What is the best time to sunbathe? How to sunbathe in the sun: a beautiful and healthy tan inside and out

For some people, to get a beautiful tan, it is enough to spend 2-3 days on the beach, others need several weeks. If your vacation does not allow you to count on a long beach vacation, start preparing for it in advance.

Get skin vitamins from your pharmacy and start taking them. From exposure to the sun, the skin loses much moisture, free radicals accumulate in it, which leads to aging and the appearance of new wrinkles. Vitamin complexes can help minimize sun damage.

Include in your diet carrot juice, which contains a large amount of beta-carotene (provitamin A), which is necessary for the production of melanin, the pigment in tanning. Pro-vitamin A is best absorbed in the presence of fats - drink carrot juice with sour cream or a little vegetable oil. In addition to carrots, beta-carotene contains apricots, peaches, melons, pumpkins, and watermelons.

The amino acid tyrosine also plays an important role in the production of melanin. It is found in animal products: meat, fish, liver, as well as in avocados, beans, almonds.

Use body and face scrubs twice a week. Since skin cells are constantly dying off, tanning can be uneven and unstable, and when using a scrub, young skin becomes more beautiful and uniform. Be sure to use moisturizers or lotions after your procedure.

If possible, visit the solarium several times before your vacation. Start with short sessions - 1–2 minutes each. Then on the beach in the first days you will be able to sunbathe a little longer.

How to quickly tan in the sun

In the first days on vacation in the open sun, you can stay no more than 15-20 minutes. Then the time can be gradually increased up to 1 hour. In the period from 11 to 16 hours you can not sunbathe - at this time the sun is the most active. Remember to use sunscreen. When choosing this product, remember that the lighter the skin, the higher the protection factor should be.

You can speed up the process of melanin production and darkening of the skin with the help of tanning stimulants. These products help reduce sun exposure, moisturize the skin and help develop an even golden tone quickly.

Natural cosmetic oils also help to tan faster. They nourish the skin, moisturize it, increase the production of melanin and protect the skin from premature aging. Some tanning oils come with sunscreens for light skin. Oils without UV filters can only be used by dark-skinned women.

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It takes a very long time to have a beautiful and even tan. And I want to see the result as soon as possible. This is why you can "make" a tan yourself. This can be done with specialized tools.

What do you need to know?

  • First you need to determine your skin type in order to choose the most suitable product.

  • Regular exfoliation of the skin with a scrub is a must. It is also necessary to use and moisturizing body creams.

  • Finding the right tool for yourself can only be done by trial and error.

  • The tool must be used in accordance with the attached instructions.

Tanning products can be divided into three types: self-tanner, bronzer and tanning activator.

Probably, there is no such girl who would not know what. Dioxyacetone - a substance that is the main component of this product, reacting with the skin changes its shade to a darker one. Self-tanning effects usually last for about a week. The resulting shade can be maintained using the product regularly.

Now in stores, self-tanning products are presented in different forms. Some may find it more convenient to buy a lotion or cream, while others may find it more convenient to buy a spray. But here, of course, it is better to take into account the type and characteristics of the skin. According to many girls, the spray lays down better and smoother. When it comes to cream, mousse, or lotion, remember to wear gloves to protect your hands. Before the procedure, be sure to use a body scrub.

If you apply the product unevenly. This can still be fixed. Lemon juice, to which water is added in a 2: 1 ratio, is best suited. Take a small sponge or cloth and treat the leather with the mixture. Then take a shower and wipe your skin well. These steps will help you even out the tone. It is important not to sunbathe with a self-tanner applied, otherwise your skin will start to turn yellow!

As for the bronzer, it is less durable than self-tanning, but it is less dangerous and gives a pleasant shade. A bronzer is used to maintain an already tanned tan. It can be in powder or lotion form. The product is applied to the skin with gloves, massaging movements. After the procedure, it is advisable not to wear clothes for at least 10 minutes.

The tanning activator promotes the production of melanin when in contact with the skin, which will give it a darker tone. It is usually applied in front of a tanning bed, but you can use it separately as a stand-alone remedy. Some of these products are combined for the best effect.

