Choosing a paint to update your suede shoes. How to paint suede clothes

You are very fond of soft, beautiful and comfortable suede suede, but you don't know how to paint suede that has lost its color? It is because of this that many refuse to buy gloves, bags, suede shoes, not to mention raincoats, jackets, sheepskin coats.

Let's try to understand whether your fears are justified or not.

First, you need to define the concept of "suede". What kind of material is this?

Suede is leather that is saturated with the fats of raw hides. In the store you can find suede, which is made of lamb, deer, goat, cow skins. You can also find products from the skins of antelopes, chamois, wild goats.

Suede, which is natural, is distinguished by its strength, softness, porosity, velvety. It is waterproof. Products made from this material look very expensive and effective. But this material is finicky and requires constant care.

What should be done if your things have lost their former appearance? How to paint suede at home?

I would like to immediately notice the fact that it is very difficult to paint suede without streaks, therefore, many of the owners of products made from this material prefer to contact specialized enterprises. For example, in dry cleaning they willingly accept suede things for painting. They will gladly take sheepskin coats, jackets, raincoats, black or brown boots for painting. But not everywhere they will take colored things for painting. Therefore, you have to correct the situation yourself.

So, here are some tips for you.

Wool dye is a good option for dyeing suede items. Before you are going to paint, the suede thing must be well cleaned of dirt and dust. To do this, you need to prepare a special soap solution of water and ammonia. The solution must be prepared in a ratio of 4 to 1. This mixture is rubbed into the item with a rubber brush and a sponge. Then we rinse the product in cold water, polish with a dry, lint-free soft cloth and keep it over steam for several minutes. Sprinkle greasy spots with talcum powder.

After the product is ready, we dilute one sachet of paint for one and a half liters of boiled water in an enamel bowl. In accordance with the instructions on the packet, add the vinegar. The temperature of the solution that we have prepared should not be more than 50 degrees. Rub the resulting solution into the product 3-4 times with an interval of 15-20 minutes. After the thing has been painted, we wipe it with 1-2 percent vinegar and rinse it with running water. Once the clothes are dry, they will be as good as new again.

This was the easiest and cheapest way to dye suede items. But there is another way.

How to paint suede with special products?

Now in the store you can find many different products for dyeing suede. These are special aerosols, liquid paints, balms, spray guns. The dyes that make up these products penetrate deeply into the structure of the skin and color it evenly.

You must remember that suede products require regular and thorough maintenance. Therefore, when buying a beautiful and very effective suede thing, remember that it is necessary to take care of it from the very first day.

Few, and not every city has them. And those that exist are not always endowed with the necessary equipment. Suede conservative colors (, brown) are much easier to paint, and they are more willing to take it. The situation is more complicated with colored things. If you wish, you can repaint in the same brown. Sometimes this is the only salvation for favorite spoiled things.

For dyeing suede garments, wool dye is a good option. Remove dust and dirt before starting work. If it is heavily soiled, wash it with a 4: 1 mixture of water and ammonia, or with a soapy solution with the same ammonia. Rub the solution with a rubber brush or sponge and rinse immediately in cold boiled water. Then polish the suede with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth and steam for a while. Sprinkle talcum powder on greasy spots before main cleaning. To paint suede with the above method, dilute 1 sachet of the product in one and a half liters of distilled or boiled water in an enamel bowl. Then, following the instructions, add the vinegar. Then start rubbing the prepared solution into it. The liquid temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. Do a similar procedure 3 - 4, or even more times with an interval of 15 - 20 minutes. At the end of staining, wipe the item with a 1-2% vinegar solution, rinse with running water and dry.

Now the stores sell a huge amount of means for dyeing suede leather, differing from each other in the method of application, price and quality. These include: special aerosols, spray guns, balms - reducing agents and liquid paints for renewing suede. The dyes included in their composition penetrate deeply into the structure of matter and provide it with a stable and uniform color. Suede sprayers achieve a good result. Brush the surface and spray the product at a distance of 20 cm. The device is very convenient to use and dries quickly. For liquid paints, press the bottle with a sponge down to the product and apply the product evenly to the area to be treated. Be sure to clean the suede before any kind of dyeing. As you can see, there are a lot of tools and methods for dyeing suede nowadays. You just need to choose them correctly and apply them correctly. The main thing here is not to miss the color, otherwise you can get an unpredictable result for you. Returning the original look to suede products is problematic. Heavy dirt is usually not completely stained. Even a special suede brush will not help you here. Therefore, it would be easier and more correct to carefully look after them from the first days of purchase.

