How to kiss for the first time? Kiss in a hickey. How to kiss in a hickey? How to quickly learn to kiss passionately

The question of how to kiss passionately is of interest to many young people who have not yet known all the delights of carnal love. It's only in the movies that the heroes, after defeating the enemy, kiss in such a way that the whole world freezes. In fact, this is not the easiest science, but this does not mean that it cannot be learned.

A kiss is the most tender caress with which all relationships begin. The first date, a light almost innocent touch, a long look... All this leads to a logical result - a kiss. By the way, the question of whether it is possible to kiss on a first date is still open.

Many are sure that at this stage people are just studying and looking at each other. But there are those who, after the first date, end up in bed. Who is right, time will judge, but in most cases, couples created so quickly break up just as quickly.

And no matter what the supporters of gender equality say, a girl should not be too active at the beginning of a relationship. After all, a man is by nature a conqueror.

And if he cannot catch a mammoth or tear a lion apart with his bare hands, then at least he should not be prevented from conquering a woman. Therefore, such a passionate caress on the first date is not so necessary. Another thing is when the relationship reached the next stage.

By the way, many people confuse a kiss with a suction and a French kiss..

  • In the first, the couple uses only their lips, wrapping their lips around them.
  • In the second, the partners' languages ​​take a more active part. They penetrate each other's mouths and start fighting there, intertwining, caressing and slightly pushing each other out.

General rules for kissing passionately

The first thing to do before starting a kiss in a hickey is to make sure that your breath does not smell. Smokers and lovers of hot spices are at great risk with the first kiss, especially if the other side is against smoking. Therefore, it is worth considering whether a cigarette smoked before a date is worth a lost kiss. This applies not only to boys, but also to girls.

Expert opinion

Natalia Voronina

Sexologist, psychotherapist

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A non-smoking man will not experience the delight of a kiss, no matter how good the girl is, if she smells of tobacco from her mouth. And the thought that the cigarette was light and menthol can be thrown out of your head altogether, because this is self-deception.

And of course, no one canceled general hygiene. This does not mean that you need to brush your teeth before every kiss, but if there is any doubt, chewing gum or a refreshing spray will come to the rescue. Just do not splash into your mouth just before the kiss, as the hero of one of the comedies did. These things are best done in solitude.

As for lovers of culinary delights, it is ideal to try such food together. In this case, the smell will be elusive to another. Well, if one of the couple is not a supporter of such dishes, then it is better to order something else. After all, no one wants a passionate kiss to be associated for a loved one with a pungent smell of garlic or onions.

Another point concerns lip care. Not so long ago, many men considered hygienic lipstick to be an exclusively feminine product, and young ladies had to kiss with chapped and rough lips of men. Luckily, things are easier now. Apparently, the men realized that kissing the sandpaper is not so pleasant. Kudos to that wise woman, and it must have been her, who taught a man how to use lip balm.

What if you don't know how to kiss passionately

Young people often ask how to learn to kiss passionately. No one, neither a girl nor a guy, wants to seem inexperienced inept in love affairs. And the fact that an adult may seem ridiculous is really a serious problem for them.

Can you kiss passionately?

Yes, sureNo, but I really want to learn

In fact, everything happens by itself only if young people trust each other. Moreover, initially the couple exchanges more cautious kisses. Therefore, even if one of the partners already knows how to kiss sucked, you should not demonstrate your skills immediately. Such pressure can scare the other person or make them feel inexperienced.

It has long been noted that girls love to kiss much more than men. And if for the second a kiss is, in most cases, a step towards sex, then the girls invest much more in these caresses.

For them, this is a confirmation of their own importance and attractiveness in the eyes of this man. Therefore, guys who managed to understand this simple rule are much more successful with girls than those who are in a hurry to drag their girlfriend into bed.

Kiss in a hickey: let's move on to practice

So, the date went well and the couple decided to kiss. And both understand that it will not be a light touch of the lips, but something more intimate. And this is where the question arises, how to kiss passionately?

For starters, don't do it in public. Firstly, this is not very decent, and secondly, there is a risk that one of the passers-by will make a remark and the feeling of the kiss itself will not be the most pleasant. It's better to be alone with your soul mate.

A man in love feels great when a kiss happens. And now the faces of young people are opposite each other, their eyes look tenderly at their beloved, and their lips are slightly parted in anticipation.

