Funny funny congratulations on the day of the paper wedding. Funny congratulations on paper wedding 2 wedding years funny congratulations short

Congratulations on an important date -
A joyful wedding on paper!
Let it rustle louder in your hand,
In the account and in the wallet.

Let the gift wrap
Happiness will turn you round,
And will save you from adversity,
And it will bring good luck!

Congratulations on your anniversary
Dear you mine!
You are two years old from your wedding day,
The days passed quickly.

Although it is called paper -
You don't have to be discouraged.
Paper can be strong -
Neither cut nor tear!

You saturate with love,
Respect for your
And then your union for sure
Will not take fire and smoke!

Happy paper wedding, dear ones. I wish you more securities on your assets, large bills on your account. Let these 2 years together make your marriage stronger and stronger in 2 times, in 2 counts they will solve any of your problems. Stay inspired and inspired, do not lose passion and romance, guide your paper boat with the flow of luck in the stream of love.

Two years, even if it's a little
There are so many events ahead!
I wish you great happiness
In a joint and big way!

Love each other faithfully
I wish you to live in abundance,
And walk together every day
To your desires and dreams!

The wedding sang and danced
But two years passed
Bytom, everything grew.
Didn't you get bored?

Yes, of course not! I'm joking,
Couple you are a sight for sore eyes!
I want to wish you now
Only happiness and patience!

You "rewound" for two years,
They rubbed themselves as best they could,
All the neighbors clearly knew
How did you divide the spheres.

On your anniversary today
I wish: keep it up!
Quarrel brightly, make up,
Let your passion burn.

At your paper wedding
Let the big income rustle
May prosperity come
Relieving adversity!

All plans come true in an instant
Dreams come true
Happiness will not be paper
Reliable and simple!

You have been together for 2 years,
Time does not stand still
Life is running, running forward
But your love is growing!

It happens like this - the paper wrinkles
But if you love, it won't break!
We wish you to keep feelings
And love is stronger every day!

With a paper wedding
We congratulate you,
Happy 2 years
There was every moment and hour.

The bride learned
Already beat the dishes,
The groom found out what it means:
" My head hurts".

Bad on the sheet
Write on paper
And in the fire of love
You will burn today.

Let in its fire
Troubles all burn out
May your family
Love protects.

Two years passed quickly
You share happiness together!
I wish your feelings to warm you,
Let love grow stronger day by day!

Let the cherished desires
Always come true with you!
I wish you good, understanding,
So that the fire in the hearts does not go out!

Congratulations on your anniversary
A light and paper wedding!
May the income be plentiful
Rustling in pockets is important.

And rustle comfortably in the house
Talking about nothing
Bright, weightless happiness,
Filling everything around!

What is the best paper wedding anniversary greetings for a married couple whose family is 2 years old? The most important rule in the selection of wishes is sincerity and sincerity. Wishes should be warm and kind, and they should be said from the bottom of your heart. 2 years in marriage is a very short period, but no less important for a young couple. During this time, the spouses have already gotten to know each other well and have learned to make concessions, but the relationship is still fragile, like paper. In their congratulations on the anniversary in prose or poetry, relatives and friends should wish the couple to strengthen their relationship so that over time they become stronger than granite.

The wedding portal site will offer you several interesting options for congratulations for two years of marriage, and also tell you how spouses can unusually congratulate each other.

Paper wedding: congratulations to the husband from the wife

My dear husband! I congratulate you on our little holiday - paper marriage anniversary. I want to wish our family respect and understanding, on which we built our paper castle of love, so that in many years we can strengthen its walls and make it indestructible!

Darling, is it easy to tear a sheet of paper? Of course, easy, because the paper is thin and fragile. So are our relationships: they are fragile and must be protected with all our might. I congratulate you on your paper wedding and wish you patience and strength in building our family relationships. Let them now look like a sheet of paper - but it can also be painted with bright colors!

Honey, I congratulate you on your paper wedding! Just like every piece of paper is made of wood, family is made of love, mutual respect and trust. I wish you never forget about the importance of each link that makes up our marriage!

Congratulations on the paper wedding, husband,
I wish you all the best from my heart
May we be all right in marriage
Let the road of life be flat, smooth.

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary to the wife from her husband

My beloved wife! Today our marriage is two years old, and for 700 days now I love you infinitely. I want to live with you in love for tens of thousands of magical days! You are the most extraordinary, beautiful and beloved!

Darling, we have lived together for two years, and it seems as if only one day has passed. Only yesterday we were preparing for the wedding, we were very worried about how everything would go. And now two whole years have passed since then, and you are still incredible! I am incredibly happy that fate gave me exactly you. I wish you to remain the same great wife, love me even more, and I will strive to make our marriage the happiest!

You can draw and write absolutely everything on paper. I am sure that we will be able to build our relations exactly as we wish and make our family union the strongest. Let's hold on tight to each other, and then we will definitely succeed!

Cool congratulations on the second wedding anniversary

Our dear! Congratulations to your family on a paper wedding. Let only the crunch of paper bills and the rustle of gift wrapping be heard in the house, and life develops as neatly and beautifully as paper origami!

Congratulations on your 2 year wedding anniversary! Paper tears easily, so stock up on glue to glue relationships after minor quarrels and offenses. Buy more duct tape to keep quiet and avoid conflict. Buy more markers to paint your marriage brighter than a rainbow!

Is it frost, the sun is a beautiful day!
After all, the anniversary is with friends!
2 years together, that's great!
So tell us soon.
How do you manage so cute
To this day to coo gently?
Where do you get your strength?
Where did you manage to put them?
Love will overcome the mountains
She doesn't need anything herself.
Under the affectionate sky of Aurora
Wait for the golden wedding!

Congratulations on a paper wedding in your own words

Dear spouses! Congratulations on your paper anniversary. We wish you to cherish and value your paper boat of love and prosperity, so that it always stably keeps on the waves and goes with a fair wind.

Congratulations to your couple on their 2nd birthday! May your union only grow stronger every year. Let there always be peace and tranquility in the family. Appreciate and protect each other, because once a leaf is torn, it is not so easy to glue it together!

