Candles for aroma lamps. Essential oils for different rooms. We select essential oils-aphrozodiacs for romance

Hello dear readers!

Do you want to plunge into the world of enchanting aromas and plunge into a magical atmosphere? I invite you to join and learn how to make your evening extraordinary and fill the house with even more coziness.

Today you will learn what an essential oil burner is and how to use it. You will also learn many recipes for exquisite mixtures that will help you relax. Enjoy reading!

What is an aroma lamp: history and types

The history of using essential oils goes back a long way. Even in ancient times, people learned about their healing power and were often used to fight diseases, to disinfect premises, and even in embalming rituals.

It was at that time that the first aroma lamps appeared. Use ethers first learned the ancient Egyptians. It was they who learned about their medicinal properties, and also often used oils as an aphrodisiac.

Aroma lamps have become a must-have accessory in any home. We are seeing this trend even now. People often buy lamps as decorative elements and their presence is not surprising to anyone.

Also, their purpose has not changed over the years, they, as before, help to bring harmony and comfort to the home, fill us with positive emotions and good mood.

Operating principle aroma lamps are quite simple. A small candle is usually placed on the lower tier. Water is poured into the top of the lamp and your favorite ether is dripped.

When heated, they emit fragrant vapors that saturate the air, flavor it, disinfect it and have a preventive effect on our body. Also, active components penetrate our bloodstream, remove toxins and toxins.

Using an aroma lamp at least 3 times a week, you can boost your immunity, get rid of migraines, relieve fatigue and stress.

Now there are a huge number of lamps. If earlier, they were exclusively stone or made of ceramics, then the modern market offers us not only the option with a candle, but also electric ones. But we'll talk about this a little later.

For a start, it's worth talking about how to choose the right aroma lamp and not be mistaken. Because now manufacturers often pay more attention to the appearance of the product than to its functionality.

Therefore, the quality of the products suffers and we may come across a fake or simply an inoperative version of the lamp. To make a worthy purchase that will delight and inspire you, we have prepared for you a cheat sheet for choosing an aroma lamp.

Choosing the right aroma lamp:

  1. Pay attention to the material. It is best to choose a ceramic lamp that will not react with oils, deteriorate during operation, and absorb water.
  2. The container for evaporation must be voluminous - at least 50 ml. Otherwise, the liquid will quickly evaporate and the oil will burn.
  3. The water should not boil. Therefore, the distance from the container for evaporation and the heat source should not be less than 10 cm.
  4. A proper quality aroma lamp has a delicate, unobtrusive aroma.

If you enter a room and you hardly feel the aroma in it, you have made the right choice.

If the smell is strong and harsh, this item is subject to exchange. Since the scent of essential oils will be more annoying than pleasurable.

5 ... Don't forget about such a thing as design. The lamp should be in harmony with your interior, you like it - only in this case you will receive aesthetic and psychological satisfaction.

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Now let's figure out what kind of aroma lamps are. This information will greatly facilitate your choice of goods.

  • Ceramic- one of the most popular types. Such lamps are very popular and in demand. Easy to use, stylish design, unusual shape, reasonable price. However, you should carefully approach the purchase of this product and remember that the quality of the material should be at its best.
  • Stone- very often they can be found in various souvenir shops. They are made mainly of "soapstone". They are pleasant to the touch, have unusual shapes and are most often used as a decorative element.
  • Electrical- the modern, safest, most economical option. They are presented in the form of a ceramic ring that is worn over a table lamp bulb. By heating it, ethers are evaporated.

There is also an option for a saucer into which water is poured and oil is dripped. Then it connects to the network and heats up. Both options are attractive in that there is no fire source and they can be used in childcare facilities.

  • Metal, glass, wood, combined- such lamps are purchased in order to decorate their home and bring zest to it. However, this does not mean that they are used only as decorative elements. Such aroma lamps are functional and do not differ from others in their principle of action.

The only thing that distinguishes them from other lamps is the cost and pretentiousness of the forms.

We told you about the main types of lamps on the market. The choice is yours. Always remember to be safe and take all precautions when conducting an aromatherapy session.

Do not forget that essential oils play a huge role. Their quality directly depends on how productive and useful an aromatherapy session will be.

