Pregnant woman's health. Pregnancy: Nervous System Changes

Pregnancy brings about significant changes in your body. Many of these changes are caused by hormones.

Human gonadotropin, which we have already discussed, is secreted by the developing placenta and ensures that the female ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Estrogen helps to thicken the uterine lining and improve its blood supply, as well as the development of the lactiferous ducts. Progesterone not only relaxes the uterus, preventing it from contracting excessively, but also releases relaxin, a substance that softens the ligaments, cartilage and cervix, allowing them to stretch during childbirth.

In addition to hormonal changes, there are others. Your entire body is rebuilding, mobilizing all the forces so that you can give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

Some changes are also observed in the genitals of a pregnant woman - the large and small labia of pregnant women acquire a bluish tint. There may be secretion from the vagina, sometimes profuse. The biggest changes take place in the uterus, in which your baby develops and grows stronger over the course of 9 months.

Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs about 40-50 g and has a length of 7-8 cm.By the end of pregnancy, its weight is on average 1 kg, and the length from the neck to the bottom is 40-50 cm.

The growing uterus gradually leaves the pelvic area and pushes other organs away. This explains most of the ailments - such as indigestion, constipation, varicose veins, shortness of breath.

Preparation for breastfeeding should not begin after childbirth, but immediately after you find out about your pregnancy.

Big changes are taking place with your breast, and this is not surprising, because it is on her that for several months, or even a whole year, the main function will be assigned - feeding the baby. The breast increases significantly in size, the areolae become dark brown. The blood supply to the nipples also increases - you may notice that when in contact with something, they protrude faster. Around the third month of pregnancy, a few drops of future milk can be squeezed out of the breast - yellow colostrum. Now is the best time to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding, as often mothers are forced to transfer babies to artificial feeding due to the fact that they did not take care of this in time. And how many babies are deprived of the most important and wholesome food - mother's milk! Read below for information on what steps you need to take so that you can breastfeed your baby.

Share YOUR thoughts and concerns with your husband to help you cope with this transition. Remember that he is the father of the child and, just like you, worries about your baby.

Along with physical changes in the first months of pregnancy, mental ones are often observed. You notice that you have tears in your eyes for the slightest reason. You feel like laughing and crying. These behavioral changes cannot help but embarrass, and sometimes - let's be honest with ourselves - annoy your husband. Often, our men do not realize that a whole revolution is taking place in our body, and they attribute everything to the usual feminine whim. Do not hesitate, try to explain your condition to your husband. And be sure to say that it will all end soon. The time will come when you will both laugh as you remember the inconvenience the first weeks of pregnancy caused you.

In the first three to four months, most pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. In order to alleviate your condition, after consulting your doctor, you can take the following herbal infusions:

2 teaspoons of mint, 1 teaspoon of valerian root, 2 teaspoons of dried marigold flowers, 1 teaspoon of yarrow herb, 2 teaspoons of chamomile flowers, 2 teaspoons of shepherd's purse. All components (the absence of one or two is quite acceptable) pour one and a half glasses of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After that, strain the infusion and take 4 cups 6 times a day. After 25 days, take a break for 10-15 days, then resume treatment.

2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped rose hips, 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort, 1 teaspoon of chopped hawthorn fruits, 1 tbsp. spoon of motherwort herb, 1 teaspoon of birch buds, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bearberry leaves, fruits and leaves of strawberries, pour two and a half glasses of boiling water, put on fire for one and a half minutes, then leave for 20 minutes, strain.

The infusion should be taken hot, half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Many women feel so bad that they sometimes begin to regret carrying a baby. Cheer up, the nausea will go away in a couple of months, and you will feel normal in the time remaining before the birth. The main thing during this period is to avoid crowded places, because the defenses of your body are significantly weakened. In the event that you catch a cold during pregnancy, remember that the flu virus itself does not affect the baby, but the disease is terrible, first of all, because it is accompanied by high fever and the release of toxic substances and can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

The teeth of pregnant women are most susceptible to caries, so you need to take special care of them - not only brushing twice a day, but also rinsing your mouth every time you eat or drink, especially sweet ones.

Great changes also take place in the oral cavity, where the digestion process begins. During this period, the salivary glands secrete saliva more intensively. Its chemical composition also changes, and this can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

The most significant changes occur in the pelvic area - the joints of the pelvic bones and spine become more elastic and flexible, thereby facilitating the process of childbirth.

In the second trimester, your pregnancy becomes visible to your friends and acquaintances. In the future, your belly - the subject of your pride - is even more enlarged due to the uterus, which seems to pull you forward, and this leads to the fact that the center of gravity moves. Observing a pregnant woman, everyone notices that she involuntarily leans back, as if carrying something heavy in her hands. This is what is called the "proud posture of pregnant women."

