What days should you bake Easter cakes. Good Friday: is it possible to bake cakes

We bake kulich correctly (advice from bakers)

Little tricks for baking cakes correctly

There are many recipes for Easter cakes. But it's not enough to knead and bake, you need to know the subtleties.

When baking Easter cakes, you must remember the basic rules, the observance of which largely depends on how the cake will turn out.

The main and indispensable decoration of the Easter table is cakes, which are baked from rich yeast dough, but high and round in shape.
According to legend, the shroud of Christ, buried according to Jewish customs, was round.
This explains the traditional round shape of the Easter cake.
And it should be high because in the spring time of Easter everything in nature comes to life and stretches upward.

The quality of the cake mainly depends on the quality of the products used. The flour is finely ground and slightly warmed up before use (it is recommended to sprinkle it in a thin layer on a napkin and dry it for 2 days). Yeast should only be fresh. Egg yolks, if they are separated and kneaded separately, are rubbed through a sieve in more tender pastries. The butter is boiled until it is cleansed and cooled to the warmth of fresh milk before mixing.
Preparation of the dough begins with thorough kneading of the dough (for it they take ½ of the entire norm of flour), and when it rises and increases in volume by about 2-3 times, the rest of the flour, baking, salt is mixed into it, without allowing it to settle, and they begin to knead and beat for an hour, and to get a more rich dough - up to 2 hours. Spices are added along with baking, and almonds, raisins, candied fruits and the like are added to the ready-made dough. Then it is placed in a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs by ½ of its height, allowed to rise (a well-worked dough can rise several times higher than it should be in the mold), and so that the top of the cake does not deform, a paper cup is inserted into the mold.
The cake is baked for 1 ½-2 hours. They are taken out and placed sideways on the pillow to maintain their shape. If, after baking, the cake is covered with glaze, then it is not greased with an egg. Saffron gives baked goods a very beautiful color (pour 1 tablespoon with rum or water, leave for 4 hours and strain), but not everyone likes its taste.

The dough should not be liquid, because the cakes will spread out and be flat, and should not be thick - the cakes will be too heavy and tasteless, they will quickly become stale. The dough should be of such density that it can be cut with a knife and it does not stick to it, so that when dividing the cakes it would not be necessary to add flour. Cut the kneaded dough with a knife. The density is just right, if it does not reach for the knife, does not stick to it. Can be folded into molds.

You need to knead the dough for a long time and thoroughly. According to ancient legends, you need to hit it 300 times, so that later the guests would praise the Easter cake 300 times. Knead the dough as long as possible so that it comes off hands, dishes or table.

The dough should be suitable three times: the first time - when it is dissolved; the second time - when it will be kneaded, the third - when it has already been divided and placed in molds or on a baking sheet.

Kulichny dough does not like drafts, but loves warmth, so the cakes should be suitable in a warm place at a temperature of 30-45 degrees. In the room where the cake is prepared, the temperature must be at least 25 °.

If the dough is opal, it's not scary. Will rise again.

But here's a little advice - if you have already laid out the dough in molds and it has risen well, but when you try to put it in the oven, the top seemed to deflate and become flat - do not hope that in the oven it will rise again and become round. Better to wait with baking and wait for the dough to grow again. Otherwise, the cake may end up with a flat top. if the cake is not allowed to come up completely, it will turn out to be dense and juicy. Dried fruits must be soaked beforehand, after baking they will give moisture to the dough. Dried fruits, raisins, candied fruits after drying and before laying in the dough, must be rolled in flour, and then sieved (remove excess flour)

I kneaded the dough for cakes with my hands (the consistency of the dough turned out like for pies), but you can make a lighter dough by adding less flour - in this case, the dough should be kneaded with a mixer, since it should be thicker in consistency than for pancakes and more liquid than on pies and it is easy to lag behind the walls of the bowl - you cannot knead such a dough with your hands, but only with a spoon or a mixer until bubbles appear - this means that the dough is sufficiently enriched with oxygen

In Russia, a lot of dough was usually prepared for Easter cakes, since in large volumes it is fermented better.

