Fetal ultrasound timing. The first ultrasound during pregnancy: timing and rates of indicators. Types of ultrasound examination

While waiting for the baby, the fairer sex will have to undergo numerous studies and pass a lot of tests. So, before each appointment with a gynecologist, the expectant mother must donate blood and urine for research. The results obtained make it possible to judge the course of pregnancy and women. This article will focus on how long an ultrasound scan is done during pregnancy. You will find out the features of this diagnosis. You can also find out the generally accepted timing of ultrasound during pregnancy.

Ultrasound diagnostics

This type of research has been used for a long time. Every year there is an improvement in inspection methods. So, in modern medical clinics, you can not only undergo a conventional ultrasound, but also do a study in several planes (3D and 4D).

Ultrasound diagnostics is carried out as follows. During the examination, the doctor applies a special sensor to the patient's body that sends impulses. This ultrasound is reflected off the organs and displays an image on a screen. The patient and the doctor cannot hear the ultrasound because it has very high frequencies.

It is worth noting that research can be done in several ways. At the earliest stages of embryo development, a transvaginal transducer is selected. The doctor applies a special conductive gel to it and inserts it into the vagina. Later, transabdominal ultrasound can be performed. In this case, a slightly different sensor is selected, which is applied to the belly of the expectant mother.

How many times is ultrasound done during and before pregnancy?

If a woman is just planning to conceive, then the doctor prescribes a course of examinations for her called folliculometry. This method allows you to track the growth of the follicle and determine the time of release of the egg from it as accurately as possible. Thanks to this method, the probability of conception increases several times. During folliculometry, a woman is given one to three

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother should visit the ultrasound office as prescribed by the doctor. How many times is an ultrasound done in this case? In the normal course of pregnancy, the study is carried out no more than three or four times during the entire period. However, in half of the cases, women are forced to undergo this procedure more often.

Establishing the fact of pregnancy: for how long?

When can you safely go to in order to determine the ovum in the uterine cavity? At what time is an ultrasound scan done during pregnancy in this case?

You can establish a completed conception starting from the fifth week of pregnancy. However, you will not be able to see the embryo. However, an experienced specialist will find a formation in the uterine cavity that will later become your baby. In earlier periods, there is a possibility of error, since some devices cannot recognize such a small point (during this period, the size of the ovum is no more than two millimeters).

At what time is an ultrasound scan done during pregnancy?

In fact, there is no well-established, generally accepted time frame for diagnostics. It all depends on the number of fetuses, the course of pregnancy, the health and age of the expectant mother. If everything goes smoothly, then the timing of the diagnosis will be separately set for the first, second and third trimester.

First ultrasound

How long does this study take? Doctors recommend diagnosing at 11-14 weeks. Such a survey allows you to determine the period as accurately as possible. By ultrasound, this is much easier to do than during a gynecological examination. Diagnostics is most often carried out with a transvaginal apparatus, since the uterine cavity is still in the pelvic area. However, with modern equipment, a specialist can choose a transabdominal method for research.

Also, the study can inform about the number of fetuses in the cavity of the genital organ. During this period, the child's place is necessarily examined, its location and the presence of detachments is noted. At this time, it is possible to identify possible deviations in the development of the embryo. The size of the unborn child is no longer so small and the main formed organs are quite clearly visible.

Second ultrasound examination

2 ultrasound time is as follows: from 20 to 22 weeks of embryo development. At this stage, the doctor can already use a transabdominal device. The specialist generously lubricates the belly of the expectant mother with gel and applies a device to it.

This diagnosis allows you to examine in detail the uterine cavity and note the condition of the fetus. By this time, the baby has already reached sufficient size, and the doctor can count his fingers. Also, the baby's internal organs and his face must be examined. The doctor determines the location and age of the placenta, the blood flow, which is installed in the umbilical cord, is necessarily examined.

