not forget that you can experiment with colors, and this will give your look more originality.


So, first you need to choose three colors... If you are doing makeup in the style of Smoky eyes (smoky ice) for the first time, it is better to stay on a neutral color palette: brown, gray, bronze and black colors.

The "tools" you need:

  • black eyeliner
  • eyeshadow (at least 2 shades)
  • makeup brushes
  • concealer (cosmetic pencil)
  • powder
  • black mascara

The color of the shadows that will be the main one should be quite saturated with a shimmery texture. Try to choose your eyeshadow slightly darker than your skin tone. You can choose fairly neutral colors: beige and gray, they will give your image sophistication and tenderness, and bright basic colors that will make your look expressive.

Easy Steps to Create Smoky Eyes

1. First of all, you need to draw the eye contour with a black pencil (it should be soft). Along the eyelashes of the upper eyelid, you can make the line thicker.

2. Then, using a makeup brush or eye shadow applicator, apply the base color to the upper lid and just above the crease. Shade slightly.

3. After that, using the pointed applicator, apply a darker (medium) contour shade of the eyeshadow on the line that you drew with a pencil in step 1.

This makeup will not be appropriate for too clear lines, so do not use liquid eyeliner here.

5. Now labeling the outer corners of the eyes, the shape of the corner will determine the shape of your eyes, so try different options to find the one that works best for you.

6. Using a medium Soft Round Brush, blend the shadows on the upper lid. The same should be done on the upper eyelid, just use a flat brush for this.

7. To achieve a deep shadow, you may need to apply the contour color a few more times.

If you apply your usual powder to the area under the eyebrow, it will make it easier to blend the dark contour color and add volume and depth to your makeup.

9. To add even more depth to the look, you need to carefully draw up the inner eyelid with a black pencil. It remains only to bring up the eyebrows and apply mascara to the eyelashes, thereby giving the image of completeness. Your gorgeous Smoky eyes are ready!

10. There is very little left, the makeup must be balanced so that it looks harmonious, for this, apply the blush a little more intensely than you usually do, and it is better to choose lipstick from discreet barely noticeable nude shades with a slight shimmer.


  • do not eyeliner too much, it is better to carefully shade the shades


  • very thick eyeliner line
  • a lot of shadows
  • dirty circles around the eyes. Apply makeup starting with the eyes, and only then proceed to toning the face.

What colors to choose

Match the color of the eyeshadow to the color of your eyes to make your eyes more expressive.

Brown eyes - bright colors green, blue and purple.

Blue eyes - they need to be highlighted, and for this it is better to use complex gray-brown shades and all shades of gray and silver.

Green eyes - purple or brown.

The brown shade will look great regardless of the color of your eyes and will be appropriate even in a daytime make-up.

This step-by-step guide for creating eye-catching eye makeup shows step by step how easy it is to do it yourself at home. Try it, experiment with colors and look for your own style.

Of all the existing ones, the smoky eyes technique is the most popular, since it is suitable for girls with any color type in one color scheme or another. Smokey ice makeup is also versatile because it is appropriate at different times of the day - a light daytime smoky ice is performed in calmer colors than an evening one.

It is not difficult to make such a make-up, at first you can use the tips of professional makeup artists or follow the step-by-step instructions. It is very important to purchase a basic set for creating a smoky ice - a high-quality blending brush, a black pencil and a set consisting of three shades of eyeshadow, depending on the color of the eyes.

The main principle of smoky eyes is a perfectly even face tone and expressive "haze" on the eyes, this is how the name of this technique is translated from English - smoky makeup. Sharp transitions between shades are the main sign of a poorly made visage, so it is worth working out the technique very carefully.

You can train at the beginning by making non-classic evening smoky eyes in black tones, and more suitable for every day - colored: for example, bronze for green eyes or purple for blue eyes. After mastering the basic principles of this technique, you can and should start various experiments with shades and textures of shadows, getting an incredibly attractive beautiful image every time.

It should not be forgotten that with brightly painted eyes, you cannot use red or other bright lipstick, lips should not draw attention to themselves. The use of red lipstick will make the make-up in this case provocative and even a little vulgar.

