Mom, why am I not growing? "Why am I not growing? The baby son came to his father

How many parents have been tormented by questions: “How will my baby grow up? Will he be as tall as dad or will he follow mom? God forbid that a child be inferior to his peers, especially if it is a boy. Some offensive nickname like “pigalitsa” or even worse will immediately be attached. Tall girls are threatened with the offensive nickname "dylda", and in addition, neurosis against the backdrop of depression. Who is to blame for this and what to do about it? Let's figure it out together.

The foundations of normal growth are laid even before the baby is born. It's not just about genes. The expectant mother should, first of all, think about her diet. Food should be high-calorie (at least 1500 kcal per day) and contain trace elements such as iodine and iron, as well as vitamins (K, A, D, folic acid). Protein deficiency in the diet of a pregnant woman can slow down the development of the unborn child. Not by the way will be chronic diseases of the mother, such as anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Well, and, of course, all bad habits.

Parents constantly compare their child with others: how much he is lower or higher than his peers. But in vain. Sounding the alarm if the child is below the majority of the same age is not at all worth it. What matters here is not the number of centimeters in length (for example, 140 cm instead of 143 cm), but how much the baby grows annually.

To make it easier to follow the development of the child, record changes in height and weight since birth. In the first year, this should be done every month, and then every six months. Buy your kid a funny height meter, and important research will turn into a favorite thing for him.

Anxiety is justified only when the child grew at the usual pace, and then began to lag behind him sharply. In this case, you should not turn to traditional medicine. The kid will not start to “grow by leaps and bounds” if you force him to drink this unpleasant drink every day. Yes, and milk with eggs, and a decoction of wild rose are unlikely to significantly help. The surest step is to see a doctor, first of all, a therapist. He will make the necessary measurements and determine whether growth retardation is the norm or whether there are still health problems.

The little son came to his father ...

"Petite" is a significant stunting compared to the average for a person's age, gender, and nationality. Short stature is considered to be someone who is below 97% of their peers of the same sex.

Genes for small stature in most cases are inherited. Children of short parents are initially shorter than their peers, but grow at a normal pace. You can't argue with genes here. Hereditary short stature is not a disease and therefore does not respond to any treatment.

It often happens that one of the parents is tall and the other is short. In this case, the genetic growth of the child can be simply calculated. To do this, the growth of the mother is added to the growth of the father and the resulting figure is divided in half. Then 6.5 cm is added to the result (if you have a boy), or 6.5 cm is subtracted (if you have a girl). With the help of such simple arithmetic calculations, you will get the possible growth of your child. However, there are exceptions. For example, if a baby grows in better conditions than his parents, he can overtake them in height.

It is not uncommon for children who had a normal average height at an early age to have a slowdown in constitutional development. This is also genetic. Typically, growth retardation begins between 6 months and 2 years of age, and results in lag behind average growth. After 3 years, the normal growth rate in such children, as a rule, resumes and they “catch up” with their peers.

By the way, one more important point. Boys usually repeat the scenario in which their dad or other male relatives - an uncle or grandfather - grew up. Girls grow up along the “female line”, like their mother, grandmother or aunt. So if the father of the child always stood at the gym at the end of the line, and then “waved out” in a year, most likely, the son will eventually catch up, and maybe surpass his peers.

A growth hormone

If the child grows too slowly or does not grow at all, the doctor prescribes a thorough examination. Only then can you find out the possible causes. It can be X chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, intestines or kidneys in a child. Improper or insufficient nutrition during infancy and puberty adversely affects growth rates. Significant psychological stresses can also slow down a child's growth, especially if they occur during the preschool years. Children deprived of maternal affection and attention lag behind in growth.

Often the cause of growth retardation is insufficient production of hormones. Growth is influenced by two types of hormones: thyroids and the so-called growth hormones. The lack of these hormones is detected only after a thorough examination. In this case, the doctor prescribes medication.

The most effective treatment will be if you consult a doctor before the onset of puberty (up to 10-12 years). Highly effective - at the address from 12 to 14 years. Treatment is considered effective when treated from 14 to 16 years. After 18 years, it is hardly worth waiting for results. It will be too late.

Fight for centimeters

Of course, you can't change heredity. And socio-economic conditions are not always possible to improve. However, changing the diet and lifestyle is quite real.

