Standard physique. Three body types

Many people are completely unhappy with their body type and dream of changing something in themselves. Some want to get better, others, on the contrary, lose weight, and still others do not like their body proportions and height. But not everyone knows that the constitution of the human body is genetically programmed. Therefore, wanting to bring your figure closer to ideal, you need to know all body types and specifically your

What types of physique are there?

Each person has a specific physique, which is characterized by a combination of proportions and specificity of the structure, as well as the peculiarity of the development of bone, muscle and adipose tissue. These parameters are laid even in the prenatal period, and further changes are subject to the genetic program.

Most people have a combined body type. It includes signs of different types of constitution. For example, the figure of some people may be like this: narrow shoulders and wide hips. It is often called pear-shaped.

The proportion of a person's body is an important indicator of the state of physical health. If there is a disproportion, this indicates various disorders in the body associated with abnormalities in the work of the endocrine system or genetic disruptions. Focusing on proportions, the following types of human physique can be distinguished:

  • Mesomorphic type. These are people whose proportions are close to the mean. In this case, age, gender and many other features are taken into account.
  • Brachymorphic type. People of this type are muscular and strong, short in stature. The transverse dimensions of the body parts exceed the longitudinal ones. The same goes for the internal organs.
  • Dolichomorphic man of tall stature, with long arms and legs. There is a small layer of fat under the skin, but the musculature is poorly developed. In this case, the longitudinal dimensions of the body parts prevail over the transverse ones.

Body types in men

Representatives of the stronger sex are plump and thin, flabby and pumped up, fragile and athletic. In a word, men have different constitutions of physique, the types of which bear such names as ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph.


This type of figure is also called asthenic. A man of this body type is refined, this is expressed in elongated proportions. Asthenic has narrow shoulders, and growth is generally above average. There is practically no fatty deposits in an endomorph, as well as muscles, because muscle tissue is rather poorly developed. It is very difficult for them to build muscle. But such men have a slender figure, and they are not afraid of excess fat. It is easy for ectomorphs to remain slim.

As psychologists note, such people are usually closed in themselves and very vulnerable. They are not subject to stress, they do not care at all about the problems of the people around them, but at the same time they have outbursts of aggression. Often such men are immersed in themselves and it is very difficult to penetrate into their inner world.


This type of man's physique is also called pycnic. Representatives of it have a massive figure, they also have a neck. They are often called squat. They gain weight very easily, so there are many overweight people among endomorphs. With well-developed muscle tissue, such men are able to maintain good physical shape. But at the same time they easily lose it, because they easily gain excess weight.

Psychologically, they are highly stressed, sentimental and non-conflicting. Being very benevolent, such men are able to attract people with their carelessness and charm. It is easy to find with them.But among representatives of this type of figure there are quite vulnerable and touchy personalities, when communicating with whom you need to be careful.


Men of this type are athletic, strong and muscular. They have a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles, broad shoulders, dense torso. The limbs of a man are of medium length, and the adipose tissue is poorly expressed. Such men are very energetic.

Mesomorphs are confident people. There are few creative personalities among them, since stereotypical thinking prevails among such men. These are leaders both at work and in the family. They are resistant to stress and drastic changes in their lives.

These types of physiques in men are considered the most common, but often a person's figure is a combination of individual elements of each type. As a rule, one of them prevails over the other two.

Types of female physiques

Thanks to the classification of Professor V.M. Chernorutsky, three main body types are distinguished among women. Types of female figures: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

Asthenic appearance

Such women are characterized by thinness, a thin and long neck, a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated thin limbs, an elongated face and a thin nose. They are usually above average in height. Asthenic is characterized by poorly developed muscles, so they are not too strong and hardy. But they have enough energy, lightness, grace and are not inclined to be overweight.

Normosthenic view

Such a body constitution in women assumes a proportional figure, slender legs, and a thin waist. They are usually of medium height. Such ladies have good coordination, they are fast and sharp. For this type of physique, the types of sports disciplines should have a game orientation. These include basketball, volleyball, tennis, water aerobics.

Hypersthenic appearance

Women of this constitution and heavy, large shoulders, the chest is wide and short, the limbs are slightly shortened. Height is below average. Possessing strength and endurance by nature, such ladies are deprived of grace and flexibility. Therefore, for this type of physique, the types of sports disciplines should be aimed at eliminating these shortcomings. Recommended directions: yoga, martial arts, callanetics and the like. In women of the hypersthenic type of constitution, the metabolism is very slow, so they are most often overweight.

These are the main types of physique in women, and they can also be combined with each other in various ways.


There are different types of human body build. It has been proven that they can affect the state of the body. Knowing your constitutional type, you can try to correct the situation. Many begin to engage in certain sports in order to eliminate their deficiencies, others adjust their diet. The main thing is to remember that nothing is impossible.

Why does a woman need to know her body type? What does it affect? It turns out, almost everything. Physique is genetically determined and cannot be altered through exercise or diet. It is he who "tells" our body how to work: in what places to accumulate fat, how to quickly gain weight and lose it. It is the features of our constitution that influence the choice of style and cuts of clothing, and even leave an imprint on the character and perception of ourselves and the world around us! Accurate definition of body type and characteristics helps nutritionists create effective diets, fitness trainers - individual training programs, and doctors - the correct treatment regimen.

In this article:

What is your body type?

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My body type is Pear

What is your body type?

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My body type is an hourglass

What is your body type?

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My shape type is Rectangle

What is your body type?

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My body type is an Inverted Triangle

What is your body type?

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My body type is Apple

What is your body type?

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My body type is Slim Column

What is your body type?

Body types of women: what are they?

According to the classification of Professor V.M. Chernorutsky, there are three main body types: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. As noted above, body type is genetically laid down. But in childhood, with prolonged exposure to any external factors, the nature of the inherent genotype may change. This is influenced by long-term eating habits, exercise regimen, as well as some diseases transferred to puberty.

Asthenic physique

Women of this constitution are characterized by general thinness, a long and thin neck, narrow shoulders, a flat and narrow chest, elongated thin limbs, an elongated face and a thin nose. Growth is often above average. The muscles in such women are poorly developed. Therefore, they lack strength and endurance. But the representatives of this group are energetic, light and graceful, have little weight. Of the obvious advantages of an asthenic physique, it is worth mentioning the minimal tendency to be overweight.