Useful advice

Do not dry suede clothes on a battery. It is better to purchase special dryers for them. Dry the suede with a porous or rubber brush. Apply impregnation sprays. Avoid getting suede leather in contact with water.


  • Librarian. RU

The main difficulty when painting a fence with a spray gun is the cracks in the fence. If you use a roller or brush, you don't have to paint over them or paint only the inner corners of the boards.

With a spray bottle you can accidentally strip everything that is on the other side. Since fences usually share lots with houses, you can ruin your relationship with if you don't follow the guidelines.

1. Get permission to go on the other side of the fence. This is usually not difficult if you explain what you are going to do and.

2. Hang it on the side of the fence opposite the one you will paint, thin. Secure them with thick tape. Run your hand over the tape so that it adheres well.

3. Place a regular rag underneath the part of the fence that you will be painting. Move the rag as you paint the fence sections.

4. Put on a respirator before painting. Even working on, you should not breathe from the spray bottle.

5. Paint your side of the fence with long, even spray from a spray bottle. Paint along the boards - vertically if they are standing, and horizontally if they are horizontal.

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Shoes Are shoes that are always very effective and beautiful. Many people are faced with the problem of caring for her. Most often, shoes are tinted to completely change the color, and sometimes - to update it a little.

You will need

  • - spray paint;
  • - brush;
  • - polyethylene film;
  • - latex gloves.

Suede is a leather made from various types of skins (deer, elk, goat skins and others), processed by the fat-tanning method. Suede is velvety, porous and soft. Despite the fact that suede products look impressive, they need to be carefully looked after, as this is a very “capricious” material.

When a thing made of this material loses its former beauty, it needs to be updated. Suede things can be painted, but it is better to contact specialists for this, the fact is that they are reluctant to paint such products. Therefore, this article will provide detailed instructions for painting suede yourself at home.

There are several methods that people use to dye suede garments. The most popular way is dyeing with a special wool dye.

Of course, before you start painting, you need to thoroughly wash and clean the suede product. But you need to wash it not just with water, but with a special soap solution, but it is composed like this: 4 parts of soapy water and 1 part - ammonia. Then you need to carefully rub the solution with a sponge. Then you need to rinse the product in cold water and wipe it with a lint-free cloth, standing over the steam. And oily stains need to be sprinkled with talcum powder.

After drying the product, you need to dilute the paint in boiled water, add vinegar to it (in accordance with the requirements indicated on the package). Please note that the water should not be hotter than 50 degrees! Several times (3-4) you need to rub the solution with paint into the product with an interval of 20 minutes. After drying - wipe with 1% vinegar solution, rinse with cold water. This method is used to dye both shoes and clothes (you can even dye a jacket). This is the easiest and most inexpensive method for dyeing suede garments at home.

Dyeing suede on your own using special products

Today in stores you can find many different products for dyeing suede products at home. These are aerosols, paint-creams with a sponge or balms. Due to the deep penetration into the pores of the skin, the dyes of these materials give the products a long-lasting color.

Attention should be paid to spray guns for painting suede leather, as this is the easiest way to paint suede shoes.

How to dye suede shoes? The instructions will be given below.

  1. Brush the surface of the skin;
  2. Spray the product at a distance of 20 cm from the item;
  3. Leave to dry;
  4. Repeat if necessary.

The main advantage of spray guns is that the paint dries quickly and is very easy to use.

You can also paint suede shoes with liquid paint. Instructions on how to paint suede shoes with liquid paints:

  1. Thoroughly clean shoes from dirt and dust;
  2. The main thing is to firmly press the bottle to the suede shoes with the sponge down;
  3. Squeeze out the right amount of paint on the thing;
  4. Spread evenly over the shoes.

The most important thing in painting suede shoes, and suede products in general, is to clean things made of suede leather, choose the right dye color, and remember that no paint will return the original look to suede things, because some stains are not completely painted over. And you should not dry your suede shoes on a radiator; it is better to purchase special dryers for these purposes. Also, do not forget to impregnate suede leather with impregnation, which can now be bought in almost every store.

