The social and communicative development of the child is aimed at. Social and communicative development

The concept of modernization of Russian education emphasizes: “The most important tasks of education are the formation of spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability to successfully socialize in society.” The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for educating such qualities in the younger generation.

In this regard, the problem of social and communicative development - the development of the child in interaction with the world around him - becomes especially relevant at this modern stage.

The GEF of preschool education, differentiating the content of programs implemented in preschool educational institutions, identifies several areas, among which an important place is given to social and communicative, which includes the tasks of developing a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, communicative and social competence of children.

Thus, being a priority, the social and communicative development of children today is brought to the rank of strategic directions for the renewal of Russian education, including preschool education.

Socio-communicative development- this is a process that allows the child to take his place in society as a full-fledged member of this society, and is carried out by a wide range of universal means, the content of which is specific to a particular society, social stratum and age. These include: formed household and hygiene skills, elements of material and spiritual culture, style and content of communication, introducing the child to different types and types of relationships in the main areas of life - communication, play, cognition, in various activities.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage of a person's social life, and his future life largely depends on whether this stage is successful. That is why it is necessary to pay close attention to the problem of the social development of preschool children, since it is this age period that is characterized by the intensive maturation of the child's body and the formation of its social and personal neoplasms and the foundations of human culture.

Analyzing the process of social and communicative development of a child during preschool childhood, it is necessary to highlight the tasks that he faces at this stage of development:

natural cultural tasks– achievement of a certain level of physical and gender development. A preschooler learns the elements of etiquette behavior, forms of communication, has an idea of ​​his gender, shows feelings and emotions, social and moral qualities of a person are formed. In this regard, social development ensures the formation of general cultural, physical, gender foundations of the child's personality, on the basis of which social and moral qualities are formed: self-esteem, empathy, tolerance, self-esteem, respect for others, caring, justice, responsiveness, patriotism, citizenship.

- social and cultural tasks- cognitive, moral, value and semantic are determined by society as a whole, as well as ethno-regional characteristics and the immediate environment of a person.

Special attention should be paid to the development of children's skills to manage their emotions, control and evaluate their activities and behavior, foster goodwill, attentive attitude towards other children and adults. The cognitive aspects of a preschooler are aimed at expanding knowledge about the surrounding objective world, the natural and social environment.

With age, the cognitive sphere of a preschooler expands - the world around me, family, relatives and friends, the history of my native land, fatherland, motherland, the whole world. The next form of organization of the child's experience is the "living" of various situations. It includes not only the experience of analyzing reality, but also the experience of one's attitude to this reality. At preschool age, the game acts as a priority method of teaching, we are talking about the special significance of game activity for the intellectual development of a preschooler and the formation of personality traits that will ensure the development of the prerequisites for educational activity.

- socio-psychological tasks- the formation of self-awareness of the individual, its self-determination in actual life and in the future, self-realization and self-affirmation, which at the stage of preschool childhood have specific content and methods of resolution.

At preschool age, self-awareness can be viewed as the achievement of a certain measure of self-knowledge and a level of self-respect. The basis of self-esteem is the ability to compare yourself with other people. Preschoolers develop the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, the willingness to accept their habits, customs, views as they are, learn to think about their actions, plan activities.

At the senior preschool age, the formation of voluntary behavior occurs. This basic psychological neoplasm of this age consists in the desire and ability to control oneself, one's actions. The formation of arbitrariness is one of the basic lines of the development of a child in preschool childhood, it comes to the forefront of personality formation.

The specificity of preschool age is that the social development of the child is carried out under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. The child cooperates with competent adults, as a member of society, he is included in the system of human relations, where there is a dialogue of personalities, values. The development of patterns and norms of behavior, the search for the right attitudes in life occurs in a preschooler in interaction with peers, educators, and parents. Adults open the future for children, act as intermediaries, accomplices in relation to the activities of children, in order to help children gain their own experience.

Specifying the listed areas of work, S.A. Kozlova believes that the tasks of the social and communicative development of preschool children are:

  • the formation of ideas about the social world and about oneself;
  • education of social feelings;
  • education of an active social position;
  • the formation of ideas about oneself, about the people around, nature, the man-made world.

At the same time, the means of social and communicative development of preschoolers are:

  • the formation of household and hygiene skills;
  • products of material culture surrounding the child;
  • elements of spiritual culture;
  • style and content of communication;
  • consistent introduction of the child to numerous types and types of relationships in the main areas of his life - communication, play, cognition, subject-practical and productive activities.

In childhood, the assimilation of social norms occurs relatively easily. Preschool age is a period of active knowledge of the world and human relations, the formation of the foundations of the personality of a future citizen.

Educators must appeal to the soul of the child. The upbringing of his soul is the creation of the basis for the moral values ​​of the future adult. But, obviously, the rational education of morality, does not affect the child's emotions, will never lead to the desired result. Education, skills, dexterity can be acquired later, but the basis of the best in people - humanity - is laid precisely at preschool age, the age of intensive development of feelings and interpersonal relationships.

Socialization, or the assimilation by a child of the universal human experience accumulated by previous generations, occurs only in joint activities and communication with other people. This is how a child acquires speech, new knowledge and skills; his own beliefs, spiritual values ​​and needs are formed, his character is laid.

An important role in this is played by activities that give the child the opportunity to learn value orientations, social and moral attitudes, norms and knowledge, express their attitude to what they have learned, and acquire practical skills of interaction with the outside world. In the game, children's social behavior skills are fixed, they learn to get out of conflict situations on their own, moral and moral skills are formed, such as responsiveness, tolerance, friendliness, mutual assistance, etc.

As you get older, the game becomes more and more complicated. At the same time, special importance is given to collective games (long-term, stable, with a diverse plot). The child learns in them the ability to behave depending on the game situations. The game becomes a school of social relations, in which he models the ways of human communication observed in the surrounding reality. Public life, in turn, determines the content of children's games, and under the influence of this content, with a purposeful pedagogical influence, a personality is formed whose moral qualities correspond to the moral values ​​of society.

Thus, play activity develops the ability to see one's own behavior in relation to other individuals and feel their reactions. Thanks to this, the foundation is laid for the social maturity of the child during preschool childhood.

In modern society, only socially developed individuals with intellectual, psychological and sociocultural potential can feel confident. Therefore, already from preschool age, children need to develop communicative and speech skills, independent thinking, activate cognitive and creative activity, learn to be accomplices in events, resolve disputes and manage their emotional state. All this helps to strengthen the child's feeling “I can! I know!”, increasing self-esteem, adaptive capabilities of the body, stress resistance and allows you to take a leading position, both in a preschool institution and in any team in the future.


  1. Alyabyeva E.A. "Games for children 4-7 years old: the development of speech and imagination" - M., 2010
  2. Kozlova S.A. I am a person: a program for the social development of a child / S.A. Kozlov. - M., 2004. - 44 p.

Material prepared

Teacher-psychologist MBDOU №7

The problem of socialization of the younger generation is one of the most urgent today. A person begins to explore the world from infancy, and this complex, multifaceted process continues throughout life. Moreover, the process of socialization can be carried out both in the course of spontaneous interaction with the outside world, and in the process of purposefully familiarizing a person with social culture. The intensity of this process in each age period is not the same.



Social and communicative development

This educational area is aimed at solving the following problems:

Assimilation by a preschooler of the norms and values ​​​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

Development of communication and interaction with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;

Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, a community of children and adults in the kindergarten group;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;

Formation of the foundations of security in everyday life, society, nature.

Thus, social and communicative development is aimed at mastering knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow the child to feel like a full member of society.

The problem of socialization of the younger generation is one of the most urgent today. A person begins to explore the world from infancy, and this complex, multifaceted process continues throughout life. Moreover, the process of socialization can be carried out both in the course of spontaneous interaction with the outside world, and in the process of purposefully familiarizing a person with social culture. The intensity of this process in each age period is not the same. For example, a younger preschooler is in dire need of emotional contact and cognitive communication with an adult, attention to his questions and the most complete answers to them. At this age stage, the child needs to communicate with peers, he is able to interact with children in the game and teamwork. The child is also able to choose the type of activity in accordance with his preferences. In addition, the foundations of self-awareness are laid already at a younger preschool age.

By the older preschool age, the child develops a need for stable friendly relationships with peers, for emotional closeness with them, for respect and empathy from adults. He is able to communicate, focusing on relationships in the social world; have stable associations with peers for the game and the implementation of common interests; demonstrate and use communication skills more flexibly; able to recognize their place in a peer group.

As noted above, the process of socialization can be spontaneous and specially organized. Let us consider the methods and forms of implementing the tasks of purposeful social and communicative development of a preschooler in regime moments, in a game, in the course of educational activities, individual and subgroup work with children.

Socio-communicative development in regime moments

The daily routine is a rational organization of the life of children in a preschool institution, a unique opportunity to build communication between the teacher and pupils, to direct the communicative interaction of children.

Communication is a complex multilateral process, including emotional, cognitive and evaluative components (A.A. Leontiev). The emotional component is the provision of psychological comfort, a sense of security; cognitive - meeting the need for knowledge and its application in practice; evaluative - the development of self-esteem and an adequate assessment of the actions of peers, an adult.

The daily routine has a positive effect on the process of assimilation of social norms by a preschooler: he learns to obey the general rules, to fulfill the requests and instructions of the teacher. In addition, there are techniques that help optimize the process of social and communicative development of pupils. Here are some examples:

Traditions that the teacher introduces, sometimes discussing them in advance, sometimes simply repeating them from day to day until the children learn them;

The morning of joyful meetings, when it is customary, for example, to shake hands or greet each other, saying something pleasant;

Reading day - one day a week when one of the children brings their favorite book and everyone reads it and discusses it together;

Favorite Toy Day - one day a week when you are allowed to bring your favorite toy from home and tell your peers about it.