Third ultrasound examination

3 ultrasound most often has the following: from 32 to 35 weeks of embryo development. This diagnosis always uses a transabdominal transducer. This study is usually the last one. That is why the specialist pays attention to details that are very important during labor.

So, the doctor notes how long the ultrasound determines for the start of labor. In most cases, the height and weight of the baby is taken into account. Also, the doctor looks at the presentation of the embryo and the location of the placenta. It is worth noting that in some cases the organ can migrate. The umbilical cord and its position must be examined. If there is an entanglement, then this should be taken into account.

Research for suspected ectopic pregnancy: for how long?

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that the embryo begins to develop outside the cavity of the genital organ. In this case, most often it occurs. Symptoms of such a pathology can be pain and spotting. To accurately diagnose, the woman is sent for an ultrasound examination. In this case, the diagnosis period will be in the range of four to eight weeks of pregnancy.

Research is carried out During the procedure, the doctor determines the location of the embryo and its age. If pathology is detected, immediate correction is prescribed.

Diagnostics of the threat of interruption of embryo development

If we are talking about what has begun, or then the diagnosis is carried out immediately. In this case, the age of the embryo is completely unimportant. This pathology can occur at 6 or 20 weeks. It is worth noting that most often a woman is sent for inpatient treatment. It is within the walls of a medical institution that diagnostic manipulation is performed. If there are certain problems, then the appropriate correction is assigned. After it, repeated diagnostics with an ultrasound apparatus is carried out.

When is additional research required?

At what time is an ultrasound scan done during pregnancy in case of need for additional diagnostics? It all depends on the individual history of each woman.

  • If previously the fairer sex had miscarriages or premature birth due to ismico-cervical insufficiency, then the study is carried out at 10, 14 and 16 weeks in order to monitor the cervix.
  • With previous births by caesarean section, diagnosis is carried out at 30, 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. This is necessary to control the condition of the scar.
  • With ultrasound, it can be prescribed at 34 and 36 weeks of embryo development. Such a study shows the location of the babies and their parameters. It is worth noting that twins and triplets are usually born several weeks ahead of schedule.
  • If a woman has suffered a viral or bacterial disease, which was accompanied by an increase in body temperature or complications, it is worth performing an unscheduled ultrasound. Such a diagnosis will be able to show whether the pathology has affected the condition of the fetus and its development.
  • Necessarily unscheduled ultrasound is carried out in the event that the expectant mother has ceased to feel This may indicate acute hypoxia or death of the embryo.

What is the time frame for an ultrasound scan if a woman does not know the date of the last menstruation?

Surely everyone knows that the gestational age is established by gynecologists on the first day of the last menstruation. However, it is not always possible to calculate this date. If a woman has had severe disruptions in the cycle or is she breastfeeding, then at what time do ultrasound examinations need to be performed?

As soon as a representative of the fair sex receives a positive pregnancy test result, the doctor sends her for examination. In this case, how long is the ultrasound. Based on this, the subsequent dates for diagnostic manipulations are calculated.

How many times is it permissible to do an ultrasound

There is still controversy on this matter, and there is no consensus. Some doctors believe that such studies are completely safe and can be carried out at least every week. Other doctors are of the opinion that such additional manipulations should be avoided. What about women?


So, you now know how many times an ultrasound scan is performed during pregnancy and for what time frame. Remember that every woman's body is different. You should not be equal to your experienced friends and listen to their advice. Get diagnosed only as directed by your doctor. Enjoy your pregnancy and health!

Sometimes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs helps to understand whether a woman is pregnant. It is in the small pelvis that the uterus is located, where the chorion is fixed, as well as its appendages. By means of an ultrasound scan, both normal and ectopic pregnancies are determined.

Such an ultrasound is performed after 1-2 weeks of delay in menstruation. Revealing pregnancy allows not only the detection of the ovum, but also an increase in the thickness of the endometrium up to 25 mm, as well as a large corpus luteum.