Children who do not eat well usually lag behind their peers in height. For normal growth, protein-rich foods, dairy products, which are the main source of calcium, and vitamins A, D, E, are important. Vitamin A is found in meat, milk, butter, pork and beef liver. Vitamin D - in eggs, sturgeon caviar, butter. Vitamin E - in bread, nuts, greens, vegetable and butter.

Parents who put their child to bed on time, no later than 10 pm, act wisely. Scientists have already proven that it is at night that growth hormone is released into the blood and it is at this time of day that the baby grows.

Regular exercise without heavy overload and overwork is also important for the growth of the child. Physical activity activates the metabolism, which means it improves the functioning of the hormonal system.

There is another "growth factor" - the quality of housing. Pay attention to the house you live in. In a damp room, without sanitary conditions, it is unlikely that the baby will develop normally. It is desirable that the child's room is bright, spacious and clean. And also, if possible, his personal. You should not settle the baby with grandmothers, aunts and other possible relatives.

If, despite all the efforts made, it was not possible to grow up, you still should not be upset. Is appearance the main thing? Can small height prevent you from getting a job if you are talented? Dating your loved one if you are insanely attractive? Let us recall at least the great people who amazed history with their achievements and discoveries: Napoleon, Lenin, Yesenin ... Their height did not exceed 160 centimeters, however, did not prevent them from achieving amazing victories.


Short stature is not uncommon, but still people are getting taller every decade. And, perhaps, the problem of short stature in a hundred years will no longer be relevant. Today, 1.80 m is a normal indicator of male height. Although some 200 - 300 years ago, men with a height of 1.70 were considered giants. And the knightly armor of the Middle Ages was ridiculously miniature.

What is it connected with? It turns out that over the past hundred years, protein intake has greatly increased. Protein has been proven time and again to stimulate and determine the rate of growth. So, rabbit milk contains 10.4% protein, and human 1.1%. Accordingly, the rabbit grows much faster than a person.

In Europe in 1850, the average consumption of meat per person per year was 17 kg. In 1970 consumption reached 74 kg per year. Every year this number is getting bigger.

Another reason for acceleration is high sugar intake. Sugar is not only high in calories, it can stimulate the release of insulin. Insulin, in turn, activates the pituitary gland, which releases more growth hormones.

Intensively growing children often complain of ailments. The reason lies in the fact that when a child grows too fast and intensively, the internal organs grow more slowly than the skeletal system. Indeed, there may be some discomfort, malaise. There are muscle pains, but, as a rule, mild. At this time, often in children, for example, the so-called physiological heart murmurs are determined. Parents should not panic, but at the same time, one should not completely ignore the child's complaints - careful and regular medical supervision is necessary so as not to miss the onset of a really serious illness.

Nadezhda BUGAKOVA,

Olga FEOKTISTOVA, pediatrician

On a note

If the growth of a full-term baby falls within the range of 45-55 cm, and the weight is from 2.5 to 4.6 kg, then there is no reason for alarm. With normal development, a doubling of weight occurs by 4-5 months and an increase in weight by 3 times by a year. A healthy baby adds about 25 cm in height in the first year. At two years, the growth mark should be 10-12 cm higher. Until adolescence, the child adds 5-6 cm per year. Then there is a growth spurt. Girls at 11-12 years old add in height from 6 to 11 cm per year and by the age of 15 they practically stop growing. Puberty for boys occurs later. At 13-14 years old, they grow by 7-12 cm and continue to grow up to 20 years.

How many parents have been tormented by questions: "How will my baby grow up? Will he be as tall as dad or go to mom?" God forbid that a child be inferior to his peers, especially if it is a boy. Some offensive nickname like "pigalitsa" or even worse will immediately be attached. Tall girls are threatened with the offensive nickname "dylda", and in addition, neurosis against the backdrop of depression. Who is to blame for this and what to do about it? Let's figure it out together.

The foundations of normal growth are laid even before the baby is born. It's not just about genes. The expectant mother should, first of all, think about her diet. Food should be high-calorie (at least 1500 kcal per day) and contain trace elements such as iodine and iron, as well as vitamins (K, A, D, folic acid). Protein deficiency in the diet of a pregnant woman can slow down the development of the unborn child. Not by the way will be chronic diseases of the mother, such as anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Well, and, of course, all bad habits.

