Scary drawn eyebrows. Design mistakes: terrible eyebrows. What are "terrible eyebrows"

Recently, even women from Minsk began to draw bright wide eyebrows for themselves.

Someone thinks that the fashion for bright thick eyebrows spoils neat female faces, while others, on the contrary, talk about the naturalness and expressiveness of wide thick eyebrows. For example, a clothing designer and fashion historian Sasha Varlamov believes that the women of Minsk “fell from the oak”. A brow stylist and make-up artist Olga Alekseenko I am sure: bright expressive eyebrows are great for evening make-up and going out.


Sasha Varlamov remembers all the changes on women's faces in recent decades. We asked him to tell about what happened to the eyebrows of Minsk women in his memory.


In the 80s, there was a very serious school of make-up in Belarus. We have always been at the forefront. And that's when all the makeup started with the eyebrows. Someone plucked, but not strongly, although they could not be called overgrown.

The eyebrow was set as a base: they painted with a pencil and then with an mascara brush. The eyebrow was the “hanger” on which the whole face was “put on”. If there were no eyebrows, then there was simply nothing to "put on" makeup. No cheeks, no cheekbones, no lips - nothing could replace these "shoulders".

Of course, the eyebrows were painted brightly, because under the light of the spotlights, every detail had to be further emphasized. The entire eyelid was shaded with shadows: from the corner of the eye to the very line of the eyebrows, and the cut of the eyes was extended with the help of eyeliner - in the style of Nefertiti. It took about an hour for one eye, the same for the second, and plus work with skin, lips, cheekbones ... But this is in the modeling business, but only prostitutes could go out with brightly painted eyebrows.


In the 90s, neat eyebrows were replaced in Minsk with eyebrows-strings - this is also too much, I admit it. It's just such a short-lived rise in popularity: inspired by the post-war period and Marlene Dietrich. But Marlene Dietrich had a special face. She removed her molars to accentuate her cheekbones. And Sophia Loren removed the ribs to make the transition from waist to bust look more effective. All this is wildness! And the women from Minsk with these "stripes" looked just wild.


What a joy that emancipation and anti-fashion have replaced all this. Anti-fashion - this is when you are not wearing makeup, as you slept, not combed - and went about your business. I put on what I came across, forgot to wash - oh, later. Europeans continue to follow this. See who's on the red carpets - hug and cry. 20 years ago, such people would not even be allowed into the kitchen. The same thing happened with the eyebrows: they just were. Such as they are. They grew thick and in all directions - so be it. There were three hairs thin - and great.


It turned out that not everyone likes wide bright eyebrows. So Sasha Varlamov doesn't like:

If I said that they "fell from the moon," they would be "unearthly." And these - "fell from the oak" and at the same time were damaged in the mind, - explains Sasha Varlamov. - And all the fault is the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. The women there just have such a nature that eyebrows grow together: if you want to get rid of it, then it's easier for you to shave them off altogether - to pull them out for too long. And Frida, despite the hectic lifestyle, was loved. After all, she wrote her love, her pain and ... her fused eyebrows.

And two years ago, Belarusian women, together with the leaves, “fell from the oak” and began to make this permanent eyebrow coloring: bright and wide. Now many women from Minsk, with their traditionally pale faces, walk around with these unnaturally large and bright eyebrows. Thick dark eyebrows don't suggest blondes. Thick eyebrows are characterized by dark natural raven-colored hair and skin the color of Spanish tobacco, slightly green. Where have you seen such skin on a Belarusian woman?


Two years ago Natasha Tsuran presented her collection "Frida", - Sasha Varlamov recalls. - I spent crazy money and made these fused eyebrows to all the models. When this happened, I was sitting in the front row at the show. And, you know, it was a shame to crawl, but to sit on a chair hurt. It was such bad taste.

And this stupid tendency was picked up by the nouveau riche: "I'll make myself eyebrows like Natasha Tsuran's." Only there should be a difference between a woman and a hippopotamus: there are a hundred distinctive features between them, and the first of them is the eyebrows.

And worst of all, it gets picked up further. 15-year-old pacifiers with brightly drawn large eyebrows began to appear everywhere. There is a principle: make-up gives about 10 years of age. That is, young girls at 15 years old look at 25. A normal woman at 25 and 35 will not dye her eyebrows so brightly. This is done on purpose to be seen two miles away and "bought".


But not everyone agrees with this opinion. - after all, Minsk women follow the fashion for thick eyebrows. Therefore, the site asked the brow stylist and make-up artist Olga Alekseenko to talk about fashion and give our readers a mini-master class.


