Labor rights of a pregnant woman at work and their observance by the employer. Guarantees and benefits for pregnant employees

It's no secret that a woman experiences strong emotional changes in the early stages of pregnancy. Often, her mental discomfort is caused by the thought of how to announce the news of the event to the management and colleagues at work, how to tune in to the upcoming career changes, the financial component in terms of income and expenses. And if a woman is looking for a job, is it worth talking about pregnancy at interviews and can this fact affect the decision? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

Labor law in relation to women "in position"

How does labor law protect the rights of pregnant women at work? In Russia, the provisions of labor law in relation to women in need of increased legal and social protection are aimed at facilitating a calm course of pregnancy and childbirth, they dispel their tormenting doubts about work, providing guarantees and privileges in relations with the employer. The benefits provided to pregnant women at work are regulated by a number of articles of the Labor Code of Russia. In particular, these are Articles 64, 70, 93, 96, 99, 122-123, 125-126, 254-255, 259-261, 298, etc.

Pregnant woman's workplace: nuances

A ventilated room, calm, soft lighting, including natural, optimal microclimate (air temperature, relative humidity), absence of barometric pressure drops - these are just some of the basic conditions necessary for a mother-to-be at her workplace for a calm pregnancy. This should also include the lack of a number of innovative technical equipment, modern copying, duplicating office equipment, PCs.

According to clause 13 of SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03, a pregnant woman is contraindicated to work at a computer. If, in the conditions of office employment, the computer is not abandoned, then the time spent at it should be reduced to three hours per shift.

Is part-time work possible?

Labor law, subject to evidence and by agreement with the employer, provides a woman with the opportunity to carry out her official duties not for a whole working day (week), but for a shortened one. In this case, the work of pregnant women will be paid for the actual hours worked or the amount of work performed. A reduction in the working day should not be reflected in any way on vacation, length of work, insurance experience.

How to behave at work if you need frequent visits to doctors?

The rights of pregnant women at work are also protected, if necessary, to visit doctors during working hours. The norm of the law states that if a dispensary examination is necessary, which is mandatory and includes visits to doctors and laboratory diagnostic tests, a woman, with an appropriate pregnancy certificate, should be given time to visit an antenatal clinic and an average salary charged. The employer is not entitled to oblige a pregnant woman to work, as well as to deduct from her salary the time of her absence in cash.

Harmful production factors

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that in the presence of negative production factors that are harmful and dangerous for the well-being of the woman and the health of the future baby of working conditions, on the basis of the conclusion of the doctors, a pregnant woman has the right to send an application to the employer with a request to consider the possibility of reducing the norms of production and maintenance or transferring her to a new one. work, the so-called light labor. If a lower-paid position appears, the resulting difference in salaries should be compensated for the woman. If it is necessary to wait for a position corresponding to her position, the employer needs to protect the pregnant woman from harmful factors while maintaining and paying her the average salary for all days of forced downtime.

The "Hygienic Recommendations for Rational Employment of Pregnant Women" adopted by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the Ministry of Health of Russia in 1993 define a list of working conditions hazardous to women's health. Among them: noise that does not meet the standards of dryness and humidity of the air, contact with chemicals, toxins, aerosols, ionizing radiation, lifting weights, prolonged work, for example, in a sitting position, etc.

Also, pregnant women are contraindicated in shifts, business trips, overtime, piecework, assembly-line labor, work at night, on weekends and holidays.

Guarantees regarding going on annual paid vacation

The labor rights of a pregnant woman are also protected in terms of rest. So, the representative of the employer is prohibited from recalling a pregnant woman from vacation, even if there are good reasons for that. A pregnant woman's right to rest cannot be compensated in cash. If there is a part of the unchecked vacation, the expectant mother has the right to use it before she goes on maternity leave, regardless of the existing vacation schedule, and also if she has worked at a new place of work for less than six months.

Leave may be granted regardless of the length of service in this job immediately after the end of maternity leave or parental leave. For both parents, it may also be important that during the period of the spouse's stay on maternity leave, the spouse has the right to apply for another paid leave, even if he has been working for less than six months.

Maternity leave

The rights of pregnant women at work are also protected in terms of the provision of rest days before and after childbirth. All pregnant women are sent on maternity leave. With normal obstetrics, it is 140, with complicated - 156, for mothers of twins or triplets - 194 calendar days. May be a direct continuation of the annual paid leave without going to work. Subject to 100% prepayment in the form of social benefits, regardless of seniority. Further, the woman has the right to receive leave to care for the baby.