Asthenics are often tall and have a fragile skeletal system. Due to their structural features, they have low blood pressure, low hemoglobin levels. They often suffer from back problems. Among the "occupational" diseases include frequent colds, stomach problems and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such people are very thermophilic, they do not tolerate cold well.

When choosing sports disciplines, it is better to give preference to those that are aimed at developing the missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, dancing. To correctly classify your physique as a thin-boned type, measure the circumference of your wrist. In the group under consideration, it should be less than 16 cm.

  • "Figure grace calculator
  • »Fitness calculator
  • »Weight gain

Normosthenic physique

In women of this constitution, the main body sizes are proportional. Such ladies often have slender legs, a thin waist and, in general, a beautiful harmonious figure. Growth is often average.

Normostenics do not have "occupational" diseases, because among all body types, it is the most balanced and harmonious. But with age, women with such a constitution should pay more attention to nutrition and exercise regimen in order to avoid weight gain and concomitant diseases.

Such people are naturally well coordinated, sharp and fast. The best sports disciplines are game types (volleyball, basketball, etc.), as well as tennis, water aerobics. The circumference of the wrist should be between 16 and 18.5 cm.

  • »Shape proportionality calculator
  • " Body mass index
  • »Daily calorie intake

Hypersthenic physique

Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Growth is often below average. The disadvantages of a hypersthenic physique include a low metabolic rate, which implies an increased tendency to be overweight.

The main enemies of hypersthenics are diseases associated with overweight: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even cancer. For such people, it is extremely important from childhood to cultivate the correct eating habits and take care of their health. The most important thing is to limit your fat intake. focusing on proteins and complex carbohydrates.

By nature, women of the hypersthenic type have strength and endurance, but they are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, the recommended sports disciplines are as follows: yoga, callanetics, martial arts, etc. The circumference of the wrist with a broad-boned physique is more than 18.5 cm.

  • »Calculation of the daily ration
  • »Calorie table of products
  • " Weight loss

Growth rate and leg length

You can also determine your body type based on the size of the growth and the length of the legs. For normo-boned and broad-boned body composition, normal growth is considered to be the range between 166 and 170 cm, while for asthenic - in the range of 168 - 172 cm. There are certain proportions between the height and length of a person's legs. Legs are considered short if their length is less than half the height.

The length of the legs is measured from the tubercle of the femur opposite the hip joint to the floor.

The ideal leg length should be within the following ranges:

  • »Asthenic type: legs are 2-4 cm longer than half the height
  • "Normosthenic type: legs are 4-6 cm longer than half the height
  • »Hypersthenic type: legs are 6-9 cm longer than half the height

Don't be discouraged if your metrics don't match up with ideal ones. You can create the appearance of the desired leg length using heels. By the way, this is one of the ways to find the perfect heel height. Just count how many cm you do not fit into the standards and wear heels of exactly this height.

  • »Ideal proportions of the female figure
  • »Ideal proportions of the human body. The theory of the golden section.
  • »Test to determine the type of figure

Whites and the Pignet Index

Whites(from the English vitels vital organs) - the size of the female figure - height, leg length, chest, waist, hips

Normal whites for young women:

Body type Asthenic Normosthenic Hypersthenic
Chest circumference 84 - 86 cm 1/2 height + 2-5 cm 1/2 height + 8-10 cm
Breast volume Chest circumference + 4-6 cm Chest circumference + 8-10 cm
Waist circumference 60 - 64 cm Height - 105 cm 70 - 76 cm
Hip circumference Waist circumference + 30cm Waist circumference + 30cm Waist circumference + 28cm

For a more objective assessment, you can also use the indicators of the Pigne index.

Pignet index = standing height (cm) - (body weight (kg) + chest circumference (cm))

With indicators less than 10 - a strong (dense) physique; 10-25 - normal; 26-35 - weak; more than 35 is very weak. However, we must not forget that being overweight is not always a sign of excess body fat. Adipose tissue is an integral part of any living organism. And she is vital to him. Under normal conditions, the amount of fat in men is 1/20, and in women 1/16 of body weight. And about 75% of all fat is located directly under the skin. A small amount of fat under the skin protects against bruises and hypothermia. A certain minimum of fat in the internal organs keeps them in place, protects them from excessive mobility, injuries and concussions. In addition, fat is energy that can be used when needed.

On our site, there are several ways to calculate the norm of weight, based on the characteristics of the body type.

Using the formula below, you can find out your weight per 1 centimeter of height:

Weight per cm of height = body weight (grams) / height (centimeters)

Knowing your body type, multiply the ratio by your height, and you will get your normal weight.

The maximum permissible weight of women by a certain age can be calculated from the table below:

The physique and figure of a person. The human figure and its visual analysis.

Why do I need a body type?

Body type is what will be with a person all his life. The type of physique dictates the style of clothing, its cuts and even colors. In women, the course of pregnancy and the expected course of childbirth depend on the type of physique. By body type, we can talk about a tendency to be overweight, or vice versa, the absence of such a predisposition.

Sports trainers also look at body type. For asthenics, running, swimming, skiing, biathlon are suitable, and in sports where jerking is important, power loads are preferable to have a hypersthenic constitution.

The connection between body type and character, temperament, social behavior and metabolism in the human body has been proven.

The role of body type is great. However, you should not make it dominant. Moderate physical activity is essential for health, and fitness exercises will strengthen the spine and achieve body shaping.


It is necessary to distinguish between the medical term - "physique" and colloquial (everyday, ordinary, common) - "figure". The term figure is used in colloquial speech, modeling, clothing manufacturing, sports, physical education and fitness.

The concept of physique includes the constitution, height and weight of a person.

Body type (habitus) - the size, shape, proportions and characteristics of body parts, as well as the characteristics of the development of bone, adipose and muscle tissues.

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by prof. D.N.Ushakova gives a definition: BODY TYPE, I am, pl. No, Wed(book). The constitution of the body, the figure of a person. Slim t. Weak t

FIGURE (Latin figura - appearance - image) - the outline of the human body, physique.

