Tiger stone properties are suitable for anyone. Tiger's eye stone: properties, who suits

Sun-energized stones are the most popular of all minerals. They are neutralizers of negativity and protectors from evil spirits. Almost everyone is ready to acquire one of these minerals, because a nugget cannot harm its owner. It's about the tiger's eye.


The mineral has long been associated with powerful positive energy, capable of endowing the owner with common sense and well-developed intuition. It is these qualities that help to achieve material independence and recognition. The ancient Romans believed in the power of the amulet, putting on the amulet before the battle, and the Egyptians, who believed that the nugget was charged with the energy of the sun.

Place of Birth

The golden brown striped nugget looks like the eyes of animals or birds, hence the name. A variety of quartz is mined in many countries of the world.

The largest deposits are:

  • Russia;
  • Burma;
  • State of California (USA);
  • India;
  • Australia;
  • Kryvyi Rih (Ukraine).

Who suits

The tiger's eye is a real find for many people. He has a strong energy, which makes it possible to manifest hidden talents. The mineral is considered a talisman for happiness and financial stability. You should not acquire the crystal only for evil and envious people. He will harm them themselves, become a boomerang of negative energy thrown after someone.

The stone is suitable for businessmen, people whose profession is associated with hard physical labor, athletes. The mineral will give them strength, relieve them of ill-wishers and competitors, and open a second wind in the most difficult moment. The same effect can be expected for those whose activities are associated with risks to their lives: rescuers, law enforcement officers, pilots.

For women, the tiger stone will add attractiveness in the eyes of the stronger sex. And men against the background of rivals will look more courageous.

For creative people, the amulet will bring recognition and success. New works will not be long in coming, because a wave of inspiration will periodically cover the owner, stimulate the imagination and inner fuse.

The crystal patronizes the names:

  • Anatoly (will help you determine your life goals);
  • George (brings love and harmony to life);
  • Pavel (self-affirmation, career growth);
  • Zhanna (will restore strength after stress, bring harmony);
  • Margarita (eliminates the pangs of jealousy, promises financial stability);
  • Tatiana (inner harmony, success in business).

Properties of the tiger's eye


The mineral has the following physical properties:

  • is a kind of quartz;
  • has a rich golden brown color, not transparent;
  • the presence of fine-fibrous crocidolite veins provides an extraordinary shine;
  • chemical composition of SiO2 with an admixture of Fe2O3;
  • solid structure (on the Mohs scale - 7);
  • density - 2.6-2.8 g per cm3.


The magical properties of the stone are recognized by both esotericists and ordinary people. The sun symbol will become a reliable protection against negative messages, diseases and failures. If the zodiac sign is combined with the energy of the mineral, then a series of misfortunes and poverty can be overcome by buying yourself an amulet with a striped mineral.

In the East, it is believed that the tiger's eye transfers the strength and energy of the tiger to the owner. Some people develop foresight abilities. This is due to the property of the stone to develop intuition.

Fortune-tellers and magicians often use the tiger's eye in their rituals. With its help, they penetrate through time, see pictures from the past and the future.

If you hang the amulet at the head of the bed, then dreams will give out important upcoming events. There is an opinion that this crystal is one of the best amulets at home from evil spirits.


The following medicinal properties are inherent in the tiger's eye:

  • relieves depression;
  • promotes rapid recovery from skin diseases;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • stabilizes the psycho-emotional background;
  • affects (lowers) blood pressure;
  • prevents stroke;
  • accelerates wound healing.

In addition, the stone is actively used in the treatment of the spine and joints. It relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation, and affects microbiological processes. At the stage of rehabilitation, the mineral contributes to the rapid recovery and strengthening of the protective functions of the body.

A charm with a tiger crystal will help prevent some diseases and overcome the feeling of dependence on food during diets.

What zodiac signs are suitable for the tiger's eye

The mineral protects Virgo and Gemini. It stabilizes the psycho-emotional state of impulsive persons, brings balance, relieves obsessive thoughts. A cold mind will help them achieve certain heights in business and personal life.

Gemini will have the opportunity to discover new talents in themselves, realize plans and achieve material well-being. Virgo mascot will help achieve career growth and recognition of others.

For other signs, a tiger's eye will also be helpful. If you buy an untreated nugget and apply it to sore spots, then the stone will show its healing properties. The amulet will attract financial stability and business success.

