After all, with me she became a bad Mayakovsky. “I don’t scold my wife, I will never leave her, It’s because with me she became bad, And I took her good. Men! Learn from Mayakovsky: “I don't scold my wife. I will never leave her. It was with me that she became bad.

Mayakovsky a nobleman? I found my wife undressed with him And announced him a vendetta. It was there that I first saw some information - that the Briks had a coral business and about Mayakovsky's first child.

I lie alone On a naked man, male or female, Some kind of middle floor. Blimey! - those admire, And strive to break a finger into the wound. And nothing, believe me!

This is fortunate! And life is too unpredictable, and who knows if you will ever hear this person again ... And the answer - the administrator changed the lines in accordance with the style of writing Mayakovsky's poems: The toilet is closed. ?

And if I don’t fly, he won’t fly either. *** Butcher Sizov, chopping a bull carcass, Turned around somehow awkwardly, And slammed himself forever Into the refrigeration unit. I went to the drowned man To look at the lake. We parted and as before I go to sleep in my clothes. There was a holiday with fun and dancing, Then the people were torn, During the fight, my fingers stretched out my mouth to my ears. GRASSHOPPER Clutching a grasshopper in his hand, A child is sitting on a potty.

The wife bent over naked near the toilet,

Broke a vessel in the toilet - Neighbors filed a lawsuit. On the right is a rifle, on the left is a rifle, I feel kind of awkward. Some kid came up and wiped the snot on me. *** I was hit yesterday with a Heavy apparatus. Yesterday I was round in the morning, And in the evening I was square. Walk the same occasions and in heaven - I can do both myself. *** Accidentally I lived in this century, Accidentally, but desperately, Because all around people Lived here not by chance.

Look, the wound is stabbed and cut! At the Tomb I bowed at the tomb with a sad face, I stand and listen to the death knell. We drank the same thing. For some reason, it was not me who died, but he. *** We drink, trying not to fall, We bottle after bottle. Yes, the children went wrong nanche - They took it and laid it down. Mosquitoes did not know about it And they often bit Petrov. A fly drowns in sweets In a bank on the window. And there is no joy in this Neither the fly nor me. ******** The dog yearns for the chain ... And try to unhook.

And it's a pity to throw it in a landfill. I will tell friends and guests that this is a rocking chair. Even if you are offended at him, even if you don't want to talk, and even more so if you just want to teach him a lesson. You must definitely pick up the phone and listen to what he wants to tell you.

With a shaved head

Kesha, an interesting question. The restroom is closed due to renovation. ”He did not like it, so he called the administrator and told him to quickly remake this sign into a poem. If anyone watched, then share your impressions! I have not yet decided how she relates to all this.

VERSES Compiled by V. Shubinsky, 1990 With a shaved head, In the form of a striped Communism I am building with a Crowbar and a shovel. Now we are brothers with a genius! Almost a thousand years later, the butcher Sizov thawed out, Looks - there is nothing around: No cattle, no people, no houses. *** Once Seryozha and Olya got into a magnetic field. Frightened parents Barely demagnetized them.

Irina Kolomytsina offers an article on the topic: "I don't scold my wife, I will never leave her" with a full description. We have tried to convey information to you in the most accessible form.

And what is the name of Mayakovsky's poem, I don't remember this verse, but the general meaning is this:

The original sounds like this:

I don’t hate my wife,
And I will never leave her.
It was with me that she became bad
I took it good.

Where did the idea come from that V.V. Mayakovsky was in any way involved in this text?
Of the neighboring quatrains, many of which are a parody of his poem "What is good and what is bad":

Grigoriev has the following lines:

If somewhere someone is crying,
So somewhere they are laughing a lot.
If someone is hiding from the sun,
So someone wants to get warm. ...

Compare with Mayakovsky:

This one cleans boots,
washes galoshes himself.
Although he is small,
but quite good.

There is a phonetic similarity here, it does not strike the eye, but in the following lines no explanation is needed. Read and compare,

If a boy loves a corpse
Pokes a finger into the corpse,
They say about this -
Necrophile boy!

If a boy loves work,
pokes a finger in a book,
write about this here:
he's a good boy.

Here, not only phonetic sound is played out (labor is a corpse), but also direct textual parallels (they are underlined). And so throughout the text. In the above passage about the wife, the main similarity with Mayakovsky is playing out the antithesis “bad - good”, because the text of the poem being played is based on this. Such an attitude towards a well-known work is characteristic of postmodernists; they take as a basis and “arrange vivisection” not only of literary works, but also of paintings and sculptures.