Easter cakes are baked in thin tin tins with a movable (removable) bottom.

This form must be laid out with paper oiled with butter or ghee, and not just greased with butter

It is advisable to cover the form from the inside with baking paper, then the cake can be easily removed from it.

Lubricate your hands with oil too. Gather and tear off pieces of dough with your hands and lay out in a mold.

Before planting the cake in it, the oven must be preheated well, because only in this case it will maintain a uniform temperature during baking, which is very important

Determine the readiness of the cake for baking by volume: the dough should rise almost to the edges of the mold.

In order for such a cake to rise evenly, a wooden stick is stuck in the middle of it before planting in the oven. After a certain time, the stick is removed. If it is dry, the cake is ready

The cake ready for baking is greased with an egg, beaten from 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, and butter, sprinkle with chopped nuts, coarse sugar and breadcrumbs

The capricious Easter bun "does not like" being disturbed during baking, so try not to open the oven door unnecessarily, otherwise the lush dough will fall off from the sudden temperature drop. And if you notice that the top of the cake is burning, and it itself is not baked yet, cover it on top with damp parchment paper.

The cake is baked in a humidified oven, for this, a container with hot water is placed on its bottom; temperature 200-240 ° С. (Average temperature for baking cakes 210 °, moderate temperature in the oven 160 ° -180 °).

In large forms, Easter cakes are also baked well, just so that the top does not burn, after 10-15 minutes, reduce the heat by 20 degrees and tighten the top of the cake with foil.

The duration of the cake baking depends on its size. Easter cake weighing less than 1 kg is baked for 30 minutes, 1 kg - 45 minutes, 1.5 kg - 1 hour, 2 kg - 1.5 hours. If the cake burns on top, it is covered with dry paper.

The finished cake is removed from the oven, placed on the side surface and kept in this position until the bottom has cooled.

Ready-made cakes can be glazed and decorated with candied fruits.

Advice of a professional pastry chef Tortyzhka

At bakeries and bakeries there are "combi ovens" - e-mail. ovens in which there is convection (forced mixing of hot air with a fan) and steam humidification, that is, steam supply to the chamber.

In the technological instructions for baking products from yeast dough (any), they write as follows:
so-and-so-so-and-so steam supply 100% temperature such and such,
so many minutes -50% the temperature is such and such,
so many minutes without steam. the temperature is like that.

Convection is desirable so that the product is baked evenly from all sides.
In a home oven, this issue is not as relevant as in a bakery.

But steam ... We need it! Then, at the beginning of baking, a crust on the dough will not form (and then burst when the inner layers of the dough heat up and expand).

With steam, we must not allow the formation of a "shell" Therefore, for baking LARGE PRODUCTS from yeast dough (loaves, Easter cakes, large closed pies) we use the general principle:

At the beginning of baking, we spray it in any available way (preferably a finely dispersed sprinkler or from the mouth), and put it in the oven at a reduced temperature (somewhere by 25-30% to the main one).

In the process, gently open the oven a little several times and quickly spray it again with warm water until the surface of the dough is completely moistened.

Then we raise the temperature a little and spray it again or 2. Then the temperature is normal, baking without steam, that is, we created such conditions so that the entire mass of dough could expand without being limited to caked crusts.

Slow heating ensures that the entire thickness of the dough is baked, not black on the outside, but damp on the inside.

And finally, when the dough has "taken out" all the power of lifting, we no longer spray. and let it bake and brown.

This is the technology. I will make a reservation right away that the paper forms will not become limp, the dough will not get damp and the heating elements will not burst

Traditional Russian cake.