Congratulations on the second wedding anniversary in prose

On this amazing day, we want to wish you to write your own book of life, filling every page with only warm and kind notes. Protect your family “book” so that your children and grandchildren can read it with pleasure.

Our dear! We would like to read you our congratulations on your paper wedding anniversary 2 years. We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! You have walked together a very short journey, and there is still a long road ahead. Walking by the hands, you will cope with any difficulties and adversities. Only together will you be able to easily walk the path of life!

Short congratulations for 2 years from the wedding day

Dear spouses! Remember that one piece of paper can be easily torn. Two leaves fastened together are much more difficult to break! Always be together!

We wish your marriage to last more than a hundred years, so that after a century you can celebrate a red wedding!

On the site you will find a large number of congratulations on a paper wedding in verse and prose, and you can choose the most beautiful and best option for yourself.

    Congratulations on your paper wedding,
    We wish you all the world's best.
    We want you to live happily
    And for the family to live successfully.
    Joy to you, comfort and strength,
    So that success reigns in your life.
    May harmony flourish with you,
    And let love blossom every day.

    For two years you cherished her
    She thought not.
    So your feelings will all decay
    In love you seek the answer.
    Two years married is not a period,
    And if it's not important to live with your husband,
    That can be summed up
    At a wedding called paper.

    Two years lasted exactly ?!
    What can you say - well done!
    They put up, then they swore
    But now specialists
    In marriage science science,
    And you have solid experience.
    Got both in hand
    With valuable luggage experience!

    The number "two" is in your asset,
    You guys are great!
    You lived to see the paper
    The news flies to all ends.
    Everyone gathered to congratulate you,
    We sincerely wish you
    Happiness and love and joy
    Divide in half!

    Eh, you, dear guests,
    Two years have passed since then
    How are these young
    Resolved a personal dispute.
    Should they become a friendly family?
    Or should they live separately?
    Amuse everyone with a friendly wedding?
    Or to give birth to children?
    But they decided everything as it should,
    Everything is according to their rules,
    Share happiness and sorrow
    Already two years for two.
    Well done, what can I say,
    We wish them well.
    Well, then life will show
    How things will go.
    To make the feeling last
    Like paper, did not tear
    And so that by the third anniversary
    Your daughter was born.
    I drink to young feelings
    Not for paper love.
    I wish that in cold weather
    Love, like a flame, warmed the blood.

    Having played a wedding, the newly-made spouses have the opportunity to celebrate each anniversary of their cohabitation. In order to conduct these events according to certain canons, folk traditions have developed a certain meaning for each wedding anniversary. The second wedding anniversary of the young is traditionally considered a paper wedding in Russia.

    Major wedding anniversaries

    There is hardly a family that celebrates all anniversaries without exception. The list of the most significant anniversaries is as follows:

    1. - chintz.
    2. 2 years of family life - paper wedding.
    3. 5 years of marriage - wooden wedding.
    4. 10 years - .
    5. 15th Anniversary - Glass Wedding.
    6. 20 years - porcelain wedding.
    7. 25 - silver.
    8. 30 years - a pearl wedding.
    9. 50 years - .

    Usually, the tradition of celebrating anniversaries extends to the first 2-3. And then life's problems absorb young families so that they forget about the holidays. The vast majority of couples strictly observe the celebration of the silver anniversary and the golden wedding.

    The paper wedding is one of the most celebrated anniversaries in the early stages of family life. Indeed, not every couple will be able to survive even until the pink wedding, but many young families can overcome the threshold of the first two years of life.

    Celebration organization

    This anniversary is celebrated only by those for whom everything in life is going well. No wonder comparison with paper folk wisdom coincides precisely with such an early period of family life. It's still so fragile at this stage. All ties are ready to break at the very beginning, like paper, flare up and irrevocably burn.

    Choosing a venue for the holiday

    Most often, the second wedding anniversary is celebrated at home with a small number of guests. With a high income of the family, the celebration is organized in a public entertainment institution:

    1. A restaurant.
    2. A cafe.
    3. Night club.
    4. Country club.

    For the organization of festive events in such institutions, there are professional presenters who will select the appropriate scenario for each specific case and will spend the holiday in a funny and fun way. The presenters always take into account the special wishes of clients and include them in their program, including cool congratulations on the wedding anniversary, prepared by the participants of the event themselves.

    Celebrating a paper wedding at home will take some work. The room should correspond to the spirit of the holiday, so that each guest immediately plunges into the theme of the action taking place. It's good if most of the decorations are made of paper. If the organizers have creative imagination, then such accessories are easy to make with your own hands:

    1. Paper flowers.
    2. Small houses.
    3. Hanging lanterns.
    4. Origami crafts.

    In the absence of creative talents, you can use ready-made goods:

    1. Disposable paper tableware.
    2. New Year's paper decorations (serpentine, confetti).
    3. Garlands.
    4. Various boxes.


    Some items of clothing the gathered guests and hosts can also be adapted to the theme of the holiday being held. This will make the event even more fun and cool.

    It will be appropriate for young spouses, as the main heroes of the occasion, to put paper crowns on their heads. The rest of the participants can wear cool paper hats from ordinary caps to Napoleonic three-corners. Paper wreaths can be woven on women's heads, and flowers from the same material can be pinned on men's lapels.

    A bold option for attendance at a paper wedding - this is a complete set of paper clothes, excluding linen. Provided that it will be made at a high design level.

    Congratulations to the anniversaries

    It is best to arrange congratulations on a special postcard with a paper wedding. In the absence of a ready-made copy, you can improve an ordinary greeting card by additionally decorating it with paper flowers or hearts.

    As a material gift, it is most appropriate to present paper bills. It is hardly possible to purchase any truly valuable gift made of paper as a 2 year wedding anniversary greeting. Cool gifts will still not be very appropriate for a young family gaining material prosperity. It is best to put funny congratulations on a paper wedding into verbal congratulations.

    In the text of congratulatory speeches, both in verse and in prose, more humor and unexpected solutions should be introduced, and, of course, the main symbolic meaning of the paper definition of the anniversary being held should be revealed. Do not hesitate to point out the fragility of the paper, emphasizing its temporary dominance at the moment. To instill in the hearts of young couples the belief in the strengthening of their union after the end of the shaky paper period. Or just congratulate and wish you a lot of happiness and health.