Recently, girls have begun to pay a lot of attention to eyebrows, - explains Olga. - And somewhere a couple of years ago, a tendency began to grow out of the "strings" and plucked "for youth" eyebrows into thicker and more natural ones. Perhaps the fashion for thick eyebrows also appeared under the influence of such famous models as Cara Delevingne and Natalya Vodyanova, which nature has generously rewarded with expressive thick eyebrows.

Many popular actresses, for example Keira Knightley, Emma Watson and Natalie Portman, also have luxurious eyebrows. Such faces certainly attract a lot of attention. It's no surprise that girls want to be like them. And how expressive the eyes become! It is simply impossible to go unnoticed with wide bright eyebrows.


I think for a long time. After all, natural natural eyebrows are really beautiful. Girls with such eyebrows, in my opinion, look more attractive. The "strings" have completely outlived their usefulness and, of course, are losing out to the modern fashion for "almost untouched by tweezers."

These brows have a number of advantages. See for yourself: natural eyebrows do not need to be plucked so much and often, it is enough to make a minimal correction in shape every 3-4 weeks. They do not need to be heavily painted on, unlike ultra-thin, plucked eyebrows. It is enough to walk a little with shadows or a pencil, giving the desired bend, and only slightly correct its natural shape. And of course, the most important thing is that these eyebrows look very natural. This means that it is harmonious and beautiful.


Very wide eyebrows are suitable for those who have fairly large facial features, as well as expressive eyes, noticeable cheekbones and plump lips. In addition, wide eyebrows are more often for younger girls. In other cases, do not overdo it. Overdoing it with width and color can make you look ridiculous. You should not imitate film stars or models from the fashion industry, where extremes are welcome and unnecessarily neglected, thick, wide eyebrows are quite appropriate. It will be optimal to choose the width of the eyebrows based on the facial features.

If the face and its features are small, then you should not leave too wide eyebrows - they will simply take all the attention on themselves and may look ridiculous on a small face. Everything should be harmonious.


First of all, the eyebrows should be groomed, look natural or fit the image - especially if they are bright enough eyebrows.

Eyebrow care can be done using special oils: castor, burdock, usma oil, or a mixture of oils designed to revitalize and strengthen hair follicles. It is enough to do a light massage once a week and rub in the oil; brushing and daily cleaning of make-up will not interfere.

And here is the simple instruction:

1. Clean the eyebrows and comb them with an eyebrow brush.

2. Make a correction. Use tweezers to remove excess hairs that give a sloppy shape. The main thing is not to get carried away, because plucked eyebrows have long been out of fashion.

3. Eyebrow makeup. Now there are a lot of products for eyebrows: choose according to your taste. These can be pencils, eyeshadows, fondants, and gels. If you prefer to work with a pencil, pick a suitable shade of pencil first.

Gently draw the shape with light strokes, starting at the peak and tip. You can go slightly beyond the perimeter of the eyebrows, especially along the upper line - thereby increasing the width, if necessary and suits you.

4. Add shadows. You can add a little shadow - and shade according to the shape. Try to make the eyebrow head a little lighter. Apply the shadows with a beveled brush with preferably natural bristles. Choose the color of the eyeshadow carefully. Decide which shadow is best for you: warm or cold, light or dark.

After applying the shadows, you can comb the eyebrows with a brush - they are combed up or along the growth of the hairs.

5. Hair styling. Once the shape has been created, the final touch is styling the hairs in shape with a special transparent brow gel. Color gels and mascaras can also be used.

6. Eye makeup. Despite the popularity of bright and fairly wide eyebrows, we remember: everything in the image should be harmonious, best of all, such eyebrows will suit an evening look or an image with full makeup.

Photo: all-stars ..

The actress, whose appearance almost never raises any complaints, also sometimes has failures. Unpainted, fuzzy eyebrows give the face a rustic and slightly sloppy look.

Kate Middleton

The Duchess of Cambridge, who usually looks impeccable, apparently because of matters of state importance, forgot about her appearance. Ugly bald spots clearly require a pencil or mascara, and the shape requires correction.

Lindsey Lohan

The actress, who does not get tired of experimenting with her appearance, seems to have decided not to trust the experts in eyebrow design and plucked them herself. As a result, the eyebrows are unkempt and asymmetrical.

Miley Saurus

The main rebel of show business has not been surprising for a long time with her beauty antics. After Miley dyed her eyebrows white, this option seems to be the norm. In fact, the singer's eyebrows are too short - to give them the correct shape, she needs to be patient and grow them.

Britney Spears

Fuzzy eyebrows give Britney an unfinished look. One gets the feeling that the singer corrected them herself.

Gwen Stefani

A lover of bright makeup, she focused not only on her lips and eyes, but also on her eyebrows. Too fanciful eyebrows, painted as if on a stencil, make the singer's appearance heavier.

