Separate food menu - what to combine with what and how to cook. Diet separate nutrition What is proper separate nutrition

A type of meal is presented, the basic principle of which is that proteins and carbohydrates are incompatible. That is, at one meal, fiber and proteins are combined, at another, fiber and carbohydrates.

Most often, this type of nutrition is used to lose weight and / or keep the body in shape. The diet is built in such a way that it can eventually be made a way of life and always eat separately.

Scientists have not yet proven that such a diet is actually more useful than a mixed one, but the opposite has not yet been proven either.

At the very least, eating foods separately at short intervals will certainly not harm the body, and with the right choice of dishes, it will provide first aid in getting rid of extra pounds.

What is a split diet and how to start it?

Separate diet determines product compatibility and incompatibility. At each meal, only those products are used that are compatible with each other, or in extreme cases, the compatibility of which does not matter. This is a classic version of a separate diet. But there are others.

Gennady Malakhov, for example, simplified such nutrition to a minimum, dividing foods only into protein, carbohydrate and neutral, where protein and carbohydrates are incompatible with each other, but are quite compatible with other foods. With this diet option, it is more convenient to start eating separately, since both the body and the brain must get used to the new lifestyle. If you load yourself with all the rules at once, you can get confused, as a result of which people often refuse such a healthy diet.

But separate nutrition according to Sheldon, who, in fact, is the creator of this system, is a little more complicated and aimed at a deeper result - not only losing weight, but also cleansing the body. This is a health food that has a number of rules that distinguish it from the usual version. The rules say:

The same nutrition system is widely promoted by Vladimir Zhdanov, arguing that the combination of protein products with starch, carbohydrate with protein, and carbohydrate with dairy is harmful to human health. Zhdanov divides products into three main categories:

  • Proteins: meat, fish, legumes, seeds, eggplant, nuts.
  • Carbohydrates: potatoes, cereals, vermicelli, bread.
  • Neutral: vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, herbs, fats, juices.

Separate power supply scheme

The classic way to separate products Pretty simple but takes some getting used to. The basis of nutrition is the separation of carbohydrate and protein foods, which are never eaten together. Further, in addition to the main products, fiber, sour-milk products, fats and more are added. Over time, this is remembered, but for starters, you can use the table below.

Separate nutrition for weight loss. Product Compatibility Chart:

Ultrafast diet: separate meals for 10 days

For quick weight loss, for example, before a holiday or a trip to a resort, you can try a diet in which lost from 4 to 8 kg in a short time. Diet by itself means a popular way of separating products, the daily diet of which is no more than 2000 kcal. Along with the diet itself, cardio workouts of at least 40 minutes and no more than 90 minutes per day are recommended. Eating should take place at the same hours every day.

Preparing for a Diet

A few days before the start, it is worth starting to cut your diet by eliminating harmful foods and reducing portions. 1-2 days before the diet, you need to start eating separately 5-6 times a day, not forgetting to drink water 15 minutes before each meal. Food and water should be at least room temperature.

Detailed diet for the day

Days 1 and 6Oatmeal on sugar-free water and kiwi puree120 g white fish, steamed or boiled, and green saladDurum wheat pasta - 40 gr, stewed vegetables
Days 2 and 74 egg whites and spinach and cucumber salad dressed with olive oilBroccoli, potato, cauliflower, and pea soup and a slice of whole grain bread250 g white meat or fish and stewed vegetables, except for potatoes
Days 3 and 8Sugar free oatmeal and pear or avocadoVegetable salad dressed with olive oil and a slice of whole grain bread250 gr stewed poultry and stewed vegetables
Days 4 and 9Porridge on the water from any cereal without sugar and an orange or grapefruitVegetable soup and a small portion of vermicelli or noodlesStewed vegetables and 150 g of boiled white fish or fish broth
Days 5 and 10Cottage cheese - 150 gr and 3 baked apples200 gr boiled beef with vegetable saladVegetables in any form and 250 gr of seafood - shrimp, mussels or squid

Snack between main meals. For a second breakfast, you can eat any fruit, preferably sweet and sour. For an afternoon snack, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content, adding a little dried fruit to it, or drink an energy smoothie with a banana and berries.