    The toast at the party can be different.

    Parents on both sides

    The humor of the parents is naturally softer. There is more sensuality and care.

    Well, well, our dear children,

    You have been together for two years.

    And your life is at that point

    Where is paradise in a paper hut.

    We are glad that everything is going smoothly with you.

    The marriage grows stronger every year.

    Today is a house from a notebook,

    And tomorrow is a private mansion.

    We believe that you will have everything.

    We wish what we believe to be.

    So that you, like cheese in butter in a dish,

    Another option from parents

    Children, lovely hearts

    Your paper steamer

    Already sailed the river through life

    The second in a row a whole year.

    It doesn't matter how detailed

    You lived in a paper house.

    And more importantly, what's real

    The century will be warm and dry

    So that they try, becoming older,

    Fill your home with family spirit.

    Congratulations to other relatives can be more cheeky and with a lot of fun and humor.

    As an example, an odious greeting from an older brother and a more sophisticated romantic greeting from a sister.

    Brother of husband or wife

    I congratulate you on your anniversary

    I give you this box.

    And I clearly explain to you,

    I couldn't explain it orally.

    (Punching a hole in the box with his fist)

    You see: the paper is weak

    Does not hold a strong blow.

    Let him take my example for good

    Your married couple.

    I wish you amicably and united

    Take the blow as fate strikes.

    To live to see a gilded wedding.

    Forgetting about these boxes.

    (Throws the cardboard box aside)

    Sister of a husband or wife

    The spouses are so important here.

    In the circle of trusted guests.

    I give you paper flowers

    For a biennial anniversary.

    Pick up the bouquet hot,

    Fire from young blood

    And the bright flowers will come to life

    From your fiery love.

    I wish you in a love flame

    Burn all your life to the best of your ability.

    But don't burn ahead of time

    Your still paper world.

    Grandmothers and grandfathers

    In a special category, it is worth highlighting the congratulations of the oldest generation of relatives: grandmothers and grandfathers. It shouldn't be too long, so as not to tire the veterans, but must carry the main meaning to the maximum.

    Look at us, grandchildren, and believe me,

    That we passed the same anniversary.

    And we assure you that paper will endure,

    And your union will become even stronger.

    Friends and colleagues in their congratulations have the right to have fun in full, but still without unnecessary vulgarity and rudeness.

    Current friends

    To make a sheet of paper

    In the forest, trees are sawed.

    And very important in life

    Don't waste paper.

    And we, no doubt, believe

    Do you have a paper date

    And a small tree

    It did not fall irrevocably.

    We believe we had enough

    To your paper house

    That minimum of sawdust

    That pours in when quarrels.

    When the spouse is sawing

    A little beloved

    And shavings in the form of dust

    Removes with small crumbs.

    We wish you soon

    Hardened to metal.

    Childhood friends of the bride

    Do you remember as a child with us

    She sculpted dolls out of paper.

    Now family like origami

    You sculpt in joy and pain.

    And we wish that the paper

    Almost a dollhouse of yours

    Rather, it has become solid important.

    And happiness settled in him.

    Groom childhood friends

    Once a paper plane

    Made from a notebook sheet,

    To the roof, climbing bravely,

    We had a dream to launch.

    Now daring to marry

    You conquer the heights

    To which everyone needs to strive,

    To pass life like that dream.

    May it be on your way to the roof

    Second year, like the second floor.

    We believe you will reach higher

    Families are leading the crew.


    Usually, very trusted colleagues from the team end up at events such as a 2-year wedding. Congratulations are cool to the maximum, they simply must do in order to justify the trust placed in them.

    The wedding is paper, however

    We will not donate paper.

    Only in the form of banknotes

    With a large number with zeros.

    Let such rustle of pieces of paper

    It accompanies your whole life.

    And husband to wife pay heap

    He throws such papers at his feet.

    Congratulations from children

    It is possible that children may be present at such an event. Younger brothers, sisters or nephews, children of friends and girlfriends. They, too, can prove themselves and prepare a childishly cheerful congratulations.

    On paper wedding day

    Of us, everyone would be glad to

    Give you a huge gift

    The size of the sky.

    But we are still children

    We can only say hello

    And read a verse to you folding

    With or without hesitation.

    And as a gift

    Accept we do not mind


    We glue them ourselves.

    Put them on the shelf

    And after on the sly

    Play Ken with Barbie

    Remembering a childhood moment.

    Children are handing over handmade gifts.

    The final part

    Here young spouses can somehow demonstrate to the guests the end of the paper period of their life. For example, remove disposable paper dishes from the table, replacing them with more solid porcelain.

    Let's say thank you to the people.

    What they drank, ate, and had fun.

    And did not forget that two years

    It has already passed since we got married.

    We will assure you our marriage is paper

    Do not crumple or tear.

    And the two of us are not at all scared,

    And in the third year, stepping today,

    We know everything will be okay.

    After all, he is in the traditions of folk

    Leather wedding anniversary.

    Of course leather is not paper

    It is more difficult to break it.

    And we two have one road

    Thank you people for your attention.

    Thank you for being able to come.

    Well, and paper farewell.

    Salute you all from confetti.

    Here it is advisable to shoot a New Year's clapperboard or toss up a handful of confetti.

    If desired, the husband and wife can make a reciprocal speech of gratitude, not forgetting to mention their new frontiers. After all, the next three-year anniversary of married life is a leather wedding.

    Paper wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! A paper wedding is 2 years of a wonderful and sensual life together. We wish you to develop and decorate your relationship. May your family be strong and reliable. Love each other, give attention, listen and protect, support and understand. Be a mutual reliable support, support and outlet. I wish you happiness for more than one decade!

    Please accept our congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Two years of marriage are traditionally called a paper wedding. Let your paper boat dazzle in the ocean of love, passion and prosperity, and let the quiet home harbor be its permanent and unchanging haven.