Jewelry with crystal is not recommended for representatives of the zodiac signs: Scorpio and Pisces. The energy of the stone is not combined with their energy field, which is fraught with headaches and mood deterioration when wearing amulets.

For Taurus and Aquarius, the stone will be neutral. Therefore, you can wear jewelry, but you will not be able to get energy recharge.

Types and colors

There are two types of tiger's eye. Hawkeye has a blue-gray color with a blue tint. Differs in the minimum content of iron. A highly prized specimen has gray, bluish and black stripes with minimal pink blotches.

If dark brown stripes are found on the surface, then quartz is a different variety - zebra stone. Another type of mineral, bovine eye, is formed by heat treatment. After exposure to high temperatures, it takes on a reddish tint.

Crystal color variations are due to the chemical composition and bedding conditions of the rock. A high content of riebeckite gives a gray-blue color. Heat treatment converts yellow stripes to reddish ones. Iron oxide is responsible for the appearance of stripes and their shades.

Tiger's eye amulets and talismans

The stone is considered ornamental, so decorative figurines, beautiful boxes, writing and table utensils are often made from it. But amulets and talismans made from nuggets are more popular. According to beliefs, it is the raw mineral that has powerful energy that can attract good luck, create protection and influence the psycho-emotional background of the owner.

Cabochon-cut stone jewelry is no less popular. Beautiful beads, bracelets, pendants can also be used as amulets and charms.

The talisman of the tiger's eye is able to attract good luck in business and a successful career. He will become an inspiration for creative people. If a person is unbalanced after suffering stress, a unique mineral can also stabilize the condition and bring harmony.

The amulet will protect from the evil eye, damage and negative energy of ill-wishers, protect from scandals and quarrels. For those who often have to risk their lives and health, the stone will patronize and protect from dangers.

The tiger's eye will bring stability to life and fill it with positive energy.


Quartz crystal deposits are quite common, so its cost is low. The formation of the pricing policy depends on the size and quality of the nugget. On average, the price of a 5 gram stone is 1,500 rubles.


The appearance of the tiger's eye is often imitated by synthetic materials: borosilicate glass and barium titanate. Also, plastic and polymer products are issued as a fake. It is easy to distinguish them only by weight. It will be more difficult with glass and barium titanate, they have a mass close to that of a natural mineral.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

The value of the stone is not so great in monetary terms, but products made of polymers and cheaper analogs of natural origin are still issued for it.

Distinguishing the original is actually not difficult, just take into account the advice of experts:

  • Natural stone is always weighty, which can not be said about synthetic material.
  • The natural mineral stays cool for a long time if you hold it in your hand, and quickly returns to its characteristic temperature when you open your palm. Glass and polymer fakes will keep warm for longer.
  • Bright and rich color is not characteristic of natural crystals. This effect can be achieved with the help of pigmentation of the ornamental material.
  • There is a light stripe on the surface of the stone. If you look closely at it when the position of the mineral changes, then it can be noted that in the original sample it does not change direction.

In order to avoid acquiring a fake, it is worth making a purchase in specialized stores or from official representatives.


There are no peculiarities of caring for a tiger stone. To maintain appearance and integrity, the same measures should be taken as for other jewelry. Products containing minerals should be stored in separate soft cloth bags. Clean with soapy water and a soft bristled brush.

The stone is endowed with sufficiently strong qualities, but this does not mean that it will retain its shape upon impact. Therefore, you should not expose the jewelry to physical stress. Rough handling of a tiger mineral product may cause cracks and scratches on the surface.

For daily care, it is enough to wipe the crystal with a dry non-woven cloth. You can put on the jewelry only after applying cosmetics and perfumery products. Contact with the surface of chemical compounds can form cloudy spots, which can no longer be removed.

The mysterious and magical stone of the tiger's eye - this is what we will talk about today. Tiger's eye is one of the varieties of quartz, saturated with materials that are fibrous in structure.

It is the latter that give the stone a characteristic ebb and flow of waves, which is especially noticeable if cut in the form of cabochons.