In the normal course of pregnancy, 3 planned ultrasounds are performed: at 10-12, 20-22 and 30-36 weeks. If a violation is suspected or to confirm the diagnosis, additional studies may be prescribed.

The most accurate results in this case are given by transvaginal ultrasound. During the procedure, a special thin probe is used, which is inserted into the vagina. A condom is put on it beforehand. The sensor is very thin, pain and discomfort are excluded. It is located at a minimum distance from the uterus. It is completely safe, the threat of miscarriage does not cause or cause discomfort.

The advantages of ultrasound in the diagnosis of pregnancy are in the most accurate timing. You can set the gestation time with an accuracy of the day. It also allows you to accurately calculate the due date. Studies at 10-12, 20-22, 30-36 weeks do not have such accuracy due to the fact that each child in the womb develops individually.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

At 10-12 weeks it is necessary to assess:

  • Condition the umbilical cord and make sure there are two arteries in it;
  • Cervix - measure the length;
  • The place of fixation of the chorion in the uterus;
  • Fruit size.

At this stage, the gestational age is specified and possible pathologies are identified: Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, anomalies of the brain and other organs.

How is an ultrasound scan performed at 10-12 weeks

The method of examination is chosen by the attending gynecologist. Most often, the study is performed transabdominally - through the abdominal wall. The procedure algorithm is simple:

  • The woman sits down or lies down on the couch;
  • A doctor or nurse treats a woman's abdomen with a sound-conducting gel;
  • The doctor applies the sensor to the abdomen and slowly moves it over the surface;
  • An image is displayed on the monitor.

The procedure lasts a few minutes, after which the pregnant woman can immediately return to her usual activities. An ultrasound scan during pregnancy does not require special preparation; it can be done at any time of the day.

For special indications, ultrasound is done transvaginally. This is necessary when:

  • Attachment of the chorion or placenta at a low level;
  • A fetal position that is difficult to measure the neck area or other parts of the body;
  • The need to assess the degree of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Diagnosis of inflammation of the appendages or neoplasms in a pregnant woman.

Ultrasound at 21-22 weeks

The second ultrasound shows the size of the fetal body parts, its anatomy, internal organs. Allows you to again clarify the duration of pregnancy, identify developmental delays, find pathologies of the placenta, uterus, cervix, umbilical cord. The maturity of the placenta is determined, premature aging is, the amount of water is established. At this time, the sex of the child is most often determined.

The second ultrasound is performed only transabdominally - a transvaginal examination is not prescribed until the very birth. The course of the procedure is similar to the first ultrasound.

When is an ultrasound scan done during pregnancy?

Ultrasound at the third screening is done at 30-31 weeks. As in the second study, the third ultrasound examines the state of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, water and the fetus itself. In addition, it is necessary to determine the presentation of the embryo - the position inside the uterus. Normally, it is head, that is, the fetus lies upside down, with the crown towards the exit. It is important to establish the position of the placenta, the length of the cervical canal, and check the quality of the placenta.

The course of the third study does not differ from the course of the previous ones. An ultrasound scan is performed only on the abdominal wall.

Ultrasound before childbirth

For some women, an ultrasound scan is done upon admission to the hospital. This is necessary to assess the condition of the woman and the fetus, planning childbirth. The position of the embryo, height and weight, the state of the cervix (maturity and degree of dilatation), the heart rate of the child, blood flow in the vessels of the mother and fetus are taken into account. The study is also carried out only transabdominally.

Which ultrasound is better during pregnancy - 3D or simple

The difference between 3D ultrasound during pregnancy and the usual one is only in the resulting image. In a routine examination, it is understandable only to the doctor, while the patient, as a rule, has difficulty examining the picture. 3D ultrasound allows you to see a clear volumetric image in color. High contrast and clarity allow you to see the embryo in detail, even at the very early stages. If desired, a woman can receive from a doctor the first photo of the child, printed on a printer.