We are all looking forward to summer, because only at this time of the year can we swim and soak up the sun. On hot summer days, it is difficult to meet a person with snow-white skin on the street, because a tan is one of those “souvenirs” for which many rush to the azure coast.

But even getting a tan should be approached wisely, because the wrong actions can provide a not so pleasant pastime on vacation, which consists in treating sunburn. It is important here not only to remember about the regular use of sunscreen, but also to know how much you need to lie in the sun to get a tan.

As medical practice shows, people who are prohibited from sunbathing due to certain circumstances (past oncological ailments, contraindications for health reasons, taking certain medications) and those who do not know the measures in being under the sun turn for qualified help in the treatment of sunburn ...

It is important not only to know how much you need to sunbathe, but also to take into account that certain hours are set aside for such a pastime. So, many experts are inclined to believe that the optimal time period for staying under the scorching sun is the time before 12-00 and from 15-00.

Some experts insist that in the first half of the day you should leave the beach before 11-00. In this case, a lot depends on the climatic conditions, but staying on the beach from 12-00 to 15-00 is still categorically not recommended.

How many minutes do you need to sunbathe in the sun? To answer this question, you will also need an assessment of climatic conditions, because in some countries, even before 10-00, an extremely aggressive sun is observed, and therefore the risk of getting burns increases.

Experts insist that 2 hours of exposure to direct sunlight daily is enough to create an even tan. The rest of the time is best spent in the shade, where the skin also tan, but not so intensely.

How long does it take to lie in the sun to sunbathe, if we are talking about a newcomer? The negative effect of sun rays on the skin is exacerbated by the fact that the skin is exposed to abundant sunbathing only a few times a year. In such a case, it is recommended to stick to a gradual tanning process in order to reduce the stress on the body.

Going to the beach for the first time, it is not recommended to stay in direct sunlight for more than 15 minutes. The next day, it is allowed to increase this period by another 5 minutes, and so on as the skin gets used to ultraviolet light. Given the limited time, many will wonder how long it takes to be in the sun to get a tan by the end of the vacation.

In this case, in the first half of the day, it is allowed to stay under the rays for 1 hour. At the same time, sunbathing is recommended to be periodically replaced by being in the shade. It is recommended to spend the same amount of time in the sun after 15-00.

There is no need to worry that, given the limited time, you will not be able to get the tan you want. In fact, tanning occurs even in shade conditions, but in this case, the likelihood of sunburn is excluded. In addition, such recommendations apply only to the first days of vacation, because the recommended time can be gradually increased as you adapt to the sun.

A quick guide to leather varieties

To determine how long it takes to tan in the sun, it should be borne in mind that all people have different skin types, so the same recommendations may be acceptable for some and dangerous for others. There is a conditional division into 4 types of skin, namely:

  • People of the first phototype with very light skin with freckles, red hair and light eyes. It is almost impossible to sunbathe with such data, because burning is guaranteed even with a short exposure to the sun. In this case, it is better to refuse the beaches and give preference to self-tanning.
  • Representatives of the second phototype are also distinguished by fair skin, which is less sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. An obligatory accompaniment to sunbathing is the formation of redness and the subsequent appearance of a light tan. It is not recommended to continuously stay under the scorching sun for more than 15 minutes.
  • People belonging to the third type are distinguished by a brown shade of eyes, dark blond or chestnut curls, dark skin. Continuous exposure to the sun for half an hour is allowed.
  • Representatives of the fourth phototype are characterized by very dark eyes, hair and dark skin. It is quite difficult for these people to get burned, because even a long stay under the sun does not lead to unpleasant consequences.

Guided by the peculiarities of the skin, it will be possible to determine how many hours you need to sunbathe in the sun so as not to burn and get a beautiful tan. Treat your body responsibly and sunburn will bypass you.

Video about the right tan at sea

With the onset of summer, every woman begins to think about her appearance. And usually the skin turned pale during the winter spoils the mood. Therefore, with the beginning of warm days, most rush to the beaches and tanning beds to get rid of the winter pallor.

Many people believe that the more time they spend in a tanning bed or on the beach, the faster they will tan. However, this thought is not correct.

After all, for the formation of tanning, at least a week is required, during which melanin is produced and accumulated in the skin.

