Women's chest and exercises - True and myths. Sports breasts - Healthy breasts

At the same time, they are perplexed when they hear that for the woman itself really large size is not so much a bonus of nature, how much is the problem. In particular, the owners of the lush bust are quite difficult to choose the sport as they could do.

In fashion magazines, the big breasts looks pretty attractive: a lush high bust, beautiful nipples. However, it looks like, as a rule, breasts with an implant (or pretty outflowing real). Natural big breasts has a drop shape, weighted below.

Milk glands do not have a powerful muscular-ligament apparatus for fixing them to the chest. By 90%, they consist of fatty fiber. Due to this, breast glands have greater elasticity and mobility. Among this fiber is the slices of the mammary glands ending in the nipple with dairy ducts. The function of fixing to the chest, and specifically to the breast muscles lying under the lactic glands, performs its skin and bonds of the cooper, which attach the fatty tissue to the skin. Thus, the fixation of the thoracic glands to the chest from nature is rather weak.

Women with great breasts is very difficult to keep a beautiful posture constantly, as it is simply hard. At the same time, the spin began to root between the blades: the weight of the chest makes itself felt.

You can go sports, but engage in the gym or fitness group with great breasts is incredibly hard. By the way, a large breast muscle is pumping up with fitness, one of the most famous methods of an uncommon increase in small breasts. Big breasts can be even more.

During motor activity, the human body is subjected to various physical and mechanical impacts. Sport classes cause permanent load on the chest glands. At the same time, the amplitude of the movement of the glands can reach large sizes - up to 21 cm up or down, as well as in the lateral direction. Under these conditions, the skin of the chest and ligaments of the Cooper is easily stretched, weakened, which is accompanied by excessive lowering of the chest. This process has the nature of irreversible.

In addition to emerging aesthetic problems, a mechanical load on the chest during sports is accompanied by internal microtrams of the chest and its structures - blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings. Studies have shown that the chest can move in three directions, and not only jump down-up, as it seems like. If a woman goes along a treadmill, then the chest moves from side to side, and from himself to himself.

And yet there are several ways to be an active woman with magnificent forms. It is necessary to play sports with a large size and you can. Several options:

1. Ask this, first of all, a special sports bra. Many large companies produce them. They prevent large breast vibrations during bouncing.

2. Carry such a top to which the bra tightly adjacent. Often, only a sports bra will not be a good option for high-intensity training - for example, running or jumping through the rope.

3. If your big breast causes back pain, select Cardio loads. Tourism, cycling, swimming or fast walking. It will require fewer jumping movements that cause special discomfort.

4. Worry the abdominal muscles and the center of the body. If you have overweight at the top of the body, you will need a strong back.

5. Try yoga and pilates, put in order posture. The movements of these types of fitness are aimed at stretching and proper breathing - that is, they will affect the chest.

6. If you are embarrassed by male views around the fitness room, exercise on the street in the company of friends or on the contrary, choose secluded routes for running.

7. Do not forget about the right breath and drink during training. With enhanced loads, everyone tends to sweat - and no lingerie will save from unpleasant silent sensations.

Female chest. The experience of professional coaches shows that among beginner athletes, a number of delusions regarding the relationship between regular sports and the form of the breast are widespread. Most rumors have a weak attitude towards the true situation of things.

Is it possible to increase the breast with fitness

No you can not. The breast is the dairy glands and the surrounding fat, and the breast muscles whose growth is observed when classes fitnessare under them. I.e to increase the chest It is necessary to either achieve the growth of the mammary glands (which means pregnancy), or increase the fat layer throughout the body. Both options look very doubtful.

However, with the help of sports can be achieved improved bust formBy making it taut and slightly lifting visually. However, you should not expect fundamental changes in the appearance.

Do power exercises reduce the volume of female breast

Some girls believe that sport and diet for weight loss primarily split fat in the chest area, reducing the female charms. These concerns are completely groundless, since, during weight loss, fat deposits decrease evenly throughout the body, and not in specific places. To lose a few centimeters in the amount of the chest, you will have to lose weight in general.

No vain professional athletes resort to surgical operations to increase the chest. The fact is that the normal level of fat content in the female organism is 18-20 percent, while bodybilder does not exceed 8-10. As mentioned, the female bust partly consists of adipose tissue. If it were not for silicone implants, the breasts of fitness models would practically be absent.

Does nursing mothers prohibit fitness exercises for breast muscles

It is believed that intensive sports activities are dangerous to the health of a young mother and baby, as they can provoke problems with the presence of milk. From a physiological point of view, it sounds ridiculous, since the work of the internal organs is not related to the level of physical load on skeletal muscles. On the contrary, there is a chance that the release of milk will increase, because the exercises for breast muscles improve blood circulation and metabolism in nearby tissues.