Beth Ditto

The pathetic lady has never been distinguished by taste and sense of style. Bright eyes, imperfect tone and eyebrows, as if in a hurry underlined with a pencil, do not paint the singer at all.

Christina Aguilera

Because of the bright makeup, Christina's eyebrows are lost on her face. If the singer made her eyebrows more expressive, the image would look more advantageous.

Lady Gaga

The color of the eyebrows of a platinum blonde brings disharmony to the image. She looks rather boring, which is unacceptable for the queen of outrageous.

Angelina Jolie

We will not find out how Angie used to paint her eyebrows with ink, charcoal or shoe polish, but now her natural, moderately wide eyebrows look much better.


And Beyoncé had eyebrow arches that looked very harmonious in a duet with a dark lip contour. Fortunately, both are in the past. Beyoncé changed the shape quite a bit, making the curve of her eyebrow softer, but what a result!


Gwen Stefani

Black eyebrows made Gwen Stevani's eyes look smaller. But now the singer has wide eyebrows of the correct color and with a beautiful bend.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is generally lucky! To look good, all she had to do was throw out the tweezers and stop mercilessly plucking her eyebrows. Now everything is natural!

Megan Fox

Today this is Megan Fox - the owner of simply perfect eyebrows, and before she was also very friendly with tweezers - the outer tips of the star's eyebrows ended earlier than necessary.

Jennifer Lopez

And J. Lo, not only did she shamelessly powder, she also wore thin eyebrows of a grayish tint. Now Lopez has made a choice in favor of moderately wide and slightly arched eyebrows. A very noticeable change in the star's eyebrows "before and after"!

Kim Kardashian

But for Kim Kardashian, it was the other way around - she never wore eyebrows-strings, but her wide natural eyebrows did not look very well-groomed. As a result, Kim "combed" them so that now there is nothing to complain about.

Monica Bellucci

We must pay tribute to Monica Bellucci - the star did not scoff at her beautiful eyebrows even in the early 2000s, when everyone did it. And yet, the "modern" eyebrows of the actress look even better - she slightly changed the shape - a bend and a pointed outer tip appeared.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham's eyebrows looked somewhat comical. The star's face shape is more suitable for perfectly straight eyebrows - at Beckham they look as natural as possible.


In her youth, Madonna was not too worried about the shape of her eyebrows - black, straight, too wide in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. With experience comes wisdom - the pop diva is much more almost straight eyebrows with a slight bend at the end.

Sarah Jessica Parker

This is not to say that Sarah Jessica Parker was so terrible with thin eyebrows, but we are still glad that she stopped plucking them this way! The actress is more likely to go with wide, but at the same time, rather light eyebrows - the star chooses a very correct shade.

"Terrible eyebrows" is a fairly common definition for girls who are not used to providing them with proper care or are too scrupulous about this task. Unnatural arches, eyebrows that require the use of cosmetics and tweezers or more serious correction with the use of permanent makeup may look unkempt. Let's try to figure out how to be for girls who have terrible eyebrows, what to do in such situations.

Natural eyebrow care

How to fix terrible eyebrows? If this characteristic means asymmetrical lines and hairs growing in different directions, in this case, to solve the problem, you will need the following means:

  • cosmetic tweezers;
  • small brush;
  • moistened with alcohol;
  • makeup kit.

Before fixing terrible eyebrows, it is worth disinfecting the correction area with alcohol. You can reduce the density and correct the shape with tweezers. To do this, you need to be located near a source of bright lighting and determine the desired shape of the eyebrows. Next, you should comb your eyebrows and proceed to neat hair removal in problem areas.

To correct terrible eyebrows without negative consequences, you should slowly pluck the hairs one by one. Moreover, it is recommended to do this in the course of their growth, performing a capture with tweezers at the very root. This is the only way to make the procedure less painful. If during work there is increased discomfort, you need to wipe the problem area with a piece of ice. Freezing for a short time has a good analgesic effect.

How to stimulate eyebrow growth?

Modern girls quite often resort to all kinds of cosmetic procedures that involve chemical treatment of the eyebrow area or the creation of a tattoo. Such tricks can completely ruin the beauty given by nature itself and slow down the growth of natural eyebrows. A striking example is the terrible eyebrows of celebrities, which for the most part look extremely unnatural.

To correct the situation for the better, it is enough to periodically perform actions aimed at stimulating the growth of eyebrows. One of the best solutions here is the treatment of the problem area with eucalyptus or menthol oils. Burdock oil has a good stimulating effect on hair growth. You should also massage the brow area with your fingers more often.

How to fix bad permanent makeup?