Planned ultrasound during pregnancy is used to determine the indicators of intrauterine development. Such studies help to timely diagnose various anomalies in the baby or excessive stress on the internal organs of the mother.

At what time is planned ultrasound done during pregnancy

Perinatal ultrasound examination is the most informative method for diagnosing pathologies, which allows you to identify a large number of deviations and anomalies in the development of the embryo. Therefore, doctors have allocated planned ultrasound during pregnancy in a separate category and, only in case of suspicion of a pathological process, they prescribe additional studies.

The timing of planned ultrasound during pregnancy corresponds to each stage of fetal formation:

  1. At 10-14 weeks of intrauterine development, the first compulsory examination is prescribed. The main goal, which is to confirm conception, calculate the gestational age and assess the main parameters of the fetus. During the procedure, the amount of amniotic fluid, the state of the uterine cavity and placental membrane are assessed, signs of isthmic-cervical insufficiency are revealed. Routine tests and ultrasound scans allow you to exclude chromosomal abnormalities in a child. A primary screening ultrasound is performed to measure the collar zone, and blood is additionally donated to calculate the level of hCG and protein-A.
  2. At 20-24 weeks of gestation, 2 planned ultrasound is performed during pregnancy, the procedure is done to assess all the internal organs of the fetus, which by this time have already been sufficiently formed. One of the important parameters at these periods is the study of the placental membrane, as well as the diagnosis of hypoxia in an infant. In the second trimester, specialists compare the indicators of the first screening with current data to understand the dynamics of the growth of the baby inside the womb.
  3. At 30-34 weeks of gestation, ultrasound is necessary to assess the uteroplacental blood flow, the functionality of the placenta is assessed, and the weight of the infant is calculated. During the 3rd trimester, they look at the presentation so that doctors can calculate the risks during labor and apply a cesarean section in a timely manner.

In addition, the 2nd and 3rd planned ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out additionally with Doppler ultrasound, which makes it possible to assess the blood circulation in the mother-placenta-fetus system. Because abnormalities in the bloodstream contribute to the formation of hypoxia, the infant does not receive enough nutrients.

Mandatory ultrasound in the early stages

It is not uncommon for ultrasound to be prescribed earlier than the 10th week. In this case, a transvaginal examination is performed when the sensor is inserted into the vagina. The method is as safe as possible for the embryo and has many advantages:
  • from 3-4 weeks the fact of conception is established;
  • from 5-6 weeks you can reliably hear the beating of the baby's heart;
  • the place of attachment of the ovum is visible, ectopic localization is excluded.
Early diagnosis using ultrasound is used only if there is a suspicion of a developing pathology (pain in the lower abdomen, spotting) or if conception occurred through artificial insemination.

When is more research required?

Additional ultrasound procedures can be prescribed at any gestation period, it all depends on the course of pregnancy. The most common reasons for diagnostics are:
  • previous repeated miscarriage, due to miscarriages or premature birth;
  • the birth of an older child by caesarean section, to monitor the scar tissue;
  • if more than one fetus develops inside the womb, careful diagnosis will be required, especially in the last weeks of gestation;
  • infectious diseases become the reason for a thorough examination of intrauterine development.
The examination looks at the length of the cervix to prevent premature labor. In the absence of prolonged movement of the baby after 20 weeks, it is necessary to exclude a frozen pregnancy. Also, any other abnormal abnormalities in the fetus or in the woman's condition should be examined using ultrasound. The technique does not harm and is considered the safest, therefore it can be carried out at different stages of the 9-month formation.

Ultrasound of pregnant women is a three-time study, which is included in the category of planned ones in this period. It aims to assess the dynamics of the growth and development of the fetus, to identify anomalies in its development, to assess whether there are any threats to gestation from maternal and temporary organs.

It is on the data of ultrasound diagnostics that the obstetrician-gynecologist is guided by when prescribing treatment and determining the tactics of delivery.