    Dear (names of husband and wife)! Of course, paper is not the most durable material in the world. But it was on paper that great people wrote wonderful works about love, loyalty and overcoming all adversity together with a loved one, described how everyone “grows wings behind their backs” and they are ready to “move mountains” when they feel support and understanding of the one they chose in life companions. So let all your adversity be on paper! And let them burn in the flame of your love!

    Most living creatures live in a mild, favorable climate. For love, the family is such a favorable climate. Your love has been living in a similar climate for two years now. Make sure that it does not freeze or overheat.

    Happy second anniversary to you, young family! Since this wedding anniversary is called paper, we wish you more crispy bills, new things in large boxes, so that problems disappear with the ease of a paper airplane, so that everything goes as easily and beautifully as origami.

    Young spouses! Your marriage is 2 years old today. Let you associate it with a white, almost untouched sheet of paper, where you can draw whatever you want. Unknown expanses and endless possibilities open before you. So gain wisdom and patience and go! May good luck not leave you!

    How quickly two years have passed since the wonderful event - your wedding. The firstborn is growing up in your family, you have become more experienced and wiser. Although this anniversary is called "paper", we hope that your relationship will become stronger and stronger every year, that you will never part. May there be more bright and joyful minutes in your life.

    All people have weaknesses, but starting a family is a very responsible decision. You have been responsible people for two years now. So let's drink so that this responsible decision does not turn into weakness in your future life. And may love keep you all this time!

    Securities can only turn into gold bars if they are properly disposed of. A paper wedding can turn into a golden wedding only if you appreciate each other's feelings, desires and love every day. So let's drink to the caring attitude towards loved ones, to the invaluable life experience that allows a man and a woman to live in love and marriage for many happy years!

    Now you have been together for two whole years! Have you ever wondered what this means? And we have calculated! This is 63,072,000 seconds of happiness, or 17520 hours of time, how you became loving halves, and not just a couple! You had 730 joint breakfasts! 96 weeks talked at night! Your marital happiness has lasted for 24 months, and your marital fidelity is 1,051,200 minutes!

    Dear spouses! I congratulate you on the anniversary of your bright holiday - a paper wedding. This means that you almost literally ate a pound of salt together and you know each other as you are yourself. I am very glad to see sincere happiness on your faces. It is insanely touching how tenderly you look at each other. I wish you long years of life together, the most beautiful, intelligent, fair and sensitive children who will take the best sides of you. Always be happy!

    A paper wedding is a very fragile but very important milestone in the life of a young couple! A sheet of paper is easy to tear, two sheets are more difficult, ten is almost impossible. A whole life is open before you - with its hardships and joys. We wish you to go through life, tightly holding hands and believing in each other! We hope that your paper happiness will eventually become stronger than a diamond!

    Two years of a happy family life, albeit not so many, but there is already something to be proud of. Congratulations on your paper anniversary and I want to wish you a lot of clean and smooth sheets in the album of your life together. And may on these sheets every day you manage to draw your bright ideas and dreams, express feelings and emotions with rich colors, fill every joint stroke with gentle tones and shades of happiness.

    Our dear newlyweds! We are glad to congratulate you on your next wedding date. Paper is not as fragile as many people think. So you have proved it with your relationships. Peace to you, goodness, prosperity. Let all your plans come true. May your home always be full of warm looks and bright performances. Let your family grow. Be happy!!!

    I congratulate you, dear ones, on your paper anniversary, on the 2nd anniversary of your family life. I wish that the paper airplane of your happiness flies high and beautifully, that there is no discord and resentment in the family, that comfort and an atmosphere of understanding remain in the house, that a colorful world stretches outside the window, and the weather is beautiful.

    With all my heart on this beautiful day, I congratulate you on your second wedding anniversary! I wish: your halves to become a whole island of happiness; be sincerely proud of each other; continue to build a warm home full of comfort, friends, light, joy, laughter, understanding. Let love transform every day, respect prevails, and the symbol of this family date, paper appears in an abundance of banknotes, origami feelings, a book of bright moments, photographs of traditions!

    Congratulations, dear ones, on your second anniversary, on your paper wedding. The first year for you was a test of life together and the creation of family good, the second year has already become a stable platform for you and the constancy of the family charter. I wish your funny and wonderful love stories to be written on blank sheets and in beautiful handwriting, so that they are decorated with kind pictures of happiness and joy.

    Dear guys, I congratulate you on your successfully completed 2-year stage of your life together, on your paper wedding. I wish you unquenchable passion and true love, endless expanses of happiness and a constant smile of fortune for the whole family.

    Friends! Happy paper wedding day. Let your paper endure everything and turn to gold!

    It has been two years since you exchanged rings and swore allegiance to each other. I wish you great pure love and swan fidelity, and your home - happiness, comfort and tranquility! The atmosphere of mutual love makes the spouses a single whole. When you have a soul mate, life becomes exactly half easier. Both joy and sorrow are also halved! Happiness is when loving and beloved eyes look at you! I wish you turn your paper wedding into a diamond one over time! For your love, dear ones!

    Congratulations on your second wedding anniversary. Let your life be like a symbol of this wedding - blank paper, on which you yourself, at your discretion and at will, write your story, and it will certainly be the happiest, fascinating, bewitching, interesting, touching and memorable. Hello to your family and great love!

    Congratulations on your paper wedding, with 2 years of experience in a happy family life. May luck always smile at you, may your love grow stronger every year, may your life go beautifully and easily, like a paper airplane flies through the air.

    I want to wish the heroes of the day that the paper of two years of their life together burned without ceasing with the flame of love and unquenchable passion!

    Two years passed completely unnoticed. It's your paper wedding anniversary. We wish you, our wonderful newlyweds, that your divine union is as strong as the highest quality paper on the planet, as reliable as a rope and as durable as an oak tree. Live in affection and harmony, goodness to you, peace and prosperity!

    Today your family is celebrating a small birthday - 2 years of married life. Relationships are still tender and fragile like paper, so let me wish you strength, the ability to listen to each other, give in on controversial issues, and it is easy to reconcile in case of a quarrel. Let harmony, prosperity and comfort forever settle in your home.

    Let them say to themselves that paper can tear and burn easily! But, most importantly, write very correct and necessary words on it. Let the spouses write on it about love and fidelity! Let's drink to the paper wedding!