Each person has an individual figure within the framework of the constitution. A variant of the figure is formed not depending on gender, but depending on the ratio of growth, skeletal structure and deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Initially, it is necessary to attribute the figure to one of the types of human constitution.

There are three main types of constitution, according to V.M. Chernorutsky (1884-1957, therapist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences).

THE CONSTITUTION OF HUMAN A functional and morphological characteristics of the organism, formed on the basis of hereditary and acquired properties and determining the reactivity of the organism to various (including disease-causing) influences. Structure and

the functional characteristics of the organism in different people can be to some extent similar, which allows us to talk about the types of constitution.

The asthenic type is characterized by a significant predominance of longitudinal dimensions over transverse ones, limbs over the body, chest over the abdomen.

Hypersthenic type - the predominance of the transverse dimensions of the body. The body is relatively long. The limbs are short. The belly is of considerable size.

The normosthenic constitution is characterized by a proportional physique. It occupies an intermediate position between asthenic and hypersthenic types.

Medical classification of body types.

(medical encyclopedic dictionary, 2001)

  1. Asthenic type. For people of this type of physique, the following features are characteristic: high growth, long limbs, the presence of a small amount of subcutaneous fat, a relatively narrow chest, an oval face.
  2. Athletic type. In representatives of an athletic body type, a small amount of subcutaneous fat is deposited, muscle tissue and bones of the skeleton are well developed. People of an athletic body type have broad shoulders and large facial features, and their developed "strong-willed" chin is especially well expressed.
  3. Dysplastic type. These people are distinguished by a disproportionate ratio of sizes between individual parts of the body. In women with this type of physique, some body features characteristic of the male body may be present.
  4. Picnic type. The main signs of this type of physique are short stature, a rounded head, short legs, arms, neck, wide chest. Also, people with a pycnic body type are characterized by the presence of fatty deposits and a protruding belly.
  5. Leptosomal type from the Greek. leptos thin, delicate + soma body. Cm. The physique is asthenic.

Classification of body types according to body components.

Morphologically, the body of any person consists of a number of components that ensure vital activity in different environmental conditions. Conditionally in the physique, they can be divided into three main types: fatty, muscle and bone.

Classification of body types by bonecomponent.

  1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. In women with this body type, the limbs are long, the bones are thin, the neck is also long and thin, the muscles are relatively poorly developed. As a rule, representatives of the thin-boned type are lightweight; they are active, active and even with increased nutrition they gain weight slowly.
  2. Normal (normosthenic) body type. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally folded figure. The main body sizes are distinguished by the correct ratio.
  3. Broad-boned (hypersthenic). In representatives of this type of physique, the transverse dimensions of the body are larger than in normostenics and asthenics. They are distinguished by wide, thick and heavy bones; their shoulders, chest and hips are wide; legs are short. Women with this body type are most likely to be overweight.

Method for determining the type of constitution by the bone component.

Measure the wrist circumference of the working hand: in asthenics it is less than 16 cm, in normosthenics - from 16 to 18.5 cm, in hypersthenics - more than 18.5 cm.

Classification of body types according to the fatty component.

The diagram of the body types of women is built only on the basis of the characteristics of the degree of development and distribution of fat deposits in individual parts of the body, without taking into account the variability of other body characteristics.

The Yugoslav anthropologist B. Shkerli developed a special constitutional typology of fat deposition in women (Skerly B. et al., 1953). ... The degree of fat deposition can be low, medium, and abundant.

He distinguishes three main and one additional body groups:

1st group- with an even distribution of fat deposits throughout the body.

In accordance with this, there are three types (options) of physique: L - leptosomal (from the Greek. Leptos- thin), N - normal * (female figure on the left in miniatures), R - Rubensian

2nd group- with an uneven distribution of fat deposits.

It includes two types: S- upper (from lat. Superior- upper), characterized by increased fat deposition in the upper body (above the waist),

and I- lower (from inferior- lower), characterized by increased fat deposition in the lower body;

3rd group- also with an uneven distribution of fat deposits, mainly on the trunk or limbs.

With increased fat deposition on the trunk, a type is distinguished Tr (from lat. Truncus- torso:

with increased fat deposition on the limbs - type Ex (from lat. Extrimitas- limb).

4th group (additional)- with increased fat deposition in certain parts of the body,

for example, on the chest - type M (from lat. mamma - female breasts:

on the hips, in the area of ​​the so-called skewers, - type T (from lat. trochanter- spit).

Rice. Body types of women according to B. Shkerli (1953)

Classification of body types by musclecomponent.

Scheme V.V. Bunaka is intended to determine the normal constitution in adult males and is not applicable to females. Constitutional features are strictly defined.

The main signs are: the degree of development of fat deposition and the degree of development of the muscles.

Additional signs: the shape of the chest, abdomen and back.

Note. The length of the body, the bone component, as well as the features of the head and face are not taken into account in it.
Bunak V.V. distinguished three main body types and four intermediate ones. Intermediate options combine the features of the main types. The author singled out two more types of physique as indefinite.

The constitutional scheme of V.V. Bunaka (1941)
Types Specifications
The main Pectoral It is determined by the weak development of fat deposition and muscles. The ribcage in men of this type is flat or sunken. The abdomen is also sunken. The back is stooped.
Muscular Differs in the average development of the fatty component and strong relief muscles. The ribcage is cylindrical. The abdomen is straight. The back is normal or, less often, stooped.
Abdominal Has an increased development of the fat layer, while the musculature is moderately or poorly developed. The ribcage is tapered. The abdomen is convex. The back can be of different shapes - regular, straight or stooped.
Intermediate Thoracic-muscular Similar to the chest type, but the chest is not so flat, and the muscles are quite well developed.
Muscular-pectoral It is similar to the muscular type, but differs from it in a low degree of fat deposition and a more flattened chest.
Abdominal It is similar to the muscular type, but differs in an increased degree of fat deposition and a more conical chest shape.
Abdominal-muscular Similar to the abdominal type, but has a fairly well-developed musculature
Undefined Actually undefined Any other body types that do not fit into the presented scheme for a combination of signs. For example, thoracic-abdominal (G-B) and abdominal-thoracic (B-D) with signs of both thoracic and abdominal types: poor muscle development, low fat deposition, while a swollen abdomen and a cylindrical chest shape may be characteristic.
Abnormal A wide range of abnormal body types associated with a certain pathology that is obvious to the researcher (for example, dystrophy, dysplasia, pituitary obesity, hermaphroditism and other pathological variants).