Getting out of the diet

After the end of the diet, it is recommended to introduce new foods no more than three per day, increase portions gradually, and you can switch to a mixed diet only when a week has passed after the end of the diet. It is now recommended to always eat right so as not to gain weight again.

Reviews and results

I've been eating separately for 4 years now. At one time, separate meals helped me a lot. I lost weight relatively quickly, my stomach pains disappeared and I began to feel better and freer. I became interested in Sheldon's nutrition, I will definitely try it.

Antonina, 38 years old.

Thanks for the interesting tips. I practice separate nutrition quite recently and did not know much. So far, I really like to eat this way, I especially liked the ten-day diet, which I am going to try out. Already now I have managed to lose a few kilograms, I think that further results will be even better.

Maria, 26 years old

Separate food recipes for every day

In conclusion, quite interesting recipes for separate meals are presented, which can be used daily and even served at the festive table.

You will need:


Step 1. Grate half the onion, garlic and grapefruit zest, add dry rosemary and marjoram, mix thoroughly. Add some salt and pepper there, one tsp. oil and mix again.

Step 2. Prepare the chicken, clean, wash, wipe with a paper towel and grease the inside with the remaining pepper and salt.

Step 3. Cut the remaining onion and grapefruit into thin slices and stuff the chicken as tightly as possible. Carefully place the chicken on the sheet.

Step 4. Gently insert sprigs of rosemary and marjoram under the skin, rub with the mixture made initially, put in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 40 minutes. Periodically look in and water the chicken with the juice that stands out.

Step 5. After 40 minutes, place the remaining onion and grapefruit slices around the chicken and leave to bake for another 20-30 minutes.

Sweet canapes with cheese

You will need:

  • Hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • Grapes - 100 gr.
  • Bananas - 2 pcs.
  • Pineapples - 50 gr.
  • Yogurt - 2 pcs.


Step 1. Cut fruit and cheese into squares and string on skewers in random order.

Step 2. Put the skewers on a dish, pour pineapple juice and yogurt on top.

corn hominy

You will need:

  • Corn grits - 100 gr.
  • Water - 300 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch.


Step 1. Dry the corn grits in a pan while the water boils.

Step 2. Pour the grits into boiling water and leave to simmer on low heat for 25 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover and leave for another 25 minutes.

Step 3. Make cutlets from the resulting porridge, put on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5-7 minutes to dry.

Balls of nuts and dried fruits

You will need:

  • Nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts - 100 gr.
  • Prunes, dried apricots, dates - 100 gr.
  • Baking powder - 10 gr.
  • Egg white - half.


Step 1. Lightly fry the nuts and chop with a crush. Finely chop dry fruits. Mix all.

Step 2. Beat egg white until foamy, place in a bowl with nuts and dried fruits and add baking powder. Mix again.

Step 3. Roll the balls from the resulting mixture, put on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Chicken meatballs with lentils

You will need:

  • Minced chicken - 1 kg.
  • Lentils - 125 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and hot pepper.


Step 1. Wash the lentils and pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Chop one onion.

Step 2. Combine lentils, onion, minced meat, salt, pepper and egg and mix thoroughly.

Step 3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease the baking dish with oil, make balls from the minced meat, put it in the mold and put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Step 4. While the balls are baking, chop the remaining onion and garlic, fry in a pan, pour sour cream, heat for another 2 minutes.

Step 5. Pour the prepared balls with sour cream sauce and leave in the oven for 5 minutes without fire.

Interesting recipes. A good way to diversify your cuisine. In addition, having already tried several of the proposed ones, I note that all dishes are prepared very easily and quickly, and they are very suitable for me, as a person who is always busy. Thanks to the author for such wonderful ideas!

