Newborn and Apgar scores: the most important numbers. First exam: Apgar score Apgar scale 8 points what does it mean

We live in a world of numbers. At school we are given grades, at college too. And at work we are evaluated by numbers in the form of salaries. So the newborn baby is also assessed - according to the Apgar scale, which includes five criteria: skin color, pulse, reflex excitability, muscle tone, breathing. For each item you can score from zero to two points.

The highest Apgar score is 10, which, by the way, is extremely rarely given. If a child scores such a score, this means that for each criterion he received the highest score - two. You can find out more about the protocol itself, and here we will look in detail at an example of one of the most common assessments - the Apgar scale of 8-8 points.

Why is this indicator needed?

Exclusively for organizing the work of the maternity hospital. The assessment will enable staff to quickly assess how much attention a particular newborn needs. We are talking about the attention of nurses and doctors during the period in the maternity hospital, this allows them to set priorities. This does not apply to the rest of your life.

What does it define?

The physical condition of the child at birth. It is important to understand that it does NOT determine the child's health in the long term, much less such things as intelligence.

Why two numbers?

Because the assessment is made twice - in the first and in the fifth minute of life.

Is 8 not enough or not?

An indicator from 7 to 10 is considered normal. That is, 8 is good.

If a child does not achieve the maximum score, should I be concerned?

No, it's not worth it. The Apgar score does not answer the question of whether a child will be healthy or sick in the future. A child who scores 8 points may be in better health than one who scores 10.

Why is it normal to miss two points?

If a child has passed through the birth canal, he has experienced enormous stress. After this, it’s normal to be slightly bruised and exhausted). On the contrary, the “Caesareans” often score the highest because they did not have to expend such effort. But no one thinks, I hope, that a child born as a result of an operation received some bonuses to his health, compared to a baby born naturally?))

Did I manage to dispel your doubts and instill confidence that everything is fine with your beautiful child?) I wish you happy first days at home and good health! Subscribe to my newsletter, let's stay in touch! My daughter is now one and a half years old, I’m sure you will find a lot of useful information about the first year of life with a baby on my blog.

This article was prepared with the support of maternal art consultant Evgenia Starkova. You can ask her a question about the topic of the article in the comments, or using the form feedback.

Apgar, who invented Apgar

What is the Apgar score? This is a simple, internationally recognized way to quickly assess the condition of a newborn in order to understand how much the baby needs emergency care and, if there are several newborns, which is not uncommon in large maternity homes, who to give priority attention to.

She proposed this useful tool at the 27th Congress of Anesthesiologists in 1952 doctor Virginia Apgar. It must be said that Virginia herself was a professional of the highest class, moreover, she became a highly qualified doctor at a time when medicine in the United States was exclusively “male territory.” So the respected anesthesiologist, who worked in obstetrics for a long time, did not even think of adding her name to the annals of history. However, 11 years later, Hungarian pediatrician Joseph Butterfield came up with a convenient mnemonic rule, linking one of the criteria for assessing the condition of a newborn to each letter of the Apgar surname.

  • A ppearance - appearance (skin color);
  • P ulse (Heart Rate) - child’s pulse (heart rate);
  • G rimace (Response to Stimulation) - a grimace that occurs in response to irritation;
  • A ctivity (Muscle Tone) - activity of movements, muscle tone;
  • R espiration - breathing movements.

Virginia's surname turned out to be a successful acronym for other European languages. In German it is A tmung, P uls, G runtonus, A ussehen, R eflexe, in Spanish - A pariencia, P ulso, G esticulación, A ctividad, R espiración. There is no good mnemonic rule in Russian, so our obstetricians had to memorize the five criteria without any prompting.

What is assessed by the Apgar score?

So, the five indicators that Virginia Apgar identified are: breathing, muscle tone, reflexes, heartbeat and skin color. For each indicator, a score from 0 to 2 is assigned.