It is necessary to carefully care for suede things (especially shoes) from the very first day of wearing. Then the purchased items will delight you for a long time with their showiness and beauty!

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How to paint suede

You are very fond of soft, beautiful and comfortable suede suede, but you don't know how to paint suede that has lost its color? It is because of this that many refuse to buy gloves, bags, suede shoes, not to mention raincoats, jackets, sheepskin coats.

Let's try to understand whether your fears are justified or not.

First, you need to define the concept of "suede". What kind of material is this?

Suede is leather that is saturated with the fats of raw hides. In the store you can find suede, which is made of lamb, deer, goat, cow skins. You can also find products from the skins of antelopes, chamois, wild goats.

Suede, which is natural, is distinguished by its strength, softness, porosity, velvety. It is waterproof. Products made from this material look very expensive and effective. But this material is finicky and requires constant care.

What should be done if your things have lost their former appearance? How to paint suede at home?

I would like to immediately notice the fact that it is very difficult to paint suede without streaks, therefore, many of the owners of products made from this material prefer to contact specialized enterprises. For example, in dry cleaning they willingly accept suede things for painting. They will gladly take sheepskin coats, jackets, raincoats, black or brown boots for painting. But not everywhere they will take colored things for painting. Therefore, you have to correct the situation yourself.

So, here are some tips for you.

Wool dye is a good option for dyeing suede items. Before you are going to paint, the suede thing must be well cleaned of dirt and dust. To do this, you need to prepare a special soap solution of water and ammonia. The solution must be prepared in a ratio of 4 to 1. This mixture is rubbed into the item with a rubber brush and a sponge. Then we rinse the product in cold water, polish with a dry, lint-free soft cloth and keep it over steam for several minutes. Sprinkle greasy spots with talcum powder.

After the product is ready, we dilute one sachet of paint for one and a half liters of boiled water in an enamel bowl. In accordance with the instructions on the packet, add the vinegar. The temperature of the solution that we have prepared should not be more than 50 degrees. Rub the resulting solution into the product 3-4 times with an interval of 15-20 minutes. After the thing has been painted, we wipe it with 1-2 percent vinegar and rinse it with running water. Once the clothes are dry, they will be as good as new again.

This was the easiest and cheapest way to dye suede items. But there is another way.

How to paint suede with special products?

Now in the store you can find many different products for dyeing suede. These are special aerosols, liquid paints, balms, spray guns. The dyes that make up these products penetrate deeply into the structure of the skin and color it evenly.

You must remember that suede products require regular and thorough maintenance. Therefore, when buying a beautiful and very effective suede thing, remember that it is necessary to take care of it from the very first day.

How to paint suede

Products made of suede, be it shoes, bags or gloves, look very good and not cheap. Also, touching the soft, velvety surface of suede gives pleasure. But many refuse to purchase suede products, because it very quickly loses its former appearance. Some time after use, the suede becomes dirty and starts to shine. Suede products are very capricious and require constant care. In addition, suede can be dyed to return things to their original appearance.

  • - soap;
  • - ammonia;
  • - talc;
  • - paint for wool;
  • - vinegar.

It is very difficult to color the suede in moderation, therefore, first, take the product to a dry cleaner. Maybe they'll start painting your suede clothes. Dry cleaners occasionally take colored suede products for painting. Most likely, a dry cleaner will take up dyeing brown and dark suede clothes, or they will offer to repaint your colored thing in the same dark or brown.

In order to paint the suede without the help of others, the product must be previously cleaned from dirt and dust. Take soapy water and ammonia, mix in a ratio of 4 to 1. Rub the resulting mixture with a rubber brush into the surface of the items. Then painstakingly rinse the product in cool water and wipe with a soft, lint-free cloth. Hold the product over steam for a couple of minutes. If there were greasy stains on the suede, dust them with talcum powder.

In an enamel bowl, dissolve one packet of wool dye of a suitable color in 1.5 liters of boiled water. Add vinegar to the mixture, according to the annotation. The solution should not be hotter than 50 degrees. Rub the purchased solution into the product, leave it for 15-20 minutes so that the solution is absorbed. Repeat the function 3-4 times.

Then wipe the product with 1-2% vinegar and wash it under running water, leave to dry.

