Duphaston during pregnancy: instructions, contraindications and reviews of duphaston. Duphaston during pregnancy - support in the early stages of bearing a baby Why is duphaston prescribed to pregnant women?

Hormonal drugs are widely used in gynecological and obstetric practice. The lack of female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone) is compensated with the help of natural or synthetic analogues.

This allows you to get rid of the manifestations of various gynecological diseases, including endometriosis, tumors, cervical ectopia, etc.

Duphaston during pregnancy

In addition, a significant share in the clinical use of hormonal drugs is their use to prevent pregnancy complications. Most often, the hormone progesterone and its synthetic analogues (dydrogesterone) are used for these drugs.

The original drug containing this substance is Duphaston. This remedy has found wide application in obstetric practice. What is Duphaston used for during pregnancy? How many weeks should you take the drug? What to do if you forgot to take your pill? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.


Modern technologies of biochemical synthesis have made it possible to create a drug that has the positive effects of the natural hormone progesterone, while being devoid of most of the negative ones. Dydrogesterone, contained in the drug Duphaston, became such a drug.

The advantage of the effect of dydrogesterone is its selective effect on the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterine wall). Duphaston causes the following changes:

  1. Promotes the onset of the secretion phase in the endometrium.
  2. Increases the number of secreting glands on the inner surface of the uterine wall.
  3. Increases the intensity of blood circulation in the organs of the reproductive system.
  4. Increases the ability of the endometrium to implant a fertilized egg.
  5. Reduces the excitability and ability to contract the muscle fibers of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  6. Eliminates deficiency of own progesterone.
  7. Reduces the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer with high levels of estrogen in the body.

Such a wide range of therapeutic activity of the drug ensures its widespread use in the treatment and prevention of obstetric complications.


How is Duphaston absorbed by the body? After oral administration, the drug is absorbed in the intestine. It enters the bloodstream, is captured by blood proteins, then distributed throughout the tissues and has a therapeutic effect.

Removal of the drug from the body begins in the liver. A series of biochemical reactions occur here that convert dydrogesterone into inactive substances. After this, the metabolites are filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine.

The time for complete removal of the drug from the body is three days after taking the drug.

Advantages over progesterone

A woman and a doctor often have a choice: to use natural progesterone or synthetic analogues. It is worth considering the specific properties of dydrogesterone, which distinguish it from the natural hormone:

  • The drug, like progesterone, undergoes a number of metabolic changes in the liver, but the number of reactions, and therefore the effect on the organ, is less.
  • The drug does not have a sedative effect, which is characteristic of progesterone. Duphaston can be taken while performing work that requires increased alertness, as well as while driving.
  • Does not affect the function of adrenal hormones, does not change kidney function.
  • The medicine does not affect the thermoregulation center; body temperature remains normal when used.
  • Dydrogesterone does not have the property of causing feminization of women and masculinization of the fetus.
  • In case of kidney failure, it is able to be excreted from the body without causing any additional toxic effect.

These properties of the drug allow it to combine the effectiveness of natural progesterone and get rid of many of the side effects of the hormone.


Why take Duphaston during pregnancy? Obstetricians prescribe the drug during the treatment and prevention of complications of pregnancy. This includes the following indications:

  1. Endocrine infertility is the inability to get pregnant due to low levels of the body’s own hormone progesterone. Under the influence of various reasons, the corpus luteum of the ovary produces a small amount of the hormone during the secretory phase of the cycle, the endometrium is not able to accept the egg, and pregnancy does not occur. Duphaston not only affects the inner layer of the uterus, but also the vaginal epithelium, creating all the conditions for fertilization and implantation of the fertilized egg.
  2. Threatened miscarriage, habitual abortion. These conditions often develop against the background of a lack of progesterone in the body. Whether it is a genetic predisposition, the influence of unfavorable environmental factors or stress, a woman’s body experiences a deficiency of the pregnancy hormone, which is why pregnancy is interrupted in the first trimester.
  3. Menstrual irregularities in the form of absent, small or irregular menstruation. In this case, pregnancy cannot occur due to the inability of the reproductive system to fully ovulate and consistently change the phases of the cycle. Treatment of the pathology is achieved by simultaneous administration of dydrogesterone and estrogen preparations.
  4. Dysmenorrhea is a pathological course of the menstrual cycle, in which on critical days there is severe pain in the lower abdomen. The pathology is often caused by hormonal problems, which are eliminated by taking Duphaston.
  5. Endometriosis is the appearance of the endometrium (cells of the inner layer of the uterus) in various tissues and other organs. This hormonally determined pathology often leads to infertility and also increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Duphaston therapy is often used to eliminate endometriosis.