Perhaps OE Griroryev "hooliganized" over several poems by V.V. Mayakovsky - a detailed literary analysis is needed here, which, in fact, is useless for you, since the most important thing has already been explained.

Lysva city Lysva city site Lysva forum: men, learn from Mayakovsky!

“I don't scold my wife.

I will never leave her.

It was with me that she became bad.

And I took it good. "

I pull it out of the wide leg.

So he spoiled the girl.)))

And I will never leave her.

It was with me that she became bad

I took it good.

threw a brick at the monument,

fought off the hero

the most important piece

dm, this literary work does not offend members of the forum in any way, so do not “hide the topic”.

The cart is on me.

Baba on the cart.

In the mud we toss and turn from side to side.

What a grandiose scale of ours to a woman ?!

Baba's snout was poured with mud,

climbing from floor to floor,

Truthful and free is my prophetic language

and is friendly with the Soviet will,

but, bumping into these lower classes,

even I hesitated, confused.

I grew up on complicated propaganda issues,

I can't explain to a woman

no one decides on a common scale ?!

Of course you all remember

Approaching the wall

Excitedly you walked around the room

They threw it in my face.

It's time for us to part

What has tortured you

My crazy life

That it's time for you to get down to business,

You didn't love me.

You did not know that in the crowd of people

I was like a horse driven in soap

Spurred by a bold rider.

I'm in solid smoke

In a life torn apart by a storm

That's why I am tormented that I do not understand -

Where the rock of events takes us.

You can't see the face.

Great things are seen at a distance.

When the sea surface is boiling

The ship is in a deplorable state.

For new life, new glory

Into the midst of storms and blizzards

He directed her majestically.

Didn't fall, vomit and curse?

There are few of them, with an experienced soul,

Who stayed strong in pitching.

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But maturely knowing the work,

Descended into the ship's hold

So as not to watch human vomiting.

And I bent over a glass

So that, without suffering for anyone,

You had a longing

In the eyes of the tired:

That I am on display in front of you

I wasted myself in scandals.

What's in solid smoke

In a life torn apart by a storm

That's why I suffer

Where the rock of events takes us.

I'm at a different age.

I feel and think differently.

And I speak over the festive wine:

Praise and glory to the helmsman!

In the shock of tender feelings.

I remembered your sad weariness.

I'm rushing to tell you

And what happened to me!

It's nice to say to me:

I escaped falling from the steep.

Now in the Soviet side

I am the fiercest fellow traveler.

I would not torment you

As it was before.

For the banner of liberty

And light labor

Ready to go even to the English Channel.

I know: you are not the same -

With a serious, intelligent husband;

That you don't need our trouble,

Not a bit needed.

As the star leads you

Under the booth of a renewed canopy.

Always remembering you

Sergey Yesenin.

“I live in Paris, I live like a dandy,

I have up to a hundred women.

And my x. th, like a plot in a legend,

passes from mouth to mouth "

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Are these poems by Mayakovsky? How to prove or disprove authorship?

I don't scold my wife

I will never leave her

After all, she became bad with me,

And I took it good.

These lines are circulating on the Internet, they are often attributed to V.V. Mayakovsky. Could he write that? How can you prove or disprove the authorship in a particular case? If not V.V. Mayakovsky, then is it possible to establish who the author is?

Yes, these poems have been circulating frequently on the Internet lately.

Mayakovsky is probably tossing and turning in his coffin and nervously gritting his teeth 🙂

This is from the collection of Hooligan poems by Oleg Grigoriev, here is a link to the original, you can present as evidence

No, it is not for nothing that the people ascribe poems about a bad wife who was once good, namely V. V. Mayakovsky, and not to someone else.

The lines went for a walk on the Internet, already in a slightly modified form, since in "Hooligan verses" Oleg Grigoriev this text looks like this:

There is still a lot of things written, but even from the lines cited, it is clear why their narrow-minded people attribute them to V.V. Mayakovsky, and not A.P. Chekhov or S.A.Esenin, two other sufferers of the Runet. Before us is an example of a poetic postmodernism, for which playing with something already created by someone is one of the important characteristics.

And that's it "Postmodern play-around", in a simple way - hilarious banter- is present in “Hooligan Poems” at every step, and whom the author “plays up” can be seen and heard with the naked eye and ear.

Rhythmic drawing and bad-good antithesis- this is an association with a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad".

Compare the rhythmic pattern and alliteration with Mayakovsky's text:

And this is the very first guess that comes to mind when thinking about why someone there imagined Mayakovsky. It was she who came to mind even before acquaintance with the texts of O. Grigoriev, which only confirmed her and supplemented with even more material for thought, for example

Our schoolchildren are so worn out by the brain with the questions "what is the poem about" or "theme and idea" that they lose the ability to listen and hear music text, even if the author pokes it in his very ears.