    Two years after a wonderful event - a wedding - behind me. Surely you are asking yourself a question, but how could you once live without each other. You should, most likely, feel that you have always been together! Always look to the future with hope, without fear or fear! And we want to wish you that in almost half a century your paper wedding will turn into a golden one! Be happy!

    Congratulations on your paper anniversary, on the 2nd anniversary of family life. I wish you to live like two swans in love, keeping each other faithful, I wish you two tickets to the country of eternal happiness and bliss, I wish you one cherished dream and great joy for two.

    Two years passed unnoticed, but left behind so much happiness and tenderness! Time will continue to count the years of life together. May your love be unlimited, live and rejoice. Only together can you overcome any problems and difficulties! Please accept our sincere congratulations on your paper wedding!

    Congratulations on an important date - a paper wedding. For two years now you have been sharing joys and hardships. Let the boat pick up your pace, let the family grow stronger, grow, prosper. Happiness, love to you, health, and so that there are all conditions for this.

    Congratulations on the second anniversary, on paper happiness. I sincerely wish to fill this blank white sheet of paper of your life with beautiful ideas, happy events, joyful accomplishments, vivid impressions, gentle tones of love and bright shades of fun.

    Dear (names), I sincerely congratulate you on the second anniversary of your life together. I wish you replenishment in the family: a strong, healthy boy and a beautiful, smart girl! Let the sonorous, childish laughter appear in your house as soon as possible, which will fill your house with boundless happiness!

    Congratulations on your successful 2 years of family life, on your paper anniversary. I wish you hopes and good expectations on paper airplanes, an album of family joy with bright illustrations and colorful drawings, a thick notebook with pages filled with family victories and joint achievements.

    We wish you love and love again on your second wedding anniversary. Yes, we were not mistaken. For the first five years together, the young couple celebrates an anniversary every year. May you have a big-eyed, red-cheeked toddler and make your life even happier!

    Dear you, our newlyweds! Two years of happiness, two years together. I sincerely congratulate you! Having overcome two steps of married life, I wish you to climb the highest family tower. The sun in your eyes, smiles on your faces, warmth in your souls, love in your heart! Have a small miracle happen, which you are already thinking about. Let this miracle bring the most unforgettable feelings and desires to your home. Success in everything!

    Dear spouses! Here comes another milestone in your family life - a paper wedding! You are still happy and in love with each other. For some, two years together may seem like an insignificant period of time. But this is not enough! Actions, feelings, love - that's what is important in life! Take care of each other and be happy!

    I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the 2nd anniversary of your family life, on your paper wedding. I wish you blank sheets of paper on which you yourself can write a wonderful story of your life and which you will decorate with magnificent drawings and stunning plots. Be infinitely happy and loved.

    Dear newlyweds! May today be the same unforgettable day as two years ago. Today is your paper wedding. The most delicate things are made of paper: openwork napkins, tablecloths, postcards, paintings and photographs. May tenderness always be present in your relationship. Love and understanding to you. Best congratulations.

    Congratulations to your couple on the 2nd anniversary of their marriage! Well done, this is a paper wedding and your marriage is getting stronger. Always be happy with each other, live peacefully and in abundance! Let your family grow and prosper, and let your feelings mature and deepen.

    It has been two years since you became husband and wife. Now you are already celebrating your paper wedding. Let your marriage be connected only with a blank white sheet of paper on which you can depict whatever you want. Draw a happy life on it, and - on a long journey! Take some patience and wisdom with you. They will come in handy in overcoming problems and obstacles in life! We wish you all the best luck!

    Flashed like one day, two years of your life together! Today is a celebration in your family - the second wedding anniversary! There was a lot of joy and sorrow during these 730 days. You got to know each other better and on the good and not so good side. But you were able to be patient, loving and caring! We congratulate you on this event and wish that love in your family was always, under no circumstances left your hearts, and the road of life would lead you together to a happy future! Bitterly!

    A paper wedding is an important milestone. It is very easy to tear one piece of paper, two more difficult. There are many joys and hardships ahead of you, we wish you to experience them together, holding hands and not losing faith in each other! Let the fire of misunderstanding never touch your paper happiness, and someday it will become harder than a diamond!

    Congratulations on your paper record of your family relationships. I wish to live to the gold! Total, yes more !!!

    Two years of married life are popularly called a paper wedding. If love was not real, then marriage will fall apart as easily as paper breaks. You managed to preserve your love and respect for each other in the most difficult - the first years of your life together and passed the baptism of fire! We sincerely congratulate you on your paper wedding and wish you to remain faithful and feelings up to the golden one!

    Today, on the day of your paper wedding anniversary, I would like to present you this paper airplane. May he carry you in a wonderful flight on the wings of love and faith, may the family grow stronger every day. Your love is sincere and pure, mutual - this is the most important thing. But life is happier with rustling green pieces of paper, which is what we wish you in abundance!

    Congratulations on your paper wedding. There is a saying: paper will endure everything. Let the paper of your life together withstand all adversity and endure all the troubles!

    Lovely young couple! We sincerely congratulate you on your paper wedding and sincerely believe that your family happiness is not paper at all. We wish you love and harmony, growing stronger every day, and indestructible happiness. Let your children delight you, and let your financial well-being cover you with an inevitable avalanche.

    Peace is where love lives! This is what the philosophers say. I'm not a philosopher, but I feel like this is said about your couple. Today you are 2 years old. That's 730 days, that's 17,520 hours, 1,051,200 minutes. This is the time you were together. Great indicator! I congratulate you on this event and wish to build up the time line even more and more before entering the countless space. Let all obstacles and doubts be easily overcome in your life. Love each other and be the happiest couple on the planet!

    Two years have passed since your wonderful wedding. You have become wise and gained, albeit small, but life experience. Your family began to grow: you have your first child. Despite the fact that you are now celebrating a paper wedding, we are confident that your relationship is becoming more confident and stronger, and will never "break"! Let only joyful moments and bright days accompany your life!

    Let me sincerely congratulate you on your second wedding anniversary. Live happily and amicably, have everything you need in life! May your love bring you to the red wedding!

