Actresses "Comedy Vumen". What are the names of the actresses "Comedy Wumen" (photo). Seryozha from "Comedy Wumen": biography, personal life. Sergey Talyzin Why did Katya Baranova leave the gum wumen


Ekaterina Viktorovna Baranova/ Ekaterina Baranova has been an activist and organizer of holidays since early childhood - she played pranks on her friends and staged school plays. In 2004 she graduated from the Music Department of the Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU).

The choice of profession was not accidental - Ekaterina Baranova has excellent vocals and a diploma of a music school in piano.

The creative path of Ekaterina Baranova / Ekaterina Baranova

Ekaterina Baranova first performed at the Club of the cheerful and resourceful, as a high school student. Later, she joined the RosNou team and gained all-Russian fame. During the casting for the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics team, she met Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan and, at her invitation, took part in the filming of the Made in Woman project.

In 2008 Ekaterina Baranova appeared in a female comedy show comedy woman on TNT, the first of its kind in the history of television. Her image is an aspiring singer, naive and stupid, who is in constant search of a suitable producer. On stage, most often she performed in the company of "Nadya's girlfriend", whose role is played by Nadezhda Sysoeva.

Beginner singer, golden voice of the Dmitrovsky district. She dreams of a career as a singer, so she is constantly looking for a producer or at least a successful huckster. Likes to read in the shower and sing in the toilet. Katya can take any note, but her moral principles do not allow her to go below "to". Silly and naive. Before participating in the show, she sang in "Baby Potato", for which she was fired from the post of cashier.

She also performed as part of the Love Supermarket parody musical group with Maria Kravchenko and Nadezhda Sysoeva.

- I respect Natalya Andreevna, I respect Natalya Medvedeva and Ekaterina Skulkina, I gossip with Masha Kravchenko, I argue with Tatyana Morozova, I envy Ekaterina Varnava, I consult with Elena Borshcheva and Nadia Sysoeva, and I idolize Polina Sibagatullina since 1999!

In 2011 Ekaterina Baranova suspended her activities on the Comedy Woman stage due to maternity leave.

Our grandmother Katya

The well-known theater director Alexander Shatrin, director of a wonderful performance based on Afinogenov’s play “The Mother of Her Children”, once called the performer of the role of Lagutina Ekaterina Evgenievna Baranova an actress by the grace of God. And it really was. With every word, gesture, every remark, movement, she made it clear to the audience that it was not an actress standing in front of him, but a person - a mother, grandmother, aunt, sweet, kind, friendly and so cozy at home, wrapped in a warm downy shawl, wearing funny vintage round-rimmed glasses. In the memory of the Irkutsk people of the older generation, a sweet image of the beloved actress, dear to every heart, has been preserved.

Unfortunately, there are few living witnesses to the game of Ekaterina Baranova in the city, but among the old programs, articles-reviews, yellowed album sheets with photographs there is a document unique in its content - a reel cassette, which captured for radio listeners the legendary performance of the early 50s "Eve thunderstorms" based on the play by the outstanding Siberian playwright Pavel Grigorievich Malyarevsky. It was there that the unusual, memorable Baranovsky voice was preserved and has come down to our time. It’s amazing, but listening to this recording, I repeatedly had to catch myself thinking that the timbre, voice range and manner of speaking of Ekaterina Evgenievna were unusually similar to the famous voices of the Moscow Art Theater “old women”, outstanding actresses Zueva, Georgievskaya. And there is nothing accidental. These actresses had a "common blood type", they were brought up in the best traditions of the famous school of experiences, which arose and existed thanks to the great teachings of Konstantin Stanislavsky.