Dignity of the schemeV.V. Bunaka - allows you to fully and methodically correctly describe the continuous variability of the physique of men in the form of a small number of unified discrete types.

Disadvantages. A significant amount of information is lost. In practice, up to 30% of those surveyed are classified as “undefined type”.

Classification of body types of women.

The scheme was proposed by I.B. Talent in 1927. Specially designed to describe the constitution of women. The author identified three groups of types, differing not only in morphological, but also in psychophysiological features. The author did not provide criteria for psychophysiological features.

The main features of constitutional types: body length, degree of fat deposition, muscle development, shape of the chest and abdomen, body proportions.

Construction principle: the individual types are grouped into three groups:

  • leptosomal constitutions- are characterized primarily by narrow complexity, the predominance of growth in length;
  • mesosomal constitutions- the main characteristic is medium - or wide folded, the predominance of growth in width;
  • megalosomal constitutions- are distinguished primarily by their massive build and large size, uniform growth in length and width.
1. Body types of women according to I. B. Talent. Talent, AND.B... New schema of constitutional types of women AND.B. Talent// Kazan, honey. zhurn. -1927. No. 5. 548-557.
Groups Types Characteristic of types
Leptosomal (Narrow-folded) Asthenic The body of the asthenic is thin, with a narrow, long and flat chest, narrow shoulders and hips, stooped shoulders, and a sunken belly. The arms and legs are skinny, when the legs are closed, there is free space between the thighs. Musculature and adipose tissue are very poorly developed.
According to the original description of Galant, the growth of astheniches is not high, but in reality, high growth is more common than short.
Typical facial features are narrowness, pallor, dryness, angularity, small chin.
Stenoplastic Differs from asthenic in greater fatness. At the same time, the proportions of the body are almost the same, but the fat and muscle components are more developed.
In practice, the growth of stenoplastics is usually average or below average.
Sometimes, for a visual description of the stenoplastic type, it is indicated that this is the type of Venus de Milo.
Mesosomal (medium and wide folded) Mesoplastic The figure of such a woman has stocky proportions, broad shoulders and a pelvis. The bone and muscular components are well developed, but not overdeveloped. The fat component is also moderately developed.
The growth of mesoplastics is usually average. To describe this type, the description - "woman worker" is used.
The face of mesoplastics, according to Galant, is rounded, wide, especially in the middle part, with a slightly reduced lower jaw.
Picnic Differs primarily in increased fat deposition. The limbs appear to be shortened due to their great thickness. The body is full, with a shortened neck, wide rounded shoulders, a cylindrical chest, a convex abdomen, and a wide pelvis. Legs are thick, hips are closed.
The height of the picnic is usually average or below average.
The head and face of the picnic are rounded.
Megalosomal (massive addition) Subathletic It is similar to the stenoplastic one, but it is noticeably distinguished by its high growth, better muscular development, athletic proportions while maintaining femininity.
The type is often found among fashion models.
Athletic First of all, these women are characterized by a very powerful skeleton and strong muscles. The fat component, on the other hand, is very poorly developed.
The proportions of athletes are more reminiscent of those of men - broad shoulders, bulging chest, narrow pelvis, large lower jaw.
The type is more common among professional athletes.
Euriplastic Combines signs of an athletic type with increased fat deposition. Euriplastic women have broad shoulders, large growth and significant deposits of subcutaneous fat.
A clear description of the euriplastic type as a “female grenadier”.

Classification of the physique of men and women according to E. Kretschmer.

The constitutional scheme of E. Kretschmer had a specific practical purpose - a preliminary diagnosis of mental pathology. He attached particular importance to the description of the head and face. They can be assessed at a glance at the first meeting with a potential patient. The face, according to E. Kretschmer, is “the hallmark of the individual constitution”.

Kretschmer identified three main constitutional types: leptosomal (or asthenic), pycnic and athletic.

E. Kretschmer's constitutional scheme
Type of Main characteristics
Asthenic or leptosomal It is characterized by narrow complexity, which manifests itself in all parts of the body and types of tissues. Asthenic has narrow shoulders, a pelvis, a skinny neck, thin limbs. Due to this elongation of the physique, the asthenic seems taller than he really is. The fat and muscle components are extremely poorly developed. There is practically no fat deposition in asthenics. Bones are also thin, but in relative terms they are the predominant component of the body. The rib cage is long, narrow and flat, with an acute epigastric angle (formed by the lower ribs converging towards the sternum). The belly is thin, sunken or flat.
The face of asthenics is also narrow and elongated, with a weak, “escaping” chin and a protruding nose. E. Kretschmer described in detail the shape of the nose of asthenics, for example, he spoke of its narrowness, a sharp drooping tip, which in reality is more of a racial than a constitutional feature.
Asthenic features develop in early childhood and remain constant at all ages. Asthenics do not show a tendency to accumulate fat or develop muscles either in childhood or in old age. The specificity of this type, associated with sex, is manifested in a higher frequency of short stature among asthenic women.
Athletic It is characterized by strong development of bone and muscle components.
The shoulders are broad, the chest is broad and arched. The epigastric angle is close to right. The abdomen is firm, with pronounced muscle relief. In general, the trunk expands upward. The neck is massive, it seems even more massive due to the great development of the trapezius muscle. The bones are massive and thick, which is due to the significant development of the muscles. The arms are somewhat elongated, with a large muscular relief. The growth of such people according to Kretschmer is average or above average.
The face of athletes is rough, high, somewhat angular, with a pronounced bone relief. The superciliary arches are strongly developed, the cheekbones protrude, the lower jaw is wide with a large “strong-willed” chin. The nose is large, dull.
According to Kretschmer, the characteristic complex of the athletic type develops during puberty, and after 25 years it becomes even more pronounced. The gender specificity of the type is manifested in the greater development of the fat component in women compared to men.
Picnic It is characterized by a tendency to fat deposition with a relatively weak development of the muscle and bone components.
The chest and stomach of the picnic are large, wide and voluminous. The neck is short and thick. The body, on the other hand, is long. The rib cage is convex, noticeably widens downward, barrel-shaped. The epigastric angle is wide. The belly is thick. Arms and legs are short, plump, with poorly developed muscles. The face of the picnics is wide, rounded; due to the abundant subcutaneous fat, it seems flattened. The forehead is wide and convex, the nose is of medium size, with a straight or concave back. The lower jaw appears to be wider due to the chubby cheeks.
The picnic type, in contrast to the asthenic and athletic, reaches full development only after 30 years, although the tendency to develop this type appears much earlier. Sex differences consist in a slightly different distribution of fat on the trunk: in men, it is concentrated mainly on the arms, shoulders and, especially, in the abdomen, and in women - on the chest and thighs.