Quite scrupulous, "sick" for a pregnant woman should be considered the issue of dismissal from work. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation firmly guards the interests of the future woman in labor. In accordance with the labor guarantor, the employer does not have a direct opportunity to terminate both a fixed-term and an open-ended employment contract with a pregnant woman. For a woman on maternity leave, a job is mandatory, with the calculation of work and insurance experience.

The relationship between an employee and an employer under an open-ended employment contract is less worrying and less painful. But the dismissal of a pregnant woman, whose fixed-term contract ends during pregnancy, on the initiative of the employer's representative also cannot take place. The employer must renew the contract until the end of the pregnancy if there is a corresponding statement and an official medical certificate, which serves as the fact of confirming the "interesting situation". The employer can request this certificate every three months. If the fact of the end of pregnancy is confirmed, the contract is subject to termination within a week.

In general, having a pregnancy certificate can play a decisive role in resolving a conflict situation. And if a pregnant woman suspects that she may be dissatisfied at work, it is better, as soon as she registers for pregnancy and childbirth in a medical institution, to submit her to the HR department for registration and receive a copy of the document with a mark of acceptance.

When asked whether a pregnant woman can be fired for non-performance of her official duties, the answer is also unequivocal: "No!" As a measure of punishment, there can be deprivation of bonuses, allowances, but not dismissal. Article 261 of the labor law prohibiting the dismissal of pregnant women is of paramount importance compared to Article 81. In the event of mass or seasonal dismissal of workers, it is also impossible to lay off a pregnant woman! However, a pregnant woman has the right to write a letter of care on her own initiative.

Exceptions to the rule

The law allows you to dismiss a pregnant woman in the event of the liquidation of the enterprise, the closure of the sole proprietor. The second point is the completion of a fixed-term employment contract in cases of replacement of an absent employee, for example, who is on maternity leave. In this situation, the employer must offer the woman other vacancies, including lower-paid ones, in another locality that meet her qualifications and health. The dismissal of a pregnant woman can happen if she refuses the proposed options.

Rights of the expectant mother when applying for a job

What to do in situations when a woman, while looking for a job, finds out about pregnancy? On the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, pregnant women have every right to get a new job. If all the qualification requirements are met, the employer's representative cannot refuse to hire a pregnant woman. A negative decision by the employer will be valid only in cases of non-compliance with the requirements or restrictions for candidates to apply for a job. In cases of employment, no one has the right to ask a woman for certificates from doctors, receipts confirming the absence of pregnancy.

There is one more subtle point: when applying for a job with regard to pregnant women, the concept of "probationary period" is unacceptable, in other words, it cannot be established! If the employer was not aware of the pregnancy and accepted the woman for a probationary period, then he will not be able to dismiss her, even if the probationary period has not been passed.

If a pregnant woman does not have registration at the place of residence (stay) in the city (village) where the organization is located, this fact also cannot be the result of refusal to find employment. The requirement of the employer's representative to renew the registration is also unlawful.

The rights of a pregnant woman have been violated. What to do?

If a pregnant woman is faced with a violation of labor legislation, and the existing conflict was not resolved peacefully, she has the right to contact the labor inspectorate, the courts, providing the necessary package of documents confirming the fact of the violation. In particular, the Criminal Code of Russia protects the rights of pregnant women at work in terms of dismissal or refusal of employment.

Based on the results of court proceedings, the employer's decision may be declared illegal, he will be brought to pay a fine, compulsory work, and the woman will be restored to her rights.

Almost every woman becomes a mother at some point. Together with the good news, the woman thinks about how she will work further. And most importantly, how the authorities will perceive her position. The legislation establishes a certain list of benefits for pregnant women at work.

Those mothers who decide to give birth to a child will only do better for themselves if they get to know him. Quite often, employers are not happy with this kind of news. Accordingly, there is an onslaught and disgruntled looks. In some cases, employers try to force a pregnant woman to write a letter of resignation.

Of course, when the expectant mother works unofficially, it will be difficult for her to prove her rights. But a woman with an official place of work is entitled to a large number of benefits. Let us analyze in detail what benefits pregnant women are entitled to at work.

Employment benefits

According to the law, the organization does not have the right to refuse to hire a pregnant woman.

The decision on admission to the position should be based on her professional qualities. A woman expecting a baby has every right not to inform the employer about her situation. In the organization, when hiring for work, they do not have the right to require certificates of absence of pregnancy.

A probationary period cannot be established for women who are expecting a baby. Even if she was hired on a probationary period and in the process of labor the fact became clear, she cannot be fired. The organization must draw up another contract.

By law, the expectant mother has the right to use sick leaves as much as she needs. In addition, for a period of 30 weeks, she goes on maternity leave, on the basis of the corresponding sick leave. This allowance is not affected by the length of service of the woman.