A more common method for dyeing suede is the introduction of special dyes produced by the chemical industry, in the form of aerosols, liquids, balms, spray guns. Apply sparingly to the surface of the suede garment and let it absorb. High-quality suede coloring agents dry quickly, do not stain and give a positive result. If a suede product is very worn out, even painting is unlikely to return it to its former beauty. Therefore, for things made of suede, constant and painstaking care is needed, from the very first day after purchase.

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  • Stylish and very beautiful suede shoes require special and regular care. Otherwise, it very quickly loses its attractive appearance. But do not be upset - having studied in detail how to touch up and update suede at home, you can quickly solve the problem.

    Suede shoes are popular with both women and men.

    Not everyone knows that suede is divided not only by the quality of manufacture, but also by the season of wear. Summer shoes, as a rule, are made of thin suede with a short velvety pile. Winter suede boots are characterized by a denser texture of the material. Appropriate care is also applied by the type of suede. The most common cause of rapid wear and tear is improper care and use of boots, shoes or boots out of season. Suede absolutely does not tolerate moisture. Suede shoes quickly lose their appearance if the size is chosen incorrectly. Suede is a soft material, so it deforms easily and loses its shape. Correct and regular maintenance is a guarantee that suede shoes will last a long time. It is important to remember that suede does not like water, so the most correct care is dry reading with the use of special suede shoe care products.

    How can you repaint suede shoes in a different color?

    When choosing paint in a store, be sure to consider the quality of suede processing. For winter boots, the suede of which has a coarse pile, it is better to choose a cream paint. It is applied with a special brush that allows you to evenly paint over the pile. Thin, delicate suede of women's shoes needs a special, more accurate dyeing. For these purposes, the best option would be to buy paint in the form of a spray.

    How to dye your shoes at home. Choosing a professional paint correctly.

    To achieve high quality suede repaints, the correct dye must be used. Several factors affect the choice of the coloring composition:

    • Paint release form. Coloring cream or powder dyes suede better and stays on the surface longer. The spray allows you to repaint shoes, boots or boots in a matter of minutes.
    • Properties of the selected tool. When choosing paint for suede shoes, you should pay attention to properties such as moisture resistance and the ability to repel dirt from an already painted surface.
    • The shade of paint is an individual choice of the client.

      The main thing to remember: the darker the color of the paint, in comparison with the shade of the shoes, the better all flaws and defects will be hidden.

    • Cost and manufacturer of paint. Of course, everyone starts from personal financial capabilities, but it is always worth remembering that good paint cannot be cheap. And it is better to choose the goods of those manufacturers who have already managed to establish themselves on the market with a positive side.

    How to dye suede boots

    Winter suede boots feature a dense texture

    To maintain the attractive appearance of suede products, they must be tinted. You can tint suede at home in the following way:

    • It is necessary to purchase a spray paint for suede of the desired shade. You may also need polyethylene, rubber gloves and a brush in the work.
    • Before dyeing shoes, cover the table surface with polyethylene, and protect your hands with gloves.
    • The surface of suede boots must be thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dried.
    • It is necessary to apply spray paint with smooth, gentle movements. Better to start with a less visible area of ​​the shoe.
    • After the boots are completely dyed, they must be left to dry completely.

    How to dye leather shoes

    In order to qualitatively repaint leather shoes, you must adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

    • Before dyeing shoes, they must be thoroughly cleaned of various contaminants.
    • It is important to dry your washed shoes well.
    • The leather surface must be degreased by wiping it with alcohol or ammonia.
    • Apply paint to the prepared surface with a brush or a small piece of foam rubber. The paint must be gently rubbed in with gentle movements, starting from the toe and ending near the heel. Particular attention must be paid to the joints with the sole.
    • An already repainted shoe or boot is left to dry for a while. Important: drying should take place in a warm room, away from heating appliances, avoiding direct sunlight.
    • For the purpose of additional protection from moisture and dust, already dyed shoes are covered with special protective equipment.

    Using the same sequence of steps, you can repaint or update your leather jackets.

    How to paint your sneakers

    The traditional white color of sneakers loses its attractive appearance very quickly. To quickly restore the original color, sneakers can be painted over. Before dyeing the suede in white, it must be well cleaned and degreased. The sole must be protected with tape, the laces must be removed. Water-based paint or spray paint is best for white sneakers. The coloring composition is applied with light, quick movements. After completing the work, the sneakers must be allowed to dry thoroughly.