Remember that in the second half of pregnancy, the muscles of the abdominal wall stretch a lot. If pregnancies follow one another, the muscles will remain stretched. In some women, due to the tightness of the skin, bluish-reddish streaks appear on the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs. After childbirth, these stripes lighten noticeably, sometimes leaving barely noticeable traces, and sometimes - scars.

Along with the darkening of the nipples, which we have already mentioned above, in some women pigmentation of the entire skin is observed - dark freckles appear, the genitals, arms and legs darken. This pigmentation is called chloasma - pregnancy spots. Quite often, a dark strip appears on the skin from the pubis to the sternum through the navel - it is jokingly called "mother-in-law's path".

You can try to prevent scarring on your skin by using moisturizers and lotions. You can buy a special lotion at the pharmacy to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. However, I would like to warn you that there is still no evidence of the effectiveness of these funds. In about half of women, they still appear, regardless of whether they have used creams or not. But you can still try. An annotation is usually attached to each such tool.

To combat stretch marks, in no case should you use baby creams and oils - they will have the opposite effect, since they are designed to fight various skin rashes and dry out the skin.

By the ninth month of pregnancy, you or your baby's father will start to have some concerns about your health or the health of your baby. This is quite natural. You may have oppressive thoughts that your life is in serious danger - and this is also normal, since both pregnancy and childbirth are fraught with certain difficulties and dangers that are reduced with careful attention to your health and with timely antenatal care. The days when women in labor died are over. Statistics say that the mortality rate of women in childbirth is currently practically zero, and the death rate of newborns is constantly decreasing. Do not forget that you will be giving birth to your baby under the supervision of qualified specialists, in a well-equipped maternity hospital, where you and your baby will be provided with timely assistance, if necessary. In addition, all maternity hospitals have resuscitation devices for newborns, so all your fears are unfounded.

Pregnancy is a physiological process in which a new human body develops in a woman's uterus, resulting from fertilization.

Pregnancy in women it lasts on average 280 days(40 weeks, which corresponds to 9 calendar months or 10 lunar months). It is also customary to divide pregnancy into 3 trimesters of 3 calendar months each.

Early pregnancy signs

In the early stages, pregnancy is diagnosed on the basis of doubtful and probable signs.

Doubtful signs of pregnancy- various kinds of subjective sensations, as well as objectively determined changes in the body, outside the internal genital organs: taste whims, changes in olfactory sensations, easy fatigue, drowsiness, skin pigmentation on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, nipples and areola.

Likely signs of pregnancy- objective signs on the part of the genitals, mammary glands and when staging biological reactions to pregnancy. These include: the cessation of menstruation in women of childbearing age, an increase in mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum when squeezing out of the nipples, cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, changes in the shape and consistency of the uterus, and an increase in its size.

You can preliminarily verify the presence of pregnancy at home using an express test for the content of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's urine (the test is carried out from the first day of the delay in the next menstruation).

It allows you to confirm the fact of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman

Numerous and complex changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. These physiological changes create conditions for the intrauterine development of the fetus, prepare the woman's body for childbirth and breastfeeding of the newborn. Menstruation stops, mammary glands increase in volume, nipples darken.

Many pregnant women in the first trimester have nausea, sometimes vomiting - these symptoms are commonly called. Weakness, drowsiness, heartburn, salivation, change in taste, and frequent urination are common. These disorders of well-being are characteristic of a healthy and normal pregnancy.

Especially great changes occur in the genitals of a woman. The uterus increases with each, the blood supply to the internal and external genital organs increases. The tissues swell, acquire elasticity, which contributes to their better stretching during childbirth. In the mammary glands, the number and volume of glandular lobules increase, their blood supply increases, they become tense, from the nipples. The amount of gonadotropic hormones, as well as estrogens and progesterone, produced first by the corpus luteum (a temporary gland formed at the site of the follicle, from which the mature egg came out) and then, sharply increases. The hormones secreted by the corpus luteum (progesterone and, to a lesser extent, estrogens) contribute to the creation of conditions for the proper development of pregnancy. The corpus luteum undergoes reverse development after the fourth month in connection with the formation of the hormonal function of the placenta.

For the management of pregnancy, it is necessary (after 3 to 4 weeks after a delay in menstruation), where the doctor examines and examines the external and internal genital organs, and if necessary, additional examinations are prescribed.

Genitals during pregnancy

Uterus. During pregnancy, the size, shape, position, consistency and reactivity (excitability) of the uterus change. The uterus gradually enlarges throughout the pregnancy. The enlargement of the uterus occurs mainly due to hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the uterus; at the same time there is a multiplication of muscle fibers, the growth of newly formed muscle elements of the reticular fibrous and argyrophilic "frame" of the uterus.

The uterus is not only a fruit receptacle that protects the fetus from adverse external influences, but also a metabolic organ that provides the fetus with enzymes, complex compounds necessary for the plastic processes of a rapidly developing fetus.

Vagina during pregnancy, it lengthens, expands, the folds of the mucous membrane protrude more sharply. The external genitals are loosened during pregnancy.

