Wreaths with small folk flowers. From flowers with beads. Of small flowers

Who among the girls did not weave a wreath of dandelions in childhood! This is such a fun and interesting activity. But even now on the covers of glossy magazines and in stores, wreaths of flowers on the head of natural or artificial flowers appear more and more often, as a part of the wardrobe - a separate accessory. The idea of ​​flower wreaths on the head came from the distant past. For example, in Mexico, this kind of wreath was worn on the day of all the dead as part of the costume.

Photo below:

Today, any girl can make such a wreath with her own hands. There are a lot of weaving types of this accessory, but in general, 3 stand out:

  • weaving on a wire;
  • weaving on the stem (like dandelions). By the way, who suddenly forgot how to do this, attach the diagram:

  • on the rim.

Weaving on a wire

You will need: wire to the size of the head, natural or artificial flowers, scissors and ribbons for decoration as desired. It is better to choose a thicker wire, or twist several thin ones, as shown in the picture:

Flowers must be fixed on a wire. If they are artificial, then just cut off the stem, insert a thin wire instead and fasten one wire to the other. And so in a circle. If you have chosen fresh flowers, then remember that they will hold on much less, but they will, of course, look more spectacular.

For beauty and convenience, you can wrap the wire with tape, as shown in the photo.

It is better to choose small flowers, or combine large buds with small ones.

Several video tutorials on how to make a wreath on a wire.

Weaving on the stem

For this weaving, you will need fresh flowers, it is most convenient to weave from wildflowers, but you can take a chance and weave from any others. The stems of flowers should not be short and all the same length, from 7 to 10 centimeters. You must first free the stems from the leaves. Further actions:

  • Fasten three flowers with wire an inch from the bud.

  • Interlace the stems of the three flowers several times;
  • Take a new flower and attach it just below the first three buds;
  • Weave the stem of the new flower into others;
  • Take a new flower, but already weave it on the other side;

  • Braid to the desired length;
  • At the end, secure with wire, as shown in the photo:

For a more accurate presentation, watch the video at the links below:

On the rim

A flower wreath on a headband is the easiest way to create a hair ornament. . To do this, you will need: a bezel, flowers, a glue gun.

Take the most ordinary headband of any color without anything and glue any flowers that you like with a hot gun.

A selection of videos:

Hello dear readers!
Last year, I accidentally came across a video on social media. I looked through it several times and said for myself that I would do such hair ornaments with children in labor training lessons. We are constantly studying the topic of making homemade flowers. I have a lot of developments, articles, videos of phased production. But this accessory really inspired me. I was so fired up that I stocked up on materials, photographs, made it myself and showed it to the children. Everyone liked the idea. True, when the turn came to make a project product, some of the girls were made on a long wire, and some on the basis of a wire rim. What kind of decoration is this? Read, watch the video and get inspired.

There are many concepts on the net: a wreath of flowers on the head, a headband with flowers, a hoop on the head, a hair ornament made of wire, etc. I thought for a long time which name would be better. Each seems to be like, but if you name it, then a completely different picture appears in your head. It seems to me that there should be a name for it. And yet I chose a wreath of flowers on the head from a long wire.

So, first, watch the video.

Really lovely?

After studying the topic of making flowers from fabric, I suggested that children do the design work of their choice: a round wreath, a wreath with strings, a wreath on a wire, a hoop, souvenirs for the home (a floating cup, paintings, etc.).

Round wreath

-Wreath with strings


-Souvenirs for home

-Wreath on a long wire

For all these crafts, you need to make homemade flowers from fabric. If the girls wanted from purchased items, then according to my requirements it was necessary to make 2 jewelry: both a homemade craft and from purchased items.

What is needed to make a wreath on a wire

A soft wire that does not break after a few bends. We chose copper. They also practiced on such a wire (Floral wire 60 cm each)

and such blanks with already wound kidneys.

It is convenient to use them for short wreaths.

Floristic tape. Of all the colors, brown suits the hair.

Stamens. If there are no stamens on the wire, then it is advisable to attach them. They are small elements that dilute the large ones. I bought plain white

and complex color

Ivy. We bought a little ivy. It looks great. In a hank for 40 UAH its 20 m!

Flowers. We made and bought ourselves. The apple tree looks very nice.

Bead wire 0.3 mm.

Most of the photos were taken from the online store bulavki.in.ua, where I bought all this.
The assortment is very large. Wholesale prices are favorable, but for this you need to collect an order in the amount of 700 UAH. I teamed up with girls needlewomen on the Internet.

The sequence of making a wreath on a long wire

1. Think over the length of the product. It depends on the length of the hair. I did it for both short and long hair. Prepare the base wire.