  • If breath If the baby has a frequency of 40-50 sighs and exits per minute, and the cry at birth is loud and shrill, then such readings are considered at the level of two points. Weaker readings are recorded with 1 point. If there is no breathing, and therefore no cry in the newborn, doctors set the score to 0 points.
  • Muscle tone determined by the child’s position in space, active chaotic movements of all limbs and head.
  • A newborn baby simply needs vital reflexes associated with his further full life, namely: swallowing and sucking reflex. In the first minutes of life, the child can already reproduce elementary reflexes for sucking and swallowing breast milk, as well as reflexes for crawling and walking. If these reflexes are actively manifested in a child, the child receives the maximum score, and if these reflexes are more sluggish or not all expressed, then the child receives a score of 1 point. The absence of any reflexes in a child is assessed as 0 points.
  • If heart rate child exceeds one hundred beats per minute, then it is assessed at the maximum score (2). If the baby's heartbeat is below one hundred beats per minute, it is scored 1 point. And if there is no pulse at all, then the score is set to 0 points.
  • Deserves the highest score in this assessment baby's skin is pink or slightly bright in color, the skin is usually smooth without bruises and blue spots. If the skin is pale pink with a possible slight blue tint, then the Apgar score is set to 1 point. Too pale skin and visual absence of vital signs are scored 0 points.

Apgar table

2 points 1 point 0 points
Breath 40-45 breaths per minute, clear, loud cry Breathing is irregular, cry is weak There is no breathing
Muscle tone Expressed, active movements Limbs bent No movement
Reflexes Reaction in the form of coughing, sneezing, loud screaming Grimace, movements No reflexes
Heartbeat More than 120 beats per minute Less than 120 beats per minute Absent
Color of the skin Red, pink Blue limbs Pale

Scoring is usually carried out in the first and fifth minutes of life, so there are always two Apgar scores, for example 8/9 points. For obstetricians and neonatologists, not only absolute indicators are important, but also the change in assessment - how much the child’s condition has improved in the first minutes of life.After all, the initial low score on this scale may be associated with a simultaneous situation at birth (acute hypoxia or asphyxia), or a chronic condition of the fetus (chronic hypoxia), or physiological immaturity.

What do Apgar scores mean?

Apgar score assessment This only gives doctors an idea of ​​how the baby feels right away . They make no further assumptions about the child's development, since they are practically independent of the initial score. But they know exactly what actions to take immediately.

  • The condition of children who score from 7 to 10 points, are considered good or excellent and usually require routine care;
  • those who dialed from 4 to 6 points, are in satisfactory condition and may require only some resuscitation procedures;
  • those whose result below 4, required immediate assistance to save their lives.

The most common cause of a low Apgar score is hypoxia, a pathological condition associated with oxygen deficiency in the child during pregnancy and childbirth.

It should be remembered that Apgar score - subjective. Therefore, it cannot be said unequivocally that a child who received 10 points on the Apgar scale is healthier than a child who received 7 points. This only means that in the first case, the newborn breathes normally, his skin and mucous membranes are pink, he screams quite loudly, and his reflexes are well expressed. And in the second case, one or two signs were less pronounced, he could not scream too loudly, or cyanosis was noted - blueness of the skin.

It is now customary to use the Apgar score of newborns in a table to determine the condition of the child. How relevant is the use of this technique in the modern world? Should these first grades given to the baby be taken into account?

Criteria for evaluation

More than 60 years ago, a doctor from America, Virginia Apgar, proposed determining the condition of a child in the first minutes of birth using 5 indicators. She included in the list:

  • depth and strength of the baby's breathing;
  • heart rate;
  • muscle tone of the body;
  • innate reflexes;
  • appearance of the skin.

Each of them received from 0 to 2 points, according to the scale she developed. The total figure, first of all, should have been of interest to obstetricians. And serve as a signal for the start of resuscitation procedures.

How many points can you score on the scale and how are they deciphered?

The maximum number on the Apgar scale for newborns is 10. But it is placed extremely rarely; only a few of the babies born fully satisfy all its requirements. The most common indicator: 8 points on the Apgar scale.