Conditional signals indicating the transition from one type of activity to another:

The teacher rings a bell before the start of each lesson;

The teacher knocks on a tambourine when you have to go to morning exercises;

A stable phrase of a teacher reporting that an interesting game is starting, for example: “I call my guys to an interesting game.”

· Symbols of the group (emblem, anthem, flag), which distinguish it from other groups of the kindergarten.

· Social signs:

The bandage at the duty officer in the dining room, in the classroom;

The steering wheel (any other toy) for the one who leads the formation for physical education, for a walk;

The flag of the one who closes the system.

Educators can give many such examples.

Each of these techniques not only contributes to socialization and effective communication with children, but also helps the teacher in organizing their life.

Social and communicative development in gaming activities

The life of a child in a preschool institution is filled with various activities, among which the game occupies a special place. In the game, a preschooler learns, develops, and is brought up.

Role-playing games.Organizing play activities with young children, the teacher concentrates efforts on enriching their everyday experience, conducts game shows (“Let's treat the doll”, “Let's treat and feed the dog”, etc.). Supports plot-display games in which the child learns to use objects in the way that is accepted in society (they eat with a spoon, drive a car, carry cargo, etc.).

The teacher stimulates the child's interest in playing with peers, demonstrates and encourages games using substitute items (a cube - a cutlet, sticks of different heights found on a walk - mother and baby, etc.), supports children's independence in the selection of toys.

Modeling situations in a role-playing game is the most important means of orienting a child in the characteristics of adult activities, which is of great importance for social development.

The younger preschooler is able to distinguish play behavior from real, accept an imaginary situation and act in it.

With children of the third year of life, it is possible to organize joint dramatizations of simple artistic texts or situations from children's experience with an adult.

Senior preschool age is the heyday of the role-playing game: plots become more complicated, roles become more diverse, the game becomes creative. The child seeks to reflect in the game, in addition to the events of real life, his fantasies. Children love to distribute roles on their own, dress themselves in appropriate costumes, use the necessary attributes and accessories.

Taking on a role, they convey the characteristic features of the character using various means of expression: voices, facial expressions, gestures.

Pedagogical leadership of the game at this age stage is to help children learn a real social role, which helps to expand the scope of their social cognition.

Communication games- these are games of varying degrees of mobility, during which verbal, tactile or other contact of an adult with a child, children among themselves is necessary. These include some round dance games, verbal and role-playing.

Games with rulesrequire compliance with the rules set by adults, discussed with peers or provided for by the game itself. The child remembers the rules, acts in accordance with them, controlling his own actions and the actions of his peers, learns to adequately evaluate the result of the game, accept success and failure. In such games, adequate self-esteem is actively formed, various social representations are developed.

Social and communicative development in educational activities

Educational activities are carried out in various forms of interaction between the teacher and children: individual, subgroup and collective.

Individual and subgroup interaction of the teacher with the childIt is aimed primarily at consolidating this or that material, at working with lagging behind or often ill children, during which direct communication is carried out, the development of communication and speech skills.

Collective activitycontributes to successful socialization, the formation of communication skills. To achieve a common goal, children learn to negotiate among themselves and distribute responsibilities, help their peers if necessary, and analyze the results.

Directly educational activity (occupation)- a form that provides for the communication of an adult with children, children among themselves. During the classes, participants exchange information, discuss and analyze it, learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Participation in experimental activities (TRIZ technology, project method) allows you to get involved in a certain system of obtaining knowledge, which leads to the emergence of a new type of relationship between the child and the social environment.

Activities during the implementation of the project are aimed at the result obtained when solving a problem that is significant for the child. This result can be seen, comprehended, applied in practice. In order to achieve a result, the educator needs to teach children to set a goal, find a solution to a problem, attracting knowledge from different areas for this, and organize activities to get a result. A prerequisite is the presentation of the project: the children tell what they studied, where they found the information, how they used it, what the result was.

The interaction of participants in the educational process during the implementation of a particular project is a unique opportunity for joint cognitive activity. The teacher and children communicate closely with each other, together they look for ways to solve the tasks, they experience joys and failures together.

Prepared by methodologist Maltseva O.A.

"The tasks of the social and communicative development of preschoolers

in accordance with GEF DO "

The federal state educational standard identifies 5 areas for the development and education of children: and communicative development;

2. cognitive development;

3. speech development;

4. artistic and aesthetic development;

5. physical development.

The Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education introduce the concept of the educational area "social and communicative development of preschoolers". The results of mastering the program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education - social and normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education.

On the screen you see the tasks of the social and communicative development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions are concerned about changes in the moral, social and communicative development of preschoolers, their behavior. Modern children hardly learn certain moral norms, they have become more selfish, capricious, spoiled, often uncontrollable. As a result, manipulation by parents, difficulties in communication and interaction with adults and peers, this is due to a complex of socio-psychological problems (aggressiveness, shyness, hyperactivity, passivity of the child).

Analyzing the problems of modern preschoolers, the following typical features can be distinguished:

- despite changes in the world, society and family, preschoolers remain children, they love to play (the content of games has changed, along with role-playing games, children choose computer games, games with modern puzzles, constructors);

- there have been significant changes in the intellectual sphere of children, they have become more informed and inquisitive, freely orientated in modern technology, in adult life, which is facilitated by the saturation of the environment in kindergarten and at home;

- there are changes in the moral, social and personal development of children, in their behavior, communication.

The problems of preschool childhood are caused and aggravated, among other things, by the inability and unpreparedness of some families to create conditions for the harmonious socialization of the child, the weakening of successive ties between family and preschool education.

The main task of the state and society in relation to children is to provide optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, the possibility of self-regulation, the formation in the child of the foundations of a respectful attitude towards others, the ability to communicate and interact, familiarization with universal human values. Currently, there is an intensive development of preschool education in different directions: increasing interest in the personality of a preschool child, his uniqueness, the development of his potential and abilities.

Communication is one of the most important human needs, the main way of human life and the condition for its development. Only in communication and in relationships with other people can a person feel and understand himself, find his place in the world, socialize, become a socially valuable person. Communication becomes a meta-activity in modern life, i.e. activities that are basic for all other types of human activity, penetrating them and being a condition for their successful implementation. In this regard, the problem of social and communicative development - the development of the child in interaction with the world around him, becomes especially relevant at the present stage.

Communicative competence is “the ability to effectively solve communicative problems, which determines the individual psychological characteristics of a person and ensures the effectiveness of her communication and interaction with other people” (L.A. Petrovskaya).

The elements of effective communication include:

Desire to make contact with others;

Ability to organize communication - listen to the interlocutor, emotionally empathize, resolve conflict situations;

Knowledge of the rules and regulations that must be followed when communicating with others.

Specialists are increasingly expressing concern about the increase in the number of preschoolers with learning difficulties, they note the low level of their communicative and cognitive development, insufficient arbitrariness of behavior, emotional imbalance, difficulties in establishing relationships with peers and adults, poorly developed speech, etc. This refers to children with intact intelligence, normal potentialities, but for various reasons lagging behind their peers in development.

They are of particular concern to educators and attentive parents. And this is right, because children themselves, without special psychological and pedagogical support, are not able to overcome such obstacles. They need help.

The task of a modern preschool educational institution is to ensure that pupils come out of its walls not only with a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also independent people with a certain set of moral qualities necessary for later life, the assimilation of social, ethical norms of behavior, non-violent interaction with adults and peers.

On the screen you see the forms of activities for the social and communicative development of preschoolers group, subgroup and individual, which are carried out in direct educational activities (GCD) in the daily routine and in the independent activities of children.

Forms of educational activities for the social and communicative development of preschoolers

Forms of organization of children's activities





Educational activities during the day

Independent activity of children

Integrated classes;

Game situations, games with rules, didactic (verbal, desktop-printed), mobile, folk, creative games (plot, role-playing, theatrical, constructive);

Conversations, speech situations, writing stories and fairy tales, creative retellings, guessing riddles, situational conversations, situations of moral choice, speech trainings, joint projects with adults, etc.

Individual and joint creative (plot-role-playing, theatrical, directing) games; all types of independent activities involving communication with peers; performance of independent labor operations in nature, household work; independent activity in seclusion corners, zoned plot corners, disguise corner, theater corner, car town;

Independent recitation by children of short poems, telling fairy tales and stories, looking at books and magazines; making crafts, designing, coloring; developing desktop-printed games, auto-didactic games (puzzles, insert frames, paired pictures); the simplest experiments and experiments; independent activity in the sensory corner, book corner, ecological corner, sand and water corner, children's laboratory

The experience of the work of preschool educational organizations shows that it is important to form in preschoolers the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, to ensure overall mental development, to form the prerequisites for educational activities and the qualities necessary for adapting to school and successful education in primary school.

The activities of teachers to provide the necessary conditions for the social and communicative development of children include:

  • organization object-spatial environment;
  • Creation for children situations of communicative success;
  • stimulation communicative activity of children, including using problem situations;
  • elimination in children with communication difficulties in cooperation with a teacher-psychologist and with the support of parents;
  • motivation the child to express his thoughts, feelings, emotions, characteristic features of characters using verbal and non-verbal means of communication;
  • about security balance between educational activities under the guidance of a teacher and independent activities of children;
  • modeling game situations that motivate a preschooler to communicate with adults and peers.

The implementation of the tasks of social and communicative development of preschoolers is aimed at gaining experience in varioustypes of children's activities.

Game activitymakes the child feel like an equal member of society. In the game, the child gains confidence in his own abilities, in the ability to get a real result.

Research activitiesallows the child to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of their own ideas.