The timing of the ultrasound of pregnant women in a planned manner

There are three planned ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. Each has its own specific deadlines and goals. The schedule of ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy approved by the Ministry of Health looks like this:

  1. The first ultrasound during pregnancy. It is completed within 10-14 weeks. This is a routine examination, that is, it is necessary for the doctor to conduct it in order to obtain important information about the fetus and the organs (maternal and mature) that support its life and development.
  2. When to go for an ultrasound scan during pregnancy for the second time? Based on the ultrasound calendar approved by healthcare organizations around the world, the recommended period for a second ultrasound during pregnancy is 18-22 weeks. It is this study that will finally say whether there are fetal malformations that are dangerous for a full extrauterine life, whether there is a pathology on the part of maternal and temporary organs that requires correction.
  3. The third compulsory ultrasound diagnostics during the period of bearing a child is carried out at 30-34 weeks.

If the previously indicated terms were more stringent, then in the case of the third ultrasound during pregnancy, it can be done even a little later than 34 weeks. Let's explain why.

For the first time, the viability of the fetus, the absence of gross defects and the mother's ability to bear it were determined. A period of up to 14 weeks is most favorable (in case of a poor result) for carrying out medical interruption of gestation.

If the pathology was "seen" only by the second planned ultrasound examination, it is less rough, nevertheless, there is a chance that the child will be disabled. In this case, up to 23 weeks, it is also possible to terminate the pregnancy by performing an abortion, rather than an artificial birth.

The timing of the last ultrasound scan during pregnancy can be negotiated with the doctor, and if there is no pathology of this period, conduct a study later than 34 weeks in order to find out more precisely:

  • how will you give birth (even if there were no indications for a cesarean section before, they could appear)
  • how soon will the birth take place
  • how your baby looks and how is it developed
  • whether he will need urgent surgical care immediately after giving birth (it is impossible to foresee whether he will need intensive care, it also depends on how you will give birth).

Therefore, the period when an ultrasound scan is prescribed for the last time during pregnancy may fluctuate, but only if previous studies did not indicate a pathology.

What are the features of the diagnosis

The number of ultrasounds during pregnancy is three. They are carried out in the time frame described above. But this is planned research for those who have a normal period of gestation. Often, ultrasound diagnostics have to be performed more often. Consider how many times you can do ultrasound diagnostics while waiting for a child.

How to confirm pregnancy

When a woman conducts a home test and receives two strips on it, immediately (almost everyone) the question arises, in which week of pregnancy an ultrasound scan can be done to confirm it.

The recommended time frame is at least 14 days after the delay. Then (this will be equal to 5 weeks), you need to do a transvaginal ultrasound. In this case, ultrasound will determine not only the presence of a uterine pregnancy, but also tell whether the embryo is alive and developing, because only from that time, and only in this way, can you see the contractions of the baby's heart.

From what week can you do an ultrasound study

The fetus in the uterus will be visible from the third week, that is, from 5 days of delay.
Reflections on planned ultrasound are advisable for those women who, in addition to the usual signs of pregnancy, are not worried about:

  • bloody discharge: in any quantity and any - from scarlet to brown - color
  • there are pains in the lower abdomen
  • weakness
  • dizziness.

If the above symptoms appear, there is a suspicion of ectopic implantation of the ovum. Therefore, a visit to ultrasound diagnostics (even if menstruation is delayed by 1 day, and the test is positive) is justified.

If everything is fine with you, just a "striped" test, go to a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. From 5-6 weeks, he "with his hands and eyes" will determine whether everything is normal with the developing baby, and the ultrasound will be performed in a planned manner. The fact is that, although it has not been proven that ultrasound is harmful, even major European and American scientists do not advise conducting ultrasound of pregnant women before 10 weeks without evidence.

Ultrasound diagnostics in prenatal diagnostics

There is such a thing as prenatal screening, that is, determining the likelihood that a child will be born with serious malformations. In this case, the woman needs to donate blood in which the levels of special hormones will be determined. Together with this, a screening ultrasound scan is performed during pregnancy. It differs from the usual one in that it is carried out by specially trained specialists in prenatal diagnostics on expert-class devices.

