Acupressure massage for facial wrinkles. Contraindications for point procedure. Bioactive points on the face

It is difficult to find a woman who, with age, did not begin to think about how to keep her face youthful and fresh for as long as possible. Fortunately, modern cosmetology is able to offer many different options for prolonging youth. However, the most effective methods are reduced to surgical intervention. But not all women can take this step.

The essence and technique of acupressure

An excellent alternative to surgery is acupressure facial massage, thanks to which you can stay young and attractive much longer, despite age-related changes.

This technique came from the Ancient East, since anti-aging acupressure massage has been practiced for more than one hundred years among representatives of Asian nations: China, Japan, Korea. Unlike most other methods of rejuvenation, massage of bioactive points in the face area does not require special preparation and special tools, so the manipulations can be carried out independently.

The acupressure technique is a light effect on certain acupuncture points located on the face. Manipulations are always carried out with the pads of the fingers on groups of active points, called meridians in medicine.

During the massage, there is light pressure on the nerve endings and lymphatic ducts, due to which there is an improvement in blood flow, muscle tone and smoothing of fine wrinkles. Moreover, as a result of such manipulations, the general condition of the skin improves, the protective functions of the whole organism are enhanced and the internal reserves of a person are activated.

An important condition is the systematic implementation of massage movements. Therefore, in order to achieve success and consolidate the result obtained, regular massage is required.

The advantages of the technique

A competent influence on the right points allows not only to slow down the aging process, but also to heal from some chronic ailments. Moreover, the point technique has many other advantages:

It is important to note the fact that the acupressure system of facial massage differs significantly from the traditional massage technique. Moreover, in the first case, strong physical influences are almost completely excluded.

Positive effect

As a result of the impact on certain points during the massage, the movement of energy throughout the body increases. The positive effect of this interaction will be only if all movements are performed correctly and effortlessly. It should be clearly understood in which area of ​​the face this or that point is located, and with what intensity it is necessary to influence it. Only in this case can the result be achieved. After the procedure, the following is observed:

In addition, systematic massage helps to restore sleep patterns, get rid of signs of insomnia and frequent migraines.

Indications for the procedure

The main reason for turning to oriental massage techniques is the desired activation of the body's protective functions and rejuvenation. This technique is widely used as a prophylaxis diseases, even if there are no direct indications for the procedure. The main indications for acupressure are:

The main purpose of the massage is rejuvenation and improvement of facial skin by the correct impact on biologically active zones.

Possible contraindications

It should be said right away that the point massage technique is more related to a medical procedure. Therefore, this event has some contraindications that you should definitely study:

If all of the above no contraindications, then you can safely begin to study the technique of anti-aging massage. But before that, you need to figure out what points of influence exist and where exactly they are.

There are several special points on the face, acting on which you can achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation and improvement of the body. If you know where to press, you can achieve a positive effect in just a few sessions:

Having an idea of ​​where exactly are the points for massage on the face and what effect they have, you can independently carry out the procedure rejuvenation at home.

Terms and conditions of massage

The effectiveness of the massage will directly depend on how well the acupuncture points are affected. Compliance with all conditions of massage- a guarantee of success:

As for the duration of one procedure, it should be at least 10 minutes. The regularity of the anti-aging massage is once a day for one week. To restore elasticity, get rid of skin flabbiness and smooth out wrinkles, it is enough to carry out at least 10 procedures. For the prevention of facial tone, one procedure should be performed once a week.

There are 700 places on the body that can stimulate and activate the work of organs. It is possible to improve blood circulation, enhance the lymphatic drainage effect by targeting active points on the face. What is the secret of returning youth - read on.

The essence of the technique

The ancient doctrine of influence through biologically active points is called reflexology. This science considers different techniques, attention is paid to action, not cosmetics. As a result, a cure for diseases and a skin lifting effect are guaranteed.

The essence of the action through active points on the face is to stimulate impulses that are sent to the nerve centers of the brain. A response signal with a solution to the problem goes to the cells. They activate functioning, enhanced production of useful proteins and enzymes. For skin rejuvenation, these are collagen, elastin fibers.

Location of the "springs of youth"

The face is a zone of concentration of active places (over 114). The diameter of the acupuncture sites fluctuates 1 mm -1 cm. In other words, this is a large accumulation of nerves, therefore, a feeling of aches and pains with strong pressure is possible.