1 kg. flour,
1 ½ cups milk
6 eggs
300 gr. butter or margarine,
1 ½ - 2 cups granulated sugar
40-50 gr. yeast,
½ teaspoon salt
150 g raisins,
50 gr. candied fruits,
50 gr. almonds,
½ packet vanilla sugar or 5-6 powdered cardamom seeds.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add half the flour, stir so that there are no lumps, cover the dishes with a towel and put the dough in a warm place. When the volume of the dough doubles, add salt, egg yolks, whipped with sugar and vanilla, and whipped butter to it. Mix all this, add the egg whites whipped into the foam and the rest of the flour. The dough should not be very thick, but well kneaded and easily lag behind the walls of the dish. Cover the dough again and place in a warm place. When it has doubled in volume, add the raisins (washed and dried, sprinkled with flour), candied fruits, diced, and almonds, peeled and finely chopped. Mix all this with the dough and fold into molds.
To obtain a more lush cake, fill the form by 1/3 of the height, for a denser one - by ½ of the height. Prepare the mold: cover the bottom with a circle of oiled baking paper, grease the sides with butter and sprinkle with flour or ground breadcrumbs, or you can put baking paper inside the mold height.
Place the filled dough in a warm place and cover with a towel. When the dough rises ½ the height of the pan, brush the top with a beaten egg and place the pan in a not very hot oven for 50-60 minutes. While baking, gently turn the cake pan, but do not shake it. To prevent the top of the cake from burning, after it is browned, cover it with a circle of paper moistened with water.
Determine the readiness of the cake by sticking a thin splinter into it: if it turns out to be dry, the cake is ready, if there is dough on it, the cake is still raw.
After cooling, the cake can be glazed and decorated with candied fruits, jam berries, marmalade, chocolate figurines, etc.

Happy holiday to you!

On the eve of such an important and brightest, kind religious holiday like Easter, careful preparation is going on in all homes. Even those who are far from religion and church canons still observe some of the traditions of this day. It is prepared for Easter in advance, and it is not only about spiritual preparation, but also about preparing dishes for the holiday. Easter cakes are the main treat for Easter, and those who bake them on their own should definitely know when to bake Easter cakes in 2017.

Choosing the right time to cook Easter cakes

As a rule, the main preparation for Easter, which concerns household chores, is carried out in the last week before the holiday called Holy Week. In 2017, the dates for this week are from April 10 to April 16. Each day of the final period of Lent is called Great, and each day has its own traditions. So, on some days of Holy Week it is possible and necessary to prepare cakes for the Great Easter.

By tradition, the main work on the preparation of Easter cakes fell on Maundy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. On Wednesday, as a rule, they bought food, completed repairs, but the Great Four is much more suitable for culinary affairs. On Maundy Thursday, you can start baking a traditional Easter treat only after completing other business. Namely, first you should wash with soap, clean the whole house, and only then settle in the kitchen. If you follow the church canons, then you can not start baking cries while the house is dirty. That is why, on Wednesday, it is better to clean up, on Thursday to complete the spring cleaning completely and with a clear conscience, bake cakes.

It was believed that if you bake a cake on Maundy Thursday, it will not deteriorate until Easter, will remain fresh and soft. It was on Maundy Thursday that the most delicious and most magnificent cakes were obtained, since during their preparation the hostesses read prayers. In general, if we consider the traditions of this particular Great day, when it is possible to bake cakes, then each case should be approached only with the most joyful and kind thoughts.

But, given the fact that Pure Fours have so much trouble, many housewives simply did not have time to reach the kitchen and even knead the dough, let alone bake a cake. When else can you bake Easter cakes? Great Saturday is also suitable for this business, on this day you can paint eggs. The main thing is not to miss this last chance to prepare traditional Easter dishes on your own.

Is it possible to bake Easter cakes on Good Friday

Good Friday is the most tragic day not only during Holy Week, but in the entire church year. Many prohibitions are imposed on this day, things that cannot be done. And what about baking Easter cakes?

The fact is that on Good Friday you cannot eat until the moment of taking out the Shroud in the temples, after that you can only eat water and bread, raw vegetables, dried fruits, nuts are allowed as an indulgence. Baking Easter cakes can provoke an appetite, which is a temptation in itself. But that's not the point. Cutting is also prohibited on Good Friday, so it is difficult to imagine the cooking process. On Good Friday, Easter cakes are not baked, for this there are Pure Fours and Great Saturday.