    Congratulations on your second anniversary, on your paper wedding. Let your life be like a clean and smooth sheet of paper on which you yourself write your wonderful story, place colorful and funny drawings, decorate it with kind emotions and memorable stories of happiness.

    Today you have two years of happy life behind you! Paper wedding is not a very euphonious name. But this is a certain stage in your married life that you had to go through. Now you have already gained experience - you can respect each other's opinion, give in to your soul mate. Take care of your marriage and don't let it rip like a piece of paper. Surely you already have common goals and plans! Strive for them, holding hands tightly. Only together can you achieve everything! Happiness and good luck on this difficult path!

    After two years of married life, it already seems to you that you have always been together! And life before the wedding was so far away. We wish you to look to the future always with hope, without fear and fear! We wish that the paper wedding today turned golden after half a century!

    On the second wedding anniversary, we wish the friendly couple the rustle of paper bills. Well-established life, idylls in relationships, romance and hugs! Appreciate the time spent together, find common interests and aspirations! Be healthy, live in abundance, peace and love!

    Your marriage is two years old today. Let you associate it with a white, almost untouched sheet of paper, where you can draw whatever you want. Unknown expanses and endless possibilities open before you. So gain wisdom and patience and go! May luck never leave you!

    Paper wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

    You have been together for two years!

    Again you are the bride and groom!

    Congratulations on your wedding date

    We wish you to be happy !!!

    Friends, rather meet us,

    Pour vodka into glasses!

    We want to congratulate you on your wedding day

    Leave gifts from papers:

    Boxes, photos and postcards,

    Crafts on paper thread ...

    We wish you fun and love !!!

    2 years have passed since then

    How you stepped down the aisle!

    How they became new, young,

    A beautiful, friendly family!

    I wish you this anniversary

    Hearts to dance in a dance

    The love that brought you together!

    In the stream of life's emotions

    We wish you to sail on a ship!

    And let it be paper today -

    This is enough for you.

    Live happily and amicably

    We are always there - if anything.

    We don't need more in life

    If only you would be good!

    A paper wedding is a wonderful day!

    A light burns in your hearts of love!

    2 years have passed, and you are in love,

    And in your souls you have the state of spring!

    We wish you not to grieve about anything,

    We wish you a hundred years to live with each other!

    You protect your love from troubles,

    Let its bright light illuminate you!

    We hasten to congratulate you on an important date

    You once became "whole" ...

    Walk your whole life alongside

    Let happiness be a reward.

    Live long together

    Love life together!

    The paper seems thin

    But you need to know how to fold.

    You will have everything as it should

    The main thing in life is to love!

    You take care of each other,

    Be together to the end!

    Do not tear, do not burn

    Your feelings and hearts!

    The date may be small

    But definitely important!

    We want to congratulate you

    With a paper wedding!

    And we want to wish more

    Always live in great love!

    And strengthen your marriage

    Up to the highest standard - gold!

    Year one, followed by a second,

    So until the wedding is golden!

    You, God forbid, will live,

    I hope you will call us

    Congratulations! Until then

    I raise my glass.

    I have a reason -

    Your wedding anniversary!

    Congratulations on your paper wedding,

    We always wish to be in love!

    Cherish each other, take care, cherish,

    Never feel sorry for kind words!

    Obscurity and quarrels - decide everything peacefully,

    And don't forget your friends, invite them more often!

    Happy paper wedding, friends!

    Your marriage is admirable!

    You have a wonderful family!

    Accept a poem as a gift!

    I wish you happiness and love,

    Do not separate the happy hands.

    Let the passion boil in your blood!

    There will be no jealousy, separation!

    Warm as in summer, tenderness of spring!

    “Bitterly” we shout to you again.

    Are you ready to kiss?

    It is very important to do this.

    On a paper wedding day!

    We congratulate the young

    And on your wedding day, we wish:

    Love each other every day

    Do not have fear in fate.

    Half admire

    Swim with roses in the water!

    Light candles more often

    Sleep at work!

    Brew coffee in the morning,

    To be at the resorts together!

    Bring gifts more often

    Live unrestrained and bright!

    Celebrate wedding dates

    And always meet friends!

    Congratulations on your paper wedding,

    And with all my heart I wish you

    Live in joy, love, harmony,

    Be the strongest couple on Earth!

    To keep each other, holding hands,

    And let him go through life to his heart's content!

    Congratulations on the paper wedding

    And on this day I want to say -

    I wish you understanding,

    Strengthen your family rear!

    Always be a support to each other,

    Sincerely love each other!

    Let the replenishment be quick

    So that it was wonderful for you to live!

    For two years you have lived together:

    Both joys and quarrels between you were,

    They also succeeded in family matters:

    A beautiful baby has already appeared

    The House of Happiness shone with a new light!

    Increase the number of children!

    You already have something to be proud of:

    Hand in hand you passed

    Two years! Two whole pages

    You've read the family book!

    And in the wedding anniversary paper

    The essence of all wishes is simple:

    May every day give you happiness,

    Starting from scratch!

    Today is an important day -

    Paper wedding date!

    You've been together for a couple of years

    And everyone has known for a long time:

    Your union turned out to be strong

    On the basis of marriage bonds.

    We wish you today

    Meet every day with love

    We wish the family patience

    And respect for each other!

    Two years ago

    You decided to take a brave step!

    Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate today

    You with your paper wedding;

    We don't know what to give you,

    But let us wish with inspiration:

    May your happiness not burn

    Like a manuscript of sacred love!

    The period of two years is short,

    But the date is important!

    We are in a hurry to congratulate you

    With a paper wedding!

    And strengthen your union

    Up to the highest standard - gold!

    We to you, young spouses,

    We wish you happiness and good!

    Let the road be bright

    Let the family be friendly!

    Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,

    Don't forget your first meetings!

    And those rings that they took in hand

    Manage to save to the end!

    We wish you a beautiful life,

    Your marriage without marriage should be!

    And so that you get drunk not only from wine,

    And from the fact that you love each other!

    Congratulations on your paper wedding

    We wish to live without sorrow!