You need to use only proven, natural products so as not to harm your health. We recommend you a great online store Zeitun... Here are a lot of natural products at an affordable price.

How to use an aroma lamp (recipes for mixtures of essential oils)

We have figured out the types of aroma lamps and their advantages. We hope that the information will help you with your choice and you will pamper yourself with aromatherapy sessions very often. After all, this is not so much pleasant as it is useful.

Now let's move on to information on how to properly operate the lamp and take a look at some recipes for great ester mixes.

Terms of use:

  1. Before using the aroma lamp, it is necessary to ventilate the room well. Then light the lamp and close the windows.
  2. Pour some water into the upper bowl and add 2-5 drops of essential oil. The amount of oil depends on the size of the room.
  3. An aromatherapy session can last from 20 minutes to 4 hours. The time must be increased gradually so as not to cause an overdose.
  4. The aroma lamp must be located in accordance with all safety rules, it is necessary to keep it away from children and open flames.
  5. The aroma in the room should be light, unobtrusive, subtle. Otherwise, instead of relaxing, you will get irritation and headache.
  6. After use, the lamp must be rinsed well with water and wiped dry.

Now we present to your attention recipes with essential oils for a pleasant and aromatic session. The dosage is indicated in drops.


Melissa 1 + lavender 2 + tangerine 1.
Vanilla 2 + spruce 1 + mint 1.

For insomnia:

Chamomile 2 + lemon balm 1 + cedar 1.
Thyme 1 + pine 1 + spruce 2.

For cheerfulness:

Rosemary 2 + lemon 1 + bergamot 2.
Cloves 1 + grapefruit 1 + mint 1.


Geranium 2 + rose 1 + sandalwood 1.
Tea tree 1 + lavender 3.

Sensual scents:

Ylang-ylang 2 + rose 1 + sandalwood 1.
Patchouli 2 + cedar 1 + nutmeg 2.

To disinfect the premises:

Tea tree 3 + eucalyptus 2.
Thyme 2 + cedar 1 + pine 1.

In our today's article, we got acquainted with various types of aroma lamps, learned their purpose, as well as how to choose a good quality product and not be mistaken.

A good lamp is the key to pleasant, calm aromatherapy.

Relax with pleasure and remember that you are beautiful.

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All the best to you.

Ilona was with you

An aroma lamp is a device consisting of a heated container that evaporates water, an arch and a body, where a heating candle is installed. As a rule, the aroma-burner is made of ceramics. The use of an aroma lamp is by far the most affordable and popular way of aromatherapy. Moreover, its functions are not limited only to the aromatization of the room. The device is also used in the treatment of various ailments: to improve the psycho-emotional state and for prophylactic purposes during an epidemic of viral infections.

  • with candles (the heating process takes place due to a candle placed in the lower part of the lamp);
  • electric (heated by electricity).

The principle of operation of the aroma vaporizer

Those who want to conduct an aromatherapy session, but do not know how to use the aroma lamp correctly, should understand in advance the principle of its action. So, the device with candles functions according to the following principle:

  • water is poured into a bowl;
  • a certain amount of drops of aromatic oil or a mixture of essential oils is added to the liquid;
  • a lighted candle heats up the water so that the essential substances evaporate.

Aroma lamps powered by electricity are heated gradually by means of a special thermoblock. Slow heating allows you to saturate the room with the aroma of essential extracts.

But, in addition, how the aroma lamp works, you need to know the safety rules, the observance of which is mandatory during its operation: the aroma lamp cannot be installed on a plastic surface or on other flammable materials. It should also be placed as far as possible from the area where small children can reach.

Rules for using the aroma lamp

The correct operation of the device is as follows: a little warm water (2-6 tablespoons) should be poured into the container where the essential oil will evaporate. Then you need to drip the aroma mixture there with the calculation of 6 drops of oil per 15 m2 of the room. It is better to start with minimum doses (2 drops), and then gradually increase them (up to 15 drops).

When using the extract, you must not drip more of the extract than is written in the instructions, as this can cause depression, feeling unwell, choking and other allergic reactions.