He is always paid at 100% of the average daily wage. The two years preceding the year of maternity leave are taken into account. The sick leave is given to the expectant mother for 140 days. But there are some exceptions that can increase the period of stay on the sheet. These include difficult childbirth or the birth of two children at the same time.

Every expectant mother should carefully study the Labor Law and her rights. This will help her achieve many benefits in relation to her work. It will also help your baby to develop in a calm environment.

Videos about maternity benefits at work:

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Pregnancy is a special condition, a time of physical and moral changes that radically change the life of almost every woman. During this period, the health of a representative of the beautiful half of humanity is very vulnerable. Any accident, the slightest stress, overwork - all this can harm the future baby. Unfortunately, not everyone is so respectful of the person within whom a new life develops. Every young mother should know what is supposed to be free for pregnant women.

Pregnant woman and labor

When a girl finds out that she will soon become a mother, her soul is overwhelmed with positive emotions. She begins to imagine how the crumb develops in the stomach, what it will be like, what name it will give it. She prevents her from fully enjoying the new state for her - work! The expectant mother must continue working until exactly the 30th week. Here it is important to know what is allowed for pregnant women for free:

  • An employee of any enterprise who is in an interesting position is required to undergo doctors and take tests. The employer is obliged to provide her with paid hours for this.
  • If before the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother performed hard, harmful and dangerous work, then she must be transferred to favorable conditions without reducing the amount of wages.
  • Such an employee may not be sent on business trips, detained at work and called to work on weekends.
  • An employee must be released on maternity leave upon reaching the 30th week of pregnancy.

In some organizations there is a wider list of what is legally required for pregnant women for free. Among other things, they receive reduced price meals. According to the law, a woman's interesting position is not a reason for her dismissal or non-employment. If the future employer says: “You are a good specialist, but it makes no sense for us to hire you, since you will soon go on maternity leave, and we will have to pay for it,” then you can safely sue him.

Registration and medical services

What is free for pregnant women? Of course, the help of medical specialists. As soon as she begins to guess about a possible conception, she immediately comes to an appointment with a gynecologist at the place of registration. He will put the expectant mother on record and will observe her for all 9 months. The list of medical services includes: patient consultation, prescribing the necessary tests, measuring pressure, abdominal volume and body weight. In the first trimester, you will definitely need to visit doctors of narrow specialization: dentist, therapist, ophthalmologist. They will assess the woman's health and determine if something is preventing the full development of the fetus and natural childbirth.

The list of services also includes:

  • Ultrasound at the 19th, 30th and 36th weeks;
  • examination of blood, feces and urine;
  • diagnostics to identify pathologies in the fetus;
  • cardiogram with decoding.

Some clinics offer to take an analysis to identify bacteria and microorganisms - for a fee. This is a direct failure to comply with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 62. In order not to fall for the trick of fraudsters, every expectant mother should know that, according to the law, pregnant women are entitled to free of charge.

Validity of the generic certificate

The list of what is legally required for pregnant women includes a birth certificate. It operates from the 30th week of fetal development until the child reaches the age of 12 months. With such a document, the patient can:

  • use budgetary medical services;
  • give birth to a child in any perinatal center in your city and receive supervision until he reaches 1 year.

In fact, this document has already programmed certain payments that specialists will receive for the services provided.


Getting sick in 2017 is expensive. And creating a family is even more expensive. The body of a woman who wants to bear a healthy child must be filled with useful minerals and substances. Therefore, it is very important to get timely advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist about which vitamins are free for pregnant women. This list includes:

  • Folic acid. It is necessary for the regulation of metabolic substances, the formation of the fetal neural tube, the full growth of all cells and tissues. Replenishes the lack of vitamin B9, which is involved in DNA synthesis. It is recommended to take it 3 months before the expected date of conception and the entire period of pregnancy. Vitamin E. Its deficiency is manifested by anemia, weakness, convulsions.
  • Iron. It is prescribed if the hemoglobin level in the blood of a woman has decreased during pregnancy.
  • Potassium iodide. Doctors recommend taking Yodomarin for the entire period of gestation and lactation. This component is very important for the expectant mother, its deficiency can lead to spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Multivitamins. They support the functioning of all organs of the patient.

In some clinics, employees do not issue a referral for free medicines. The patient must show such unscrupulous workers an order, which clearly states which vitamins are given to pregnant women for free.


From the moment of conception until the end of labor, a double load is carried out on the woman's body. Accordingly, the immune system weakens and becomes susceptible to diseases, infections and bacteria.The authorities adopted an order to support the health of the expectant mother. The list of drugs prescribed for free for pregnant women for 2017 consists of 60 items. It includes such medicines as: "Vitrum", "Geksavit", "Zitrum", "Multi-tabs", "Supradin", "Ferrovit", "Elevit", "Megadin", "Maltofer", "Terawit "and many others.