However, it is worth noting that it was previously believed that the bread baked on Good Friday can heal all ailments and become the strongest amulet, it does not grow moldy or stale. Sailors even took such bread on the voyage so that the ship would not be wrecked. Therefore, you can bake bread on Good Friday, but Easter cake is still an attribute of the holiday, and on Good Friday you can neither have fun nor have fun. Remember, this day is the day of sorrow and the crucifixion of our Savior, therefore it must be spent thinking about these events and about your life.

Of course, Easter cakes can now be bought in any supermarket, but they turn out to be much tastier if they are made with love and warmth at home. It is not for nothing that the hostesses, making Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday, pray over them. Such cakes are endowed with tremendous mental strength, and therefore it is better to really bake them at home, if time permits, and not to buy store products.


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The Annunciation is an important religious holiday. Many believers are interested in whether it is possible to bake cakes on this religious holiday. In addition, sometimes the Annunciation precedes or coincides with Easter.

Is it allowed to bake cakes for the Annunciation

The question of when it is possible and necessary to bake cakes is one of the most important for believers. However, the clarification of whether it is allowed to bake cakes for the Annunciation is considered one of the most significant just before Easter.

As you know, on Great Saturday, which precedes Easter, the consecration of Easter and Easter cakes is already taking place. For this reason, if the Annunciation falls on the day before Easter and on Saturday, it is undesirable to bake cakes. The best solution would be the consecration of Easter baked goods and a visit to the temple, since you need to observe traditions and take care of your state of mind.

On Great Saturday, on which the Blagovest falls, you need to go to the temple for a festive church service. Only after visiting the temple is measured and light work at home allowed, since the Lord did not forbid doing work. Thus, you can bake a couple of Easter cakes if, due to serious circumstances, it was not possible to do this earlier.

Baking cakes for the Annunciation even before Easter should be an exception, not a tradition.

When is the best time to bake Easter cakes

Every believer decides on his own when it is best to bake cakes. Many priests advise preparing Easter cakes on Saturday. The ancestors prepared the dough in the early morning, realizing that it would take up to 10 hours to infuse the dough. In addition, today many women work and cannot allocate time on weekdays to prepare Easter cakes.

In some cases, Great (Passionate) Saturday and Annunciation coincide. On this day, it is advisable to give up hard work in the house and from culinary preparations. Thus, it is advisable to plan a complex and lengthy preparation of cakes for Clean Thursday, because this day is associated with homework and cleaning, preparations for the upcoming Easter.

Fact! Quick cakes and Easter cottage cheese can be prepared on Saturday evenings. The priests note: Easter baked goods prepared by the hostess during the Blagovest gain healing properties.

It is undesirable to cook Easter cakes a week before Easter. In situations where it is impossible to start cooking Easter cakes on Friday - Saturday, it is advisable to plan preparation for Easter lunch on Maundy Thursday.

This year Easter is so early (April 8) that another great Christian holiday - the Annunciation (April 7) - falls on Holy Saturday, a day of especially strict fasting, a day of sadness and silence. Such a coincidence of the holiday and the time of sorrow raises many questions. Fearful: isn't this a sign of the "end times", a sign of the approaching end of the world? Utilitarian: should we fast now on the eve of Easter, or should the table be festive? After all, Passionate, it is Great, Saturday is the day of the strictest fasting, but on the Annunciation, on the contrary, is the fast weakened?

Is it possible on this day to bake cakes, paint eggs, cook Easter cottage cheese: housewives often do this on Saturday, but on the Annunciation, as you know, "it's a sin to work"? Let's sort it out in order, I hope at the same time we will understand why we need intermediate stages at all - Great Lent, Passionate, and is it possible to celebrate Easter if you have abolished all these preludes for yourself

1. To exclude any speculation on the topic of the apocalypse, I will answer right away: there is no mystical component in the combination of Holy (Great) Saturday with the Annunciation. Although this event is rare, it still happens, the last time it happened in 2007, and nothing, we live. The fact is that Easter, the holiday of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, has a rolling date, that is, every year these are different days between April 4 and May 8 according to the new style, but the Annunciation is always celebrated on April 7, here the date is unchanged and is separate from the holiday The Nativity of Christ for exactly nine months (the ancient Christians called the feast of the Annunciation "the Conception of Christ"). If Easter is early (from April 4 to April 13), then the Annunciation can fall both a week before the celebration of Easter, that is, on Passion, and a week after - on Bright. And this only means that the divine service on this day will have features associated with the double meaning of the day. Although most often the celebration of the Annunciation falls on Great Lent. I specially opened Easter - the calendar of Easter dates and looked how many times and when the holiday of the Bright Resurrection of Christ fell on April 8th. Since 1700, this has happened as many as ten times, each such year was absolutely ordinary, not distinguished in any way by any kind of disaster lingering. So let's not whip up the atmosphere in 2018 either.

