Knitting slippers with two knitting needles with a description and diagrams. Japanese footsteps with knitting needles: master class. Instructions for creating the most common model

Hand-knitted indoor slippers will be especially warm and cozy for you and your family. Agree that a thing that is done with your own hands is saturated with positive energy and warmth of the craftswoman. Every novice knitting needlewoman can easily make slippers for the whole family with her own hands.

To help knitters, this article was created, in which you can find free patterns for high-quality knitting of warm and cozy slippers with knitting needles for beginners and experienced craftswomen, descriptions for them, as well as educational video tutorials. Look through all the options presented, choose the one that appeals to you, and you can begin to "conjure" over the knitting needles and the ball.

Lazy option for knitting slippers with knitting needles with patterns

The photo shows a model made with two knitting needles, which can be knitted not just by beginner knitters, but even by those who have just picked up knitting needles and mastered the technology of knitting face loops. To carry out this version of home shoes, you don't need to know anything else, that's why they are called "lazy", since you don't need to apply special efforts and knowledge to perform them. Watch the next master class and see for yourself. At first glance, these house slippers do not look very attractive, but they look pretty on the leg.

Step-by-step master class with description and photo

The entire product is made in garter stitch (all stitches in all rows are knit). Cast on 14 sts and knit 14 rows. Then pick another 14 sts on the knitting needle (= 28 sts).

Assembling the product: to collect the lazy slippers, see the following step-by-step photos.

You can change the size of the product by using a larger or smaller set of loops.

A quick and easy two-spoke design

Knitting slippers on 2 knitting needles is a quick and interesting process. Moreover, if the model of room shoes is original and unusual. Take a look at the next photo.

How do you like these "slippers-gnomes"? They can't help but like them. And working on their creation is a sheer pleasure. They fit in one go. During the evening, you can accurately perform a couple of such tapotule, and maybe two. This model will look very bright and fun if you knit it from multi-colored threads, at the same time there will be a use for the rest of the yarn. You can decorate the slippers with pom-poms, tassels or knitted appliques.

They are created in a similar way, and try to knit them yourself!

Introductory information needed for everyone

Product size: 35-37. Foot length: 22 cm. For knitting you need 100% wool yarn (36 m / 100 g) - 100 g, needles number 10.

Knitting density: 8 sts of pearl pattern = 10 cm wide.

Pearl Pattern:

1 row: * 1 persons., 1 N. *, repeat from * - *.

Row 2: knit with knit on purl loops and purl on purl loops.

3rd and all subsequent rows knit as 2nd row.

Additions: perform additions by faces. work side by doing 1 yarn over. In the next row, knit a yarn over the back wall.

Step-by-step instructions with a description of the work

Knit in straight and reverse rows, starting from the toe. Leave the end of the thread for sewing the slippers with a length of about 30 cm during the set of loops.

On the needles, dial 8 sts. Knit the 1st row (out. Side of the work) with the front stitches and continue working, performing the additions in the next row as follows (see description above): 2 persons., 1 yarn. 4 persons., 1 yarn. 2 persons. (= 10 p.). Tie 1 row on out. side with front p. Next, perform additions in the next row in this way: 4 persons., 1 yarn over. 2 persons., 1 yarn, 4 persons. (= 12 p.). Link 1 out. row of front sts. Continue working on all loops with a pearl pattern.

Knit the product to a height of 9 cm. Then dial 9 new sts at the end of the next 2 p. (= 30 p.). Continue knitting on all loops with a pearl pattern. At a height of 21 cm, knit the next person. a row in this way: 9 persons., turn the work, knit a reverse row. Then close the 1st 21 sts (= 9 sts on the needle). Knit 2 rows on these loops and finish knitting.

Having mastered this simple knitting technique, you can move on to something more complex. For example, try tying.

How can you assemble the finished product yourself

Assembling the product: stretch the thread through 8 sts of the typesetting row, pull off the sock and sew the product edge to edge along the central upper part of the leg, leaving an open section 6 cm long from the top. Next, sew the edges of the slippers together along the center of the back, edge to edge.