Initially, it was believed that a stone called tiger's eye and chrysoberyl were an equivalent concept. But the family of the latter includes three types of stones that have almost identical chemical composition, but differ in their optical properties:

  1. Alexandrite... With an electric type of lighting or in the evening, it changes its emerald green color to a violet-red color.
  2. Chrysoberyl... In its color, this stone can vary from transparent to all sorts of shades of yellow or green.
  3. Cymofan... The rarest type of cat's eye, which has a silky or velvety structure. The color of which varies from greenish, with a golden tint of color, to yellowish, fiery shades. It is he who is considered the true cat's eye.

However, there are other minerals that have a characteristic feline coloration. We are talking about asterisk stones, when grown, the pattern will not go in the form of a wide strip, but in an asterisk format.

Mineral deposit and its history

Most often, a high-quality tiger's eye is mined in India and Burma, in Australia and Ukraine, as well as in South Africa. In Russia, the mineral is mined in the Urals.

The history of the tiger's eye has a rather long and rich past. For its own color, it is often called a sun stone. Even the ancient Egyptians personified him with the god Ra, and in the countries of the East he is still considered the stone of the deity of Shiva.

Roman legionaries wore jewelry with this stone just before the battle. They believed that he was able to protect them from danger in battle and a stray arrow.

The Indians wore it as a talisman against a predator. It was believed that when a dangerous animal approaches, the tiger's eye is able to warn its owner by changing its own shade.

But the tiger's eye as a stone gained great popularity at the beginning of the 19th century. The nobility wore it not only as a decoration, but also as a powerful talisman, protecting herself from robbers and to attract wealth.

At one time, it was even forbidden to be worn by ordinary people. Only noble people could afford jewelry with this stone.

The magical properties of the stone

It is the tiger's eye that is considered the most powerful talisman in the world of stones, a protective talisman from any accidents and scandals, disagreements and danger. The tiger's eye will help protect love from negative external influences, discord and extinction. He gives everything except a calm life, changing it for the better and new. It is this stone that should be worn during any change in life.

Among other things, the tiger's eye is a strong talisman against financial losses, any ruin and bankruptcy. That is why it is recommended to be worn by everyone who works with money and is afraid of being robbed.

The stone enlightens the mind and protects from thieves. In the field of entrepreneurship, the tiger's eye helps to achieve everything that a person outlines in front of him, enormous heights. The amulet will keep it from dishonest partners and deception, helping to make huge profits.

But it's worth clarifying, this stone helps only an active and purposeful person, independent in moving towards the goal and honest in their actions.

If its owner is lazy by nature, then he will constantly be mired in doubts and confusion, and the amulet will only aggravate his condition. Such people often lose their jewelry with a tiger's eye, the stone, as they say, leaves them without being appreciated.

For all lovers, the stone helps to protect themselves from torment, doubts and unfounded jealousy. As many astrologers note, if Desdemona had presented him to her beloved Othello, everything would not have ended so murderously. The tiger's eye amulet helps to protect from intrigues and intrigues of enemies, attacks of a predatory beast, helps to concentrate and strengthen reason, strengthen logic and intuition, and develop the abilities of a teacher.

Who is suitable for the tiger's eye according to the horoscope?

Since the tiger's eye personifies and is ruled by the daylight, the amulet with this stone is suitable for all representatives of the zodiacal circle who are charged with the energy of the Sun. It is best to wear such a stone for representatives of the zodiac signs: Virgo and Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini, Taurus and Capricorn.

Amulets inlaid with stone will give their owner some qualities of a predatory beast - such as patience and endurance, vigilance of eyes and focus on one's goal, determination to make difficult decisions. It is such a charge of energy that will help a person, both in the business sphere and in his personal life. An iron grip, nerves of steel and toughness help many.

Medicinal properties

In traditional medicine, the tiger's eye is widely used. It helps to recover from the most severe injuries and surgeries. Among other things, it is recommended to wear it unprocessed as a prophylaxis against many ailments. The stone helps to normalize blood pressure, improve sleep and relieve insomnia and nightmares.

The tiger eye gives strength and confidence in their decisions, actions and actions. Our ancestors knew this. Experience is passed down from generation to generation. Ancient knowledge is applied in practice today.

Experienced lithotherapists believe that tiger-eye applications can help combat a skin condition such as psoriasis faster. Among other things, it perfectly helps to alleviate, or even completely cure attacks of bronchial asthma, pain in inflamed joints.