Does the sport affect the beauty and health of the female breast

The form of the female bust depends on the elasticity of the skin, the size of the fat layers and the mammary glands. Breast muscles have a minimal effect on it, creating a feeling of accuracy and tightness. Trying to increase the breast with the help of sports or fear that regular visits to the gym can harm female health, as these things are practically not interconnected.

Want to bring your workout on the chest to the ideal? Try these 5 programs for the development of breast muscles from real professionals!

Muscles are sometimes such creepy guys. You can harvest 100 kg from the chest, and the chest will not all be a wheel, because the pumping of the breast muscles is a little more than just lifting the maximum weight. These coach guys can testify: the chest should be trained at different angles to improve and achieve the best.

Do you think how to do this in the hall? Do not worry, these elite athletes will teach you what to do. Try something from these murderous combo to revive your program on the chest.

Nick Tweam

Crab variability - here is the key to the program Nika Tweem for the growth of the breast muscles. "To achieve a result, the chest must be trained at different angles," Nick says, "this will give all the conditions for muscle growth."

Nick prefers to start with severe complex exercises to gain a mass in the upper chest departments. "Most people have a clear deficiency in the upper department, the most difficult" - he explains.

"To achieve a result, the chest must be trained at different angles," Nick says, "this will give all the conditions for muscle growth."

Having finished with the top department, the nickname proceeds to the average. He makes a superset - a special set of two exercises that are made one after another - from a variety of repetitions to achieve maximum fatigue.

"Focusing on a lot of repetitions, I achieve a better compression of the muscles," he says.

And although after that, the breast muscles are simply grilled, he finishes a crossover and push-ups.


Breast bench under the slope (2-3 sets for heating, 4-5 approaches of 6-12 repetitions, with increasing weight after each approach).

Breastfall (3-4 approaches 6-12 repetitions)


Breast bends in the slope on the simulator (4 approaches 12-15 repetitions)

(4 approaches to failure)


Crossover (4 approaches by 12-20 repetitions)

Push ups (4 approaches to failure)

Jimmy Eversett

The athlete sponsored by Muscletech insists that the secret of the success of developed breast muscles is to pay primary attention to the form. "Take the achievable weight, even a little more, and concentrate on the sensation, how your muscles are compressed," he says. "Many neglect this and just pick up without thinking."

"Make sure you warm up well before you begin" - it recommends. "Start with the relaxation of the shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy prefers in all the exercises the protocol "10x10", which makes his training very heavy. "Make sure you warm up well before you begin" - it recommends. "Start with the relaxation of the shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy's program begins with heavy basic exercises, and then, when the muscles reach the failure, it moves to insulated exercises.

Protocol from Jimmy:

Breast bench under the slope

Butterfly with dumbbells (10 approaches of 10 repetitions)

Pullover with dumbbells(10 approaches of 10 repetitions)

Crossover(10 approaches of 10 repetitions)

Push-ups on racing bars (10 approaches of 10 repetitions)

Push ups (3 approaches to failure)

James Pulido

The model with the covers of James Pulido journals, denses Jimmy with regard to the health of the shoulders. "The shoulder joint is the most movable in the body and it is easy to damage it, so it is very important to warm up well," he says.

The James program always begins with a serious heating, which includes numerous lifts of dumbbells in different directions of 12-15 repetitions. "Making a lifting of dumbbells to the sides, start with the hands lowered along the body. Raise your hands at 45 degrees, thumbs look up, then above the head." This warming exercise is obliged to do everything, but, unfortunately, they are often neglected.

"Although the simulators for breast muscles have serious potential, if the goal is to maximize muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple inclined bench with a slope of 15 and 30 degrees."

What is interesting, James does not use any simulators. "Although the simulators for breast muscles have serious potential, if the goal is to maximize muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple inclined bench with a slope of 15 and 30 degrees." He claims that all muscle tissues are involved in these angles, which leads to a greater muscular potential.

Program training chest muscles from a man with a cover

Push ups (2-3 approach to failure)

Butterfly on an inclined bench (5 approaches of 8 slow repetitions by 15 and 30 degrees)

Rods Lyzhima (5 approaches of 8 slow repetitions by 15 and 30 degrees)

Pressing on bars with own weight or weighing (5 approaches of 8 slow repetitions)

Eirin Goli.

If you want to build your chest muscles, you need to visualize - he believes. It also includes a pause of 1 second at the end of each press movement. For muscle growth, a wide amplitude of movements is critical. He does not bring traffic to straightening the hands to maintain tension in the muscles throughout the approach.

By making dumbbells on an inclined bench, it focuses on the maximum wide amplitude of movement, using not only breast muscles, but also triceps.

Its program includes and classical completion - push-ups. Approach with hundreds of repetitions - with breaks, if necessary - bring your chest to handle. "I love so to finish the program, because the breast is filled with blood and the maximum pamping is obtained," he says.