Visual activityallows the child, with the help of elementary labor in the process of creating products of children's creativity based on imagination and fantasy, to "get used" to the world of adults, to know it and take part in it.

subject activitysatisfies the cognitive interests of the child in a certain period, helps to orient in the world around.

cognitive activityenriches the child's experience, stimulates the development of cognitive interests, creates and reinforces social feelings.

Communicative activity(communication) unites an adult and a child, satisfies the various needs of the child in emotional closeness with an adult, in his support and appreciation.

constructive activitymakes it possible to form complex mental actions, creative imagination, mechanisms for controlling one's own behavior.

Project activityactivates the independent activity of the child, ensures the unification and integration of different types of activities.

Each type of these and other types of joint activities makes its own special contribution to the process of social and communicative development of preschoolers.

The specificity of preschool age is that the social development of the child is carried out under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. The child cooperates with competent adults, as a member of society, he is included in the system of human relations, where there is a dialogue of personalities, values. The development of patterns and norms of behavior, the search for the right attitudes in life occurs in a preschooler in interaction with peers, educators, and parents. Adults open the future for children, act as intermediaries, accomplices in relation to the activities of children, in order to help children gain their own experience.

Complaints of teachers about the insufficient level of speech development of children (especially coherent speech) can be heard, perhaps, more often than others. They talk about the significant difficulties that some children have in compiling stories "from personal experience", based on a picture and a series of pictures; retelling of works of art; performing creative tasks to supplement unfinished stories, etc.

However, behind the low level of coherent, monologue speech in preschoolers who are lagging behind in development from their peers, a more serious problem is very often hidden, namely, the lack of communicative activity, communicative behavior in general, where speech is only one of the means, although very important.

The decisive importance of communicative activity or communication for the mental development of a person is recognized by all. Nevertheless, ideas about the essence of the difficulties in mastering it, and even more so about the practical methods and techniques of working to overcome the shortcomings of the communicative development of children, are still very vague, fuzzy, and non-specific. Therefore, practical work in this direction develops for the most part spontaneously, based more on pedagogical intuition than on deep knowledge of the patterns of development of communicative activity in ontogenesis. Often, the tasks of communicative development are replaced by the tasks of developing speech, or rather, enriching it with language means (this applies to replenishment of the vocabulary, the formation of word-building skills, etc.), which has a rather weak effect on the development of the communicative function of speech and its content side.

Of course, the majority of children in preschool educational institutions are quite well off in terms of communication. They are able to establish contacts with both adults and peers; are able to agree on joint affairs and games; make plans and try to implement them, etc.; freely express their requests, make messages, ask questions; in the process of communication, various communicative means are used - speech, facial expressions, figurative-gestural. They are distinguished by a keen interest in the interlocutor, which for a child of older preschool age becomes a peer.

At preschool age, one of the most important "acquisitions" of the child in his communicative development takes place. His social circle is expanding. In addition to the world of adults, a preschooler "discovers" the world of peers for himself. He discovers that the other children are "just like him". This does not mean at all that he did not see, did not notice them before, but the perception of a peer acquires a special quality - awareness. What happens, as psychologists say, is identification with peers (“He is the same as me”), which radically changes the attitude towards him. If in early childhood the child existed "nearby", in parallel with a peer, then at preschool age they fall into a common communicative space.

Everyone knows, for example, the situation when toddlers play in the sandbox: each with his own scoop, each with his own bucket, they simply coexist peacefully. They do not yet consider a child playing nearby as an object of interaction. But suddenly the neighbor's bucket attracts the attention of the child, he gets up, goes exactly to the bucket, takes it away from the owner and ... calmly begins to pour sand into it with a scoop.

At preschool age, the situation is already different. Already in a younger preschooler, a peer evokes a lively curiosity and a positive emotional attitude, becomes very attractive, is perceived as an object of interaction. Of course, younger preschoolers still do not know how to establish interaction on their own, they do not know how this is done. A lot depends on the adult, on how he will manage this process, whether he will teach his baby the necessary means of attracting the attention of another person, etc.

It also depends on the adult how a peer will be perceived - on a positive emotional basis or on a negative one. But the important thing is that already from the early preschool age, the child is not satisfied with the previous position “nearby”. He wants to be "together" with the children. Along with emotional interactions, children gradually develop mutual business, in the middle preschool age and game forms of interaction. And in the senior - interaction becomes personal.

The result of interaction with peers is the emergence of special interpersonal relationships, the quality of which determines both the social status of the child in the children's community and the level of his emotional comfort. Relationships between children are dynamic, they develop, and at the senior preschool age they become competitive, which is facilitated by the child's awareness of socially significant norms and rules. Thus, the child's communicative behavior gradually becomes more complex and enriched, and its new forms are formed. The social and personal formation of a preschooler is intensively taking place.

Communication needs of a person can be satisfied in various ways. Among them, the most important are gestural, mimic, speech, intonation. By the senior preschool age, the word becomes the leading means of communication. At the same time, until the end of preschool age, non-speech methods of communication play the role of verbal accompaniment, addition, strengthening the content of children's speech.

Communicative behavior in the process of observing the child is analyzed according to the following parameters:

Characteristics of communicative activity. The teacher pays attention to whether the child easily comes into contact with adults and children, whether there are significant differences in communication with relatives and strangers, whether the child is the initiator of communication, joint games, whether he participates in collective games with pleasure, etc.

Preferred contact for communication. It is revealed whether the child is directed mainly to an adult or to a peer. It is noted whether a peer has taken a leading position compared to adults in the field of perception of a preschooler (starting from middle preschool age), whether there is a preference for peers (according to the emotional, business, game, cognitive principle).

The degree of formation of the "conversation scheme".

Characteristics of non-speech means used in the process of communication.An analysis of non-speech communication means (natural and visual gestures, facial movements) is carried out. It is noted whether they are used more actively with a lack of speech means.

Analysis of speech means.Observe the level of general speech activity of the child. what types of communicative statements have the highest frequency, whether the questions have a cognitive orientation.

Experience has shown that the speech parameter is the most difficult to analyze the child's communicative behavior.

It should be noted that the poverty of the vocabulary does not fatally affect the quality of a person's communicative behavior. Suffice it to recall Ellochka from The Twelve Chairs, who has about 30 words in her active vocabulary, but who did not have any violations of communicative behavior.

Special work on the correction of the communicative behavior of preschoolers has three main areas:

First directionis realized along the line of development in the child of self-awareness as a subject of communication and perception of a peer as an object of interaction. In other words, special work is carried out to form the perception of a peer on a positive emotional basis, the development of business cooperation with him and common gaming interests.

Second directionconsists in the development of the child's ability to perceive and use various communicative means (visual, emotional-mimic, pantomimic, gestural, verbal).

third directionensures the formation of social ideas in children, which arise not only as a result of familiarizing children with the professions of people, norms of behavior, but, most importantly, isolating, understanding and recreating and playing various types of social relations.

All these areas provide:

  • development of the social orientation of children and social perception, peer perception on a positive emotional basis as an object of interaction;
  • increasing the speech activity and communicative orientation of children's speech (by special modeling of communication situations, teaching the use of various types of communicative statements);
  • mastering the "diagram of conversation";
  • development of business and game motives for interaction with adults and peers, children learning the ways of non-verbal (non-verbal) communication: mastering the semantic aspect of human facial expressions, natural and expressive gestures (“talking” hands), using them in communication practice;
  • development of dialogical speech (in the process of special techniques of "commented drawing", dramatization of the content of finished images (pictures, paintings), imitative movements and actions with imaginary objects);
  • development of the ability to reflect the communicative content (relationships between people) in movement, schematic drawing, speech;
  • development of understanding of the motives of behavior and characters of literary characters (by introducing "internal monologues" and elements of dramatization);
  • the ability to update in communication the content of one's own emotional, everyday, gaming, cognitive and interpersonal experience as the main content of communicative training;
  • development of language ability (competence);
  • development of speech creativity;
  • development of connected speech.

We must strive to ensure that the communication skills of preschool children improve by the time they enter school, the child must learn speech etiquette and the ability to maintain a conversation on any topic, within his understanding, logically and consistently in dialogue and monologue. Children should be formed the elementary ability to conjecture events, the ability to use contextual speech.

It should be remembered that the results of the communication skills of preschoolers depend on the professionalism and desire of adults and make it possible to easily assimilate the school curriculum and become successful people in adult activities.

Sveta Karasteleva
Work experience "Social and communicative development"

When you think of a child's brain, you imagine a delicate rose flower with a drop of dew trembling on it. What care and tenderness are needed so that, having picked a flower, not to drop a drop.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Modern society lives in a constantly changing world in the age of information and the introduction of the latest technical means of informing, the constant shortage of time changes the usual norms and forms of intra-family and interpersonal relationships. Many parents believe intellectual development child is most relevant in today's world of information technology. Teaching a child from an early age with the latest technical means and the formation of certain skills that, in the opinion of parents, correspond to the requirements of today, should prepare the child for an independent life, make him competitive. In pursuit of new trends, parents forget that a competitively capable person is not only intellectually developed able to solve the intellectual problems of the modern world, but also a person successfully adapted in society, able to build interpersonal relationships, having the skills of constructive communication. But modern parents do not pay due attention to these areas in child development.

The relevance of this topic is related to the processes taking place in modern society. Life puts before the theory and practice of education and upbringing, in addition to traditional questions - what and how to teach in modern conditions, priority problem: how to form a person who would meet the requirements of society at the current stage of the historical development. That is why today we turn to the personality of the child, to the analysis of the processes that influence its formation.

Modern society requires initiative young people who are able to find "themselves" and their place in life, restore Russian spiritual culture, morally stable, socially adapted capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement. The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for educating such qualities in the younger generation.