Alexandra, 31 years old

When humanity constantly improved its way of life, discovered new lands and new products, it did not even suspect that this would help the emergence of new problems. After the invention of automobiles, it was no longer necessary to saddle a horse, put on armor and hunt a mammoth. But this did not affect the amount of food consumed. Therefore, losing weight has become the main goal in our time. If it is difficult to maintain a diet, then perhaps a separate diet will help with this?

What is the benefit of separate meals?

To begin with, there is no scientific evidence that would convince one hundred percent of the effectiveness of such a nutrition system. After all, according to her, in order to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats, different types of enzymes are needed. Therefore, mixing products is not recommended.. For example, carbohydrates are processed in an alkaline environment, while proteins are processed in an acidic one. If you combine them together, then not all will be assimilated equally.

Undigested food residues accumulate in the stomach and cause fermentation and flatulence processes, disrupt metabolism. So, you need to separately eat foods containing fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This contributes to:

  • rapid digestion of food without fermentation and decay,
  • removal of toxins and slags,
  • rational nutrition,
  • health promotion,
  • improving well-being,
  • weight loss,
  • unloading the body
  • opportunities to exclude harmful products from the menu: mayonnaise, smoked meats, canned food, sweets,
  • helps to get rid of asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergies, gastric disorders.

Separate nutrition for weight loss has become a very popular diet. After all, it not only helps to lose weight, but also reduces the load not only on the stomach, but also on the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and heart. It would seem a very good choice for a sane person. But opponents of separate nutrition give other arguments.. They argue, referring to dietitians, that people cannot control the process of digestion on their own. Because the small intestine processes all the food consumed. And proteins can collide with fats, which for some reason slowed down at one of the stages. Cons of fractional nutrition:

  • the body will not be able to return to primary digestion,
  • weakens the work of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • reduces the function of enzymes,
  • the inability to choose foods that contain only proteins, carbohydrates or fats (they do not exist in nature),
  • lacking carbohydrates, the body suffers from a lack of serotonin, which has a bad effect on mental well-being.

The principle of separate nutrition should not be thrown off the scales, that food should be simple, without preservatives and undergo minimal heat treatment.

Principles of separate power supply

The theory of separate nutrition has been known since the last century. In 1928, the book "The Right Combination of Foods" by the American nutritionist G. Shelton was published. Since that time, she has many fans and opponents. But even in ancient Rome, Aesculapius Celsus wrote about the dangers of mixed food. The famous Russian physiologist I. Pavlov proved that different products are digested by different enzymes and different parts of the intestinal tract. Naturopath G. Hay not only promoted the principles of separate nutrition according to Shelton, but he himself adhered to them.

The main rules of separate meals:

  1. Carbohydrates and proteins are processed by different enzymes. Therefore, you can not combine meat with potatoes, and pasta with chicken liver.
  2. The best way to improve the body - vegetables, fruits and a variety of salads from them.
  3. The break between meals of different types of food should be at least five hours.
  4. Foods with a lot of protein and sour vegetables do not combine with carbohydrates (meat is not eaten with tomatoes).
  5. Sugar, jam, desserts, starch should be abandoned, as they provoke fermentation and putrefaction in the gastric tract.
  6. Greens, dried fruits, sour cream and cream, mushrooms, garlic, asparagus, onions, carrots are considered neutral, they can be combined with any product.
  7. Two proteins should not be taken together.
  8. Fats do not combine with proteins (eggs can only be fried in vegetable oil).
  9. Canned food, semi-finished products, refined products are excluded.
  10. The next portion of food can be taken only two to three hours after the previous one. Other food after fruit can be consumed after half an hour.
  11. Watermelon and melon are incompatible foods, so it is better to eat them separately 45-50 minutes before the main meals.
  12. Milk is drunk without flour products, it is possible together with fresh or boiled vegetables and fruits.

Types of products for separate nutrition:

  • protein menu - fish, meat, nuts, eggs, legumes, seafood, cheese and cottage cheese, eggplant,
  • carbohydrate menu - potatoes, honey, pasta, sweet fruits, sugar, rice, cereals, wholemeal bread,
  • fat menu - vegetable and butter, lard, sour cream, cream, dried fruits, juices,
  • menu with starch - bread, potatoes, flour and flour products,
  • menu with sour vegetables and fruits - lemon, grapes, pomegranate, cherry, orange, tomato, grapefruit,
  • a menu with sweet fruits - bananas, persimmons, raisins, dates.