In addition to the listed obstetric conditions, Duphaston is also prescribed for many gynecological problems: uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, and other hormonal-dependent diseases.


When using the drug, you should pay attention to contraindications to taking the drug. The following conditions are identified in which Duphaston during pregnancy is harmful to the body:

  • Allergy to the components of the product. At the first manifestations (rash, itching, headache, fever) of hypersensitivity, the drug should be discontinued.
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome is a hereditary liver disease, which is accompanied by liver failure, manifestations of jaundice and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rotor syndrome is a mild form of the previous disease.

In addition to these contraindications, there are restrictions under which taking the drug is not recommended, as it can lead to deterioration in the function of the affected organ. Duphaston is harmful under the following conditions:

  • Liver diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Neurological diseases – migraines, epilepsy.
  • Breastfeeding - while taking the drug, breastfeeding should be avoided; dydrogesterone and its metabolites pass into breast milk.

Side effects

If you follow your doctor's prescriptions and there are no contraindications, Duphaston rarely causes side effects. However, individual characteristics of a person’s metabolism can lead to the following phenomena:

  1. Anemia associated with the destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic).
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Headache.
  4. Impaired liver function, leading to jaundice, weakness, and abdominal pain.
  5. Uterine bleeding.
  6. Breast engorgement.
  7. Skin rash, itching.
  8. Swelling of the subcutaneous tissue.

The listed side effects occur extremely rarely, their occurrence should serve as a reason to discontinue the drug.

Release form

The original product containing synthetic dydrogesterone is the drug Duphaston. This medicine is currently available in only one form - film-coated tablets.

The package contains 20 doses of the drug, 10 mg each. The shell protects the drug from the effects of gastric juice. Excipients of the drug are:

  • lactose;
  • hypromellose;
  • starch;
  • silica;
  • magnesium steaterate;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • titanium dioxide.

In case of intolerance to the described components or lactase deficiency, the use of the medicine is contraindicated.

Instructions for use

Duphaston is drunk 2 times a day, the tablet is not chewed, it is correct to take the drug with a small amount of water. The amount of the drug (dosage) depends on the pathological condition and is determined by the doctor. Self-administration of medication can lead to complications.

The doctor will prescribe the required amount of the drug based on the clinical examination, test results and the condition of the patient's body.

Scheme of use during pregnancy

Why should pregnant women take dydrogesterone? Most often, Duphaston should be taken in the early stages in case of a recurrent miscarriage or a history of frozen pregnancy. For these indications, the drug is prescribed even before pregnancy at a dose of 20 mg per day. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day.

If pregnancy occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, the dose is continued at the same dosage. In the first trimester, the product helps maintain pregnancy.

Many people are interested in the question of when to stop taking it. Cancellation of Duphaston during pregnancy most often occurs at 16–20 weeks of intrauterine development. At this time, the woman’s body adapted to the presence of a fetus in the uterus, and the necessary auxiliary organs, such as the placenta and membranes, were formed. It is for the formation of these structures that the drug is needed in the early stages. After 20 weeks, and especially in the third trimester, Duphaston is usually not prescribed.

You can stop taking the drug only after consulting a specialist who will correctly assess the risks and give an opinion on how many weeks you need to take dydrogesterone. The medication regimen is prescribed by the doctor individually.

If the drug has not previously been taken during pregnancy, it can be prescribed for use in the early stages, up to 16–20 weeks. This will allow you to maintain your pregnancy.

An obstetrician-gynecologist must decide whether or not to take Duphaston and what dose should be taken.