If the expectant mother suffers from chronic diseases, then she is entitled to budget meals.

When visiting a pharmacy, many are unpleasantly surprised by the high prices for pharmaceutical products. Beforespend your own, it is advisable to see a list of which medicines are prescribed for free for pregnant women.You need to make a purchase for your own funds only if there is no specific name in it.

How to get a budget medication?

If a woman finds that she has been prescribed medications or vitamins that are prescribed for pregnant women free of charge, then she should do the following:

  1. Come to any budgetary medical institution that provides the services of specialists who monitor the process of carrying a baby or take delivery.
  2. Submit an insurance policy and request a prescription for the necessary drug.
  3. The doctor should examine the patient and determine if this treatment is really suitable for her. If necessary, he will correct it.
  4. Next, the specialist draws up a prescription on a form in accordance with the norms, where he indicates a list of drugs and a code of the privileged category.
  5. With this document, the patient can come to any social pharmacy and receive the necessary medications.

Every doctor should know if pregnant women are entitled to free medicines and, if necessary, invite the woman to write a prescription for them. If for some reason he does not do this, then it is worth reminding him about the law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation."

Lump-sum cash benefits

What else is free for pregnant women? Cash payments, of course. At the first stages of the development of the baby, the young mother will not have the opportunity to work; accordingly, this period should be supported by the state.

First of all, she is paid for sick leave. It is calculated for 140 days (70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery). Exceptions are difficult childbirth, multiple pregnancies, or complications. This amount is charged at a time. Its size depends on the length of service and the average salary.If it did not work, then this amount is calculated based on the minimum wage.

If the patient was registered before the 12th week of pregnancy, then she has the right to an additional payment - 581.73 rubles.

Another lump-sum benefit from the state is provided for the birth of a child. This is a fixed amount. For 2017, its size is 15,512.65 rubles.

In some regions, governor's allowances are also provided. Their size is different in all regions and ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that any of the above benefits is issued at the place of registration. Only one parent can count on it. That is, if it is drawn up by the mother, then the father must provide a certificate stating that these benefits were not paid to him.

Long-term benefits

To the list of things that are supposed to be free for pregnant women,includes long-term cash payments, which can be issued at a state institution for social issues, at the place of residence or work. Namely:

  • Childcare benefits for children under 1.5 years of age.
  • Benefits for children up to 14 years old. Designed for those families whose income is below the minimum subsistence level in the region.
  • If the child does not go to kindergarten, then an additional payment of 709 rubles is assigned.
  • Many mums prefer natural feeding. They are entitled to additional benefits for this. They are credited until the child reaches 5 months. To obtain them, you must take that the newborn is breastfed.

All of these benefits, like parental leave, are assigned to only one parent.


We are all humans. Therefore, we must treat each other with understanding. If a person sees a woman in an interesting position in transport, then he must definitely give her his place. It should be understood that public transport can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby: she can be accidentally pushed by other passengers, she cannot reach out in order to grab the handrail, and there is also a fairly weighty load on her back.

From the point of view of morality, pregnant women need to be allowed to go to the checkout in the store without waiting in line, to give up their place in all public transport. Seeing a lady carrying a baby, you should not talk to her in a raised voice and insult her. At this stage, she is quite susceptible to everything due to the unstable production of hormones.

If you see a pregnant woman with a large and heavy bag, then feel free to offer her help. If it is difficult for her to descend the stairs, then offer your hand. If it's hard to stand, give up your seat. Carrying a baby is a very difficult and lengthy process. It is worth respecting those who increase the size of our nation!

Benefits for Moscow and Moscow Region

Separately, it is worth talking about what is supposed to be free for pregnant women in Moscow.

Certain categories of citizens are provided with free meals. We are talking about expectant mothers suffering from chronic diseases, namely diabetes or hypertension. In the Moscow region, any woman can apply for such a benefit. To do this, she needs to provide a certificate of pregnancy and an extract from the house book. The nutrition list includes: dairy products, natural juice and vegetable puree.

Also, additional payments are intended for people living in the Moscow region.

Benefits for St. Petersburg

Additional privileges have been established regarding what is supposed to be free for pregnant women in St. Petersburg. These also include complementary food. You can get it throughout the entire period of pregnancy and within 6 months after childbirth, provided that the baby is breastfed. It is worth noting that such a benefit is provided only if the woman is registered before the 12th week. The volume of products is calculated in proportion to the gestational age. For the first trimester - 1.5 kg per month, for the second - 1 kg per month, for the third 0.75 kg per month.