What up logical organization text (it was good - it became bad - but still I will not give it up), then this is already a nod to the side A.P. Barto:

Further reading of "Hooligan poems" only strengthens the impression of playing around with the poem "What is good and what is bad." We read from O. Grigoriev:

The author has created a high degree of uniqueness of the text (speaking according to BV-shnom) from the original source, replacing some parts of the text, but the main replacement: true D(pronounced like [tinder]) - true NS, that is two hard voiceless plosive consonants, and only then the result is played up, and both texts can be combined into one without loss of meaning:

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You can generally take the last two lines from Mayakovsky, but then the humor will already be very black. For a postmodernist, a sense of proportion is just as important as for any other creative person.

In a word, Mayakovsky was heard by the masses not from scratch. And then there was a collapse. The game was not understood. The masses, with a consciousness not disfigured by full-fledged literature lessons at school, misunderstood, misunderstood and took it at face value.

A parody that is taken seriously - this has happened many times in art: “Don Quixote” by Cervantes, “Gulliver's Fallacies” by Swift, and even the song “Words of Love You Spoke to Me” from the movie “The Diamond Hand” on this list.

Occasionally I meet a poem published mainly by the female sex:
“I don’t scold my wife. I will never leave her. It was doubtful that she became bad. And then I took it good .. "
Mayakovsky is credited. And, apparently, this quatrain should instruct men on the "true path." Well, it seems like you chose this woman, so love her, not more or less, to the grave. Your own, naturally.

At the same time, it is somehow completely forgotten that Mayakovsky did not have a wife. There were mistresses, yes. One of them, Lilya Brik, according to one version, was the cause of his death.

However. however, Vladimir Mayakovsky did not write these lines. Of course there is some kind of similarity, but only a similarity. Compare:
"My verse with labor will break through the bulk of the years And it will appear weighty, rough, visibly, As in our days entered the water supply, Worked by the slaves of Rome!"
That's what I understand. This is Mayakovsky.

And these lines were written by a certain Oleg Grigoriev. And in the original they sound:
“I don’t hate my wife, And I will never leave her. It was with me that she became bad, I took her good. "
It is not the author that confuses, but the meaning. Like the wife has deteriorated, but you still have to keep it. Why so? For example, for an analogy:
“Plastic cup, I will never throw it away. I got it clean I got it dirty. "
With the same success, you can offer to keep forever old tires, holey socks and some other garbage, on the grounds that we once took it whole and beautiful.

True, there is one more look. Perhaps Grigoriev meant that we should keep our wife out of guilt. You have spoiled a good man, who needs her now? So protect her now. Feed, drink, dress and shoes. But if we honor Oleg, then we will find his attitude towards unnecessary wives:
“Dissolve my wife in acid ... I wish they would heal on a high! Yes, the children went wrong today - They took it and laid it down. "
You are our lovely women. Do not use Mayakovsky as an example. That bastard was still there. And we love you anyway).

“I don’t scold my wife, I will never leave her, It’s because with me she became bad, And I took her good” Mayakovsky Vladimir.

What do you know about Mayakovsky? - Well, he's a futurist. He also wrote children's poetry. He also owns immortalized phrases, for example, “I don’t scold my wife, I will never abandon her, It’s because she became bad with me, and I took her good” or “Eat pineapples, grouse chew, your last day comes, bourgeois ”. His rhyme is funny. And, there was still either a mistress, or a wife. Lilya Brick. Some kind of one-sided knowledge about a person, her, about a MAN! This book reveals “everything” to the reader.

Learn from Mayakovsky: ‘I don’t scold my wife and I’ll never leave her, It’s with me that she became bad, And I took her good’!

I don't scold my wife, I will never abandon her, It's because with me she became bad, And I took her good. (c) Mayakovsky

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I don't scold my wife, I will never abandon her, It's because with me she became bad, And I took her good. Mayakovsky.

I don't scold my wife, I will never abandon her, It's because with me she became bad, And I took her good. (c) Mayakovsky

“I don't scold my wife, I will never leave her. It was with me that she became bad, but I took her good ”. V. Mayakovsky “When my wife and I disagree, we usually do as she wants. The wife calls it a compromise. " Mark Twain.

Learn from Mayakovsky: “I don’t scold my wife, I will never leave her, she became bad with me, and I took her, GOOD.

Men! learn from Mayakovsky: I don't scold my wife. I will never leave her. It was with me that she became bad. And then I took it good.