2. Calculate how many large flowers there will be along the entire length. I recommend not to attach it at the edges, as they will interfere. In the center of the head, too, a large flower does not look. Looks best when uneven distribution. Where it will be on the forehead, further, less, on the edges, it is not necessary to fix them at all.

In more detail how to make a wreath of flowers on your head, I tell you in the video.
If you have any questions about the manufacture, ask in the comments.

Such a wreath will look very unusual and adorn a girl with long hair. It is fastened with pins and stays on the head for a long time. It is done in one lesson. It just takes a few more lessons to get ready. Many female students made such hair ornaments.
Make such wreaths for yourself and your family.

Ukrainian wreath is a wonderful decoration for any age

From time immemorial, a wreath in Ukraine has been not only a national decoration. There is still a belief that the wreaths woven by girls with their own hands contained the great and mystical power of the amulet. In addition to the incredible natural beauty contained in such an unusual decoration, each of its elements could say a lot without words: marital status, character, feelings of a beautiful Ukrainian woman. Today, a woven wreath on the head is not only one of the symbols of Ukraine, but an incredibly stylish modern accessory.

The history of the wreath

The inhabitants of Ukraine from time immemorial not only loved, but also respected and respected them utterly, believing in their mysterious power to protect and bring good luck. Clothes were decorated with incredible floral patterns, Ukrainian huts were painted, towels and tablecloths were embroidered. Girls mastered the art of weaving a wreath at an early age. It was one of the ways not only to decorate your appearance, but also to show skill, creativity, diligence and hard work. It would seem that a wreath on the head has always existed in Ukraine. It is not known for certain who invented such a tradition and when, but everyone will certainly agree that this art is worthy to live forever.

The Ukrainian wreath can be seen in many paintings of the past years.

Weaving a wreath is a whole science that has been passed down from generation to generation. The traditional Ukrainian wreath consisted of 12 flowers. Ukrainian girls, decorating themselves with a wreath, emphasized tenderness, femininity, youth and purity. It was believed that a wreath of flowers on the head has magical powers that helped to soothe pain, attract love and prosperity, and protect envious people and even evil forces from the evil eye.

Wreath and symbolism

Ukrainian head wreaths and their weaving was not just fun. Knowing the meaning of a particular flower, one could read it like an open book. The choice of this or that flower depended on the age of the beauty, status, and even on the purpose for which the wreath was woven. Each flower carried its own special symbolism:

  • The immortelle symbolized health. This modest-looking plant was considered a powerful talisman against ailments.
    Painted immortelle wreath
  • Chamomile flowers personified maiden purity, purity and fidelity.
    Chamomile can be part of the overall composition or the only element of the wreath.
  • Flowers cornflower and lovage could tell about sincere devotion and beauty of the soul.
    Cornflowers go well with chamomiles
  • Periwinkle is a symbol of an immortal soul and life.
    Periwinkle is also one of the most famous Ukrainian plant symbols.
  • Spring cherry and apple blossoms were the personification of mother's love.
  • Viburnum bunches are the main symbol of maiden beauty.
    Kalina, as a symbol, is often found in Ukrainian culture
  • Hops are the personification of the mind, ingenuity.
  • Yarrow is the main member of the wreath, a symbol of rebelliousness and endurance.
  • Ears of young wheat were woven to attract the harvest, as gifts of the generous land and a symbol of goodness.
  • The poppy blossom is an incredibly proud and vibrant flower, but it symbolized sadness and loss. Girls woven it into a wreath if someone in the family died in a war with the enemy.
    Poppy wreath can be called mourning
  • Sunflower flowers personified well-being, hard work and strength. The people believed that the sunflower is the most persistent and strong in the entire flower kingdom.
    Sunflower wreath
  • Bright flowers of mallow, rifle and peony could tell about the power of faith, hope and love.
    Ukrainian friends in bright wreaths
  • The white lily is a symbol of purity. She was woven into the Ukrainian wreath of those girls who went to the monastery, as a symbol of the end of worldly life.

People believed that flowers are gifts from God, and the true gift of nature should be treated with respect. The combination of certain colors could tell a lot without words.

The meaning of flowers in the Ukrainian wreath

In Ukraine, more than 70 variations of weaving were known, including ritual, ceremonial, magic and many other wreaths. By the way, the mother wove the first wreath on her daughter's head when she was three years old, always weaving chamomile as a symbol of a clear mind and pure thoughts.

Little Ukrainian woman in her first wreath


Many ancient traditions are associated with a wreath of flowers on the head, some have survived to this day. For example, in ancient times, a girl handed a hand-woven wreath to her beloved as a sign of matchmaking and loyalty. Today, this tradition has grown into the exchange of newlywed rings. Today, the bride throws a bouquet to unmarried girlfriends at a wedding, and earlier it was a wreath that was thrown, whoever catches it will be the first to marry.