Ekaterina Baranova was born on February 15, 1886 in Samara. Her parents are former serfs of Count Tolstoy. Father, Evgeny Kuzmich, a cellist musician, having received his freedom, worked in the orchestra of the Kazan Theater. Catherine's brothers also became professional musicians, but her older sister became an actress. The city in which the Baranov family lived, Syzran, in 1906, almost all was destroyed by a terrible fire. Ekaterina, leaving her studies at the gymnasium, moved to Moscow with her mother. The older sister, who by that time had already served in the Moscow Hermitage Theater, in the famous Saburov troupe, invited me to try herself on stage as an extra. Soon Ekaterina Baranova moves to the Zamoskvoretsky Renaissance Theater. But the numerous provincial theaters of Kamenetz-Podolsk, Taganrog, Kremenchug, Vinnitsa, Dnepropetrovsk became a real theatrical school for the young actress. In them, according to the memoirs of Baranova herself, despite her still quite young years, her role was determined - a characteristic old woman.

Ekaterina Baranova met the summer season of 1911 in Irkutsk. This first meeting with the city was remembered by her forever. On August 20, a benefit performance of the actress took place in the summer theater of the Quartermaster's Garden on the bank of Ushakovka. But in the fall, another theater and city awaited her. Wherever Ekaterina Evgenievna worked: in Yelets, Odessa, Sukhumi, Pyatigorsk, Yeysk, Sarapul, success always awaited her everywhere. But the city on the Angara fell in love immediately and forever. Since September 1935, her creative biography has been associated with the Irkutsk Drama Theater. Twenty years devoted to the stage, more than fifty bright, interesting roles and genuine love of the audience became the result of work in our city.

From the first roles on the Irkutsk stage, the brightest talent of the actress began to appear. In the strongest troupe at that time, her talent sparkled with special facets. Mother in Slava, Galchikha in Guilty Without Guilt, Ulita in Forest, Anna Chudnova in Kremlin Chimes, Glafira Firsovna in The Last Victim, Marfa Petrovna Safonova in Russian People - the directors trusted the performance of these roles one actress, Baranova, and they were never wrong.

In September 1945, Ekaterina Evgenievna Baranova became the first Honored Artist of the RSFSR in the history of the Irkutsk theater, seven years later - the winner of the Stalin Prize for the brilliantly played role of Pelageya in the play "Thunderstorm Eve". She has always been in the thick of things, not only theatrical, but also urban. And in 1946, Ekaterina Evgenievna was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

The evening of farewell to the theater, which took place on May 21, 1956, and was dedicated to two significant dates at once - the seventieth anniversary of the actress and her half-century service to the stage, was unusually kind and touching to the point of tears. The theater hall could not accommodate everyone wishing to congratulate their favorite actress. Many congratulatory telegrams came from all over the country. The greeting address of the Minister of Culture of the RSFSR Nikishkin contained the following lines:

“I congratulate you on a wonderful date,
I will remember your game for the rest of my life.
In "Thunderstorm Eve" and in "Steep Rolls"
And the first meeting in the distant "Bonfire".

All the theater workers prepared their own surprises for Baba Katya that day. But the most expensive gift for the actress was a cut piece of the floor of the stage, which, according to the old theatrical tradition, was presented to an actor who had given the theater many years of his life.

In the Leningrad House of Stage Veterans named after Maria Savina, in which the actress lived in recent years, her Irkutsk friends often came, finding themselves on some business in the city on the Neva. Ekaterina Evgenievna Baranova lived a long life, she died in August 1981, at the age of 96, leaving a good memory of herself. This memory is still alive, because Baba Katya gave her heart without a trace to the Irkutsk theater.

Ekaterina Baranova is one of the participants in the television show "Comedy Woman". The comedian quickly burst into the hearts of lovers of female humor, but also quickly disappeared from the air. The career of the popular actress of the show began with participation in the KVN project in the RosNOU team,

Young Catherine spent her childhood in the small town of Kogalym. From an early age, Katya showed herself as a very active girl, distinguished by curiosity and artistry. Already at this age, the makings of a comedian became obvious to the future popular artist.

Katya participated in all school activities. In high school, she showed herself as a wonderful organizer and director of festive evenings. Already from school, the girl was predicted a creative career.