Parents constantly compare their child with others: how much he is lower or higher than his peers. But in vain. Sounding the alarm if the child is below the majority of the same age is not at all worth it. What matters here is not the number of centimeters in length (for example, 140 cm instead of 143 cm), but how much the baby grows annually.

To make it easier to follow the development of the child, record changes in height and weight since birth. In the first year, this should be done every month, and then every six months. Buy your kid a funny height meter, and important research will turn into a favorite thing for him.

Anxiety is justified only when the child grew at the usual pace, and then began to lag behind him sharply. In this case, you should not turn to traditional medicine. The kid will not begin to "grow by leaps and bounds" if you force him to drink this unpleasant drink every day. Yes, and milk with eggs, and a decoction of wild rose are unlikely to significantly help. The surest step is to see a doctor, first of all, a therapist. He will take the necessary measurements and determine whether growth retardation is the norm or whether there are still health problems.

The little son came to his father ...

"Petite" is a significant stunting compared to the average for a person's age, gender, and nationality. Short stature is considered to be someone who is below 97% of their peers of the same sex.

Genes for small stature in most cases are inherited. Children of short parents are initially shorter than their peers, but grow at a normal pace. You can't argue with genes here. Hereditary short stature is not a disease and therefore does not respond to any treatment.

It often happens that one of the parents is tall, and the other is short. In this case, the genetic growth of the child can be simply calculated. To do this, the growth of the mother is added to the growth of the father and the resulting figure is divided in half. Then 6.5 cm is added to the result (if you have a boy), or 6.5 cm is subtracted (if you have a girl). With the help of such simple arithmetic calculations, you will get the possible growth of your child. However, there are exceptions. For example, if a baby grows in better conditions than his parents, he can overtake them in height.

It is not uncommon for children who had a normal average height at an early age to have a slowdown in constitutional development. This is also genetic. Typically, growth retardation begins between 6 months and 2 years of age, and results in lag behind average growth. After 3 years, the normal growth rate in such children, as a rule, resumes and they "catch up" with their peers.

By the way, one more important point. Boys usually repeat the scenario in which their dad or other male relatives grew up - an uncle or grandfather. Girls grow up along the "female line", like their mother, grandmother or aunt. So if the father of the child always stood at the end of the line at physical education, and then “waved out” in a year, most likely, the son will eventually catch up, or maybe surpass his peers.

A growth hormone

If the child grows too slowly or does not grow at all, the doctor prescribes a thorough examination. Only then can you find out the possible causes. It can be chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, intestines or kidneys in a child. Improper or insufficient nutrition during infancy and puberty adversely affects growth rates. Significant psychological stresses can also slow down a child's growth, especially if they occur during the preschool years. Children deprived of maternal affection and attention lag behind in growth.

Often the cause of growth retardation is insufficient production of hormones. Growth is influenced by two types of hormones: thyroids and the so-called growth hormones. The lack of these hormones is detected only after a thorough examination. In this case, the doctor prescribes medication.

The most effective treatment will be if you consult a doctor before the onset of puberty (up to 10-12 years). Highly effective - when treated from 12 to 14 years. Treatment is considered effective when treated from 14 to 16 years. After 18 years, it is hardly worth waiting for results. It will be too late.

Fight for centimeters

Of course, you can't change heredity. And socio-economic conditions are not always possible to improve. However, changing the diet and lifestyle is quite real.

Children who do not eat well usually lag behind their peers in height. For normal growth, protein-rich foods, dairy products, which are the main source of calcium, and vitamins A, D, E, are important. Vitamin A is found in meat, milk, butter, pork and beef liver. Vitamin D - in eggs, sturgeon caviar, butter. Vitamin E - in bread, nuts, greens, vegetable and butter.

On a note
If the growth of a full-term baby falls within the range of 45-55 cm, and the weight is from 2.5 to 4.6 kg, then there is no reason for alarm. With normal development, a doubling of weight occurs by 4-5 months and an increase in weight by 3 times by a year. A healthy baby adds about 25 cm in height in the first year. At two years, the growth mark should be 10-12 cm higher. Until adolescence, the child adds 5-6 cm per year. Then there is a growth spurt. Girls at 11-12 years old add in height from 6 to 11 cm per year and by the age of 15 they practically stop growing. Puberty for boys occurs later. At 13-14 years old, they grow by 7-12 cm and continue to grow up to 20 years.