Sheldon's female body types.

Shape type A-shaped:

  • the shoulders are narrow, the pelvis is much wider;
  • the impression of a "heavy" lower body - full legs and buttocks;
  • a tendency to store fat below the waist (the upper body may even appear thin);
  • low metabolic rate (if you do not specifically follow the diet, weight quickly gains).

* In everyday classification corresponds to a figure of the type "pear" or triangle

Shape type H-shaped:

  • wide or medium skeleton;
  • small breasts;
  • the visual impression of approximately the same width of the shoulders, waist and pelvis;
  • a tendency to the formation of fatty deposits in the abdomen and thighs;
  • moderate metabolic rate.

* In everyday classification the figure of the "rectangle" type corresponds.

Type of figure I-shaped:

  • thin skeleton;
  • gauntness;
  • weak muscles;
  • almost no body fat;
  • high metabolic rate (no matter how much you eat, you don't get fat).

Shape type O-shaped:

  • wide bones;
  • wide pelvis and shoulders;
  • full hips, chest, arms;
  • a clear excess of body fat throughout the body;
  • low metabolism (weight gains even if you eat relatively little).

* In everyday classification, the figure of the "apple" type corresponds

T-shape type:

  • the shoulders are wide, wider than the pelvis;
  • fat is deposited mainly on the trunk (back, chest, sides);
  • average metabolic rate (you get fat only if you start eating too much).

Shape type X-shaped

  • medium bones;
  • the width of the shoulders is approximately equal to the width of the hips;
  • slim waist;
  • full chest;
  • fatty deposits form on the buttocks and thighs;
  • average metabolic rate (weight gain with excessive eating).

* In everyday classification, the figure "hourglass" corresponds.

Shape typeV-shaped.

This is a male type of figure, but very often it is typical for women as well: broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips, lack of priests. The chest can be of completely different sizes.

* In everyday classification, the figure corresponds to the "carrot" or "inverted" triangle.

Universal * classification of body types according to mathematical calculations.

For both men and women.

The French physician Pignet (M. Ch. J. Pignet, born in 1871) proposed the formula , in accordance with which a value is calculated, called the Pignet exponent.
Pignet index = height - (body weight + chest circumference in the expiratory phase)
Height and chest circumference are taken for calculations in centimeters, and body weight - in kilograms. Classification of body types according to the Pignet indicator.

The practical value of body analysis.

Medical. Diagnostics of some diseases. Determination of the degree of suitability for a particular profession. Practical anthropology.

Physical education. The choice of the sport. Fitness classes for targeted body shaping.

Manufacture of clothing and footwear.

Non-medical * classifications of varieties of male and female figures.

*- everyday, common, everyday, widespread, traditional, common, everyday, everyday, common, prosaic (non-poetic, ordinary), practical, utilitarian (lat.utilita - utility), pragmatic

Variants and types of male and female figures.

The figures of men and women are classified into variants and types. The shape options are divided by height and fullness. The types of figures are divided according to the ratio of the transverse dimensions of the hips and chest in the frontal plane (projection), and in the sagittal plane (profile projection) according to the ratio of the anteroposterior diameters.

Simple (with a cursory glance, by impression) classification of the main variants of the figure by height and fullness.

For men and women, regardless of age, there is four shape options: high, low, plump, thin.

High andlow figures.

A tall figure is considered conditionally ideal (for men from 1.82 m, for women from 1.72 m). It meets the main characteristics of the dolichomorphic body type of the human figure.

Low figures are more common. growth brachymorphic body type (short stature for men below 1.72m and for women below 1.65m).

Types of male and female figures.

Allocate nine body types... Of these, three types are basic: top, equilibrium and bottom. The remaining six types are combined, i.e. derivatives of basic types.

Philistine, subject-analogous, figurative, "geometrically-fruity" classification of the main types of male and female figures.

In men, four types are conventionally distinguished: "triangle", "rectangle", "pear", "apple".

"Triangle" - broad shoulders, abdominals, narrow waist, strong buttocks, legs with molded muscles. Such a figure ("rolling" figure) resembles an isosceles triangle in its structure.

"Rectangle" - the shoulders are equal in width to the hips, the muscles (even trained) never look prominent, there is no excess weight. Ideally, a man with such a figure does not look frail and weak, usually dancers have such a constitution.

"Apple" - the shoulders are equal in width to the hips, and the whole figure has a rounded structure due to the numerous extra pounds. The figure of the "apple" type appears already from childhood.

"Pear" - these are men who initially had a "rectangular" figure, but began to gain weight with age. The shoulders and hips are approximately equal in width, but already a rounded tummy and fat folds around the waist appear. In profile, the protruding belly is noticeable even from the back. This figure is formed by men between 30 and 50 years old who do not play sports and do not follow a diet.

The main types of female figures can also be roughly divided into four types:

"Triangle" - a narrow pelvis and flat buttocks, the shoulders are noticeably wider than the hips, the legs are thin, if a woman is recovering, then her arms and shoulders grow fat.

"Rectangle" is a strong, stocky body and slender legs, straight hips and flat buttocks, no matter how a woman loses weight, the waist is poorly indicated.

"Pear" - small, in comparison with the hips, bust, wide hips, narrow shoulders, thin neck. Plump, a woman of the "pear" type, rarely gains weight in the shoulders and on the face.

"Hourglass" - the bust and buttocks are rounded, no matter how a woman gets better, the waist is always preserved and, no matter how thin she loses, her hips remain bent.

“Carrot” is a masculine body type. Often typical for women. Broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips, no butt. The chest can be of completely different sizes.