Pregnant woman lifestyle, regimen, nutrition and hygiene

The developing fetus receives all the necessary nutrients from the mother. The well-being of the fetus depends entirely on the health of the mother, her working conditions, rest, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Pregnant women are released from night shifts, heavy physical work, work associated with body vibration or adverse effects on the body of chemical. substances. During pregnancy, jerky movements, heavy lifting and significant fatigue should be avoided. A pregnant woman needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Walking is recommended before bed.

A pregnant woman must be carefully protected from infectious diseases, which pose a particular danger to the pregnant woman's body and the fetus.

During pregnancy, you must especially carefully monitor the purity of the skin. Purity of the skin promotes the elimination of metabolic products harmful to the body through sweat.

A pregnant woman should wash her external genitals with warm water and soap twice a day. Douching during pregnancy should be administered with great caution.

During pregnancy, you should carefully monitor the state of the oral cavity and make the necessary.

The mammary glands should be washed daily with warm water and soap and wiped off with a towel. These methods prevent cracked nipples and mastitis. If, then you should massage them.

Pregnant clothes should be comfortable and loose: do not wear tightening belts, tight bras, etc. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage that should support the abdomen, but not squeeze it.

The pregnant woman should wear low-heeled shoes.

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, during which constant changes occur. These changes are both external and internal.

As for external changes, their appearance, as a rule, does not raise any special questions. These are, first of all, such obvious signs as the rounding of the forms of the expectant mother, pigmentation on the skin, and the discharge of colostrum from the breast at a later date.

But internal processes are hidden from our eyes. Therefore, noticing any physiological or mental changes in herself, the expectant mother is worried whether everything is going well with her and the baby.

Indeed, a lot of questions arise. Why does mood change quickly? Why did you start going to the toilet more often? Why did such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn, shortness of breath, swelling appear? Etc…

To begin with, emotional instability is a normal condition during pregnancy. Future mothers - they are, they will always find a reason to worry. Even if it is difficult to find such a reason. And we will talk about this today too.

In this article, you will learn that the special emotional state of pregnant women, accompanied by anxiety and fear, is the result of hormonal changes.

You will also find here information on how an already realized pregnancy affects the female body.

Changes in the female body during pregnancy:

On the part of the cardiovascular system

The volume of circulating blood increases to provide blood flow for two organisms. This increased volume is much more difficult for the heart to pump. For this reason, the heart muscle thickens slightly. The heart rate also increases slightly.

Due to an increase in blood volume and special hormonal changes, venous outflow from the lower extremities is difficult. In this regard, varicose veins so often develop in pregnant women.

Blood pressure in the early stages, as a rule, decreases moderately. In later stages, many women have a tendency to high blood pressure. This is due to the physiological thickening of the blood and the action of hormones that prepare the female body for childbirth.

Thickening of blood and an increase in vascular tone is a protective reaction of the female body, prevention of massive bleeding during childbirth. Thanks to such processes, in the female body with blood loss during childbirth, the vessels react sharply with spasm.

The blood in the damaged vessel quickly coagulates, forming a blood clot. The blood clot clogs the site of damage to the blood vessel. Thus, blood loss will be minimal.

The blood supply not only to the uterus is enhanced, but also to all organs of the small pelvis. Therefore, so often in pregnant women, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are exacerbated even in the early stages.

From the respiratory system

In order to provide oxygen to mother and child, the woman's respiratory system also undergoes changes during pregnancy. The diaphragm rises due to the enlarged uterus. Due to this, the volume of the chest decreases.

The lungs become cramped in the chest, they cannot fully straighten with a deep breath. To solve these problems, the respiratory center in the brain instructs to breathe more often. As a result, breathing becomes more frequent.

The woman becomes more sensitive to the lack of oxygen. Therefore, many pregnant women cannot stay in stuffy, hot rooms, public transport.

In the later stages, shortness of breath is often worried. It appears by increasing the load on the heart and lungs. By increasing the frequency and depth of breathing, the mother's body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Everything is done so that your baby does not need anything.

From the digestive system

In the first trimester, as a rule, women are worried about toxicosis. The severity of its manifestations is individual. Someone notes nausea only in the morning. Someone suffers from nausea around the clock. Someone is worried about both nausea and vomiting. And many do not experience such symptoms at all.

Toxicosis occurs due to the temporary poisoning of the mother's body with the baby's metabolic products. Most often, the symptoms of toxicosis end after the first three months of pregnancy, when the placenta begins to fully function. In the future, it will be she who will be responsible for the metabolism between mother and child.

Sometimes expectant mothers develop a perversion of taste. For example, you want to eat something inedible (chalk, clay, soap). This condition most often indicates an acute shortage of some substances in the maternal body. Therefore, it is imperative to tell the attending physician about such a situation.

Heartburn is another common symptom that accompanies pregnancy. Due to the change in the position of the stomach in the abdominal cavity due to the enlarged uterus, the acidic contents of the stomach are often thrown into the esophagus. The acid irritates the walls of the esophagus, and this causes soreness in the sternum.