The duration of the procedure should take no more than two hours, at intervals of 1-2 times a day. And for novice fans of aromatherapy, 20-25 minutes will be enough. Before starting the "aromatic treatment" it is necessary to ventilate the room. Correct use of an aroma lamp implies the absence of drafts, that is, all windows and doors in the room must be closed.

When the liquid evaporates, periodically add new water. In this case, a working device should never be left unattended. After using the aromatherapy agent, if you plan to use other flavors, you need to wash it with soapy water, and then rinse it in a vinegar solution.

The choice of oils for the aroma procedure should be guided by personal preferences and the effect to be achieved. Today there are basic formulations of oil products that have one or another effect:

  • tangerine and, mixed in equal proportions - an excellent aromatherapy for a child's room;
  • lavender, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, chamomile - promote good healthy sleep and relax;
  • lemongrass, bergamot, black pepper, mint - have an invigorating effect and set you in a positive mood;
  • rosemary and (1: 2) - suitable for office premises, as they improve concentration and activate mental abilities;
  • lemongrass, orange, lemon - a great combination for the living room;
  • rosemary, lemon, mint - eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • tangerine, eucalyptus, tea tree, sage, thyme, sandalwood - these essential oils are an excellent prevention of colds;
  • lemongrass, limet, ginger - useful for severe mental, physical stress and prolonged work at the computer;
  • marjoram, rose, geranium, sandalwood - have a calming effect;
  • rose, ylang-ylang, lavender, patchouli - create a romantic mood;
  • lavender, neroli, chamomile - relieve headaches.

It is not enough to understand the principle of the aroma burner, you need to know how to use the aroma lamp correctly so that it does not harm your emotional and physical health.

  1. For some people, inhaling a particular scent can be dangerous. Therefore, before using any essential oil, it is necessary to check if there is any allergy to it.
  2. It is advisable to add only warm water to the aroma oil container.
  3. For an aroma-burner, you should choose odorless candles, since scented candles during the combustion process emit a specific aroma, which, in turn, will mix with the smell of essential extracts. For safety reasons, use only metal-sheathed alcohol-paraffin candles.
  4. The temperature regime must always be monitored: the liquid must keep the correct temperature - up to 60 degrees. If the indicators are low, then the active substances will not be released, and if they are high, then they will evaporate too intensively.
  5. In the process of purchasing an aroma lamp, one should take into account not only its functionality, but also its aesthetic parameters. Indeed, in addition to its healing properties, the lamp can also become a stylish addition to the interior.

For a long time, people have used ethereal lamps or aroma vaporizers to create a cozy and mysterious atmosphere in the house.

Today, lamps for aromatic oils have found their use both at home and in workers, they are brought to offices in order to increase tone, have a relaxing effect and lift the mood.

In order to have a pleasant experience using this device, you need to know how to choose it, which ethers are suitable for it.

Before talking about the purposes for which this device is used, it is necessary to answer the question: “aroma lamp - what is it”?

An aroma lamp is a device that is designed to aromatize indoor spaces. It is most commonly used in aromatherapy to vaporize esters. In addition to the main purpose, it can serve as an element of decor for an apartment or house, any other room.

The main benefit of using lamps for aromatherapy is that they have a beneficial effect on the body, relieving a person from fatigue, headaches, allowing you to relax and get rid of insomnia.

Types of aroma lamps and their principle of action

Scent lamps come in several varieties:

  • Electrical;
  • Classic;
  • Ultrasonic (diffusers).


This type of lamp is powered by electricity... It is very simple to use them, it is necessary to pour a certain amount of water and essential oil into the tank, then connect it to the outlet. Such devices can be made of porcelain, plastic, ceramics, metal. They are safe and economical to use.


Aroma lamps of this type work on fire, that is, candles... The classic lamp consists of a water and oil reservoir, a frame and a candle holder. It can be made of glass, ceramics, metal. The device operates in such a way that a candle for aroma lamps (small in size, in a "sleeve") heats the water, evaporating it and ethers, carrying the smallest particles of oils around the room.


The diffusers work with ultrasound and do not need to be filled with water.

These devices are good because the consumption of essential oil for them is minimal, but the effect of aromatherapy remains the same. Aroma lamps of this type look modern and stylish, take up little space.