    You can paint the heel in the desired color using a special spray paint

    How to dye your heels or shoe soles

    Scratches on heels or soles can ruin the look of your shoe very badly. But it will not be difficult to paint the flaws of the house if you adhere to some simple rules:

    • You can tint the heels or the soles of shoes with special paints - aerosols, which are sold in a large assortment in hardware stores.
    • The paint will lay flat when applied to the prepared surface. The heel or sole must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and degreased with a solvent.
    • The color of the heel or sole will be richer if you apply the paint in several layers.

    How to dye suede shoes at home using wool dye

    When thinking about how to dye your shoes, it is always worth remembering that dyeing suede is a difficult task that requires certain skills, patience and accuracy. But with a little effort, you can achieve good results. The dyeing of shoes will delight you with its quality if you use ordinary dye for woolen products.

    Before dyeing suede shoes, boots or boots, they must be thoroughly wiped with a solution of soapy water and ammonia (proportion 4: 1). With its help, any dirt and dust is easily cleaned. Then the shoes are rinsed in cold water and polished with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth.

    If there are oily stains on the suede, you can remove them with talcum powder.

    It takes a little time to prepare the coloring powder for work. The dry powder is diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions. In order for the paint to adhere better to the surface, a few drops of vinegar are added to the ready-made composition. Shoe painting takes place in several stages: first, one layer of paint is rubbed in, after which another layer of dye composition is applied a. Already painted suede is wiped with a 2% vinegar solution, after which it will acquire its original appearance for a long time.

    How to care for suede shoes. Secrets of experienced housewives

    Even the highest quality footwear made from expensive materials loses its original appearance. What if your favorite shoes are worn out? Is it worth trying to recolor them and what to use for this? What are the features of repainting leather, suede and rubber products? To dye shoes yourself or is it better to entrust this matter to specialists? As you can see, quite a few questions arise, and in this article we will try to fully clarify the situation.

    We paint shoes at home

    It is quite possible to cope with repainting old shoes on your own, the main thing is to choose the right product. And for this you need to take into account the following points:

    1. Release form.
    2. Properties.
    3. Tint.
    4. Manufacturer.
    5. Price.

    Draw your attention to! All of the above points are of great importance, so by no means ignore any of them. Otherwise, you may get something completely different from what you wanted, or the painting will turn out to be unreasonably expensive.

    We will tell you in detail how to choose a coloring agent, taking into account all these factors. First of all, decide on the form of release. So, powder paint or cream gives a more lasting result, because it penetrates deep into the material of the shoe. Easier to use sprays let you get the job done in minutes and effortlessly. It is very convenient to paint nubuck, suede and other fleecy surfaces with such paints.

    The most important indicator of the quality of a coloring agent is its properties (on which, first of all, the cost depends). Before buying paint, ask about its moisture and dirt resistance. These characteristics are very important - they determine how long the result will last. Too cheap paint will quickly come off the shoe, revealing all the flaws on it. And then your efforts will be meaningless.

    As for the shades, this is a matter of personal taste. But at the same time, you need to take into account one detail - if you want to paint the shoes in the same color, select the paint half a tone darker. This will help you easily mask any flaws.

    Manufacturer and cost are categories that are determined by financial capabilities. Also, the degree of trust in the brand also affects the choice, so read reviews from other buyers. Paints from manufacturers: Salamander, Twist, Saphir, Salton have earned a good reputation. But this does not mean that quality products cannot be found among other brands. For example, you can pay attention to domestic dyes. They are much more affordable in price, but in quality they may not be inferior at all.

    Useful advice! If you are dealing with smooth skin and the blemishes are minor, try a less drastic way to get started. For example, buy a good cream of the right shade and treat your shoes thoroughly. It is quite possible that this will be enough to return the beautiful appearance of the shoe.

    Preparing shoes

    In order for the dye to evenly distribute and hold for a long time, the surface of the shoes must be cleaned as best as possible (remove dust, dirt, wax or cream residues). In addition, it must be completely fat free. For this purpose, it is better to use special cleaners that usually come with the coloring agent. If such a cleaner is not available, you can make a cleaning compound from what is at hand. So, dirt can be easily removed with a regular soap solution. Add a little ammonia to it and treat the shoes well with a rag.