Alkaline drinks, such as milk, will help to cope with this problem. Why will it partly help? Because the main reason - a change in the position of the stomach of a pregnant woman - cannot be corrected.

In order to suffer less from heartburn, it is important for the expectant mother not to take a horizontal position immediately after eating and take food at least two hours before bedtime.

On the part of the skeletal system

The child is growing rapidly, he needs more and more resources for growth and development. And nature is so laid down that the baby will take everything he needs from the mother's body.

Moreover, if nutrients, vitamins and microelements are supplied in insufficient quantities, then the resources of the mother's body will be used for the development of the crumbs.

For example, with a lack of calcium, bone density (initial osteoporotic changes) in a woman's body decreases. Therefore, so often, future and successful mothers have problems with their teeth.

Due to the increase in the mass and size of the uterus, the center of gravity in expectant mothers is shifting. This straightens the spinal column and deepens the lumbar lordosis (the curve of the spine facing the abdomen). Many people notice that the gait of pregnant women changes, becomes more important. It is also called "proud gait".

The connective tissue of the ligaments, cartilage, and pelvic bones is loosened. This effect is exerted by hormones secreted by the placenta (relaxin, progesterone). Thanks to their action, the mobility of the sacral joints and symphysis increases. The pelvic bones are slightly parted.

This is how the body of the future mother prepares for childbirth. Thanks to such changes, the baby's head passes through the birth canal more easily during childbirth.

From the endocrine system

Pregnancy is rightfully considered a serious hormonal surge in a woman's life. You will be surprised how many processes in a woman's body are regulated by hormones.

Without the proper hormonal background, pregnancy itself cannot occur. And preparation for childbirth is carried out thanks to the action of hormones. Subsequent breastfeeding after childbirth is also impossible without a certain hormonal background.

So, first things first.

During pregnancy, the pituitary gland increases its activity. This is the part of the brain responsible for the activity of all endocrine glands. He begins to work more actively.

In the pituitary gland, the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which regulate the hormonal work of the gonads, is significantly reduced. In this regard, the process of maturation of new follicles in the ovary stops and ovulation does not occur.

During pregnancy, the hormone prolactin is actively produced in the pituitary gland in the same place. It is he who prepares the mammary gland for further breastfeeding.

The result of its action can be seen already in the early stages of pregnancy. The breast actively increases in size, becomes sensitive, especially in the nipple area.

With the onset of pregnancy, a new endocrine organ begins to function - the corpus luteum of the ovary. He is responsible for the production of progesterone. It is the main hormone of pregnancy, which is responsible for the implantation of the embryo, for its retention and preservation.

Closer to 14-16 weeks, the placenta takes over the function of producing progesterone.

Thyroid hormones are actively produced, which actively affect all metabolic processes of both the mother and the fetus. The thyroid gland itself increases in size during pregnancy.

The lack of her hormones can lead to a violation of the formation of the baby's brain. And their excess can provoke early termination of pregnancy.

The parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, and pancreas are also actively involved in the work.

A very important hormone, oxytocin, is produced in the hypothalamus (the subtropical region of the diencephalon). From the hypothalamus, it enters the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and from there begins its work.

The peak concentration of oxytocin reaches at a later date. It is he who is responsible for the onset of labor, contraction of the uterus during labor and stimulation of the release of milk from the mammary glands.

From the urinary system

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother's load on the kidneys increases. Since the kidneys are a filtering organ, they are responsible for purifying the blood from metabolic products from both the mother and the fetus.

Due to the increasing size of the uterus and under the influence of a certain hormonal background, the walls of the ureters and bladder relax and experience constant pressure. All this leads to greater urinary retention in the urinary organs.

In turn, this is a significant risk of urinary tract infections. This is why pregnant women so often have to monitor their urine tests.

In women expecting a baby, the urge to urinate is noticeably more frequent. All for the same reason, due to the compression of the bladder by the pregnant uterus. But the relaxed walls of the bladder can no longer fully contract, as before pregnancy. Therefore, the residual volume of urine in it after urination is greater than that of a non-pregnant woman.

Due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, fluid retention and an increase in the concentration of sodium ions in the body under the influence of hormonal levels, physiological edema appears.

In addition, the following factors can provoke the appearance of edema: an excess of table salt in the food of the expectant mother (table salt is NaCl, that is, Na + ions), physical activity, heat.

Edema can be physiological (a manifestation of the norm) or pathological. The difference between physiological edema and pathological edema is that with the exclusion of provoking factors, physiological edema disappears.

For better kidney function, doctors advise women to rest on their left side. This facilitates the flow of urine through the ureters into the bladder, thereby making it easier for the kidneys to function.

From the immune system

With the onset of pregnancy, women experience a restructuring of the immune system. Such a restructuring is necessary to ensure the preservation of pregnancy and the normal development of the baby.