The wreath played an important role in the relationship between a guy and a girl.

Often in the Ukrainian village one could see a wreath on the doors of the hut, it was believed that for a whole year he protected the whole family from evil and misfortune, and also brought health to the house. In ancient times, there were many variations of wreaths. One of the most popular was the wreath of devotion, based on cornflower and lovage. By the way, the combination of colors in such a wreath is blue cornflower and yellow lovage.

The wreath was assigned one of the key roles on the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Ribbons in the Ukrainian wreath

In addition to flowers, the Ukrainian wreath was necessarily decorated with multi-colored satin ribbons. Moreover, the choice of this or that color was not accidental, there were strict traditions. From an early age, girls learned the art of weaving ribbons correctly and understanding what this or that color means.

Plus, ribbons perfectly complement the look of the wreath.

The girl's first ribbon was woven in the middle of the wreath. She was necessarily light brown, which personified the fertile nurse-land. On both sides of the first, yellow ribbons were woven - the personification of the sun and warmth. Behind them, bright greens were woven, which were a symbol of girlish youth and beauty, followed by blue ribbons - the personification of the clear sky. It was believed that they gave vitality and health to the girl. After the blue, purple ribbons were woven - the personification of wisdom, pink and crimson, symbolizing wealth and sincerity.

The meaning of ribbons in the Ukrainian wreath

There is a belief that the ribbons were supposed to protect from the evil eye. The length of the ribbons in the wreath on the head should not be arbitrary, but is measured strictly according to the length of the girl's braid. If the girl weaved a blue ribbon, it meant that she was an orphan. People treated the girl with bread, welcomed her in every possible way and tried to present.

In modern wreaths, ribbons play rather a decorative role.

How to weave a wreath?

Today, the art of making a Ukrainian wreath with your own hands is gaining popularity again. Modern accessories in the form of a colorful wreath are incredibly popular not only in Ukraine. In order not to spend a lot of money on designer gizmos, you can create an exclusive gizmo yourself. Such decoration is a great solution not only for theme parties, weddings or national holidays. A colorful Ukrainian wreath can make everyday life colorful, joyful and bright. There are many ways to weave a wreath.

Earlier, creating a wreath was a kind of ritual, and the process itself had a lot of nuances.

Method number 1

To make such an accessory with your own hands, you will need:

With the help of a wire, a frame for a wreath is made; you can weave it in the form of a braid from three pieces of wire. Further, artificial flowers made of paper, foamiran or fabric are fixed on the frame by gluing and then wrapping with ribbons. In summer, you can use fresh flowers, so the wreath will look especially natural and gentle.

Making a wreath based on wire

Method number 2

An original and simple way to create a bright accessory from scrap materials. We need:

  • ordinary plastic bottle; Everyone can make such a wreath

    A base (hoop) of a symmetrical shape is cut out of a plastic bottle, neatly trimmed with a green cloth. An elastic band around the circumference of the head is sewn to both sides of the base. Flowers are glued in random order on the front side of the base, you can add beads, beads. The result is a sophisticated and distinctive accessory.

    Ukrainian wreath based on gum


    Making a wreath hoop

    Today, many, putting on a popular and unusually bright accessory, do not even think that this is not just a decoration, but a real amulet. Making a wreath of flowers on your head, you can not only emphasize tenderness, femininity and grace. The wreath is a symbol of love, a tribute to traditions and a valuable heritage of the Slavic people.

Girls are so fond of using hair jewelry to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Since ancient times, flower wreaths had magical powers. With their help, they were guessing, on the night of Ivan Kupala they let the water flow, special attention was paid to the choice of herbs and plants from which they were woven. Today wreaths are again becoming popular, and how to make them with your own hands - this question is asked by women of fashion.

Although floral decorations are considered an accessory for spring and summer days, some fashionable young ladies can combine them with a coat or fur coat. This is due to the fact that flowers are a symbol of tenderness, youthful spirit and romantic mood, which will complement the image assembled from a light dress and open shoes.

Head wreaths made of living plants are traditionally used together with ethnic dresses, finished with handmade embroidery and lace. Also, this accessory can be found in the wardrobe of representatives of the hippie style.

Among famous people, there are many who love to decorate their hairstyle, loosening slightly curled strands, and fix it with a bandage, creating the most natural and natural look.

How to make a wreath of flowers own handles

If you are not indifferent to a stylish and trendy accessory, then you should try to create it with your own hands and please the environment by demonstrating the jewelry. For this you need to take:

  1. Thin wire.
  2. Medium width green ribbon (any other shade is possible).
  3. Flowers of various shapes, varieties, sizes.
  4. Branches, leaves.
  5. Beads, rhinestones or other decorative items.
  6. Scissors, pliers.