KVN and the beginning of the creative path

Like many artists of this television project, Katya began to participate in KVN games at school. After entering a higher educational institution, her creative path continued in the student games of the Club. Already as part of the national team, she became popular among fans of the cheerful and resourceful throughout the country. Becoming a member of the RosNou team, Ekaterina took an important step towards television success.

The team in which Katya participated was distinguished by sparkling humor and bright acting. She was remembered by many more for her participation in the major leagues, so her appearance as a resident of Comedy Wumen only added to the rating of the show. In addition to fame and great television experience, Catherine also acquired many. Among them was the future producer of "Comedy Woman" Natalya Yeprikyan. She invited Ekaterina to participate in the Made in Woman project, and later in Comedy Woman.

Ekaterina Baranova "Comedy Woman" - image in the show

The producers of the show chose a very interesting image for the comedian, in which the actress easily and harmoniously got used to it. She performed as a “young singer”, who is ready for anything to find a producer and become famous. The heroine of Catherine, working as a seller in fast food, strove for popularity. She described herself as the golden voice of her region.

As part of the project, a comic musical group called Love Supermarket was created. The composition included stage images of Ekaterina Baranova, Maria Kravchenko and Nadezhda Sysoeva. Soon, their stage trio gained great popularity.

Where did Katya Baranova from Comedy Vumen go?

The heroine of Catherine was very popular, but in 2011 she suddenly disappeared from the show. There were a lot of rumors around the departure, and mostly negative. But in one of the interviews, the actress told the real reason - her pregnancy.

Catherine gave birth to a girl, who was called the unusual beautiful name Yesenia. After maternity leave, a young mother very rarely appears on television.

Katya speaks only warmly and positively about her participation in the Comedy Wumen show and her friends in the workshop.

Putting the family at the head of her interests, Catherine did not leave the creative path. She is currently working in tandem with another participant in the Comedy Wumen show, Natalya Medvedeva. The friends created a "Festive Office", in which they organize celebrations. As part of this project, Ekaterina performs in the show, using her old image, and also tries herself in new characters and roles.

Ekaterina Baranova is a former player of the RosNOU KVN team, a popular humorist, a participant in the Comedy Woman project, thanks to which she became known to the public.

Childhood of Ekaterina Baranova

Ekaterina Baranova was born in the city of Kogalym, Tyumen region. Since childhood, she loved to play pranks on friends on the street, she was very sociable and inquisitive. At school, not a single holiday passed without her participation. When she grew up a little, she began to organize various evenings, performances and humorous shows herself. The teachers were very pleased with the girl, and everyone predicted the fate of the famous actress for her.

The beginning of the stellar career of Ekaterina Baranova in KVN

While still at school, Katya Baranova began performing as part of the KVN RosNou team. The team proved to be very organized and talented. Katya Baranova played a leading role in the team and stood out among the team members. It was here that she first visited the big stage and managed to gain wide popularity.

A little later, it turned out that Katya has not only a charming appearance, charisma and acting talent, but also has wonderful vocal abilities. The girl also has a diploma of graduation from a music school with a degree in piano. All this determined the further profession of Baranova and the choice of the university where she wanted to study. In 2000, Ekaterina entered the music department of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, and in 2004 she successfully graduated from it.

After university, Katya does not leave satirical acting. During the casting for participation in KVN as part of the Russian University of Economics team, Katya Baranova meets Natalya Yeprikyan, who invited her to participate in a show called "Made in Woman". Such a proposal frankly interested the young KVN girl. After all, the new show program promised huge popularity.

Ekaterina Baranova in "Comedy Woman"

In 2008, the comedy show changed its name to "Comedy Woman" and first aired on TNT. It was a one of a kind project at the time. Ekaterina Baranova became one of the residents of the show, which is rapidly gaining ratings on a popular TV channel.