  • Do not be afraid. Forget everything that was told by those who were not lucky. Any kiss is just your experience, so let it pass without fear.
  • Relax. In the end, this is not a match for the national team, where you need to be as focused as possible. Let your lips be soft and tender. Passionate kisses with hard lips are written only in bad women's novels.
  • When the lips touch, slightly open your mouth and grab your partner's lip with your lips. If he does not pull away, then he is ready to continue. But remember, don't rush.
  • And ideally, the partner should respond with such a caress. Everything that will be pleasant to both is permissible here. You can suck on your lips, lick them with your tongue, and even bite lightly. By the way, it is worth looking through the Kama Sutra. Despite the fact that the book is several centuries old, there is a whole chapter on different types of kisses and very detailed descriptions of the actions.
  • Watch your partner's reaction. You should not go beyond certain limits, especially if the beloved does not want to continue. If a girl or a guy wants to interrupt the kiss, then it is better to take a step back and limit yourself to more gentle caresses. And then try again.
  • Remember that kissing involves more than just the lips. Hug your partner, run your hands along the back, neck, bury your hand in your hair, press your whole body. Remember everything that the heroes of romantic melodramas do. Just be prepared for the natural physiological reaction of a man.
  • If both are ready to move on to the next step, then caresses can become bolder. Men begin to touch the woman's chest, she has the right to respond to this by stroking her groin.

So, the kiss is in full swing, the lips are caressing each other, and then a reasonable question arises. And how to breathe? Pull away from your loved one to take a breath, and then start kissing again? It will be more like first aid than a love game. Therefore, advice, learning to breathe through your nose will come in handy.

The main rule is there are no rules

Remember the main thing, a kiss in a hickey is like a mutual game, showing that you are aware of the sexual attractiveness of a partner and are ready to continue the relationship. Therefore, there are no clear rules that prescribe exactly how to do it. Isn't it worth it to be too assertive, because it can scare a person.

Many are sure that guys only want sex and therefore they most often initiate all lovemaking. In fact, men, and especially if they are still young and inexperienced, also experience fears.

After all, rejection is unpleasant regardless of gender. Therefore, if a girl already knows how not only a deep kiss with the tongue happens, but also other caresses, you should not immediately show it to a man. Just gently help him and support where he is not sure and then your relationship will be even stronger.

A smart woman knows perfectly well that you can easily create your ideal man. It just takes a little effort. Well, when the relationship goes to the next step, and it is worth using all your skills to drive him crazy.

By the way, doctors noted an excellent pattern. Those who kiss a lot and for a long time are less likely to get viral diseases. Whether this is due to the fact that during a kiss the mucous membrane of the lips is subjected to particularly close contact and thus the body adapts, is unknown. But the mood from a long kiss with a loved one rises. This has been proven and confirmed by age-old practice.

Therefore, kiss as often as possible, use different practices and methods, give each other pleasure. Love and be loved. It's the best feeling in the world.


Knowing how to kiss passionately correctly is very important, but you should not forget about the moral component.

From kissing passionately, you can get pleasure only when touching is a pleasure.

Otherwise, after such a kiss, you can experience a feeling of disgust and for a long time lose the desire to let the next partner approach you.

Why are kisses necessary?

With the help of touch, people since ancient times express their attitude towards each other. Lip touch has always been considered the most touching and intimate. It is an expression of affection, love and passion.

Kisses are different.

  • there are those that testify to a friendly disposition;
  • sometimes lips are applied to the cheek and just out of politeness;
  • access to the lips is allowed only to close people, and passionate kisses testify to passion.

Preparing for a kiss as an action

For many, the first kiss is a revelation. And if he fails, it can break his whole life. Maybe not all, but insecurity in the next relationship will be present and interfere with enjoying intimacy with a partner.

Therefore, kisses should not only be tuned in, they should be prepared in advance. And not only morally.

  • Be sure to brush your teeth. If the desire to kiss did not overtake in the morning, then you still need to make sure that there is no smell from the mouth. You can do this with chewing gum. Just before the kiss, you need to spit it out.
  • It is desirable that the lips were pleasant to touch. To do this, they should not be weathered. To achieve this is simple - take care of your lips in time and do not lick in the cold and during a strong gust of wind.
  • In summer, protect lips from the sun with moisturizing lipstick, in winter - with thermal protection.

Before kissing a partner, you need to try to understand by touch whether he is ready for a kiss. To do this, sometimes you need to touch the shoulder, arm, try to hug him, bring him closer to the intimate space.

And be sure to look into the eyes. If your eyes are averted or completely turned away, then the ability to kiss may not be useful.