If you decide to try the principles of separate nutrition in practice, then do not forget that fats can be combined with any groups, and proteins and carbohydrates are incompatible with each other. Ideally, make a menu for the week using our lists and tables, and strictly follow it every day.

Separate nutrition: product compatibility table (when clicked, it will increase)

Avoid these product unions:

  1. Meat with pasta.
  2. Fish with rice.
  3. Potatoes with meat.
  4. Meat sauces with added flour.
  5. Sandwiches with cheese and ham.
  6. Cakes with nuts.
  7. Eggs with meat or cheese.
  8. Meat with fish.
  9. Chicken meat and prunes.
  10. Tea with chocolates or jam.

Prohibited products with a separate power supply system:

  1. carbonated drinks,
  2. seasonings (mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, vinegar),
  3. sausages, sausage, smoked meats,
  4. butter and margarine,
  5. syrups and sweets,
  6. crackers and ice cream,
  7. cakes, cookies, muffins, rolls,
  8. fatty dairy products,
  9. crackers and chips.

Consult your doctor if you decide to eat according to a separate principle, but have chronic diseases.

Separate nutrition for weight loss

Those who at least once withstood any diet know how difficult it is. It is difficult to limit yourself in food, not to consume your favorite sweets. Therefore, it is not surprising that after a diet, the previous weight returns again. According to reviews, separate meals are ideal for losing weight. Its advantages are obvious:

  • there are no restrictions in any certain food products,
  • the diet does not bother, because it is varied,
  • the presence of psychological comfort,
  • metabolism is normalized,
  • life energy appears
  • excess weight is gone.

To convince of the effectiveness of the system, we present only one fact. Herbert Shelton, who founded the "School of Health of Dr. Shelton" and cured the seriously ill with the help of separate nutrition, he himself followed his principles. He lived for almost a hundred years, like his follower Howard Hay.

Practice has shown that there may not be any benefit from the most wholesome and healthy food if you take it without taking into account a particular disease or in a state of stress. And this is a direct path to hormonal disruptions and metabolic disorders.

Shelton believed that his diet will give faster results if it is combined with physical activity, daily routine, positive emotions. This is a kind of philosophy of nutrition, which, with the right approach, prolongs life.

After all, our smaller relatives - animals - never mix food. And a person has learned to cook, bake, fry natural products, look for unusual flavor combinations. True, then he often has to feel heaviness in the stomach, shortness of breath, high blood pressure after eating all kinds of dishes. The hackneyed phrase that a person eats in order to live, and not in order to eat, immediately comes to mind.

The principles of separate nutrition for weight loss are also a winning option for the body because there are no restrictions on portion sizes. Just do not forget that the feeling of insufficient satiety will disappear half an hour after a meal, and overeating will help adjust your menu.

Also, with such a diet, it is not necessary to adhere to the time that you eat in a strictly allotted period of the day. The body will tell you. Reviews of those who have lost weight show that many are switching to two meals a day, although this is not very correct. Don't force yourself to eat if you don't have an appetite.. This is how the digestive system regulates your health. The work of immunity is gradually activated, the intestinal microflora will be restored, the depressive state will pass, extra pounds will go away.

Separate meals: menu for the week

For breakfast, you can use one product from this list:

  • omelette with herbs
  • hard boiled eggs,
  • porridge on the water
  • the fruit is sweet or sour.

Lunch should consist of vegetables and one meal with carbohydrates or proteins. Naturally, dinner is the opposite of lunch. Did you eat carbohydrates at lunch? So, cook dinner from protein products.

The first day

  • breakfast: muesli with nuts, sweet apple, unsweetened black or green tea,
  • lunch: white chicken meat or stewed beans, cabbage and carrot salad,
  • afternoon snack: watermelon,
  • dinner: boiled eggs and fruit.