0 (absent) 1 (weak) 2 (bright)
BreathNo breathing movementsSlow and labored, a quiet moanMore than 40 respiratory movements per minute, loud cry
HeartbeatNo pulse waveLess than 100 beats/min. (probability )Greater than or equal to 100 beats/min.
Muscle tone of the bodyBody movements are completely absent, and arms and legs hang downThe arms and legs are slightly bent at the joints, the movements themselves are sluggish and slowThe head is pressed to the chest, the hands are clenched into fists and bent at the elbows; movements are active and chaotic
Reflexes (tested by inserting a catheter into the nasal cavity)No reactionThe child reacts with a slight grimace or movementThe child reacts by moving, coughing, sneezing and screaming
Appearance of the skinEqually pale or bluish color throughout the babyPale pink body color with bluish extremitiesPale or bright pink uniform color of body and limbs

All points received are summed up and the result is interpreted.

A newborn baby is given Apgar scores several times: in the first seconds of his life; In 5 minutes; after 10 minutes to understand its condition in dynamics.

Normally, the second grade received should be 1 or 2 points higher. Here are examples of decoding the Apgar scale:

Total points Decoding
10/10 The baby's indicators are above normal
8/9, 9/9, 9/10 The baby's condition is normal
8/8 The baby's performance is above average
6/7, 7/8, 7/7 The baby does not need additional supervision
5/6, 5/5, 4/5, 4/4 The baby's condition requires additional and thorough monitoring.
3/3, 3/4 The newborn is in critical condition
0/0, 0/1, 1/1, ½, 2/2, 2/3The baby needs urgent resuscitation

Don’t be afraid of the words - resuscitation procedures, when assessing a newborn on the Apgar scale of 4 or 6. By this, doctors mean more thoroughly clearing the baby’s airways, warming him with a lamp and providing him with additional oxygen.

In addition to weight and height, these obtained Apgar scores at birth are also recorded in the medical card.

What should be the norms for height and weight of newborns, see.

Did you have a premature baby? Don’t be upset, because in a year he will be no different from his peers who were born on time.

Gradually, the child grows, gains weight, and what he should be able to do at 3 months, we will tell you in the article.

When will a newborn's fontanel close? together, is there an exact time frame?

Objectivity of the points received

The assessment of the baby's indicators, which is carried out using the newborn Apgar score in the table, is subjective. It is carried out visually by a pediatrician, based on his experience.

Of course, the difference between 4 and 9 is significant, but between high numbers it is almost unnoticeable. Therefore, having received the result, the young mother has no reason to be upset if the child feels great, even with a score of 7 or 8 on the Apgar scale immediately after birth.

It is impossible to say that a newborn with an Apgar score of 9/9 will definitely be stronger than a child with lower scores. It just means that the first one screamed harder, or had more pronounced reflexes. And another could have signs of cyanosis due to a longer stay without oxygen during prolonged labor.

Don’t worry about your baby if he was given a “low” rating; this does not reflect the full picture of his health.

All these numbers are simply a signal for obstetricians and neonatologists, which indicates the volume of activities that should be carried out in the delivery room and the beginning of resuscitation procedures.

Over time, additional research will be carried out. Such as:

  • and urine;
  • tests for the presence of intrauterine infections;

Based on the results obtained, a plan will be developed for the follow-up and treatment of the newborn.

A child's Apgar score has nothing to do with the overall health of the baby, much less mental abilities.

Comments from doctors on the use of the Apgar score

Safronova N.Yu., Moscow, City Clinical Hospital No. 24, neonatologist

I think the use of this method is necessary, especially in the very first minutes of birth. This helps not to get confused and clearly understand further tactics of procedures and manipulations.

This is especially necessary for novice doctors with little experience.

On my own behalf, I can also add that, according to my observations, “caesareans” almost always have Apgar scores with a decoding of 8/9. This is due to the fact that they did not experience stress or hypoxia while passing through the birth canal.