Important! You need to pour water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees into the container of the aromatic lamp, but not boiling water.


To get a positive result from using the device, you must follow some rules:

Important! It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions in the use of essential oils. The aromatic composition should not include more than 5-6 drops of ether, otherwise the aroma may turn out to be too saturated and contribute to the appearance of a headache or an allergic reaction.

Video lesson: how to use an aroma lamp.

Benefits of different types of aroma lamps

The classic aroma oil lamp, powered by natural heating, is perfect for those people who are faithful to tradition. In addition, they can be purchased at an inexpensive price, they are able to work when there is no electricity. Their disadvantage is that they are fire hazardous.

Electric lamps for essential oils are safe, the smells of burning candles are not mixed during the evaporation of ethers. They are very economical. The mixture of water and oil in these devices is heated using a conventional incandescent lamp.

Aroma diffusers work with the help of ultrasound, the oil in them is not diluted with water, which means that it fully reveals all its healing properties, does not burn to the walls of the device, and it remains clean, the therapeutic effect with this device is achieved faster. The lamp is absolutely safe and suitable for use in a children's room.

Aroma lamp as a method of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy as a method of disinfecting the air and filling it with healing aromas has been known to people since ancient times. Today aromatherapy is used for the following purposes:

  • Positive impact on the psychoemotional and physical state of the body;
  • Purification, aromatization and disinfection of indoor air;
  • Improvement of the human body as a whole.

Most often, to achieve these goals, aroma lamps or aroma vaporizers are used, since they are practical and easy to use.

Essential oils for aroma lamp

The essential oil for the lamp should be selected based on what exactly you want to achieve.

Each oil has a completely different effect on the human body. The following are the most commonly used oils for the lamp:

  • Lavender, lemon balm, tangerine, marjoram. In order to relax and relieve nervous tension, fatigue;
  • Pink, patchouli, ylang-ylang, cedar. To create a romantic atmosphere in the house;
  • Rosemary, neroli or chamomile. These oils perfectly relieve headaches and migraines;
  • Lemon, mint, bergamot. These ethers are able to tone the body, invigorate;
  • Eucalyptus, tea and benzoin trees, thyme. They are used to cleanse the air in the house from viruses, harmful microorganisms and bacteria.

Also, aromatic oils can eliminate the unpleasant odor in the room; for this, esters of rosemary, lemon, mint, citronella are well suited.

The main properties of essential oils for an aroma lamp

Most oils have antimicrobial and antiviral properties... They can also:

  • Relieve stress;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Improve sleep;
  • Improve performance;
  • Tidy up the nervous system;
  • Purify the air;
  • Strengthen immunity.

Indoor oils

On contact with water, essential oils reveal their healing properties. Each oil affects a person in a different way, therefore, in order for aromatherapy to be successful, it is necessary to study a special table in which it is noted what property the ether has.

Also, when using aroma oils indoors, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some esters cannot be inhaled by children under a certain age. For example, peppermint oil is contraindicated for aromatherapy for children under one year old, eucalyptus under two years old, esters of tea tree, geranium, pine, ginger, cedar, rosemary under three years old, sandalwood and cloves under fourteen years old.

Duration of procedures

At the initial stage of using aromatic lamps for essential oils, the session should not exceed 20 minutes, for especially sensitive people even 15 is enough.

Further, after the body gets used to it, you can increase the duration of the procedures to one hour, but as practice shows, this is not necessary, since twenty minutes is enough to saturate with the beneficial properties of oils.

How to make an aroma lamp with your own hands

The simplest homemade lamp option is as follows:

  1. Take one grapefruit or orange and cut off the top.
  2. Further, part of the pulp is removed from the fruit, and a small candle is immersed inside it, which must be lit. The aroma lamp is ready.

You can also make an aroma lamp at home in another way:

  1. Take a beautiful jar, put oranges or lemons cut into circles, pour clean water, close the lid tightly.
  2. Next, the jar is placed in the refrigerator and infused for two weeks.
  3. After the expiration of two weeks, you can take out the jar, open it, put a floating candle in it and light it, the lamp is ready.