Second day

  • breakfast: white buckwheat porridge and green ginger tea,
  • lunch: boiled hake, stewed eggplant,
  • afternoon tea: melon,
  • dinner: stewed asparagus and banana.

Day Three

  • breakfast: semolina porridge, carrot juice,
  • lunch: vinaigrette, boiled lean meat,
  • afternoon snack: cherries or raspberries without sugar and with cream,
  • dinner: potato casserole with cauliflower.

Day four

  • breakfast: rice cereal porridge on the water, grapefruit or orange,
  • lunch: seafood, cabbage and cucumber salad, a piece of cheese,
  • afternoon snack: a cup of milk or fresh plums, peaches,
  • dinner: strawberries or cherries with low-fat cottage cheese.

Day five

  • breakfast: kefir, wheat porridge, apple,
  • lunch: bran bread, okroshka,
  • afternoon snack: fruit salad,
  • dinner: stewed pumpkin, nuts.

Day six

  • breakfast: a glass of fermented baked milk, a banana,
  • lunch: stewed cabbage with mushrooms, tomato salad,
  • afternoon snack: watermelon,
  • dinner: salad with egg and cucumbers.

Day seven

  • breakfast: grapes, green tea,
  • lunch: green borsch, radish and green onion salad,
  • afternoon tea: orange,
  • dinner: boiled fish and stewed eggplant.

No frills with a separate power supply is not required. But if the proposed menu seems boring, and the phrase “vegetable salad” is boring, use proven recipes.

Cabbage tubes

Ingredients: a head of cabbage, 2 carrots, 15 g of salt, a slice of rye bread, coriander, ground red pepper, a bunch of parsley.

Cut the head of cabbage in half, separate the leaves, remove the thickenings. 2. Grate fresh carrots. Prepare the brine: one and a half liters of water is brought to a boil, salt and spices are thrown at the end. Pour hot brine over carrots and cabbage, each vegetable separately. Add rye bread to cabbage and marinate until done. Throw vegetables in a colander, roll carrots into cabbage leaves with tubules. Garnish the dish with parsley leaves.

Salad for gourmets

Ingredients: 100 g walnuts or pine nuts, 50 ml honey, 3 carrots.

Peel and chop the nuts. Cut peeled carrots into strips. Add honey to carrots and mix. Then throw in the nuts and mix everything thoroughly. To fully enjoy the salad, lightly roast the nuts first.

Veal with vegetables

Ingredients: 250 g veal fillet, 1 onion, beets, bell peppers of different colors, 2 carrots, cauliflower, 45 g corn oil for frying, black pepper, salt.

Cut the veal into thin slices and lightly fry. Chop the onion, pepper, carrot and beetroot into strips. Fry them together and put them in a pot with meat. Pepper and salt. Simmer over low heat for 25 minutes.

pumpkin fritters

Ingredients: 300 g sweet pumpkin, 150 g buckwheat flour, 200 g kefir, 5 g ground ginger, vegetable oil, soda and salt.

Grind the pumpkin in a blender or grate. Squeeze out the juice. Mix with kefir and throw in soda and a pinch of salt. Add flour. After 15 minutes, spread the dough on a hot pan. Fry over medium heat on both sides.

Fruit mix

Ingredients: 2 kiwi, 1 peach, 1 orange, apple, 350 g vanilla yogurt.

Peel orange and kiwi and cut into cubes. Cut peach and apple into slices. Pour everything into a large glass. Pour chilled yogurt over fruit layers.

If you care about your health and want to switch to a separate diet, check out the detailed product compatibility tables. They are developed by nutritionists and contribute to weight loss and healing of the body. There is a three-month menu of separate meals. To solve serious health problems, pay attention to the mono-diet. Here every four days alternate: protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin. To start, try eating separate meals twice a week so that your body gradually adapts.

After weighing all the pros and cons, you will understand that the principles of separate nutrition are a lifeline for a modern person who moves little and eats a lot of unhealthy foods. Take care of your health to feel full of energy for a long time!