That's why I was interested in the problem "through the integration of various activities." Since the basic structures of the personality are laid in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, places a special responsibility on the family and the preschool institution for educating the necessary personal qualities in children.

The main goal in my work on social and communicative development is positive socialization preschool children, introducing children to sociocultural norms, the traditions of the family, society and state, for the implementation of which I use the following tasks:

Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

development communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;

Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about sociocultural values ​​of our people, about national traditions and holidays;

Formation of the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, nature;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity.

Expected Result

development emotions and communication skills of the child;

successful social adaptation;

Improving child-parent relationships.

This direction of my work found confirmation in modern educational innovations: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 10/17/2013. No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education." The Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education determines the mandatory minimum content of the program, which is implemented in the preschool educational institution.

The world of childhood is a period of life in which the child comprehends it in all the variety of connections and relationships, where he is confidentially open to the world and the world opens to him with harmonious and contrasting sides.

“children is a very difficult and lengthy work. A successful solution to this problem is possible only with a systematic approach. In no case can you jump over several steps at once if you strive for joyful, successful work.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

What is « socialization» ?

« Socialization» comes from the Latin word socialis - public, which means “the process of assimilating a certain system of knowledge, norms and cultural values ​​that allow the growing preschooler to actively and competently participate in society.

Preschool is a period development child is one of the important stages in personality development.

This is the initial period socialization of the child, familiarization with its cultural and universal values, the time when intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships with adults and peers begin to line up, assimilation "language of emotions"- the ability to "read" the emotional state of another and manage their emotions.

Social The upbringing of a preschooler is the comprehension of the world of human relations, the discovery by the child of the laws of interaction between people, that is, the norms of behavior.

This is the formation of humanistic feelings and attitudes.

This is the ability of the baby to experience his guilt for violating the generally accepted norms of behavior.

This is the ability to live in a group of peers, respect for adults, compliance with the norms of behavior in public places, in nature, at a party.

I Working according to the exemplary basic educational program of preschool education "Rainbow". I use a partial program

Knyazeva O. L., M. D. Makhaneva "Introduction to the origins of Russian folk culture", regional program "Traffic Light Adventure", manual T. I. Grizik, G. V. Glushkova "Formation of the basics of safe behavior in children 3-8 years old".

The main principle in the construction of subject developing environment and gaming space: do not give ready-made answers, but develop research abilities of children in search of answers to questions.

By creating developing space I am guided by the principles in accordance with GEF BEFORE:

Saturation of the environment;






The game, in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, acts as a form socialization of the child. Social and communicative development preschoolers occurs through the game as a leading children's activity. The group is equipped with a corner for role-playing games, in which sets of items and accessories for role-playing games are concentrated. Based on an exemplary general educational program of preschool education "Rainbow" under the editorship of E. V. Solovyov, S. G. Yakobson, T. I. Grizik, T. N. Doronova, E. A. Ekzhanov, depending on the age of the children, the following zones were created for plot games:

- "Home, family".

- "Games with transport".

- "Hospital".

- "Shop".

- "Playing with animals".

- "Workshop".

- "Salon".

I show imagination to captivate my children with a new game situation that will inspire them to play on their own.

One of the most important areas social and communicative development is patriotic education.

Creating a patriotic corner helps me introduce children to the history and sights of their native land, animals and plants, transport; with state symbols; with Russian folk crafts and traditions.

The next direction is the formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

In the group are:

Crossroad layout;

Set of road signs, traffic light mockup;

Attributes of the traffic police inspector;

Set of vehicles;

Illustrations depicting vehicles, all parts of machines; streets, various situations on the road;

Posters on the safety of behavior on the street and at home;


Didactic games on traffic rules, fire and electrical safety.

Labor activity in the upbringing of the child is carried out from a very early age consistently and systematically.

I consider labor in this activity as a means of mental education of children, since it contributes to development of thinking, attention, ingenuity, creative imagination, the ability to plan your work.

The group has planned and equipped a zone for cognitive-research activities in accordance with the requirements, age characteristics and requests of children. A variety of entertaining games are placed in the corner so that each child can choose a game according to their interests, as well as development qualities and characteristics of the personality of the child.

Chinese proverb says “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand”. Children's experimentation is important for the formation of independence, goal-setting, the ability to transform any objects and phenomena in order to achieve a certain result.

Development speech abilities in children is impossible without the creation of a modern developing object-spatial environment. As a result of using the content of the speech corner, I enrich the active vocabulary of children, teach speech as a means of communication and culture, I develop a connected, grammatically correct speech.

The theater corner carries the function of a moral orientation, which lies in every fairy tale, literary work and finds its place in improvised productions. Characters become role models.

All my work I build on the following principles:




Consistency and concentricity;



Cultural conformity and regionalism;

“dialogue of cultures.

In his work i am using the following forms activities:

Joint (affiliate) activity;

Educational activities during regime moments;

Organized educational activities;

Independent activity of children.

Joint (affiliate) activity implies:

1. The involvement of the educator in activities on an equal basis with children.

2. Voluntary involvement of children in activities.

3. Free communication and movement of children during activities.

4. Open temporary end of the lesson.

Educational activities of children in sensitive moments I carry out:

1. In the morning and evening hours.

2. On a walk.

I use the following forms of educational activities in the mode days:

1. Outdoor games with rules.

2. Wellness and hardening procedures, health-saving measures.

3. Analysis of problematic situations, game situations on the formation of a safety culture, conversations, stories, practical exercises, walks along the ecological path.

4. Game situations, games with rules (didactic, creative role-playing, theatrical, constructive.

5. Experiences and experiments, duty, work (within the framework of practice-oriented projects, collecting, modeling, dramatization games.

6. Conversations, situational conversations.

7. Listening to musical works, musical and rhythmic movements, musical games and improvisations.

Independent activity of children

how the free activity of children is determined primarily by the subject- developing educational environment.

In his work I use all kinds of activities.

Gaming activities have a direct impact on the positive socialization of preschoolers, gives the child the opportunity to feel like an equal member of human society.

Cognitive and research activities that are associated with solving problems in the formation of elementary ideas about the family, small homeland, Fatherland, sociocultural values ​​of our people, about traditions and holidays, elementary ideas about the state, knowledge of the basics of security, ways of safe interaction with plants and animals.

Communicative activity The main directions within this educational area are social development, communicative-speech and moral child development.

The perception of fiction and folklore, familiarization with fiction and folklore of the relevant subject, contributes to the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, small homeland and Fatherland.

Constructive activity makes it possible to form complex mental actions, creative imagination, mechanisms for controlling one's own behavior.

Visual activity in the course of which emotional and personal development, ideas about the phenomena of reality, interaction and relationships of objects are formed.

Musical activity conducive development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, which forms the readiness for joint activities with peers, as well as developing ability to recognize emotional states.

Self-service and elementary household work is associated with satisfaction social the needs of the child.

Motor activity contributes to the formation of generalized ideas of children about their body, its capabilities.

In his work apply the following methods:




comparison method;

Situation modeling method;

repetition method.

Novelty experience

In his work I use testoplasty.

With children, we make fairy-tale characters, which we then use in play activities. Together with children, we compose fairy tales and bring these characters to life.

Mine experience with testoplasty I also use in working with parents. Parents help create materials to use the equipment developing subject-spatial environment in game activity

(signs, houses, dolls, dishes, etc.)

Partnership with the family is built on the basis of mutual respect and voluntariness.

The purpose of interaction with the family th:

Creation of conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents;

Involvement of the family in a single educational space;

Establish trusting partnerships with parents.

The most effective forms of cooperation with parents are:

parent meetings;


Round tables;

Master classes;

Club meetings "Family Lounge";

Individual consultations;

Placement of material on the stand for parents;


Joint activities of teachers, parents and children:

Open days;

Tournaments of connoisseurs;

KVN, quizzes;


Family competitions;

Newspaper release;

Watching movies, cartoons;


Formation of groups;


Improvement of the preschool and territory.

I take an active part in the life of DS. Possessing artistry and reincarnation, I constantly play various roles in the activities of a preschool institution.

Always ready to help colleagues. I am a mentor and role model for young professionals. I conduct consultations, master classes, share my experience I develop projects.

In MBDOU No. 60 I I've been working for about two years. Evaluation of the individual development I spend children in the framework of pedagogical diagnostics. The results of my immediate work you see on the screen.

Dynamics of the results of mastering the educational program

High level Medium level Low level

Beginning of the year 2015 9% 91%

Year end 2016 18% 68% 14%

On the screen you see my achievements, and the achievements of my pupils.

As a result of the purposeful and systematic work kids:

Mastered the basic methods of activity, show initiative, independence in the game, communication, choosing a partner;

They have a positive attitude towards the world, have a sense of their own dignity.

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests of others, sympathize.

Actively interact with adults and peers, participate in joint games;

Adequately show their feelings, try to resolve conflicts;

Capable of strong-willed efforts, able to obey the rules and social norms;

May obey the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

Capable of making their own decisions.

Thank you for attention. Creative success.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Center development child kindergarten of the first category

№ 60 "Berry" With. Kuleshovka

« Socio-communicative development through the integration of various activities.

Karasteleva Svetlana Anatolyevna

Educator of the first qualification category

The problem of the social and personal development of a preschool child in the process of his interaction with the outside world becomes especially relevant at the present stage, since the main personality structures are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, places a special responsibility on the family and the preschool institution for educating the necessary personal qualities in children.

One of the 5 priority activities of a preschool institution (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education) is the social and communicative development of preschool children, the organization and methodological support of socially oriented educational activities, as a condition for the implementation of the social order of society and the family.

The main goal of this direction is the positive socialization of preschool children, familiarizing them with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

The tasks of social and communicative development in accordance with GEF DO are the following:

To solve the tasks, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions^

The use of health-saving educational technologies in the practice of the work of the preschool educational institution;

Implementation of the general educational program;

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment.