Parents who put their child to bed on time, no later than 10 pm, act wisely. Scientists have already proven that it is at night that growth hormone is released into the blood and it is at this time of day that the baby grows.

Regular exercise without heavy overload and overwork is also important for the growth of the child. Physical activity activates the metabolism, which means it improves the functioning of the hormonal system.

There is another "growth factor" - the quality of housing. Pay attention to the house you live in. In a damp room without proper sanitary conditions, it is unlikely that the baby will develop normally. It is desirable that the child's room is bright, spacious and clean. And also, if possible, his personal. You should not settle the baby with grandmothers, aunts and other possible relatives.

If, despite all the efforts made, it was not possible to grow up, you still should not be upset. Is appearance the main thing? Can small height prevent you from getting a job if you are talented? Dating your loved one if you are insanely attractive? Let us recall at least the great people who amazed history with their achievements and discoveries: Napoleon, Lenin, Yesenin ... Their height did not exceed 160 centimeters, but did not prevent them from achieving amazing victories.


Short stature is not uncommon, but still people are getting taller every decade. And, perhaps, the problem of short stature in a hundred years will no longer be relevant. Today, 1.80 m is a normal indicator of male height. Although some 200 - 300 years ago, men with a height of 1.70 were considered giants. And the knightly armor of the Middle Ages was ridiculously miniature.

What is it connected with? It turns out that over the past hundred years, protein intake has greatly increased. Protein has been proven time and again to stimulate and determine the rate of growth. So, rabbit milk contains 10.4% protein, and human 1.1%. Accordingly, the rabbit grows much faster than a person.

In Europe in 1850, the average consumption of meat per person per year was 17 kg. In 1970 consumption reached 74 kg per year. Every year this number is getting bigger.

Another reason for acceleration is high sugar intake. Sugar is not only high in calories, it can stimulate the release of insulin. Insulin, in turn, activates the pituitary gland, which releases more growth hormones.

Intensively growing children often complain of ailments. The reason lies in the fact that when a child grows too fast and intensively, the internal organs grow more slowly than the skeletal system. Indeed, there may be some discomfort, malaise. There are muscle pains, but, as a rule, mild. At this time, often in children, for example, the so-called physiological heart murmurs are determined. Parents should not panic, but at the same time, one should not completely ignore the child's complaints - careful and regular medical supervision is necessary so as not to miss the onset of a really serious illness.

Nadezhda Bugakova,
Olga Feoktistova, pediatrician

The article was provided by the Penza medical portal

Comment on the article "Mom, why am I not growing?"

More on the topic "Mom, why am I not growing?":

The girl grew up smart, quite developed, but "with everything ready." improper upbringing (the mother of the girl described above also blames herself for some reason) and stopped giving to her daughter in general from the word at all. Mom - well, she is not a stranger to me, of course, a conversation sometimes.

But for some reason, my mother scared me a lot that if you start shaving, then a thick bristle will begin to grow, like a man's beard. I believed for a long time, although I suffered terribly, but I thought - well, this is how I was born, what can you do.

An unpleasant situevina happened to us, the other day .. On Friday, we were walking home from the site, from the window of the 9th floor, they first threw an apple at us, which fell next to Dasha, and then a bag of water that flew ten centimeters from Timka's head. This already happened once, a couple of years ago, we then suspected the wrong apartment .. but that was in the past .. this time, half an hour before us, they launched an egg into the car of a friend who had just parked ... well, actually I I stand looking at the windows, I ...

I wrote not so long ago about "soft" and "strict" education (for those who are interested - here is the topic [link-1]). Some of those who answered me tried to prove that it was not a matter of "hardness" or "softness" as such. I wanted to answer that all the children I don't like, unpleasant to me, are the result of a "soft" upbringing. But she did not answer, because she dug in her memory and realized that this was not true. Became interesting. I began to think further, on the topic of what is common in raising children that I do not like. And you know...

But they are mother and mother-in-law in constant depression, that the children do not want to live with them .. They just can’t understand why. "There lived a blue bird in the world, The blue bird's sons grew up, Just like their mother, beautiful, And the blue bird rejoiced!

How come they don't grow. are growing). My mother, simply, is a big amateur florist, and for some reason there are always varieties of flowers. And I will deal with my feelings myself, I don’t need requests for forgiveness, etc., I can already say I forgot and forgave and nothing tomorrow remember.