    We will not forget the wedding date,

    Since we love you very much!

    You open the doors to us,

    Accept congratulations!

    You are handsome, and only,

    Let's just say to you again: "Bitter"!

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

    And with all our hearts we wish:

    So that the wallet does not close

    He seemed plump, standing

    So that bills live in it,

    They circled in a joyful dance!

    To have a lot of money

    So that the paper road

    I could see far away

    So that it does not end!

    So that the papers turn green

    They multiplied and crunched

    And before the wedding is golden

    Have become a good mountain!

    Boy and girl found

    Paper airplane.

    The second year has already passed

    Wings of love and faith!

    In life, let the gardens bloom

    And give abundance!

    Two years - paper anniversary

    We are in a hurry to congratulate you with him!

    And on this bright, important holiday

    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts:

    Let the years not cool down

    Love will be the mistress of the house

    And heart with heart beats to the beat!

    From a pure heart I wish, loving,

    May only good come true

    With my beloved wife, I wish you to strive

    To magical heights, to give birth to children,

    To understand each other in everything and always

    May you, my dears, be lucky

    Let great luck await you in life!

    Your family is like a paper boat -

    Storms are terrible, but sail bravely!

    Hurricanes lie in wait for the family

    Shoals and storms, thick fogs ...

    We wish you to fight bad weather,

    May family days be clear

    In joy so that they flow!

    You two years together! Cool!

    Surprised, no joke!

    I have a suggestion -

    Extend my surprise!

    Happy second anniversary!

    Feelings are fresh for you, like the surf,

    I sincerely wish

    My dear friends!

    For two years they call you a family

    Two years together is very important!

    Just a little before the wedding golden

    Remains of today's paper.

    Appreciate, take care of every moment,

    Let the feelings of the family rivers not grow shallow,

    And the book of life will be the first of the books

    And not the last one in the library.

    You have been married for 2 years,

    The marriage grows stronger every year

    And a pot-bellied envelope for you.

    We donate for a reason!

    In honor of the paper anniversary

    You two will spend part,

    And the second half

    Put it aside for later.

    We wish you to live in abundance,

    Do not grieve, do not lose heart,

    And let it be all right

    In relations, peace and quiet!

    May this day be like a bright holiday

    Will pour joy into your home,

    And your life will be adorned forever

    Hope, happiness and love!

    And may love be a spring dawn

    It does not go out for many years

    Let it be "bitter" only at the wedding,

    And in your life - never!

    Live happily and amicably

    Have everything you need in life

    Keeping the fire of love holy

    Until the wedding itself, golden!

    You are again a bride and groom

    We love you - it's honest!

    We came to congratulate you

    On paper, our mandate:

    You also live peacefully,

    Always share bread and salt,

    Do everything in life,

    Give birth to a bunch of kids!

    Kiss more often in the morning

    Warm up, bask and have mercy!

    Live long together

    Love your wedding dates!

    You have lived together for two years

    Live loving each other!

    Let the weather be around

    And you are guarded by fate!

    On paper wedding day


    We wish you glad

    Good luck and luck!

    Love and inspiration

    In the family of additions!

    You met each other once, once,

    And here you are with your paper wedding today

    Congratulations already. After all, you are great!

    Family happiness, you are blacksmiths!

    You could make your marriage happy!

    Coals were not spared in the family fire!

    We will tell you again: “Hooray, keep it up!

    Even at least 20 years, but 105 is better! "

    Your two-year marriage is called a paper marriage,

    And maybe all this is not without reason.

    Although sometimes the paper breaks from quarrels,

    But everything is again like a clean slate!

    We wish you to enjoy each other!

    Protect your marriage, keep your family!

    Solve all problems, not give up!

    And live together for many years!

    We congratulate you on your second marriage anniversary!

    We wish loving hearts from the bottom of our hearts

    So that you also live in love and harmony,

    So that they walk together through the life of bad weather!

    So that small children are healthy,

    So that every joy is shared with each other!

    We wish you to live until old age

    And cherish every minute together!

    Let the wedding be only paper

    But this date is also important,

    You and your husband love each other,

    You are the perfect spouse!

    I wish you joy and happiness

    Let the bad weather go away

    I want to wish you health

    And never know worries!

    Family life and routine

    These two are not familiar!

    Thoughts and feelings are one!

    We are attracted by passion for each other!

    Tenderness, love in every look

    The word is visible to your everyone!

    Friends, if they knew how glad they are

    Congratulate you on your paper wedding!

    Paper wedding - two years!

    Let only happiness reign in life!

    Let everything be achieved simply

    And every moment brings joy!

    I wish boundless love

    Meet the dawns in an embrace!

    Let the sunset be the most gentle!

    I wish you do not know the hardships!

    We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary!

    Only a couple of years, everything is just ahead!

    Let them say that the anniversary is paper,

    He means a lot in life!

    We wish you happiness, peace and health!

    Love without end, trembling hearts!

    And let the house be the fullest cup!

    Live together for a hundred long years!

    Congratulations on your paper wedding!

    Let love light up your home!

    This means both storms and thunderstorms

    You will always be uneasy!

    May happiness shine with the sun!

    May tenderness keep your hearth!

    May every day be friendly!

    Let joy shine in your eyes!

    Two years have passed since your wedding

    Your home has become happier

    The soul has not lost its passion.

    And life is joyful day after day!

    Wealth to you and a carefree life!

    And the kids in the family are too small!

    So that the tenderness is endless

    So that the passion is endless!

    Dear ones, with an important stage in life!

    He is only the second on the solar path!

    All the people call him paper,

    Let love and loyalty illuminate the way!

    Let happiness and peace reign in the family!

    I wish you wealth, sea of \u200b\u200bmoney!

    Warm as summer, tenderness of spring!

    Well, with your paper wedding!

    You fought bravely for 2 years

    With family life and routine.

    And we won! There is a reason

    Celebrate your holiday brightly!

    Let your family luggage

    It has been growing and multiplying for a hundred years!

    And no one envies!

    You've been together for two years! Today now

    We would like to congratulate you with all my heart!

    We want to wish a whole jug happiness

    Drink you two, to the very bottom!