An ultrasound scan in a prenatal screening complex can be performed from the beginning of pregnancy. It is shown to certain groups of women, has its own schedule during pregnancy (it differs slightly from the usual ultrasound calendar):

  1. 10-14 weeks
  2. 16-20 weeks
  3. 32-34 weeks.

As you can see, the number of ultrasounds included in prenatal screening is also three. The difference is only in the timing of the second ultrasound examination.

But not all women are immediately eligible for prenatal screening. It happens that the first ultrasound scan is done in a specially agreed place, where the doctor notices some abnormalities in the anatomy of the fetus, and directs the woman there (usually a medical genetic consultation), where prenatal screening is performed. There she is diagnosed in this period again, then they look at the nature of the detected pathology.

In the described case, ultrasound during pregnancy is done more often than routine screening provides. There is nothing wrong with this, since in this case a very important question is being resolved - what pathology the fetus has, how it threatens him, how to continue the pregnancy.

Questions and answers about ultrasound diagnostics

Can you often do an ultrasound examination during pregnancy? Yes. In terms of more than 10 weeks, the study, carried out according to the indications, is harmless to the fetus. Although it would be correct to say that it is necessary, that if the possible harm from the study is much less beneficial, then ultrasound can be done during pregnancy as long as necessary. How does ultrasound affect pregnancy? It has been scientifically proven that under the action of ultrasound, bubbles form in a liquid, which tend to connect with each other and then burst. During this, the structure of an organ may be damaged.

But in the study of pregnancy, "weak" ultrasound is used, which, especially with a limited exposure time, cannot harm the fetus. Scientists from all countries say that ultrasound diagnostics should be done when there is evidence for this.

It should not be overused.

And also (it should be carried out with suspicion of malformations, and only from the second trimester), as well as video filming of the study. In cases of such studies, the power of ultrasound increases, which is not beneficial for the fetus.

When is it necessary to undergo ultrasound diagnostics during gestation?
  1. in a planned manner
  2. with pain in the lower abdomen
  3. with discharge of blood from the genital tract
  4. with any profuse vaginal discharge, especially if it is with an unpleasant odor, even if the body temperature has not increased
  5. after a viral or bacterial infection
  6. if a woman does not feel any movements after 20 weeks
  7. with the appearance of premature labor
  8. if contractions appeared in the period of 36-40 weeks, and the last ultrasound was done in the first or second trimester.

More often (at intervals of 3-4 weeks), the study can be carried out with:

  • placenta previa
  • low attachment of the placenta
  • short cervix
  • open internal pharynx (as a control over a suture or staple placed on the cervix)
  • retroplacental hematoma
  • with gestosis.

That is, frequent ultrasound during pregnancy, according to indications, will not harm the fetus... It can be done at least every day, if the situation requires it. By the way, one family consisting of doctors - an obstetrician-gynecologist and a sonologist - did an ultrasound scan to their pregnant wife every morning to say hello to the baby. The child was born healthy.

What is a good ultrasound scan during pregnancy? This word is usually used to refer to diagnostics performed by a highly qualified specialist. Often a good pregnancy ultrasound doctor is someone who works in genetic counseling or Perinatal Centers. Is it possible to refuse ultrasound during pregnancy? It is possible, if you have prejudices, while you are not afraid that, giving birth on your own and not knowing your obstetric situation, you or your baby may die. Refusal of ultrasound during pregnancy must be recorded in writing, personally by the woman. It is glued into the Exchange card.

How to prepare for ultrasound diagnostics

Preparation for an ultrasound scan during pregnancy depends on how long and in what way the procedure will be carried out. Only abdominal ultrasound requires some preliminary action and only in the first trimester:

  • before the study, you exclude legumes, carbonated drinks, cabbage, black bread per day
  • an hour before the procedure itself, you need to drink about 2 cups of still water, after which do not urinate.

