Tiger eye: properties and compatibility with the signs of the zodiac. Tiger's eye - iridescent quartz

The tiger's eye is found in many places around the world, including Australia, the United States, Eastern Siberia, and Ukraine. Most often, the tiger's eye is a yellow-brown, brown-black and black-yellow combination of shades.

It is one of the varieties of quartz. This stone is highly saturated with fibrous material. It is thanks to him that the stone we are considering has a special ebb in the form of waves. This effect is best seen with cabochon stones. Another characteristic feature of the tiger's eye, a golden brownish tint, is provided by the presence of iron hydroxide in the stone.

How the tiger's eye differs from the falcon's and the bull's

The tiger's eye has two "relatives" - the falcon's and the bull's eye. Even though they look alike, they are not the same thing. The difference between the hawk eye and the tiger eye, which can be seen with the naked eye, is its color. Hawkeye is very cloudy, dark gray in color. There are also options for light green and light green colors.

The bull's eye was formed as a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Because of this, there are absolutely no stripes on it: the fact is that limonite, which is part of the bovine's eye, under the influence of high air temperature (regardless of its source - natural or artificial) is transformed into hematite. This chemical reaction also leads to the appearance of a brownish brown tint on the surface of the stone, from which, in fact, it got its name.

Healing properties of the stone

Representatives of traditional medicine consider the tiger's eye one of the most effective stones in restoring human health after major surgeries. Also, in some states, the practice of wearing jewelry made of this stone for preventive purposes is widespread. The main medicinal properties of the tiger's eye, which can now be bought without much difficulty, is the normalization of blood pressure and sleep patterns.

In addition, traditional medicine recommends wearing a tiger's eye for diseases of the female genital organs and organs of vision, as well as disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. To achieve the desired result, according to lithotherapists, it is possible only with regular wearing of a tiger's eye.

Wearing a tiger's eye and jewelry with it is no less effective for such an ailment as psoriasis. Popular connoisseurs are advised to regularly apply a stone to the area of \u200b\u200bthe body affected by the disease, and then after a few days it will retreat without a trace.

The magical properties of the Tiger's eye

The tiger's eye is also known for its magical properties. In most cases, this stone was used as a talisman against damage and the evil eye. According to modern magicians, the tiger's eye instills in a person a sound mind, thanks to which he does not commit any more rash actions.

For people who dream of reaching career heights, regularly wearing jewelry with a tiger's eye will give strength, patience and help to get around all competitors. However, one important point should be said here. To be successful at work, you need to put in a sufficient amount of effort. If the tiger's eye is used by a person weighed down by constant laziness, then this not only will not bring him anything good, but will aggravate the situation.

Also, among the magical properties of the tiger's eye, one can note its ability to cleanse the human body after large feasts, eliminate unreasonable torments of jealousy and get rid of frivolous actions, for example, the constant spending of large sums of money on absolutely unnecessary things.

First of all, these are Virgos. Regularly wearing the stone we are considering gives people born under this Sign additional energy and a touch of self-confidence. Secondly, jewelry with a tiger's eye is especially suitable for Gemini - they will help awaken hidden talents in such people.

The tiger's eye is no less similar to representatives of such signs of the zodiac as Leo, Capricorn and Cancer. For such people, this stone helps to enhance good character traits.

Horoscopes of stones and minerals
Quartz eyes: falcon, bovine, cat and tiger eyes

These stones are powerful charms. Their "glaze" is associated with the presence of thin fibrous minerals (inclusions) or thin hollow tubules in quartz on the parallel surfaces of the stone, as a result of which, when the stone is turned, a narrow movable strip (glare) runs over it.

It is believed that hawkeye (dark blue) helps Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn very well, that is, people of the zodiac signs of the cardinal cross or those who have the main fundamental planets in this cross.