The fetus has the genetic material of the child's father, which is initially recognized by the mother's immune system as foreign and potentially harmful. Temporary changes immediately after the onset of pregnancy allow the mother's body not to trigger the immune processes of embryo rejection.

The restructuring of the immune system in the direction of "dulling vigilance" does not act selectively. Immunity is declining across the board. This can provoke an exacerbation of any chronic diseases of the expectant mother.

Against the background of a decrease in the body's immune defenses, pathogens “crawl out of hiding” and activate, which previously “quietly sat in ambush” in the form of a chronic infection or carriage.

During pregnancy, diseases of the urinary system and respiratory tract can worsen. Allergic reactions are often observed, even to previously consumed foods.

The skin changes that occur during pregnancy are noticed by almost all expectant mothers. The severity of these changes varies significantly from woman to woman. Throughout pregnancy, the skin condition of even the same woman can change.

The general patterns are as follows. In the first trimester, the skin can be dry and sensitive due to the predominance of progesterone in the blood. In the second trimester, due to improved blood flow, complexion may improve and a healthy glow may appear. Naturally, if the expectant mother does not suffer from anemia.

The sebaceous and sweat glands in pregnant women also work differently. As a rule, their work is intensified. A woman may notice increased sweating and the appearance of an oily sheen on the skin.

The darker representatives of the fair half of humanity may have age spots on the skin. Freckles also become more pronounced or more.

Normally, areas of hyperpigmentation appear on the body of a pregnant woman. This is a kind of dark strip along the midline of the abdomen and darkening in the areola. The skin around the woman's genitals also darkens.

Stretch marks often appear on the body. This process is associated with overstretching of the skin and a rupture in a thin layer of the skin - the dermis. Stretch marks are brown at first. But gradually they turn white and resemble scars. The appearance of stretch marks directly depends on the elasticity of the woman's skin, which is genetically determined.

Hair and nails grow faster during pregnancy. At this time, the growth period (life span) of the hair is lengthened. This is due to the action of estrogens, the concentration of which increases. Therefore, women can often notice an increase in hair density during pregnancy.

After giving birth, women often complain of profuse hair loss. This is due to the normalization of estrogen levels after childbirth. Accordingly, hair growth and hair longevity return to their original levels.

If your hair and nails become dull, brittle, then most likely you are deficient in any trace elements and vitamins. Do not forget to inform your doctor about such changes. These may be the first manifestations of deficiency conditions during pregnancy (eg anemia).

Changes in the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman

With the onset of pregnancy, both the woman herself and her loved ones may notice changes in the emotional sphere. The psycho-emotional system becomes more labile.

Hormonal changes, and a sense of double responsibility, and anxiety for the well-being of the ongoing pregnancy, and a restructuring of habitual lifestyles, and a reassessment of priorities lead to this state.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, powerful hormonal changes occur. In the beginning, female hormones - estrogens - predominate. Then estrogens give up their dominant role to the hormone that preserves pregnancy - progesterone.

By the second trimester, a relatively even hormonal background is established. By the end of pregnancy, the usual anxiety about the upcoming birth joins the changes in hormonal levels.

I can say that myths are too widespread among the people that all pregnant women are very capricious. This often pushes expectant mothers to artificially come up with special desires and puzzle their close relatives.

In fact, pregnant women want care and attention, a sense of security. During this crucial period, there should be such a person with the expectant mother who can support, calm down, dispel anxiety and doubts. After all, she needs positive emotions so much.

In the joyful moments of our lives, special hormones are produced - endorphins. They have a positive effect on the metabolism and development of the baby. Therefore, the more the mother is happy, the better the baby develops in her womb.

How does a postponed pregnancy affect a woman's health?

Many studies by scientists have shown that a history of pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. According to current evidence, breastfeeding provides additional protection not only against ovarian cancer, but also against breast cancer.

One of the hypothetical explanations for this phenomenon is a change in the hormonal background in a pregnant woman, a temporary rest of the ovaries and the absence of ovulation.

It is known that at the site of the release of the egg from the mature follicle in the ovary, a microtrauma is formed. After each tear heals, a small, whitish scar forms.

According to some researchers, disturbances in the healing processes of these microtraumas can lead to malignant degeneration of ovarian cells. Therefore, ovarian cancer is much less likely to affect women who have had fewer ovulations.

Changes in the body due to pregnancy should not be feared. After all, after childbirth, all processes are quickly normalized. And let the figure, shape, sleep and wakefulness regime change. If desired, you can cope with a change in figure.

Motherhood is the main mission of a woman. A woman, having realized herself as a mother, acquires a new meaning of life. Trust me, it's worth it. Health to you and your children!

A woman's body is programmed for childbirth. The process of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical health of a woman. Many chronic diseases, disorders in the sexual sphere come to naught thanks to the birth of a child. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes great changes, both visible and invisible. The anatomical, chemical, physiological nature of the changes taking place is designed to provide the unborn child with everything necessary for his development.