Precautionary measures

Having learned the answers to the questions "what is an aroma lamp?" and "how does the aroma lamp work?"

It is worth considering the need to observe safety precautions when using this device. The main precautions are as follows:

  • The scent lamp should not be left plugged in for a long time and must be turned off when leaving the house;
  • Do not forget to add water to the lamp container;
  • When using essential oils, do not forget about their correct dosage;
  • The device must be placed on a safe surface and away from flammable objects;
  • Keep the device away from small children.

A device such as an aroma lamp will allow you to create a cozy atmosphere in your home filled with a pleasant aroma, find peace and tranquility, improve sleep, relieve stress, and prevent viral infections. Also, an aroma lamp made in a modern or original design will serve as an excellent detail of your home interior.

Aromatherapy is gaining more and more popularity every day. It is not only used as a fashionable procedure, but also has a lot of positive and beneficial properties for the human body. In this article we will try to understand the useful properties of this therapy, as well as the rules for using aroma lamps.

The aroma lamp is a reliable assistant in your home. She, with the help of various essential oils, is able not only to restore the psychological state of a person, to strengthen sleep, but to rid your apartment of various viruses, thereby reducing the number of infectious diseases.

Types of aroma lamps

Before understanding the rules for using an aroma lamp, let's look at their diversity together. In essence, an aroma lamp is a ceramic vessel. In most cases, essential oils evaporate by heating them with candles or heating elements. But modern technologies do not stand still. Currently, you can already find electric aroma lamps, and those that can be powered from USB connectors. You just have to choose the option that is most convenient for you.

Basic principles of using aroma lamps

In order for the lamp to bring you only positive emotions, you need to know and always remember the basic principles of using these devices. Below we will consider them in more detail.

  • It is advisable to use the lamp in a well-ventilated area. This is necessary in order for the aroma lamp to fill the clean air in your room with its aroma.
  • Do not overuse the proportions of oils. The optimal solution is just 2-5 drops of the required essential oil, dissolved in two tablespoons of water.
  • The first step is to fill the bowl with the prepared solution or oils. And only after that, light a candle (or just connect it to the mains).
  • You should always monitor the evaporated liquid in the aroma lamp. If necessary, it must be added.
  • To prevent oils from burning in the lamp, you need to place the candle at the correct distance from the liquid to be heated. As a rule, it is about 10 cm.
  • If the lamp is not electric, then it is also necessary to observe the fire on the candle. There are different situations (draft, plastic objects nearby, etc.), so you should always be extremely careful.
  • The time of a single use of an aroma lamp usually does not exceed 20 minutes. This time is quite enough for your room to be filled with a wonderful and healthy aroma.
  • If the oils in the lamp will be used with different aromas in different order, then when changing them, it is imperative to rinse the bowl of the aroma lamp. This is best done with a soapy water solution. To remove the smell completely, you can also rub the bowl with vinegar.

The choice of oil for an aroma lamp, depending on the room

You can place an aroma lamp in any part of your apartment, but you need to be careful and careful when choosing an oil. Some oils are suitable for bedrooms, others for outdoor activities. Let's figure this out.

  • Living room. Best for this room are the scent of lavender, lemon balm, exciting lemongrass and, of course, colorful petitgrain.
  • Children's room. The scent of tangerine and cinnamon is always great for babies. These scents create coziness and a festive mood in the room.
  • Office or workplace. For this type of room, it is good to use the scent of refreshing lemon and delicate rosemary.
  • Bedroom. But in this room it is best to breathe the aromas of lavender, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, and neroli.

All of these oils can be used one at a time. Or you can do it all together, creating an enchanting bouquet of smells. You can also make different proportions to your liking, thereby playing with your favorite notes and aromas.

Use aroma lamps in your apartments. They will not only have a beneficial effect on your emotional state, but also take care of your health. Most importantly, remember the safety of using such devices and be healthy!

Not all owners of this useful and even a little magical device know how to use an aroma lamp correctly.

This leads to the fact that people cannot appreciate all its magical power.