It is not always necessary to learn how to kiss in advance. Sometimes the first timid kiss delivers more pleasure than experienced touches on the lips. It all depends on the relationship and mood.

Learning to kiss

After the relationship moves to a new qualitative level, the desire to kiss passionately comes. Such an intimate touch gives pleasure, excites desire. The main thing is to understand whether the partner wants the same.

It is easy to make sure of this: if, after touching the lips, the lips of the counterpart are slightly open, you can safely proceed to the action called the “French kiss”. This name is much more beautiful than "kiss passionately."

How to learn to kiss passionately? Many advisers recommend practicing on a ripe tomato - increase the pressure of the tongue to push through the thin skin, and then try to suck in the juice and at the same time penetrate the fruit with the tongue.

Others advise training with persimmons, penetrating the tongue deeper and deeper under the thin shell.

There is sense in these tips: with the help of some practice, you will really learn to master the language. But with direct contact with a partner, technique often fades into the background.

The partner's reactions will tell you how to act with your tongue and lips when you kiss passionately, better than any adviser.

And yet you need to imagine what you need to do, from a technical point of view, during a French kiss.

Deep Kissing Algorithm

  1. If the partner opened his lips while touching, then you need to carefully insert the tip of the tongue between them and rub against his tongue.
  2. The tongue is retracted to the side and an attempt is made to penetrate deeper into the partner's mouth.
  3. It is desirable to intertwine languages.
  4. If the partner is more comfortable with shallow penetration, then it is enough to act on the lips from the inside with the tip of the tongue, lick the tip of the tongue, and tickle it with your own.
  5. Finishing the kiss, you should not abruptly turn your head away. It is advisable to move the tongue over the lips, gently bite them “goodbye”, stay at a breathing distance, cheek to cheek.

When kissing passionately, the individual reaction of the partner should also be taken into account. In some cases, touching the sky, especially deep, is dangerous. It can cause a gag reflex.

How to understand if you liked the kiss?

Sometimes a partner does not want to offend his counterpart by the fact that he did not like the process of deep penetration, and then avoids meetings. How to understand this in advance? Only by reaction.

Kissing passionately is not necessarily “blind”. When this happens for the first time, you need to pay attention to how the partner behaves.

If he-she is relaxed - relaxed, allows intimate touches, breathing is intermittent, deep, the heart beats often, then the kiss probably liked it.

It happens that the partner deviates or breaks out, trying to finish the process as quickly as possible, taken for false modesty. When the body is tense, the lips try to compress - it means that the kiss is not pleasant, or it was not at the right time.

It is imperative to talk and find out why this happened, what the reaction is connected with.

If the technique did not satisfy, then everything can be fixed together. When the action itself turned out to be unpleasant, then this is simply “not your person”, and there is no need to be upset.

And also very important. Intimate touches are intimate because no traces are visible after them. No need to leave a hickey on the lip, a passing bruise on the cheek or chin, and lips bitten to blood. Let the lips be bright and inviting after kisses, and only a twinkle in the eyes testifies that they have only recently come off each other. This is direct proof that the relationship will not end with kisses.

Kissing is an ancient art that, like many things, comes with practice. A person who kisses for the first time does it timidly and uncertainly, because this phenomenon is new and unknown to him, this is something that he had only heard and observed before, but did not do it himself.

There is another reason why the first kiss is often timid and insecure. The fact is that if a kiss happens for love or falling in love, then the people who are going to kiss value each other very much and are afraid to do something wrong.

Therefore, the first kiss is always gentle, timid and insecure. Also, this kiss is short, not sucky, but reminiscent of the touch of lips to lips.

Why do people kiss?

People kiss because nature is arranged in such a way that sympathy first appears between a man and a woman, then it develops into love, which involves the convergence of bodies. At first, it usually manifests itself in a kiss. If people trust each other and want to be closer, then they touch each other's lips.

This is an intimate place that, when touched, produces the hormone pheromone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

With a kiss, people of the opposite sex also get acquainted with their bodies. They sniff each other (yes, like animals!) and thus get used to it.

It may happen that after a kiss, people disperse, they realize that they are not suitable for each other. This process began millions of years ago with the advent of mankind. This is a natural action that serves people for procreation.

If after the process of acquaintance with lips and sniffing, people realized that they are suitable for each other, then their relationship develops into more intimate ones and they begin the process of procreation.

Not only in humans, but also in animals, kissing also takes place in life. However, each animal kiss occurs in its own way. Many animals simply sniff, some look closely, while others intuitively find a mate.