Wonderful Japanese Method Product with Photo

Looking at the next photo, hardly any of you will remain indifferent to these wonderful slippers.

This model is linked by Japanese technology. Read the description and look at the step-by-step photos. Everything is pretty simple and straightforward. Knitting such a model of indoor shoes is a fascinating process, and the result is obvious.

Description of knitting for beginners needlework

Cast on 40 stitches on the needles with a thread in 2 additions and knit with an elastic band 2x2 18 cm.

Then knit 20 rows straight. Close the hinges.

From the other edge of the elastic, raise 40 sts on the needles and knit garter stitch with decreases in the same way as on the opposite side. You will get such a detail.

Fold the finished knitted part in half and sew on the sides (where the elastic is 2x2).

Final result:

If you do not know how to make a gift for children, read - you will definitely like it!

We create children's slippers for an interesting lesson for everyone

Knitting children's slippers can be turned into real magic that will happen in front of your beloved child's eyes. Not just a knitted fabric will come out from under the knitting needles, but a cute and beautiful mouse or hare, and maybe even a pig. "How?" - you ask. It's very simple. The next master class will tell you how to knit such shoes in the form of animals.

The description is given for such "mouse slippers", but if you wish, you can decorate them to match any other animal. Believe me, your child will wear such indoor shoes with great desire and pleasure.

Product size: 25-26. For work, you need wool / acrylic yarn - 100 g, the rest of the yarn for decoration, knitting needles No. 3, hook No. 3.

Detailed MK for beginners in knitting

  1. Cast on 28 sts on the needles and knit with an elastic band 1x1 (* 1 persons., 1 out. *) 4 cm (= 12 rows).
  2. Next, knit the product. satin stitch.
  3. To form a heel, divide the work into 3 knitting needles (on the outer knitting needles 10 sts each, on the center knitting needles - 8 stitches).
  4. Next, perform only the middle part, knitting at the end of each row on each side the last loop together with the 1st st of the extreme knitting needle, thereby gradually reducing the number of loops from the extreme knitting needles.
  5. When turning the work, you do not need to knit the 1st p. Of the middle part, remove it like an edging. Thus, knit until there are no loops on the outer needles.
  6. Next, knit in a circle: on one knitting needle there are 8 sts, on the 2nd knitting needle from the side of the elastic, raise 10 sts, on the 3rd knitting needle, dial 10 additional sts, on the 4th - 8 sts from the side rubber bands.
  7. Knit the product further in circular rows of faces. loops 6 cm.After 6-7 cm, perform 2 sts together at the beginning of each knitting needle.
  8. When there are 1 sts on the needles, knit them together. Cut the thread and fasten to the wrong side. side of work.
  9. Crochet the eyes and nose with matching threads.
  10. For knitting ears, dial 3 air. etc. and knit as follows:
  11. 1 row: 2 tbsp. b / n.,
  12. 2nd row: 3 tbsp. b / n.,
  13. 3rd row: 4 tbsp. b / n.
  14. Sew on the ears to the slippers.

Small "mouse slippers" are ready not only to warm up the baby's foot, but also to play with it.

Video tutorial with diagrams

These simple and affordable models of home slippers may appear on your shoe shelf. And if your household is faced with a choice about which sneakers to give preference to - factory or knitted by your hands, then the answer to this question is obvious. So hurry up to please your most dear and beloved people with a beautiful, convenient and warm gift - watch our video tutorial and start working miracles!

Easy implementation of "knitted" ideas for you!

Cute and cute slippers will not only complement your wardrobe, but they can also be presented to family and friends. To make them, you only need knitting needles, and of course threads - you can't go anywhere without them. It is advisable that the person knows the basics of knitting with knitting needles. You can take the threads that have already been left.

To get an idea of ​​how to use knitting needles with your own hands, the latter should be 2, but some craftswomen use more, for example, 5. You have both options in front of you, and you yourself choose which one is the easiest for you.