Hence, we can conclude that get a quick and beautiful tan, too intense sun exposure will not work. In this case, you will simply burn, and the skin will turn red, not tanned.

But what to do when you want to tan quickly? Fortunately, there are tons of ways to help your skin acquire the golden hue it wants in a short time.

(in 1 hour)?

You can get a beautiful quick tan in a beauty salon. Today, instant tanning procedures are very popular - self-tanning showers and hand showers. The special agent is sprayed manually by the master or in the booth.

The procedure takes about an hour, but the result appears instantly.

This tanning method is suitable for cases when you need to tan quickly, but not for a long time. Its disadvantage is that it is washed off very unevenly.

(in 2 hours)?

One way to get a quick tan is with self-tanning. This product is specially formulated to achieve a safe and almost instant tan. Self-tanning is very simple and effective to use, and quickly gives the skin a delicious rich tone. Of course, this is not quite a real tan, but it is absolutely safe for the skin, unlike the sun's rays. These products do not cause skin aging and, on the contrary, take care of it.

The composition of these products contains a substance called dihydroxyacetone, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, combines with the proteins of the skin, causing it to darken.

Auto bronzer takes effect 2-3 hours after application, and the resulting tan will last at least three days.

By the way, the earlier the effect appears, the faster the tan is washed off.

Dermatologists consider this method of tanning to be one of the best, since the substances work only on the surface of the skin, without getting into the body. Self-tanning also doubles as a body lotion, moisturizing the skin. These products can be produced in the form of sprays, creams, gels and can be purchased at any store at an affordable price.

However, this method has its drawbacks. These products can stain clothes, can stain your skin, and have a specific odor. Sometimes it can turn out to be too yellow an unnatural shade. Self-tanning is not suitable for people with skin diseases and hormonal diseases.

How to tan quickly with pills?

A more reliable way to get a quick tan is with tanning pills. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the composition. Those containing canthaxanthin, while effective, are not safe. This substance, entering the body, stains the skin and other tissues and organs of the human body. It can accumulate in the retina and cause visual impairment. Therefore, tablets with this substance are prohibited in many European countries and the United States.

Products with beta-carotene and lycopene are considered harmless food additives that can speed up the onset of sunburn and intensify it.

These ingredients are extremely beneficial for our skin. They not only color the skin, but also enhance the production of melanin, have antioxidant properties and to some extent protect the skin from burns.

How to get tanned quickly in a solarium?

Tanning in the solarium t You can also make it faster by using special creams containing tanning activators and accelerators.

These products allow you to achieve a darker shade, reducing the duration of your tanning procedure. And this is not unimportant for our skin, because a solarium, like the sun, causes photoaging.

Among the world's innovations in the field of quick tanning, one can single out a solarium with a shower. It allows you to sunbathe and shower at the same time, making your tan smoother. Wet skin tans much faster and the tone is natural.

How to quickly tan in the sun with nutrition?

Certain foods also help to get a fast and long-lasting tan.... Therefore, you can switch to a special diet before vacation. It is mainly composed of fruits and vegetables, which promote the production of melanin and protect the skin.

The best tanning product is, of course, carrots and carrot juice.

Carrots perfectly fix and strengthen the tan obtained in the solarium and naturally. Melon, spinach, peaches, tomatoes, asparagus and broccoli also contribute to the rapid onset of sunburn.

These fruits and vegetables also contain many vitamins, making our skin more beautiful, allowing the tan to last longer. If you include these foods in your daily diet, then you will not only get a quick and even tan, but also benefit for the whole body.

How to tan quickly with tanning oil?

For natural tanning in the sun, it is best to choose special tanning oils, which will allow you to get a tan much faster. However, the time spent on the beach should be dosed so as not to burn the skin.

This tool is called - oil for quick tanning, you can find it in any store.

It is important to remember that it does not protect the skin from UV radiation or has a minimum SPF2.

How to tan quickly with walnut leaves?

You can get a quick tan using folk remedies. For example, boil walnut leaves to the desired shade and mix with water.

Dissolve the infusion in the bathroom and immerse in it for a few minutes. After a while, the skin will take on a tan tone. This tan will last 4-5 days.

