The student fell in love with the teacher. Teenage love. How I slept with a school teacher and what came of it (1 photo)

I'm 15 years old, I'm in the 9th grade)) This year new computer science came to us, at first I didn't like it, I didn't check the tasks that we did in the classroom, etc., but one day she asked us to write some fairy tale there Well, I wrote, when she began to read it from me, I was nervous, she touched my hair. I did not attach any importance to this. But then in the classroom she began to look at me and smile with her eyes. And gradually I fell in love with her, I lived only in informatics and meetings with her. She continued to single me out a little from the class. And this informatics is still leading algebra, geometry, physics. And I just had problems with algebra, but I went to a tutor, and somehow after a computer science lesson I went up to her and asked if you would like to study algebra with me, and I said this spontaneously, without consulting my mother, although before I told this to E.V. (I will call computer science that way) my mother did not understand me at all, although I thought that she would understand, but alas (((she almost thought that I was pink !!! Well, I went to E To ask, she says you stunned me madam, excuse me (at this time I laughed), why excuse me? (Smiling) talked to my mother? and she will talk to my mom !! I called my mom and told her the situation, she shouted at me, but she was measured. Well, I went up to E.V. she began to ask me why I decided to change the repititor and everything on this topic ((well, in short, I typed mom and they began to talk at this time, I was very nervous and walked around the classroom gnawing a diary)) after they talked she sc Azala, that she would give an answer in 4 days, well, I tried not to catch her eye for these 4 days, after 4 days she said she couldn't do it, but she said that it might only work out during the winter holidays, and they were just approaching, Well, of course, I did not miss such a chance and approached her before the holidays, she certainly did not expect this, but said that she could))) and finally I achieved my goal !!! 6 days of vacation I went to her, I fell in love with algebra)) now I go to her to study !!! we talk about a lot with her!)) she has a husband and 2 children. Today I went to her and I was looking at her for something)) and she says what are you looking at ?? I admire so much, she saw me a hundred times !! And then the phone rang !! But I'm not going to admit yet, because I see she treats me simply as a student who gored me. Today she is also called by a girl who goes to her and says that she will not come today, I heard this and say Hurray, she says yes, even though she will be free for an hour))) I almost chase her at school, she does not notice it, but my friends notice whom I force to walk through the 2nd floor because E. V.
I can’t imagine life without her! there is no such day that I would not think of her !! it's impossible to live like that !!! please help !!!

It's no secret that almost all male teenagers fantasize about their school teachers, if, of course, they are attracted to them as women.

A certain Jim Hustleberry to help schoolchildren released the book How to Become a REAL Teacher's Pet, which gives advice on how to become a real teacher's pet.

But already now there are conservative ill-wishers demanding a ban on the distribution of the book (although they have not even seen it in their eyes): "All over the country there are constant incidents like 23-year-old teacher Debra Beasley Lafave, who had sex with a 14-year-old schoolboy", - said a spokesman for the US Department of Education.

If you are still studying at school or at the institute, then especially for you in honor of the new school year, I present 10 ways to seduce a teacher you like!

1. Choose women who really deserve attention. The teacher, who always shows her legs in supermini skirts, craves male attention. True, outside the educational institution.

2. Sit in the front row. Unless, of course, you want Miss Hot Thing to pay attention to you and feel your eyes on her cute ass as she wipes the board.

3. Use direct eye contact frequently. No matter how boring the words that come out of her mouth during the lesson are, act like you fell into a trance of interest.

4. Engage in vigorous classroom activities. Teachers who are open to relationships with students are often secret lovers of risk, so they are more interested in "dangerous" bad guys than paimals.

5. Fail the test. This can hurt your self-esteem, but it will be possible to stay for additional one-on-one classes after school.

6. Give her a gift. It may be as cheap as packaging a chupachups, but it will appreciate your creativity.

7. Ask about her life. After class, ask her why she "looks so sad." And then pretend to listen to her adult problems, especially family troubles. Remember to nod your head sympathetically.

8. Arrange a date with her "culture." Notice what she teaches most about in class, such as art, and ask her to accompany you on an innocent trip to the museum.

9. Offer to pay for it, even if it's just ice cream. This signals that you agree to be the "man" in the relationship.

10. Do not "slow down". Tell the teacher that you are crazy about her and want that she was the one to whom you want to give your virginity. Even if you slept with half of the school before.

The approach to teachers can be found in the same way as to any other woman. The main thing is to focus on your virginity, which may interest a curious nymphomaniac teacher.

Aside: Growing up, my parents had a sadistic rule: in August they forced me to study the core subjects of the upcoming class, with the goal of, as they explained, "getting ready for school." I then thought that when I grow up I will never do this to my children, but it turned out that I could not break this vicious circle and I continued the painful tradition.

I hired two teachers for my son: mathematics and Russian. They worked with him each for an hour and a half while I worked, and then I spent the rest of the time with my son.
The mathematician was a cheerful and open-minded woman of my age with a pleasant appearance. The Russian language teacher, on the other hand, was an elderly pensioner, obese, and the commanding manner of a former head teacher. Before her, I again felt like a schoolboy and was always afraid that she would call my parents to school. I called both by name and patronymic and you. It is interesting that both were called Oksana. Oksana Yurievna is a kind mathematician and Oksana Vladimirovna is a stern former head teacher, although in my opinion there are no former head teachers. Once the head teacher, the head teacher for life.