Kisses, if they occur between people who love each other, should bring pleasure from touch. Therefore, it is better for those who do not know how to kiss to learn this in order to further give the opportunity to enjoy kissing themselves and their partner (partner).

Features of kissing passionately

Suction kisses are considered deeper and more intimate kisses, characteristic of passionate love and attraction. It is considered indecent to engage in such activities in public. After all, a kiss is an intimate activity, unless of course it is symbolic and friendly.

Kissing passionately is an art that requires some preparation. After all, there is a technique for kissing passionately that allows it to be correct.

Since ancient times, girls have learned to kiss on tomatoes, as they are approximately similar in shape to lips. They are just as soft and rounded.

But it does not mean at all that if a girl or a guy has not trained to kiss on tomatoes, then he will not be able to do it beautifully with the opposite sex. Many people are born with the ability to kiss.

From how well a person knows how to kiss, his temperament depends. If a person is choleric or sanguine, then he does it skillfully, passionately and loves this process. And melancholic and phlegmatic people, as a rule, do not like to show their feelings and therefore kiss rarely and reluctantly.

You can kiss passionately in two ways:

  • with tongue;
  • without language.

Both of these options are correct.

The opinion that it is necessary to kiss passionately only with the tongue is erroneous. Often people confuse a passionate kiss with a French kiss.

Indeed, in a French kiss, there is a participation of both languages. However, if we talk about a kiss with a suction, then this means touching the lips tightly, sucking a little on each lip in turn and without sticking out the tongue.

In order not to be in an idiotic situation, a passionate kiss must follow some elementary rules. If you take them into account, then even any timid teenager will not fail, but will be able to kiss his partner with special pleasure, even if this is his first kiss in his life.

The rules of kissing passionately:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly;
  • use a mouth freshener or chewing gum;
  • relax completely;
  • throw all thoughts out of your head and concentrate on your partner;
  • do not overdo it with the suction of the lips, otherwise you can hurt your partner.

If the kiss is not the first in life, but the person has enough practice in this matter and by mutual agreement, the partners can experiment with a kiss in rather rougher tones, that is, with sucking the lips. In this case, they should be prepared for the fact that after such kisses traces may remain, for example, bruises or smudges.

Pain may also remain. After all, the area of ​​​​the lips is very delicate and therefore sudden movements can injure the skin.

For many people, no matter what age they are, passionate kissing, especially with the participation of the tongue, is generally considered taboo. Many religions forbid doing this, because it looks vulgar and ugly.

And for others, there is no sexual relationship without kissing with the participation of the tongue. Thus, all people are different in character and temperament, so each kissing technique has its own and there are no rules and restrictions here. For everything to go smoothly, you need to try and get to know yourself and your partner very carefully.

Kissing technique with tongue: rules and techniques

A kiss involving the tongue is a very serious step and it requires special preparation. You can’t do this thoughtlessly, because further relations with a partner may depend on how well the kiss is made.

How to kiss passionately with tongue:

This technique is most common among lovers of passionate kisses. If the partner takes the initiative, it will be easier to sort out this situation together, even if both partners have never kissed before.

After all, nature is arranged in such a way that the bodies, touching in a kiss, must themselves control the situation. And a person only has to help them with his mind a little, following simple rules.

The kissing technique depends on how ready the partners are for the kiss. Many facts depend on how passionate and protracted the kiss is:

  • mood;
  • the nature of the partners;
  • situation;
  • condition of the skin of the lips, personal hygiene.

For a kiss to be unforgettable, the partner must ensure that her lips are in perfect condition. Not only oral hygiene should be in order, but also lips. If it's cold outside, then the lips must be moisturized with a balm.

In no case should you try to kiss a partner if there is any cut on the lip or, for example, herpes.

This can cause discomfort or even scare the partner. It is better to wait until the wound heals and proceed with the first kiss with confidence.

How to learn to kiss passionately without a partner

The question of how to learn to kiss passionately worries every teenager, because sooner or later it will have to be done.

If a student did not have time to learn how to kiss at school, then entering adulthood, he usually becomes embarrassed at the moment when the time comes to kiss his partner, and this has never been done before. In order not to get into a mess, you need to properly prepare for a passionate kiss.

Rules for kissing without a partner:

  • learn to relax;
  • get rid of fear and stiffness;
  • lips should be soft and relaxed;
  • for the imitator of a partner, you can choose several options for objects: your own hand, a tomato, an apple, or something else that comes to hand.

An apple and a tomato are great for sucking kissing exercises.