The perfect smoky makeup for every day

There is a reason to make a beautiful make-up every day, but not always girls can devote enough time to this action. In this case, daytime smoky makeup will be especially useful, which can be easily done in a matter of minutes. The technique in this version of Smokey Ice is the same as in the standard classic one - the darkest tone near the eyelash growth area and careful shading of the color. A feature of smoky eyes in this case is the decorative cosmetics used, namely, stable gel-like shadows.

Smoky makeup for every day can be presented in stages as follows:

This light, almost invisible smoky eyes make-up will make your eyes very expressive. An excellent universal version of the make-up, which can be done both for work and for study, it is not flashy and is in harmony with any style of clothing, and it does not take a lot of time to create it.

How to create a spectacular fateful look

When choosing a make-up for "going out", professional make-up artists are almost unanimously advised to opt for the smokey ice option. It is the smoky makeup that will allow you to create a memorable and provocative image of the fatal beauty. Smokey ice evening makeup is usually performed in classic black and gray tones, however, other types of it are also acceptable. For example, a color option - blue or deep purple will also look great. When creating a make-up for the evening, it is important to remember to use super stable cosmetics that will not crumble and "blur" throughout the entire event.

Smokey ice makeup in the evening version - stages of creation:

  • Thoroughly cleanse the skin, apply a make-up base after the usual care products.
  • Using a sponge or large brush, spread the foundation evenly over the face.
  • Hide visible skin imperfections with a corrective agent of a suitable color, mask dark circles under the eyes with concealer.
  • If desired, sculpt the face with a bronzer or special powder, darkening individual areas.
  • For greater durability, cover the movable eyelid with a base under the shadow.
  • Give the face a perfect matte finish by powdering the skin, eyelids and eyelashes.
  • With a soft black pencil, draw arrows along the upper and lower eyelids, so that the eye is completely outlined.
  • With a brush, gently shade the pencil line, the correct technique at this stage is to work out the line at the outer borders, that is, with a brush, you need to "stretch" the color, creating a soft gradient.
  • With shadows of three shades (from light gray to dark graphite), cover the entire movable eyelid: at the eyelashes in the darkest tone, under the eyebrows - in the lightest shade. The main rule of smokey is that there are no clear boundaries between colors, only smooth transitions!
  • With the darkest shadows, paint over the outer edge of the lower eyelid with a thin brush.
  • Paint over the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid and the space between the cilia with black eyeliner.
  • Smoky makeup makes the main accent on the eyes, so the eyelashes must also be intensively colored with black mascara in several layers. It is permissible to glue several tufts of false eyelashes at the outer edge of the eyes.
  • Put on your lips with a long-lasting matte lipstick of a flesh tone, all the red, burgundy and cherry shades are better left for another occasion.

As a rule, makeup artists recommend matte shadows to create a spectacular haze, evening make-up allows you to use other types of shadows: shimmery, pearlescent, but in small quantities. Also, do not forget that when applying a large amount of highly pigmented eyeshadows on the eyelids, they can slightly crumble during the process of creating a make-up, so you can put halves of cotton pads under your lower eyelids or even apply a foundation on this area last.

Smokey Ice is a unique technology for applying makeup on the eyelids, which will make your eyes more expressive and sensual. Translated from English means "smoky eyes". Today, most Hollywood stars use smoky eyes makeup. It is very easy to do it yourself, as no special training is required.

Smokey ice is perfect both as an evening make-up and for every day. Shadows are selected in accordance with the time of day, as well as depending on the natural shade of the eyes. No man can resist such a sensual makeup.

What makes smokey ice make-up different from others

Firstly, the shadows will always be richer at the base of the eyelash growth. Secondly, all colors should have a harmonious transition from dark to lighter shade. This creates a smoky shading effect that smoothly frames the eyes. Thirdly, the technique should not use eyeliner. Makeup does not provide for sharp and clear lines. In this case, the whole meaning of the word "haze" is lost. The finishing touches are applied with black mascara - dark eyelashes will gently frame the eye contour. Smoky eyes are suitable for eyes of any color: green, blue, brown, gray.