Therefore, some expectant mothers want to lie on the operating table for the sake of a good assessment. This should not be done without medical indications.

Chueshova I.V., Vitebsk, Vitebsk, Educational Institution "VODKTs", pediatrician

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, the babies come to see me, and in their statements I always pay attention to the points they received.

I can say with confidence that children with an Apgar score of 7/7 are absolutely no different from children with a higher score.

They all get sick equally often, and their general health depends only on the attitude of their parents towards it.

Gogul L.V., Samara, Maternity hospital in City Clinical Hospital No. 2, obstetrician-gynecologist

Each birth is complex in its own way, and it is impossible to foresee everything in advance and know the result for sure. Sometimes everything happens according to the textbook, and as a result, a wonderful, healthy child is born, then everything is clear without ratings on the scale.

And it happens that the birth is difficult and the child does not want to be born. And once born, he is so weak and tired that he requires additional help from us.

Then there is a need to realistically assess the condition of the newborn using the Apgar scale. This simple method, proven over the years, is widely used all over the world due to its convenience.

An Apgar score is given to every newborn baby in the first minutes of his life. This indicator plays an important role in the further diagnosis of the baby. Next, let’s look at what this scale is and what criteria doctors use to rate it.

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What it is

Many young mothers, when discharged from the maternity hospital, do not know what the “Apgar scale” is and do not understand whether everything is normal with their baby. Let’s try to dispel some myths and figure out what criteria are used to evaluate the health of a newborn on the Apgar scale and what it means.

Important! Since 1952, the concept of the “Apgar scale” has appeared in medicine.

This is an indicator by which the health status of a newborn child is estimated. This term and method of assessment were introduced by a doctor from America.

The abbreviation APGAR has a meaning
, which explains by what criteria the condition of a newborn is assessed on a scale:

  • A (appearance) which translated means “appearance”. That is, according to this criterion, the color of the child’s skin and his general condition are determined.
  • P (puls) is a measurement of heart rate.
  • G (grimace) – facial expression and grimace.
  • A (activity) – mobility, activity, general muscle tone.
  • R (respiration) – reflexes and breathing.

All these indicators allow us to assess the baby’s condition and describe his reaction to the ectopic environment. The scale has 10 points. Thus, the health of a newborn child is assessed from 0 to 10 points.

Since the child is examined twice, two values ​​are entered in the card, for example, 7-8 or 8-9, etc. This indicator should be recorded in which will later be pasted into the baby’s card. The pediatrician needs these numbers to understand the child’s condition.

How are points calculated?

What do the numbers mean? The first assessment is based on the health status of the newborn in the first minute of life, regardless of whether the birth was natural or caesarean section. If the baby does not have any reflexes, then a score of 0-1-2 is given, and resuscitation measures are carried out. After this, a health assessment is carried out again.

As already written above, the examination is carried out in the first and fifth minutes of life. If the last measurement below 7 points according to the Apgar scale, then every five minutes it is necessary to conduct an additional examination to track the dynamics of changes in health. If the condition improves, then there is no reason to worry; if it worsens, additional stimulation and resuscitation are required.

Points are calculated as a whole, based on all five criteria. That is, based on examination of the skin, reaction, facial expression, and pulse rate, the average overall score is determined.

In the first minute, 7-8 points on the scale is considered normal; by the fifth minute, 8 or 9 points is an almost ideal state of health.

According to statistics, children with low Apgar scores very quickly catch up, subject to proper care, feeding, and hygiene.

It is important to feed your baby in the first days . If this is not possible, then doctors will recommend a high-quality adapted formula, which is also rich in vitamins and minerals, like mother’s milk.

Norm and deviations

An apgar score of 10 in the first minute is rare. This result occurs in 15% in the world and 5% in our country. Most common meaning 7-9 points, and such children do not need special activities. Regular care and proper feeding are sufficient.

If at birth no heartbeat observed or the pulse is too slow, there are no reflexes, then no more than 3 points are set. After resuscitation, re-evaluation is carried out.