Rule number 1. Eat acids and starches at different times.

This means: carbohydrate foods (bread, potatoes, peas, beans, bananas, dates and others) should not be eaten with lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple and other acidic fruits, as well as with tomatoes.

Rule number 2. Eat proteins and carbohydrates at different times.

This means: cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta should not be eaten with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts.

Rule number 3. Eat only one concentrated protein meal at a time.

This means: one meal should not include nuts and meat, or eggs and meat, or cheese and meat, or cheese and eggs. For the assimilation of one or another protein product, different conditions are needed in the stomach in qualitative and quantitative terms. So, for example, eggs require a different time to release juice than meat or milk. That is, a steak with an egg is not the best lunch option. It is better to eat steak today and scrambled eggs tomorrow.

Rule number 4. Eat proteins and acids at different times.

This means: oranges, lemons, tomatoes should not be eaten with meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts.

Rule number 5. Eat fats and proteins at different times.

This means: you should not combine butter and vegetable oil with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins.

Rule number 6. Eat starches and sugar at different times.

This means: do not add jellies, jams, fruit preserves, any sugar (white or cane, fruit or milk), honey and syrups to pies, bread, cookies, cereals and potatoes.

Rule number 7. There are products that cannot be combined with anything: milk, watermelons and melons.

This means: These three foods are best eaten separately. True, Shelton admits that he cannot give an exact physiological justification for this rule.

When looking at Shelton's rules, it seems that his entire system consists of prohibitions. However, the nutritionist also provided for assumptions. Unfavorable combinations of products can be found an acceptable replacement - just consult the product compatibility table.

Seven Rules for Eating

Separate nutrition, or "Shelton's method", implies special rules for eating.

Rule number 1. You should not drink with meals.

This is very important, and adherents of separate nutrition must strictly observe this rule. Shelton was against the use of tea or coffee, believing that they stimulate the appetite and thus contribute to overeating. The nutritionist himself preferred water to all drinks - not too chilled, but not heated either. Shelton's research showed that water leaves the stomach 10 minutes after drinking it. If you drink food with liquid, the latter will carry away most of the diluted digestive juice from the body. This will slow down the digestion process. In addition, a person who "washes down" his breakfast, lunch or dinner, instead of thoroughly chewing and moistening the food with saliva, swallows the food moist and half-chewed, and therefore not processed by the digestive enzyme.

So, according to Shelton, you should drink 10-15 minutes before meals, 30 minutes after eating fruits, 2 hours after starchy foods and 4 hours after protein foods.

Rule number 2. Food must be chewed thoroughly. Completely chewed food is immediately exposed to the action of digestive juices, while quickly swallowed pieces take much longer to digest. Chewing also promotes a quick feeling of fullness.

Rule number 3. Use only lean meat. Do not eat smoked meats and fatty meats.

Rule number 4. Meat, poultry and fish should be steamed, boiled, stewed or grilled. Cook for one time - do not reheat food.

Rule number 5. Eat more often. According to Shelton, the interval between taking proteins and carbohydrates should be 2 hours. This means that instead of the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can afford to have a snack every 2 hours.

Rule number 6. Cut down on salt, pepper, and other spices and seasonings. Shelton advised to give up spices altogether. He believed that they are useless and not needed by the body, distort the sense of taste, inhibit the absorption of food and contribute to overeating.

Rule #7. Don't force yourself to eat. Do not eat when you are sick. Do not eat if you have serious work to do.

Some Conclusions

"Nature does not produce sandwiches!" Shelton says. The combination of cutlets and potatoes, according to the nutritionist, is unacceptable, there is no place for sausage on a piece of bread, and fried brisket with buckwheat porridge is equated with a crime. You need to eat only simple, natural food, prepared in such a way that the authentic taste of the product is not “clogged” with an abundance of seasonings. A person eats less when they eat only one type of food at a time. The variety of products on the table, from which the eyes literally run up, according to Shelton, is an impetus for overeating. Dr. Herbert Shelton adhered to the system of separate nutrition developed by him all his life, and he lived for almost 100 years.