Using the smoky eyes technique, you can easily adjust the shape of your eyes. Smoky ice make-up is suitable for small eyes, and for Asian eyes as well.

The smokey ice technique appeared at the beginning of the last century and was used mainly by women with a strong and unshakable character. She was popular in the cinema as well. In order to emphasize all the expressiveness and emotionality of the actress on a black and white ribbon, many makeup artists did exactly black smokey ice.

Smokey ice is made in black, but for each skin type and eye shade, its own color scheme is selected.

Before you start making a smokey ice make-up, you should hide all the imperfections on the face: redness, rashes, bags and bruises under the eyes. It should be remembered that the emphasis with this makeup falls only on the eyes, the lips are tinted with a neutral shade of gloss or lipstick. Light colored makeup is suitable for the spring-summer period.

How to make smokey ice makeup

It will be useful for every girl to spend at least twenty minutes learning how to do this kind of makeup. After a few workouts, this process should not take more than ten minutes.

To perform the haze technique, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • tone cream;
  • pencil to match;
  • shadows of three shades;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • shading;
  • cotton swabs and sponges;

This technique provides only smooth transitions between shades, and for this we need a set of different brushes. You can use eyeliner instead of a pencil. For some girls, learning the smokey ice eye shadow pattern can be given the first time, others will need to devote a little more time, but do not be upset if it does not work out right away.

Smokey ice instructions step by step

Before starting the technique, you should even out the skin tone with a make-up base. Further, foundation can hide imperfections on the skin, and concealer will help hide bruises under the eyes. Now all that remains is to powder the face.

Let's start working on the eyes. Use a pencil to draw a curved line. It is drawn both on the lower eyelid and along the line of the inner overhanging eyelid. Better to use soft pencils. The line is drawn as close as possible to the growth line of the cilia. In the outer corner, towards the temples, it will be wider than in the inner. The lines are carefully shaded.

A separate stage is the application of shadows. Daytime makeup involves the use of lighter tones than evening makeup. Shadows should be taken in at least three colors. The shade is chosen as close as possible to the eyes. It can be blue, green, brown, black. The colors must be positioned in such a way that the closer the tone is to the eyebrows, the lighter it becomes. In order to emphasize the full depth of the eyes, a dark line is drawn along the contour. The brush moves from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. With the help of a brush, shadows are also applied to the lower eyelid. Correctly move from the outer to the inner corner, gradually decreasing the color saturation. Beige or pearlescent shadows emphasize the inner corner of the eye and the line under the eyebrows.

To complete the eye makeup, cover the eyelashes with mascara. It is better to do this several times to increase the volume and length. Eyebrows are individually tinted with shadows or pencil. Eyebrows should not be darker than eye makeup. There is a certain scheme, using which, you can achieve the desired makeup in the desired style.

It must be remembered that lips do not play a big role in this version of makeup. In order to make them stand out, you can apply pearlescent shadows over the upper lip. Lipstick is preferred in light shades. Color options - pink, beige, pale pink.

Blush is applied last. Dark powder will also help to accentuate the cheekbones. With a large brush, you need to brush off all the remnants of makeup that crumbled during the application process. It will now look more tidy.

Makeup options for different eye colors

For eyes with a blue tint, the most suitable colors are: blue, bright blue, light pink, black, lilac, silver, golden, lavender. Owners of blue eyes are often girls with fair skin type, so the shadows are selected in cold shades.

Brown-haired women and brunettes can safely use gray colors, and for blondes it is better to take shadows in brown or chocolate tones.

For brown eyes, the possible colors are olive, black, brown, lilac, purple. Particular attention should be paid to shading.

Green-eyed beauties should carefully select the shade. It's worth experimenting with different color combinations and see which works best. It may be worth taking gold and brown tones, or using a gray scale.

Owners of gray eyes are more fortunate, because almost all colors will look perfect. Depending on the color of the shadows, the pupil will take on different shades.