4-6 points are given to those children who do not respond fully to stimuli with a pulse of less than 100 beats. With massage and proper medical care, the condition can be restored in the first five minutes and assessed at 7-8 points.

If a newborn has a low score at birth, this may mean that in the future it will be necessary to undergo diagnostics of the entire body and prescribe treatment.

Only in this case can one hope for a good prognosis.

Although there are exceptions, when at 1 minute the baby has 3 points, and by the fifth or tenth minute it is already 7, which is considered a satisfactory or even good result.

Most often, poor results are associated With , which occurs during labor.

The pediatrician evaluates the newborn using a scale. The process itself takes literally half a minute and this is enough to test the baby for all reflexes.

Apgar score of newborns in the table

Score/criterion Skin covering Pulse Grimace Activity Reflexes
0 White or blue Missing or barely getting through No reaction Muscle tone is very weak None
1 Pink, healthy, limbs a little bluish Less than 100 beats/minute Grimaces, grimaces Slightly bends arms and legs Weak, slow breathing
2 Completely pink color (most often occurs in children born by cesarean section) 100-140 beats/minute – this is considered the ideal SS frequency Grimaces, grimaces, coughs, sneezes Actively moves limbs, turns head Excellent reflexes, uniform breathing (40-45 breaths), healthy baby cry

Doctors evaluate children based on the presented criteria. For example, when a baby’s all indicators are normal, then for each criterion he scores 2 points and as a result receives 10. Most often, Apgar is 8 points in the first minute in children due to bluishness of the skin. The color darkens a little due to the fact that the water breaks much earlier than the baby is born, so he may not have enough oxygen. If the birth went well and there are no congenital pathologies, then the upper layer of the epidermis turns pink in a matter of minutes. It is because of this that the result is always higher at 5 minutes.

Premature babies always have lower results, and this is not considered a deviation.


Breathing is assessed on the Apgar scale as one of the first, as this is one of the most important criteria for life:

  • If breathing is synchronous and uniform without any interruptions, then a high score is given and the doctor proceeds to measure the pulse.
  • When the baby breathes on his own, but there are interruptions or convulsions, the score is given low, and immediate attention is needed. perform ventilation.
  • If there is no breathing, the child's Apgar score is 0 and resuscitation begins. First, they try to start the lungs using an oxygen bag, but if there are no results, then the newborn is transported to intensive care and connected to an artificial respiration apparatus.

A child may breathe differently. His lungs have not yet developed and it takes time for full breathing. A healthy baby should do on average about 42 breaths.

Heartbeat assessment

There are several methods used by pediatricians to evaluate the heart rate of a newborn:

  • listening;
  • palpation of the cavity on the chest;
  • palpation of the pulse in the arteries.

The doctor performs palpation for 6 seconds and then multiplies the indicator by 10 to get the result in a minute.

The 6 second method is only relevant when the child is breathing smoothly and completely.

Evaluation of the upper layer of the epidermis

If the skin is excessively blue, this indicates a lack of oxygen. In this case, it is necessary to provide the baby with oxygen inhalation until the natural skin color is completely restored.

When the skin is pink or slightly bluish, this is normal. In this case, a score of 7 or more is given on the Apgar scale and the baby is placed on the mother’s chest, or placed on the father’s chest, in case of surgical intervention.

Useful video: what is the Apgar scale


In summing up, it is important to note that the Apgar scale is one of the most important criteria by which doctors evaluate the condition of a child in the first minutes of his life. This does not in any way affect further development, physical or mental development. This is a purely individual indicator that makes it possible to understand the newborn’s reaction to the external environment, outside the mother’s womb.

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The technique, which is intended to determine the main signs characterizing the condition of the newborn, was proposed by Virginia Apgar. She was indirectly related to pediatrics, since she was an anesthesiologist by specialty. Despite this, she managed to develop a universal way of assessing the most important signs of a baby, which received her name - the Apgar scale.