  1. stand in front of a mirror;
  2. take an apple (tomato);
  3. slowly touch it with your mouth slightly open;
  4. gently suck the apple with your lips, grabbing it a little between your lips;
  5. imagine that in front of you is not an apple, but the lips of a partner;
  6. closing your eyes, gently move your lips over the apple, slowly tilting your head to the left, then to the right.

If you follow all the rules, then there should be nothing complicated in a kiss.

If people fit and like each other, then the process of the first kiss should go smoothly.

How to kiss on a first date

The first date is a quivering and very important event in the life of every person. To make it go smoothly and with pleasure, you need to remember a few rules:

The first date should leave some understatement to the partner so that he (she) can look forward to the next meeting and look forward to it.

At the first kiss, in principle, as with the second and third, you can not be tense, otherwise the lips will be hard and the kiss will not bring any pleasure. You can’t rush and be distracted by anything, otherwise the partner will see that his partner is not thinking about the kiss, but just kissing “for show”.

What Not to Do While Kissing

  • you can not bite and strongly suck the lips of a partner. This may result in injury. In addition, delivering pain to a partner, a kiss can be the last for both;
  • Do not eat garlic or onions before kissing. These insidious vegetables will turn breathing into a very unpleasant one, and when kissing, the partner will not feel pleasure, but rather, on the contrary, disgust;
  • you can’t use force and, without listening to the wishes of the partner, continue the kissing technique to your taste. You always need to listen to the desires of a partner, and listen - this is in a figurative sense. After all, a couple during a kiss does not talk and does not discuss the kiss itself. Therefore, with eyes and touches, you need to learn to understand each other's desires.

Whatever happens, whatever the situation, you need to follow the basic rules in kissing.

Partners can always help each other find an idyll and retire, bringing unforgettable pleasure from the touch of the lips.

And more information on the topic - in the next video.

The most common and unambiguous way to let a person know that you love him is to kiss him passionately with your tongue correctly. Kissing is an integral part of our whole life. For the first time they happen to us from a very young age, given to relatives and friends. Then, we exchange them with our best friends, loved ones, and, ultimately, kiss our own children. Through this one close gesture, a person is able to show a lot of positive emotions, from feelings of gratitude to ardent adoration, and all that cannot be fully expressed in words. The power of a good and beautiful kiss often reconciles quarreling couples, it should not be underestimated.

This article aims to enlighten and teach novice Don Juans and just curious readers how to kiss properly by providing a collection of proven kissing methods, from light kissing to kissing in French with tongue. And since he learns to kiss correctly, he sucks kopeck piece and a guy with and without a tongue.

Building a love relationship with your soulmate inevitably involves kissing, primarily as part of courtship and flirting. First dates are usually accompanied by rare, uncomplicated baby kisses on the cheek, or barely touching the partner's lips. Over time, they flow into more passionate contacts, lasting for whole minutes and saturated with ardent passion. Kisses closely bring together a loving couple, serving for her as a source of tenderness and most pleasant moments of intimate pleasure.

For the vast majority of today's human society, a kiss does not seem like something out of the ordinary. However, in some corners of the Earth, people with their established culture treat kissing as a sacred, or even openly erotic act. Kissing in public is not customary in such societies, and kissing is often substituted for its lighter counterparts, such as the nose-rubbing practiced in Taita. Let's move on to the technique of how to learn how to kiss correctly passionately for a girl and a guy.

What is the technique of kissing and how to learn to kiss correctly passionately. A kiss for us is always filled with some kind of meaning, and the first kiss is undoubtedly one of the most significant events that is vividly imprinted in our memory. The first kiss is the most special, just like learning to kiss properly the first time. For everyone, a kiss with a tongue sucks happens in its own way, in different years and under different circumstances, and is unlike the others. It is not surprising that the first kiss on the lips awakens strong excitement, and even fear. Actually, you shouldn't be afraid of it. Excessive excitement, although it spices it up, often spoils everything. In many ways, because of her, most first kisses come out clumsy and completely unsightly. It is difficult to enjoy a kiss when the whole body is shaking nervously. If you have a hickey on your neck under the influence of a kiss, we will help you very quickly without any problems.

It is much easier in this matter for the weaker sex, since in our society it is accepted that the first to kiss is the groom, and all the important things can be shifted to him, as if going with the flow. Hence the primary difficulty for guys. He is pressured by the need to take the initiative into his own hands, and as a man, he is often ashamed to show his indecision. After all, you must somehow admit that this is the first time for you, or prove your burnt-out, if you lied, so as not to lose face. What if everything goes bad? How to continue to live?