2. The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is a holiday dedicated to the Good News (hence the name), which the young Virgin Mary received from the Archangel Gabriel. The good news that she will become the Mother of God. "Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with You, blessed are You between wives," - with these words, which later became a prayer, the Archangel Gabriel addresses the future Mother of Christ. The church established a holiday in honor of the joyful event, because it was good news not only for Mary, but for all mankind. The news that the Savior will soon come to our world. The Annunciation is one of the twelve great holidays, on this day of jubilant joy fasting is canceled and no one works - "the maiden does not weave a braid, the bird does not build a nest."

Preparing an Easter meal should not replace prayer in church

Passionate, or as they say, to emphasize the greatness of this day, Great Saturday, on the contrary, is a day of silent sorrow. Behind the betrayal of Judas, the arrest of Christ, His unrighteous condemnation, the way to Golgotha, the Crucifixion, suffering on the Cross and death. Great Saturday is the day of remembrance of that terrible moment when the Body of Christ was in the Tomb, and He Himself descended into hell. That is why the Church tells us: "Let all flesh be silent" - death is strong, it causes fear and trembling. Maybe a minute of silence came from here, with which the dead are remembered? Let's forget about the earthly, temporal, and peer into eternity.

3. And here we come to a question that is not just curious, extremely important. On one day, they converged, two opposites collided: the joy of a new life and the bitterness of death. Glee and silence. What does the Church choose? What does he prefer? What do we have on April 7, 2018? Fasting or holiday? "If the Annunciation falls on Great Saturday, the eating of fish and oil (vegetable oil) is not blessed, permission for the sake of the holiday is given only for wine," we read in the liturgical charter. That is, after all, a strict fast, and the wine is here only to strengthen one's strength: behind the most intense services of Holy Week, the service of Great Saturday is long, and the All-Night Vigil of Easter is still ahead.

The story is the same with worship. Even such a significant holiday as the Annunciation cannot change the setting to serve on Holy Saturday the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, and not the liturgy of John Chrysostom, which sounds on the holiday of the Good News. What does this mean? About how carefully the Church treats the soul of man. Look, behind the difficult forty-day Great Lent, the path of repentance and cleansing ourselves of passions, the path that we entered not just like that, on the fly, but asking for forgiveness and forgiving everyone on Forgiveness Sunday. After Lent, a two-day respite: on Lazarev Saturday we think about what life and death are, on Palm, rejoicing, we greet Christ, remembering that He is going to suffer. And we follow him, step by step, to the best of our ability, trying to go through the Holy Week, engaging in gospel events, realizing what the feat of love is ... So is it possible now, on the day of maximum tension, on the day of Christ's burial, on the day, when in churches it sounds "Don't cry, Mene Mati, seeing Me in the grave ..." The Church educates the soul, gradually cultivating the best in it, and not crippling it with shock therapy according to the principle from fire to wormwood.

4. But what should those who have failed to fast do? Who missed services? Forgot the last time you received communion? Is he really excommunicated from the Paschal joy of the Resurrection of Christ? Oddly enough, no. Yes, when we do not come to the Divine Liturgy, do not accept the Body and Blood of Christ, we ourselves excommunicate ourselves from God. But surprisingly, no matter how unfair it may seem to some devout believers, the Lord does not reject even those who appeared to Him at the last moment. During the Easter Vigil in churches, the famous "Word for Easter of St. John Chrysostom" is read, the following consoling message sounds: "For the love of the living Master: he accepts the latter, like the first, rests at the eleventh hour who came, just as he did from the first hour: and He has mercy on the last, and pleases the first, ... and accepts deeds, and kisses intentions ... Therefore, all enter into the joy of your Lord ... Rich and poor, ... rejoice. Diligent and lazy, honor the day. non-fasting, rejoice ... "