Uterus, breasts

The uterus begins to enlarge from the very beginning of pregnancy. For all the time, its weight will increase from 50-60 grams to 1 kg or more, its volume - from 2-3 ml to 4-5 liters.

On examination, the doctor will see changes in the uterus already in the first month: it reaches the size of an orange, from triangular it becomes round. You yourself visually see changes from 4 months: the silhouette changes, a tummy appears.

The chest begins to swell and become heavy with, sometimes it is accompanied by tingling and hot flashes. The nipples become bulging after a few weeks, the areola darkens, and pimples appear.

The breasts are lined with many blood vessels, of which the veins are more visible during pregnancy. Colostrum can begin to be secreted as early as the fourth month.

Blood circulation of a pregnant woman

The mother's blood must supply the fetus with the substances necessary for its development, as well as remove waste toxins. This appears with the help of a special organ that appears during pregnancy -.

During pregnancy, everything blood vessels expand, and the volume of circulating blood increases by about one and a half liters. Red blood cells are diluted with a large amount of plasma (liquid part of the blood), which often leads to iron deficiency. Therefore, in the last months of pregnancy, mothers are often prescribed iron supplements.

The increased size of the uterus sometimes interferes with the return of blood from the extremities to the heart, legs may swell, veins may dilate... If the vena cava, which carries blood to the heart, is compressed by the uterus, you may feel unwell while lying on your back. To avoid discomfort, you can try to lie on your left side, which unblocks the "venous return", since the vena cava runs to the right of the uterus.

Pulse speeded up by 10-15 beats even in sleep. With multiple pregnancies - even more than 10-15 strokes. The pulse rate fluctuates up to 90 beats per minute. Minute blood volume increases by 30-50% from the end of the first trimester to the end of pregnancy. Thus, the heart beats faster as it needs to pump more blood, and the entire cardiovascular system adapts to the additional stress during pregnancy.

Blood pressure decreases slightly during the first trimester, as the blood mass increases and the vessels are dilated. With the approach of the due date (we wrote about the calculation in the articles Determining the day of birth by the date of the last menstruation) the pressure returns to the previous figures. It should not be higher than 140 to 90.

Breathing of a pregnant woman

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause temporary swelling of the lining of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Because of this, a woman's voice can change its tone. This should not be a cause for concern, after childbirth everything will return to normal.

In the first half of pregnancy, the tone and activity of the abdominal muscles decrease. The uterus gradually displaces up the main respiratory muscle, the diaphragm, and this significantly limits its mobility. Breathing becomes chest, upper.

A pregnant woman breathes both for herself and for her baby, whose lungs will start working only after childbirth. Therefore, with each breath, you need to absorb 10-15% more air than usual. This hyperventilation is good for the fetus, it lowers the pressure of carbon dioxide.

We have already written about the problems of breathing while lying on your back. When faced with shortness of breath, you need to try to change your sleeping position: try to lie on your left side.

Digestion during pregnancy

The intestines, bladder, stomach are compressed by the enlarging uterus. Internal organs adapt to this, making room for the fetus, and the placenta.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the amount of saliva increases. The gums become more fragile and may bleed. There is a risk of tooth decay. Right now, it is especially important to regularly visit the dentist and monitor the condition of the oral cavity.

A burning sensation starting in the stomach and going up the esophagus to the throat, which is sometimes accompanied by the discharge of acidic fluid, usually appears by 4 months of pregnancy. it Pyrosis, heartburn of pregnancy that persists until delivery and is often worse with supine position.

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the stomach becomes "lazy", its tone decreases, food remains in the stomach longer, it is released more slowly, and is quickly saturated.

The slow passage of food through the digestive tract leads to constipation, but proper nutrition can help cope with this (see article on).

As the weight of the fetus increases, the uterus presses on the bladder, so the urge appears more often. In addition, the increased blood volume increases the burden on the kidneys to filter and remove toxins. The renal pelvis and urinary ducts, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, are dilated and less toned towards the end of pregnancy.

Sometimes during pregnancy, sugar may appear in the urine, which does not indicate diabetes. The presence of sugar in the form of lactose is normal in late pregnancy, while the presence of glucose may indicate a slight impairment of filtration in the kidneys.

Hormonal changes in pregnancy

Pregnancy is accompanied by complex hormonal processes that allow the body to adapt to new conditions. These hormones are produced by the ovaries before pregnancy and by the placenta during pregnancy, and they are also essential for a woman's sexual and sexual life. These hormones are progesterone and estrogen.

The balance of action of these hormones helps implantation of the egg into the uterus, they ensure the life of the fetus, acting on the smooth muscles of the uterus, interfering with its contraction. Chorionic gonadtropin, the only hormone secreted only during pregnancy, plays a role in maintaining the function of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy. Further in the course of pregnancy, other hormones are included: prolactin, which affects the development of the mammary glands and their preparation for feeding, and oxytocin, under the influence of which labor will begin.