Transvaginal ultrasound for up to 12 weeks is performed without preparation. In the future, it will not be needed for research through the abdominal wall.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

How is ultrasound diagnostics performed during pregnancy? In the first trimester, the study can be performed in two ways:
  • through the belly
  • by inserting the sensor into the vagina.

In the first case, everything is clear, this study does not differ from an ultrasound scan to identify pathologies of the abdominal cavity. The latter method is performed using a special attachment for an ultrasound machine.

The woman undresses, takes off her underwear, lies on her back, bending her knees. A small sensor in a condom is inserted into her vagina. During the study, they are made movements of small amplitude in different directions (no more painful than examination with the help of gynecological mirrors).

Bloody discharge after an ultrasound scan performed by a vaginal probe may appear within the first three days after the procedure. They should not be abundant and scarlet. Only a slight discharge of brownish blood or streaks is allowed for 1 day, then there may be a yellowish discharge. Scarlet blood, abdominal pain, profuse, fetid and frothy discharge, fever - require an urgent examination by a doctor.

Who and where is conducting the transcript of the study

Description of the ultrasound examination is carried out according to the protocol, which includes:

  1. Number of fruits
  2. Fetal presentation
  3. Fetometry of the fetus
  4. Evaluation of each internal organ of the fetus
  5. Inspection data of the umbilical cord, placenta, amniotic fluid
  6. Examination of the cervix, cervical canal, walls of the uterus.

In order to evaluate all these data, there are pregnancy ultrasound rates by week. That is, if you had to do a few more additional studies, the doctor will be just as good at navigating all the numbers and other indicators as during planned procedures.

You can do an ultrasound scan during pregnancy in paid gynecological clinics, multidisciplinary centers, perinatal centers, as well as on the basis of a maternity hospital or an antenatal clinic.

About, where is it better to do ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy, you should ask your doctor (if you trust him): sometimes there are one or two professional specialists in the whole city, they also work in several clinics. Your attending gynecologist can suggest the name of such a specialist, and you will find the addresses where this particular specialist does an ultrasound scan during pregnancy.

If you urgently need to do an ultrasound scan for pregnancy, Perinatal Centers are open for this, working around the clock. There is also a paid ultrasound examination that can be done at home.

How much does an ultrasound scan cost for pregnancy: in the first trimester, the cost of an ultrasound scan is about 1,500 rubles, in the second and third trimesters - about 2,000 rubles. Doppler ultrasonography of the fetus costs about 1700 rubles, and the volumetric version - about 3000. Ultrasound diagnostics is considered inexpensive within 1000-1200 rubles.

During pregnancy, any woman needs to undergo 3 planned ultrasounds, plus additional ones on the recommendation of an obstetrician-gynecologist. When is the last ultrasound scan done? The timing of the study may vary. According to the law, the third screening (comprehensive study) must be completed at 30-34 weeks, the planned ultrasound early - at 30-32 weeks. But the third scan is not always the last: sometimes the doctor prescribes another procedure, just before childbirth.

Why do you need the latest ultrasound?

The main task of ultrasound at the gestational age of 30-34 weeks is to find out the readiness of the mom and the baby for childbirth and determine the tactics for carrying them out.

As with previous ultrasounds, one of the main functions of the analysis is to identify the presence / absence of serious malformations in the child. Most abnormalities show a second ultrasound, but some abnormalities can only be seen in the third trimester. These include renal hydronephrosis (accumulation of fluid in children's kidneys), megaureter (enlargement of the ureter).

If a pathology is found, the last scan will allow you to decide whether the baby needs surgery immediately after birth or there is a possibility of a delay. Surgery can be postponed if the anomaly does not threaten the infant's life. If a malformation incompatible with life is diagnosed, the doctor may recommend artificial childbirth (up to the 40th week).