At that time, the question was about the need to find a standardized approach to solving the problem regarding the need for resuscitation measures. This is especially true for the possibility of restoring respiratory function.

Dr. Apgar's idea is to apply the same assessment, but in dynamics, which allows us to give an adequate assessment of the care provided to the baby.

The scale proposed by Apgar includes 5 signs, each of which is determined twice - after the first and fifth minutes from the moment of birth. It is even intuitively clear that the norm on the Apgar scale is a higher number of points.

If the newborn has passed his first exam according to the criteria of this technique, then the evaluation is completed. If the indicator is below seven, further observation is carried out. The doctor monitors the baby’s condition every five minutes, that is, at 10, 15 and even 20 minutes.

Each criterion is scored, and the Apgar score for newborns is presented in table form. When they are summed up, a figure is obtained by which the child’s health is judged.

As a rule, it is sufficient to carry out assessments at the end of the 1st and 5th minutes of life. If the baby has problems, additional assessment is required.

Indicators of the newborn's condition

The main criteria that characterize the condition of a newborn are the following.


Respiratory activity deserves maximum assessment if the number of breathing movements is 40-45 per minute, and also if a loud cry of the baby is heard upon birth.

If at birth he is able to cry, but does not scream, but a trembling of the voice is heard and slow respiratory movements are observed, then a score of 1 point is given. In a critical situation, when there is no breathing and the baby does not make any sounds, the number of points is zero.

Heart rate

When emerging from the mother’s womb, the baby’s heart should beat quickly, since he had to work hard just like his mother. A score of two points is given when the heart rate is 130-140 beats per minute. It is generally accepted that a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute deserves the maximum number of points.

If during intrauterine development the supply of oxygen was insufficient, then slow breathing is observed, and the heart beats somewhat less frequently than normal. The score in this case is 1 point.

In the absence of a pulse, if cardiac activity is at an unsatisfactory level, no points are scored.

Muscle tone

Most often, newborns have increased tone. This is explained by being in the mother's womb in the only possible position. As a result of this, when the baby is born, freedom appears, and he makes chaotic, sharp movements, which indicates satisfactory muscle tone.

If the child keeps his limbs bent and moves only occasionally, then a score of 1 is given. If there is no movement at all, the score is 0 points.


The newborn's unconditioned reflexes are immediately triggered, so he screams or takes his first breath. If they appear immediately, the score is 2 points. If you had to provide assistance and reflexes did not appear immediately, then give 1 point. In the worst case, there are no reflexes - a score of 0 points.

Color of the skin

In the ideal case, when a score of 2 is given, the color of the baby’s skin can be different shades of pink. This fact indicates the normal state of blood circulation.

In addition, the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, palms and feet are examined. If slight cyanosis is observed, then 1 point is given. If the child has a pale or bluish body color, then the assessment is unsatisfactory.

Assessing a newborn using the Apgar score must be done very quickly by the doctor, as delay can be very costly.

With a score of 7 or more, the baby’s health is assessed as good and does not require special care. With 4-6 points, the need for resuscitation measures is not excluded. A total score below 4 requires immediate action to save the infant's life.

The Apgar score for newborns is presented in the table

Estimated parameter Rating scale
0 points 1 point 2 points
Skin coloringAlmost the entire skin is pale or bluish in colorThe surface of the body is predominantly pink in color, the limbs are bluishThe entire surface of the body is pink in color
PulseAbsentLess than 100More than 100
Reflex excitabilityLack of response to insertion of a nasal catheterMild reaction to the insertion of a nasal catheterA clear reaction to the insertion of a nasal catheter: movement, coughing, sneezing
Muscle toneMissing, limbs hangingThe tone is reduced, but there is slight flexion of the limbsActive movements are expressed
BreathAbsentErratic breathing, weak cryNormal breathing, loud scream

How to interpret the score

Let us first consider the best option, when the maximum score is 2 for all signs of the Apgar scale. To receive this assessment, the newborn must breathe independently, and it does not matter how he does it, good or bad. It is important that he breathes.