Points on the face to rejuvenate the sensitive area around the eyes:

  1. "Third eye" - located between the eyebrows 1 cm above the bridge of the nose;
  2. two symmetrical zones in the inner corners of the eye incisions - regular exposure relieves puffiness, swelling;
  3. middle of the eyebrow above the pupil;
  4. move your fingers 1 cm from the outer corners of the eye incisions to the temples;
  5. parallel to the pupils in the center under the cheekbones;
  6. 1 cm below the lower rim of the eye.

Acupuncture places of the mouth area:

  1. under the lower lip in the center;
  2. near the folds of the mouth on both sides;
  3. in the center above the upper lip.

To smooth out vertical and horizontal wrinkles in the frontal area, to prevent the appearance of new points will help:

  1. on both sides of the end of the eyebrows in the temporal zone;
  2. 1 cm above the eyebrow parallel to the pupil;
  3. 3 cm above the outer corners of the eye incisions;

Methods of exposure

Modern cosmetology knows such methods of rejuvenation through acupuncture points on the face:

  • effective acupuncture (find out more);
  • thermal method;
  • exposure to ultraviolet, infrared, laser beams;
  • magnetopuncture;
  • can (vacuum) therapy.

All methods provide for short-term (3-5 sec), regular exposure. Corrected nutrition, good sleep, high-quality cosmetics will enhance the effect of the procedures.

Positive effect of rejuvenation, contraindications

Acupuncture face lifting allows you to achieve significant results:

  • the effect of skin lifting without surgery;
  • reduction of mimic wrinkles, with the prospect of complete smoothing;
  • alignment of the relief, correction of the oval, removal of the double chin;
  • improving the color of the skin;
  • elasticity, increased tugor of the epidermis;
  • getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth;
  • deep frontal folds become less noticeable.

Acupuncture procedures are combined with others (elos-rejuvenation, anti-aging masks from homemade folk remedies).

Modern cosmetology has made a major breakthrough in massage techniques. Today, acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation is very popular among women. This procedure originated many years ago in the East, and is now used all over the world. Its purpose is to relieve tension and relax the muscles of the face by influencing active points.

Shiatsu is a Japanese technique of acupressure, which not only gives a rejuvenating effect, but also restores body functions, and is also used as a diagnosis.

Having studied the principle of implementation, the procedure can be done independently at home. Unlike Chinese and other types of acupressure, Shiatsu is performed exclusively by pressing on the active points on the face.

Pros and cons of Japanese massage

Eastern manipulations will help restore physiological, psychological, and energy balance in several sessions. At the same time, several more positive qualities can be distinguished:

  • Due to the point implementation, the effectiveness of actions can be directed to a separate area or to the entire body.
  • The results are visible already after the first procedure.
  • Not a complicated technology that allows you to perform massage yourself.
  • Massage manipulations give pleasant sensations during their execution, calm the nerves, and lift the mood.
  • The Japanese technique is very effective in eliminating various disorders in the human body.

The only drawback of the Shiatsu method is that the full effect can only be achieved with regular use. In addition, there is another small disadvantage - the high price for one session. But if you take into account the possibility of self-conduct at home, then this quality can be ignored.

Cases in which massage is indispensable

Shiatsu acupressure face massage is prescribed for patients who have the following abnormalities:

  • Various diseases that have arisen on the basis of nerves.
  • Some cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Dysfunctions of the digestive system.
  • Not difficult cases of diseases of the musculoskeletal system that do not require surgical intervention.
  • Signs of skin aging.

Contraindications for point procedure

Like many wellness processes, Shiatsu massage has its own contraindications:

  • Low blood pressure.
  • Various skin pathologies: herpes, warts and others /
  • Complex cases of motor system disorders requiring surgical intervention.
  • The last stages of tuberculosis.
  • Infectious and viral diseases.
  • Manifestations of allergic reactions on the skin of the face: inflammation, rashes, rosacea, boils and others.
  • Open lesions of the skin.
  • Vascular pathologies with hematomas.

Preparation for the acupressure procedure

Shiatsu massage for the face requires preliminary preparation, like many other cosmetic services.

  • First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face from make-up with the help of herbal cleansers, special solutions or a scrub.
  • Clean skin is warmed up with steam baths or hot compresses for ten minutes. This will help relax muscle tissue and improve blood circulation.
  • A few minutes before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with a nourishing cream in order to increase the expected effect of the acupressure.

When performing massage actions on your own, you must remember 3 basic rules.

  1. Microcirculation during massage for rejuvenation is carried out with the help of all fingers, except for the little finger. The thumb is used in some cases. The pressure should not be too strong or too weak. The patient should feel mild but pleasant pain, similar to a mild spasm.
  2. The procedure is performed with slow, measured movements of the fingers, which should be located perpendicular to the massaged points. Movements are carried out from the bottom up, while it is forbidden to pull or pinch the skin.
  3. The minimum exposure period for each point should be approximately five seconds. The intensity and force of pressing depends on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. The affected areas are determined by two parameters: in the place that hurts or requires cosmetic correction. Stretching or displacement of the skin must not be allowed!