Cat's quartz eye (a grayish color, the rarest and most expensive) is shown to such signs of the zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, that is, people with a pronounced fixed cross of the signs of the Zodiac. Moving cross people are very good tiger's Eye (yellow and brown shades): Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Bulls-eye (brown and red-brown color) has the most penetrating character, it is not recommended to wear it for a long time.

You need to know who you are according to the Sun in the horoscope, or according to the planetary core, whether you can wear this particular stone. It must be said that for people of the movable cross their energies prevent the wearing of the hawk's eye, the tiger's eye rejects the hawk's, the cat's eye rejects the tiger's, and so on. Eye quartz is associated not specifically with some sign of the Zodiac and a planet in the sky, but with the three Gunas, with the corresponding three Zodiac crosses.

The main planets of the crosses: cardinal - Mars, motionless - Venus, mobile - Mercury. All eye quartz stones are very capricious, they feel only the owner, only the person who is able to cope with himself. It is better not to wear eye-glass quartz for people who are bifurcated, unable to control themselves. It takes a long time to get used to quartz, they are made of stones that give in to work: they need to be worn for several years. before they begin to act. It is believed that the ring in which there is such a "talisman" (and it should be worn only in a ring, sometimes in a bracelet), before the imminent danger begins to "press", squeeze the finger, interfere. If a person pays attention to this and puts a ring under the pillow on the 18th lunar day, then he will receive a revelation in a dream what danger awaits him. Usually, the warning comes long ago, amulets are warned several months before the event occurs.

Hawkeye is associated with Sattva and therefore with the cardinal cross and with the first zone of the zodiac - the zone of accumulation. The task of this stone is to cleanse a person as much as possible. It contributes to the cardinal purification of a person and the development of counteraction to astral attacks. Sattva is the Guna of joy, a balanced, harmonious state associated with goodness, happiness, the beneficial principle of purity.

The cat's eye is associated with Tamas. Tamas is a bone, inert, dark state associated with inertia, apathy, leading to ignorance. The task of the cat's eye is to stabilize a person as much as possible. It is associated with the Conservation Zone and with a fixed cross. This is the protector, he protects the person. In many cases, the stone acts on both his property and the family, preventing the penetration of alien influences into it. This stone helps to strengthen family ties.

The Tiger's Eye is associated with Rajas - the Transformation Zone. Rajas is a mobile, passionate, active state associated with excitement, pleasure, anxiety. It is the tiger's eye that is the real stone of magicians, which protects them from alien influences and gives them strength. It is also used in alchemy, promotes metamorphosis. Until now, no one understands the real magical power of eye quartz. They are connected with a whole era by some mysterious threads. For example, the tiger's eye was a talisman in the bygone era of Pisces.

You need to set amulets only in silver, since silver is a good conductor. Gold is bad for them, as it is too giving away a metal and interferes with the manifestation of amulets. It is recommended to buy these stones on the 25th lunar day after the New Moon, and wear them for the first time on the 11th lunar day. The true names of eye quartz in the ancient tradition are as follows: Sattva - the eye of the Eagle (the esoteric element of Air); Tamas - the eye of the Fish or the eye of the frog (esoteric element of Water): Rajas - the eye of the Tiger (esoteric element of the Earth). Three beasts: the beast in the air, the beast in the water, the beast on the ground. There is also a fourth eye - the salamander's eye, which is used to a limited extent in alchemy. This stone is associated with the element of Fire.

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Scientific articles and materials scientific author K.305 (Ukraine, Kharkov) can be officially ordered at the address: st. Cooperative, 13, Kharkiv, UA-61003, Ukraine (act.code Room 305 2009-2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine, passport citizens of Ukraine MM670618, was born on September 18, 1970 and permanently lives in the city of Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1994 she graduated from the MMF KhNU im. V.N. Karazin, diploma KZ N 002101, Department of Mathematical Physics, Applied Department of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of KhNU from 1989 to 1994, Ukraine, Kharkov, certificate P N 586275 about the end of secondary school N 9, Kharkov 1987 - in devich. Kanunikova Yu.V. until 22.11.2000, Dzerzhinsky district of Kharkov). I love classic hard rock and heavy metal ().