Pale skin has long ceased to be the standard of beauty. But a swarthy body in our time is a sign of beauty, health and human well-being. Every second owner of a light skin tone dreams of a bronze tan. But how to quickly tan in the sun, get the desired tan and not harm your health?

Statistics confirm that sunbathing increases the likelihood of skin cancer. Many avoid the scorching summer sun, but regularly visit tanning salons. But is it so harmless? In recent years, UV lamps have become almost synonymous with the development of skin cancer. So the safest way to a luxurious bronze tan is with self-tanning lotions and creams?

Let's consider all the possible options in more detail. Everyone will find their way to the tan of their dreams!

Method one, traditional

Step one

We are looking for creams and lotions with the lowest SPF protection. Direct sunlight is harmful - and it is already useless to argue with this. But everyone still wants to sunbathe. The first warm days awaken in people the desire to soak up the warm sun, which everyone has been waiting for. And everyone is already dreaming of a light bronze tan.

So, in order to achieve a pleasant chocolate tone from your skin and not get sunburned, you should not look at sunscreen products with an SPF level higher than 15 on store shelves. And 15 is the maximum used for the beginning of summer. This is necessary so as not to burn and exfoliate your new tan in the first days. After a couple of days, when your skin gets used to sunbathing, you can return to the store and pick up a product with an even lower level of UV protection. Less protection means more tanning.

You should also not forget about your lips while tanning. They are also extremely sensitive to the sun, they can crack and heal for a very long time, delivering extremely unpleasant sensations.

If you live very far from civilization, and no one has heard of sunscreen there until now, do not give up. Nowadays, online stores are always ready to come to the rescue, delivering their goods to every corner of the earth, even the most remote. Only in this case, you should think about sun protection already in April.

Step two

For those who managed to get tanned. A light tan has already gently covered your body and the next step is to increase the effect. Some natural vegetable oils have the ability to attract the sun's rays. Many of them will also give the skin a pleasant olive glow. It is recommended to use for such purposes:

  • Coconut oil,
  • olive oil,
  • sesame oil
  • avocado oil,
  • walnut oil.

You need to apply such oils only before going to the beach. Otherwise, it will take a long and painful time to wash the oil traces from the clothes. Accordingly, after returning from the beach, the first step is to take a shower.

Step three

Uniform roasting. We remember how professionals prepare barbecue. Do not leave it for a minute, gradually turning it over, until all the pieces are covered with a fragrant and rosy appetizing crust.

All in your hands! Make sure that nothing is "burnt" anywhere and that the roasting is even. It is recommended to turn at least every half hour. From the back to the side, from the side to the stomach. Etc.

Remember to stay in direct sunlight. Follow the sun!

Step four

Looking for a quick and effective tan? Forget about the advice of dermatologists. Take sun baths during the hours when the sun is at its highest on our earth. Namely - from 10 am to 3-4 pm.

Step five

"A little bit nudist." The secret to a perfect tan is evenness. Not everyone likes stripes from swimming trunks and swimsuits. Lucky for those who have at their disposal a private house with a three-meter high fence. And other people have two choices - to look for a nudist beach or very wild places where it is unlikely that a married couple with four children will catch you doing such an indecent activity.

Found such a place? Relax and put your body at the disposal of the sun!

Step six

Sunburn on the water. Probably, every inhabitant of the Earth has noticed that in the water the tan is much more "sticky" than on land. This is because water attracts and reflects sunlight. How to get tanned fast? Start sunbathing on a mattress or a boat in a pond - and all the sun within it will belong to you!

Step seven

Don't forget about safety. After swimming, immediately reapply sunscreen spray or lotion. The water resistance, which is written on the packaging of the product, does not guarantee you anything. Better to be safe.

The product on the skin should be renewed at least every two to three hours.

Step eight

Moisturizing your skin after a day in the sun is a must. Use a proven product or lotion that contains aloe juice.

Method two, lotions

How it works?

All cosmetics that give our skin a bronze tint contain a component that reacts with amino groups in the protein of our skin. The reaction is similar to the browning process of bananas and the process of caramelizing sugar. As a result of the reaction, the skin becomes darker in color.