Shelton had and still has a large following. I would like to quote one of them, the Englishman Leslie Powell. He stated: “There are a dozen recipes for a penny, and most of them cause a feeling of anxiety in nutritionally literate people: so often they are contrary to nature, refined by artificiality, being acts of culinary sabotage and leading to indigestion. It is usually found that the healthiest recipes are also the simplest. We often make an unnecessarily complicated thing out of food, without achieving great epicurean joy.”

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


The menu of separate nutrition for quick and effective weight loss is compiled on the basis of a special table of food combinations. The effectiveness of the diet is directly affected by the observance of all its rules. The cycle of separate nutrition is designed for a period of 30 days - otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

The essence and rules of separate nutrition

The high efficiency of the diet is achieved through scheduled meals, consisting of strictly defined products, selected according to the principle of compatibility. Accumulation in the intestines of toxins and toxins does not occur. Here are the most important principles of separate nutrition:

  1. Using the compatibility table when compiling the menu. The right combinations are perfectly absorbed, do not overload the digestive tract.
  2. Cooking simple meals. A smaller amount of components contained in ready-made food is better absorbed by the digestive system.
  3. Time intervals between meals. The body needs time to digest food. Therefore, for example, between lunch and afternoon snack, you should make a gap of 2-3 hours. Too long intervals should not be allowed.
  4. Physical activity. Loads also contribute to weight loss and accelerate weight loss.
  5. Free use of certain products. Watery fruits and green vegetables are allowed to be eaten in small portions between, for example, afternoon tea and dinner. It can be melon, cucumbers or watermelon.
  6. Bowel cleansing before a diet. For 2-3 beginnings of the course, you should prepare the body by arranging fasting days.
  7. Minimum heat treatment. After long cooking, many foods lose their nutritional properties, and useful substances are destroyed.
  8. The duration of the diet, the repetition of the cycle. The course of fractional nutrition lasts 30-90 days. If the regime is violated, you should start the diet from scratch (2-3 fasting days). It is recommended to repeat the course with an interval of at least 3 months.

An important part of the diet is the division of days by type of food. This distinction helps the body to better absorb food, reduces the load on the digestive tract. The diet should consist of a four-day cycle:

  1. Protein. It always starts the cycle. The main part of the menu is animal proteins combined with simple fresh green vegetables.
  2. Starchy. The daily menu is made up of potatoes, legumes, porridge on the water.
  3. Carbohydrate. "Dessert" day. You can eat chocolate, light desserts, pasta, etc.
  4. Vitamin. The lowest calorie day, the menu for which consists of fruits, watery vegetables, nuts, candied fruits.

Product Compatibility Chart

It is used to compile the correct menu, suitable for the basic principles of a fractional diet. The product compatibility table for separate meals contains the following designations:

  • 1…16 – group numbers for matching compatibility (both horizontally and vertically)
  • "*" - cell with repeating positions;
  • "-" - a bad combination that cannot be used;
  • "0" - neutral combination;
  • "+" the optimal combination of products.

For the correct use of the table, you should compare the numbers of food groups from the first column and the first row, which are planned to be included in the next meal. So, on a protein day, you can eat boiled chicken breast (position No. 1) with a salad of green vegetables (position No. 10). This combination is highlighted in the table with the “+” symbol and is optimal. On the contrary, it is forbidden to cook porridge (No. 7) in milk (No. 12), which is indicated by the “-” sign.