Classification of types of female figures in the practice of nutritionists.

Gynecoid body type(gin-; gynekogreek. gyne- woman - an integral part of compound words meaning "related to a woman"; suffix - odious means "in shape")

Gynecoid type - specifically female type of constitution, is the most common,

A characteristic feature is the pear-shaped body shape, expanding towards the hips. Women have a wide pelvis. The buttocks are rounded, the thighs are noticeably protruding and can touch each other with the inner surfaces. The backside usually sags a little.

The waist is narrow, which creates a feminine line.

The chest can be either small or large.

The shoulders are usually narrow or medium. The typical size of a gynecoid woman is 95-70-105.

The addition of her limbs is feminine. The bones of the wrist and lower leg are thin. The waist is narrow.

Women of the gynecoid type are more often of medium or small stature. Sometimes there are also tall ones, but their arms and legs are not so long in proportion to the body.

Fat is deposited primarily on the thighs, buttocks, chest, and then in the lower abdomen at the level of the pubic bone. Often, adipose tissue is uneven and lumpy, resulting in a permanent cellulite effect.

Gynecoid women do not have problems with childbirth due to the fact that the bony pelvis is wider, more open and not high.

The gynecoid type usually gains weight quickly. In the body of a woman of the gynecoid type, a high level of estrogen. Some are produced in the ovaries. Large body fat is also the source of the hormone estrogen, which leads to the creation of new fat cells. It turns out a "vicious" circle.

Thyroid type of figure (thyroid; thyroid -part of compound words meaning "related to the thyroid gland").

Women of the thyroid type are characterized by a slender figure and "fragile" skeletal system. Their figure resembles "boyish", with a thin waist and slightly protruding buttocks and hips. They have rather long, proportional limbs. The legs and arms are long. Legs are slender. They have long fingers and a slender neck. Women of this type are usually tall or appear tall due to their long legs.

The chest is small or medium.

The fat is mainly located in the abdomen and thighs, while the arms and legs remain slim.

The pelvis is evenly narrowed, which can create problems during childbirth.

By nature, thyroid women are excitable. They are distinguished by increased motor activity, but quickly get tired. In terms of endurance, they are significantly inferior to women - androids.

Women of this type have difficulty gaining excess weight and have an increased metabolic rate.

They often look fragile. The skeleton is easily visible through a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, outwardly they look somewhat "bony". Usually their collarbones protrude sharply.

They are very graceful and can be both athletes (often sprinters or basketball players), and dancers or fashion models. Their flexibility can be compared to that of a willow.

Lymphatic type of figure (lymph -; lymph;lat . lymphapure water-; part of compound words meaning "related to the lymphatic vessels»).

Women of the lymphatic type tend to be overweight. Outwardly, it looks like a "pillow-like" edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This is due to the structural features of the connective tissue in general and blood circulation in the venous and lymphatic systems, up to lymphostasis. The arms and legs become "pillar-like". The wrists and elbows are often thick and swollen. Shoulders, chest and ribcage are of medium size. The abdomen protrudes. The body is the same thickness everywhere. The waist does not stand out. The buttocks are almost not protruding.

The skeleton and muscles are poorly felt due to a thick layer of fat, swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and decreased muscle tone.

With obesity, fat is distributed throughout the body - arms, legs, buttocks, trunk, neck, and even face.

Girls of this type in childhood, resemble bobbleheads or pretty cupids.

Metabolic processes in women of the lymphatic type are slow. This leads to rapid weight gain.

Many women of the lymphatic type are inactive or sedentary. They avoid sports since childhood. According to the constitution, they cannot move quickly. They lack physical stamina.

Android body type (andro -;Greek androsMan.Part of compound words meaning "male", "masculine").

For women of the android type, a strong, powerful skeletal base, broad shoulders, a developed chest and muscular limbs are characteristic. The neck and torso are powerful and wide, and the pelvis, on the contrary, is narrow, so the figure of an android woman is often completely flat and straight. The pelvis and buttocks are low. Narrow hips and wide waist are usually the same volume.

Outwardly, they look like a father or older brothers. These women are quite attractive and absolutely full of health.
They have broad bones and large, well-developed muscles. Moreover, their body fat is much less than that of other women.
The breasts can be small, medium or large, but with "apple-type obesity" they become huge due to the accumulation of fat.
Women - androids are prone to rapid weight gain, especially in adulthood. With the onset of obesity, fat is located in the upper body above the pelvis. As a result, the neck, pectoralis, waist and abdomen thicken - the so-called "apple-type obesity" occurs. Due to the excessive deposition of fat on the anterior abdominal wall, a false pregnancy effect can even be created. Despite this, the thighs and legs remain slender and muscular. If the weight continues to increase, the fat layer can descend to the thighs in the form of a "rim".

Female androids are "tailored" to the male pattern. They often achieve great success in those sports where strength and endurance are required (bodybuilding, swimming, long distance running, hammer throwing, barbell lifting).

Cosmetic problems of women of android type are manifested in excessive hair growth of the face and body and acne, as a result of increased activity of male hormones.

Classification of types of figures of women in the clothing industry.

Proposed by Valentina Emelyanovna Bochkareva.

Frontal types of female figures.

The figures of women are divided into nine types according to the image of the torso (torso-human torso) in the face (in the horizontal plane). A typical figure is considered average.* (on the miniatures it is on the left)

Along the width of the shoulders and chest, the figures are narrow and wide. characterized by a sequential decrease in the length of the shoulder slopes and the width of the chest in the front, it refers to narrow, and vice versa, figures characterized by a sequential increase in the length of the shoulder slopes and the width of the chest - to wide.

Rice. Body types of women according to V.E. Bochkareva

The first type includes figures, differing from the typical narrow chest, which has the same frontal width in the upper and lower parts. The straight side line of the torso jumps sharply from the waist to the pelvic bone, which therefore appears wide. The width of the chest at the level of the shoulder joints is small.

Shapes of the second type differ from the typical fusiform shape of the torso, in it the bulge of the pelvic bone and chest merge into a single oval. The upper and middle parts of the chest are narrowed. The sides of the torso are convex. The pelvic bone is not clearly expressed due to the bulge in the places of the lateral depressions. The volume of the hips is slightly less than that of a typical figure.