This is the secret of self-tanning durability: it is not a simple paint, but a complex chemical reaction, the consequences of which cannot be washed off with the first shower. That is why many are very skeptical about such a procedure. And for good reason.

Treat your choice responsibly

Before buying a cosmetic product, study the range, read reviews on the Internet. Remember that your appearance will depend on the quality of the purchased product for several months. Try not to buy cosmetics that clog your pores.

When using lotions and sprays, be sure to apply them evenly, do not skip a single millimeter!

Take care of your hands

The entire process of applying the lotion or spray to the body, you will carry out with the help of your hands. Consequently, they will have an unimaginable amount of self-tanning. The best way to protect your hands is to purchase disposable medical gloves. They will be much more comfortable than rubber ones. And your hands will not differ in color from the rest of your body.

Take care of hard-to-reach places

Not all of us can boast of fantastic plasticity. To apply a self-tanner to the middle of your back, you will need to seek help.

The main thing in this business is not to rush anywhere. Thoroughness and neatness are companions of self-tanning application. Apply the lotion in slow, circular motions, without leaving a single area of ​​skin unattended!

Patience and work

It is recommended to apply the lotion daily for ideal results. For an accelerated result - both in the afternoon and in the evening. Stop when you get your desired skin tone. And don't forget that self-tanning can stain your clothes and bedding.

Self-tanning spray

Find out how it works. Spray differs from lotion in that it is more concentrated. But it also needs to be applied at least two to three times in order to achieve an optimal skin tone. Sprays also require renewal on the skin about once every two weeks.

Look for the right remedy

Professionals recommend choosing a spray with a mild effect so that you can darken the skin in stages, and not immediately. Read reviews before buying a product. Sometimes very well-advertised products are actually useless or even dangerous. Chat with someone you know who has tanning experience. So you will be calmer, and the result is unlikely to disappoint you.

Preference should be given to products that contain erythrulose and green pigment. Thanks to the first, your tan will last longer and will be of better quality. The green pigment will remove the orange skin color so hated by many, acquired when using a regular spray tanning spray.

The number of layers is determined individually

For fair-skinned people, one layer of self-tanning spray is enough. After the first use, a beautiful, healthy glow of the skin will already appear. Owners of darker skin tones will need two to three coats of spray. Not getting carried away is a basic rule. Multiple coats of spray will give your skin only an ugly orange-brown color. Always remember that quality and speed are often incompatible!

Peeling before applying self-tanning

On the body, it is undesirable to have coarse skin, therefore it is recommended to peel the entire surface of the body before applying the first layer of the spray. Again, you need to pay special attention to the composition of the peeling agent. It should not contain oil, but the presence of solid particles is encouraged. The cleaner and softer your skin, the smoother your tan will be.

For uneconomical

Self-tanning spray requires a lot more professionalism than lotion. Therefore, many people prefer to contact specialists in such cases. A private professional will carry out the spray application at your home. But this service is not cheap. But you will get exactly what you wanted. And during the procedure you can relax and unwind.

Monitor your tan. Based on a number of skin characteristics, self-tanning spray lasts 5-10 days. Intensive moisturizing of the skin with oils and lotions will prolong the effect. However, the tan will still need to be tweaked to maintain its original radiance and beauty.

Sunbathe under the artificial sun


Welcome to the solarium! UV lamps are installed here. UV rays are similar in their properties to the sun. The solarium is the fastest, easiest, most enjoyable and simplest way to get the perfect tan. And all that is needed to maintain the achieved effect is to lie down for 10 minutes under the influence of UV rays 2-3 times a week. But not everything is so simple - it has already been proven that ultraviolet rays can increase the likelihood of cancer.

Protect your eyes! In no case should you forget about safety glasses. They are usually given out in a tanning studio. And if this does not happen, in no case agree to have a tanning session.

Don't try to speed up the tanning process

It is not recommended to use the various products offered in tanning salons to accelerate tanning. In such cosmetics, a chemical element is added that makes the skin darker. Its effect on the speed of tanning has not yet been proven, and doctors have recognized this substance as harmful to health.