What to do for girls who have become a victim of performing poor quality First of all, you should seek help from a qualified master who will remove the old pigment or interrupt it in a light tone. This solution will get rid of crooked, unnatural eyebrows. Then you can resort to creating a new, high-quality permanent make-up, or wait until natural hairs are restored, using cosmetics during this period.


Terrible eyebrows can be a real frustration for any girl, which discourages any desire to go out. However, as you can see, any problem regarding the formation of an unattractive eyebrow line has its own solutions that should not be neglected.

Ultimately, so that you don't have to get upset every time you look at your own reflection in the mirror, you should resort to using only proven cosmetics and safe procedures when correcting the shape of your eyebrows, and seek help from real specialists.

What's in the article:

Ugly eyebrows does not welcome at all! If they are not ideal for at least 1 of the parameters: length or width, bending, then this is the end! Seriously. No decorative cosmetics, even the most expensive ones, will save your makeup.

What kind of eyebrows are beautiful?

  • natural,
  • be sure to be well-groomed (you need to take time to care for the eyebrows every day, and sometimes 2 times, so that they really are the pride of your face),
  • wide (or not very - everything is individual here!),
  • with a bend, quite obvious, like in Eva Mendes, or delicate, like in Marion Cotillard, or almost straight, like in Jessica Alba (it all depends on natural premises, face shape, eye shape, etc.)

Now let's talk about something else. Ugly eyebrow shape - how is it?

Rarely does anyone naturally have a terrible eyebrow shape. No one has yet been able to come up with something more refined or delicate than Nature itself. We can only emphasize certain advantages. It happens that a girl decides to completely cross out naturalness and naturalness, making a tattoo. Or plucking at your own discretion (sometimes even shaving!), And then drawing with a pencil eyebrows so that the face is not recognizable.

How to make a beautiful eyebrow shape yourself?

Just do not wait here for a universal formula or something like a template that you can print, attach to your eyebrows and pluck out the excess, and add the missing one. No, that will not do!

Each face is unique, which means that the eyebrows should be individual.

The shape of the eyebrows depending on the features of the face

Sometimes an ugly eyebrow shape for one person will become beautiful for another: it all depends on the type of appearance.

If you have square face then the cheekbones are straight and slightly heavy. You should soften the look. To do this, let the eyebrows be arched, but without a clear bend. It is possible that the eyebrows were wide and focused on themselves. The ugly shape of the eyebrows will be sharp, as well as the eyebrows-strings.

Girls with a triangular face type, which has a pointed shape towards the cheekbones and chin, it is necessary for the eyebrows to be slightly raised. And there should be a smooth bend.

If you have the oval of the face is somewhat elongated, usually the chin is distinguished by its massiveness. You need to divert attention from him. In order to do this, the eyebrows must be nearly straight. They will visually soften the effect. But the high arches of the eyebrows will be erroneous. Because of this decision, the face will only become longer visually.

If you have round face, then a pronounced kink will make it more advantageous.

Oval face- this is the most successful form. Almost straight, horizontal brows are perfect. If you bend too much, then you risk getting an inhospitable, harsh look. But if you give it a slight bend, it will look perfect.

How to make a beautiful eyebrow shape at home?

Now the site will give you advice on how to do it right. These are simple recommendations, ignorance of which can lead to absolutely not the effect that almost every woman would like to achieve.

How to make the correct and beautiful eyebrow shape: more important recommendations

  1. Never pluck the upper line of the eyebrows (only if this is not some exceptional case, but here it is better to “measure 10 times - cut 1”).
  2. The eyebrow line should be clear. Then she will emphasize the image.
  3. Closer to the tip, the eyebrow should be narrower than at the base.
  4. Girls who have large eyes with a wide cut will go with wide eyebrows.
  5. The same rule can be applied to the lips. If they are plump, large, then the eyebrows should be wide.
  6. The color of the eyebrows depends on the shade of the hair. But if your curls are light, this does not mean that your eyebrows should be in tune. You can shade them with shadows. Too black eyebrows do not suit not only blondes, but even brunettes. This is extremely unnatural.

Making a beautiful eyebrow shape at home

  1. Pluck exclusively in the direction of hair growth to prevent ingrowth.
  2. In areas closer to the eyelid, the tweezers should be held almost horizontally. This will prevent injury to the delicate skin in the eye area.
  3. The less hairs you pluck, the more natural and beautiful the shape will be. Think carefully about almost every hair. Comb your eyebrows and see if this or that hair is really superfluous, or if it just went wrong.

If you have read all this and are now sitting, biting your nails in panic, glancing at the tweezers or cursing your beautician who "conjured" over your eyebrows with the help of tattooing, then calm down. You get the idea: the ugly shape of the eyebrows. What to do? Stop plucking them constantly if tweezers were the cause. Or think over a correction scheme if the eyebrows have suffered from tattooing.