The device and principle of operation of the aroma lamp

It is believed that this amazing object appeared 3000 years ago. Even then, essential oils and plant extracts with a pleasant aroma were added to the container with the liquid, and the candle placed under the vessel, due to the heat, contributed to the rapid spread of essential vapors in the air.

Types of non-electric aroma lamps.

Since then, the principle of the aroma lamp has not changed (with some exceptions related to the development of science, we will talk about them a little later).

Only now the device has become much more convenient to use due to its ergonomic design.

What is the aroma lamp used in the modern world? The upper part of the device is a special bowl into which water is poured and essential oils are added.

The lower one is the arch (or body), where the heat source is located, thanks to which the liquid evaporates, saturating the air with pleasant aromas.

Modern aroma lamps: what are they?

Various modifications of aroma lamps are available to modern man, each of which has certain advantages.

Types of electric aroma lamps.

Choosing the right option, you should focus on your own goals and preferences:

  1. Classic aroma lamp.
    In such a device, a candle is used as a heat source, which is located under a bowl of water. The product can be made of ceramics, glass, stone, metal, or a combination of these materials. Classic aroma lamps are very beautiful, they create an atmosphere of coziness and magic, and the romantic candle fire relaxes and soothes. And they are quite inexpensive.
  2. Electric aroma lamps.
    These devices are heated by electricity, which provides their main advantage - fire safety. Such devices, as a rule, are also equipped with a bowl into which water is poured. But progress does not stand still, recently there have been devices that do not require liquid. Essential oils in such lamps are evaporated using ultrasound.

Why do people continue to look for ways to improve these devices, why did they not sink into oblivion, as something outdated and unnecessary?

Benefits of using aroma lamps

A lot of time has passed since the aroma lamp was invented, and during this long period mankind has been able to appreciate all the advantages of a simple device.

Now no one doubts that essential oils are able to have a certain effect on the body. To tame scents and use them for the benefit of the body and soul is the main task of aroma lamps.

Happy owners of amazing devices receive many "bonuses" when using them:

  1. Room aromatization.
    Essential oils that exude wonderful smells can eliminate odors that are not particularly pleasant to the nose, for example, emanating from pets and their waste products.
  2. Improvement of the body.
    Inhalation of essential vapors is very useful in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of all organs and systems.
  3. Harmonization of the emotional state.
    Depending on the essential oil chosen, the aroma lamp can be used to relax and calm down, improve mood, increase energy and performance, create a romantic atmosphere, develop self-confidence, etc.

However, to get all these results, you need to know how to use the aroma lamp correctly.

Even those who have been using a wonderful device for a long time do not always know all the subtleties of its operation. At the same time, it is necessary to know this in order to get the maximum benefit from the process. So, we have purchased a device with a beautiful name "aroma lamp", how to use it correctly?


  1. Before lighting or turning on the aroma lamp, it is very important to ventilate the room, and during its operation, the windows must, on the contrary, be closed.
  2. Do not drip a lot of oil into the lamp, as this can adversely affect your well-being and mood. The optimal concentration is 3-5 drops for 2-3 tbsp. l. water.
  3. It is important to take your aroma oil very seriously. You need to carefully familiarize yourself with the action of this or that essential oil. In addition, we must not forget about our own feelings and the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment: if you don’t like the smell, there will be no sense from aromatherapy, on the contrary, headaches may occur, your mood may worsen.
  4. Before using fragrances for medicinal purposes, as well as in rooms where children are staying, you should consult a doctor.
  5. If this is the first time you are using the essential oil in an aroma lamp, you should first leave the appliance on for about 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to check the reaction of your body. The time can be gradually increased up to 1 hour.
  6. You should light a candle or turn on the device to the network only after the essential oils have been added to the bowl of water.
  7. The distance between the heat source and water with oils should not be less than 10-12 cm.
  8. During the lamp operation, it is necessary to ensure that there is always liquid in the bowl. Usually it is required to top up 1 tbsp. l. water every 15-20 minutes.
  9. If a candle lamp is used, it is important not to leave the room while it is lit to prevent a fire. For the same purposes, it is not necessary to put the device on plastic and paper surfaces and leave children unattended when the lamp is on.
  10. After use, you need to rinse the lamp bowl in a soapy or vinegar solution to remove residual essential oils.