Features of use

There are some nuances when using the drug that allow you to use the product with minimal risks. Features of using Duphaston:

  1. It is necessary to be careful when taking the drug together with estrogens. Most side effects occur when the drugs are taken simultaneously.
  2. Breakthrough uterine bleeding that occurs due to taking Duphaston is eliminated by increasing the dose. This complication often needs to be treated in a hospital.
  3. If there is evidence in the anamnesis of the presence of a progesterone-dependent neoplasm, the drug can be prescribed only after a thorough examination.
  4. If the patient has lactase deficiency or galactose intolerance, as well as malabsorption syndrome (reduced absorption of food in the intestine), the drug should be discontinued.
  5. The product should be stored in a dry place at a temperature below 30 degrees.
  6. In case of overdose of the drug, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage. There is no specific antidote for dydrogesterone.

Always consult your doctor before prescribing a regimen, changing the dose, or stopping a drug. It is impossible to reduce the dose without the consent of a specialist. Stopping treatment without prior consultation means increasing the risk of miscarriage.

What to do if the patient forgot to drink Duphaston? It is necessary to take the drug according to the previous regimen. Dydrogesterone is excreted from the body within three days, so missing a dose once is not a cause for concern. You cannot double the dose of the drug, even if the woman forgot to take the medicine several times.


If the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, or she is not satisfied with the price of the drug, the question arises of selecting an analogue of Duphaston.

It is worth saying that today there are no other drugs containing only dydrogesterone. You can replace Duphaston only with natural progesterone, other synthetic gestagens or a combination medicine. Natural remedies containing progesterone include:

  1. Utrozhestan.
  2. Crinon.
  3. Progestogel.
  4. Iprozhin.

Synthetic gestagens, in addition to dydrogesterone, include:

  • Cliogest.
  • Orgametril.
  • Klimonorm.
  • Postinor.
  • Charosetta.
  • Medrogeston.
  • Depo-Provera.

There is a combination drug Femoston, which contains estrogens in addition to dydrogesterone. This combination is often useful in the treatment of gynecological pathologies.

It is impossible to select drug analogues, taking into account the pros and cons, without consulting an experienced specialist.

The threat of spontaneous abortion is a common problem for pregnant girls. The instructions do not indicate how long to drink Duphaston during pregnancy. There are two main reasons for early miscarriage: serious genetic defects in the fetus or progesterone deficiency in the mother. Nothing can be done about the first factor, but the second can be eliminated if you drink Duphaston at the beginning of pregnancy.

The drug is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, the active substance of which is called dydrogesterone. It is absolutely safe for a woman and her unborn child. The hormonal drug does not have the negative effects of natural gestagens, therefore it is often prescribed by gynecologists. The dosage of Duphaston and the duration of its use should be determined by a doctor, otherwise the risk of early miscarriage will only increase.

The role of Duphaston in maintaining pregnancy

Progesterone is an important hormone in the female reproductive system. It begins to be actively produced in the second phase of the monthly cycle, preparing the endometrium of the uterus for fertilization. Thanks to it, the upper layers of tissue thicken and loosen, which allows the fertilized egg to successfully penetrate the wall.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the hormone is responsible for the safety of the fetus, reduces the tone of the uterus, controls its contractions, and increases the nutritional properties of the endometrium.

After the end of the first trimester, the placenta takes over the production of progesterone.

The drug at the beginning of pregnancy and when planning it is prescribed for:

  • elimination of hormonal infertility;
  • treatment of recurrent miscarriage;
  • reducing the risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • treatment of endometriosis;
  • control of ovarian cysts;
  • elimination of amenorrhea and irregular menstrual cycle.
Duphaston restores the amount of progesterone in a woman’s body, which helps avoid fetal rejection during pregnancy. However, uncontrolled use of the medicine can have the opposite effect. Before starting treatment, the patient must undergo an examination that will show whether she needs to take Duphaston.

Duration of admission

How long to take Duphaston during pregnancy and the dosage is determined by the attending physician. On average, during pregnancy you need to take the drug one tablet in the morning and evening. If progesterone deficiency is too high, the dosage may be increased. Sometimes Utrozhestan is additionally prescribed, which is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories and is better absorbed by the body. In case of total hormone deficiency, taking Duphaston is accompanied by the use of estrogens. However, this is only possible at the stage of pregnancy planning. During treatment, you need to make a schedule for taking medications and not miss a single dose.

The instructions say that the approximate duration of the course is from 3 months to six months. However, for pregnant women, the deadline is 20 weeks. This is due to the fact that the need for progesterone is somewhat reduced and the placenta copes with its production. Taking pills in the second half of pregnancy makes no sense. Sometimes patients can complete the course as early as 16 weeks, depending on the results of a hormonal study.