They are considered the easiest knitting needles for beginners. They are seamless and don't take too long to create. We select knitting needles straight or circular - whichever is more convenient for someone. The only difference is that in the second version you will need a product. Even a novice needlewoman can easily make footprints with her own hands.

Knitted footprints

You should know that before starting the process, you need to measure the foot, and then decide on the basis of it with the number of loops. In this case, the resulting number must be odd.

It will be like this:

  1. We collect as many loops as necessary.
  2. For the first row, use a 1 by 1 elastic.
  3. We divide the loops into 3 parts, i.e. left side, right and middle. For the latter, 3 loops are needed. Otherwise, the pattern will be asymmetrical. We knit the middle like this: yarn over, then front loop, yarn over again. We knit the rest of the parts with an elastic band.
  4. How to knit odd rows, the instructions will tell you. The thing is that we knit the third row, 5th and the rest of the odd ones up to the 17th in accordance with the pattern. In the previous row, we had a yarn over. It must be knitted like a purl.
  5. Selecting the middle again. We knit it using alternation. We knit everything before and after it according to the pattern.
  6. We make all even rows as the fourth.
  7. In row 17, all loops are facial.
  8. 18 knit along the seamy pattern.
  9. At 19 we begin to do the heel. A master class of knitting footprints will help you with this. First, the front surface, before the middle part, decrease (1 loop). The middle loop is the front loop. Then another 1 decrease. We turn the canvas with the reverse side. We knit 2 loops with a purl, 1 with a purl and subtract with a purl.
  10. In accordance with this scheme, we knit rows. 2 sides should remain on the needles. Those. the back part is formed.
  11. On the back of the sneaker, you need to lift it at the seam of the loop. Using subtractions, we connect the heel.
  12. This is how we made our own slippers. It remains to decorate it a little. We take a hook and knit half-columns along the edge.
  13. Making the second slippers.

Knitting slippers with stocking needles for beginners is actually not as difficult as it might seem. Do not be afraid, you just have to try, and everything will work out. Especially if a person has just begun to master this type of needlework, he does not quite understand how to independently knit slippers with knitting needles. Craftswomen advise to create at least 1 item. Even if it is not as expected, you will gain experience. And over time you will be able to create something more beautiful and more complicated. Here's an example to get you started.

Slippers knitted with knitting needles

We knit slippers with knitting needles for foot size 38:

  1. Create the item starting at the heel. If it's a little unclear, just look at the photo. We cast on 24 loops, throwing 6 pieces on the stocking needles.
  2. Next, the hosiery is applied. In this way, we make 22 rows.
  3. We will now shape the heel. It will be like knitting socks.
  4. We remind you that the needlewoman should know the basics of knitting. If you do not know how to knit slippers with knitting needles, then check out the separate articles on these topics.
  5. We leave in the work the loops that are on two knitting needles. If you remember, we left just 6 loops. They need to be placed on one knitting needle.
  6. We knit the heel to the required height.
  7. Next, we perform the sides step by step. First, we take the loops that remain on the sides and knit 12 loops.
  8. Then we knit all the loops in stockings.
  9. In this way, we produce 10 more rows.
  10. Now we add 10 stitches in the next row.
  11. We throw the loops over the knitting needles.
  12. We make the fabric to the required height in stocking knitting.
  13. Then we reduce the loops for the cape.
  14. To do this, we step back from the heel 20 cm.
  15. The scheme of decreasing is as follows: we knit two types, we make one decrease 4 times, then we subtract until the last loop remains.

To decorate knitted slippers, you can make cuffs. How do you make them? We stretch the loops around the edges and knit with an elastic band. You can also embroider some flowers or another pattern on the slipper. Schemes for decoration can be seen in the photo below.

Knitting patterns

Sew fur, ribbons or lace on the cuff. Well, or whatever your imagination tells you.

Knitting for younger students

Audience: the master class is designed for classes with third grade students.

Knitting "Slippers". Master Class

Target: knit slippers.

Tasks: instill an aesthetic taste; develop motor skills, an eye; educate accuracy.

Course of the lesson


Cheerful brothers in the hallway live

Welcome guests are eagerly awaited.