In 2009-2019 from the Kharkiv Ukrainian scientific author Room 305 the following editions came out:
UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305 part 1 "Bessel functions and cylindrical functions in elementary presentation with computation programs", 2009, Kharkov
UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305 "Special functions of mathematical physics", part 3 "Modeling of anomalous and extraordinary natural and technogenic processes", 2009, Kharkov
"Everything about stones and minerals. Magic and healing properties of stones", 2009, Kharkov
Appendix 1 to UDC 549: 291.33 BBK 86.41: 26.31 K.305 "Contact and non-contact lithotherapy", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author's video of 2010 for a computer)
Appendix 2 to UDC 549: 291.33 BBK 86.41: 26.31 K.305 "Magnetotherapy and treatment with magnets", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author's video of 2010 for a computer)
ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305, 1994-1999, Kharkov. The edition of the author K.305, "Recurrent relations for solutions of differential equations of the second order", restored in 2010 by the author of K.305 (copyright protection of the thesis MMF 1994 by the author Room 305, officially carried out personally by the author in 2010 - the seizure of the unauthorized third party illegitimate "left" LBC code, illegally introduced in 1999)
Other scientific and popularizing materials of the Kharkov scientific author Room 305 (Ukraine) for the period 2009-2019, etc. can be ordered in Kharkiv Universal Scientific Library at the address: st. Cooperative, 13, Kharkiv, UA-61003, Ukraine. The author constantly lives and works in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine).

Yu.V. Kaftanova
К.305 All about stones and minerals. Magic and healing properties of stones. Popular science edition. - Kh .: PE Publishing House "Novoe Slovo", 2009. - 264 p. ISBN 978-966-2046-92-2
Registration of the author K.305 in the information system ORCID 0000-0003-4306-1738
Designed not only for mineralogists, but also for a wide range of trained readers.
2008-2019. Julia Kaftanova, P.O. Box 10911, Kharkiv, UA-61003, Ukraine, mob. Tel. +38 050 0463643

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It has, depending on the impurities, a different color (green, gray-blue, golden-yellow or reddish) with a straight strip of silver-gray color, optically dividing the stone in half.

One of the varieties of chrysoberyl is often called a cat's eye - quartz cat eye or, as such stones are also called, eye stones.

The most famous are tiger, falcon and bull's eye, although there are many eye quartz crystals, more than ten (Lion, Wolf, Hawk, Owl, Fisheye ...).

All ocellous quartz have an opalescent effect and resemble the iris of an animal's eye. They say that quartz is the eyes of Space. With their help, the Universe collects information about people and everything that happens on Earth and transfers this knowledge to us if we want to use it.

They are also called human animal eyes. They not only protect us from troubles, but also give us additional "animal energy", which corresponds to the energy of the animal after which the stone is named.

All eye quartz crystals are ideal or near-ideal amulets. By increasing the owner's intuitive sense of danger, these stones can prevent disaster that looms for the owner or his property, home and family.

These minerals have a purifying effect on a person, they maximally free the owner from negative aura influences, counteract astral attacks on the wearer's subtle body. The stone draws the owner's attention to things and signs that a person did not notice before. He protects a person's household property, his happiness and good fortune.

At the level of the physical body, all eye quartz acts on the immune system. They manifest their effect in different ways, but ultimately their influence leads to an increase in the body's resistance to diseases and damaging external factors.

According to their appearance and the energy they display, eyeglass quartz is divided into several main groups.

Stone with overflow of gray-green or golden-green color.

The energy of the stone enhances the vitality of the human body, allows you to quickly recuperate after work, during illness and nervous stress.

The cat's eye is indicated for wearing by Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus.

A stone with a characteristic golden brown pattern.