Tiger's Eye Jewelry

The tiger's eye, which is opaque in its structure, is most often cut in the form of a cabochon, and the transparent mineral is most often processed by jewelers in a facet cut format.

Due to the fact that this stone is an ornamental stone, it shows and manifests its strength in decorative figurines and boxes, amulets and rosary beads, beads and brooches. To enhance the effect of the stone, practicing astrologers recommend setting it in gold or silver, although more inexpensive items can be found on sale when the mineral is set in inexpensive alloys.

How to tell a tiger's eye from a fake

A real, natural mineral will be expensive. In some cases its price reaches the value of diamonds... Many businessmen try to fake it, but it is quite easy to distinguish a real tiger's eye from a clone.

  1. Due to the fact that it has a high density and strength, it can only be scratched with such minerals as diamond, ruby ​​or sapphire. And scratches will remain on the glass if you drag a tiger's eye over it, which indicates the authenticity of the mineral.
  2. There is another way to simply test the naturalness of the tiger's eye. In a dark place, it glows, creating the effect of a cat's eye. The counterfeit will not have these properties.

The tiger's eye is found in many places around the world, including Australia, the United States, Eastern Siberia, and Ukraine. Most often, the tiger's eye is a yellow-brown, brown-black and black-yellow combination of shades.

It is one of the varieties of quartz. This stone is highly saturated with fibrous material. It is thanks to him that the stone we are considering has a special ebb in the form of waves. This effect is best seen with stones made in the form of cabochons. Another characteristic feature of the tiger's eye, a golden brownish tint, is provided by the presence of iron hydroxide in the stone.

How the tiger's eye differs from the falcon's and the bull's

The tiger's eye has two "relatives" - the falcon's and the bull's eye. Although they look alike, they are not the same thing. The difference between a hawk's eye and a tiger's eye, which can be seen with the naked eye, is its color. Hawkeye is very cloudy, dark gray in color. There are also options for light green and light green colors.

The bull's eye was formed as a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Because of this, there are absolutely no stripes on it: the fact is that limonite, which is part of the bovine's eye, under the influence of high air temperature (regardless of its source - natural or artificial) is transformed into hematite. This chemical reaction also leads to the appearance of a brownish-brown tint on the surface of the stone, from which, in fact, it got its name.

The healing properties of the stone

Representatives of traditional medicine consider the tiger's eye one of the most effective stones in restoring human health after major surgeries. Also, in some states, the practice of wearing jewelry made of this stone for preventive purposes is widespread. The main medicinal properties of the tiger's eye, which can now be bought without much difficulty, is the normalization of blood pressure and sleep patterns.

In addition, traditional medicine recommends wearing a tiger's eye for diseases of the female genital organs and organs of vision, as well as disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. To achieve the desired result, according to lithotherapists, it is possible only with regular wearing of a tiger's eye.

Wearing a tiger's eye and jewelry with it is no less effective for such an ailment as psoriasis. Popular connoisseurs are advised to regularly apply a stone to the area of ​​the body affected by the disease, and then after a few days it will retreat without a trace.

The magical properties of the Tiger's eye

The tiger's eye is also known for its magical properties. In most cases, this stone was used as a talisman against damage and the evil eye. According to modern magicians, the tiger's eye instills in a person a sound mind, thanks to which he does not commit any more rash actions.

For people who dream of reaching career heights, regularly wearing jewelry with a tiger's eye will give strength, patience and help to get around all competitors. However, one important point should be said here. To be successful at work, you need to put in a sufficient amount of effort. If the tiger's eye is used by a person burdened with constant laziness, then this will not only not bring him anything good, but will aggravate the situation.

Also, among the magical properties of the tiger's eye, one can note its ability to cleanse the human body after large feasts, eliminate unreasonable torments of jealousy and get rid of frivolous actions, for example, the constant spending of large sums of money on absolutely unnecessary things.

Tiger's eye stone in essence refers to the representatives of "eye stones". This means that outwardly it is very similar to the eye of an ordinary representative of the animal world, as well as a bird. He, as experts note, has a pattern, which is called iridescent, and a radiance appears that resembles an arc. That is why it was previously endowed with a very interesting effect.

The Tiger's Eye stone, the properties of which have been known since ancient times, was quite actively used to create various kinds of statuettes. In addition, it was actively used to decorate jewelry and accessories. It has often been argued that such a mineral contains the energy of the Sun and the Earth at the same time. Moreover, the stone is able to unite energy and turn it into material wealth. Often such an amulet was used for battles, believing that it would reliably protect from wounds.