After finishing using Duphaston, it takes some time to stop taking it. This should be done gradually, since abruptly stopping the pills can cause a miscarriage. If a woman’s progesterone level has reached normal, then completing the course will take several days. Taking the medicine, how much to drink Duphaston and its withdrawal are carried out under the careful supervision of a doctor.

Any woman who dreams of being a mother, but due to some physiological characteristics cannot become one, is in a stressful state. This further depresses her reproductive system and delays the long-awaited pregnancy. That is why researchers around the world are deeply studying the issue of infertility and developing new drugs to solve this problem.

Such a drug is Duphaston. With the help of this medicine, doctors help women who zealously fight for the right to be a mother become pregnant and bear a baby.

Information about Duphaston: composition and its positive properties

The main active ingredient of Duphastoan is dydrogesterone. One dose tablet contains 10 or 20 mg of Dydrogesteronum. This is a synthetic analogue of the female hormone of the reproductive system - progesterone, which ensures the successful implantation of the egg and “protects” it.

Just a few years ago, synthetic hormones were produced in ampoules and used intravenously. Such treatment during pregnancy frightened many women. Now the drug is tableted and in a convenient blister; it is easy to take orally while at home. In addition, dydrogesterone acts directly on the uterus.

Indications for use of Duphaston

The reason for prescribing Duphaston is any disorders caused by luteal insufficiency. Normally, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum until the 16th week. Then the placenta produces hormones. If this process is disrupted, Duphaston is prescribed. It delicately enters the bloodstream and performs its functions.

But not every spot in the early stages of pregnancy needs to take Duphaston. There are many other factors that can lead to miscarriage or miscarriage. That is why it is necessary to approach the issue comprehensively: take tests for hormone levels, smears for hidden infections, and exclude other pathologies.

Important! Taking Duphaston after 20 weeks for prevention is not advisable.

Disorders that are regulated by hormone replacement therapy with Duphaston include:

  • Threatened abortion (uterine bleeding from the genitals, acute abdominal pain).
  • Endometriosis (if it existed before pregnancy).
  • The onset of pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Placental abruption.

Contraindications and side effects of Duphaston

The main contraindications for taking Duphaston during early pregnancy:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to dydrogesterone or other components of the drug.
  • Severe liver damage of a non-inflammatory nature.
  • The presence of progestogen-dependent cancer tumors.

All medications cause a number of unwanted reactions in the body. Fortunately, such unpleasant “surprises” happen quite rarely. What side effects does taking Duphaston cause when there is a threat of miscarriage in the early stages? And what do women most often complain about?

Duphaston during early pregnancy causes the following side effects:

  • Strong headache.
  • Changes in the breasts as a result of an excess of hormones in the blood.
  • Exacerbation of chronic liver diseases.
  • Various allergic reactions.

If at least one of the symptoms occurs to a pregnant woman, she should consult a doctor to review the dosage or replace Duphaston with another drug.

The main question that worries expectant mothers is: does Duphaston affect the development of the child? Many studies conducted over several years have proven the absence of a negative factor for both the mother and her baby. The synthetic hormone does not cause fetal malformations. A child born from a mother who took Duphaston has no disturbances in metabolic processes and no neurological pathologies. It belongs to a new generation of hormones that do not affect weight, changes in voice timbre and hair growth.

Features of the use of Duphaston: dosage, duration of use and discontinuation of the drug

The first trimester is the most dangerous and responsible period. If something threatens pregnancy, then first of all you need the correct course of treatment and compliance with all the doctor’s instructions, who will tell you how to take Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy. Each woman is given an individual pill dosing regimen.

Important! You cannot change the treatment regimen on your own, reduce or increase the number of tablets you take, skip a dose, or cancel Duphaston yourself. This behavior can lead to miscarriage and severe bleeding!

Threatened abortion. Immediately prescribe 40 mg of dydrogesterone at a time, and then 10 mg every eight hours. After the threat disappears, take an effective dose for 7 days and then begin to reduce it.

Habitual abortion. Duphaston is started before pregnancy at a dosage of 10 mg in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. After conception, the drug is not discontinued. Duphaston is taken during early pregnancy, in a dosage taking into account the condition up to the 20th week of pregnancy.