Classes became a routine and did not bode well for trouble.

Those parents who lived with a child without a spouse know how limited their possibilities are not only to arrange their personal life, but even to simply and primitively engage in health-improving sex. In other words, I was practically starved to the point of sexual fury. And as a result, I had my eyes on the mathematician - Oksana Yurievna.

It is strange, of course, that the expression “to lay eyes” means sympathy, and “to put yuh”, on the contrary, is complete indifference, because in my case I rather put another place on Oksana Yuryevna, who, as it turned out, also lived alone with her teenage daughter.

Our mutual sympathy with Oksana Yuryevna gradually developed into a dinner in a restaurant and a few hours later blossomed into gentle and intelligent sex in a hotel. Why was sex intelligent? Because I continued to call her by name and patronymic even in bed, and I must admit it both me and her turned on incomparably. This is such a fetish - I kind of fulfilled my teenage sexual fantasies. And maybe she too.

I returned home in a state of pleasant bliss and inner relief. The sexually frenzy receded. I found my son asleep on the couch in the living room with the remote control for the game console in his hands. It looks like he also "came off" in my absence. I sent him to the nursery and went to bed myself. Falling asleep, I sent Oksana Yuryevna a romantic SMS: "I fall asleep in dreams of your sweet pussy"

I woke up from the insistent doorbell and realized with fear that the first lesson today was the Russian language lesson, which my son and I had irresponsibly slept through. Having pushed my son out of bed, I ran to open the door. It should be noted that Oksana Vladimirovna (head teacher and adept of grammar) had the habit of calling me into a serious conversation every few days, a hidden meaning, which always boiled down to what an irresponsible father I am and what a lazy son my son is.

So it was this time.

“Sergei,” she said from the doorway, “I need to talk to you seriously.” By the way, I noticed that Oksana Vladimirovna this time was painted in makeup and dressed in something similar to an evening dress, which was completely uncharacteristic for her.

We went into the kitchen, I closed the door tightly and the following conversation took place between us:

“Sergei, I understand how hard it is to live alone with a child, how difficult it is to survive a divorce and male loneliness, but your yesterday’s act shocked me!”

"How could she know?" - I thought feverishly. I must admit that psychologically I felt like a naughty schoolboy who crossed the forbidden boundaries. Whether it was an adequate feeling or not is not important. I decided to react with an armor-piercing school method of protection: a complete "ignorance"

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Oksana Vladimirovna,” I firmly retorted.

“Oh, leave! If you had the stupidity and audacity to do so, then have the courage to admit it! ”

I remained as solid as a rock and unshakable as a sphinx. I answered her in her own florid manner as a Russian language teacher:

"I strongly refuse to understand the subject of our conversation!"

"Yes? How would you please explain this? ”. With these words, she handed me her mobile phone, on the screen of which I read with horror my yesterday's SMS: "I fall asleep in dreams of your sweet pussy."

My mouth was dry, my palms were covered with moisture and I felt my face catch fire. “What should I say to her? - I thought feverishly, "I will say that I sent it by mistake - I can substitute Oksana Yuryevna." What to do? What?!". And again, I decided to act according to the school system of the second level of protection: the "silent". I just fell silent and did not answer anything. I was thinking, trying to understand what came to mind of 65-year-old Oksana, the head teacher, when she read: “I fall asleep in dreams of your sweet pussy”.

On the one hand, I wanted to laugh hysterically, on the other hand, I was afraid that she would report to the children's "Gestapo" that I was an inadequate maniac and I could not be trusted with children.

The situation was resolved in an unexpected way:

Correcting her hair with a wave of her hand with senile pigmentation spots and smiling coquettishly, she said in a low voice:

“To be honest, at first I was angry at your insolence, but then, I must admit, I realized that it was pleasant to receive such an unexpected recognition from you as a woman.”

For the second time in one morning, the ground slipped from under my feet. A perverted thought slipped like a snake: “It would be cool to fuck the head teacher at the same time”, but I drove this thought away with the pissing rags of my mind. On the other hand, to tell a woman that you do not want to offend her is like a gnome from a fairy tale. Inspiration suddenly came:

“Oksana Vladimirovna, please forgive me for the freedom! After the divorce, I am not myself. I've always liked women older than me, maybe that's why we got divorced. Sorry for showing weakness. I shouldn't have done that. I promise that I will never again allow myself this in relation to you! ”

“No need to apologize, Sergei. I am lonely as a woman and you as a man. We are all people, I understand you perfectly and nothing human is alien to me, if you understand what I mean. ”At these words, she again smiled coquettishly, and I thought:“ * la, what a fierce * scoundrel! ”
She paused. I was silent. She sighed languidly and continued: “It seems to me that you are now in a state of post-traumatic stress associated with divorce. You are not entirely adequate. You need to rest. Let us henceforth assume that this conversation did not take place. " And she held out her hand to me. Relieved, I held out mine.