You can arrange additional nutrition for expectant mothers suffering from underweight, anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes, lactase deficiency and other diseases associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Assistance to foreign citizens

Foreign citizens are often employed on the territory of the Russian Federation. What if such a person becomes pregnant and plans to go on maternity leave? What payments are provided to her?

If it was arranged officially, then sick leave must be paid without fail and up to 1.5 years. Is she entitled to free medical care? Yes. But only if she has a temporary registration, a compulsory health insurance policy and SNILS.

Child allowance for a newborn will be eligible only if he has Russian citizenship. For example, if his mother is a foreigner and his father is Russian, or vice versa, then this status is assigned automatically. He will be considered Russian even if he was born on the territory of this country, and his parents abandoned him. In other cases, his citizenship will be the same as that of his parents. There can be 2 citizenships if the father and mother are from different countries.


In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, every expectant mother should know that a pregnant woman is supposed to be free. Why are these benefits created? A similar project was developed by the authorities in order to make our nation bigger, stronger and stronger. Raising a child now and creating a family is expensive. State benefits allow you to slightly smooth out these costs. Summing up, it should be said that the budget list without fail includes: cash payments, medical care, food, medicines and vitamins. You can issue these privileges strictly at the place of registration if you have a pregnancy certificate.

Waiting for a baby is the most touching and exciting process. Thanks to the care of the state, we can feel safe!

Preparing for childbirth is troublesome. A bed, clothes, toys cost a lot of money. An infant requires care, attention and the constant presence of a loved one. A mother-to-be cannot work late in pregnancy, as well as at the birth of a child. Dad works in many families, but there are also single mothers who do not have their own income. In such a situation, they simply need state support.

The maternity allowance in Russia is paid to women regardless of their status and type of activity. Only the payment amounts differ.

Benefits are one-time (which are paid once) and monthly (which are paid monthly until a certain age of the baby).

Let us consider in more detail what payments are due to pregnant women in our country.

One-time allowance for pregnant women registered early

The very first payment to pregnant women is made if a woman has consulted an antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy.

The allowance is paid at the place of work, if a woman is studying - study. Monitoring of pregnant women in state polyclinics and antenatal clinics is free of charge.

It is better to take care of the baby's health in the early stages of pregnancy. The 2014 allowance is 515.33 rubles. Most often, it is paid simultaneously with the lump-sum maternity benefit. To receive this payment, pregnant women need a certificate from the clinic about registration and an application of the appropriate form.

Pregnancy and childbirth allowance

The allowance depends on whether the woman is working or not. It is paid as a lump sum and is due to the following pregnant women:

1. Full-time students at an educational institution.

2. For insured women.

3. Fired women due to the liquidation of the organization.

4. Those who work under labor contracts and are insured with the FSS of the Russian Federation.

5. As well as those women who serve on a contract basis (service in legally defined institutions and bodies is taken into account).

Insured women include individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, etc. (the full list is determined by regulatory enactments).

If a woman is employed, the amount of the cash benefit directly depends on:

  • the wages she receives;
  • taxable payments.

In the billing period, the last 2 years are taken. The amount of payments is 100% of the average earnings of a pregnant woman.

If the organization was liquidated during the period of maternity leave, then the woman within a year will have to contact the employment center for registration. In this case, the social security authorities pay benefits to pregnant women in the amount of 515 rubles. Payments are made in one amount for a full maternity leave.

If a woman works in several jobs at the same time, then the allowance is calculated from each employer.

If she studies full-time, then it is paid at the place of study, if the pregnant woman is doing military service in the army - at the place of service.

In addition, the allowance at the place of work is paid even in the event of dismissal, if the maternity leave came within 1 month after the registration in labor. The reasons for dismissal should be as follows:

Moving to another city or area for a good reason;

Disease of close relatives requiring care;

In case of disability of the 1st group of one of the family members;

A woman's illness, due to which she cannot work.

The allowance is paid at the employment center if the woman is recognized as unemployed. The reasons for dismissal from work should be as follows:

In case of liquidation of the enterprise;

Suspension of IP activity;

Suspension of any other activity related to mandatory state registration.

To receive payments, the following documents are required:

1. Application in the form.

2. Passport.

3. A certified extract from the work book.

4. Certificate from the employment center.

The question often arises about what payments are due to pregnant women who are studying or doing military service.

Female student payments

For women who study in educational institutions, the pregnancy allowance is the amount of the scholarship.

The period of maternity leave for all categories of women is calculated depending on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy (in the case of the usual course of pregnancy and childbirth - 140 days, with complications - 156, 194 days - with multiple pregnancies).