The stone is very practical, it helps to improve the financial and material well-being of the owner. It can be used to treat diseases of the eyes and digestive organs.

The tiger's eye is indicated for wearing by Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo.

Stone of gray and blue colors (from silver-gray to bluish-black) with tints.

In everyday life, the hawk eye helps a person concentrate energy in one direction to achieve what he wants. It helps a lot in business, protecting a person from failures in the professional field.

The stone is preferable to wear to the signs of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra.

- a stone of brown and deep crimson shades, reminiscent of the bloodshot eye of a bull. The bull's eye is also called the eye of the Salamander.

It is a very powerful stone, often used in magic. He teaches to overcome space and time, protects the magician during the session from harm. But an ordinary person may not be able to cope with it. A person not connected with the world of magicians is not recommended to wear this stone for more than 3-4 days a month.

A bull's eye - an extraordinary and beautiful stone - can be used by all signs of the zodiac, but very carefully, only in those periods when you do not have enough breakthrough power and energy for some business.

It is better to wear eye quartz in the form of a ring or bracelet, because it is the hands that receive the primary energy information about our communication.

The energy of eye quartz combines the power of all four elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth in equal parts.

Cat's eye stone photo.

Among all the gems, this tiger's eye has perhaps the most unusual appearance. In color and pattern, it really resembles a tiger's eye or even its skin, which is why it is sometimes called a tiger. The stone has unique magical properties for the signs of the zodiac, besides, it also has healing qualities.

The first thing that catches your eye is how the stone looks. The tiger's eye has an attractive glossy surface and a unique pattern - several stripes of golden yellow or golden brown tones. Sometimes the color is closer to the color of cocoa, and also light gray, steel shades can appear in it.

The gem belongs to decorative and ornamental. Interestingly, it is the product of the weathering of another mineral - the hawk's eye. The essence of the processes is that, as a result of prolonged exposure to air, the veins of this mineral are gradually replaced by chalcedony or translucent quartz. Therefore, a kind of mixture of shades is obtained.

Each stone pattern is unique. Some gems resemble cat's eyes in shape and shades: a thin strip with pointed ends occupies the central place, and contrasting stripes of darker colors diverge from it with relative symmetry.

Due to this mixture of different rocks, this stone is sometimes also called tiger-falcon. In the language of symbols, this combination has a special meaning: a combination of tiger cunning and falcon's vigilance.

In general, the pattern of a mineral often determines its name. For example:

  • if there are red blotches on the surface, it is called a bull's eye;
  • cat's eye are minerals with dark patterns;
  • a pebble with inclusions of blue, less often green, is called a falcon;
  • and if stripes of contrasting colors simply alternate one after another, then the mineral is called a zebra stone.

The beauty of the tiger's eye gem (video)

Features of mining and processing

This gem is formed in granite rocks along with quartz and other minerals. In natural deposits, it is found together with the falcon's eye.

Deposits can be found on almost all continents:

  • Ukraine (Krivoy Rog);
  • Russia (Eastern Siberia); there are also Bashkir deposits;
  • Myanmar;
  • Australia (western regions);
  • India;
  • Middle Asia;
  • california (USA);

Minerals of various shapes are mined - in the form of small nuggets of round, oval, drop-like and other shapes. Interestingly, the stone initially has a very smooth, polished surface.

It is usually processed in two ways:

  1. Concave lowering.
  2. Processing with a double cabochon - that is, the combination of two gems to create volumetric parts (beads, rosary, rings for rings, etc.).

Further processing of the crystal is performed as required. For example, pyramids or hexagonal amulets are often made from this gem.

Mineral properties

This mineral has a fairly simple chemical composition - mainly two components predominate. However, the mystical properties of the gem and, in general, its ability to influence the psychological mood have been known for more than one century.