Over the next two weeks, I continued to meet with Oksana Yuryevna, by the way, we switched to you and something irrevocably left our relationship. At home, both Oksanas were making eyes at me, as if hinting that we have a common shameful secret and I must admit that they started making breakfasts and dusting off. It was especially funny when they crossed paths.

Then school, work and a new life began.

This is the story that happened to me.

Evgeniy, age: 02/11/2015


Hi Zhenya. You are right, the problem is serious and you need to solve it somehow.
But in fact, it is not difficult to solve it.
You just need to redirect the energy of your love in the right direction.
Yes, until you can go to the movies with your teacher or invite her to a romantic dinner, but you can dedicate poetry to her, write a song, learn to play the guitar for her, or sew a stuffed animal for her. Or maybe you will learn everything and pass the exam perfectly in its subject? Here she will rejoice at the strength of your love.
And then we, ladies, have always liked and will like sports men. Is there a reason to go in for sports? If not, now there is).
Reading smart books - so that there is something to talk about with an educated lady - is there a reason? Yes, and it's called Love. Your "love", Zhenya.
Create, do good deeds, become better - this is where let there be a manifestation of your love. After all, the chosen one has always been conquered. And one of the main criteria for choosing a bride for your prince is what he is: Sick, nervous, irresponsible, lazy, stupid or strong, persistent, responsible, hardworking - with a mind and a horse? Who will she choose?
Now Zhen can have a little rest and then make a plan for "Love in Action" and put it into practice. Good luck!

Sveta, age: a little older than you / 02/12/2015

Eugene, you are so young))) Of course, your teacher does not take your confessions seriously, but as a teacher it would be better to talk to you. At the age of 16, many fall in love and it seems that this is the last love in life. Channel your energy in a different direction, try writing poetry, playing sports. Try to understand whether it is love or falling in love. There is a difference. If this is love, imagine that it will reciprocate you, what will you do then? Relationship is responsibility, are you ready for that? Or is it just a burst of hormones?))) Good luck!)))

Elena, age: 29 / 12.02.2015

Hello Eugene!

I also had the same serious problem, I was in love with a teacher - three hundred years ago ...
I advise you to be patient and wait for a meeting with your soul mate, mutual love.
The period of growing up is not easy.
Please see the love story.

I grew up in a small Belarusian town. She arrived in Minsk, graduated from the university with honors and left to teach at the school. I don’t want to talk about what subject I’m teaching, I’m afraid that they will find out. I will say one thing: the school is good, here are mainly children of wealthy parents. You yourself know what work in an ordinary district school is. With my teacher training, this was really the best option. Normal team, bonuses. I treasured my place very much, I was glad that I was pretty well settled in life.

Everything would be fine, but in the 10th grade I came to school he, let's call this student Vova. 16 years old, looks at all 22: tall, the figure is male, no longer teenage. Well, all the girls fell in love with him right away: charming, smart, entrepreneurial parents. At that time I was 25, I just broke up with a guy with whom we had been dating for almost four years. We were going to get married, but he still could not take the last step, and I got tired of waiting and decided to live on my own. Vova did not get out of my head from the first day. I just saw him in front of me when I closed my eyes: every day, every night, every minute. At some point, it seemed to me that I was going crazy: every time before going to bed, I imagined that I was 16 and we were studying in the same class. I directly saw how we were sitting together in class, standing over biscuits in the school cafeteria, dancing at the disco. And I also imagined the first kiss.

Do not think that I immediately took and threw myself into the pool with my head, I do not want to be thought of me that way. I treasured this place, my salary and my reputation. I live alone, my parents do not help me financially. But I forgot about everything. Next to him, I did not feel like an adult strict teacher, but a little girl. Vova himself from the first day began to show me signs of attention. Plush hares in a bag, flowers in the stairwell. And all these things he did not show, at school he just greeted me, no vulgar jokes, nothing at all. But at the same time he looked so that his heart went into his heels. I started drinking a sedative and tried not to look in his direction at all in class. I tried to return gifts, but he said something like "and who told you it was me?"

On Sunday evening, I returned from my parents and saw him in the stairwell. He just sat on the step and smoked. Then he said, "We need to talk." I opened the apartment door, we went in - that's all. Everything happened quickly and passionately. I have never felt so good with a man, I have never felt like this.

Now I am tormented by one fear after another: what if he brags about his victories to his friends? what if it's just passion? what if I ruin his life? My parents began to suspect that I had someone, asking questions. Now he is in the 11th grade, he is 17, he wants to enter BSU for international relations and make a career. His parents also began to understand something. At the end of the 10th grade, his mother came to school and asked something like: "Vova talks about you so often. Tell me, how old are you?" I was wildly embarrassed, she didn't ask anything else. I'm not even scared because I might be fired. I'm scared because I know that he will go to university, a thousand beautiful young girls will attack him. I'm not sure that there will be a place for me in his life.

I'm 26, I love my student and don't know how to live on. The Anonymous Teachers Club is simple. I am writing to find out if someone else had a similar story. Maybe it ended well? "