Such fluffy paws -

Cozy, soft ... Slippers.

Neither old nor young can do without these shoes. Comfortable, soft, warm slippers give us comfort and relaxation after a busy day. Slippers can be knitted with your own hands. They are knitted on two knitting needles with a single piece and then sewn together. This work will not take long.

Step-by-step workflow

1. For work, prepare: yarn, knitting needles, threads, scissors, buttons.

2. Sole: cast on 26 stitches.

3. 1 row - knit all the loops behind the back walls.

4. 2 row and all even rows - knit all loops behind the front walls.

5.Row 3 - knit stitches, add one stitch at the beginning and end. Figure 5a: grab the horizontal loop with a knitting needle, pull it out and knit. Figure 5b: the next loop is knitted at will: it can be behind the back walls or behind the front ones. The needle has 28 stitches.

Rows 5-14 - repeat Rows 3 and 2.On the needle 38 stitches

7. 15 and 16 rows - knit with front loops.

8. 17 row - knit with front loops, at the beginning and at the end of the row, knit 2 loops together with front loops. The needle has 36 loops.

9.Rows 19-28 - Repeat Rows 17 and 18. On the needle 26 sts.

10. Up: continue to knit row 28: cast on 8 loops - these are heel loops. There are 34 stitches on the needle.

11. 29 row and all odd rows - knit with front loops.

At the beginning of the row, add 1 loop. The needle has 35 loops.

30 row and all even rows - knit with front loops.

12. Rows 31 - 39 - Repeat Rows 29 and 30. On the needle 40 sts.

13. 40 row - close 18 loops and knit with front loops.

14. 41 row - knit with purl loops.

Row 42 - knit with knit stitches.

15.43 row - knit with purl loops and cast on 18 loops.

44 row - knit with front loops. There are 40 stitches on the needle.

16. 45 row - knit with the front loops, at the beginning of the row, knit 2 loops together with the front loops. There are 39 stitches on the needle.

46 row and all even rows - knit.

17. 47 - 55 Rows - Repeat Rows 45 & 46. Needle 34 sts.

18.56 row - close the loops.

19. The first canvas is ready.

20. Take a button and sew on.

21. Sew on the front side.

22. Sew seams on the heel on the wrong side.

23. The first slippers are ready. The second knit the same way.

24. The work is done.

25. Slippers can be knitted not only for adults, but also for children.

The work of the guys.

Knitting along with sewing is one of the types of needlework that allows you to make almost any piece of clothing with your own hands. You can tie as well as light. But, besides this, with the help of ordinary threads and knitting needles it is not at all difficult to make even shoes - for example, cozy and soft slippers.

We offer you a master class for beginners, on the basis of which you will learn how to knit house slippers on two needles. It takes very little time and requires minimal skills - in particular, the ability to knit front and back loops and tie the product with a "crustacean step". This method is much easier than knitting with four or even five knitting needles, and is perfect for beginners in this type of needlework.

Master class for beginners "How to knit slippers on two needles"

  1. We need threads of two colors, two knitting needles, a crochet hook for tying the finished product and scissors. As for the threads, it is better to use wool, acrylic or a mixture of these for slippers. The thickness of the threads will depend on how thick you go to see the slippers. As a rule, they are worn mainly in winter, so it makes sense to take medium-thick threads, as well as knitting needles and a hook that fit them in size.

  2. Cast on two knitting needles 10 loops, and then carefully pull out one knitting needle.

  3. Knit 16 rows with knit stitches exclusively. Such a knitting is called a garter knit - products made using this technique do not curl and are quite dense, which is important for slippers knitted on two knitting needles. The density of knitting should be such that the result is a 6x6 cm square. In the future, when knitting, be guided either by the number of rows or by the length of the product in centimeters.

  4. Now cast on the knitting needle 19 more loops. They should all be the same size and density - this skill is achieved by practical experience.