Performing a rejuvenating and healing procedure

The forehead massage is performed with three fingers of both hands, applying the ring fingers in the center.

  • Then you need to apply pressure and hold for about five seconds.
  • Change the pressure point by moving to the side and repeat the click.

These manipulations are performed until the fingers reach the temple.

The Shiatsu technique ends by massaging the neck, pressing on the active points located behind the auricles, as well as next to the lobes.

After the end of all point manipulations, the skin of the face is cleansed and moisturized with a nourishing cream. After the session, experts recommend lying down and resting a little. It is best to perform therapy in the morning, every day, for at least two weeks.

Royal points are zones, the stimulation of which gives results that are not inferior in efficiency to a professional lifting massage.

There are only three royal points:

  1. Royal Point Tenyo. The result of its effect is the elimination of edema of the neck and face, restoration of tone, skin color.
  2. Koryo is the next point that removes wrinkles, fat deposits in the cheek area.
  3. Sokkoku. Massaging it helps to lift the face.

The massage of the royal points is no different from others, except for the effect produced. It is preferable to perform it in the morning, preferably in the morning.

Before starting the procedure, you need to cleanse your face, and then moisturize it with a nourishing cream or essential oils.

For massage, three fingers of both hands are used, which knead two adjacent points at once. Pressing should be done synchronously for 5-7 seconds. You can massage by pressing on three different points at once. The thumbs are applied to the Koryo point, the little fingers are applied to Sokkoku, and the index fingers are applied to Tenyo.


The Japanese acupressure procedure is in no way inferior to the expensive beauty services performed in salons. Moreover, you can do Shiatsu yourself. If the session is carried out regularly, regardless of the condition of the skin, then the rejuvenating effect and beauty can be maintained for a long time.

With age, every woman, having seen the first wrinkles on her face, begins to think about how to improve the condition of her skin. Someone resorts to plastic surgery, someone uses non-surgical, but no less effective methods. One of them is a point effect on the skin of the face. So where are the facial rejuvenation massage points?

For a long time, facial massage for the purpose of rejuvenation has been used in different countries of the world and has always had zealous fans. Therefore, we will consider in this article what types of it there are, and learn about bioactive points that allow you to restore the skin of the face.

There are many types of massage in the world with different names, and it should be noted that they are based on a general technique that uses bioactive areas of the face.


This technique was developed by Chinese experts. It is based on the division of the facial area into several parts, where each corresponds to some part of the body and is responsible for its health. For example, massaging the points of the forehead can improve blood circulation in the brain, and rubbing the bridge of the nose will have a beneficial effect on the cervical spine.

This Chinese technique allows you to restore human health in all parts of the body, to give firmness and elasticity to the skin of the face. In order to achieve a positive result with massage procedures, experts recommend that they be carried out 2 times a week.


The Japanese method of massaging bioactive points on the face is licensed by the state and is a popular type of therapy. Its action is aimed at activating the work of the cells of the epidermis, with the help of which the energy channels of Qi are purified. The technique stimulates the recovery processes of both the skin of the face and the whole body. It was found that acupuncture points on the face (according to the acupuncture method) correspond to bioactive points.

Where are the bioactive points located on the face?

Consider where the main points of youth are located on the face:

How to properly perform a cosmetic facial massage

Facial cosmetic massage plays an important role, especially for women with aging skin. With its help, the first wrinkles are removed, blood circulation is increased, the skin gains firmness and elasticity. Massage the facial skin before applying the cream. Thanks to its action, the skin warms up and easily absorbs cosmetic preparations.

A positive result from the massage procedure will be reflected not only on the face. Its action will be felt by the whole organism:

  • sleep will improve;
  • the mental background will be restored;
  • pep will appear.

Before starting the massage procedure, you need to do the following:

  • put a bandage on your head to hide your hair;
  • wash hands thoroughly with soapy disinfectant;
  • examine all the active points of the face where the procedure will be performed;
  • massage while sitting in front of the mirror.

Facial massage for rejuvenation involves performing circular movements in predetermined places using light finger pressure. At the same time, it can be performed by pressing on one point, or it can pass along the line where certain points are located. Acupressure massage involves pressing a point on the face for rejuvenation for 30 seconds, after which pressure is performed with a rotational movement: 9 times in each direction. One point should be massaged for no more than 3 minutes. The result of the procedures will be noticeable and tangible after three sessions.