Pregnancy benefits are accrued regardless of the number of days worked before delivery. If a woman works on maternity leave, the amount of the benefit remains unchanged.

The question of what payments are due to pregnant women turns into the following: "In what time frame should the transfers be transferred?"

The law sets the deadline for calculating and paying benefits: ten days after the filing of the certificate of incapacity for work and the application in the form. A certificate of incapacity for work is issued at a clinic or antenatal clinic. Payment takes place on the next day of wages.

Payments to pregnant wives of military personnel

Additional payments are due to the wives of military personnel. These include a one-time and monthly benefit.

If the husband is called up for military service, the lump sum payments to pregnant women in 2014 amount to 27,761.88 rubles. Pregnancy must be at least 180 calendar days. Exceptions are the wives of cadets who are not entitled to benefits.

Required documents for payment:

Application in a certain form for the appointment of benefits;

Certificate of registration of a pregnant woman;

Marriage certificate (copy);

A certificate from a military unit (if the husband of a pregnant woman is serving in the army), if the service is over, it is provided by the military commissariat.

The monthly allowance is 9326 rubles and is paid for each child.

Maternity allowance (lump sum)

It is paid to either one of the parents or the guardian. The allowance for the birth of several children is compulsory for each child.

The following citizens are entitled to these payments:



Full-time students;

Citizens who are doing military service (under contract or equivalent to it).

If employed persons receive funds from social insurance funds, then unemployed and students receive funds from the federal budget.

These payments to pregnant women in 2014 amount to 13,741.99 rubles and are paid no later than 6 months after childbirth. The amount of payments is indexed every year, but is paid in a fixed amount at the time of birth.

Child allowance monthly up to one and a half years

The allowance is paid only up to a 1.5-year-old child on a monthly basis. In 2014, a monthly allowance was established in the amount of 40 percent of a woman's average earnings (at least 2576.63 - for the first child, and for subsequent children - at least 5153.24).

Insurance premiums are charged on the average earnings. The settlement period is two previous years. In the current 2014, this period is 2012 and 2013.

The amount of money depends on the region and district of residence (each has its own).

In order to receive child support, you must:

Child's birth certificate (copy).

Certificate from the other parent stating that he is not receiving this benefit and not using maternity leave. The reference is provided from the work of the other parent. If it does not work, then the certificate is issued by the social protection authorities.

The list of documents also depends on the region and may be added by new documents.

Child allowance monthly up to 3 years

Maternity leave for childcare is 3 years (the basis is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 256). After a year and a half, mothers are forced to go to work and send their children to kindergartens.

The State Duma has introduced a bill to increase maternity leave to 3 years. The project does not operate in the entire territory of Russia. Since 2014, it has been covering the following entities:

Republics: Altai, Tuva, Buryatia, Adygea, Mari El, Chechen, Chuvash, Udmurtia, Kalmykia, Komi, Karachay-Cherkessia, Karelia, North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mordovia.

Regions: Amur, Astrakhan, Voronezh, Orenburg, Belgorod, Sverdlovsk, Tula, Bryansk, Vladimir, Tambov, Tver, Vologda, Kaluga, Kursk, Murmansk, Kostroma, Chelyabinsk, Kirov, Ryazan, Smolensk, Leningradskaya, Lipetsk Novgorod, Samara, Oryol, Penza, Pskov, Tyumen, Rostov, Saratov, Sakhalin, Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Irkutsk, Kurgan, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk and Jewish regions

The city of Moscow and the city of St. Petersburg.

Khanty-Mansi, Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Perm, Altai, Krasnodar, Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka, Transbaikal, Stavropol and Krasnoyarsk Territories.

The above draft law remained only a draft and has not yet been adopted.

Parents under 3 years old are paid monetary compensation (amount - 50 rubles). This amount depends on the regional wage coefficient and is paid if there is an employment contract.

The following persons can receive compensation: guardian, adoptive parent, grandmother, grandfather, father, mother and other caregivers.

Regional payments to women

All women in Russia receive federal benefits.

Subjects of our country can also pay a certain amount of money to the parents of a child, the so-called regional payments. Each subject has its own payments. Residents of Moscow at the birth of their first child are paid 5000 rubles; at the birth of subsequent children - 14,500. In addition, Luzhkov payments are provided for parents who have not reached the age of 30 - 34,500 rubles. If three or more babies are born, an amount of 50,000 is paid at the same time.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the governor pays 25,000 rubles for the birth of more than 2 (inclusive) children. In the case of the birth of several children at the same time, 3,000 are paid for each child. Payments are made by social authorities upon presentation of a package of documents (birth certificate and a copy thereof; certificate from the other parent about non-receipt of benefits; birth certificate; application).