You should be more careful with the sessions. The first tanning session for light-skinned people can be no more than 5 minutes, sometimes even 3 minutes. Each session can be extended by 3-5 minutes. For those with darker skin or for those who have already sung tanning in the sun, you can start with a session of 8 minutes. A standard session should be within 12-15 minutes. The maximum time allowed is 20 minutes.

Let's sum up

  • Know the measure in everything. Whether it is sunbathing, solariums, self-tanners - there should be exactly as much of everything as is needed at the moment. Is the sun warm for the first time? Your skin is used to the gloomy winter, and even a half-hour walk in the hot sun can result in a burnt nose or shoulders. Burning or peeling skin is not attractive. First tanning session? You don't have to come out of there like a grilled chicken.
  • Remember that tanning is not only beautiful, it can also be dangerous. The risks existed, exist and will not go away (allergies, chemical reactions with the skin, skin cancer, etc.).
  • Do not forget about the necessary protective equipment. With prolonged exposure to the sun, these are sunscreen body lotions. For hair and head - caps and hats. Lip balms with SPF protection. In the solarium, protective glasses must be an integral part of the session. Remember to protect your palms when applying a self-tanner.
  • Take care of your skin, nourish it. After all, beautiful and healthy skin is the main condition for obtaining the perfect tan, no matter what method you choose! Remember that you should not worry about how to get tanned faster, but about how to do it better and more pleasantly!

How to sunbathe beautifully and correctly at sea? We will tell you how to choose a sunscreen, how much time to spend in the sun, how to prepare your skin for sunburn, and what to do in case of a burn - you can get sunburned even on a cloudy day!

We are always looking forward to summer, and one of the reasons is sunbathing, the opportunity to bask in the sun and get a beautiful tan. Now, many can afford to rest in hot countries at any time of the year, which means that the risks associated with prolonged exposure to the sun also increase.

It is scientifically proven that sun exposure is more harmful than good, so don't ignore the rules of safe tanning. We will talk about this in the article.

What is a tan

Sunburn is the darkening of skin color due to prolonged exposure to the sun. Under the influence of sunlight, the pigment melanin is produced - it gives it a dark shade. If in the first exposure to the sun it develops too much, then in the following days you will no longer darken to the shade you need.

Ultra-violet rays

UVA rays the longest and can penetrate glass and clouds. They do not leave burns, but they are still dangerous. They cause an allergic reaction, provoke skin diseases and a decrease in immunity. It is these rays that are used in tanning lamps.

UVB rays shorter and more active in summer. It is from them that the skin turns red, and you get burns. The consequences of such irradiation are mass: premature aging, and destruction of skin cells, and deterioration of the state of blood vessels, and the risk of developing melanoma - a malignant tumor. Pigmented spots can generally appear after a couple of years. They do not penetrate clouds, clouds and glass.

Short UVC rays do not reach the Earth - they are absorbed by the atmosphere.

(Photo © shebalso / flickr.com / License CC BY-SA 2.0)

The benefits of sunburn

Ultraviolet light raises the level of the hormone serotonin, which is energizing and uplifting. Not only because you are on vacation by the sea - the improvement in the state of the body really happens from the inside. The sun promotes the production of vitamin D in the body, and it is responsible for strong healthy teeth and nails, and improves immunity. Sunburn also has an aesthetic component - many people think that pale skin looks painful and less attractive.

Sun activity level map in different countries

Solarium in front of the sea

Before a vacation, many are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to go to a solarium in order to prepare for a trip to the sea.

A small dose of ultraviolet light will be useful before vacation. So you will avoid burns and immediately a large dose of ultraviolet radiation. This is especially true for residents of those latitudes where there is little of it, and the gray winter months are much more than three. Sunbathe evenly from all sides in the solarium - and the sun will lie evenly on the sea. Do not overdo it! Artificial irradiation is strong and a lot of melanin is produced. After such a "sun" beach tanning just won't stick to you. If you bought a last minute ticket and you have a couple of days before your vacation, 1-2 trips to the salon will definitely benefit you.