    When the shoes are cleaned, do not rush to paint. Let your shoes dry properly. But it is not recommended to place them near a battery or heater. Otherwise, they can dry out, crack or change their shape.

    Painting rules

    To make the procedure go without problems, and you get the expected result, adhere to a few simple rules:

    • Think in advance where you will dye your shoes. This should be done away from small children and food, because dyes for shoes have a very strong odor. If possible, process your shoes outdoors or on the balcony. If you have to do this in a room, do not forget to properly ventilate the room.
    • Protect the floor with paper or plastic wrap, as it will be very difficult to clean the paint later.
    • Be sure to wear gloves - the paint must not come into contact with the skin!
    • Before getting down to business, carefully read the attached instructions.
    • Select paint application tool in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. This can be a sponge, brush, or paintbrush.
    • The dye should be applied in a thin layer, evenly.
    • After completing the procedure, carefully inspect the shoes to make sure there are no missing areas.

    Shoes cannot be worn immediately after painting. It takes a while for the dye to absorb and dry completely. It is usually indicated in the instructions.

    How to dye suede shoes?

    Suede shoes or boots are very stylish, elegant and rich. But nothing is eternal, unfortunately, this also applies to suede. It fades over time, loses its color, noticeable scuffs appear on it.

    Special dyes for suede will help to restore beauty to your favorite shoes. Dye the suede shoes following the rules above. It is necessary to carefully process the entire surface of the shoes, trying not to miss the slightest area. Glossy and worn places need to be given special attention and additionally processed with a small brush.

    How to dye leather / leatherette shoes

    With leather shoes, usually no problems arise - smooth materials lend themselves well to painting. Any dye on such a surface lays down evenly and is well absorbed.

    Depending on the situation, the shoes can be repainted completely or just tinted individual areas.

    Before partial painting, it is advisable to glue the outline with paper tape so that the lines are even.

    Dye for leather shoes usually has a creamy or liquid consistency, so for convenience it is better to pour it from a bottle into a wider container and stir. When applying paint, treat the seams and joints on the shoes with extreme care.

    Try to complete the procedure quickly, do not get distracted or take breaks. Otherwise, divorces may remain. If you need to hide many defects, the painting can be repeated (but only when the first layer is completely dry).

    Shoes that have dried after dyeing must be softened. To do this, it is treated with cream or wax.

    Can rubber be painted?

    Rubber boots are designed for rainy weather. Their main function is to keep moisture out. It is rather difficult to repaint such shoes. But if you try, you can get rid of minor imperfections and give the boots an original look. For these purposes, enamel or acrylic paint is suitable.

    Preparation for painting will not take long. Just wash your shoes with water and dry them dry. Alcohol, like leather, should not be treated - it can damage the rubber.

    If you want to decorate your boots with an interesting pattern, make or purchase a stencil.

    Dyed boots should dry well. Therefore, they should not be worn for the first few days.

    Nubuck shoes

    Nubuck shoes are elite. It is soft, lightweight and comfortable. Moreover, it is very durable and strong. But over time, even expensive nubuck loses its original appearance.

    Competent painting will help prolong the life of your favorite shoes. Spray paint works best for this purpose. It is important to take into account such a moment - the dye cannot be sprayed directly near the shoes, otherwise the shade will turn out to be unnatural. Therefore, cover the floor with plastic, put on old clothes and spray paint at a distance of at least 20 cm.

    Painting heels and soles

    In your daily rush, it is difficult to protect your shoes from damage, which is why obvious scratches are often left on the heels. Soles wear out even faster - a little time passes and noticeable abrasions appear on them. Fortunately, such problems are being resolved very quickly today. It is enough to purchase a special dye, and the defects will be reliably masked.

    First, the surface is thoroughly cleaned from dirt and degreased. If you want to achieve a rich black shade, the previous paint layer must be removed with a solvent. If the shoes are white, then you don't have to.

    The dye is applied in a thin layer, if necessary, paint in two layers. It is advisable to varnish the heels of patent shoes after painting.

    That's all. Buy quality shoes, keep an eye on their appearance, and your image will always impress.