Material payments from the enterprise

The collective agreement provides for material assistance to pregnant women from the organization in which they work. Assistance is provided on the basis of a written application addressed to the director. The amount of assistance is appointed by the manager and prescribed in the labor or collective agreement. Both parents of the child can receive assistance only if they work in different enterprises.

These payments to pregnant women are optional. In the internal documents of the organization, material assistance may not be provided. Material payments are not regulated by law, but the trade union of the organization has the right to influence this situation in a positive way. In addition, the authority of the employee in the eyes of the director of the enterprise also contributes to the decision in favor of the employee. Only unscrupulous employers (individual entrepreneurs, small private companies) can refuse material assistance to their employee.

Cash payments for food

Payments to pregnant women for food are made on the basis of a government decree if the family's subsistence level is less than 50% of the subsistence level. This allowance is prescribed with the following documents:

Pregnancy certificates;

Family income certificates and other documents as needed;

Applicant's passports;

Form statements.

The amount of payments depends on the family income and is approximately 300 rubles per month. The allowance is calculated from the moment when the mother was registered, and ends with a month of childbirth or termination of pregnancy.

Large families are provided with pension benefits, as well as food and transportation benefits. In addition, parents are provided with in-kind assistance in the form of land allocation.

Maternal capital

Both parents of a child can receive a state payment if more than 2 (inclusive) children were born in the family. In 2014, the capital is 429.408 rubles. The amount of capital is indexed every year. Payment is made by bank transfer and is provided in the form of a certificate.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is engaged in registration of the right to maternity capital. The right to it is confirmed by the Certificate, which has been issued since 2007. To obtain maternity capital, four documents are required: the passport of the father and mother, an application in the form, and a child's birth certificate.

The circulation period is unlimited. The money is redistributed based on the application.

You can spend this capital only:

  • for the education of the child;
  • on the formation of the funded part of the mother's labor pension ;
  • to improve living conditions.

The certificate is allowed to be spent in parts. The balance of funds is indexed annually.

Payments to women who do not work

Consider the question of what payments are due to non-working pregnant women.

For women who do not work, only two benefits are paid: the first is a lump-sum maternity benefit; the second is a monthly care allowance. To receive payments, you must provide:

Sick leave.


Certificate from the employment center.

Labor book.

A woman is not entitled to other types of benefits.


I would like to note that maternity leave is characterized by temporary disability and is paid through social insurance funds, therefore, it is included in the length of service.

State support for pregnant women in our country is manifested in monetary payments, which were discussed in this article. It becomes clear what payments are due to pregnant women if they work or are at home. The amount of payments is indexed every year. There is a hope that in the near future she will become worthy support of caring parents. Financial security will help you enjoy the joy of motherhood with peace of mind.

Nowadays, it is difficult to subsist on the monthly allowance without the support of a spouse. Since baby clothes, infant formula and medicines are expensive. Sometimes it is not possible to buy what is necessary for a child. No matter how much you want, you have to learn how to save. Experts advise, in order not to get depressed from a lack of finance, to distribute money only for the necessary purposes. Clothes can be borrowed from relatives or friends. Try to breastfeed as long as possible, so as not to spend money on expensive baby food.

It is no secret that the body of a pregnant woman is exposed to serious stress, because it feeds the baby in the womb. To ensure his normal development, the expectant mother needs to consume more vitamins and nutrients, which is not available to everyone due to the high cost of some drugs. Are free vitamins for pregnant women required by law, how to get them and where to find out the list of drugs - you can learn about this from the article.

Features of the laws for the provision of free vitamins

At the state level, projects are being developed to improve the quality of service by medical institutions in order to improve the quality of life and the state of health of the population.

Pregnant women are one of the categories whose health protection is a priority for the government, since the quality of the country's gene pool in the future depends on it. Are pregnant women given free vitamins in 2017? Let's figure out who they are supposed to be.

Vitamins for pregnant

In its original form, the law prescribed the provision of free drugs to pregnant women and children in full. But in view of such permissiveness, there were also cases of fraud and abuse, therefore, at the level of the Ministry of Health, it was decided to prescribe a specific list of funds that expectant mothers need. You can get coupons for free vitamins for pregnant women at an antenatal clinic or hospital from your doctor.

Vitamins for children

In the field of providing drugs to children, the law has not undergone any changes, and today they are assigned to all categories according to the following criteria:

  • Child up to three years old;
  • When you go to the hospital, the pediatrician writes out a prescription on a form indicating that it will be received free of charge.
  • You must contact government pharmacies.