Particular care must be taken when discontinuing the drug. As a rule, the dose is reduced by 5-10 mg every week; in some cases, take 1 tablet every other day, then half a tablet, etc.

Important! Only your doctor can decide exactly how to reduce your dosage!


What a expectant mother who is taking Duphaston needs to remember:

  1. Duphaston temporarily performs the duties of some functions of your reproductive system, thereby maintaining pregnancy.
  2. Only a gynecologist decides how to drink Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy.
  3. Duphaston has very few contraindications, and side effects occur in isolated cases.
  4. Independent withdrawal of the drug is unacceptable.
  5. In the presence of hormonal disorders, Duphaston is prescribed at the planning stage.
  6. It does not harm your unborn baby.

In the absence of pregnancy or problems with miscarriage, women are often prescribed hormone replacement therapy.

Duphaston, a drug that replenishes, is responsible for the onset of pregnancy and the creation of optimal conditions for the further development of the fertilized egg.

The “pregnancy hormone”, progesterone, is responsible for preparing the endometrium of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. Almost the entire first trimester, enzyme production occurs due to the enzyme, which ensures the vital activity of the zygote.

Starting from the second trimester, the production of progesterone becomes one of the main tasks of the placenta. It turns out that the enzyme is necessary for the body throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

The hormone also plays an important role during conception, since the onset of ovulation depends on it. Thanks to progesterone, the muscles of the uterus relax, and it does not interfere with embryo implantation.

Therefore, it is so important to eliminate enzyme deficiency before conception and monitor its concentration during pregnancy if the woman has previously been diagnosed with miscarriage.

To compensate for the deficiency of the hormone, drugs were created that completely replicate the composition of the enzyme. Among them is Duphaston, a synthetic analogue of progesterone.

The drug is available in the form of coated tablets. Each form contains 10 mg of dydrogesterone, the active substance. In the list of auxiliary ingredients you can read about the presence of lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, corn starch. The shell consists of hypromellose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol.

The drug goes on sale in cardboard packs containing a blister with 20 tablets.

Currently, there are several progesterone analogues. Why is Duphaston preferred in some cases?

When comparing the characteristics of this drug and, for example, the disadvantages and advantages of both drugs become clear:

  • Plant raw materials are used to produce Utrozhestan. The drug is a natural analogue of the enzyme, in contrast to the completely synthetic Duphaston. The structure and composition of Utrozhestan are identical to the hormone produced by the woman’s body.
  • The naturalness of Utrozhestan sometimes becomes a disadvantage, since the drug has a negative effect on the functionality of the liver and is contraindicated in diseases of the organ.
  • Unlike Utrozhestan, the synthetic analogue is considered practically harmless and can be safely taken during pregnancy.
  • Utrozhestan is available in capsule form, which can be taken intravaginally or orally. Duphaston is produced only in tablet form, which can make it difficult to take the drug in case of severe toxicosis.
  • Taking Duphaston does not cause side effects, such as drowsiness, irritability, or a constant feeling of weakness. But Utrozhestan has virtually no effect on weight.
  • While Utrozhestan can be used in exceptional cases while breastfeeding, Duphaston is prohibited, since the drug easily penetrates the mammary glands and is present in milk.

The doctor decides which progesterone analogue will be effective based on the woman’s medical history and depending on the course of pregnancy.

Planning pregnancy with Duphaston

Duphaston tablets are often prescribed. The drug is quickly absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract.

The maximum concentration of the enzyme in plasma is observed 2 hours after administration.

A special regimen has been developed according to which it is recommended to drink Duphaston, just at the stage of pregnancy planning, in order to ensure sufficient levels of progesterone.

During this time, take 1 tablet of Duphaston daily. If necessary, the dosage of Duphaston can be increased.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, it is necessary to continue treatment for six months and only after that plan to conceive. This also applies to preparation for in vitro fertilization.

Before the course of treatment, a woman must undergo an examination to determine the level of progesterone in the middle of the 2nd phase of the cycle.

In order for the blood sample test to be accurate, you need to know when she ovulates. To do this, it is recommended to monitor your basal temperature.

If you have irregular periods, it is advisable to take blood samples twice to determine progesterone. The analysis will allow you to clarify the dosage of the drug and make the necessary changes to the dosage regimen.

Pregnancy with Duphaston occurs after 3-6 months of treatment.