Features of execution

  • from the central part of the forehead, the fingers move to the temples;
  • from the nostrils, the fingers move to the temples;
  • from the corners of the lips in the direction of the auricles;
  • from the center of the chin, the fingers move to the earlobes.
  1. The procedure for applying and removing any cosmetic mask or cream is performed in the same direction as the massage.
  2. After massaging all points of the face, lightly tapping with the pillows of the fingers in the same directions is carried out. It is allowed to tap lightly and very gently on the muscles surrounding the eyes.
  3. If the surface of the forehead is covered with large wrinkles, then massaging movements (smoothing and patting) should be performed both along the forehead and across.
  4. The sagging double chin is massaged quickly and intensely.
  5. After massaging procedures, the cream is removed from the face with a paper handkerchief. In the case when a person needs to immediately go outside, then a thin layer of powder is applied to the face.

How often do you need to massage your face?

In the first week, massage procedures should be performed every day for 7 minutes. Then their frequency decreases, but to maintain normal tone, you will need to massage your face once a week.

Contraindications to cosmetic facial massage

Along with the many positive characteristics of cosmetic massage, it is necessary to be aware that negative aspects can also appear. Therefore, before starting a facial massage, you need to get a doctor's recommendation.

If a person has an inflammatory process on the skin, a herpes infection manifests itself or there are warts, then experts do not advise performing massage procedures.

Regularly caring for the skin of the face, doing massage, we can forget about early wrinkles and significantly smooth out age-related ones. The uniqueness of acupressure lies in its ease of implementation and amazing effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the entire body.

Improve blood flow and eliminate toxins and make you more attractive.

Your skin shines with health, transforms and rejuvenates, you feel more confident with each massage session.

This is a procedure that has been known since the times of the ancient East. It consists in a point effect with the fingertips on certain active points in the face and neck.

The main goal pursued by a person who decides to attend sessions is to relieve tension and relax the facial muscles.

After going through two or three procedures, you will begin to hear compliments in your address about your appearance. Literally the first few visits to the masseur will give stunning results.

The full course usually lasts one month. During this time, the woman does two to three procedures per week.

Massage works only when done regularly. Relaxation during the procedure is also important. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible.

If you prefer to do it yourself, we recommend that you first create an intimate warm atmosphere in the room. To do this, turn on a relaxing melody and light some scented candles.

What is shiatsu acupressure

Historical reference: the shiatsu system was developed by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi at the beginning of the twentieth century. From Japanese "shiatsu" is translated as finger pressing. This is the basis of the principle of the massage therapist. There is pressure during a shiatsu session. The main elements of the procedure are exclusively pressure.... Rubbing, stroking, pinching is prohibited.

There are three types of shiatsu:

  • Zen. Based on intuition and bioenergy.
  • Classical. Followers of Namikoshi.
  • West. A modernized type of shiatsu, based on modern science.

The force with which the specialist acts, as well as the duration of pressing in each case, is determined individually. The reason why the patient sought a massage plays an important role. No discomfort or pain is felt.

Another important detail: during shiatsu, there is an effect on the active points of the tsubo. These movements start the processes of self-healing and self-rejuvenation in the body.

Thus, Shiatsu activates the internal reserves of a person and eliminates the cause of poor health. To date, the world knows various, both for getting rid of the first signs of aging, and.

During a shiatsu session, an experienced massage therapist can diagnose various diseases with an accuracy of almost 95%.

Indications and contraindications

An indication for an acupressure face massage may be an imbalance in the human energy field, the need to activate the body's defenses. The procedure is also used for preventive purposes, when there are no direct indications for it.

You can achieve good results with acupressure sessions for rejuvenation in the following cases:

  • Occasionally, there are mild headaches due to overexertion and fatigue.
  • Lethargy and flabbiness of the skin appeared, muscle tone decreased.
  • The complexion has become dull.
  • The smoothness of the skin disappeared, irregularities, enlarged pores and rashes appeared.
  • The incidence of puffiness and bags under the eyes has increased.
  • The woman noticed the first expression lines on her face or neck.
  • There is a desire to conduct a course of aging prevention.
  • The woman's age has crossed the border of 25 years.