Section: - gatherings (I have three children, why do I get tired of them and become irritated). I want to complain: why is it bad to be a mother of many children? Do not be distracted by trifles, raise children. I'm trying not to listen to the same thing, but I'm trying to have more kids.

Mom, is that blood? Is it very long Draw Love? Will I become an adult? Old moon? Grow up and be You don't need me? Can I take the chocolate on the shelf? Mommy, are you crying? Mom, why?

Why am I afraid of my mother? Actually the subject ...: (I'm already over 30. I know why and I know what other moves to take. In general, I hope so far. But HOW to tell my mother that it's not working yet?

Oh why is she screaming? And there is a pussycat, a bird, a fish runs by, and the girl screams and does not see ... ". or planted in a corner, she sang a song. It seems to me that this is precisely a manifestation of character, not bad, but just character - a person grows, slowly understands that he's independent...

I don't understand what I did wrong in the first place. Why is she so unkind to her mother!? What did I and when did I miss in her upbringing!? In general, my mother is quite strict, she didn’t take it in her arms again (the eldest son yelled all the time, he had to wear it), and I grew up ...

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Friends! Hi all! I wrote about various general points of increasing people's height, and today I want to talk in more detail about how to increase the height of a teenager. After all, as you know, it is during adolescence that the main increase in growth occurs, but what to do if a teenager has a small stature for a long time, the body grows slowly or growth has stopped altogether?

Sometimes being tall is so important to teenagers that they go to great lengths to get what they want. Now injections of somatotropin are actively promoted among adolescents in order to accelerate growth. They are mainly promoted by manufacturers and doctors themselves (some of these doctors will say anything for a green paper), and parents and children willingly agree to these risks. Why risks? Read my article about . Some girls are ready to undergo leg lengthening surgery at the age of 14, and some do. This can all help, but I still advise you to increase height safely. Ditch health - the mind does not need much. But to develop SMARTLY ... You can accelerate the growth of a teenager naturally and without harmful consequences using the 15 tips below. Try them out before trying to grow with hormone injections, surgery, and the like.

1. Ride a bike. It would seem, what does the bike have to do with it? However, it has long been noticed that riding it is extremely useful for increasing growth (I recommend reading an article on this topic), as well as swimming, volleyball, basketball.

2. Work out on the horizontal bar. Exercises on the horizontal bar are considered to be universal exercises for the health and physical development of the human body. Regardless of your age, you can use this method freely and easily. All you need to do is hang on the horizontal bar, stretching out with your whole body. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds and repeat this exercise 6-10 times a day or more.

3. Perform kicks. From the name it is clear what needs to be done. Standing on the floor, hit with the lower part of the leg, for example, on a punching bag. This will help the cartilage to grow and the bones to lengthen. Such exercises are regularly performed by athletes in martial arts.

4. Do stretching exercises. When you wake up in the morning, do stretching exercises. Such exercises are incredibly useful and effective in the morning, since only in the morning the body has its maximum growth. It is a fact that during the day people lose several centimeters of height due to the effects of gravity. If you do the exercises in the evening, then you will have to spend 20-30 minutes of stretching time just to return the body to its natural height, and only then begin to work on increasing your height. This can be avoided and go straight to stimulating growth lengthening by stretching in the morning.

I won’t write stretching exercises here, just visit the “Form” section of the site and choose what you like.

5. Maintain correct posture. You must always maintain a straight posture. Poor posture can affect your height in an unfavorable way.

Follow simple rules: sit up straight, do not stoop when walking, do not let your shoulders slouch, and so on. By doing this, you are taking an important step to maintain a healthy spine and strengthen your back muscles. Another key factor to consider is having a good pillow and mattress that is comfortable for you to support your spine while you sleep.

6. Control your breathing. Breathing exercises are best done in the morning. This is good both for your health and for effectively stimulating growth. Learn to completely fill your lungs with oxygen.

7. Get out in the sun more often. For the active growth of adolescents and children, a lot of sunlight is needed (I know that in our Russian conditions this thing is problematic, so look for the sun in the warm parts of the country or abroad if you have a shortage of it). Get out in the sun in the morning and sunbathe in the early morning sunlight. Early in the morning, sunlight is more actively converted into, which is necessary for the human body in order to grow and develop. And also the warm morning sun will keep you in good health and mood throughout the day.