Danger. Tanning beds are unsafe due to UVA rays. Even when using sunscreen, the effect of the rays is not reduced - the creams simply do not protect against this type of radiation. Oncologists are not against artificial ultraviolet radiation in moderation! Residents of northern areas need it "for mood" and pumping up with vitamin D.

(Photo © Gerlach / pixabay.com)

How much and when to sunbathe

The main rule is to tan gradually! In different countries, depending on the proximity to the equator and the time of year, tanning will be of different colors and it will also be different for you.

Here is a diagram of how to sunbathe at sea. On the first day, spend no more than half an hour in the sun - 10-15 minutes before lunch and the same after. Increase the time by 10-15 minutes every day. But even at the end of the vacation, there is no point in sunbathing for more than 2-3 hours. The production of melanin by the skin no longer occurs - you will no longer tan.

When is the best time to sunbathe? It is ideal to be in the sun before 11 and after 16 hours. During the day, the sun is very active and will do more harm than good.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @pure_virtual)

Where better to sunbathe

Doctors agree that it is ideal to sunbathe in the shade. In the first week of your vacation, being in direct sunlight is undesirable. Through the clouds, the tan will lie softer and last longer.

The water reflects the sun's rays, so you burn faster on the shore. The same goes for snow! It reflects the sun just as well, so the possibility of getting sunburned in winter is not a myth at all.

(Photo © j-No / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

After sun care

From prolonged exposure to sunlight, the skin is overdried and the dead layer of the epidermis begins to slough off. There is no particular harm, but it is unpleasant. The most important care is moisturizing, as well as avoiding scrubs and hard washcloths in the early days.

How to get a beautiful and even tan

Sunscreen and other products

How beautiful is it to sunbathe at the sea? It is important to choose the right sunscreen to avoid burns. The most popular types of products: cream, milk, spray, stick. Let's consider each of them.

  • Cream is the most popular form. Creams have a dense texture, which is good for dry skin, but not for oily skin. It is applied poorly, absorbed for a long time, leaving those very white streaks, but it can be used as a base for makeup.
  • Fluid- light cream. Ideal for oily skin because it absorbs faster and has a lighter texture.
  • Milk is the most common type of body skin protector. Sometimes there are 2 in 1 - suitable for the body and face.
  • Cosmetic oil rarely has a degree of protection higher than SPF 15–20, since its main task is to give the skin the maximum chocolate shade without damaging it. To make the effect even more noticeable, glitter, bronzer and other visual tanning enhancers are added to the oil.
  • Spray it is convenient for application on the back and shoulder blades, but it is very difficult to evenly distribute it. You can get burned in places where it is not enough. Plus face sprays - they can be applied over makeup.
  • Stick- a small but handy thing. It looks like a tube of chapstick. Suitable for small areas of skin - lips, ears, nose. Ears and lips burn in the sun no less than the neck or back, and the skin slides off just as painfully.

The products do not affect the speed of tanning, they only increase the safe time spent in the sun.

The best tanning products. Advice and feedback

What does SPF stand for

Abbreviation SPF (Sun Protection Factor) translated as "sun protection factor", and the figure indicates the degree of protection - the higher, the more it is. Almost any sunscreen only protects against UVB radiation.

You also need a different cream: in the first week, use a cream with SPF 50, then with SPF 30, and after two weeks you can use SPF 15.

  • SPF 50- the skin will receive only 1/50 of the total amount of sun rays - this is 2%. Protects from 98% of ultraviolet radiation.
  • SPF 30- protects from 97% of the rays, that is, it will let through 1/30 of the radiation.
  • SPF 25- gives a protection level of 96%.
  • SPF 15- from 93%.

There are creams with an SPF indicator of 70, 80 and even 100. You should not believe such numbers, because 98% of the rays are the maximum from which the cream can protect.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @korinori)

In addition to the abbreviation SPF, you can find the following designations:

  • UVA- the product blocks the rays of type A (the most dangerous). In Asian countries, it is indicated by the PA ++ index (there can be up to four pluses).
  • PPD(Persistent Pigment Darkening) - the degree of protection against UVA rays. The maximum degree is 42, but 8 will be enough.
  • Broad spectrum- the cream protects against rays of types A and B.

The components that should be contained in the cream are at least vitamins C and E. Green tea extract and resveratrol will also be a good addition to the composition.