Ekaterina Baranova immediately attracted the audience with her all-round development in a creative sense. The stage role was also not chosen by chance. On TV screens, Ekaterina Baranova turns into a novice stupid and naive singer who is constantly in search of a producer. Singer Katya loves to read in the shower and sing in the toilet. According to the stage image, Katya was fired from the post of cashier for singing in the "Baby Potato" contest. Singer Katya calls herself the golden voice of the Dmitrov region. On stage, Ekaterina Baranova often works in tandem with Nadezhda Sysoeva, who plays the role of "Nadya's girlfriend." Their duet gained thousands of fans all over Russia.

In parallel with the game in the Comedy Woman show, Ekaterina Baranova often performed as part of the Love Supermarket parody group, where Maria Kravchenko and Nadezhda Sysoeva also worked with her.

So Ekaterina Baranova spoke about her colleagues on the stage in a recent interview: “I respect Natalya Andreevna, Natalya Medvedev and Ekaterina Skulkina - I'm afraid, I gossip with Masha Kravchenko, I argue with Tatyana Morozova, I envy Ekaterina Varnava, with Nadia Sysoeva and Elena Borshcheva - I consult, and I idolize Polina Sibagatullina since 1999!

Participation in the Comedy Woman show ended in 2011. Then the disappearance of the beloved artist produced a storm on the Internet.

Personal life of Ekaterina Baranova

In 2011, the artist Baranova left the Comedy Woman show on maternity leave. Katya gave birth to a beautiful daughter with an unusual name Yesenia. Thousands of fans on forums and websites congratulated Katya on the birth of her beautiful daughter. Since then, singer Katya has not appeared on TV screens.

Ekaterina Baranova now

At the moment, Ekaterina Baranova has completely devoted her life to her beloved daughter. She periodically works as a host at corporate parties and weddings, where she plays the role of the singer Katya, already beloved by the audience.

Ekaterina Baranova was born on November 17, 1978 in the city of Kogalym, Tyumen region. Since childhood, she loved to play pranks on friends on the street, she was very sociable and inquisitive. At school, not a single holiday passed without her participation. When she grew up a little, she began to organize various evenings, performances and humorous shows herself.

While still at school, Katya began performing as part of the KVN RosNou team. The team proved to be very organized and talented. The girl played a leading role and stood out favorably among other participants. It was here that the future star first visited the big stage and managed to gain wide popularity.

A little later it turned out that Katya has not only a charming appearance, charisma and acting talent, but also wonderful vocal abilities. She has a diploma of graduation from a music school with a degree in piano. All this determined the further profession of Baranova and the choice of the university. In 2000, Ekaterina entered the music department of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, and in 2004 she successfully graduated from it.

After receiving a diploma, Katya does not leave artistic activity. During the casting for participation in KVN as part of the Russian University of Economics team, Katya Baranova meets Natalya Yeprikyan, who invited her to participate in a show called "Made in Woman". Such a proposal frankly interested the young KVN girl. After all, the new show program promised huge popularity.

In 2008, the comedy show changed its name to "Comedy Woman" and first aired on TNT. It became a one-of-a-kind project at the time. Ekaterina Baranova was one of the residents of the show, which is rapidly gaining ratings.

The girl immediately attracted the audience with her all-round development in a creative sense. The stage role was also not chosen by chance. On TV screens, she turns into a novice stupid and naive singer who is constantly in search of a producer. On stage, Ekaterina often works in tandem with Nadezhda Sysoeva, who plays the role of "Nadya's girlfriend." Their duet gained thousands of fans all over Russia.

In parallel with her work in the Comedy Woman show, Baranova performed as part of the Love Supermarket parody group, where Maria Kravchenko and Nadezhda Sysoeva worked with her.

Participation in the Comedy Woman show ended in 2011. Then the disappearance of the beloved artist produced a storm on the Internet. As of November 2018, Ekaterina Baranova completely devoted her life to her beloved daughter. Periodically works as a host at corporate parties and weddings, where she plays the role of the singer Katya, already beloved by the audience.