When creating a developing space in the group premises of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to be guided by the principles, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, presupposing the unity of social and subject means of ensuring the diverse activities of the child:

Saturation of the environment (compliance with the age capabilities of children and the content of the Program);

Transformability (the possibility of changes in teaching staff depending on the educational situation);

Polyfunctionality (the possibility of a variety of uses);

Variability (variety, periodic change of game material);

Availability (free access to game aids);

Safety (compliance with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use).

When organizing the subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in various age groups of preschool educational institutions, it must be remembered that its content in the direction of "Social and communicative development" of preschool children should be determined by the content of directly educational activities in this direction and the age category of children.

So, for example, in our group in this direction of development of preschool children, the following Activity Centers are represented:

Security Center.

Center for role-playing games.

Center for social and communicative development (labor education of boys and girls).

The requirements for their content and occupancy in accordance with the age group are reflected in the passports of the centers in the group developed by us. Let's consider each of them.

1. The analysis of the goals and objectives of the formation of the basics of life safety in children in the senior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (they are in front of you on the screen, the main areas of work and principles made it possible to draw up a passport of the Safety Center, in accordance with which it was filled with didactic games and manuals in accordance with the age of children.

So, for example, according to traffic rules in the senior group, in accordance with the requirements, there are:

The owner is a traffic light.

An intersection layout that kids can use to solve complex traffic safety logic puzzles.

Set of road signs.

Didactic games.

Traffic controller gestures, didactic game “What does the rod say? ”, attributes of the traffic police inspector: rod, cap.

The formation of life safety skills in children and the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) occurs not only in the course of spontaneous interaction with social reality and the outside world, but also in the process of purposefully introducing the child to social reality in the preschool educational institution group, therefore, the Security Center has didactic games, thematic albums in three directions:

Prevention of traffic accidents and the study of traffic rules;

Formation of the ability to protect one's health;

Fire safety prevention.

The Center has didactic manuals “Islands of Healthy and Squishy”, “In the country of Healthy Land”, “Pros and cons of natural phenomena”, “Healthy-ka”, the purpose of which is to increase children's cognitive competence about the possibilities of a healthy lifestyle, healing with medicinal herbs, the use of additional means of preventing colds; the formation in children of the ability to take care of their health. In the future, the creation in the group of didactic manuals for the formation of children's knowledge about safety on the water, in nature and at home.

2. Taking into account the types of labor and forms of organization of labor activity at senior preschool age (they are in front of you on the screen, the conditions for the labor education of children (boys and girls) have been created at the Center for Social and Communication Development:

Organization of collective labor for cleaning a group room or site.

Labor organizations with small groups of children.

Organization of labor assignments and work with attendants.

Organizations of manual labor.

Didactic aids have been created (“Choice Cube”, “Islands of Duty”) for organizing the work of children (determining the number of participants, the type of labor activity, joining groups, distributing types of work, determining the type of duty and assignments, which predetermines the nature of the relationship of children in the process of joint labor activity. Thanks to the use of these aids, the basic basis for the labor skills of children is laid, which is formed precisely in the older group (in the future, these formed skills and abilities are only improved, the main in which are the skills of:

Accept the purpose of work;

Select the object of labor;

Anticipate the result of labor;

Plan the work process;

Select the necessary equipment;

Bring the job you started to the end.

Thematic albums, a selection of presentations for children, and didactic games have been developed to form an idea of ​​the work of adults, the diversity of professions, modern technology, machines and mechanisms involved in human labor and their role.

In the future, the creation in the group of conditions for the work of boys with wood: knocking together, sawing, coloring in the manufacture of toys, etc.

3. The social development of the individual is carried out in activity. Children's activities are carried out in various age-appropriate forms of work with children, a special place among which is occupied by the game as an activity in itself.

After analyzing the classification of games, the characteristics and prerequisites of the role-playing game, we organized the Role-playing Games Center, which concentrates sets of items and accessories for role-playing games recommended specifically for senior preschool age. In the Center, children of senior preschool age have the opportunity to organize role-playing games in the following areas:

Family ("House, family");

- education ("Kindergarten");

Health ("Ambulance", "Polyclinic", "Hospital");

Trade ("Shop");

Production ("Sewing Studio");

Construction ("Construction", "We are building a house");

Entertainment, public places ("In a cafe");

Travelers ("Round the World");

Transport ("On the roads of the city");

Military theme ("Border guards", "We are military intelligence officers");

Sport ("We are athletes")

The Role-Playing Games Center has created a didactic guide "Game Daisies", which helps children decide on the choice of a role-playing game, an individual role in a joint game, the necessary items and accessories for the game. Before the game, children with partners choose roles for themselves, place pictures with objects that they will need on a chamomile, prepare the selected accessories and unfold the plot of the game together. That. children develop the ability to independently plan and design joint role-playing games.

Positive socialization of preschool children, their familiarization with sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state is carried out not only through the organization of purposeful development and education, but also through the socialization of the child in the process of life.

In childhood, socialization agents have a huge impact on the process of socialization, that is, persons with whom the child has direct interaction (family, kindergarten, society).

An important factor in the upbringing and development of the child, in the acquisition of social experience by him is the family (as one of the institutions of socialization).

A child in a family learns to communicate, acquires the first social experience, learns social orientation. That is why one of the main tasks of our activity is the creation of full-fledged social cooperation in the triad "teacher-children-parents". Recognition of the priority of family education requires a new attitude towards the family and new forms of work with families on the part of the preschool institution. The novelty of such relations is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Cooperation is communication “on an equal footing”, where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate. Parents become active participants in the educational process, the management of a preschool institution.

Thus, an important condition for the organization of socially oriented educational activities is not only the competent construction of a subject-spatial environment, but also the partnership between the preschool educational institution and the family, which makes it possible to include children in the implementation of real deeds, participation in pedagogical parent-child projects, transformation of real life. Therefore, another important condition is the organization of a holistic pedagogical system, the competent and pedagogically expedient construction of the educational process in preschool educational institutions together with parents.

Educational area "Social and communicative development", within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Relevance: the problem of interpersonal relations of preschoolers is very relevant today. Observations of the daily, play activities of children, their communication show that there is a fairly high tension and conflict in the group. Difficulties in communication of preschool children with other people are connected with: the unformed age forms of communication of these children; with the underdevelopment of the structural components of communication; with a slowdown and qualitative originality of emotional and personal development. Modern children hardly learn certain moral norms, they have become more selfish, capricious, spoiled, often uncontrollable. As a result, manipulation of parents, difficulties in communication and interaction with adults and peers, this is due to a complex of socio-psychological problems (aggressiveness, shyness, hyperactivity, passivity of the child).

Analyzing the problems of modern preschoolers, we can distinguish the following typical peculiarities:

- despite changes in the world, society and family, preschoolers remain children, they love to play (the content of games has changed, along with role-playing games, children choose computer games, games with modern puzzles, constructors);

- there have been significant changes in the intellectual sphere of children, they have become more informed and inquisitive, freely orientated in modern technology, in adult life, which is facilitated by the saturation of the environment in kindergarten and at home;

- there are changes in the moral, social and personal development of children, in their behavior, communication.

The problems of preschool childhood are caused and aggravated, among other things, by the inability and unpreparedness of some families to create conditions for the harmonious socialization of the child, the weakening of successive ties between family and preschool education.

All of the above allows us to talk about the need to create conditions in a preschool institution for the development of social and communication skills, building specially organized work on the formation of communication skills and the development of social communication skills.

Currently, one of the 5 priority areas of activity of a preschool institution (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education) is the social and communicative development of preschool children, the organization and methodological support of socially oriented educational activities, as conditions for the implementation of the social order of society and the family.

The main goal of this direction is the positive socialization of preschool children, introducing them to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state, since preschool age is extremely favorable for mastering communication skills.

Contacting with peers, preschoolers learn to show benevolent attention, sympathy, empathy, coordinate their actions to achieve a common result, take into account the characteristics of a partner. Cooperation is built on the basis of children's interest in each other and in joint activities, expressed in the ability to consciously engage in interaction. Children of this age are particularly sensitive to linguistic phenomena, they have an interest in comprehending their speech experience, solving communication problems.

The term "socialization" comes from the Latin word socialis - public, which means "the process of mastering a certain system of knowledge, norms and cultural values ​​that allow the growing preschooler to actively and competently participate in society." Socialization of a preschool child- a multifaceted phenomenon that occurs under the influence of various factors: heredity, the atmosphere in which the child is brought up, the environment surrounding him, his own activities, games, self-knowledge and self-development.

Social development (socialization) is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of the socio-cultural experience necessary for his inclusion in the system of social relations, which consists of: labor skills; knowledge; norms, values, traditions, rules; social qualities of a person that allow a person to comfortably and effectively exist in a society of other people, the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children (tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the point of view of the interlocutor, which differs from one's own).

The main goal of socialization is to establish the foundations of a value attitude to the elements of social culture: tolerant - to people of different nationalities, age and gender values, careful and respectful attitude to one's own ethnic values ​​and heritage of history, humane - to people, nature, the world around.

The main goal of kindergarten teachers is to help children enter the modern world, which is so complex, dynamic, and characterized by many negative phenomena. The pedagogical technology of the social and personal development of children is carried out in stages:

Collection of information about the individual personal characteristics of pupils;

Long-term planning of work with children on social and personal development;

Systematic work with children on social and personal development;

Correction of existing social - emotional problems.

The tasks of social and communicative development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the preschool educational institution are the following:

1. Create conditions for the assimilation by preschool children of the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values.