The drug is taken every cycle, starting immediately from the 1st day following ovulation.

If pregnancy does not occur, after the next ovulation it is necessary to continue the course of treatment until conception occurs.

Stop taking it only after the arrival of menstruation, making sure there is no pregnancy. If a delay occurs, the drug should be continued, as abrupt withdrawal provokes.

If pregnancy has not occurred within a year after the first course, treatment tactics should be changed, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out, and a different progesterone analogue should be used. Cancellation of Duphaston in this case does not pose any danger.

During conception and normal progesterone production, the dosage of Duphaston should be reduced smoothly. How exactly the drug should be discontinued is decided by the doctor based on the tests of the pregnant woman.

Most often, taking the hormonal drug continues until 18-20 weeks, when the placenta has developed sufficiently and can independently supply the body with the enzyme.

Prescription of Duphaston for threatened miscarriage

In the early stages of pregnancy, progesterone deficiency may begin. In this case, it is recommended to take Duphaston to maintain pregnancy and maintain the level of the required enzyme.

How to take Duphaston during pregnancy?

The drug is prescribed according to individual indications. Typically, the dose is 10 mg per day. But in special cases, the dosage can be increased to 30 or even 40 mg.

To prevent the death of the fetus, it is necessary to inform the doctor about nagging painful sensations at their first appearance.

  • with endometriosis - growth of the endometrium of the uterus beyond its limits;
  • for infertility associated with progesterone deficiency;
  • with frequent miscarriages due to progesterone deficiency;
  • if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • with irregular periods;
  • in the presence of premenstrual syndrome;
  • with uterine dysfunctional bleeding;
  • with primary and secondary aminorrhea.

As hormone replacement therapy, Duphaston is prescribed for hormonal imbalance caused by decreased ovarian functionality, as well as in the absence of the corpus luteum.

The drug can be used prophylactically if a woman has a history of.

Duphaston is also used in the treatment of ovarian cysts. Progesterone is produced in small quantities by the adrenal glands, so if their functionality decreases, Duphaston can be used to adjust hormonal levels.

Personal experience

I took Duphaston twice - it was prescribed to me during my first and last pregnancy. The first time I was prescribed it was at almost 13 weeks. There were no special instructions, but due to past unsuccessful experiences, the doctors simply played it safe.

I read somewhere that the drug can cause miscarriage in the late stages. This is wrong. I took the course until the 20th week inclusive. A friend was also prescribed Duphaston until the 27th week, because... the fetus was positioned incorrectly and blocked the bottom of the pharynx. In each case, the appointment is individual. I took 2 tablets for the first month, then 1 tablet. The drug is expensive, so they allowed me to reduce the dose, and there was no need to take it so often.

In the second case, I voluntarily refused Duphaston. By this time there are already three children. I didn’t want to stuff the fetus with various hormones, especially since there were enough vitamins. They prescribed it to me as an additional complex. I just didn’t want to take hormonal pills. From 6 to 13 weeks, as the drug was prescribed, I took regular folic acid instead.

As far as I remember, Duphaston can be prescribed to those who are at risk of miscarriage. It’s a pity that I didn’t take it when I really needed it. Therefore, girls, be careful and attentive to your health and what is prescribed to you.

Tatiana, 29.

Contraindications for use

Duphaston is safe for the developing fetus, but the drug has side effects that lead to discomfort for the woman:

  • on the ingredients included in the drug;
  • increased destruction of red blood cells;
  • migraine;
  • a slight decrease in liver functionality, manifested by jaundice of the skin and mild pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium;
  • breakthrough bleeding that disappears with increasing dosage of the drug;
  • high sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • hives;
  • peripheral edema.

Is Duphaston harmful?

Contraindications to taking Duphaston are lactation and hypersensitivity. The drug is prescribed with caution if there is skin itching or allergies during previous pregnancies, since sometimes Duphaston can provoke Quincke's edema.

Treatment with Duphaston allows a woman to conceive a long-awaited child and eliminate the threat of spontaneous abortion at an early stage. However, if there are significant side effects, you should consult a gynecologist who will prescribe a different progesterone analogue.

Is it possible to overdose on duphaston during pregnancy? What are the main indications for the use of this drug, and when should it not be taken? Such questions should be examined in more detail.