Why We Hallow Eggs

According to legend, Mary from Magdala, one of the disciples of Jesus, whom He healed of obsession by expelling seven demons from her, after the Resurrection of Christ fearlessly came to the Roman emperor Tiberius and presented him with a gift of a red egg with the words of the most important message in this and the next world: "Christ is Risen!" Why an egg? The symbol of life, which for the time being is hidden under the shell - whether the tombs, our sinfulness, theologians interpret the image in different ways. Why red? Symbol of the Blood of Christ shed for us. And a symbol of royal power. It was a bold step: Tiberius knew how to suppress troubles, he knew what to do with those who disagree. Therefore, the act of Mary Magdalene meant a courageous confession of faith: "Christ is Risen!" Let us emphasize that according to legend, historians are silent about the event. But here is confirmation that in the V-VI centuries. eggs for Easter have already been painted, there are. Moreover, they did this during the years of persecution against Christians. Why did the soul of the people so willingly pick up the tradition and carry it through the centuries? Maybe because he longs to sanctify the good news "Christ is Risen!" the whole space of your life - and the table, and the house, and communication with loved ones.

Easter cakes can be bought or baked in advance. / 1zoom.ru

As already explained by "Glavred", according to the canon,. But this canon is not strict, that is, it is quite allowed to buy or bake a cake in advance. But when do they finish cooking the main Easter meal?

Is it possible to bake cakes for the Annunciation?

The question of whether it is possible to bake cakes on the Annunciation arises rather infrequently, especially in the years when this holiday falls on the last days before Easter.

In 2018, the Annunciation fell on April 7, that is, at the same time it coincided with Holy Saturday, another important day of the church calendar.

On Great Saturday, the consecration of Easter and Easter cakes is already underway in churches. In addition, it is generally not recommended to work for the Annunciation (read more in the material :). The fact is that on any religious holiday, worldly affairs should recede into the background, and first of all, one should think and take care of the soul. For example, the hymn on Great Saturday reads: "All human flesh is silent, and let it stand with fear and trembling," because the Lord Himself is buried.

Thus, on Holy Saturday, first of all, you should try to go to the church for the festive service. But after a person has taken care of his soul, unhurried, light housework is also allowed.

"The Lord has never forbidden anyone to work. On holidays it is allowed to work if there is no other way out, but first of all it must be dedicated to the Lord. For this, they go to church, it is also worth taking communion if possible. But after the festive service on Saturday, you can bake a cake. or paint the Easter eggs - since the circumstances were so, and the person did not have time before, "Father Sergei explained to Glavred.

On our own behalf, we add that, for example, it takes a lot of time - and the hostess may simply not have time to cook it at the last moment, so much so that the dish turns out to be successful. Therefore, it is better not to delay the preparation of Easter cakes and Easter.

Annunciation: signs and superstitions

According to popular belief, the Annunciation is not accepted:

  • to work and comb: there is even a saying "On the Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, and a maiden does not weave braids." As for the hair, it is also not recommended to cut it - so as not to confuse your fate;
  • to sew and knit - so that fate does not get confused, like a thread in the fingers,
  • borrow money and give away some things from home - so as not to give away your well-being and health;
  • put on new clothes - otherwise it will deteriorate, tear or get dirty;
  • sow seeds and plant seedlings - so as not to lose the harvest. But on this day, the seeds were consecrated in order to get a rich harvest;
  • to burn candles - so as not to miss the blessed light of the Angel.

It is believed that the proscuras consecrated on the Annunciation have the same healing properties as holy water.

What can you do on the Annunciation

Many believe that it is at the Annunciation that you can ask God for glory, happiness and wealth. To do this, in the evening on the Annunciation, you need to find the largest star in the sky and make a wish, after which you say: "God, give me great glory!"

Annunciation-2018: what you can eat

Since this year the Annunciation falls on Great Lent, you cannot eat fast food on this day.