8. Do self-massage. After daily activities, you will feel better at the end of the day if you massage special points on the body, which will also have a good effect on the production of growth hormone. Most of these points are located in the neck and head of a person. In the future I will try to write about acupressure separately, so subscribe to updates so as not to miss it!

9. Get enough calcium and zinc. Get enough calcium in your diet. In addition to foods rich in calcium (greens, milk, etc.), it is advisable to additionally take mineral complexes with calcium to stimulate bone growth in adolescents.

In regards to zinc, research published in the journal Age & Aging in 2013 shows a possible link between zinc deficiency and short stature and stunting in children, especially boys. For normal development, you need a sufficient amount of zinc, which is found in pumpkin, zucchini seeds, oysters, crabs, peanuts, and wheat.

10. Eat carbohydrate grains. They will provide you with energy, fiber, vitamin B, iron. Grains also contain high-quality calories that will be useful to a teenager during intensive growth. During puberty, all adolescents must go through a dramatic linear growth spurt. They should consume more grain at this point. Good for the diet of oats, brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta and so on.

My advice to you: anything you can cook yourself, cook it yourself. I have seen many times how teenagers and children who come to their beloved grandmother in the village for the summer, and eat their own bread, milk, and so on, leave there, having a height of 10-20 cm higher than they were. I experienced it first hand. At the age of 15, he came to the village to visit relatives, lived there for 3 months, ate village food, grown and cooked with love, and after that he became 10 cm taller. Before that, he didn’t grow at all for 3 years, he sat in the city and ate dead food. Is it about food? Yes, for the most part + the peak of puberty. In general, it is also quite possible to learn how to bake bread yourself (here is a website for you - learn) and cook other similar products. And most importantly, it will be of great help to you on the path to higher growth.

11. Eat fruits and vegetables. We continue to talk about how to increase the growth of a teenager and next in turn is another important nutritional tip - include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. You've probably heard from doctors that fruits and vegetables should make up a significant part of a healthy diet. They provide the body with vitamin C, A, E, folic acid, potassium and so on. Deserves special attention, which in the form of beta-carotene is found in many fresh plant foods, such as carrots, pumpkins, melons, and so on.

12. Avoid saturated fats, alcohol, drugs and the like. Saturated fatty acids can cause excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and problems with insulin. Obviously, this can lead to a deterioration in the health of the growing organism.

You also need to avoid alcohol, drugs, and anything that is sure to be bad for your body. If you want to add a few centimeters to your height, then do what will help your body in this and avoid those habits that will be harmful to your health.

13. Drink water. No one will deny the important role of water for human health. Drinking enough water and staying hydrated is another key tip for your growth. Water is rarely talked about and often forgotten about. At the same time, if the body is 20% dehydrated, you will also get 20% less benefit from exercise and nutrition. When your body is 100% hydrated, you will also benefit 100% from exercise and nutrition. To illustrate the importance of water, remember that when someone is admitted to the hospital, for example after an accident, the first thing doctors do is give the patient water. Why? They just know that for successful treatment, the patient must receive enough water.

Many people exercise, eat well, eat vitamins, but drink almost no water and do not understand why they do not see any positive results. The reason may be just the lack of water in the body. Multiply body weight by 35 and divide the result in half- it is by this formula that you can calculate how many milliliters of water a person needs per day. If your weight is 60 kg, then at least 1050 ml (60x35/2) of water you need to drink daily. If you train and lead an active life, then you need more.

14. Use fractional meals. To speed up the metabolism in the body, some sports doctors recommend six meals a day instead of three meals a day. The result of such a diet will be an increase in the production of growth hormone, but on the condition that you do not overeat.

15. Get enough rest. The body rests, regenerates, rejuvenates and grows best during sleep, as growth hormone is actively produced during sleep. Plus, when you sleep, your body naturally stretches without any active movement on your part.

Take this advice seriously, because once you stop giving your body enough rest, you will no longer get the full benefit of the other recommendations above. Children and teens need 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

That's all I wanted to write to you about how to increase the height of a teenager. Here is a collection of tips for stimulating the growth of a young body from people who have tried these recommendations on themselves and have achieved positive results. It is possible to accelerate the slow growth of an 11-16-year-old teenager in a relatively short time. And the sooner a person begins to make efforts in this direction, the more chances he has for success. After the age of 18, it is more difficult for people to gain height, however, for them, the above tips will also benefit.