If you take the buds of the same size, then the future wreath will be massive. To get an easy look, you should combine different plants. Commonly used flowers: large roses, small decorative roses, eustomas, statins and other pretty buds on a branch.

Stages of work

  1. Measure the circumference of your head where the wreath will be located.
  2. Set aside the required length and cut a piece from the wire with a small margin.
  3. Fold the segment in a circle, fix the ends with pliers.
  4. Hide the joint with tape, wrapping it in several layers.
  5. The flowers that you will use to make the wreath should match the style and color of the intended look. Cut off the bottom of the stem, leaving 10 cm. Fix them with tape. Should be grouped 3-4 flowers.
  6. We collect the wreath, tying each group with an overlap to the wire with a ribbon.
  7. We get a nice accessory that can be decorated with different things: leaves, beads, rhinestones, beaded figurines. If the wreath was created for the bride, then it is advisable to add small pieces of tulle.

Beauty requires sacrifice, so flowers become this sacrifice. A wreath of wild, natural buds is short-lived. Water from a spray bottle and a cool place can extend the life of a masterpiece for several days.

How to make a headband out of flowers

A wreath is a beautiful thing, but temporary, if live plants are used. Today, there are materials on sale that imitate real buds, leaves, which at a distance are generally difficult to distinguish from real ones. A headband, which perfectly fixes loose hair, is considered a fashionable and convenient accessory.

To make a hoop, as in the photo, you need a headband, glue (supermoment or molecular gun) and the flowers themselves. We distribute the buds over the entire surface and fix them with a drop of glue. For originality, we decorate with rhinestones, ribbons, beads or other items. It is better not to place flowers near the ears, they will create discomfort when wearing.

Headband with flowers

Over the past years, women of fashion have been actively using a bandage to fix hair, which looks like an elastic band, a ribbon of different widths, a ribbon and other variations. With its help, the most banal hairstyle can become solemn, and if you decorate it with fresh or artificial flowers, then you will definitely not be left without attention from the outside.

Having provided yourself with materials for manufacturing and having watched a selection of video tutorials, you can make an original gift - a decoration for any occasion.

Purchase from a craft store:

  • An elastic band.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Flowers (artificial, dry or live).

Having taken the measurement of the head circumference, cut off 3-5 cm more from the elastic, due to this it will hold. Sew one side with tape, slightly stretching it in the process, we get a beautiful, wavy edge. Now sew or glue your favorite flowers, placing them in the center of the bandage or around the entire circumference, if you intend to wear it in the form of a wreath.

Changing her own accessories every day, the girl in a wreath of flowers acquires individuality in the image, emphasizing her delicate nature.

Related videos

Hair jewelry is very relevant now. They are worn by all women, young and old. One of the original accessories are wreaths and headbands that are worn on the head. It is not at all difficult to make a wreath on your head from decorative flowers with your own hands. Flowers can be made by yourself or you can buy ready-made ones. You can also come up with a very diverse basis. I made a wreath of flowers for a girl and took a ready-made headband as a basis.

Flower fragments are made on a wire base, so they can be bent in different directions. This is convenient for creating the very composition on the head. The bandage consists of two parts. The front is made in the form of a pigtail made of cords, and the back is a regular elastic band, which is painted with silver paint. It is made by hand. I bought it from a woman who makes such jewelry.


Fragments of decorative flowers

Ready-made base for a wreath

Sewing needle

As you can see in the photo, the headband itself is pretty cute. The braid made of cords is decorated with leaves woven into it and, in principle, it can be worn as an independent accessory. But, I need it as a basis for future decoration. The convenience of having an elastic band is that the band is held on the head more tightly and fixedly than a regular band or headband.

For the decoration, I needed six flower fragments. One turned out to be superfluous). The first ones I started to fasten at the junction of the pigtails and elastic bands. I slipped the wire base into the pigtail a few centimeters towards the center.

I did a similar action with the flowers on the other side. Then she attached the fragments one after another along the entire braid. In part, I pulled the wire through the pigtail, and in some places I connected the flower arrangements by hand using a thread and a needle. A wreath of flowers on your head is ready. This is what came out as a result of my creative process.

Since all the flowers are planted on a wire that easily bends in different directions, you can change the position inside each composition and create new options for the arrangement of leaves and flowers.

In this way, you can create a wreath on your head from decorative flowers with your own hands. If you want to make your wreath exclusive in every sense, then you can make artificial flowers with your own hands. In the heading you will find many detailed master classes, with the help of which you can realize many interesting ideas and use them to create a fashionable accessory for your head.

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