2. To develop the social and emotional intelligence of children, their emotional responsiveness, empathy, skills of friendly communication and interaction with adults and peers.

3. Contribute to the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of children's own actions.

4. To form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the team, positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity.

5. To form in children the basics of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature; Willingness to collaborate with peers.

A. V. Mudrik identifies three groups of tasks that are solved at the stage of socialization: natural-cultural, socio-cultural, socio-psychological.

Principles for selecting the content of the socio-communicative development of children:

1. The principle of scientificity.

2. The principle of predictability.

3. The principle of consistency and concentricity.

4. The principle of consistency.

5. The principle of integration.

6. The principle of cultural conformity and regionalism.

7. The principle of "dialogue of cultures".

N. F. Talshchina notes that from birth to seven years, social and personal development cannot be carried out independently, it is necessary to purposefully influence it, creating psychological conditions.

1. The use of health-saving educational technologies in the practice of the preschool educational institution.

2. Implementation of the general education program:

Enrichment of the object-spatial environment, the filling of which provides the child with an opportunity for self-development:

Principles of organization of the object-spatial environment:


Flexible zoning;

Stability - dynamism;


Gender approach.

The subject development environment is selected taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas.

All components of the subject-developing environment should be:

Are interconnected in content, scale, artistic solution;

Include a variety of objects, objects of social reality;

Take into account the principle of a personality-oriented model of education, the features of the phased development of children's play activities;

It must meet certain requirements: this is, first of all, the freedom of the child to reach the theme, the plot of the game, certain toys, the place and time of the game.

3. Ensuring the psychological comfort of the child in an educational institution in order to maintain physical and mental health; this condition is an important component of quality education in general.

4. An important condition is the high professionalism of educators, specialists of a preschool institution, increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of social and personal development.

5. Organization of an integral pedagogical system, competent and pedagogically expedient construction of the educational process. The social development of the individual is carried out in activity. According to the new federal state requirements, the main models for organizing the educational process are the joint activities of an adult and children and independent activities.

6. Today, the kindergarten is considered as an open educational system. Its task is to draw the attention of the society (city, district) to children, kindergarten, its problems in the development of education and science, entrepreneurs and other organizations. The preschool educational institution throughout its activities should actively cooperate with administrative structures, the media, institutions of culture, medicine, and sports. Such social partnership helps to achieve a common educational space.

7. In childhood, the socialization process is greatly influenced by the agents of socialization, that is, the persons with whom the child has direct interaction. They may be:

Family (parents or persons constantly caring and communicating with the child, brothers or sisters);

Kindergarten (primarily educators);

Society (peers, friends).

Thus, social and communicative development is the main problem in pedagogy. Its relevance is growing in modern conditions due to the peculiarities of the social environment of the child, in which there is often a lack of attention, kindness, speech culture in human relationships. As part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, in the content of educational activities in preschool institutions, more attention is paid to achieving the goals and solving the problems of social and communicative development. This is a purposeful process of introducing the child to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society, as a process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society in which he will live.

Workshop for teachers of preschool education "Social and communicative development of preschoolers in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"

Workshop for teachers of preschool education

Topic: Social and communicative development of preschoolers in the light of GEF DO

Duration: 40 minutes


This seminar is intended:

For young professionals: the study of the content of the social and communicative development of preschoolers as one of the educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

For trainee teachers: repetition and consolidation of the content of work in this area.

Purpose: to increase the competence of teachers of MADOU kindergarten "Bee" with. Karmaskaly in the field of knowledge of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, to help improve the quality of the educational process.

Methods and techniques: conversation, discussion, slide show, physical education, business game, relaxation (video).

Preliminary work:

Selection and study of legal acts, methodological literature,

Organization of an exhibition of methodological literature in the methodical room;

Advice for teachers on the topic.

Expected results:

The level of professional competence of educators and teachers in the field of social and communicative development of pupils will increase in accordance with the GEF of preschool education, which, in turn, will improve the quality of preschool education.

Course of the workshop


Seminar topic. (Slide 1).

Relevance (Slide 2).

The purpose and objectives of the socio-communicative development of preschoolers (Slides 3, 4).

Conversation. First, let's define the main areas of work for the implementation of the educational area "Social and communicative development". (Slide 5).

What types of children's activities are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard? (Slide 6). (Discussion).

What forms of work by types of this or that activity can be used in the work? (Appendix 1 to the abstract). (Discussion).

What conditions are necessary for the successful implementation of social and communicative development? (Slides 7, 8). (Discussion).

According to the requirements of the Standard, we must take into account effective forms and ways of supporting children's initiative. What forms can these be? (Slide 9). (Discussion).

The main type of children's activity that contributes to the socialization and communication of the child is play activity. There are many classifications of games. Let's remember with you the classification of games according to Novoselova S. L. and Zvorygina E. V. (Slide 11). (Discussion).

The complex method of managing the game of these authors suggests

Providing pedagogical conditions for the development of the game,

Pedagogical support for amateur games. (Slide 12).

What kinds of games do you remember? (Appendix 1 to the abstract). (Discussion).

The next area of ​​work is patriotic education (Slide 13).

Components of patriotic education (Slide 14).

Let us recall the principles of work on patriotic education (Slide 15). (Discussion).

What conditions should be created in the group for patriotic education? (Slide 16). (Discussion).

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature. Tasks for the formation of life safety. (Slide 17).

What tasks are set in the formation of the foundations of the life safety of children? (Slide 18). (Discussion).

What are the areas of work on OBZH? (Slide 19). (Discussion).

Basic principles of work on educating children in safe behavior skills (Slide 20).

Labor education. The tasks of labor education (Slide 21)

Let's recall the types of labor, forms of labor organization, types of organization of labor activity (Slide 22). (Discussion).

Fizkultminutka. I will ask everyone to stand up, stretch a little. Let's give each other an invigorating massage. They broke up into pairs. One of the couple stands with his back to the other, he is the “patient”. The second is a massage therapist. The "masseur" strokes the "patient's" head, shoulders, and back. Then he starts patting: shoulders, back, arms, stomach, hips, legs. Partners switch roles and repeat actions. Smile at each other, thank each other and sit down.

Business game "Toys for the story game"

Purpose: To identify the qualities of teachers' knowledge in the selection of game material and equipment for a role-playing game at each age stage.

Attributes for the game: the design of the store "Children's World" Lukomorye "

Toy departments:

toy cars


Puppet department

Diverse material

Funny little animals.

Game description:

The world of a modern child is hard to imagine without toys. Let's imagine that we are in the toys department of the children's world "Lukomorye", let's take a closer look at the toys that are waiting for customers on the shelves.

Here's the puppet section. Here: both small dolls and large ones; with closing eyes and with drawn ones; "speaking" and "able to walk"; kids - naked and smartly dressed girls; "Little Red Riding Hoods", "Aibolites", Barbie dolls, etc.

And how many different animals - plush and plastic bears, hares, dogs, monkeys. Nearby on the counter is a doll farm - dishes, a stove, a washing machine, doll furniture. And then - toy cars: accurate small models of Mercedes, Limousine, wooden trucks, similar to real ones only in the most general terms. And here is just the steering wheel on the stand. And this is a diverse subject material that cannot be called toys proper.

1. Choose any toy for yourself and analyze its suitability for this age group.

2. Draw up an algorithm for adequate perception of a particular toy by a child; its pedagogical, psychological and aesthetic impact on the development of the child in the context of the educational process.

Observation and analysis of the business game

1. The relevance of the topic chosen for discussion.

2. Knowledge of teachers in the selection of game material and equipment.

3. Reflection of the game participants.

4. Decision in accordance with the tasks of the business game.

Relaxation. Video "What a beautiful world"

The seminar is over. I thank everyone for their active participation.

Annex to the summary of the workshop

Children's activities in the educational process

(types of activity, forms of work)

№ Activity Forms of work

1. Game activity is a form of a child’s activity that is aimed not at the result, but at the process of action and methods of implementation, and is characterized by the child’s acceptance of a conditional (as opposed to his real life) position

Creative Games:

Director's (based on ready-made content proposed by adults; based on literary works; with plots invented by children on their own);


Dramatization games;


building material games

fantasy games,

Improvisational games-etudes.

Games with rules:


Mobile (according to the degree of mobility, according to the prevailing movements, according to objects, etc.);



Computer (based on the plots of works of art, educational).

2. Cognitive research activity - a form of child activity aimed at understanding the properties and relationships of objects and phenomena, mastering the methods of cognition, contributing to the formation of a holistic picture of the world

Experimentation, research, modeling:


Drawing up models;

Activities using models;

By the nature of the models (objective, symbolic, mental).

3. Communicative activity - a form of child activity aimed at interacting with another person as a subject, a potential communication partner

Forms of communication with adults:

situational business,

extra-situational business,


Forms of communication with peers:

emotional and practical

extra-situational business,

Situational business.

Constructive communication and interaction with adults and peers, oral speech as the main means of communication.

4. Motor activity is a form of a child’s activity that allows him to solve motor problems by implementing a motor function


Basic movements (walking, running, throwing, jumping, climbing, balance);

Structural exercises;

dance exercises;

With elements of sports games.


With elements of sports.

The simplest tourism.

Riding a scooter, sledding, biking, skiing, etc.

5. Self-service and elements of domestic work is a form of a child's activity that requires efforts to satisfy physiological and moral needs and brings a specific result that can be seen / touched / felt. Self-service;

Household work;

Labor in nature;

Manual labor

6. Visual activity - a form of child activity, as a result of which a material or ideal product is created. Drawing, modeling, appliqué

7. Designing from various materials is a form of child activity that develops his spatial thinking, forms the ability to foresee the future result, provides an opportunity for the development of creativity, enriches speech Designing:

From building materials;

From boxes, coils and other waste material;

From natural material.