Previously, sunscreens were produced only for adults, maximum - for children from three years old. Now you can find creams for babies from six months to three years old.

(Photo © Ben_Kerckx / pixabay.com)

The cream is needed not only in summer

For residents of countries with high sun activity, protection is needed all year round. In Russia, in the fall and at the beginning of winter, there is no point in it - there is almost no sun. And in winter, on clear frosty days, you really need to use the cream! In the spring, the sun is already becoming more active, and the cream will be very useful to you. It is not for nothing that they say that they burn most of all in late spring - the skin is not yet accustomed to the sun, and the radiation activity, on the contrary, is very high.

Choosing a cream by skin type

Choosing the right sunscreen is important. If you know your skin type, then it's simple: look for a cream for dry, oily or sensitive skin. If not, see the composition of the cream:

  • dry skin needs maximum hydration, it will be given by aloe, glycerin, hyaluronic acid;
  • oily skin needs a cream with minerals and the inscription "non-comedogenic".

(Photo © francisco_osorio / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0 License)


There are only six of them. The first two are the most vulnerable. They need products with SPF 50 protection, the rest will need SPF 20-30. How to determine the phototype?

  • I, Celtic: fair skin, blonde or red hair, fair eyes, freckles. It is better for such people not to sunbathe at all, because they instantly burn out.
  • II, fair-skinned European: blonde hair and eyes, fair skin, sometimes freckles. You can tan, but with difficulty.
  • III, Central European: dark blond, brown hair, gray or light brown eyes, these people are quite swarthy, but it is still easy to get sunburned in the sun. Tanning on this type of skin lays down normally.
  • IV, Mediterranean: dark hair, brown eyes, olive skin. They tan well and quickly.
  • V, Asian: very dark hair and eyes, brown or yellowish skin. They get burned very rarely.
  • VI, African: black hair and eyes, dark skin. Such people do not burn at all (but this does not mean that they do not need sun protection).

(Photo © unsplash.com / @carlosheviariera)

How to use funds

  • Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure. So it manages to absorb and protect the deep layers of the skin. It is ideal to generally apply the cream in two layers. The second - after the first is completely dry.
  • You need to renew the cream every two hours or follow the instructions for it. For example, many creams need to be renewed after every bath.
  • Contrary to popular belief, there is no strong difference between protection factors 15 and 50.
  • How much cream should I apply? In simple terms: about a quarter of a teaspoon for the face and a tablespoon for each part of the body.
  • It is also important to wash off the cream after sun exposure, otherwise you may get an allergic reaction.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @ethanrobertson)

Tanning myths

  1. Glass and clouds protect from sunlight. No, glass acts like a sunscreen, not all rays are retained (it does not UVA). Therefore, it is quite possible to get burned while sitting by the window on the bus! The same applies to clouds: getting sunburned on a cloudy day is even easier, because we lose our vigilance.
  2. Vitamin D can only be obtained through tanning. No, it is found in many foods. For example, eggs, dairy products and fish.
  3. The sun heals the skin of the face. No, it can only dry out the skin a little, but you will not achieve a full-fledged treatment for, say, acne.
  4. In windy weather, the skin does not burn. In fact, cool windy weather is just as dangerous, despite the absence of sweltering heat. A chapped face burns even faster as the skin suffers from cold gusts.
  5. Makeup base can protect against burns. Maybe. But it will have to be applied in at least 7 layers in order to get the protection factor indicated on the package.

10 myths about sun and tanning

What to do with sunburn

What to do if you get a sunburn? I share my own experience.

  • Drink plenty of water to restore balance. Drink milk and fermented milk products, apply kefir and sour cream on burnt skin.
  • Take tablets for allergies: Loratadin, Suprastin, Diazolin according to the instructions. What for? Saves from edema if the face burns out.
  • Apply Panthenol, Boro +, and a protective cream before going outside;
  • Exercise a lot - for oxygen exchange and reducing swelling.

And, of course, it is important to keep sun exposure to a minimum, ideally not to be outside. I was saved by three days of travel by car, there was almost nowhere to go, and by the time I returned home the burns were almost gone.