Task number one is to calm your nerves. It is possible to do this in different ways. Turn on your imagination and imagine yourself as Casanova - one of the many ways. Here the imagination is your main assistant and saving wand.

By no means be shy. For a person who really loves you, in fact, it doesn’t really matter how well you show your skills at the first kiss. It is much more important to remember such moments as breath and. They spoil the impression of the first kiss much more than the natural inexperience of a beginner. In the same way, dry, chapped lips or a dirty face do not paint a kiss.

Since the first, according to tradition, a kiss on the lips is initiated by guys, the following tips are intended primarily for them: It is better to start with tactile contact. When you are no longer embarrassed by touching a girl, then most likely, kissing will not be embarrassing either. And yet how to learn to kiss correctly on the lips? Touch her hands, take them in your palms. Gently shift your gaze from her eyes to her lips, gently making it clear about your intentions. If the girl herself wants this, she may begin to hint long before you finally decide to give her the first kiss on the lips.

Before proceeding to the key part, take the girl by the waist or by the neck. Start the first kiss on the cheeks and neck, just barely touching her lips. Then, move on to a real kiss in a hickey, and pressing against the girl's lips, slightly open your mouth. Less shyness, more action. Suck her lips, you can even use your teeth, but being careful, carefully. Do not keep your own lips in constant tension. If they are compressed, there will be much less pleasure, besides, they will quickly get tired. Pay attention to hugs and caressing touches. Dilute a pleasant moment with a couple of affectionate compliments if you get the chance.

In short, and generally speaking, the right kisses in a hickey and lips can be divided into three categories: passionate, caressing and exciting. In exciting kisses, tongue is used. French kissing and kissing passionately are exciting kisses.

How to learn to kiss for the first time

And since the first time with the tongue in a hickey. Light kisses are behind us, and it's time to describe the process of a deep passionate kiss using the tongue. Such kisses are the most intimate and piquant. They are imprinted in the memory more than others, but they require more responsibility, and at least minor skills. The tongue kiss is arguably one of the most energizing acts of courtship, and can bring immense satisfaction to both parties if done right.

What is this approach? As little as possible selfish intentions and more caring. Immediately climbing into the mouth of a partner with your tongue is a bad form. A tongue sucking kiss develops from a simple kiss on the lips when both partners are willing to go further. Try lightly touching your partner's mouth with your tongue. Feeling no response to your actions, immediately cut off your attempts and return to a light kiss.

French kissing technique

Technique and kiss in French for girls begins with close contact of the lips of the kissers and you will learn this technique now! Then, language comes into play. Gently and slowly penetrate your partner's mouth. Start stroking his/her tongue using the tip of your own. Don't neglect your teeth and gums.

These bilingual dances involve a dynamic change in the tempo of the kiss and its strength. In the process of a mouth-to-mouth French kiss, the leader regularly changes - the one who more actively penetrates the partner's tongue with his tongue. Lip coverage, teasing bites are important additions to it, which can significantly turn both kissers on. However, if the partners are not set up accordingly, do not put their soul into the French kiss and do not show enthusiasm, then the French kiss of such a couple will come out lean.

Show all your tender feelings to your beloved half, connect not only your tongue with lips, but also your hands to this. Grab your partner by the shoulders, waist, press him to you, put your fingers on his / her head. In general, improvise, and do not forget about comfort for the second half. This is the simplest French kissing technique, that is, a kiss with the tongue.

For deep kisses, there are unspoken restrictions that should not be violated. Consider some mistakes when kissing on the lips. One of the most common such violations is to stick the tongue all the way into the partner's mouth, reaching almost to the throat. I must say that such maneuvers give dubious pleasure for a loved one, if only because they interfere with normal breathing. With such a kiss and strangle for a short time! Men are especially guilty of this, because much more women prefer deep kisses with a suction.

Another kissing mistake is salivating while kissing, or more accurately, putting your saliva into your partner's mouth, which is just as pleasurable as tongue choking. Of course, there are exceptions, but without knowing the preferences of your girlfriend for sure, it’s better not to tempt fate, and you should swallow your saliva yourself. The same goes for lip biting.

To the question “Why are such kissing mistakes the most common?” the natural answer follows - egocentrism. He is the root cause of all the mistakes that occur during kissing in general. When one partner does not think about the comfort of his soulmate, concentrating on himself for the sake of his own pleasure, it does not end well. If a guy likes aggressive, persistent behavior during courtship, it is far from a fact that the girl fully shares his preferences. Continuing at this pace, you can completely lose your beloved.