    Never let a wall between you

    Will not get up. Live richly, amicably!

    Let your love be gentle and airy!

    It's been two years since then

    How you stepped down the aisle!

    How they became new, young,

    A beautiful, friendly family!

    I wish you this anniversary

    So that feelings flare up stronger!

    Hearts to dance in a dance

    The love that brought you together!

    Happy wedding on paper, husband and wife!

    I'm a little in love with your family!

    Good, strong family came out!

    I can be proud of you, friends!

    Let the two of you be warm and cozy.

    May the days and minutes be happy!

    May your marriage be strong like granite!

    May God save the whole family from adversity!

    Fragile paper always only seems to us

    But there are many secrets to strengthen her,

    In the hands of the skillful boat or a bridge,

    And it will definitely justify its value!

    We launch a paper airplane into the sky

    We launch paper boats on the water!

    Congratulations on your paper wedding today,

    We wish love and understanding to the family!

    Congratulations today:

    On your paper wedding day, we want

    Wish for warmth, and happiness, and luck,

    Always so that it was good for two!

    In business, always give in to each other,

    Let the years pass easily and cheerfully

    And most importantly - respect each other!

    May the family always be strong!

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

    Let it be small for now,

    How did you live as a family -

    We have become closer and dearer!

    You now understand

    What to give to each other,

    To live in harmony and happiness,

    The climate in the house was pleasant!

    The family grows stronger every day!

    A year ago the house became rich:

    Transformed into mom and dad

    Bringing the kid into the house.

    For a cozy home

    On your paper anniversary

    We give what is most valuable

    What the family needs.

    And congratulations again!

    We wish you to live in love in the future!

    You have a paper wedding, dear ones!

    We want to congratulate you on this holiday!

    We wish you to know all the blessings of the earth,

    Let a cherub guard your house!

    Let the house ring with laughter, baby talk,

    And feelings, like a cloud, will be tender!

    Let there be tenderness and awe in your soul!

    And be to each other, like air, needed!

    2 years is just the beginning,

    I want you not to get bored!

    So that the marriage, like a rainbow, is bright.

    And every new day is a gift!

    Happy life together,

    Love both long and beautiful!

    I wish you enjoy life

    Fall in love with each other many times!

    So tender are your feelings and views,

    There is so much awe and kindness in them!

    You are still happily next to you

    As if the wedding was only yesterday!

    Let love remain in hearts

    Decorates both days and years!

    Let everything in your life succeed

    Always be happy in life!

    You have been married for two years

    And there is more happiness in the house!

    From your feelings, in your chest like before

    The heart was beating fast!

    Harmony in everything, prosperity,

    May they be with you constantly

    Keep loyalty to each other,

    Always love tirelessly!

    Almost unnoticed two years have passed

    The paper wedding has come for you!

    And in family life you found happiness,

    At least in marriage, probably, it was different.

    There is so much to be experienced

    And we wish: "So good luck to you!".

    Let the road be comfortable and smooth

    With which it is now stupid to turn!

    You have been married for two years! ..

    They seem to be barely familiar:

    The weather has changed too

    During this time, two times.

    First two wonderful summers

    Then - two Russian winters.

    In the radiance of the eyes, in the smile - somewhere

    We see great happiness!

    Live in love without getting sick

    You two raise children:

    Until the golden anniversary

    Then we will definitely live!

    You got married on this day once!

    And now loved ones, friends

    Congratulations on your paper wedding!

    After all, you have been a family for 2 years!

    We give you paper wallpapers,

    To renew the atmosphere!

    And we wish, dear ones, to both of you

    Double happiness! And doubly love!

    You have a paper wedding today,

    And I congratulate you on your love now.

    And may the family be happy

    Let the children delight you day by day.

    Paper is a fragile material,

    I wish your marriage to become strong.

    And may your union, in spite of everything,

    It gives you love and, of course, warmth!

    Paper wedding, that's how it is

    For two years you are a super-family together!

    The kid grows up and makes you happy

    Love grows and flows from the eyes!

    You are happy together

    Keep this way!

    May it come true urgently

    Desires, dreams

    Out of old habit

    We shout: "Bitter!" we!

    Congratulations to you today

    Happy second anniversary!

    Test of the senses for strength

    You have passed! Even with interest!

    We wish you to live together

    And protect peace in the family!

    In peace, happiness and care

    Live to see the "golden" wedding!

    2 years have flown by like one instant,

    Today you celebrate your paper anniversary,

    We wish you to receive only pleasure from life,

    So that every day you live more fun!

    Let all the obstacles be nothing to you,

    If you solve them together,

    You already have married life,

    And the merits to each other are countless!

    You lasted two years ?!

    What can I say - well done!

    They put up, then they swore

    But now specialists

    In marriage science science,

    And you have solid experience.

    Got both in hand

    With valuable luggage experience!

    Paper wedding - the beginning of beginnings

    After all, if the boat has launched at least once, -

    Then remember how flimsy, timidly it floats,

    But all are gaining speed confidently.

    We, young people, want to wish you

    Manage your family boat,

    So that she only rushes forward,

    So that you are happy at all times!

    Today is a joyful and clean holiday,

    Today is the wedding anniversary 2 years!

    Let love grow stronger and more radiant

    And in souls only clear weather!

    Love, so that it is not like a sheet of paper,

    Let it be stronger than the sky, higher than the clouds!

    May happiness be the most important in life

    So that the faith is not locked!

    And here's the second wedding anniversary,

    I came to your house with a rustle of paper!

    Joy, happiness and love reign in him,

    Everything else seems unimportant.

    You have everything to enjoy life,

    May your friendly family grow stronger!

    And there is money - paper bills,

    I have such a wish!

    Two magical years flew by quickly!

    You always wanted to be together forever!

    We wish you so,

    So that life always keeps your happiness!

    May the family grow stronger, children grow up,

    Troubles and hardships are leaving your home!

    We wish you joy, happiness and love!

    Whatever happens, be together you!

    Your wonderful marriage with two years of experience

    Sealed now, like a paper signature!

    Two years is not a trifle at all!

    In family life, you are no longer rookies!

    You already have a family experience!




















































