Hormones that affect the mental and mental state of a pregnant woman:

  • Chorionic gonadotropin: pregnancy hormone, causes a vague miraculous feeling of "I'm pregnant";
  • Progesterone: soothes the psyche, its effect is enhanced by childbirth;
  • Estrogen: awakens ancient instincts, for example, the nest instinct, and related cares and worries about the child;
  • Prolactin: stimulates the development of the mammary glands, the formation of milk, forms the maternal instinct;
  • Endorphin: Pain reliever produced by the body, affects the emotional state. Most endorphins - the hormone of happiness - are produced during pregnancy.

Adaptation of Metabolism - Metabolism - to Pregnancy

The chemical changes that allow the body to meet energy needs during pregnancy, regenerate and form new tissues, and produce essential nutrients during pregnancy are very important for both mother and baby.

It is very important, since the intake of proteins, fats (lipids), vitamins, calcium, iron and other substances necessary for an unborn child depends on it. Water, salt, fats, carbohydrates and proteins are altered to provide the fetus with the nutrients it uses in its metabolism.

Water and salt... To compensate for the salt loss caused by progesterone during pregnancy, the body retains more water and sodium. This can lead to swelling. If the edema is not of a common nature, it is generally not dangerous, but you should monitor it and try to eliminate it with creams that increase the tone of the veins, compression stockings. A diet poor in salt is useless and can be harmful.

Fats... The amount of fat in the blood increases during pregnancy. Cholesterol is transformed in the placenta and serves to form progesterone and is also used by the fetus to form other hormones. In the first months, the mother's body accumulates a store of fat, which will then be consumed to meet the increased energy needs.

Sugar... During pregnancy, everything in the body is aimed at obtaining glucose and delivering it to the fetus, since it is necessary for him to participate in energy metabolism.

Squirrels... They are necessary for the formation of new tissues, they are involved in all stages of metabolic changes in the body of the mother and the fetus. During pregnancy, you need to get about 25% more protein from meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.

When a new life arises in a woman's body, then all organs and systems of the expectant mother begin to work in a completely new way. It seems to many that the changes concern only the reproductive organs and the endocrine system, but in fact there is not a single organ in the female body that has not undergone changes during this period. Of course, the activity of the central nervous system of a pregnant woman also changes.

Changes in the nervous system of a pregnant woman

Pregnancy completely changes the life of the expectant mother, because now she does not live by herself, but together with the child, even if there are still a few months before his birth. But the changes concern not only the relationship with the outside world, but also, above all, the relationship between the expectant mother and the future baby - everything that happens in the body of a pregnant woman, from the first days, is aimed at harmonizing the relationship between two organisms - the mother's body and the fetus's body, - which will have to be one for a long time.

In addition, from the very beginning of pregnancy, the woman's body begins to prepare for such important processes as childbirth, and then breastfeeding. Changes associated with pregnancy, future childbirth and future breastfeeding affect almost all systems and organs of the female body. It is quite natural that the nervous system of the expectant mother should also be rebuilt.

Often, those around them assume that a young woman is expecting a baby, because they notice sudden mood swings - fun gives way to tears, joy to irritation, calmness can easily and quickly turn into nervousness. In addition, there are some incomprehensible desires, vague sensations, whims, and even tantrums happen. On the one hand, all these changes are often attributed to changes in the work of the hormonal system (the so-called hormonal storms), but there is another side of the issue - the activity of the central nervous system, which is undergoing very significant changes.

It is well known that the human central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, which govern the activities of the whole organism. However, does everyone know that it is in the central nervous system (CNS) with the onset of pregnancy that very complex nervous processes (mechanisms of nervous activity) begin to work, which should ensure the normal development of the fetus in the mother's womb?

But for this it is necessary to maintain the necessary balance of various substances in the body, on which both the development of the fetus and its safety depend. Moreover, it is easy to understand that the balance of these substances will almost certainly differ from the balance in the last weeks of bearing a baby.

Attention!During pregnancy, the most complex mechanisms in the work of the central nervous system are aimed at the normal development of the fetus and at maintaining the required level of all the necessary substances that allow the baby to develop in the prenatal period.

Scientists who deal with issues of gestation note a very interesting fact: the impulses that enter the body of a pregnant woman from very sensitive receptors in the uterus are blocked by the central nervous system at the level of the spinal cord until the 39th week of pregnancy. It is this reaction of the central nervous system (blocking of impulses) that allows you to maintain pregnancy for a time programmed by nature and avoid premature birth or miscarriage.

It is noted that the so-called gestational dominant is formed in the cerebral cortex of the cerebral hemispheres during pregnancy as a focus of increased CNS excitability. At the same time, the excitability of the nervous system (nervous apparatus) of the uterus is reduced, which allows it to remain at rest. The excitability of the nervous system of the uterus and the lower parts of the central nervous system increases only in the period that precedes childbirth, which creates the conditions necessary for a successful delivery.