I don’t scold my wife, I’ll never leave her, because with me she became bad, and I took her good. (c) Mayakovsky

I don't scold my wife. I will never leave her. It was with me that she became bad. And then I took it good. (V. Mayakovsky)

I don't scold my wife, I will never abandon her, It's because with me she became bad, And I took her good. (c) Mayakovsky

how long ago, how stupid and naive I was. it was (God bless you) 2003 !! at that time I was studying at a pedagogical college, the second year, the winter session (I was born on February 8) a lot of problems, everything must be passed, desires zero, mother to the teacher's council, tears, swearing. but I passed this session. at that time I was in love, since late autumn I had a difficult relationship with a young man, but at that moment everything was fine, lyubofff, spring began, I continued to study, I don’t remember the nuances of course, I know that I skipped a lot because of for him, let not only, the girls in the group were fire. ran away with.

So often I come across the quatrain on the Internet: I don't scold my wife, I will never leave her, It's because she became bad with me, And I took her good. And everywhere they write that the author is Mayakovsky, and, they say, men, take an example from him! I wonder who started spreading this nonsense? This is not Mayakovsky. Here is a link and here is another link. Author Oleg Grigoriev!

The cat sat by the road, watching the passers-by. Draw. Free. Funny. Where the beast gods were looking. She was cold and chilly, and people ran past. And the snow melted on soft paws so sadly and inevitably. The sky was cold in the eyes of the green, and hunger was weighing heavily. And the passers-by smelled of bread and milk and a warm house. Feline wisdom of the villi on this doomed back. And the wind started an old record about something detached. ... Having thawed, with graceful laziness, forgetting about yesterday's cold, purring, you warm my knees. ... You.

So often I come across the quatrain on the Internet: I don't scold my wife, I will never leave her, It's because she became bad with me, And I took her good. And everywhere they write that the author is Mayakovsky, and, they say, men, take an example from him! I wonder who started spreading this nonsense? This is not Mayakovsky. Here is a link and here is another link. Author Oleg Grigoriev! If somewhere someone is crying, So somewhere they laugh very much. If someone is hiding from the sun, So someone wants to warm up .. If the boy loves.

Dovlatov was once read. In grade 10-11, probably, and in the university too. What a man. original article On August 24, 1990, Sergei Dovlatov, one of the most popular and widely read Russian writers of the late XX - early XXI century, died. His stories, stories, notebooks have been translated into many languages, filmed, studied in schools and universities. Surprisingly funny and at the same time piercingly sad prose of Dovlatov has long become a classic and, like almost any classics, "is scattered into proverbs and sayings." Over the twelve years of his life in exile, he published a total of twelve books, which were published in the United States and Europe. The artistic idea of ​​Sergei Donatovich is simple and noble: to tell how strange it is.

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Moreover, the title Post. Mayakovsky said: “I do not scold my wife, I will never leave her. It was with me that she became bad. And then I took her good ”. But - to rephrase. for those women. who often write posts about that. what Husbands Freaks-Goats-Bastards and so on. But if you think about it. Married then went to the Good! For Loved Ones! For the "Best!" And it turns out that they themselves brought them to such a life. ps I WILL DISCLAIM IMMEDIATELY - these words. as well as my post “Girls -.

I got a mailing list from Olga Valyaeva. I rarely read it, but this article responded to me. Here is her site Let's start from the end. From what is available today. What is the average girl taught? Under the age of 6 (in kindergarten): read write count observe the regime live in a team sing dance play in performances play with children

Do not offend your woman. Actions and swear words. Not that>> wake up somehow in the morning, with wonderful, branchy horns> >>> What do you say. Did I dance on the table? I AM?? In underwear? ? Yes quoted1>> you left early?))) Quoted1> >>> To accept a man as he is, can only a military enlistment office!) Quoted1> >>> Girl, understand, I'm not suggesting to everyone. ”-“ You don’t>> be upset, I don’t refuse everyone either. “> >>> The reason for the divorce from your husband? - We did not have the same religious>>.

A little sketch: We buy wallpaper, I give 5000 rubles to the cashier with one piece of paper. Cashier: "Will you have 80 rubles?" Me: "I have not, unfortunately." K: "I have nothing to give you change." Me: "And what to do now?" K: "Is it my fault that they give me only large ones?" In this vein, we talk for a while.

I found a description of my husband from kindergarten. "The child is sociable, eats and plays well." 25 years have passed, nothing has changed. I bought a new fridge magnet .. Now you enter the kitchen at 1 am, and on the fridge in the dark the inscription “NO LUCKY HAPPINESS, CATTLE” glows.)) Mm .. Today I hugged with such a cute guy! He held me by the waist, pressed against me with all his strength, and embarrassedly breathed into my ear .. - Well, and then? - And then I got out of the minibus. A note to my husband: “I left to treat the nervous system. I'll be late drunk.