Features of the drug

Duphaston is a gestagen; it contains an active substance called dydrogesterone. It has no side effects, it does not have anabolic, androgenic, or estrogenic effects. This medicine is used for replacement therapy. Disintegration of active drug substances does not have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Its effectiveness occurs without additional disruption of the menstrual cycle, without suppressing ovulation. It follows from this that there is no harm to the body during pregnancy. The effect of the drug begins a few hours after use. The release form is round tablets. Color white.

Taken orally with plenty of liquid. Reception is carried out regardless of food consumption. If one dose is missed, you are not allowed to take a double dose the next time to make up for the miss. If several doses of medication are prescribed during the day, they should be divided into equal intervals.

When is the drug prescribed?

During puberty, medication is prescribed for the treatment of dysfunctions of the menstrual cycle, to eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, for uterine bleeding, and for irregular menstrual cycles.

The main indications for use are:

  1. Dysfunctions in the menstrual cycle.
  2. Development of endometriosis.
  3. Signs of dysmenorrhea.
  4. Problems with conceiving a child, caused by a lack of lutein.
  5. If there is a lack of progesterone, which negatively affects the course of pregnancy, there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  6. Lack of progesterone and, as a consequence, the occurrence of recurrent miscarriage.
  7. The appearance of premenstrual syndrome.
  8. Uterine bleeding.
  9. Prevention of endometrial wall hyperplasia during menopause.

During menopause it is used to treat endometriosis, treatment of hormonal imbalances and uterine bleeding is carried out. It is the main means for carrying out replacement therapy in case of hormonal imbalance.

Side effects

Reproductive system organs: possible bleeding, pain in the mammary glands. The following side effects often occur:

  • severe headaches;
  • nausea;
  • menstrual dysfunction(scanty discharge, heavy discharge, no menstruation or too long).

Average response frequency:

  • the appearance of depression;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • weakness or malaise;
  • rashes on the skin accompanied by itching;
  • weight gain.

With infrequent reactions, symptoms such as anemia, hypersensitivity, and Quincke's edema appear. If there is a side effect, therapy is stopped.

When medicine is not prescribed

The main contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • contraindications to treatment with estrogens in complex therapy;
  • vaginal bleeding, the cause of which has not been established;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • presence of tumor-like processes;
  • increased susceptibility to the active substances of the drug.

Features of use during pregnancy and lactation

Duphaston is prescribed during pregnancy if there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion
, to premature birth, placental abruption.

During lactation, there is no data on whether dydrogesterone passes into breast milk. The danger to the baby is unknown, so the drug is prescribed with caution and is taken under strict medical supervision.

Some nuances of reception

Before starting treatment with Duphaston, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of bleeding. Sometimes, for the first time after starting treatment, bloody or spotting discharge may appear. If such symptoms appear in the middle of the course of therapy or at the end of therapy, this is a signal that you need to be examined, since during this period the drug cannot cause discharge.

If necessary, a biopsy is performed to exclude pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

When should treatment be stopped

Termination of the course of therapy is possible if the following situations occur:

  • the appearance of intense headaches, migraines, signs of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of symptoms indicating the presence of blood clots in the veins.

If a threat of risk of miscarriage is diagnosed, and the drug is not suitable for treatment, it is recommended to replace it with other drugs that do not contain similar substances.

Sometimes during therapy, disturbances in the functioning of the liver appear., sometimes clinical manifestations are intense. Therefore, duphaston is prescribed with caution and under strict medical supervision in those patients who have a history of liver disease. In parallel, it is recommended to systematically monitor biochemical blood tests; if signs of severe liver dysfunction are detected, therapy should be discontinued.

If breakthrough bleeding occurs, it is recommended to increase the dosage of the drug, so that such signs can be prevented or stopped.


An overdose of duphaston during pregnancy is only possible if the doses are too high. However, at the moment there are no cases of overdose with duphaston.

The drug is extremely toxic
. But since no cases of overdose have been recorded, it is assumed that in case of an overdose, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and lethargic sleep may occur.

In case of overdose, no specific treatment is required. Symptomatic measures and gastric lavage are carried out. There is no specific antidote.

The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children. All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor, as side effects may occur. And treatment under the supervision of a specialist will help avoid consequences. All therapy measures are prescribed taking into account the patient’s condition, the individual characteristics of her body and the stage of advanced disease.