  5. Work 16 more rows or 6 cm.

  6. Bind off 9 outer loops from the left edge of the product.

  7. And on the right side, on the contrary, make an increase of 9 loops.

  8. Work 16 more rows for 6 cm and bind off.

  9. Tie a symmetrical piece for the second slipper.

  10. Initially, slippers on two knitting needles are knitted without a seam, but then with the help of a hook the edges of the product are tied with the so-called "crustacean step". To do this, fold the blank as shown in the photo.

  11. Start tying: with threads of a different color, connect the two edges on the front side of the slipper. This is done like this: while pulling the thread through both loops, lay the single crochet stitches, while moving from left to right. First, tie the sock of the sneaker.

  12. Then crochet the main part of it by bending the corresponding part of the workpiece.

  13. And, finally, we proceed to sheathing the heel of the product with a crustacean step.

  14. Smoothly go around the heel and tie the tongue.

  15. Last but not least, the back of the slipper is finished.

  16. This is what the finished product looks like - a knitted slippers made on two needles.

  17. Connect the second workpiece in the same way. A pair of slippers is ready!

  18. As you can see, you can knit slippers on two knitting needles very quickly. Experimenting with colors and shades, you can achieve different results: slippers in pastel colors look very different than those made with contrasting threads.

Please your loved ones with creative handicrafts made by yourself - these slippers can be a nice gift for friends and relatives.

Cute house slippers can be knitted with knitting needles from any yarn. In winter, it is better to take a woolen thread, and in the summer you can make slippers on two knitting needles Lilac from cotton. Many people wear shoes with heels - make a present for your favorite feet - knit the footprints. We have prepared 4 different options for you, simple and difficult, so that you can choose the best for yourself.

Lovely pink slippers are knitted from thick woolen yarn. The diagrams are given for three sizes: 22 cm. Foot length - size 35/37 (a), 24 cm. Foot length - size 38/39 (b), 26 cm. - 40/42 (c). We knit on two knitting needles, the third - additional - is needed for the "braid" pattern. The main knitting is shawl (knit).

For work you will need:

  1. Thick semi-woolen yarn (50% wool, 50% synthetics) 100 g / 100 m - 1 skein.
  2. Knitting needles 5 mm thick.
  3. Add. knitting needle for a pattern.
  4. Circular knitting needles for convenience (optional).
  5. 2 pins.

Knitting density: 10/10 cm = 13 p. / 26 rows. Knitting patterns for the left slipper - pattern A 1, for the right sneaker - pattern A 2. The pattern depends on the size.

Left slipper

We start knitting slippers on two knitting needles with the left slipper. We cast on 6 mm needles - 36/38/40 loops - for a / b / c product sizes. Distributing the loops over the knitting needle, knit 4 cm in garter stitch. Next, we will knit only on the first 11/13/13 loops, while the remaining 25/25/27 sts are removed for additional stitches. knitting needle. While we do not touch this part of knitting, we are working with the first loops. Next, we knit these separate first loops (the top of a slipper with a pattern) like this:

  • 1st row: knit 11/13/13.
  • 2nd p: add 2 loops, it turns out 13/15/15 sts with knit stitches.
  • 3rd p: add 2 more loops, we get 15/17/17 sts of persons.
  • 4th p: we knit according to figure A1 with edge loops, that is, 1 chrome. n., figure A1, 1 chrome. NS.

Thus, we knit according to the scheme until we reach a height of 6.5 / 9 / 9.5 cm. We knit the last row so as to make 4 decreases. We should get 11/13/13 p.

Now is the hardest part. We have loops for extra. knitting needle, and the upper part of the product. Then we raise the loops of the sides of the top of the slipper, on the one hand - 12/14/16 p., And on the other side of the top another 12/14/16 p. Together with the loops with additional. knitting needles should turn out to be 60/66/72 p. It is most convenient to knit further on circular knitting needles, in the absence of knitting on ordinary additional knitting needles. cn.

Next, we take measurements. Take 1 pin, and mark the toes with it, mark the middle of the heel with the second pin. We knit 2 cm. Knit, and begin to subtract one loop on both sides of each pin (knitting two stitches together.). That is, in each p. we subtract 4 p. We make subtractions until we reach the height. 5/5/6 cm. Close the hinges.