Third type- the figure of the so-called girlish physique. In frontal width at the level of the chest and thighs, it is closer to the typical one, but slightly narrower than it. The contour of the pelvic bone retains its relief due to lateral depressions and a narrowed chest, but the volume of the hips is less than that of a typical figure. The width of the upper part of the chest at the level of the shoulder joints is medium to small.

To the fourth type the typical figure applies.

Fifth type figure in frontal width at the level of the chest and thigh line it is close to the typical one and only slightly wider than it. It is characterized by unevenly pronounced lateral contours. The width in the upper part of the chest at the level of the shoulder joints is medium to large.

For figures of the sixth type expansion in the upper and middle parts of the chest is characteristic. The side dimples at the waist and the protrusions of the thighs are slightly visible. In front, this figure is of the same width at the levels of the armpits and the extended part of the thighs.

Figure of the seventh type in the front has the same width at the levels of the armpits and the waist line. It differs from the typical straightness of the side contour to the waist line. There are no depressions on the waistline and on the sides. The contours of the femoral lines are insignificantly expressed.

To the eighth type refers to a figure of athletic build, which differs from the typical wide chest. There are small side depressions along the waist line. The pelvic part is not prominent.

To the ninth type refers to a figure with a wide upper torso, the same front width at the armpits and waist line, and reduced width at the hip line.

Median (sagittal) types of female figures.

The geometric shape of the chest.

Additionally, the ribcage of a female figure is assessed by its geometric shape, resembling a cone or cylinder.

CONE, ah, husband. A geometric body formed by rotating a right-angled triangle around one of its legs.

When depicted in front, the chest of female figures is subdivided into conical with a cone facing up (type 2), conical with a cone facing down (types 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8), and cylindrical (1, 7 and 9th types).

By the development of the mammary glands.

When depicted in profile, the rib cages of female figures are proposed to be subdivided into rounded and flat.

Anthropomorphological classification of types of figures of women (1965).

Developed by the Central Experimental and Technical Sewing Laboratory (TSOTSL) according to the degree of development of muscles and fat deposits, the nature of their distribution over the body in the frontal and profile projections in the chest and thighs.

According to the ratio of the transverse diameters of the thighs and chest in the frontal projection (in front view), three types of figures are distinguished: balanced, upper and lower. According to the ratio of the anteroposterior diameters of the thighs and chest in the profile projection (from the side view), three types are also distinguished. In total, according to the combination of types of figures in the frontal and profile projections, nine types of figures are distinguished: three basic and six combined (for example, a figure of an equilibrium type in front and upper side, etc.).

Figures of men and women in State Standards.

For the needs of the garment industry, various body types have been developed for men, women and children.

GOST R 52774-2007: Classification of typical figures of men by heights, sizes and weight groups for designing clothes

Classification of typical figures of women by height, size and weight groups for designing clothes

Nameeng.: Classification standard women’s figures by heights, sizes and full-bodied groups for projection of clothes

In various years, 509 typical figures were allocated for the female population of the SEF, for the USSR (1967) -253 typical figures. Similar studies have not been conducted for men.

According to GOST 2007, 356 typical female figures and 301 types of male figures are established.

The term "human constitution" means a combination of proportions, as well as specific features of different parts of the human body. The parameters of the forms are predetermined even before birth, at the time of the formation of a new person in the womb. Further changes with age occur in accordance with a genetically established program.

Even in ancient times, people tried to classify body types based on certain characteristics. Experienced researchers have taken up this issue and have identified three main groups. The attractiveness of a person, his tendency to be overweight or thin, as well as to certain diseases, often depends on the shape of the body and proportions. If you determine the correct body type for yourself, focusing on the established criteria, then you can learn a lot about yourself a lot of new and interesting things!

What body types are there and how are they characterized?

As already mentioned, the physique of people is divided into three main types:

1. Ectomorph. Has a lean body, thin and somewhat elongated limbs, a flat chest and narrow shoulders. These people are inherent in the qualities of endurance, speed, activity. All processes in the body are rapid. A person with an ectomorph physique is not inclined to be overweight even with increased nutrition. As a rule, the muscles in these people are very skinny, so it is difficult to gain muscle mass. Against the background of the absence of body fat, a person has decent energy, often cannot stay in one place for a long time. If an ectomorph leads an active lifestyle and diligently monitors its appearance, it achieves a very attractive appearance, even with a low weight.

2. Mesomorph. Medium body type, well-developed muscularity. He has broad bones, voluminous muscles and a strong body. The figure of people in this category can be called athletic. Mesomorphs are very hardy, have high strength indicators. Sport is an ideal area for a person with this body type. Among the advantages, one can also single out an average metabolic rate, which allows people with such a complexion to easily gain weight or lose weight if desired. This type is not very common. A man with a mesomorph physique is particularly attractive, which often arouses interest among the fair sex.

3. Endomorph. It has massive and very wide bones, short but rather dense limbs and large thighs. Such people do not have a prominent waist, they quickly gain weight, which is associated with a too slow metabolism. Their body shape is round. Sports activities are difficult, due to excessive slowness and poor endurance. Among modern people, this type of physique is the most common. According to experts, it is very difficult for endomorphs to control their figure, as well as to achieve certain success in activities related to physical activity.

With regard to nutrition, people with an ectomorph body type are the most fortunate. The recommended diet for them is based on the rule - you can eat anything and as much as you want!

According to the developed diet of specialists, the diet of an ectomorph is based on the following parameters:

The daily menu should consist of carbohydrates (50% of total calories), proteins (30% of calories) and fats (20% of calories);

It is advisable to consume protein every day;

To maintain body weight, the amount of physical activity should not exceed the calorie supply, which can cause weight loss;

The daily calorie intake is at least 2000-2500;

Meals should be given every 2-3 hours;

In the absence of the opportunity to regularly eat at the recommended hours, you can stock up on high-calorie drinks and special mixtures that replace the usual diet;

If an ectomorph is engaged in sports activities, keratin and a carbohydrate-protein mixture must be present in his diet, consumed twice a day.

Features of the menu for endomorph

It is best for the endomorph to avoid foods high in fat. Nutritionists strongly recommend refraining from eating smoked meats, sausages, dairy products with a high percentage of fat, alcohol and soda.