"Pamping" program from Eyrina

Pets from the chest (6 approaches of 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions, the last approach is triple drops)

Butterfly with dumbbells (5 approaches of 15, 12, 10, 8, 8 repetitions)

Handicate of dumbbells from the chest on an inclined bench (3 approaches 12 repetitions, the last approach is a triple drops)


Butterfly on a bench at right angles (3 approaches 25, 20, 20 repetitions)

Push-ups on racing bars (3 approaches to failure)

Pullover with dumbbell (4 approaches 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions)

Push ups (100 times)

Dave Dryis

The upper thoracic department is the most important goal of Dave Dryis training, models for magazine covers. "Many people do not pay attention to the top department at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that we pay special attention to this object."

Dave also believes that it is important to extend the time as long as possible when the muscles are under pressure during the press. "I almost never completely straighten my hands so that the muscles have tested the tension all the time."

"Many people do not pay attention to the top department at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that we pay special attention to this object."

Finally, Dave most effectively uses the number of repetitions to conduct its own muscles through several levels of intensity.

Training Dave on the upper chest department

Handicate of dumbbells on a bench under the tilt (5 approaches of 6-8 repetitions)

Wiring on the crossover on the bench (4 approaches of 10-12 repetitions)

Chest press in the simulator (5 approaches of 8 repetitions)

Rush lying (5 approaches of 8 repetitions)

Push ups with dumbbells (3 approaches to failure)

"Stronger, above, faster" - the slogan, which many of us is associated with sports. Competitions for the title owner of the most beautiful breast is unlikely to enter the Olympics program in the near future, but I have already prepared the slogan: "more beautiful, lush and sexy!" So, just in case.

A modern woman seeks to achieve harmony by improving the soul and form of their body. It encourages her regularly to do fitness, visit the gym and the district library. Let's focus on sports. If you seriously decide to do physical exercise, then the search for a comfortable sports lift should take not the most recent place in choosing clothes for classes.

How should he be and should he be as such? Each girl has repeatedly faced with ceremonic rumors: wearing linen trains the chest, sports underwear aggravates the collected and causes the loss of perfect shape, etc. Truth, like the navel, is somewhere in the middle.


The international group of scientists is argued convinced - less than less time to wear a bra. And thereby proves the need to train the binder of the breast. It is the state of this complex that helps breasts keep shape. After conducting a large number of operations in the mammary gland, with confidence I can say that these words are not deprived of meaning. These bundles in most cases are very pronounced and are a real "support" for the chest. But, in my opinion, agitate for the abandonment of linen in everyday life, and in particular in the gym, it is possible only for women with 1st and 2nd breast size (bowl A and B). In the case of the presence of the 3rd and more sizes, it is not necessary to neglect the wearing bras and bodies, as the bundling apparatus cannot cope with the high weight of the chest and begins to stretch - leading to additional tensions of ligaments and even greater breast drainage.

It follows from this that if you have the 1st size breast size, then you can absolutely calmly wear loose brains and sports sweatshirts going to the gym, thereby increasing the level of domestic injuries among the men who have gone on you. But if you have more weighty "merits" in the decolte zone - the presence of a dense branch is necessary in the same way as it is necessary to perform 3-4 sets on the press during training. Otherwise, the risk of starting the breast timing will increase with each new purchased subscription to the sports club.

To continue the conversation about the relationship between your chest and sports, I want to tell about one interesting and notable fact. Intensive fitness and power loads can lead to a decrease in breast. We are not talking about Pilates, yoga and other types of physical activity, where cardionaries prevail. I am talking about the force training and bodybuilding.

How it works? Intensive strength training inevitably lead to an increase in the level of men's hormones in the body of a woman, in particular testosterone. And we remember that the breasts - a very hormone-dependent body, for the amount of which women's hormones are largely affected. It is because of the increase in the level of hormones in adolescence begins intensively growing breasts from representatives of graduation classes. Why does the breast decrease during menopause? Because there is a critical reduction in the level of hormones, and the woman turns into a grandmother.

The same happens in active classes with weight. Testosterone rises, causing a relative reduction in estrogen. What ultimately leads to a decrease in the volume of the mammary glands. I repeat, we are talking about power loads, and not about cardiovascular. Watch for professional athletes, and you will understand everything. Therefore, if you want to keep your precious breasts in a stable volume and form, "not run" on the bar and dumbbells.

The paradoxicity of the situation is that many women are confident of all one hundred that it is the rod and wiring of the hands on the simulator "Butterfly" can help increase the amount of breast, making it wider and volumetric. But, alas, as a result, it leads to an increase in the level of male hormones and inevitable negative impact on the amount of breast. Moreover, the tactics of the increase in breast volume due to an increase in the amount of the breast muscle is incorrect. After all, the big breast muscle itself is a negligible percentage of total breast. And its increase even in repeated size will not lead at least some apparent result.

Therefore, girls should remain girls. Do not carry in the fitness club "Iron", better pay more time to Pilates and spa treatments. And the boys must become men, "swing" iron and wear their girls in their hands.

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