How to get free vitamins

One of the bills prescribes that vitamins for pregnant women free of charge (2015-2017 law) must be issued upon appointment by the attending physician. In addition, a number of medicines are eligible for discounts of up to 50%.

In practice, patients face a number of obstacles: the doctor refuses to provide a free prescription, does not see the indicators for prescribing vitamins, keeps silent about this possibility, discourages, manipulating the need to get medicines in the future when an illness occurs, etc.

Therefore, every woman needs to study this issue in advance in order to understand her rights and demand the free drugs guaranteed by the law.

In addition to medicines, patients are also equipped with a birth certificate, which performs the function of paying for the services of medical institutions that provide services for maintaining the health of a pregnant woman, delivering childbirth, and dispensary observation of a newborn. The certificate is not used when contacting a private (paid) clinic or consultation.

Step-by-step instruction

To get vitamins for pregnant women for free in 2017, you need to read the instructions prescribing the procedure for the procedure:

  • The woman determines the clinic, antenatal clinic or other institution where she wants to be monitored.
  • When pregnancy is detected or at any time, the woman visits the chosen institution, where a doctor is assigned to her.
  • The patient registers, receives a card. In this case, her data are filled in, and in particular the period of fetal development (we advise you to familiarize yourself with the material - Manual in the early stages of pregnancy).
  • The doctor conducts examination, observations, and issues recommendations. If a weakening of the body or a lack of certain microelements is detected, he prescribes the intake of vitamins.
  • The doctor writes out a prescription that is marked "not payable."
  • The patient has the right to find out which vitamins are required for pregnant women for free and receive a complete list of them.
  • The patient is sent to the state pharmacy, which is obliged to dispense medicines free of charge, according to the rules of the law.
  • The pharmacist issues the drugs as prescribed and takes the prescription so that it cannot be reused.

How it happens in practice

Guided by such principles, do not forget that in practice everything happens a little differently. In particular, if a doctor prescribes paid medications, it is necessary to remind about the operation of the law on the possibility of obtaining free medications and vitamins for pregnant women. Upon receipt of a refusal, you must write a complaint to the head physician of the institution or send it to the supervisory authorities.

In addition to contacting state pharmacies, the doctor can refer to others with whom they have signed a cooperation contract within the framework of this project.

What vitamins are prescribed for pregnant women for free - a list

You can find out what free vitamins for pregnant women are in the antenatal clinic, clinic, or attending physician. In addition, it is possible to request information from the social protection authorities. It is worth knowing that the list is different for each region. This is due to the peculiarities of the regions, the situation in terms of the level of morbidity of the population, the degree of environmental pollution, the presence of harmful emissions, etc.

Free vitamins for pregnant women subject to mandatory issuance in 2017 are included in the general list:

  • Alpha-Tocopherol-UBF.
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate.
  • Tocopherocaps.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Zopelhertz vitamin E forte.
  • Vitrum vitamin E.
  • Hexavite.
  • Revit.
  • Undevit.
  • Gendevit.
  • Bio-Max.
  • Beviplex.
  • Vitaspectrum.
  • Vitrum Prenatal, Superstress.
  • Complivit.
  • Iaxamine.
  • Glutamevite.
  • Megadine.
  • Multimax.
  • Multi-tabs.
  • Watering Geriatric.
  • Selmevit.
  • Ferrovit.
  • Supradin.
  • Terawit.
  • Elevit Prenatal.
  • Three-Wee Plus.

Having determined which vitamins are given out to pregnant women free of charge, it is necessary to enlist a list of drugs that fill the body with missing microelements. These include:

  • Potassium iodide. Also drugs in this subgroup: Iodomarin, Mikroyodid, Iodbalans.
  • Folic acid, Folacin.
  • Ferrous fumarate + folic acid (Ferretab).
  • Iron hydroxide polymaltose. Maltofer, Fenuls Complex.

What else should be said in the antenatal clinic

Having decided on the problem of whether pregnant women are given free vitamins and what to do in case of refusal, it is worth learning about some additional opportunities prescribed by law. So, in the presence of certain diseases, a pregnant woman has the right to receive free food. These include:

  • Lactase deficiency.
  • Diabetes.
  • Food allergy, hypovitaminosis.
  • Anemia, celiac disease, preeclampsia
  • Hypertension, thyroid problems.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract.

In addition, nutrition is also prescribed, and not just free vitamins for pregnant women, when weight is slowly gaining or when it is found to be falling above the established indicators.

Video interview about getting free vitamins for a pregnant woman

Not everyone knows that pregnant women should receive free vitamins and medicines. Women buy them at their own expense and then they cannot return the money, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the official list of vitamins that can be issued at the antenatal clinic.