Physical properties of the stone Tiger's eye

According to jewelry experts and geologists, the Tiger Eye is one of the quartz formations. This stone is brown in color with golden stripes in the pattern. In terms of hardness, this mineral corresponds to the number 7, in terms of density, it is 2.54-2.71. By itself, it is opaque.

The color of the stone is due to the presence of iron hydroxide in it. At the same time, it is important to understand that the Tiger's Eye is noticeably different from its "brothers" - the Cat's and Hawkeye's. The stone got its name, which favorably distinguishes the mineral from others, due to its external resemblance to the eye of a predator. It is very similar - both in radiance and overflow - to the eye of a tiger. This effect is especially noticeable when the stone is being processed for subsequent use in jewelry.

By color, the stones are distinguished by a bright color - golden brown, golden brown or golden yellow shades. There are also light stripes and black blotches in the stone. All this is due to the interesting chemical composition of the mineral.

Today, there are often synthetic analogs of the mineral. Despite the fact that it is inexpensive, it is still often counterfeited. Usually glass, or even plastic, is given out for the Tiger's Eye. To understand that this is a fake mineral, you need to take a closer look at it - a natural stone has a light strip, which is distinct and does not change position when rotating. The weight of the fake stone will be very light. It is also worth understanding that if the stone is synthesized artificially, it will be brighter and sharper in color.

Mineral deposits

The Tiger's Eye stone, the magical properties of which have been known since ancient times, is one of the minerals with magmatic origin. Accordingly, its deposits are found in places where previously (even if we are talking about a very distant past) volcanoes were located or cracks in the earth's crust were noted. And here it is important to understand that the process of replacing a substance such as crocidolite with quartz, after which another substitution with iron hydroxides will take place, occurs only under conditions that are called hydrothermal. Countries such as Australia, India, Burma and Africa are named among the most famous stone deposits. However, they are also present in Russia - in the Urals and in the region of Eastern Siberia.

Stone Tiger's Eye: healing and magical properties

The stone has many different properties. If we talk about the healing effect that it gives, you can hear the statement that it helps with the following problems:

  • Different eye pathologies
  • Increased blood pressure
  • The presence of insomnia
  • Manifestations of psoriasis
  • Joint problems
  • Asthma attacks
  • Development of otitis media
  • Rheumatism
  • Various diseases of the female sphere

Natural stone is often used for rehabilitation after various complex surgical procedures. Also, the Tiger's Eye helps to cope with fatigue (even chronic), saves from unexplained tormenting fears and depressive conditions.

As for its magical properties, the stone has a rather powerful energy. It was often used as a talisman against evil spirits, black magicians, and various dark forces. Today it is believed that this mineral helps its owner by giving him strength and self-confidence, endowing him with sanity and allowing him to gain prudence. There are those who argue that the Tiger's Eye perfectly saves from jealousy.

Tiger's eye stone, magical properties

When the question arises: Tiger's eye is a stone, who suits and who does not, astrology immediately comes to mind. The tiger's eye and the zodiac sign are so closely intertwined that choosing the right one will not be difficult. Such an amulet will be an excellent solution for Gemini and Virgo. This is due to the increased impulsiveness and emotionality of the representatives of the constellations. It is also quite possible to use it for Aries, especially for ladies and those who are born in the first half of the sign. Taurus can use this mineral to fight anger and pick up keys to communicate with even the most difficult interlocutor. Gemini's Tiger Eye helps to unleash their creativity.

Many people know what a tiger's eye stone looks like due to its wide popularity. Mineral is a kind of quartz, but with an increased amount of fibrous inclusions and additives. The color of the mineral is determined by the sheen of golden brown. This ebb is wavy stripes.

What does this mineral mean in the wizarding world? The magical properties of the stone are determined by its name. Basically, the tiger's eye was used as a talisman, which must protect the wearer from evil eyes and adverse influences from the outside. But over time, the number of magical properties of the stone showed more:

  • Protects against rash decisions.
  • Attracts good luck in business.
  • Hides competitors or enemies from hostile actions.
  • Strengthens the will to win.
  • Unleashes creativity.
  • Aspires to success.