Tasks of the last ultrasound

Regardless of which week of the third trimester the last ultrasound is performed, the tasks are the same. In the last stages of pregnancy, ultrasound is designed to assess:

  • Placental and uteroplacental blood flow (deviations may signal developmental delay);
  • The size of the baby, their compliance with the gestational age;
  • Localization of the placenta and the degree of its maturity;
  • The position of the child in the uterus (head, pelvic or transverse).

The last two points directly affect the choice of delivery tactics - natural or cesarean section. In this case, the position of the baby in the uterus is not always the determining factor. When the scan is done 33 weeks or earlier, there is a risk that the baby will have time to roll over.

What determines the latest ultrasound scan?

The last ultrasound during pregnancy is always done by the transabdominal method (through the outer wall of the abdomen). First, the doctor assesses the number of fetuses and their location, then the anatomical structures of the fetus, specifies the state of the placenta and amniotic (amniotic) fluid.

During the last ultrasound, you can determine:

  • the number of fruits and their position;
  • difference in embryo size (if twins or triplets are expected);
  • some developmental defects of the child;
  • changes in the cerebral cortex in the fetus;
  • infection of the embryo due to diseases that the mother suffered during 9 months of gestation;
  • position, structure and thickness of the placenta;
  • distance from the edge of the placenta to the internal os of the cervix;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid, its color and purity (a heterogeneous composition may indicate fetal hypoxia).

Norms of the last ultrasound

For ultrasound at a gestational age of 30-34 weeks, there are certain norms recorded in special plates. Do not be afraid of minor deviations in indicators from standard figures: this rarely speaks of any developmental disabilities. If the mother has any doubts about the child's condition, the attending physician will explain the ultrasound results in detail and dispel all fears.

The rates for the last ultrasound during pregnancy include the following parameters:

  • presentation of the fetus;
  • fetometry indicators (child's circumference and length of tubular bones);
  • internal organs;
  • biophysical profile (assessment of posture, breathing, movement of the baby);
  • placenta indicators;
  • amniotic water;
  • mom's pelvic organs.

The fetal fetometry indicators on the third ultrasound are biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (OH), abdominal circumference (OB), frontal-occipital size (LZR). The length of the hip, shoulder and total weight of the child are also assessed.

During the final ultrasound, the doctor examines the internal organs of the child and the skeleton: the structures of the brain, spine, face, lungs, heart and tummy.

To assess the condition of the mother and her readiness for childbirth, placenta indicators are of great importance. First of all, this is the location. It is optimal if the placenta is attached to the posterior wall of the uterus, but other localization is also allowed. The only pathology is presentation, when the placenta is too close to the cervix and practically blocks the exit from the uterus. Also, the specialist looks at the thickness of the placenta at the site of attachment and maturity.

Additional examinations at the last ultrasound

When it is time for the last ultrasound, in most cases, doctors will prescribe the patient for prenatal screening. This is the name of a comprehensive analysis for the most complete assessment of the condition of both the expectant mother and the baby. The last screening during pregnancy includes:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • dopplerometry:
  • cardiotocogram;
  • "Triple screening" (biochemical blood test).

Doppler is an assessment of the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the baby, as well as the uterus and placenta. In the third trimester, such an analysis allows you to recognize possible fetal hypoxia, to evaluate the work of the pediatric central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Doppler ultrasound is performed in the same way as a conventional scan.

Cardiotocography is a study of the baby's heartbeat, which also allows you to find out if the baby is suffering from a lack of oxygen. Cardiotocography is done using an ultrasound machine, but at the same time not the image of the child is displayed on the screen, but his cardiogram.

A planned ultrasound scan at 30-34 weeks of pregnancy is not always the last. In some cases, a final scan may be needed just before childbirth, after the 37th week. This is required to clarify the presentation of the fetus, the speed of blood flow in the uterus and placenta, the state of the fetus itself. The last ultrasound at 37 weeks is required for multiple pregnancies. Often, the doctor advises to carry out the procedure for overweight patients.