I will be glad if this information turned out to be necessary for you. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Vadim Dmitriev

Hi guys!

I've been reading you for a little over a year now, and I'm just rushing from your articles. You are like a ray of light that breaks through the darkness of this mortal world.

I have so many questions that I would like to ask, but I think there will be more time. Now I have allocated a place for a question that especially worries me and makes me sad. In fact, this is not even a question, but a worm that sits in my head and makes me remember it every day. This worm is my height. At the moment, it is 178 cm. Apparently, it will remain at this mark. I am 20 years old, and at that age (according to the Internet) it is too late to think about growth. The height of the parents is also somewhere 174 - 176 cm.

Everywhere they write that the active phase of growth is over, and if you can grow, then a maximum of a couple of centimeters due to the intervertebral discs. But a couple of centimeters is not at all what I need. My goal is 188 - 193, which is as much as 10 - 15 cm. At the moment, my height is my most important complex.

I realize that the problem is most likely far-fetched and more psychological, which is why I am writing to you guys. After your consultation and good advice, I still plan to turn to an endocrinologist. Perhaps he will not call me a fool and prescribe some hormonal drugs that stimulate growth. But first I would very much like to hear your advice and recommendation on this matter. Perhaps you have an effective technique. Well, or, if there are no methods that can significantly increase growth, I would like to get advice on how to come to terms with my height and put thoughts of increasing it out of my head.
On the one hand, I understand that it is probably too late to drink Borjomi, and my train has left. But on the other hand, there is still a small hope for the desired 10-15 cm.

On various thematic forums, the words “impossible”, “unrealistic” and their other synonyms are constantly flashing, and a dinosaur from an advertisement for a popular yogurt immediately comes to mind. This makes it even more sad.


Hello, . We're glad you're reading us. In general, everyone is happy. And you have a very strange problem! Where do such thoughts come from? Why the hell do you want to be a two-meter sleeper? Do you want to be an NBA star? Do you enjoy banging your forehead against doorframes? You know, before answering your question, we found out that 178 centimeters is an adequate average height for a man in the Russian Federation, and many guys from our editorial office are even below this level. Now we will call them dwarfs. Yes, in Holland people are taller, and in China they are an order of magnitude lower, but that's not the point. You are of average height. Everything is fine! And again we ask the question, why do you need it? Just want? Or do you think that girls will pay more attention to you? You know, they're much more interested in the size of your penis or your wallet, really. Growth is the tenth thing.

And now about the serious. Doctors can easily prescribe you some hormonal drugs, but we do not advise you to take them. Hormones can ruin your life: shrink your bolt, build your boobs, and this is no joke. We know a lot of cases when all these medicines failed. It's just that our body is not such a skillful fortress as you think. There is not much stability in the body, hormonal imbalance is always bad. Everything can break.

Further. There is a variant with the Ilizarov apparatus. In general, this thing is used in order for a person to recover from injuries, but some "very smart" use it to stretch limbs. Roughly speaking, they break their bones, and then stretch them, splicing the cuts. You can get taller, it's true, but then be prepared to suffer from pain in your legs all your life. Such monstrous manipulation of the body is terrible. Don't even think about this machine.

But it will be very sad if our advice does not set the direction for you. So listen. We understand that everyone has different paddocks, and your paddock is growth. It's much better than foot fetish or pyromania. But the first thing you have to understand for yourself is this: even if you become taller, then the uncertainty will not disappear. You'll just notice something else, like the ugly shape of your hands or your hideous eye color. It's a matter of intelligence, not appearance. Your sick mind sets you up, your inner voice leads you astray, and the path is simple: be yourself. We hate to say this, but some things should stay natural.

Try to look at your problem from the outside and have a good laugh at it, because there is no problem - you have normal growth. If you are completely unbearable, then instead of going to the doctors, we recommend classic exercises that allow you to stretch your spine and legs. It is especially useful if you have a sedentary job in front of a computer, or you work with pieces of paper. Growth from such an 8-hour day is reduced, albeit almost imperceptibly. So, we recommend starting with a horizontal bar where you can just hang. There are more difficult exercises, for example, the “sun”, which also needs to be done with the help of a horizontal bar. It's not easy, but it helps a lot. Try.