Be responsive, do not take everything upon yourself, share the initiative with your soul mate. Let her control the kiss and choose the style she prefers. Then you can find out what she likes the most about the kiss, and in the future already make adjustments that would satisfy both of you.

Measure your advancement in the skill of kissing by the reaction of your partner to them. You should not ask directly, it is likely that your significant other will lie to you. Let the behavior speak for her better during the correct kiss on the lips and after it. Does she want to try again, how often does she kiss passionately, how long does a kiss with a tongue last? And similar indirect signs of your success or failure. The best gift you can get for your efforts is a frank recognition of your skill by a girl. All these kisses on the lips and a hickey with the tongue you will learn only from us firsthand! Thank you for your attention!

What types of kisses exist

The types of kisses are multifaceted and are different, now we will tell you about their existence. The most ancient and proven source that dedicates in detail to the art of love is the Kama Sutra. According to her texts, kissing is classified into four forms: Avagakumbana, Samantha, Nimta and Yudha. They, in turn, are divided into subspecies.

  1. Avagakumbana explores the theme of kissing, which involves the active use of the fingers. Its subspecies have ornate names: nectar gathering, petal fall, bud enjoyment, and petal.
  2. Samantha is divided into more subspecies, that is, into five: Stinging kiss, exquisite, inflaming, mill and royal. They are the most erotic kisses among other forms of kissing.
  3. Nimta - the most elementary correct kisses. There are more than a dozen of their subspecies: the struggle of mouths, the struggle of teeth, exciting, childish, passionate, bashful, winner, gentle, even, chaste, burning.
  4. Yudha - aggressive kisses on the lips, in which lovers playfully intercept each other's leading role, trying to "capture" the partner's mouth.

The main types of kisses

  • Butterfly - Less than a kiss. In fact, just a touch, in which a person gently tickles the skin of a partner with eyelashes.
  • Eskimo Kiss. - A kiss known to many, which, like the "butterfly", is actually not one. Contact between two partners is limited to rubbing their noses against each other.
  • One Lip Kiss - A kiss that wraps around the upper or lower lip and then sucks it.
  • Spider kiss - A kiss in which the heads of the partners are turned so that their lips become almost transverse to each other. At the same time, one partner grabs the upper lip of his half, and she takes him into the grip of his lower lip.
  • Kissing the ears and neck - The name speaks for itself. In this type of kiss, one partner's lips stroke the skin of the neck, or suck on the earlobe of the other. These kisses are most often accompanied by biting.
  • Vacuum kiss, or sucking kiss - A very energy-consuming kiss when a partner sucks the lips of the second half into his mouth. If it is stretched over time, the lips begin to quickly stiffen.
  • French kiss - A deep kiss, the hottest, literally overflowing with emotions. It is practiced by many people around the world.

These are not all existing types of kisses on the lips with and without tongue, only the most basic ones. In fact, the number of types of kisses is limited only by human imagination and experience. The higher you level up and experiment more, the wider your love arsenal will end up being. These are all perhaps lessons on how to learn how to kiss correctly on the lips, with and without a tongue.

  • "How to kiss a guy right?"
  • "When to start?"
  • “Is it too late/not too early to try kissing at 12?”

There is no specific age for the first kiss - the main thing is that it be gentle, and the person with whom you are going to do this reciprocates.

After all, a kiss on the lips is intimate and even magical. Don't believe? Then read this article and you will learn how to kiss properly, as well as a lot more interesting things about kissing.

The art of kissing has been known since ancient Greece and Rome. Even Plato eagerly tried to penetrate the secrets of the kiss, having developed a whole theory for this. According to the philosopher, from time immemorial the human body was spherical. He had 2 halves - male and female, four arms, four legs. However, the Thunderer Zeus, angry at the arrogant androgynous creature, ordered to divide it into male and female halves. This is how the male and female sex appeared.

According to Plato's theory, reunion of these two entities happens during the kiss. Since then, humanity has not abandoned the desire to learn how to kiss gently and correctly. After all, a passionate kiss can give a timid girl a little courage, and plunge a guy into the sweet depths of bliss.

Kissing season - the most romantic in the history of the relationship of a young couple. It can only be compared with spring, when you want to wander the flowering streets until the morning, carry your beloved in your arms and read Pushkin or Yesenin with rapture. But before repeating your favorite poems, read about how to kiss properly, as it may come in handy on your next walk together.