The second, right slipper, we knit in the same way as the left one, only knit the top of the slipper according to scheme A 2. Sew the seams on the foot of both slippers. That's all.

It is a good idea to knit slippers out of squares. Knitting is fun, knitting slippers can be made in one evening, sitting in front of the TV, or listening to good music. Cute indoor slippers tied with a simple grain and rice pattern will keep your feet warm and add comfort. Slippers on 2 needles, crochet trim. At the end of the work, the parts are sewn together, as in the diagram. Size 36-39.

For work you will need:

  1. Thick yarn Pingouin (50 g / 34 m.) 30% wool, 70% acrylic - 2 balls of black and orange.
  2. Needles 4 mm thick.
  3. Hook 4 mm thick.

We knit strips in garter stitch: 2 rows of black yarn, 2 p. orange We knit the main details with the "rice" pattern and the "grain" pattern. Pattern density: 10/10 cm square = 15 p. / 15 p.

1st p .: 1 cr., 1 person., 1 out., 1 sheet., 1 out., Etc.
2nd and 4th p.: How the mating looks.
3rd p .: 1 cr., 1 out., 1 sheet., 1 out., 1 sheet., Etc.

The second name of this pattern is pearl, here the faces simply alternate. and out. loops.

  • Cast on 15 sts on the needles and knit 10 cm. 2 squares A with grain pattern with orange yarn. We thread the loops, do not close the loops. This is necessary for the flexibility of the seam.
  • Cast on 15 sts on the needles and knit 1 square B with a "rice" pattern with orange yarn. We knit 10 cm. We also thread the thread in p., And do not close the knitting.
  • Nabr. 15 p. And knit 1 square with a "rice" pattern, black. We knit 10 cm, not closed. knitting - threading.
  • Cast on 2 times in 15 sts and knit 2 times in 10 cm 2 squares D in black garter stitch. Do not close the knit - thread the thread.
  • We knit 2 squares. E with garter stitches in two colors. (We collect 15 points, we knit 10 cm each). Not closed. knitting - threading.

We collect the squares, following the scheme. For the top of the slipper, sew side C with side D. After the slippers are sewn, on the sides of the squares E, crochet with crustacean step with black yarn. Rach step: we do RLS, but from left to right, and not vice versa. We knit the second slippers like the first. Knitted slippers are ready. Both one and the other slippers are sutured, that is, sewn from squares.

Home slippers with knitting needles are a comfortable and necessary thing. Such beautiful knitted slippers can be machine washed, they are comfortable and beautiful. Good for a gift, and for yourself, your beloved. A simple option for knitting slippers for beginners. The slippers are decorated with crocheted flowers and embroidery with woolen threads. There is a bead decoration. Product size - from 36 to 40.

Beginning of work

For work you will need:

  1. Medium thickness yarn (for example "Violet" - 3 strands).
  2. Remains of wool for embroidered flowers.
  3. Beads of different sizes.
  4. Needles 4 mm thick.
  5. Flower hook 2 mm.

We begin to knit the base of the sneaker. We cast on the knitting needles 34 loops.

  • 1st p: 1 chrome., 32 persons., 1 chrome.
  • 2nd p .: 1 chrome., 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons., 1 chrome.
  • 3rd - 34th rows:

Odd rows - as 1st p.

Even rows - as 2nd p.

35th p .: 1 chrome., 11 persons., 1 add (knit from 1 st. - 2), 8 persons., 1 add, 11 persons., 1 chrome.

How to make from one loop - 2 loops - add 1 person. tilted to the left.

36th p .: 1 chrome., 10 persons., 1 out., 12 persons., 1 out., 10 persons., 1 chrome.

37th p .: 1 chrome., 34 persons., 1 chrome.

38th - 63rd:

Even rows - as 36 p.

Odd R. - like 37 p.

64th - 72nd - elastic band 1 person / 1 out.

Do not close the hinges, leave the tail. Where there was a number of increments - the place where the foot expands.