I don't scold my wife, I will never abandon her, It's because with me she became bad, And I took her good. (c) Mayakovsky Thank you Dinny! It turns out it is like this: I don’t hate my wife, And I will never leave her! It was with me that she became bad, I took her good. (c) Oleg Grigoriev

What is important to teach girls? Let's start at the end. From what is available today. What is the average girl taught Under 6 (in kindergarten): Expand full text.

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Men! Learn from Mayakovsky: “I don't scold my wife. I will never leave her. It was with me that she became bad. And then I took it good. "


Men! Learn from Mayakovsky: “I don't scold my wife. I never
I'll give it up. It was with me that she became bad. And then I took it good. "

The reason for the divorce from your husband? - We did not have the same religious
views. - In terms of. - I did not admit that he is God!

Only with me?

Life is good if the cognac you drink is older than the women you sleep with ..

Pinocchio comes to Pope Carlo:
- Dad, Malvina and I have been dating for a long time. I would like to be with her. How can I tell you.
- Got it, son.
And dad Carlo set to work: he found the bitches, carefully nailed it where necessary, took the sandpaper, cleaned it up. Blows off dust:
- All right, son, you can go to Malvina!
- Listen, dad! Well her, Malvina! Let's get it even better with sandpaper!

Science news: scientists crossed a rabbit and an otter. the resulting hybrid can rip out anyone in just one carrot

A woman's maturity comes when a computer becomes more interesting to her than a mirror.

Dear parents, teach your children to eat with their left hand. Then, sitting at the computer, they will thank you.

  • Hehe
    26.10.2018, 22:39
  • Don't turbo the turbo.
    26.10.2018, 13:45
  • Tie nikoli is not completely taken in without your smirk
    26.10.2018, 13:38
  • .
    25.10.2018, 02:41
  • Dobranich!
    25.10.2018, 01:18

O. Grigoriev I'm lying on someone else's wife,
The blanket stuck to my ass.
I'm stamping country shots
In spite of bourgeois Europe. Is O. Grigoriev, who is mistakenly attributed to Mayakovsky.

The guest: Grandfather Kondraty

We'll sweat our thought

I will not give up, she did not become bad

I read this, for disagreement, but still claim that Mayakovsky's verse.

shit, where can I like the comment?

The male trait bothered me to choose an active girl with an awl for her ass as his life companion and turn her into a domestic chicken.

Personal experience. I am a very active person, constantly head over heels in creative projects and communication. During such an event, we met our future spouse. The man was delighted with my energy and creativity. What happened after the rings and Mendelssohn? That's right: “After work, go straight home! Do not communicate with these people, they have a bad influence on you! Creation? What nonsense! The wife should meet her husband with hot pies! "

I didn't wait for my house keys and my phone to be taken away, and ran away.

Former classmate. In his youth - the world champion in sports rock and roll, a girl who lives in dancing. More precisely, she lived by them before the decree. Then - everything. Only family, borscht and the notorious pies, because "a woman's road - from the oven to the threshold." Of course, the toned figure and shine in the eyes are in the past, and the husband began to walk, not even hiding it. Who dares to condemn the unfortunate peasant who has become bored with his wife, who has only a home and a child of all things to do? The fact that he himself walled it up in four walls is tactfully silent.

A colleague is an Orthodox monarchist. "Domostroy" is our everything. But in a life partner he is looking for an active, addicting nature. I ask him how she will do the same, giving birth to a child every year and not traveling further than the store near the house, but, of course, there is no clear answer.

Maybe they will at least explain it here.

It is clear that many people need livestock for domestic and sexual services. But why don't you initially choose those for whom nothing but pots and diapers is interesting and unnecessary in this life? What is the joke to choose an athlete or an activist, lock her in the house, and then cry that she is not the same as before? Logic, ay!

To the traditional objection that women themselves choose some bikers, and then try to make them stay at home, I will say right away - yes, this happens, and such ladies are not very smart, trying to forcibly remake a person.

Now I am married to a role-playing airsoft player and I knew what I was doing. I knew that as soon as the snow melted in the forest, on the weekend I would be on my own. I knew that I would often feel like a princess and a pea, because white bullet balls would show up in the most unexpected places in the house, including the bed. And it suits me, because I also have very specific hobbies. The main thing is that no one puts pressure on anyone, does not force them to change for the sake of another, and respects the interests of the spouse. No, we do not have a perfect marriage, but, at least in this matter, there is complete mutual understanding.

I wish the rest of the same, so that there is no desire to break a person, and then throw it away as unnecessary.