The chemical base of the mineral is silicon dioxide SiO 2, which also forms sand, quartz and many other well-known rocks. The main impurity is iron oxide Fe 2 O 3. In this case, the characteristic color of the gem is due to the inclusions of various iron hydroxides of the general formula FeOOH.

The physical properties of this breed are as follows:

  1. Shine - glossy, silky.
  2. The structure of the crystal lattice is trigonal, that is, the molecular structure is based on three vectors that intersect at the same (but not perpendicular) angles.
  3. The body of the crystal is not transparent.
  4. Hardness (Mohs scale) - about 7 (diamond has a maximum score of 10).
  5. The density is about 2.4-2.6 g / cm 3.
  6. The refractive index is approximately the same as that of ordinary window glass (1.55-1.56).


A lot is known about the magical properties of the tiger's eye, but of course, any such information is a matter of faith, and not the result of scientific research.

It is believed that the gem has the following abilities:

  1. It stabilizes mood and relieves women of excessive jealousy and suspicion.
  2. Helps to protect yourself from envy, insidious plans, hostile looks.
  3. For business people, it is useful because it protects against unfair competition.
  4. And for representatives of creative professions, such a charm gives an influx of new ideas and literally helps to tune in to the optimal wave in order to create new masterpieces.
  5. The gem develops self-awareness, strengthens his faith in himself, gives determination in difficult life situations.

In fact, the name of the stone is closely related to the influence it has on a person. We can say that he develops, first of all, the best qualities of a predator (hunter) - endurance, patience, the ability to wait for the right moment and easily rush into battle in order to achieve the most important goals.

There is one interesting belief: it is believed that the stone receives an additional recharge of energy if it is placed on a windowsill overnight on a full moon. Such a gem works much better and feeds its owner with new strength.

Decorations from this stone were at one time very common among ancient Roman warriors. They used them as a talisman and believed that the gem protects from injury, preserves life and gives courage. On the surface of the mineral, special symbolic drawings were often carved, which created additional protection for the owner of such a talisman.

Healing and beneficial

The healing properties of the stone have also been known for several centuries. It has been used and is used in alternative medicine as a general tonic, which improves well-being and helps especially well during the recovery period after an illness.

Such useful qualities of the mineral are also known:

  • improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves stress through natural relaxation;
  • helps to cope with insomnia and related sleep disorders;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps to heal dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • normalizes appetite and prevents overeating;
  • provides pressure stabilization;
  • removes from depressive conditions;
  • acts as a natural pain reliever for gout and arthritis.

Thus, one quality of a gem is closely related to another. Whatever properties it possesses, it is also important to understand who the mineral is suitable for according to the horoscope. This is discussed in detail in the next section.

Read also:

Gallery: tiger's eye stone (54 photos)

Tiger's eye and zodiac signs

Of particular interest is the combination of a stone with a specific zodiac sign. Each person's horoscope is unique. However, there are some common features that determine the characteristics of character and behavior in different situations.

As for compatibility with specific characters, the picture looks like this:

  1. The gem is especially suitable for representatives of the fire element - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire signs often have to make important decisions that will affect not only them, but also those around them. Even if they do not occupy leadership positions, these people have inherent leadership qualities. The gem helps to harmonize mood and make the right decisions. In addition, it will help to cope with emotional outbursts.
  2. The mineral will optimally affect Gemini too. These creative people are characterized by mood swings, laziness and even apathy are often attacked. To stabilize your mood and try to properly organize your life, you can pay attention to this gem.
  3. The mineral has a similar effect on the hardworking Virgo. They work very hard, but sometimes they do not pay enough attention to the psychological aspect of their life. In this sense, the gem will help harmonize energy and create an influx of additional forces.
  4. The stone protects the active Scorpions, who often have quite a lot of ill-wishers, because the success of these people is openly envied by those around them. He protects Scorpio from negative energy.
  5. For Capricorns, the mineral can become a real talisman, since he patronizes their work in every possible way, to which the representatives of the sign pay great attention.
  6. An often wobbling Libra can find a pleasant pattern.: Using the gem as a decoration will make you feel more confident. In addition, the stone patronizes the creative principle, which manifests itself quite clearly in all representatives of this zodiac sign.
  7. For Aquarius, the mineral serves as a kind of source of good mood. He gives warmth and positive emotions. You can wear it in the form of various jewelry - rings, bracelets, or you can use it as a keychain.