However, acupressure for rejuvenation is still a therapeutic procedure. Some contraindications are applicable to it, including the following:

  • The skin on the face is damaged. The nature of the damage can be mechanical, infectious, allergic or any other.
  • There are fresh injuries on the face (burns, cuts, bites).
  • The body is affected by a virus or infection, the body temperature is elevated, and the state of health is poor. In this case, acupressure only harms and contributes to the deterioration of health.
  • Malignant tumors have appeared in the body. There is a risk of provoking the appearance of metastases in healthy organs.
  • The woman suffers from blood diseases (hemophilia).
  • Constant torture for unknown reasons.
  • Disruption of the functioning of internal organs (heart muscle, kidneys, liver, bronchi).
  • Individual features of hair growth and skull structure. This refers to increased scalp hairiness, in which the scalp can be damaged and covered with red spots. Such cases are very rare, but they do happen.

Shiatsu points

There are sixteen magical shiatsu points that, when stimulated, trigger the healing and rejuvenation process.

No. 1. Forehead
With two fingers placed one above the other, go along the entire forehead from the middle to the temples and back to both sides.

No. 2, 3, 4. Brows and forehead
Place three fingers on the eyebrow so that one is in the middle of it, the second is at the beginning, and the third is at the outer corner. Press for 7 seconds. Then act with one finger on point 3, located at the outer corner of the eye. Point 4 is at the inner corner of the eye. It is necessary to press on it for six seconds.

No. 5. Bridge
Press on the point between the eyebrows for a few seconds.

No. 6. Fixed eyelid
Work on the brow area, do not touch the eyeball.

№ 7. The area under the eyes
Press down on the under-eye area with the pads of your index, middle, and ring fingers for seven seconds.

No. 8. Cheeks
Apply three fingers of each hand to the cheekbone area. Five seconds is enough.

No. 9. Wings of the nose
Press on the wings of the nose with your middle fingers for five seconds.

No. 10. Nasolabial fold
Use your finger to work on the indentation where the teeth are not felt for seven seconds.

No. 11. Corners of the lips
Press with the pads of your middle fingers for 5-6 seconds.

No. 12. Dimple under the lower lip
Use your finger to work on the indentation where the teeth are not felt. Press for 7 seconds.

No. 13. Lower jaw
Place three fingers at each side of your chin. Use your thumb to gently pinch the bone and press for seven seconds. Work your way up to the highest point on your cheekbones.

No. 14. Lateral points on the neck
The index finger should be lower and the ring finger should be higher. Press for three seconds.

No. 15. Jugular cavity
Pressing the pad of the middle finger for three seconds on the depression.

№ 16. The jaw joint
The index fingers are in the fossa in front of the lobe. The middle ones are behind the ear. Press for five seconds.

How to work correctly with points on the face

    • For work, use the index, middle and ring fingers.
    • The impact is made at an angle of 90 degrees to the skin.
    • The movements are not rubbing, but pressing. The skin should not move.
    • The force of the pressure should be felt enough.
    • The duration of pressure on one point varies from five to seven seconds. The neck area is affected for 3 seconds.
    • All paired points are massaged simultaneously.
    • It is better to work with points in the morning or before bed.

Face preparation

Before starting the procedure, you need to properly prepare your face. To do this, thoroughly treat your face with a cleansing lotion or gel.

You can use a homemade soothing infusion:

Make an infusion with herbs purchased from a pharmacy. Dilute with quality white wine. Pre-dilute the wine with boiled water in a ratio of 3 to 1, respectively.

After that, steam the skin well, while the pores will open and the tension will go away. This can be done with a hot towel or a special facial sauna device.

Create a pleasant atmosphere (light scented candles, turn on a slow composition in the background) and just lie there for a few minutes. Apply a moisturizer to your face and neck three minutes before the massage.

How to massage your face against wrinkles

After preparation, proceed with acupressure:

      • Spirally massage the forehead. At the same time, make sure that the skin does not move.
      • Find a small indentation under the cheekbones and press down on it. If there is a slight pain, the point is found correctly. Press down on it three to five times within seven seconds.
      • Use your thumbs to work through the lower edge of your chin, applying light pressure. Press down on the chin area where the root of the tongue is located.
      • Tilt your head back slightly, the skin on your neck should tighten. Then lean forward. Repeat 10 times.
      • Rub the ears with your palms.
      • Massage the skin around the eyes. Start at the inner corner and work your way towards the outer corner.
      • Work out a point between the eyebrows and on the wings of the nose.
      • Stick out your tongue as far as possible. At the same time, say a lingering sound "a".

And one more video about acupressure face massage for rejuvenation - face massage become 10 years younger!


Acupressure massage for rejuvenation can be done in a beauty salon by contacting a professional, but you can learn to work with your face on your own at home, so as not to depend on anyone.

In any case, you will receive unearthly pleasure and tremendous benefits for the skin. The procedure is described in more detail in the video instructions.