We start with a sock. Pull the remaining ponytail through the loops on the last row. Pull the thread and secure it by tying a knot (Photos 2 and 3). Then sew the part that is knitted with an elastic band + 8-9 more rows (Photos 4 and 5).

You can make the footprints deeper, or smaller - it all depends on the number of main loops you have typed. Focus on the width of your feet.

Then we move on to the heel. Thread a thread through the middle of the beginning of our knitting (side A), and pull this middle part. And 2 parts next to each other (B and B) are sewn with a neat seam (Photo 7, 8, 9).

Thus, it turns out here such a slipper-sock.

Close the chain of 4 VP half-columns into a ring. From the same loop, knit a trace. chain. from 4 VP, closing the half-pillar in a ring (Hook in the 1st p. chain). Thus, make 4 petals. As a result, the connection. 4th and 1st petal conn. pillar.

You can decorate your slippers in any way, it all depends on your imagination.
For warmth, felt or leather insoles are sewn on.

Beautiful, cozy slippers with knitting needles with a pompom can be knitted on 5 knitting needles, without a seam. Footprints are knitted quickly, they do not need to be sewn at the end of knitting. A very simple master class: "Knitted slippers with a description" - attached. It is especially relevant for beginner knitters.

For work you will need:

  1. 5 knitting needles 4 mm thick.
  2. Medium thickness yarn (Troitskaya - 2 strands).

Knitting density: 10/10 cm = 20 p. / 24 p.

We will make such tracks in the same way as a sock is knitted.

We collect 32 loops on the knitting needles.
1st p .: all facial.
2nd p .: 10 front, 1 out., 10 y., 1 out., 10 people.
3rd p .: how the mating looks.
4th p .: as 2nd.

For those who have never knitted socks on 5 knitting needles - we give a description of how to make a heel. Or maybe they knew how before, but forgot the details - let's refresh our memory. We begin to form the heel from the 16th row. For a beautiful heel, you need to tie 10 faces. (This is the side), 1 out., 10 persons., 2 together out. (This is the central part). In the 16th row, we attach 1 p. Of the side. We turn the work.

Starting from 17 p. We continue to knit only the center of the heel (central part - 12 sts), attaching 2 side parts to it in the course of work.

So, 17 p .: 1 p. Remove, 10 persons., 12th p. Center. h. remove, 1st p. lateral h. knit. persons., we transfer the shot to the knitted one. Then repeat the 16th and 17th p., Gradually attaching 2 side parts. It turns out that in int. rows of last p. center. parts + first p. side part - knit 2 together worn out. And in persons. rows - the last p. center. h. remove, without knitting, 1st p. lateral h. knit persons., and transfer the removed p. to knit.

Now there are 12 stitches left on the spoke. h. Next - dial 10 points along the edge of the side h. (Look at the photo).

We turn the part over to the other side. We knit all the sts of the side ch., The central ch., Then we dial 10 sts along the edge of the other side ch. We should have 32 sts on the needles (see the photo).

We continue to knit with the front ones. Purl p. - 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons., 1 out., 10 persons. Facial p. - facial. We knit to the bone on the leg, beautiful faces are obtained on the sole. pigtails. Tied to the bone, at the end of the faces. row we collect 8 loops on the knitting needle, we close the knitting round.

We distribute all the loops on 4 knitting needles, knit garter stitch in a circle. before our little finger closes.

1st knitting needle: 1 persons., 1 we remove persons., 1 persons., We transfer the removed one to the knitted one, then - all the front ones.
2nd knitting needle: all stitches until 3 sts are left on the knitting needle - knit (two stitches together, 1 sts.).
3rd spoke: same as 1st.
4th: as 2nd.

We knit a spout, cutting a st. Through a row., Then in each row, until it remains on each. knitting needle 2 loops. We connect all the sts. Fold the knitting needles in parallel, and remove 2 together. Stretch the last p. Inward, and strengthen with a knot.

We decorate the slippers with pompoms.

The video shows a story about how to knit simple slippers very quickly.