The mineral becomes the most important in the life of the person who sincerely wants to achieve something in life, career, family. Lazy, inert people are aggravated by the stone and can even lead to depression.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

As a result of the strong impact on human energy, people should be careful when choosing a talisman such as a tiger's eye. Not every zodiac sign will be able to cope with the effects of the mineral.

Note! Not only the sign of the zodiac, but also the gender of a person determines the influence of the stone on the quality of life and the personality itself.

Who is suitable according to the horoscope and what characteristics contribute to this? To curb the energy of the tiger's eye, you must definitely belong to that pantheon of zodiac signs in astronomy that are not afraid to show themselves and perseverance:

Astrological sign Characteristic
a lion For women, it will work as a beacon to attract attention in personal life and business.

For men, it will become a real assistant in business and financial matters.

Cancer A woman will be able to profitably show a passionate temperament, without consequences and hardships.

A man will allow himself to show all the positive qualities of character that were hidden under the guise of indifference.

Scorpion The weaker sex will curb their storm of emotions.

The stronger sex will become more realistic in assessing their strengths.

Taurus Especially suitable for women. Guides in the love sphere. It will help you get through difficult moments in life.
Capricorn Regardless of gender, it will help to achieve great achievements in almost all areas of life without much effort and barriers.

What color and what it looks like: types of stone

The tiger's eye looks truly bewitching. The color palette of the mineral is not very diverse, but the shades and reflections of the veins make the appearance bright and original. Usually it is a golden yellow or brown tone, sometimes brown or dark green specimens are found.

There are some types of stone, determined by the appearance and veins.

Mineral varieties:

  1. Cat's eye.
  2. Hawkeye.

The species are determined by the origin and the chemical composition of the veins. When heat treated, a hawk's eye can be obtained from a bull's eye. A characteristic feature is the reddish shade of the base.

How much: price

How much does a tiger's eye cost? Depending on what types of metal the stone is combined with, the cost is determined.

Mineral price depending on the processing method:

  • Tumbling 1.5-3 centimeters - 50-90 rubles.
  • Cabochon - 70-120 rubles.
  • Shaped cut - 100-250 rubles.
  • Decorative decorations for the interior - 500-1000 rubles.
  • Finished jewelry - 300-3500 rubles.

The pricing policy is determined by the size of the mineral and the supplying country.

Important! When buying, pay attention to the correct processing. The veins should not be oiled or worn out.

Thanks to the unique design and hand-cut method, the price of even a small piece can rise significantly.

Products and jewelry made of stone and its application

The tiger stone is used not only in jewelry, but also in ornamental. For processing, a cabochon cut is used, since the mineral is opaque and matte.

The bases for jewelry are made from this type of quartz:

  • Beads.
  • Pendants.
  • Earrings.
  • Brooches.

The list can be long. But in the finishing craft, the application is narrower: figurines, vases, boxes, stands.

Medicinal properties: are they there?

It is actively used in folk medicine to restore the body after operations and various kinds of injuries.

The healing properties are determined by the following points:

  1. Normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Saves from insomnia and nightmares.
  3. Helps with the respiratory tract.
  4. Accelerates the healing of inflammatory processes.

How to spot a counterfeit: checking for authenticity

Natural stone has high hardness and density. The tiger's eye is considered an ornamental stone and only some of its types are semiprecious.

There is no point in counterfeiting the mineral, but there is still benefit for mass production.

You can determine the authenticity of the stone using the following tips:

  1. A real stone heats up slowly when applied to the body.
  2. Try to scratch the sample with your fingernail - the real one will not be damaged.
  3. Compare the sound of a natural stone and a sample that is offered to buy.

A real stone compares favorably with a fake, since an analogue is synthesized from plastic, and more expensive ones from ceramics.

Mineral deposits

Mineral deposits are scattered all over the world.

The most popular and ancient places are:

  • South Africa.
  • Burma.
  • India.

Some small deposits have been found in Russia. The problem is that the tiger's eye is a volcanic formation.

Care and storage

The mineral is used exclusively in jewelry, but more often in decoration products. Rough stone for interior decoration is rarely used, but such options are also possible.

Mineral care:

  1. Wipe with a damp soft cloth.
  2. Dry naturally.
  3. Store in a soft cover.

If you adhere to these rules, then the original quality will remain for many years.

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