Artistic work:


Paper construction.

8. Musical activity is a form of a child's activity that gives him the opportunity to choose the closest and most successful positions in the implementation: listener, performer, writer Perception of music.

Performance (vocal, instrumental):

Musical and rhythmic movements,

Playing children's musical instruments.

Creativity (vocal, instrumental):

Musical and rhythmic movements,

Playing musical instruments.

9. The perception of fiction and folklore is a form of a child’s activity that involves not passive contemplation, but an activity that is embodied in internal assistance, empathy for the characters, in an imaginary transfer of events to oneself, in a “mental action”, resulting in the effect of personal presence, personal participation in events Reading (listening);

Discussion (reasoning);

Narrative (retelling, decalamation;


situational conversation

Attached files:

prezentacija-soc-kom-razvitija_9og6u.ppt | 1690.5 Kb | Downloads: 187

Abstract of a lesson on the communicative development of preschool children.

Theme: "Birthday with friends"

The goal is to promote the personal, communicative and emotional development of children.

  • Development of the dynamic side of communication: ease of making contact, initiative, readiness for communication;
  • Development of empathy, sympathy for a partner, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication;
  • The development of a positive sense of self, which is associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence, a sense of one's own emotional well-being, one's importance in the children's team, and a formed positive self-esteem.
  • Development of elementary spatial representations, sense of rhythm, motor coordination.

Equipment: piano, tape recorder, audio recordings, ball, gift cards for children, fireworks.


Educator: All your friends now

We called to our garden. HELLO!

If you're here, don't sit still.

Let's sing, play and dance together!

Let's greet each other now.

Reb. We are funny guys! Together we live together

And we dance and sing. We love music and laughter - our group is the best!

Educator: Do you guys like happy holidays?

Me too. Today we will not have an ordinary lesson - we will visit the holiday with you. I propose to start with a cheerful, kind song, let's stand in a circle.

The song "Friendship is strong"

Educator: Imagine that you were invited to a birthday party where there are many children, but not everyone knows each other. Let's sit on the carpet now, but in such a way that each of us can see all the other guys.

And now, to make sure that no one is hiding and I see everyone, and everyone sees me, let everyone say hello with all eyes. I will start first, when I greet everyone, my neighbor will begin to greet (the teacher, looking into the eyes of each child, slightly nods to him when he greeted everyone, touches the neighbor’s shoulder, etc.)

Educator: Okay, but we still need to find out the names of new friends, for this we will play the game "Affectionate Name".

Remember how you are affectionately called at home. We will throw a ball to each other, and the one to whom the ball was thrown calls his affectionate name. In addition, it is important to remember who threw the ball to you.

When everyone has called their names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. You need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to the one who threw it to you for the first time, and besides, pronounce his affectionate name.

Song "Lublyuka"

Educator: And now ... We'll go for a walk - choose a friend for ourselves!

Communicative game - dance "Invitation".

There is one child for the 1st part of the music - the driver walks with a toe step. With the end of the sound of the 1st part, he stops near the child with whom he wants to dance. Children go into a circle, hold hands with a boat.

On the 2nd part of the music, the children are spinning in pairs. To repeat the 1st part, the children who danced in a circle walk and choose their friends. For the 2nd part of the music, 2 couples are already dancing in a circle. Game - the dance is repeated until all the children are in pairs in a circle.

Educator: So we have found friends for ourselves and now we will go to a birthday party. And if it's our birthday, then we should give? ...

Children: Gifts!

Educator: Which of you likes to receive gifts? And who to give? Now we will play a game that will allow you to receive and give gifts.

Let's imagine that we can give a gift to our neighbor. Look at him carefully and think about what gift he would like to receive, and choose it for yourself.

Now let's take turns giving each other gifts. And the one who receives the gift does not forget to thank.

In the end, you can ask what gift they liked and what was more pleasant - to give or receive?

Educator: Did you like being birthdays and receiving congratulations? Okay, and now I suggest everyone to play the fun game "Velcro".

All children move, run or dance around the room to fast music. After the music stops playing, the Velcro child says the words:

"I'm Velcro - sticky, I want to catch you!".

After that, Velcro begins to stain the children, who freeze in place and stand until the end of the game. Another child is selected to repeat the game - Velcro. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Educator: We had a good time, and now sit down on the carpet. The carpet on which you are sitting is not simple, but magical - a “flying carpet”. Sit comfortably, hold hands and close your eyes (music sounds). Imagine that we are rising up into the clouds, even higher, above the clouds, we are flying, the carpet is swaying.

Hold on tight to your hands. We breathe everything easily, evenly, deeply. Deep inhale, long exhale.

It's good for us to fly hand in hand, but now the carpet falls lower, lower. We're landing!

Our moms, dads and friends are already waiting for us! Hooray!

We landed safely. Open your eyes. Amazing! And now I invite you to guess the riddle:

Who are they? Where? Whose? Black streams flow:

Together, small dots build a house for themselves on a bump.

Children: Ants.

Educator: That's right, well done!!! And now we will perform a wonderful song about an ant.

Song "About me and the ant" (f / m).

Educator: They gave gifts, had fun, and now I propose to arrange a festive disco and dance.

Dance "Quarreled - reconciled" (f/m)

Educator: And now we will arrange a festive salute with you. Dismantle the fireworks - and on command we throw them up. One, two, three - salute - plee!

Children throw fireworks to the music of "Barbariki-Friends" (f / m).

Teacher: Tell me, how are you feeling right now?

What did you like most about the lesson?

(children's answers)

Educator: And now, guys, let's give each other our wonderful, beautiful and kind smiles so that our friends once again feel the warmth of their friend.

Farewell - each child "blows" farewell from the palm of the one he wants in the circle, he catches and "blows" to the other.


  1. Chernetskaya L. V. The development of communication skills in preschoolers Rostov - on - Don: Phoenix, 2005.
  2. Shirokova G. A., Zhadko E. G. Workshop of a child psychologist / Series "Psychological workshop". - Rostov - on - Don: Phoenix, 2005.
  3. Dobina N.I. Development of the personality of a child in a kindergarten - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2009.

Flip over and say hello!

Participants lie down on mats. Lying on their back, form a circle so that their hands are in the center. Everyone sings the song together and each participant rolls over on their side (or is helped to do so) and reaches out to their neighbor, who also turns in his direction, and they greet each other with a touch. After that, everyone rolls over to the other side to "say hello" to another neighbor. Having finished singing the song, the participants change places, and the game continues with new partners

Important: In some groups, it is necessary to agree on the direction of the turn for each participant before the game begins. The host may have to slow down or speed up the tempo of the song depending on how soon the members were able to greet each other.


Children, holding hands, become pairs one after another. Ahead, at a distance of 3-4 meters, the driver becomes. As soon as the guys finish the sentence, the first couple separates their hands and runs forward to reconnect beyond the line, where the driver can no longer catch.

He has to catch one of the guys or he'll have to drive again. The driver becomes a couple behind everyone along with the child he caught.

The other of this pair becomes the leader.

Oblique, oblique, do not go barefoot!

And go shod, wrap your paws.

If you are shod, the wolves will not find the hare,

The bear will not find you! Come out, you're on fire!

"Empty place"

"Empty Place" is played by children of all ages (on their own), from 6 to 15 people.

Description. Players, except for the driver, stand in a circle, the driver behind the circle. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs or just puts them down. The driver walks around the circle and touches someone, touching the back or hands.

This means that he challenges this player to the competition. Having touched, the driver runs in any direction around the circle, and the called one runs in the opposite direction in a circle.

Having met, they either simply go around the friend's circle or greet (crouching, bowing, etc.) and continue to run faster in a circle to take the vacant place. Whoever takes it stays there, and the one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

1. The driver does not have the right to hit the called one. He can only touch it.

2. The driver can 1C immediately rush to run in one direction or another. The summoned follows him and, as soon as he sees in which direction he is running, rushes in the opposite direction in a circle.

3. At the meeting, they perform different tasks (by agreement).

Dance game "The sea worries once"

Game equipment: a disc on which pleasant melodic music is recorded.

Rules of the game: choose one leader. All other participants in the game are spinning and performing smooth dance moves. After the words uttered by the teacher, “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three.

Freeze the figure of the sea! the musical accompaniment stops abruptly and the children should freeze in place. The host is instructed to find and loot those who move.


The players become in a circle. A rope lies on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding on to it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, the carousels spun,

And then around, around and around, all running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words "run" they run. At the command of the host "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't sleep! Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two, That's the game over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and scatter around the site.

Visit the sun.

Stand up for a warm-up, go visit the sun, let's find our friends.

The sun came out and called for a walk.

How nice it is to walk together with the sun ... (walking)

We will turn into horses, we will rush along the road.

Gop - gop, more fun, beat with a hoof, do not be sorry. (galloping)

The sun is shining in the sky, our children are walking. (Walking)

A cloud walks across the sky, the sun closes the cloud.

We will run away from the rain, we will hasten to hide. (running like a snake)

We all run after me like a snake, we are not afraid of the evil rain.

The cloud covered the sun, the sun can no longer be seen,

Let's go, children, along the path, we will look for the sun. (Walking one after another)

Here the chickens got bored, on the way - they gathered the path. (Walking on toes)

We must go to the sun, we must find the sun. (Walking on heels)

Before the road, you need to refresh yourself, peck the grain and set off on the road.

Bent over, pecked, (tilt forward)

They pecked, stood up together. One - two - bend over, (tilt)

Three - four - straightened up. The chickens went to the bunny, They found him in the garden. (Walking)

The hare harrowed the garden and planted carrots.

He squatted and stood up, put the seeds in the furrow.

One - two - squatted, put the seeds in the groove. (Sit down, touch the floor with your hands)

We must all turn to the hedgehog to ask the way to the sun.