Equally interesting are the findings of the researchers that changes in the behavior and mood of a pregnant woman, for example, increased fatigue, drowsiness and even irritability, are nothing more than defense mechanisms that are produced by the central nervous system to protect a pregnant woman from overwork.

Attention!Morning sickness and vomiting, which often torment pregnant women, especially in the early lines, depend on changes in the tone of the vagus nerve, which regulates the work of many internal organs. In addition, the altered vagus tone is also responsible for changes in the perception of smells, taste and preferences, as well as for frequent dizziness.

Autonomic nervous system during pregnancy

It is known that the autonomic nervous system, which is otherwise called the autonomic nervous system, is of great importance for the functioning of the body. It is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that performs the most important functions in regulating the work of all internal organs, including the food organs, respiratory organs, hematopoiesis and circulation of blood and lymph, and also regulates the activity of the excretory system, the functioning of the reproductive system and the functions of reproduction of the biological species.

The work of the autonomic nervous system does not depend on human consciousness and therefore does not obey consciousness and will. The reactions of the autonomic nervous system are objective and do not depend on external influences. The autonomic nervous system encompasses all organs and systems of the body and coordinates their work - the creation of optimal conditions for the body at every moment of time and in every situation depends on the activity of the ANS.

Of course, the ANS is also very important for the successful development of pregnancy: it is known that the innervation of the autonomic nervous system affects all organs of a pregnant woman, except for the placenta. And although the placenta is not included in the scope of the ANS, the blood supply to the uterus and its contractions depend precisely on the autonomic nervous system.

It is very important to understand that the ANS works autonomously, that is, independently, and many organs of a pregnant woman fall into the sphere of its independent influence, including the heart, bronchi, large and small blood vessels, intestinal smooth muscles, bladder, uterus and many other vital organs important for a pregnant woman. It is the autonomic nervous system that regulates the activity (including the activity) of the cells that are innervated and controlled by it, therefore the work of many organs and the changes that occur in them during pregnancy depend on the ANS.

It is noted that during the period of bearing a child in the body of a pregnant woman, the sympathetic-adrenal division of the ANS is more active and the work of the heart, vascular system and respiratory system is more actively stimulated, which provides the body of a pregnant woman and fetus with a sufficient amount of oxygen and essential nutrients. In addition, during the same period, the blood supply to the kidneys increases, which should remove waste products not only of a pregnant woman, but also of her unborn child.

Gestational dominant in a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, the formation of a gestational dominant plays a huge role, which is a focus of increased excitability in the cerebral cortex.

In the formation of the gestational dominant, the most important role is played by the fact that the nervous system of a pregnant woman constantly perceives numerous impulses that come from the developing fetus and reacts to them. Of course, nerve receptors are the first to react to impulses from the ovum, which contains many different receptors that allow you to instantly respond to the state of the fetus. Any effect on any of the receptors located in the uterus causes changes in the work of the maternal central and autonomic nervous systems, and any of such changes is designed to ensure the most correct development of the fetus and its safety.

It is known that during pregnancy the most serious changes occur in the central nervous system of a pregnant woman. As soon as an egg is fertilized in a woman's body, that is, from the moment pregnancy begins, the mother's central nervous system begins to receive a huge and constantly increasing flow of impulses, which leads to the formation of a focus in the cerebral cortex that has the ability to increase excitability - it was this focus that received the name of the gestational dominant.

It is very important that around the gestational dominant, that is, around the focus in the brain formed under the influence of pregnancy, in accordance with the laws of induction, a certain field is created in which the processes of inhibition of the nervous processes of the pregnant woman take place. When observing pregnant women, there are clinical signs such as a somewhat inhibited state of a woman, a change in priorities and interests, which are shifted towards the unborn child, especially towards everything related to future childbirth and the health of the baby. Doctors who monitor pregnant women note that everything that is not related to the child and pregnancy often fades into the background in pregnant women and even loses its meaning.

However, doctors who monitor the course of pregnancy note that if a woman who is expecting a child is exposed to severe stress, including fear, fright or any other strong emotional experience, then in the central nervous system of a pregnant woman, in addition to the gestational dominant, other foci of persistent arousal may appear. , which can not only weaken the gestational dominant, but also provoke the development of any pathology in the development of pregnancy.

Attention!It is the formation, along with the gestational dominant, of another focus of persistent arousal, which often leads to pathological processes, that confirms the urgent need to provide the pregnant woman with constant and maximum psychological comfort. Leaving your zone of psychological comfort during pregnancy can have unpredictable negative consequences. The role of the gestational dominant is to ensure that a woman expecting a child is psychologically protected from any troubles and shocks as much as possible.

However, shortly before childbirth, some lethargy (reduced excitability of the cerebral cortex), which ensures a relaxed state of the uterus and a favorable course of pregnancy, is replaced by an increase in the excitability of the nervous system (nerve elements) of the uterus, which is necessary for successful labor and successful childbirth.