The heart, when assessed in this manner, should have a beating rate greater than 100 beats per minute, and the arms and legs should be flexed. At the same time, the baby actively screams, sneezes, responds with movements to various manipulations, and his skin is a healthy pink color.

If breathing is spontaneous but irregular, an average Apgar score is given. In this case, the heartbeat can be heard, but it beats at a frequency of less than 100 beats per minute, and the hands and feet are bluish, but the face and body are pink.

In this case, reactions during various manipulations are expressed by inactive grimaces, and the limbs are slightly bent.

In the worst case, no points are added, which means that the baby is not breathing, the heartbeat cannot be heard, and the pose is not typical for a normal state of health (frog pose). In addition, there is a complete lack of reactions to actions, and the skin has become blue (total cyanosis).

By adding up the number of all points given for each criterion, the Apgar score is obtained.

For clarity, let's look at an example. Let's assume that the newborn comes from a difficult birth. At the end of the first minute of life, breathing was weak and irregular. When listening to the heartbeat, it was found that its sound was muffled and the frequency was 120 beats per minute.

The baby is in a semi-flexion position, and when he began to grimace while cleaning his nose and mouth, he received 1 point for this indicator. In this case, a bluish color of the child’s body occurs. When adding up the numbers of the points given, we get a sum equal to 5 points on the Apgar scale.

Doctors took resuscitation measures, and at the end of the fifth minute of life, the child began to breathe regularly, began to scream, and the heart began to beat at a frequency of 150 beats per minute.

Reactions to actions have become active, the child is sneezing, but the previous position has not changed. The color of the newborn's body and face became pink, but the blueness of the hands and feet did not completely disappear. When sequentially assessing all signs, the result is 8 points on the Apgar scale.

This information is valuable for doctors in terms of the ability to assess the health status of the newborn over time, that is, over time. If the number becomes higher, then the child’s adaptation process is proceeding normally, and the actions carried out by medical workers have a positive effect.

To be precise, there is no direct connection between the resuscitation efforts and the Apgar score. The neonatologist has two main tasks: to restore adequate breathing and stabilize the heartbeat.

At the same time, using the Apgar score, it is possible to predict possible pathologies. For example, studies have shown that there is a connection between low scores according to this technique and the frequency of neurotic disorders occurring in the child’s later life.

It is generally accepted that the norm on the Apgar scale for newborns is 7 points or more. As strange as it may sound for amateurs in the field of pediatrics, it is impossible to get the highest score of 10 in the first minute of life.

Even if the child is healthy, then in the first minutes of life the hands and feet of the newborn have a bluish color. Thus, this child can receive no more than 9 Apgar scores. However, it would be wrong to say that he is not healthy.

A similar situation can be observed with a total of 7 points on the Apgar scale when assessing three signs for an average score. For example, let it concern skin color, muscle tone and reflex reactions. In this case, the neonatologist judges by this assessment the child’s condition as completely normal.


For a deeper understanding, here are several examples of assessing the health status of a newborn, which is determined depending on the total score on the Apgar scale:

  • 3-3 - the baby is in critical condition;
  • 5-6 - close monitoring is necessary;
  • 6-7, 7-8 - the state of health is at an average level, careful monitoring is not required;
  • 8-8 - the baby’s health indicators are above average;
  • 8-9, 9-9, 9-10 - considered good condition;
  • 10-10 - not found in medical practice.

You should not take to heart the presence of any indicator that differs from the norm and a score below 7-7 on the Apgar scale. These numbers cannot indicate the presence of pathology or, even worse, disability.

When a baby is born, the points play a certain role, but do not have any impact on the child’s future. To illustrate the situation, you can imagine that the doctor at the reception is interested in the Apgar score, since the child often catches a cold.

This indicator is important only at the time of birth and is necessary in some situations during the first year of life. After some time, these numbers will remain history, like the height and weight of a newborn.

Useful video about procedures with a newborn after childbirth

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