The hedgehog showed them the way, the Hare was the first to jump. (Jumping)

Jump - high jump, far to the top.

We will rest a little, we will start jumping again. (Walking in place)

Month of all friends took, the house of the sun showed.

Friends woke up the sun, clean - washed clean.

The sun began to shine and warm with rays.

Beam up, beam down - don't be lazy to breathe. (breathing exercises)

The sun is shining again, our children are walking. (calm walking)

They walk together, have fun and do not get tired at all.

The fairy tale is over, and we all have to go home.

And now the kids walked together for breakfast.


She has her feet in her boots.

(fingers of one hand, then the second go along the table)

Mouth, nose, and eyes - two

(draw a mouth, nose, eyes on the table or in the air)

And a big head

(draw a large circle with your fingers on the table or in the air)

Yellow, green, red, blue,

You are always beautiful with a smile!

(clapping hands)


Socio-communicative development

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

The social and communicative development of children is one of the most important problems of pedagogy. Its relevance is increasing in modern conditions due to the peculiarities of the social environment of the child, in which there is often a lack of good breeding, kindness, goodwill, and speech culture in human relationships. In front of you on the slides are the contradictions of the modern socio-cultural environment. Therefore, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, in the content of the educational activities of preschool institutions, more attention should be paid to achieving the goals and solving the problems of social and communicative development.

Goal: positive socialization of preschool children, introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state

Social and communicative development is aimed at:

appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy,

formation of readiness for joint activities with peers,

· the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays;

Formation of the foundations of security in everyday life, society, nature.

  • Formation of social and communicative speech skills (development of the ability to enter into communication and maintain it).

Social and communicative development

Assimilation of the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; - development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; - the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions; - the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; - the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers; - the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; creativity; - the formation of the foundations of security in everyday life, society, nature.

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

Socialization, development of communication, moral education. - Child in the family and community. - Self-service, independence, labor education.

Socio-communicative development. What is the socialization of preschool children

Socialization is a complex of social and mental processes, due to which a person acquires knowledge, norms and values ​​that define him as a full member of society. This is a continuous process and a necessary condition for the optimal life of the individual.

Socialization of preschool children in the GEF DO system

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FGOS), socialization and communicative development of the personality of a preschooler are considered as a single educational area - social and communicative development. The social environment acts as the dominant factor in the child's social development.

The main aspects of socialization

The process of socialization begins with the birth of a person and continues until the end of his life.

Includes two main aspects:

  • assimilation of social experience by an individual due to its entry into the social system of social relations;
  • active reproduction of the system of social relations of the individual in the process of his inclusion in the social environment.

Structure of socialization

Speaking of socialization, we are dealing with a certain transition of social experience into the values ​​and attitudes of a particular subject. Moreover, the individual himself acts as an active subject of perception and application of this experience.

The main components of socialization include the transfer of cultural norms through social institutions (family, school, etc.), as well as the process of mutual influence of individuals within the framework of joint activities. Thus, among the areas to which the process of socialization is directed, activity, communication and self-consciousness are distinguished. In all these areas, there is an expansion of human ties with the outside world.

Activity aspect

In the concept of A. N. Leontiev, activity in psychology is an active interaction of an individual with the surrounding reality, during which the subject purposefully influences the object, thereby satisfying his needs. It is customary to distinguish types of activity according to several criteria: methods of implementation, form, emotional tension, physiological mechanisms, etc.

The main difference between different types of activity is the specificity of the subject to which this or that type of activity is directed. The subject of activity can act both in material and in ideal form.

At the same time, behind each given item there is a certain need. It should also be noted that no activity can exist without a motive. Unmotivated activity, from the point of view of A. N. Leontiev, is a conditional concept.

In reality, the motive still takes place, but it can be latent.

The basis of any activity is individual actions (processes determined by a conscious goal).

Sphere of communication

The sphere of communication and the sphere of activity are closely related. In some psychological concepts, communication is considered as a side of activity.

At the same time, activity can act as a condition under which the process of communication can be carried out. The process of expanding the communication of the individual occurs in the course of increasing his contacts with others. These contacts, in turn, can be established in the process of performing certain joint actions - that is, in the process of activity.

The level of contacts in the process of socialization of an individual is determined by his individual psychological characteristics. The age specificity of the subject of communication also plays a significant role here. The deepening of communication is carried out in the process of its decentration (transition from a monologic form to a dialogic one). The individual learns to focus on his partner, to more accurately perceive and evaluate him.

Sphere of Self-Consciousness

The third sphere of socialization, self-consciousness of the individual, is formed through the formation of his I-images. It was experimentally established that I-images do not arise in an individual immediately, but are formed in the course of his life under the influence of various social factors. The structure of the I-individual includes three main components: self-knowledge (cognitive component), self-assessment (emotional), self-attitude (behavioral).

Self-consciousness determines the individual's understanding of himself as a certain integrity, awareness of his own identity. The development of self-awareness in the course of socialization is a controlled process carried out in the process of acquiring social experience in the context of expanding the range of activities and communication. Thus, the development of self-consciousness cannot take place outside the activity in which the transformation of the individual's ideas about himself is constantly carried out in accordance with the idea that is emerging in the eyes of others.

The process of socialization, therefore, should be considered from the point of view of the unity of all three spheres - both activity and communication and self-consciousness.

Features of social and communicative development in preschool age

The social and communicative development of preschool children is one of the basic elements in the system of the formation of a child's personality. The process of interaction with adults and peers has an impact not only directly on the social side of the development of a preschooler, but also on the formation of his mental processes (memory, thinking, speech, etc.). The level of this development at preschool age is directly proportional to the level of effectiveness of its subsequent adaptation in society.

Social and communicative development according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool children includes the following parameters:

  • the level of formation of a sense of belonging to one's family, respect for others;
  • the level of development of the child's communication with adults and peers;
  • the level of readiness of the child for joint activities with peers;
  • the level of assimilation of social norms and rules, the moral development of the child;
  • the level of development of purposefulness and independence;
  • the level of formation of positive attitudes towards work and creativity;
  • the level of formation of knowledge in the field of life safety (in various social, domestic and natural conditions);
  • the level of intellectual development (in the social and emotional sphere) and the development of the empathic sphere (responsiveness, compassion).

Quantitative levels of social and communicative development of preschoolers

Depending on the degree of formation of skills that determine social and communicative development according to the Federal State Educational Standard, one can distinguish low, medium and high levels.

A high level, respectively, takes place at a high degree of development of the parameters discussed above. At the same time, one of the favorable factors in this case is the absence of problems in the sphere of communication between the child and adults and peers.

The dominant role is played by the nature of relations in the family of a preschooler. Also, classes on the social and communicative development of the child have a positive effect.

The average level, which determines social and communicative development, is characterized by insufficiently developed skills in some of the selected indicators, which, in turn, gives rise to difficulties in the sphere of communication between the child and others. However, the child can compensate for this lack of development on his own, with little help from an adult. In general, the process of socialization is relatively harmonious.

In turn, the social and communicative development of preschoolers with a low level of severity in some of the selected parameters can give rise to significant contradictions in the sphere of communication between the child and the family and others. In this case, the preschooler is not able to cope with the problem on his own - assistance is required from adults, including psychologists and social educators.

In any case, the socialization of preschool children requires constant support and periodic monitoring by both the child's parents and the educational institution.

Social and communicative competence of the child

Social and communicative development in the preschool educational institution is aimed at developing social and communicative competence in children. In total, there are three main competencies that a child needs to master within the framework of this institution: technological, informational and socio-communicative.

In turn, social and communicative competence includes two aspects:

  1. Social- the ratio of their own aspirations with the aspirations of others; productive interaction with group members united by a common task.
  2. Communicative- the ability to obtain the necessary information in the process of dialogue; willingness to present and defend one's own point of view with direct respect for the position of other people; the ability to use this resource in the process of communication to solve certain problems.

Modular system in the formation of social and communicative competence

It seems appropriate to accompany social and communicative development within the framework of an educational institution in accordance with the following modules: medical, module PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical council) and diagnostics, psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical. First, the medical module is included in the work, then, in case of successful adaptation of children, the PMPk module. The remaining modules are launched simultaneously and continue to function in parallel with the medical and PMPK modules, until the release of children from preschool.

Each of the modules implies the presence of specific specialists acting clearly in accordance with the tasks of the module. The process of interaction between them is carried out at the expense of the management module, which coordinates the activities of all departments. Thus, the social and communicative development of children has support at all necessary levels - physical, mental and social.

Differentiation of children in preschool educational institutions within the framework of the PMPk module

As part of the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, which usually includes all subjects of the educational process of the preschool educational institution (educators, psychologists, head nurses, heads, etc.), it is advisable to differentiate children into the following categories:

  • children with poor somatic health;
  • children belonging to the risk group (hyperactive, aggressive, withdrawn, etc.);
  • children with learning difficulties;
  • children with pronounced abilities in a particular area;
  • children with developmental disabilities.

One of the tasks of working with each of the identified typological groups is the formation of social and communicative competence as one of the significant categories on which the educational field is based.

Socio-communicative development is a dynamic characteristic. The task of the council is to monitor this dynamics from the point of view of harmonious development. The corresponding consultation should be held in all groups in the preschool educational institution, including social and communicative development in its content. The middle group, for example, in the process of the program is included in the system of social relations by solving the following tasks:

  • instilling elementary norms and rules for the relationship of the child with adults and peers;
  • the formation of patriotic feelings of the child, as well as family and citizenship.

To implement these tasks in the preschool educational institution, there should be special classes on social and communicative development. In the process of these classes, the child's attitude to others is transformed, as well as the abilities for self-development.

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