There is a definite relationship between the talisman stone and the person's name. It is believed that the tiger's eye is most suitable for Jeanne, and Anatoly, Pavel and George are distinguished among male names.

Colors of semi-precious stones (video)

Jewelry and souvenirs with natural stone

The stone is used both to create jewelry and souvenirs - pyramids, figurines, figurines.

A few examples of popular jewelry:

  1. Among pendants, a butterfly pendant is especially common. Four stones set in silver create the effect of a floating, almost magical butterfly that lifts the mood and creates a pleasant atmosphere.
  2. Gold and silver earrings with a tiger's eye emphasize the lady's grace and serve as the center of attraction for the eye. Pleasant yellow colors and a shiny surface are a very winning combination for decoration.
  3. Beads and rosary look beautiful. Smooth shapes do not cut the eye and allow you to create your own style.
  4. The stone is rather large - it looks good as a ring. Moreover, there are options with a metal frame or a ring only made of a gem. Heavy, large products look good on adult ladies who want to emphasize their status. And graceful rings will be appropriate for young girls.

People often ask how much a tiger's eye costs. Interestingly, the price is quite affordable, and it depends on the content of black stripes: the cost is the more, the less. On average, one medium stone (diameter 50 mm) will cost 700-1000 rubles.

Other similar minerals of the quartz group

The chemical composition of this mineral is similar to quartz, therefore, the tiger's eye looks like these gems:

  • aventurine;
  • onyx;
  • citrine;
  • heliotrope;
  • prasiolite;
  • rhinestone;
  • morion;
  • hairy;
  • amethyst;
  • rose quartz.

It is useful to know which stones the tiger's eye is combined with. It can be worn with any kind of quartz, as these are closely related minerals. But with expensive gems (diamond, sapphire, ruby, garnet), it will look out of place.

How to tell a natural tiger eye from a fake

Distinguishing a fake from a real stone is quite simple:

  • natural varieties have a high density and weigh significantly more than a glass trinket;
  • natural stone has no scratches - its surface is flawlessly smooth;
  • finally, the surface, though shiny, is not too strong (in contrast to glass "analogues").

In fairness, we can say that this mineral is rarely faked, since there is a lot of this gem in natural deposits. However, this prevalence does not detract from the useful properties and visual appeal of this gem.

The Hawkeye stone (the second name is the hawk's eye) is a valuable ornamental mineral, a vivid representative of the eye quartz group. The mineral is a silicon oxide with a characteristic silky sheen in the fracture, has an increased hardness, which is second only to corundum and diamond. The stone is distinguished by a translucent glass luster. Its main deposits are located in South Africa, India, the Czech Republic and Russia.

A large number of parallel inclusions of crocidolite fibers give the stone many shades of blue and blue, turning into iridescent black. Crystals of light green and light green color are known, less often you can find samples of pink shades. Mixed shades of blue-blue with brown and golden highlights can be seen in the variety of the mineral - tiger-hawk-eye... The stone got its name from the combination of two varieties of the mineral (falcon and tiger) in one sample, and can have a pronounced color palette of both types.

The history of the stone is based on various legends. In some legends, he was called stars that fell from the sky, in others - evidence of the long-standing presence of the Master of the Universe on the planet. The stone is especially revered in India, where since ancient times it has been considered a symbol of the god Brahma, and is more valuable than emeralds and diamonds.

Hawkeye stone and its magical properties

Healing properties

Stone jewelry

Slate, its properties and varieties
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