Product group number

Product group name

Meat, fish, poultry

Cereals, legumes

Butter, cream

Vegetable oil

Sugar, sugary products

Bread, cereals, potatoes

Sour fruits, tomatoes

Sweet fruits, dried fruits

green vegetables

Menu principles

Separate nutrition for weight loss will only help if you follow the recommendations for combining products. The table below shows the foods that should not be consumed on certain days of the cycle:


The nutrition plan should be drawn up in advance, striving for maximum variety while observing the rules from the compatibility table. Here is an example menu for 4 days:

boiled eggs, lettuce

Braised chicken fillet with zucchini, green tea

Boiled lean fish, cucumber, celery and herb salad

Green apple

Omelet, fresh cucumber

Rice porridge on the water

Slice of grain bread

Buckwheat porridge in vegetable broth, fresh cucumber

Boiled potatoes, nuts

Oatmeal on the water


Pasta with tomato paste

Muesli with kefir

Dark chocolate

whole pear

Orange, a handful of nuts

Salad of tomatoes, green onions, cucumbers

Raisins, prunes


Strict adherence to a diet does not mean giving up delicious meals. Recipes based on product compatibility rules:

  1. Braised chicken with vegetables. Rinse half a kilogram of chicken fillet, clean from fat, films. Cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Rinse the medium zucchini, cut off the ends, remove the peel with a vegetable peeler or knife, chop the flesh into cubes. Rinse 200 g of Chinese cabbage, chop with checkers. 300 g potatoes, peeled, washed, cut into cubes. Combine all the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, pour in half a glass of boiled water, simmer the dish, setting the heat to medium and cover the saucepan with a lid, 40-50 minutes.
  2. Green salad with egg. Boil 3-4 chicken eggs, cut into cubes, removing the shell. 100 g of iceberg lettuce, wash, tear with your hands or chop into checkers. Rinse fresh cucumbers, separate the ends, grate into strips on a coarse grater. Rinse a bunch of dill, cut off the stems, chop the greens. Combine the prepared ingredients, enter 2 tbsp. l. yogurt, stir.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Many people who are trying to lose weight have heard about separate meals, about a way of eating that does not mix, for example, a fish dish and a side dish, a meat dish and a side dish, etc. But few people know what this way of eating is built on and what goals it pursues. How to eat separately to lose weight? Compliance, what rules need to be introduced into the habit in order to permanently get rid of the problem of being overweight? What is separate food? You will learn about this and much more by reading this article.

How to eat separately to lose weight

For each element that enters the gastrointestinal tract, a certain environment is needed in which this element can be broken down. For example, for carbohydrates this environment is alkaline, for proteins it is acidic, for plant foods the environment is not needed at all, since such products are able to break down on their own. Given these circumstances, according to separate nutrition, proteins and carbohydrates should be consumed separately. This is done in order not to slow down the metabolic process. Since separately, proteins and carbohydrates will break down much faster. Carbohydrates must be consumed every day, as they are sources of energy for our body. The following foods are rich in carbohydrates: bread, cereals, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. If carbohydrates are not supplied to the body for a long time, a person will feel lethargic, tired and drowsy. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the body is sufficiently saturated with carbohydrates. Proteins are no less important, they are called the building material of the body. They are responsible for muscle growth. Sources of proteins are: fish, meat, eggs, nuts. Proteins take much longer to process than carbohydrates. Eating them together, we slow down our metabolism, which negatively affects the figure, contributes to weight gain and even spoils our teeth.

How to eat separately to lose weight video

As you already understood from the above, the principle of separate nutrition is completely built on the chemical reactions that occur in the body. Naturally, if you are not a specialist in this field, you will not be able to competently compose a diet on your own. For this, there are special product compatibility tables, using which you can be one hundred percent sure that you are doing everything right. Let's look at the basic rules of separate meals:

1. Between meals should be at least three hours.
2. Fruits should be eaten before the main meal (twenty minutes before), and not after it.
3. Do not mix protein and carbohydrate intake.
4. Combine pasta, cereals, rice, potatoes, bread with vegetables.
5. Meat and fish should also be consumed along with vegetables.
6. Eliminate the following foods from your diet: sausages, flour products, canned food, spicy foods, fast food, fatty foods, soda.

Guided by the rules of separate nutrition, you will get: weight loss, cardinal cleansing of the whole body, getting rid of bad breath, beautiful skin and many other bonuses. People who have made an effort on themselves and changed their way of eating, preferring separate meals, note that their mood has improved, depressive states happen much less often, their health has improved, external changes have occurred ...