The diet should contain protein contained exclusively in lean foods (lean turkey, skinless chicken fillet, low-fat fish, egg whites). For carbohydrate nutrition of the body, it is necessary to introduce legumes, potatoes and long-grain rice into the menu. In the morning, it is better to refrain from eating fruits.

To normalize metabolism, nutritionists recommend eating food 5-7 times a day, in small portions. Do not eat in the early morning hours and before bed. It is better to finish eating before the signal "full" appears; it is very important to learn how to control your desires and available possibilities. If you neglect the recommendations of experienced specialists, the figure of the endomorph will take on very frightening forms, which will negatively affect the general condition and health.

Athletes with this body type use lean meats as a source of protein. This allows you to get a pleasant feeling of fullness, eliminating the accumulation of fat in the body. If you want to get rid of extra pounds, you can use such a diet: reduce the consumption of starchy carbohydrates to a minimum, in priority - foods containing a large amount of fiber. You need to eat in small portions, without overeating.

The right diet for the mesomorph

The daily calorie menu for people with a mesomorph physique consists of proteins (20-25%), fats, the proportion of which should not exceed 15%, and a large amount of carbohydrates - up to 60-65%. You need to eat 5-7 times during the day. Protein shakes are especially recommended for these people, as well as nutritional mixes that replace regular food.

A mesomorph should not eat monotonously, every day it is better to add various dishes to the diet, consisting of the recommended components. It is not necessary to stick to a strict diet all the time, sometimes you can relax and eat a little more calories than nutritionists advise. But it is also unacceptable to regularly deviate from the rules. This can provoke the appearance of excess weight, which is very important for people with this type of physique.

According to experts, it is not difficult for a mesomorph to get rid of excess weight, but for this purpose it will be necessary to make some physical efforts with a responsible adherence to the diet.

Mesomorphs are born athletes! Their genetic predisposition, endurance and decent body shape allow them to achieve significant success in the sports field. Harmonious body proportions are based on the ideal balance of muscle and fat mass. Many people dream of gaining such parameters, but according to statistics, only a few are born with a mesomorph physique.

These people have a unique figure, but at the same time they are distinguished by a tendency to inaction and laziness. If you don't overpower your own character and tackle your life rationally, an ideal body constitution with athletic inclinations will not be beneficial. Prudent care of your appearance, adherence to the recommendations of a trainer and nutritionists will allow you to successfully show your excellent data and achieve your goals for a grand transformation of your personal life!

Constitutional type of person

In addition to the concept of "body type", experts also distinguish between "somatotype", which is a certain characteristic that determines the genetic characteristics of tissue development and metabolism. Simply put, this is the constitutional type of a person.

Body type is a visual indicator that can change throughout life. It depends on the person himself. That is, if the endomorph carefully monitors his diet, goes in for sports and vigorous activity, he will be able to significantly change his large dimensions to a more pronounced figure with attractive data. A similar rule applies to ectomorph and mesomorph. Each of us can independently regulate body proportions, the amount of adipose tissue and even muscle tissue. But it is impossible to change the somatotype constructed at the genetic level.

Our body type often affects our mood, lifestyle, health and well-being. It's no secret that overweight people are more susceptible to serious illnesses than slender individuals who look after their figure and appearance. Competent doctors, even by visually examining a person's constitution, can determine a predisposition to a particular disease.

To prevent an irregular physique from becoming the cause of the development of dangerous diseases, regular control over its own weight, a daily regimen and a balanced diet are recommended. Compliance with these simple rules will significantly improve or maintain an attractive appearance and health.

The body of each person has its own, unique, characteristics - this is weight, shape, size, and the amount of muscle mass, as well as proportions. But among all the diversity in science, it is customary to single out some basic body types.

To begin with, it is worth noting that a person's physique is a manifestation of genetic material. Some scientists also believe that body types can determine some general properties of the body, a tendency to any disease, and even character traits and temperament. In addition, the characteristics of the body structure are taken into account when choosing a system of physical training or creating the right diet. But there are several classification systems.

Human body types according to E. Kretschmer

The famous German doctor believed that a person's physique can determine certain general psychological characteristics, assess the individual's reaction to the influence of the external and internal environment. The body types in this system were as follows:

  • Asthenic... People of this type were tall and fragile. The asthenic man has narrow shoulders, thin arms, an elongated face. Women could be short, but fragility and thinness remained unchanged.
  • Picnic... This form is characterized by a small stature and a blurry figure, which is explained by the presence of rich body fat. It is these people who are most often prone to overweight problems.
  • Athletic... This includes people of high or medium height with an athletic figure, strong muscles, and a wide shoulder girdle.
  • Dysplastic type... To this group, Kretschmer attributed individuals with a shapeless body structure or the presence of any deformations.

system of professor V.M. Chernorutsky

This classification is not so different from the previous one, but it is considered more accurate and modern. The professor identified three main types of the structure of the human body.

  • Hyposthenic type - characterized by high growth, small number and poorly developed muscles. The shoulders are narrow, the chest is elongated.
  • Normosthenic type - this group includes people with normal, average statistical indicators. Such a person has a well-formed skeleton, as well as well-developed muscles. If we talk about the amount of subcutaneous fat, then it corresponds to the average. The limbs are in proportion, the shoulders are broad and the chest is convex.
  • Hypersthenic type - a person is characterized by short stature and excess adipose tissue. That is why such people are more prone to obesity. It is believed that this group includes patients with high blood cholesterol levels.

Body types of men

This classification system was created by William Sheldon, Professor By the way, and to this day it is very popular among bodybuilders. It is customary to distinguish three main types of male physique:

  • Endomorph- a person with rounded, sometimes vague body shapes. Such a man is characterized by a short neck, large chest, large spherical belly, soft muscles, thin wrists. As a rule, such representatives of the stronger sex are more prone to obesity.
  • Ectomorph Is a typical lanky man. In such people, high growth is combined with disproportionate size of arms and legs, a long chest and an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat deposits.
  • Mesofmorph- this includes people with a normal physique. They have a developed muscular system, but there is also a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue. These are men with dense,

Of course, it is very rare to find a person who would represent a pure sample of some type of physique. Much more often people combine two or even three forms.