How to kiss passionately with tongue?

As you know, the French know how to kiss very well. The concept of a French kiss is known to the whole world, but here's how to kiss passionately, not everyone knows.

When people kiss, they touch each other not only with their lips and tongue, but with their whole soul - at least, the French themselves think so.

Of course, the person you intend to kiss should really please you: you feel light, a little languishing, and… pleasant breath from his mouth. It is under such conditions that learning how to kiss passionately will be easy and pleasant.

Of course you can try practice without a partner. Do a little exercise: slightly open your mouth, run your tongue over your lips - from the outside and inside. There are many nerve endings on the lips - that is why we experience pleasant sensations.

Imagine how your lips become engorged and visibly red when you kiss your loved one. That is why girls often use red lipstick before a date, as if signaling that the time has come to learn how to kiss passionately.

Kiss passionately: technique, chemistry and psychology

So, you stand eye to eye with your partner. Your lips are close together, your bodies are touching, and a slight tremor is felt on the hand that is frozen in the palm of a loved one. You feel the aroma of her or his body, you want to enjoy it without a trace, returning to this smell every moment that you spend apart. Congratulations, you are now ready to have a tongue kiss with your partner.

First, open your mouth slightly and touch with lips alone. You can take the first steps without a tongue, as if probing the soil. Do not rush, do everything gently, but confidently, so that your partner does not suspect your inexperience or timidity. Although this has its own unforgettable charm, which will never happen again.

Do you know that a guy who still does not know how to kiss with the tongue correctly, but wants to learn this, simply does not have a price in our modern society. And the girl who learns to kiss on tomatoes is generally the standard of purity, naivety and fidelity beliefs.

Well, have we given you confidence with our praises? And now quickly open your mouth and proceed to the most important thing - kiss passionately, because this the most eloquent prelude, the most sincere confession, the most beautiful symphony of two hearts.

  1. On the contrary, start with light contact and biting of the lips, combining them with the movements of the tongue.
  2. Now close your lips with your partner's.
  3. Play a little with the tip of your tongue, sliding it along the inside of your partner's lips.
  4. Explore his language, millimeter by millimeter, comprehending the soul of a loved one and reuniting with her in the alluring magic of a kiss.

Nice? But scientists believe that it is also useful. During a kiss, we burn more than a dozen calories, and real ones arrive in the blood in pulsating waves. love hormones - oxytocin and dopamine. It is they who evoke feelings of affection, joy and bliss. Psychologically, a passionate kiss also causes great shock, especially for women. However, men also experience positive emotions during a kiss. They just rarely talk about it.

How to learn to kiss for the first time?

Absolutely everyone experiences the first kiss, so every person on Earth has to learn how to kiss for the first time. In addition to humans, primates also love kissing. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to speak of natural kissing. Perhaps this is a continuation of the sucking reflex, or a conditional skill acquired in the process of evolution. One way or another, for us and primates, the simple question of how to learn to kiss for the first time is very relevant.

Do not invest all your ardor in the gentle magic of the first kiss yet - it should be easy like the spring wind and warm like the gentle sun of a May day. That's why he is the first to be remembered for a lifetime and leave memories of a slight shiver, and not the feeling of other people's saliva on your face.

Before the first kiss it is important to make eye contact. Your partner's eyes will tell you a lot, like whether he or she is ready to give you a kiss. At this point, emotions can be expected - girls usually play with their hair to draw attention to themselves. A slightly aroused state and pleasant trembling is normal for both guys and girls. But try to hold back your nerves if they roam in earnest. It's just a kiss, and it's about to happen.

In order to learn how to kiss for the first time, a guy and a girl must:

  1. Sympathize with each other.
  2. They must have fresh breath and strong nerves.
  3. The situation is appropriate: without extraneous witnesses and parents who stopped by at the wrong time.
  4. The meeting of the lips occurs at a slight angle, otherwise the partners run the risk of meeting their noses. The situation is quite comical, but laughter is not what you need at this moment. You may never cross the friendly line and forever hang in the friend zone.
  5. Your lips gently touch, tongues not yet involved.
  6. Close your eyes, surrender to this moment, time and place.
  7. Run your hands over your face, hair, shoulders, partner. But don't let go of your hands - it's the first kiss.
  8. Don't kiss too long. You can start with 10 seconds - after all, you can always repeat.

A few mistakes and hindrances in the first kisses

We have already told you how to learn to kiss. There are a few points left to be clarified.